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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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there still facing strong resistance from the powerful farm lobby in congress to the state bill expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. the the hello on top of the credit. this is the news i live from coming off in the next 60 minutes. the student's raised the palestinian flag at columbia university as purchase against as well as forum jobs are disrupt the campuses across the us side. as well as prime minister is false as will insect down to the southern city of rafa, despite calls from the united nations. not so
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a military assault on rough foot would be an unbearable escalation, giving 1000 smart tvs millions and forcing and the thousands in sleep. the police and to be cranked down on protest system and stretching against george's so called foreign influence bill plus wise and bob white has just introduced a new gold backed currency called physic the is $22.00 g m t and we begin this hour in the us with university protest, see no sign of of biasing students at campuses from the east to the west coast of valley to stay intensive in cabinets until the moms of miss. now, early at the university of north carolina, chapel hill, pupils took down the american flag and raised the palestinian flag on step of the building. at lumbee,
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a university in new york students occupying hamilton full have barricaded themselves inside the building. now thousands of cooling for the academic institutions to comp time as well and urging in to us military age. us, we have correspondence covering this story at u. c. l. a. in los angeles, the travis county jail in austin and at columbia university in new york, where we will begin with l. just areas that i said by and uh, did i say everyone, this is we've been mentioning has been focusing on what happened and it's still happening in hamilton. can you just want to see the consequences for the students involved? and i guess the momentum with that has given other people to come out and support them so definitely we're still here outside of columbia university of our over 90 group of students to cohort. they renamed it after he and roger who was that 6 year old killed the by these
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riley military. they played with that name and they, we made in there were, outside students have showed up to show the remaining inside of the university as a student right now, the only essential personnel and the students that live inside of the counselors are being allowed in. but the people that you can see right here have not been allowed to go inside. on the other side, you can see that some of the students that are currently inside of me, i have come close to the gate. they're still there. they're saying that they're under the diversity is trying to isolate the process to force them to leave us with the code hard down for a senior inside the university
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hearing about the university has said that they're going to take it over the building. we've got a deadline on monday, the have to leave by 2 pm on monday and, and they're going to be the next time. many of the others are demanding the funds on the home. but it's a profit on the war. they're all ones. i'm not misty on the students that are doing that sometimes because of what the, the, the cost of this house posted in the insights are becoming come inside on campus is now somebody's been replacing the star spangled banner. for example, has a few hours ago, the point
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where they, we face these parts for many of the students are using the same thing right now for the remain sweet. they're not going anywhere. canceled the university taught me. thanks so much today's a today. so by for us the, at columbia university will how to jo, castro joins us now from austin, texas, and you were the travis county jail with the purchases that were suggested. i have been taken as a actually being said to be released yet. and what exactly have they been charged with there has been
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a slow trickle of the protesters that are being released according to university of texas, austin, administration, 79 people were arrested for mondays protests. and that they had been charged with. uh, we're seeing a lot of criminal trespassing as the major charge here. and now more than 24 hours later, still the vast majority remain inside the jail that's behind me. and that's despite the calls that you're hearing behind me of not only for palestine, the free those protesters. these are you, teen students, some faculty member and other members of the austin community that houses a visual overnight waiting for every last one of those arrested to be released. and joining us is a guest who is an attorney has been helping some of those that i've been to change this as well as some of the thanks for joining us. tell me about the charges that these individuals are facing. and some of the criticism that, you know,
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this started out as a peaceful protest. so are these charges valid? i think it's important to note discounts for these continue to be peaceful protests . they started as peaceful protests. and that never changed. and the students are protesting. and they're exercising a right constitutionally guaranteed to them at a public university. no, them broke any laws that the university of texas police department threatened them with a criminal trespass warning if they refuse to disperse, which is something they shouldn't have been asked to do in the 1st place. so in, in sort to answer a question, no, i don't think these charges are valid. how many have been released to your knowledge and what is, what is it that they are going to experience now? so i'm just having been here a couple of hours today, it seems like only a handful, probably no more than 5 or 6 if i had to guess have been released. obviously that the students have been here for a very long time. and i'm sorry,
