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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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so the sense to diarrhea has to be then to tell the people story was very important at the time the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life from a headquarters and del finds that you navigate. so here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. the u. n top cord assessed to here so software says appeal to order israel to hold its defensive and dropped off. but israel presses on with its military operation in the southern city palestinians, more than the killing of 39 people in gaza in the last 24 hours is really soldiers are killed in northern garza from us says it's responsible for
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israel blaine's friendly fire phones and other news, the presidents of russia, i'm trying to call for reform of the world order, and the d politicize zation of the united nations news . hello, the international court of justice is hearing south africa's plea for it to order israel to hold its attacks on the southern city of f, off in gauze um and so forth for you is demanding emergency measures to hold is really violence more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians had been sheltering into on and off, leaving the southern city south africa once the court to order israel to allow unhindered access to goes off for you and officials, humanitarian agencies, journalist, and investigators. in january,
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the us top court ordered israel to do everything in its power to prevent genocidal acts and allow aid into the cause of we'll cross over it to the hague and speak to our correspondents who standing by for us the boss. and so as we wait for the proceedings to start step, just talk us through what we're expecting over the next few hours, slow we have just received a list of 8 speakers. so we will talk on behalf of uh, south africa. and it says similar a legal team, which also presented the case in january more than 4 months ago, making a compelling case why they think is trial is committing genocide in gaza. so now we're 4 months down the road and is a south africa says israel has just simply ignored the orders that the international court of justice imposed on them. these orders are actually binding, but the court has no way to enforce them. and not only did as well, not a follow up on these orders,
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the situation has even escalated according to south africa looking at the sold on the alpha. so they're basically presenting sweet new facts showing that the situation and rough life is sorry desperate. and it's also the last resort, the last refuge for the people in guys have a tool to hide basically from as well as roles via. ringback and so they say off the rough idea is normal guy. so, so they said this is a decisive moment for the product, stadium, people. and that's why they have urged at the international court of justice to hear their arguments and also present them in court. and israel will be here attending, and they will reply to these arguments tomorrow on friday step, we're just looking at the nice picture as the judges have not walked into the court led by the president of course of the i c j. that is a no wafaa salon, so i'll just keep you with me for one more question. by the time they start speaking,
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i'm i correct and say that these proceedings of what south south africa is, is focusing just on deaf off this time around with their arguments that they're going to be putting forward. yes it so exactly, because these are additional provisional masses, mattress, south africa's asking for us this is specifically about around 5. so they say it's well should stop the sold on or off immediately and left the international. observe as the un un of people in who can actually talk to meant also are the crimes that are being committed there, according to south africa. so this is on top of the professional mattress that the south africa has asked for in the past month. this is actually the 4th time. that's all that i forgot. it has been asking for additional for professional measures against israel and so far so that i forgot that it's world has completely ignored it. all right, so thank you so much. we'll cross over now to listen to what's happening inside of the cord and not as the president. so what's the non he's speaking now? the proceedings are beginning will listen,
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in addition to provision with measures and the with the vacation of previous provision. the measures indicates concerning application of the convention funding for the pension and punishment of the crime of genocide. and because of strips south africa versus visitors for reasons made going to the touch pump is on it, but people doesn't on the bench for. and david, for the duration of these hearings. i said now article defensive of steps over the procedure. independence case. 129 december 2023. the governments of south africa by the judges. 2 of the quote, an application institutes in proceedings again to see the figure that alleging violations by the record of its obligations under the 1948 convention on the prevention and punishment of because i am on the general side,
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which i should be for at the joint, aside from french, in particular, south africa contend that is a to in conducting milledgeville operations in against garza, in the week of the, at the office. it is very buy from us. on october, the 7th 2023 has breach and gordon and continues to but each its obligations under this on the side on bench to found it sort of 16 over the quote. so it's a pretty good invokes article a $36.00, but i get off one of these types of over the quote it article 9 of the genocide convention. application contained a request in the indication of provision and measures pursuant to advocate for to one of the sides of the course and article $7374.75 of the original quote. and it's all the of january 26, 2020. ready the quote indicates
