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tv   Talk to Al Jazeera Prabowo Subianto  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm AST

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as has been said by the minnesota assault of diesel, the funded offer was begun on the 6th and 7th of may, 22 in the full and has intensified and escalated since as shown by mister douglas safe and mrs. haas, in the meantime, the attack is to decide in its power to our so i've demonstrated so it is also consistent with the explicit states that and continuing to know side the intent of the state of deals that are subsidies to the knowledge of use of the pro 5 is the last sort of huge of gaza. the only remaining area in the gaza strip, which has not been substance either destroyed by is not the only area that can host displays to people. the only remaining center of humanitarian 8 and the host to one of the few remaining large hospitals across the entire 2 of
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cause. alpha is the last stage of the total annihilation of part of seen in life. without that offer the possibility to rebuild the construct palestinian life would be lost forever for the students to continue to exist as a protective group on the genocide convention. they need a place from which totally builds as we stand here today. alpha is that to place the last step and secondly, is on the phone. so nose of explicit one is about the genocide consequences of an attack in the alpha 16 may tend to tend to form the data to turn it on of the wild type organization. one to that a for me to kind of incursion into alpha. we plunge the crisis into unprecedented levels of humanitarian need on age may turn to tend to fall 2 days after the
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attack that the guy who stressed that's one of the 3 hospitals and drop off of my job was no longer functioning due to the ongoing facilities in its facility, in the middle of i shift in that awful since the board was closed, the united nations was prevented from paying and still without twigs or to monitor and populations would stop. martin griffith. the united nations live chief, has the wrong alarm bells. he has one to that's the simplest truth. he's got to have ground all parties in india, alpha. we've been nothing sort of a tragedy beyond where it's no humanitarian plan can count about. the rest is due to the student and so not need any more diploma took just southern normal instruct words no more. right to us condemnation has been doing us denunciations of these
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ards actions. there is no more time to spare. it is simply not or never it has knowledge of the pronouncements i have cited above. after all, this of them was made publicly, sadly, the state of the nose of the decisions of this court, which bear on it as a stage party to the genocide convention directly. and the quiet of it to respect its obligations under the convention and the model. and legal authority of this court to the decision of this court onto the 6 starting out to take the full know to, to the, to the civilian population in the cause of sleep is extremely vulnerable. and that's the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the gaza strip. is that suited risk of to, to, to further before this court, the end of its final judgment bedding. this in mind,
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the courts recognized that the middle tied to all parties and conducted by his alliance after 7, october to detroit. the city has the results into india, in tens of thousands of deaths on these orders and the destruction of homes, schools, medical facilities, and other via type infrastructure as well as displacement on the mazda of scale, in lots of the situation, is what it was order to and saw was a me that the fact that it's minnesota does not clement an x that forward with an article to of the genocide convention. as one of the letters are indicated, expressly required of these that are instituted called measures within its power to prevent and punish the data. and public insights meant to commit suicide in relation to members of dependent student groups in the gaza strip. in the decision of 60 and february 2020 to full, this court was compelled to demand. that is what i immediately and effectively implements the costs for the off 26 trying out of 2020 for this cause the costs.
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and that's the most recent developments in the cause of sleep. and it didn't rough inputted, you know, would exponentially increased. what is the issue, monitor the nightmare with untold original consequences in the or the often in the 8 months 2020 full this quarter observed with the correct the existence of exception on the creative circumstances. since it's for the often the 6th starting out of 2024. and this decision offs extend fiber out of 10 to 24. that's a catastrophic leaving conditions of the palestinians in the gaza strip. had to donate to its further inputs into law in view of the prolonged and widespread supervision of food depend on the basic necessities towards the part of students and the cause of slip have been subject to the corporate use with youth squad us kid to highlight to the west, no conditions of life faced funded by the students because it was owed to and saw
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with immediate effect that it's mandatory through an x. it does not commit x was finally made to the right. so find a students under the genocide convention, so far as the president, what i have said is not to influence nothing. few cases. it is direct knowledge which bears on the state of israel. it's politically does. and the members of it's on they know about that offer. and it's on time to, to, to the 1st day in terms of part of senior life at the present moment. they know the views of the organs of the united nations about the consequences of admitted the attack on drum. they know what this cortez board that's on each of the 3. okay. i have what i have sense. yeah. the lead does have continues to insight. genocide tends to express their own internal site on content in doing so, not only has it, if not, it's publications as