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it goes without saying being and being in a holding cell being and county lock up is traumatized thing and experience enough for kids this young. now that this is the 2nd wave of arrest a week ago there was another. busy action against protest, sisters who were peaceful as you said, and it ended up that those people all have their charges dropped because there was insufficient evidence against the best in the county attorney or south side. do you see that some of those similar legal issues with the charges against the newly arrested protesters? absolutely, and you know, aside from the fact that whatever, notice the county claims they gave the students to disperse before they were arrested. they have been, they have walk, holds back and forth between what kind of threats they want to, to issue to students. they've sent inconsistent e mails to students and to faculty and to staff. and they have that one point claim that they would be charging them with criminal trespass at another. they claim that they would be charging with them instruction. and so that in about,
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in and of itself, i think is enough of the notice issue that the students, the students wouldn't have otherwise known that anything that they were doing was illegal on. i'm and i and i think that nobody in their position would have thought that what they were doing was illegal, especially as a public university. we appreciate your expertise of that attorney, but also interested in your reactions as a human being the images of the protests from yesterday, students the needs students being taken down so violently. what was your response? i'm absolutely disgusted, but i'm still overwhelmingly proud of all these kids. i honestly my heart explodes . every time i turn the tv on, every time i come down here to the jail, i am so incredibly proud of them. i can't believe their own governments treating them like this and you know what? they're undeterred. i, when i was in school, i would never have been brave enough to do this. and so every time i meet with one in the jail or i'd come across one when i'm, when i'm here at the outside the jail. i let them know how proud of them they are.
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and i hope that they never stop. and i hope that they also know there's always going to be an attorney that will come and get you and you will not be lost or forgotten in their thank you roller. she and other attorneys that actually offer their time for free. every single one of these protesters, i'm just, they are receiving free legal representation that might help them through this criminal justice system. but then of course, they're also facing what could be punishment coming from the youtube ministration. i asked specifically what will happen to these students because there were some threats. a suspension was told that because of his exam, we had these students had to be left in peace, not knowing what happened to them in the future. thanks so much for all of that, heidi, heidi joe castro for us there in austin, texas. reynolds joins us now line from the university of california in los angeles and brought can you just give us an update on exactly what was happening there this morning as well. it's quite a contrast from what heidi was showing you and explaining to you
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a moment ago. things here are quite peaceful of you can see the camp behind me, the protest encampment which is occupied, a large a quad area. and so far, there are been no instances of police come storming in, in, uh, uh, riot gear with clubs, uh, as happened there in texas. uh, no good students being hauled away in. hancock says happened to the university of southern california. no student is being a pepper spray does happen to overnight at the university of new mexico. so this shows that there is a different way of handling these protests. and i would also point out that on the wider campus life goes on, students who are not involved in the protests are going to their classes in doing
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their thing. and so let's get a little more insight into the protests and what and the situation here on campus, i'd like to invite vincent door, who is a, you see a graduate student and a, a member of the, uh, one of the protesting students since and thank you very much for appearing on al jazeera um i wanted to ask you about the public perception of the, the us senate minority leader mitch mcconnell earlier today on the floor. the congress describe all these campus broke just as creating cauldrons called rings of chaos. you see a quote of chaos here. no, i don't see a cauldron of chaos here. what i see here is the members of b, u. c. like community who are on their 6th day of demonstrating their solidarity with the policy and people, as we've seen, the 6 months is rarely genocide in gaza. we've seen 75 plus years of this really