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a various provision that measures address please read by. that's the date to february 12th 2024. so i think got submitted because what it refers to as an option to request for addition to the measures on the article $75.00. but i got one of those, of course, in connection with such and developing circumstances that awful by that said from the that just dated 16 february 2024 because is waiting for them. that'd be provided in measures indicated by the court. and it's for the 26th, january 2024. when i click a button throughout the guys, including in the fall and that the recent developments, it's not bad for the mind indication of additions provisioning measures. the quote also emphasize that is what i mean bound to fully comply with his obligations under
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the general set of convention and with the set or the including by ensuring the safety and security of the by the sinews. and because i split on march 6th, 2024. so after the code 5, it's the, the request for the indication of addition to provision and measures and all the modifications of measures previous, indicated by the quote. and it's, or the for the sake of january 2024, based on the exchange and distribution in gaza. soon the indication over the 1st set up representative measure. and it's all due to of march 28th, 2024 because found that exception degree recent development including the respite level for the security into the fit. and the fact that the timing was setting and constitutes
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a change in distribution within the meaningful article. 76 of the quote concluded that the pollution and measures indicated in the order of 26 january 2024, did not for the address. the consequences arising from this change in distribution, thus justifying the modification of, of measures the opposite of clothes. the quote from the provision of the measures indicated in his order of january 26 with uh, 202024 indicated admissions and measures. the court indicates that the 5th, okay, the shuttle in view or somebody was sitting conditions of life for life. i see how this thing is engulfed in particular despair. they'll come in and start a vision, stick or necessary and effective measures to insure without the day the,
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and the provision of at scale and by for concern of us. and so you need the basic services and to maintain assistance to buy the city. and so i'll go so and include with immediate effect that it's submitted to the best not to commit acts which constitute the evaluation of any of that. i thought was it, but it seems and goes as a protective group under the conventional in general. so to these hearings concern the urgent request find by south africa on then may 20, 20 fourth for the indication of addition that provision that measures and went to the case of probation that measures previously for this guy by the court. the case that it just would now read out the passage from the request specifying the provision in measures which is governmental south africa is asking if we quote to indicate we have to throw it in the register.
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thank you mister president. i quote. so when the state of these road shall immediately withdrew and seize it submitted to re offend, save it into the rough uh, run no rate to the state. a visa or a show, immediately take or effective measures to ensure and facilitate the named p to access to gather of united nations. another officials and gauge. and the provision of you might need to in the 8 and the suspense to the population of guys as well. as the fact finding missions internationally mandated but these are all officials, investigators and joe, and at least you know, the to assess under record conditions on the ground and does a and enable the effective position and retention of events. and shall ensure that it's submitted to read does not act to prevent such excess provision.
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preservation or retention treat the state the visa around showed submit an open report to the court, a on old measures taken to give effect to these provision measures within one week . us from the date of these older n b on old measures taken to give effect or previews, provision of measures indicated by the call to within one month, as from the date of this order. and of the quote. be added just try immediacy after the finding of the requests for the indication of addition to provision measures and the modification of previous provision and measures that i just thought that i submitted an alternate copy of that or to the government officer. according to advocate $74.00 that i get off one of the words of. ready it requests for the indication of provision and measures shall have value to all
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the other cases to that are going to do with the same article. states that the quotes had received a decision on the request as a method of agency. this imperative must, however, be buttons was they need to fix the dates of order proceeding in such a way as for, for the part is an opportunity to be represented that the hearings. consequently, the part is when informed that the date for the opening of the order proceeding during which they put present that of the visions on the applicants request had been fixed for subsidy may 16th at 3 pm. and i would like to welcome to do the cases of selves of any kind is a and i know the president before the court over the asians and council of both boxes this afternoon. the court with you this thing going to afford an argument of south africa, which has submitted the requests for the indication. and once you cation of pro vision and measures, it will be here,
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tomorrow is what i have tomorrow morning at 10 am. for the purposes of the scene, get around to afford an argument, each party would have available with it to our sitting in this for sitting south. africa may if it was a very says official extension beyond 5 pm today. and you all the time taken up by these introduction remarks. before i give it the floor to the agents of south africa, i wish to throw the buzz is attention to breakfast by election 11, roman with state as for the cycle and the order feedings on requests for the integration of pro vision and measures. but this would limit themselves, what is the pin for the criteria for the indicates offers the measures as stipulated into statute that it was injured. students of the course specialists not