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a states party to the genocide convention. it is also true that this caught with contempt and that will flow. let me demonstrate to this. most of the is riley minutes to the clemency. what not stocks for children to offense and the walk i've been that have simply continued with insights meant to not select, fest these right upon minute stuff. there's. i'm in the to know who's a member of the wall cabinet and the sort of the cabinet has gone beyond in reference to how much i know. instead, he says, just described is miles, is in the minnesota assault, has been to ensure that garza will never again, constituents as product to isn't right. he describes it as objective as being taught to have taught on duty under scolding, but no force in the world will stop us who is stand alone, emphasizing but here's what i had when father would fight with this thing
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a news. second, the is right. the minister of defense you of kalonde, a member of both that will carbon that's end of the georgia department, has made it clear that it is taken apart neighborhoods of that neighborhood. and when rich, every location in cause said, based in the minnesota finance does a lump sum, smotts is a member of the scituate to cabinet, has a subset intense. there are no health measures for alpha date of loss, no sort of total. an election goes on to say we are negotiating with the ones that should not have existed for a long time for the members of typing it. it is as if there is no court order which binds them. they are not the only ones. they're glad to believe in an
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interview abroad costs. one is the television on city may 2020 default device of the international of the liquid party. the part to, to, to which is the prime minister, belongs states that i think we need to invite you to cut off i yesterday to go in and to get to the the know i'm involved. we need to go in and kill and kill and kill. we need to kill them before they kill us. taking the tool from the politicians. the is right on the office on her photo. so, you know, tensing the insights, minutes to, to know slides and showing the contempt for this court. it is right um it's simple stuff left and then turn it on. it has the high lift stated for knowing that his variety is siege and destruction of all ship our hosp talk in march 2024.
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here is that new version of an impressive strategy. that is a very, very important message here. the hospital is not a safe place. it describes they'll probably shouldn't as a very high achievement. that is not to spend an i with most of the parts of hundreds of civilians haven't been killed by his right. the troops in the hospital including pace of shots, dead in the hospital beds, mosque waves and hundreds of policy and bodies were found. funding that was put all of the is right um from our ship, our hospital including bodies with no less than the um, some with the limbs type pick. i did turn it off. david bar can do for him. combined the of the 36 months division of the is right there on this with the letter to use or i just saw just a box to deployed in garza exhausting them to continue. the killings of quite a scene is what has been would it be?
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no more, we shall go out to it in war, which are probably about eyes every cast pro to flint, from which it came, which was destroyed and the memory of it. because you have come before i have 1st to know investigations. nor has it been relieved of his comment. this is despite the explicit the order of this court for investigations into cases of insights and institutional site. because if i was in fact promoted to the rank of major and the head of the is that i because when you have to vision similarly, when the huntington said to senior officers is, is right um and the letter quite anyone who's right is a little cabinet to not allow somebody to, to, to supply us supplies. and they will publish an, of course, because in gaza they were not charged with insights, meant to prosecute to it's one of the office that would later been named as
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involved in the killing of was central kitchen. where cuz to outside of the target is not punished but to the why that by the is right. the government on 6 months 2024 is that is to fest such are the events on from the april 9 to $48.00. did yes. in mostly off at this point, at $1050.00 part of students was the certificate of offense and collaboration by the is right, the president for his motivational spaces he gave to his right the soldiers as they prepared for the ground invasion of cause. in october 2023 and that's just one of those pieces. c headsets is the memory off them. is them the families, mothers and children? these are new months can no longer leave in his speech. that's what i was said. i'm wondering, is why the president has all told sidney out of service,
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including the yahoo that you have been a tremendous person, not example or unfortunate issues of these are the citizens and the hold welts and i want to on behalf of on the is what are the people to say to you, thank you. in that destruction of profit is i the soldiers to provides 2 guys will continue to invoke the pine minutes of speeches which are themselves. genocide is what i've said is not enough. let us hear them in their own words. as the
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the destruction of causes and policy new life is bundle stood by commanders and soldiers. as the video shows, then is the soldier from the 92203. by the time you come into those photos on photographs and photos, you posted on line of 15 in the homes and neighborhoods in con eunice completely destroyed by the inside on this here we were or not to fulfill the command of the night. issue of, i'm a look and may we finish the job. such language continues to be widespread alongside calls. but is that right? the soldiers on the ground to concord garza to flatten garza to move gaza to
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destroy garza after that. but i'm on also. do i, the soldiers said again, doesn't continue to open the car for the depths to our ups. the cutting menu been alive, cars, bennett, that's we wouldn't be any a mother. and that's all of such a will been in flames to the ends of the deals. what is to do a no less than what gets phone minutes. all finance has stated that is to and so the total night issues of part of students. that's what is the memory of comic. he has also called photo alpha to be completed concord. and the sooner the better is around the student side. the intent continues to receive supports and