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occupation of palestine. and we've seen the discovery of mass graves under the aisle shift on us or hospitals in gaza. we see that the israeli military is planning on separating men from women and children in the rest. the refugee camp on the border of egypt and the gaza strip. and we've decided that enough is enough, and we're here to call for our university for the you see, to divest from corporations, profiting from this is rarely genocide and to call for an immediate comprehensive ceasefire in gaza. and so far as the university engaged in dialogue with the protesters, we've mostly encountered the university in the form of their security forces. on sunday, they released a statement stating that they would not divest the portfolio from defense contractors and other corporations that profit also of genocide and. and they use the term academic freedom to defend their refusal to divest, which is not an academic freedom we recognize. so as a graduate student vincent,
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i understand your shortly on your way to go and assist in teaching a class here, which begs the question again to this public perception that these protests have completely destroyed life on campus. i mean, you're going to go teach a class and then go back into the, the camp. so our kids are, i hate these words. kids are the, the students here, are they still getting their education? yeah, i would say these protests that are the result of students getting an education their students who have learned about the world that they've learned about morality and they're applying those frameworks. students are still attending classes. students are learning inside the encampment. there are kitchens. there are, there's a community library. so this is a site of learning and a result of learning. and we think it's piece a university security crackdowns actually shut down places of learning in the united states. and this is, there is no instruction happening to campus as close to students and faculty. we're
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trying to make us a university where learning happens and where it's safe for all students. vincent store, thank you very much for speaking with that. we're out of time, but appreciate that. been said thank you so much. and just further to what vincent was was saying there, i'd like to point out which has not perhaps been pointed out often enough, but it's certainly on the minds of faculty and students. here is that in gaza, all of the universities of been destroyed by is really bombing attacks, and many faculty and students have been killed in israel's war on casa. thanks so much. thanks so much for that, rob rob reynolds for us there at u. c. l. i plopped a week of hunger strikes and, and cameron's students at brown university in rhode island site, they have secured when the universities leadership has agreed to vote on a proposal to withdrawal investment from companies that have ties to as ro street
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as they have been demanding for universities to divest from fins, they believe profit from israel is more on gaza of more on this is bringing ready a residence like and a boot l. a shop who represent the brown davis coalition at brown university that joining us from providence, rhode island, thanks so much for being with us here on the al jazeera festival. how about the win? is this for you and can just give us an idea of how tough the negotiations were with the university. so yeah, i mean, i'll say that this is a really big win for us. browse that is formally is the best in process since 2019 when we brought a proposal or brought together some companies facilitating and profiting off of this really occupational part right now dennis, i have not homeless has been stole of waste was not allowed to do any 19 this year, a lot of i was arrested alongside 19 other due to she is 41. the other students
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were arrested. i'm not role or hunger strike. i'm to the university to be just a man, just a man that has been standing for 5 years. and now you have gone all the way where is a force there? yeah. and they are now legally required to hear us out of the preparations for me. yes, a food, but couldn't, can you just explain how that actually works? i understand it's not until october. and just how confident are you that it will be past ever needs to be on seeing your loved be heavy to make sure ensure that the corporation boat is passed on this university finally plus tires, the occupation, and the ongoing. josiah. more importantly, this is the 1st of bigotry, and it was fine on the 1st time arguments have been met at the university as chris was via credit, but just thought to be talked as a barrier between the students and the corporation, which i have exhausted all of them in starters, austin got arrested for to your kind of channels. we have 4 meetings all that i going straight to the corporation during camping and use. a lot of the cabinet. a
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doing unfortunately is really, this is a small i think it's a, it will be one of many big trees that we will get until we achieved before that investment. yeah, i want to clarify that is what is going on and they've got it as an ongoing genocide, as long as opposed to the book and now in a pending amazing process for over a 1000000 people latest each. now, most of the, all of the universities we have, they've been protest of, have outright dismissed them on to dive a. so, why is brown different i don't want to stay around the ministrations are present, should be offered any phrase for this decision. a decision has been part of years and years. they are 2 on file as of the students there. sure. part of the power for me, for palestine in this country. the only difference is, you know, by, you know, not, not compared to any other universities, not, you know, for a particular reason we have to start or the process a lot. we're even pushing for