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entered into the merits of the case beyond what is fixedly necessary for the bus. i will give you the floor to the edge of south africa is excellency mrs. with people with the with on said though, you have the sort of mr . president distinguish members of the quote, it isn't phone and a privilege for me to appear before you on behalf of the republic of south africa. a ways to send the quote for searching dispenser down for the hearing on the as possible. the date, the quick noise in the extreme agency of its circumstances. since it's initial application, south africa found itself compelled to sort attend to this quote, both in february and march 2024. to the quest for the indication of additional prep
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using our managers to prevent as well as persistent x of genocide against the policy. many people in casa, sadly south africa is the answer again, compared to, to attend to this quotes and recognition of its obligation under the genocide convention. due to the continuing annihilation of the part of gene and people with over 55000 now count. and most of the guys i just showed up despite the short notice of this photo heavy. so the guys travels here today to do what it can to identical. stop the ongoing general side, the gravity of the text requiring urgent and speed you proceedings to present the lives of the pumps, gene and people. a commitment which south africa takes seriously. this is ryan is escalating. is that tax on by the scene ends in gaza and in so doing is
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willfully preaching the binding borders of this quote is right, assuming that he preaches the binding resolutions of the united nations security council has to be leaving from the lack of content managers by the international community, but it is exempt from having to respect international know this institutionalized community has let, is allowed to engage in this genocide which has shopped the conscience of humanity . south africa is mindful that the present genocide operates and denial of diplomacy and peoples in the right to self determination and collective rights to attend to their homes. and by this time, this genocide takes place within the context of the ongoing mcbride, the $7.00 to $6.00, any bescedy of which must send a painted yesterday. the continued force displacement of the part of gene and
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people that you raise are off by the student presence in palestine and the placement with colonial sickness. it cannot process and frames and maintains by $7.00 to $60.00 as of a pa tate. i'm 5060 is indeed a belligerent occupation. undoubtedly, the ongoing seems of palestinians being forced to repeat that the fee for the lines his phone, the other masons of the not of 1948. it is a continuation of its 7 months ago. so ive africa would not have imagined that casa would now be mostly wiped off the man a lot. so see, that's every family, every neighborhood, class of students, every way place would be pulled apart. killed, maint, displaced maldonado,
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east coast of south africa had hoped. when we last appeared before this quote, to hold system side of the process to preserve by this time and its people. instead, this allows genocide has continued a pace and has just released the new and totally quick stage is ryan has sought to hide its crimes. through the weaponized nation of international humanitarian, know it pretends, but the civilians that the kills through its 2000 pounds homes through it's targeted as strikes through it's back to present intelligence systems . so it's executions. human shows. this wide washing of isabel's genocide misses the key and fundamental element. thoughts of the massive and still mounting
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evidence of as vials genocidal intent. documented documents and videos of is riley. parliamentarians admitted to the need is quoting for the destruction of the published and people in casa incitement by design and civil society. and leading public is randy vegas or collectively supporting the genocide and its continuation is right, continues to show up on time for posting and life operating with him to an empty south. africa has no, no other options then to once again seek protection in the home of justice for the fundamental rights of the published and then people to the existence. although this present application was feedback by the unfolding of different situations in dropbox is what i was doing. the side of understood across casa,
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has intensified over the past few days. also wanting the attention of this course with that mister president, i respectively wished to request you to invite the preference of the low to set also africa, substantive, legal documents. i think i think the asians of so i'm pretty confident statement. i know invite preventative on low to think difficult. you haven't just lost. thank you, said mister president, members of the coaches, who is the privilege to appear before you. i don't all know to repeat, entrusted with the presentation of this part of south africa submissions. this is not the routine case. it's not even a routine case on the use of for, for on international humanitarian little south africa res. here because the palestinian people are facing genocide in garza and your previous orders have not
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succeeded in protecting them. again. you said the court held in january the palestinians have the legal right to protect from the game. screening the side of the south africa had shown that there was a real and you mean and risk to the rep for a violation of that, right? the quotations in order because it considered is necessary to protect the palestinian people against genocide. i need to shoot a further order in law. but whether because of the lack of clarity is to precisely what the order is require. because these royal chooses to ignore them. they have not been effective, see the logic nations as a framework, including the security council and the general assembly for addressing international disputes. but this policy does not work well in this case.