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endorsements as the mess up as part of the car to you, a member of the method and the prime ministers particular status to track it off or as we are tucked and then within strip. i'm at the respond intentionally not specifically addressing, but rather the entire system to attack a method, leslie from the instead of tending an odd to they have caught turn in on to the people of use of our public statements such as this. so that's even member of the is the department of for the way of the orders of this court. but they have continued to open the insights general flight without censure. such sentiments also widely expressed across the society. a man is right, is included in his right is living in illegal supplements in the west bank have excellent statements by government officials calling for the denial of
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h to guys by destroying 4 dates on its way into the southern prox, on fire putting so guy in tanks and destroying the fort itself in the public officials, including seeing those insights and to to enough i didn't cause have had, say i in 5 to minutes. what are why that one single, hopeful to not eyes and adapted to is the right of caught and to me to, to, to operations and cause the racist is right and foot board front. manual feed age been changed it to may. garza be raised and thinking good to his right. the soldier has been live performances was presented with a certificate of appreciation for his work. for the idea of soldiers stood in the by the deputy speaker of method hosted by use arises minutes tops which are the quantity and the advancement of women. not a single reference spice. i've actually got before this court in the,
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on the other 22, a default application for his call to raise garza and not to move as soon as in the how similar to what that what was what brought to the attention of, is that right or thought of to inside off because application and feelings before the squat. neither of them know any of the of the is a by and a few 1000 civilians, insights institutional fight against the part of students couldn't prosecute that much less punished. the genocide on the ex describing so definitely caused application where for see and then foreseeable from the onset. here's what our intent was older is to destroy quite a senior life than to wipe them off the face of this. so alpha is the final stand without the offer, there is no, there is no more part of student life can cause to speak of no more part of seen an identity and no possibility of the construction. with the president federal flow
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components advise through the orders of this courts. if the promot you still have any meaning not to do it today. and with this case, it is not enough to or the un hender to access to humanitarian 8 when it is in fact the middle to all parties seen in causal that is preventing it. it is no, no light enough to him, caught his compliance with it, put him to push lips of the genocide convention when to rise, deliberate contempt for the international. the floor has been so please. and so popular was the president. it is now my going up to call upon this plan, new florida to address the courts and the images we ask for and why this cut 10. and so the order i suppose was right before the statement is up a lot,
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but it's on the i would like to tom calling on letting you mean journey after flo missing it because he don't mister president, members of the quote, it is indeed a great toner for me to appear again for this quote, on behalf of south africa. even though i can only regret that the surrounding circumstances are tragic. an extremely serious us today, almost 5 months after your 1st order for provisional measures to cause us trip has been almost completely raised to the ground. day after day, surrounded from all sides. it's probably student people, men, women, children, and tie families subjected to the gymnast hardwood ministry campaign of the state to this right. of being master could categorize stopped and traumatized forever
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in large of the dramatic development. i'm focusing on the colors trip, south africa feats compelled to once again, request your in valuable intervention and proceed to, to modify or indicate new provisions. measures in particular and explicitly on immediate succession of these riley military operations and rough uh, and everywhere else and attended, treat in order to protect and also to prevent the total annihilation of what remains of the cause a strip of palestine and of its people. mister president, members of the court, there is an urgent need for further or modified explicit and specific positional measures to protect the palestinians in gaza from the rep to book prejudice caused
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by israel is continuing violations of the genocide convention under this court's orders, including an express order for the immediate cessation of israel's minute to the operations in russia and across the whole of the guys and strip to the change in circumstances a new facts demanded. the extreme risk of a rep for blood pressure does require it is as approach to the court's previous orders renders, it imperative we urgent. the court has the power to do it and our shared humanity compose it. turning to each of those 5 propositions in turn. first, the change in the situation amounting to new facts, demands the indication of further or modified explicit and specific provisional measures. quinn, south africa, appeared before you on the 11th of january. urgent, you requesting then an order for the succession of his resume,