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a long time. and i think we hope that other schools would start the process is were recently, we'll see, you know, this small way. and like i said that i don't understand e r o they're even understand. but i know with all our hearts to be, you know, that they stand behind the people outside. and we know that if they keep pushing all the know towards the, to the bass and dizzy, very, very hard me to pursue that estimate beats the sections these 2 recalls on the university president there uh, christine impacts and his id. i have been concerned about the escalation in inflammatory rhetoric that we have seen recently in the increase in tension. i mean, how will that be handled in the weeks and months say, because this tension clearly isn't going anywhere. well, 1st of all, the tension and the wrench for a while we see in the states by the government, by a high by members administration, is really all of our cabinets from colombia to brown,
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all over the country have been peaceful and is the least state of the us government that has made by the type of nice us and we have received similar drives from university police and probably be in our in chairman. and in previous protested demonstrations in terms of escalation. you recognize that you do not chief justice and degree without having to go to us without having to go to escalations are always is that and resist. we are lucky in your life that we have any of those on the investment. this was our initial, the national, what we hunger strike the got arrested for my very happy that it got to this level, but we support and we have to sleep. police appoint other university and in all means that the school is right, 56, that she what they need, which is divestment. we've helped us as carry out the young versus the other places until the united states and other countries or the cup ties, the occupation just taking a wider look at what is happening around the country at the university campuses.
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does it feel like this movement is really gaining momentum now? yes, it does. i mean, like i said, you know, the problem was happening for a long time the when the last time. and the reason why they've gone this far now to this place, we should keep pushing with all our i is the person doing this because this movement is a senior just because the amount of people with them is on the line for the 1st on the rest of the grounds in november to now has grown exponentially as when we see what we're looking at you today on the holidays or whatever. the starting one is, you know, due to the hard work of generations organize that route to the harbor, to ration organize other schools into the region for matters across the country. and due to the resilience of people in house on. okay, well have to leave it there, but we really do appreciate to both of your time and your insight into this. thank you so much. i you. thank you.
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the, the diplomatic pushes underway to reach a safe spot and gaza with the u. s. existing pressure on his boss to agree to israel's terms, but is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has bound to attack profit and southern gaza with that there was a ceasefire on north bennett. smith reports from occupied east jerusalem. israel to military's already hitting targets and roughly the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says a much larger operation aimed at some of these leadership. and these remaining battalions will happen. i don't want to kind of split up for you. we'll enter wrap up because we have no other choice will destroy the homeless battalions that we will complete all the objectives of the goals, including the repatriation, all the outcomes, t's then yahoo is under international pressure not to launch a full assault on rough uh, when more than a 1000000 palestinians,
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a sheltering military assault on rough that would be an unbearable escalation, killing thousands most civilians, enforcing and the thousands of the fleet. they must do what's necessary to protect the civilians in, in the battle space. a much better job of what we seen thus far. and as you know, there north of a 1000000 civilians that have moved into that space that you have to or if you're going to conduct operations and then those civilians must be accounted for and hopefully moved out of moved out of the area also in the line of fire would it be is really captives. the families protested in jerusalem on tuesday, demanding a ceasefire. deal is, israel's military says it's ready for a rough operation. i'm us now decide whether to accept a deal knowing that netanyahu has promised to attack that last stronghold. come, what may come us as always insisted on a permanency spine. whatever pressure that might be,
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and benjamin netanyahu from overseas, or from the families of the captives, as well as prime minister, relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they won't the raft result to go ahead and go any deal with how much a terrible defeat to find them. and then you all who could be out of office. bernard smith, alger 0, occupied east jerusalem. prosecutors from the international criminal court, or interviewing style from 2 hospitals in the gallons a strip that's out to the discovery of mass graves on the grounds of the 2 facilities and hundreds of bodies were recovered from the 3 mass graves on the premises of the nesa hospital and con eunice in april. the remains of thousands more people but zoomed. it'll shave a hospital in kansas city after and is ready, sage of the facility you and secretary general antonio terraces. an independent investigation is vital to uncovering the truth about the mass graves. gabriella elizondo is that the un headquarters in new york?