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in south africa, respectfully asks the court to reassess it so far a t and it's role in this framework so that frank has considered the technical legal requirements for professional measures, changing the situation and so on. and we'll address that. the essential point is that the court has the power to act to ensure that his previous orders and due to venture judgment will not be with this. the palestinian people will be protected and that he needs to exercise that's power. now this is x induced direct to the goodness, the palestinian people throughout garza or on the west bank. so as i frequence request was initially focused on ref because the imminent prospect of death and the suffering on
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a massive scale resulting from israel's attack. this since that request was made, it has become increasingly clear the dis, rails actions in rough up possibly any game in which garza is utterly destroyed as an area capable of human habitation. this is the last step in the destruction of gaza and this palestinian people. it was rough for the broad south africa to the quote, but it is old palestinians as a national, less nickel and racial group who need the protection from genocide that the court can order. as we've heard expressions about rage, does any one could accuse israel of acting in this way? we've had insurance,
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is that israel was doing everything in his power to avoid civilian tests as exercised its claim rights of self defense. we've had to post these rails all me is the most moral ami in history. so we've had denials that there is simon in casa for months. people, particularly in the west, the repeated, i'm willing to accept the accusations of true. how could people who look like us and sound like us possibly engage in anything like genocide, but the evidence has to be fixed by calling flu. type to, to that evidence, including evidence of continued bombings, attacks on people in circles, safe areas to which they've been directed by israel attacks on a convoys and of mess,
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graves of the hollows of which the corpses speak. there is no critical argument that this catastrophe is not real. the cold has already found a real and imminent risk of the violation of the right. so it's a palestinian people, but to protection against genocide. the quote is aware of the statements of the united nations secretary general of the presidents of the united states, of heads of states and foreign ministers from around the world. and of the heads of international agencies to say, on the personal account. so the news footage that he matches from casa, tell a consistent story of unimaginable horror. and it continues as we speak, most of cause that has been raised, the survivors who,
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while from time to time, allowed to return to the homes, returning to rubble with no homes, no running water, or electricity, or sewage, or also working infrastructure. edwards, a few possessions that they've managed to carry with them on, cox will causes that pushed from one so cool, safe area to the next. if the court does not know the possibility of rebuilding a viable palestinian society in casa will be destroyed, at least for the lifetime of those who suffice to cover and horrors of gaza. the details are not always easy to verify because he is royal, continues to our independent investigators and journalist from entering garza and
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over $100.00 journalists to wearing garza to be killed. since these rarely attacks began this way. i cannot look investigations by independent investigators and then say is that the court cannot proceed because there is insufficient evidence against it. the court has to deal with this case on the basis of its appraisal of the best evidence of a level 2 is israel may have getting folks, it's claimed rights of self defense. but it does not address 3 glaringly obvious points. first, on the rights of self defense does not give a stage a license to use unlimited filings. no rights of self defense can ever extend to a right to inflict massive disagreement of violence and install of ation
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collectively on an entire people. so it could not sick look self defense. so anything else can ever justify genocide? the prohibition on genocide is an absolute peremptory nobles, international low. so the court ruled in 2004, there is no right of self defense by an occupying state. the case, the territory, the deep bulky pipes the key point today is that easily is declared, a wiping cause or from the map is about to be realized. so the evidence of a pulling crimes and across the twos is literally being destroyed and
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bulldozed. the defect wiped him to sleep clean for those who committed these crimes and making a mockery of justice. the quote is not powerless. south africa submits with respect, that you must do something to us, not only its own, also rotate. but you will sort of see of international law south africa submits that in order to secure the entry and distribution of food and humanitarian supplies. and to save lives, a whole to is really military operations across the us. a is the central, the overwhelming weight of opinion among states and international organizations. just the same to the whole, to military operations seeing cause it is necessary to comply with the previous
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orders that the colt has already imposed. if israel continues to deny that its bombing shelling and military incursions and blocking of roads and then cri points, it sounds like military operations in garza are presenting the fulfillment to the court's orders. the court needs to spell it out explicitly for his royal highness of the benefits of any of the states that are still providing aid or assistance to israel. it is come paid to eradicate palestine. these points will be develop set up by south africa's counsel, 1st shown to god would explain the jurisdictional and other preconditions for the exercise of the courts power towards the provisional measures. as demonstrate that they all met a settlement max duplicity, you will set out the recent events that have necessitated south africa's return to