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unattractive operations. humanitarians were already out of words to describe the situation and gas it. today they say there are quotes no words left that can do any justice to the people of guys to tens of thousands of palestinians have since been killed or injured, including one child killed or wounded every 10 minutes since his residency operations began. including an almost inc, comprehensible number of child amputees. since march in particular, hundreds and thousands of, of palestinians, particularly the young, elderly and vulnerable, are dying or at risk of dying of communicable diseases. and then, and infections that are running rice due to the rising temperatures in ever more crowded living conditions and mets mountains of waste fly and mosquito infestation and rule sewage flowing in the bummed out streets. since the courts last georgia,
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entire hospitals, places of learning and healing, including a shift, a hospital, older and then the state of israel itself have been destroyed and turned into sites of heart and mustache. the gals is devoted and steadfast, doctors and magics have been killed and buried in mass graves alongside the patients they risked and ultimately gave their lives to care for the same fate. to narrow, awaits rough as remaining hospitals. doctors and metix is rosa check on rafa. it's attempt to control all of gases, borders, followed by attacks on the north and the middle areas in recent days, which are of unprecedented violence even amid the hardest powers of the past 7 months. harold, a turning point beyond which there is no going back, which is reflected in part owner of calls. and i quote,
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a new level of desperation in gaza. as this court has heard, this is in effect the in game for gaza and for it's published and then people on folding under the world's watch. this may well be the last chance for the courts to act to ensure their survive. second, the extreme risk to the right people of prejudice demand the indication of further or modified explicit and specific provisional measures. the situation and guys have could not be more urgent as reflected in the increase in palestinian fatalities and injuries since the last the court last georgia. and the spreading farm and, and disease acceptable of causing your rep, purple credit is, can plainly occurred any moment before the court makes the final decision on this case, demanding the indication of further or modified explicit specifics provisional measures
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to protect the rights found by this court to be plausible in russia, in particular, in addition to the wide spread, the risk of violent death and injury facing the terrified population of displaced palestinians. as the court has heard dialysis patients on premise shore basie baby's face immediate to risk of death. as some 1200000 palestinians will be deprived of access to health care if its hospitals are rendered it not purple. the level of disruption that israel has caused across garza. i'm just now reaching on that rafa threatens the very survival of future palestinian generations and gas. a recent evidence from the former is really reservist, active in gaza, indicates that the soldiers on the ground treat is ready. your judge is actuation areas such as those recently ordered for significant parts of rafa, north and gaza,
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as extermination zones where in orders to shoot him, killed, palestinians are made on the basis of their location alone. this in itself demonstrated sticks, dream risk to the rights of the palestinians in gaza, not to be subjected to acts of genocide as does the decision by israel to deploy a 2000 pounds. so co dunbar comes in every more densely populated areas in the stated, quote, interest of saving more expensive armaments the routine repeated authorization of the killing in one of the strikes of hundreds of palestinian civilians, men, women, children, babies via elderly and infirm in order to kill a single individual believe to be a senior from us commander is yet further evidence of that miss. so to wear the repeated and routine authorizations for tenants, if palestinians to be towed when his friend is coming, so called low level targets. so apparently low level is to be nick named garbage
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targets. it is also note now clear that israel is heavily relying on artificial intelligence and identifying which kind of students in gaza are to live on to die. this one started system appears to function as a form its target machine generating so called kill list of palestinians. selected for execution bases is tenuous as being in a fort sat group with another identified target. another is, but should we apologize for the loss of audio that we are listening into the proceedings going on at the international court of justice. this is a pleading by south africa returning to the quote, once again to ask for intervention. we were listening that the case being presented
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by a number of representatives of south africa, miss lindy need a lie who was making the case for why it is necessary, particularly for the quote to intervene. i believe we can listen in again. serge is of contempt and wilful disregard of the court soldiers highlight the urgent need for further or modified provisional measures. in the most explicit terms, in refusing israel's request to reject south africa's claim on indicating 9 provisional measures against israel, the court found the distress conducting guys to gave rise to a real and imminent risk. the 2 rep for the prejudice would be closed to the rights of it published and ends in gaza to be protected from violations of the gender of the genocide convention or risk, which is now even more acute. the court's orders created international legal obligations binding on his route to change his conduct and go to the court made
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clear and february that those obligations require is. what is val quotes to ensure the safety and security of the palestinians in the gaza strip and quote, it is rather manifestly cannot to ensure the safety and security of the palestinian population in gaza for the c jane bombing starving, torturing and executing them. and it's smart, georgia, as the court took note of united nations assessments, united nations assessments that, that can catastrophic humanitarian situation, can only be addressed if submitted to the operations and the gaza strip are suspended. yet israel has ratcheted up its gender genocide or military campaigns entering rafa.


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