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the secretary general is clearly alarmed by reports of mass graves being found in guys and speaking to journalists here at un headquarters in new york on tuesday. he specifically cited 390 bodies that were reported we found buried in mass graves at the nasser medical complex, the secretary general calling for an independent international investigation. listen to a little bit more of what he had to say, that out of competing narratives around several of these mess graves, including seat is allegations at some of those. but it's what it lawfully q is imperative that even the pendant internationally investigative sweets, forensic expertise, i love immediate success to the sides of these mess graves, to establish the put aside circumstances and then which ends as a follow stevens most of their lives. and the buddy, buddy, buddy, you know,
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as much as the un would like to send in forensic investigators to begin an investigation into these mass graves. they simply can't right now. and that's because he's real controls who gets into gaza and certainly is really, authorities would not probably approve of a un led mission to investigate these mass graves. given the israel itself is very hostile to the un. and that is real is of course, being accused of perpetrating these crimes. now it's important to point out some key language of the secretary general use. the said an independent international investigation keyword independent. clearly the secretary general's signaling there that any investigation led by is real itself would not be credible. gabriel's on to i would just either at the united nations in new york area, i spoke to gerald fast on he is a senior fellow on us diplomacy at the middle east institute. he says the cx 5 deal
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depends on how much pressure the bind administration is. willing to put on his ro, once again, we're hearing positive, positive noises from uh, from certainly the administration, as well as some encouraging reports out of the region. we've heard that the a mosque leadership may be coming back with their response to their proposal. as soon as tomorrow, so that would all be a positive indication. but, but still, as you reported on the comments coming out of the netanyahu, government raise questions about whether it's such a cease fire agreement would really be a substantial or could lead to a long term secession of the fight. or what, what do you make of his comments, specifically the one a by basically saying, regardless of whether a c 5 deal is where you start going to go into rough. uh well,
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i think this is the biggest concern, not only in washington, but uh, but certainly around the world that netanyahu for his own domestic political reasons. again, is your, as your corresponded and reported, the threats coming to his, his uh government from the far right and israel. uh, that's threatening that they would bring down the government if he made any kind of a deal with a moss is, is concerning. and again i, i think that the huge issue, the huge concern are those 1000000 pause palestinians who've taken shelter rough. uh and there's still no answer to the basic administration. question of how are you going to insure their protection? you can just talk about the us influence on this router. they still have any at this point in time, or will netanyahu in the found, right? government is, you mentioned, just do whatever it wants to do at this point. well,
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as long as the administration is not willing to use uh, its uh, its pressure, its capacity to pressure the government of israel. then it really leaves the door open for netanyahu to continue to pursue these objectives, even though they are a problem at it for the administration. and this is the, the huge issue and it, i think it's, it's the reason that we're seeing so much and settling and opposition on college campuses and elsewhere here is that the administration has the tools they can, they can really lean on the government of israel, but they won't do it, and that's a problem. a honey mach mood is in ruffin southern kaiser and sent us this update from there. these are soccer regulations of the discovery of these gnostic graves
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inside not the hospital and at the early are the days of last month or of this month in the past month in a civil hospital and for the northern part of the doctor. but it's not only the massive graves that are off indicating that the the crimes committed war crimes committed inside health care facility. but the fact there was a 1000 of people who were bonding killed inside their residential on the lift do this is under the rubble of their that their numbers is by the 1000. there are multiple areas of base and part of the gaza strip, where people were given as little as 5 minutes to evacuate. and then their homes were a bond and destroyed in the or live those go either and die and the yards of their homes that they were trying to flee, or under the levels of the destroyed homes. but the very i, the very idea of a talking health facility is causative you work crimes and international law is a quite a clear unequivocally say that any attack and deliver attacks on health facilities