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the court. and particularly those concerning rough uh then the dealer has same will explain the scale and even. and so if the risk facing palestinians in gossip, and after that and becca coca toby will show so to israel's actions, have a pass and an explicit purpose. that clearly indicates that the a is to eradicate palestine. and finally, within the group, they will explain the remedies that south africa 6. the agent will return to read out the south africa's prayer for relief. that mister president, members of the court, confused my part of this submission that i sent to you for your attention and ask that you know, call them professor to go. as i say, professor to bundle for the statement i know gives the flow of super depressive. john,
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do that the you have this book who's the present distinguished members of the quote. it is a privilege to before you on behalf of the republic of south africa. in my speech today, we're beefeaters the subject of jurisdiction and then examine the circumstances that give rise to a request for the provisional measures. in this order of 26, january of this year, the quote ponds as the applicant i protest pay to establish the existence of a dispute between it and the respondent relation to the application of the genocide
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convention. and the quote had jurisdiction in terms of article 9, which is i've convinced this order to create a march. the court found that there was no reason to revisit this decision submitted that this conclusion remains valid for the present proceedings. the court found that palestinians in the gaza strip have approves of a right to be protected from asked of genocide. and this taught that because had the right to seek compliance with this obligation, the game to quote the kid that this findings need not be revisited. in this decision of 20, i much to gain you to submitted. does this conclusion remains valid to cortez phones has talked to africa? how's it going? it's a portable genocide claim. the 26th january. the court found the situation
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because it was when it's quite urgent attention and that there was a risk of irreparable prejudice. this is confirmed in the order of 28th march and it is a situation that continues today. indeed, it is present hard to know in the context of the sales people, the tax on rep and subsequent you came to 5, but mean the cost of it was emerald areas of cause to mr. prince, the pages of the above findings. a court ordered a number of provisional measures on trade districts january on 28th march. the court found the circumstances of the situation to change in terms of article 76 with the rules of court. as a result of the risk of famine and ordered 3 more provisional measures of currencies. today was to present south africa products is a quote for
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a new provisional measure, new provisional measures to ensure that to write an issue in the proceedings, including the right to protestant news, to protect and be protected from asked to genocide will be protected. the rules of court allows a quote to order new provisional measures when you fetch or established, or there has been some changes in the situation which justifies multiplication of the existing orders. is of course impossible to provide an absolute definition or you fact or change in this situation as it is necessary to have regard to the situation in each and every case. the decisions of the quote involving provisional measures have dealt with a change and situation. the risings from new faxing completely different
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circumstances. patients have del cuz matches have not been dis, territorial change in freedom of movement. each case depends upon his own stay so fast. and with these fact have so to this situation. so you probably still amazes or justified in the parks court issuing its march order to court considered that development since january 2004, 2024, which he found to be exceptionally grave constituted a change of the situation within the meeting of article 76 of the rules of court your cellphone. so it's a previous provisional matrices safety that integrated not fully addressed. the consequences arising from the changes in the situation. and this led to court to order is
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a provisional measures the changes in the situation since march of this year, or in many ways craver. so they to justify the indication of the provisional measures. i'm pregnant 6 february of this year. this quote found that there was a catastrophic humanitarian situation in the guards district, which was at serious risk of the 2 raging prison before the court written does its final judgment. and this warranted provisional measures a 13, ga march. the quote found, set the catastrophic clipping conditions of the palestinians and the gaza strip have deteriorated per that in particular, in view of the per long and wide spread,
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get probation of food and as of basic deficiencies. mister president, members of the quote, it is difficult to imagine that the situation could get worse. but unfortunately it has in the early days of the gods of war, his real force palestinians to relocate to this task, to the rest of a government. 1.5000000 people were crammed into the north split from the area in the rest. the government, which appeared to office safety from the us bombing, 10 re fi and the brutality of his forces. influenced by goodness, either consignment bites v this will lead is warmed, vested assault on. gotcha. and do you particularly or rep uh, result in the 4th and all the key to back to ation of the oh,
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great. you just price palestinians to even less hospitable parts of garza, without adequate food. what to shelter and hospitals would have disastrous consequences. director general of the world health organization declared that their military cushioned into rough uh, well pledge crisis into unprecedented levels of benefits here. we need to cease by just needed for the sake of humanity. this is a mr. president has not heated this warning. he says, not even full full dates of undertaking not to book an assault on good on reference without to propagate you back to ation. planned in stages has gone ahead and booked on the tech on rep to the rest of the governor. it has been bowman's subject to to us to the re fi in ground incursions. the rep,
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a crossing is closed and the can room shut off because she is most of the disabled prison. my colleagues will provide you with the full account of the as far as genocide to act in the gaza strip, which is my cos briefly indicate the new fact required the article 753. and the change of the situation required the article $7061.00 to present this application for further provisional measures is prompted by israel's assault on rest. the teachers this assault that constitutes so new fact the changing circumstances. rafa is the last refuge in garza for 1500000 palestra needs. the majority of whom have been forcibly despised from
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north and central cause. graphite use the north fiber part of garza for tyson advocate, ministration to provision of basic services and medical care. isabel has now convinced his strong prison assault on rep uh, because ordered the evacuation of powder studies in reference to the veteran sand dunes of i don't know why she and he says close. could you go border crossings to humanitarian age, medical supplies, goods and few pardon which the population of reference depends. displacement 7 and suffering for now, is it not well to palestinian group if those actions are in violation of fundament for rules of humanitarian law? but in addition, they provide the evidence of the crime of genocide in terms of articles to a, b, c,
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and d. of the genocide can be as the president, members of the quote, this is tech is the final blow that is intended to destroy the palace to noon group, can cause that this is the intention of the final operation. we made a mistake and quite cool. just to present since shot that pick up the present application for provisional measures has intensified the so called offensive in the north and insane for because in these circumstances, we have requested the court to issue a provisional measure. the orders is rare to cease its motorcraft to reduce to out cause 10 to the school from the territory such as your desk and can bring an entry,
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is raj genocide and goes to cortez the car to order such a provisional measure. it is clear to cortez stated that in terms of large code, 75 to the rules of court has the power under the statute. when a request for provisional misses has been made to indicate provisional measures, the thoughts in holding or impart has it then those request a mr president, image of the quote, this concludes my speech. i thank you for your change. i'm saying perfectly, i don't do good for the statement. i know good the flow to prove us the next to policy. you have this also
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mr. president's distinguished members of the court. it's a privilege to appear before you on behalf of south africa. my task is to address this quote on the new facts and the great changes in the situation. in rafa that is foss leading to the dentist phase in this ongoing genocide. those are the circumstances that compels south africa to return to the court, to seek versions for the modified provisional measures against israel. judges of this court of recognized the underlying reasons for the courts of january and march . what is, was that the very right to the existence of the palestinian population in gaza is guarantee at risk of a ripple prejudice. and that the only effective way of preserving the right to the existence of the protected creep history of a function of prevention. so that's a 6 these provisional measures before. it's too late for prevention to be possible
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. let to learn effective 1st course noted that the subtraction in reference was a really perilous in its decision of 16 february. and instead of complying with this court's decisions of january, february, and march, this row has defied this court by trapping besieging and bombarding an overcrowded ref, exacerbates from the security and the safety of the 1000000 and the off high leave hon palestinians. a. mr. president, no one's in gaza is safe because as the united nations has repeatedly made care no way in gaza. this life that listing young's we instructed define, is really evacuation. who it is to move south to rafa and seek refuge, the from the bump arguments in the north. yet for months, the expanding population, scrambling for refuge in rafa,
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has been explicitly told by israel that they are not safe. and that israel does not intend for them to be safe. the international community is witnessed, is really soldiers preparing for the crowned invasion of rafa, forming themselves, charging, to don rafa. and israel's intention is tough to find statements such as that of israel's minister of finance. mister smarter. a member of the security cabinet who is explained. i'm not quite there on the last name. is rafa dire all of a lot. yes, i right. total annihilation. you shall blocked off the remembrance of i'm elect from under him. there's no place and they haven't closed with a new car, toby will, dylan can you for detail with intention, that is so clearly evident in such statements and by as rules conduct not israel has resulted, he resisted all international efforts to persuade and control it from eventually attacking rafa,