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or and for that matter. also educational institutions constitute war crime. but what's going on, even worse than does not all of these health facilities were a talking to invite is really military do are under military these but the, there are some of the word desecrated. bodies were removed the from a, from the graves. and then the tim to reevaluate these bodies in one, not the grave all together cause to do with horrible the crime war. crimes committed across the, the gaza strip now and then devolved in independence investigation. it could lead us to. 2 work it with the evidence available that they're covered by the civil defense, the crew department, and also by the doctors. everything so far we've documented, we talked about, we reported about been very consistent with testing on his, by the medical team, inside these hospitals, or evacuated in this way. families who saw firsthand. so these really monetary on the, the ground forces committed. these are crimes on the ground. well,
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there's plenty slates here on al jazeera, including we make a visit to a make shift to camp. and can you refunding his post more than 180000 people from the hunt, the the hello this and welcome. what whether it has crept into western parts of australia, often one of the driest months on record. we think some found the storms as well as prolonged spells of rain. i think the most southern areas that with sundry shows, expected in post over the next few days, but elsewhere, more northern areas west in australia, central and off in the north of australia. it is a very wide picture. we've got some cloud but lots of sunshine as well. a few showers coming into northern areas of queensland, but it stays very wet in sydney over the next few days with coastal areas. seeing
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those showers as we go wednesday into thursday and the development of some heavy rain across northwest in areas of new south wales and southern parts of queensland . now we'll see something of a cool down in tasmania on thursday. and those cool conditions sweep across new zealand as wet weather works its way from the south island to the north island, bring temperatures down. * on the christ church, 13 degrees celsius that on wednesday some improvements to come on thursday, but looking west for the north island with some stronger wins. and as it moved to southeast asia it was still seen some very heavy rain. oh cool, southern areas. it's very hot. in the north, the the, the latest news as a boeing a military response for situation we mean kind of nationwide with detailed coverage
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. it's only taking a few hours to turn the city streets into canals, rooms and isolated from around the world, showing by russian full season of leave and, and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a say in any of this the medical workforce has been so and divided by the british government from time on hub voices. tick tock has been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? read the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder of our top stores, the sell it to you in human rights agency says it's troubled by the treatment of students who are purchasing in solidarity with palestinians at us. universities. students have found to stay intensive in cameron's, until the demands of mid. they've now raised the palestinian flag of the 2 universities as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu as bound to attack rumford and southern cancer. whether or not there was a 65 deal. that's as the white house is, the lights of 65 dealers, a good one and from us should except as well, the un office for human rights has its troubles by the treatment of students who are protesting in solidarity with palestinians and us universities. we have to
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travel by a series of heavy hand that the steps they can to dispense and this month of practice, the cause university campuses in the united states of america, freedom of expression and the right. the peaceful assembly are from the mental to society. practically one day, the shack disagreement on major issues as they are in relation to the conflict in the side while this, the new 33 and is where i the students at the american university is by roads have also joined in the global student protest movement. the hundreds gathered on the campus to demand the institution disclose 80 times is riley linked companies. they described as well as bore on guns as a genocide and called on as routes and stuff. it's a tags both on garza and living on as well. students and universities across they've been on have joined the level solidarity purchase demand digging into,
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as well as the atrocities against the palestinians. people saying hold on was that one of those gatherings. we are an american university available in the university 11 on are holding protests in support of thomas in the us. they are chanting anti as roles or means a monthly or maybe old ones of elections or communications with other companies that are assisting give you a for inside. safe is where you are, such as h, b, and other companies. this is really also a show of support the solid. there are 2 protests and universities across the world. people here are protesting what they say is us support for as well. and it's more on garza my method here as opposed to anybody's students at a b. s the call for the deposit of building and raising awareness that expands to