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as we contemplate the horror of recent events and the significance of ref, if israel is on thing sold through it, mind is request to be a stripper needs to coming to view stresses prominence in the eyes of both the palestinians in gaza and the international community lies in its beings that most visible of the safe areas in gaza, which has received significant attention in the international media. to paraphrase the international criminal tribunal for you to solve you in a decision endorsed by this quote, israel's spectacular destruction of rafa. the spot, the assurances of the international community, including this court and in the full glare of the international media, is intended by israel to serve as a potent example to tell us the news of the tea and the defense dismiss in the face of these rainy military forces and to be emblematic of the fates of old palestinians in gaza. to use this as much uses words that there is no place under
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him, the best site. so that for to as make clear and its request of 10, may that not only is there no way for the one and a half 1000000 displaced people and others interest that you say for the fee. so much of cause that having been reduced to rubble. but that if for us, so if somebody eat destroyed, they'll be little lift off cause or prospect for this evolved from a penis to me. and a lot from the churchy restaurant is weird, causes largest still partially functioning. hospitals are situated the texts on reference hospitals. the king to those mounted by israel against hospitals. i'll stay in this trip with they for do as faithful to causes are really crippled health care system. and at the same time as they use the salt age is being struggled. that struggling is done defiantly and to deliberate keep. this court ordered on 28 march . that in conformity with its obligations under the genocide convention and in view
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of the worst and conditions of life faced by palestinians in gaza. in particular, the strait of feminine starvation. that israel was to take own is the street and effective measures to insure without delay in full cooperation with the united nations. the amended provision at scale by all consuming talk, urgency needed, basic services, and humanitarian assistance that's included. and express order that is run, increase the capacity a number of land crossing points and maintaining them open for as long as necessary . and israel was also ordered to ensure with immediate effect that some of the tree does not prevent through any action the delivery of urgency needed 2 minutes here and assistance. why was that order so critical? well, because of 2 border crossings in rafa, which is wireless eastern, shut down all the main entry points for last saving you monitor and a and other goods intern garza. and for the entry and exit of people including
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humanitarian workers, medics, medically victories and palestinians trying to see the conflict interest. seizure of those crossings, places is running controllable access to and from gaza. it's kind of closure of the crossings as surface fuel gauze. that's the magic key from the outside world for the to peter and the delivery of a to and within garza. and as the primary humanitarian have persistence in gaza, differential falls. so to does causal and deliberately hurting one and a half 1000000 palestinians and terrific and didn't carrying off a full scale bombardment, welsh cheating of entry and exit for last saving age, trying to really devastate to population while exposing them to feminine human suffering leaves only one inference regret to replace it, and that is of genocidal intent. it's our turn now to consider the topic of restaurant as a supposed in place of refuge 10 days ago ref,
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it was described as the last refuge for palestinians in gauze. it was the early years remaining area of the strip, which had not yet been substantially destroyed by is really a text. over the past 7 months, hundreds of thousands of palestinians were ordered by israel to evacuate to rafa for their safety, some forcibly being displaced for the month time. this prince, terrified and king to last the last 3 of these palestinians of sword, shelter, often in makeshift tents on the sheets of script, plastic in the tiny and discreet crowded city of rafa, hoping against hope to stay alive in the ongoing is ready, bombardment. the city of children, rough uh, as we come home to some 600000 dependence to noon children and babies. many of them all symbol disabled by show. and recall that they joined the staggering realities according to you and women. said among the dead in gaza or an estimated 6 falls and
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from others, leaving 19000 children wolfe. and in addition to being the population center. rafa is the primary humanitarian hub of cause, as i've said. and the any remaining area of the believe gets trip with the infrastructure and the resources to host the other $1000000.00 displaced palestinians. i'll be attend a suggestion that has been described by the us as a pressure cooker up to speed on the dresser. your excellency is no refuge. it's most sized place. on 6, my is ready forces folded around 100000 palestinians to effectuate the eastern portion of dresser. many were simply unable to feed children and elderly people are so spots that they can barely walk or cannot just relocate to another area to so called safe sense. it's just not possible. and even for those who are able to leave, there's no way left to go. do you think in israel's use,
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i'll be back to ation orders. and physic, nation of humanitarian insights. appeared the performances, vain, danger, rather than protect civilian life. so cold humanitarians lines call not fish designs, at least by the same is really forces. we have a tech dependents, pinions in their homes, in makeshift tents, in public markets, schools and playgrounds in agricultural green houses while waiting for age by aid. dropping from the sky. while attempting to return to their homes, this fine waiting watch flags and above all else, well sheltering in and seeking treatment from hospitals to restaurant as a place of rescued or safety remains a cool distortion. for another reason, your excellence, 4 months is written to invade. rafa leading the un secretary general to warn that