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boundaries of mission diversity to boycott, understand and uh, supports of the policy and said unto of all this guy and isn't it like events and nothing that i've seen in finding this over the past 200, these constant one being constant over 35000 civilians, innocent civilians. so this is the basic things that you can provide. i brothers and sisters and gaus students here are also denouncing any attempt to normalize relations with this route center for their elza 0. they do multiple us officials from the defense secretary to the state department side. washington will oppose any is really military operation and proffer that does all sufficiently protect civilians and displacements is the us as soon as any such plan from these riley's, it continues to be the case. so we have not seen a credible plan. that's what address the varying areas of concerns and you've heard me talk about
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a number of times from here and others primarily the ability to address the serious humanitarian concerns surrounding again rochester, or region one. and 1000000 people seeking refuge to an area that continues to be an important conduit for humanitarian aid, as well as the safety partner before nationals. and so any kind of operation that's that does not address some of these key concerns. uh would certainly be opposed by us. the you ins top court has ruled against a order in germany to hold um, sales to israel. the case was found by nicaragua and accused billing filing to prevent genocide and garza by continuing to sell um its the lights. this case involving as route before the international court of justice. so the effort to approach the cause in december accusing israel of committing genocide filling marks has moved from the hike. there was 2 specific issues. one was very much factual. let's start with that. they accepted the statements made by the german legal team
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that since october, the 7th, no any has that been a massive reduction in the value of the military related trends? first israel, but the vast, vast majority around 90 percent of the value of all those transfers was for non lethal material. they acknowledge that had been 300 onto tank missiles sold from germany in to israel. they said that the full that was not a huge amount of indication that german support city is ready, ministry was helping that is ready, meant 3 off right inside garza. secondarily, they pointed out that, given the claim from nicaragua was that germany was in violation of the genocide convention. the court has previously itself, not yet rule, but israel is violating that convention and that full there was no legal standing right now for them to issue these so cool provisional measures against germany because germany itself is not seen to be supporting a state that is itself in violation of the convent and that was essentially the 2
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key acceptances and part of that ruling from the quote. today. tens of thousands of people are protesting in the streets of georgia's capital. for the 3rd consecutive day, police find hold of cannon and the crowns of some demonstrations demonstrate as to violence. and the demonstration into basically as against the government circles, foreign influence floor, the photos are really in support of the rolling policy on monday, the legislation will require organizations receiving funds from the board to register as far as the agents is really, i just have of all of our reports from to place a of the process and the children kind of told the laser tonight and sketching phase. as you can see, with swelling masses of people f 3 with just a moment ago, we saw a very spectacular bikers valley, as well with hundreds of design, producing terrible noise. and most of the young protests is only a trick, spread the discontent of with a controversial transpiring. so for an implant snow promoted by the governing
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georgia dream policy for testers, according to the russian law, as the criminal d, as in your similar legislation to silence its critics images have been so they're writing to say a printer sizing the current authorities, the say things the, the on to west or something the whole as a part of your people the. 2 right, and that's why this process are very strong. this was against the all the right and uh, i mean, the values and everybody in your eye besides telling us that which does not receive this not, i think it will be very difficult when, but i think who will do everything for that to happen now is our country will sort of why or these russian government will, we is just will be russia, all do will will disappear,
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the right place right behind me on the high i lead people here trying to feed them . but all the rules, as far as what size are actually supposed to be covering governments, they say that going to work for them in october. the current government is on to the against george's involvement in any conflicts. they are afraid if they'll position wednesday elections in october and comes to power. georgia might be drawn into the russian ukrainian homes next to find on ukraine side. your desktop out of the i'll just be ready to release the georgia is the founder of the world's largest crypto exchange has been sentenced a full months in prison for allowing criminals to load the money on his platform chain pain. john was who resign from finance? in november, i pleaded guilty to violating us money laundering laws. fund is, has also been fined over $4000000000.00 of the investigators found that helped use his bypass sanctions that prosecute his head. so a 3