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other states and rep that would be a political calamity and a humanitarian mcmahon, which was also of course, highlighted by this court in its decision. the 16 said we will be full this quarter urgent because palestinians on our having to live act as much on 7 may just $15.00 off the evacuation. what is the issue? israel commenced a severe and sustained military assault on russia, which is ongoing, and it has intensified in the intervening period until today, coming in injuring palestinians and the spring that makes shift times and the remaining infrastructure necessary to sustain laughing cause including o 8 and medical infrastructure in its path as well, the liberty of test, the very shouts as to which is the risk to tell the students to feed for at least an in families in gaza, live to make any possible choice either to stay checked and like you killed alongside the loved ones in russia full,
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they head out into the few bits of remaining land in gaza, not filling up with 10 subjects, both of bits of wood in milan and venerable to tax. the overwhelming majority of no means to free other than on foot. there is nice scenes you minutes here in about these and then it turns on then on the left on my feet is there any minute you issued a new round of evacuation order is affecting some city for neighborhoods and eastern wrestler and north casa, you and agencies estimate in total that approximately 20 percent of the causes population being displaced to you again. in the past week alone by 10 may an estimated 110000 people have slid rafa. by yesterday 15 months, this number had increased to around 600000 according to the un and moving wow, and not are these actions. israel's genocide and as to news continues to monitor your techs and man made starvation and well knocking those quotes. provisional
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measures of protecting the rights of palestinians under the genocide convention. the critical parts are excellence is it is all the israel as defiance of this quotes. what is comes in relation to aid and food itself. israel is seized control the 1st, the ref i and the care. i'm shalom crossings taking total control of whole entry and exit of people and goods into cause as a whole. charging of the 2 main all trees for getting lost, saving $82.00 is solving population. an inside doing it has plunged to cause a into unprecedented levels of humanitarian need, even as compared with the texas trust levels of the previous 7 months. that let this quote to compute that 7 was searching him back in march. for closure of the crossings means that palestinians, solving in a full blown man, made famine, are now further deprived of food as well as a text of systematic keep decimated,
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to feed production systems throughout. cause it means that the fuel cannot get him to run into badges and life saving machinery and hospitals, water pumps and wells. it means that people increasing the product to stick an injured kind of get out of gauze and fossil a to kind of get into gaza. and those poses and overwhelmingly grave threats, not any to the palestinian people, but also to united nations personnel and aid workers trying to bring some desperately needed relief. the spot, israel's announcements that equip open param shalom on my on 10 my. do you and reported that no supplies were passing through any crossings in southern garza. so as a 15 my dressing rest across the remains closed and there is a continued lack of space and look just to be viable access to the care and show them the process cannot be more urgent. and that is so we israel's assault on risk . and the closure of these critical crossings aggravating the feminine like conditions across garza with over
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a 1000000 people are predicted to face catastrophe. pc, phase 5, food insecurity levels through july, which is just around the corner. like for years have been forced to shut down because that on to a few on getting a text and referenda to monitor and warehouses inaccessible. and respondents providing through data will run out of food supplies with in the coming days. in addition to killing in the hall, i mean for the sinews, these radius salt on resar has deliberately inflicted on the conditions of life calculated to bring about this physical and biological destruction. this is stop and let's try to it through israel's destruction of rest as hospitals due to the on getting us to the t's in its vicinity and the military operation in rafa on the char hospital, the main medical facility in the entire rest of cabinets and one of the causes lodge largest remaining parsley, functioning and hospitals no longer functional. it was
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a locked line for $200.00 dialysis patients per day in the world health organization. previously, one would die if the hospital we have to shut down says for the o miramonte hospital also particularly acute. this is one of the low cost, partially functioning maternity hospitals in the heart of cause. which was until recently had been almost half of the cause of the day, the touch of a 180 base. it has already been forced to stop admitting patients and meetings, phone that was off adults. every single one of the 45 babies in the near and i to the intensive care unit and especially intensive care unit will die if the hospital is occupied. and the in on 13 my medical staff at the queue rate. the hospital in rafa received an evacuation order from is ready forces as one of the last remaining hospitals in reference to earlier on 16 bits available for the more than 1000000 people sheltering and rough and it's pleasurable, mean,


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