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a sentence for the form of thoughts. well, so a hit here on al jazeera entity is wrong volcano of roms, again, pulsing more evacuations and pricing the list to its highest level and presents king charles he has his experience of cancelled with other patients for his return to public. choosing the in depth analysis of the days headlines that is the failure to free the captive still being held by him asked how difficult a moment is. this for the prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay in differently as 5 minutes to know that to stay possibly out of j. frank assessments, how to relations decline between them is uh, i'm the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of ministry partners, and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera of
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the for can use president william bruce, how it has held a special cabinet meeting. as heavy ryans continue to lash the country, the death toll from a month of flooding has reached at least $170.00 people. 195000. others have been displaced. catherine story reports from my, my hu town in central kenya. these people have lost all they had homes, belongings and their relatives penny. now one boy can only pray to try and ease the pain. she spelling her mother and 2 sisters were buried under
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debris in flash floods that have slipped my mind. you town exhibits for more cousin i come for you. if it's like i'm dreaming when i saw them at the moultrie, it was a real quad. those forced from their homes are given flutes and food. they're still trying to make sense of what happened. john can with you as neighbors are helping him carry. one of the few things he has been last week rescues found his 9 year old son dead on these checks was done and a bunch of boy you me to him a no, no my daughter will say the what to pushed against a tree that had been uprooted, she was injured, the water also carried me, but i was able to cling on to a branch. the red cross is coordinating recovery operations. the disaster he a started with an optically that had been accumulating,
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want to see if the rain started caved in. the impacts was devastating. the colorado is a stretch of about 150 feet as uh, width. but the length is quite long. we are looking at about 50 kilometers that we actually need to come. this is a challenging operation. 200 volunteers have been deployed as that machine over there is being used to clear the debris and we're talking about water that came down with so much for who's had the huge trees as well. and what is going to happen after this is that the volunteers will use shovels to dig through the mad to see if there are bodies from underneath. the people in the villages are also helping the owner of this call hired some to help him remove important facts. they say they found bodies. some people swept away by the water may never be
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found aloft and say that something they will find difficult to live with. catherine, sorry, my matthew central. can you? okay. no. and indonesia has around to begin prompting authorities to own a evacuations enclosed a nearby airport. now strong has been active since mid april, as jessica washington reports from chicago. it's not very long and indonesia is not so lucy proteins erupted in the early hours of tuesday morning, sending up plumes of ash thousands. this meet his high lightning flushed above the creature and lava spewed into the sky. it's the latest of option in weeks or so kind of activity on form island. the government issued evacuation orders earlier this month, and it says it is hoping to resettle some families. it will provide them with land as it is and safe for them to return home. meanwhile, people living on the nearby tuggle on the island are also being urged to move to safety authorities. a ward,
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the volcano could spew rocks and ash clouds. what's that got me that what i've done, i'm glad that, but the people in talk you land on are in the radius of 7 kilometers from the top of the crate to so the plan is they will be evacuated to see how island can a thought i'd use the airport in manada with the provincial capital, about 100 kilometers away from the volcano has been closed for the 2nd time this month. as volcanic ash is restricting visibility, we closed operations because of the alert levels and 7 in the morning. there are $38.00 planes impacted both arriving and departing, and a total of $3842.00 passengers. authorities have also going to assume he could be triggered if large amounts of low kind of material fall into the sea is home for some of the wells on the pacific area.
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when many tectonic plates the bank that issue canceled the remains in the grip of an extreme heat wave with a maximum temperature forecast to stay above 14 degrees celsius until thursday. and the heat wave in the south asian country is the longest and 75 years will schools were ordered to close on monday. now scientific research has found the climate change is causing heat, wides to increase in frequency and intensity. tended challenging as more from deco no light up on the heat wave, and there is no sign of months and rain bang or there suffer. it's long to stretch overhead. raven 76 years. the mat office said there may be some risk by the 1st week of may when that might be some rain. but the heat wave will continue in may. most people in the straits vendors, those are watching and construction sites and the risk separate lives of suffering . the most because of the humidity and the intensity. and recent studies by rock
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pull up foundation, say that custody a long loses around $6000000000.00 worth of labor productivities annually due to heat stress. now this country is located in the top r jeffrey that is prone to natural disasters and the impact of climate change describes that longer this has been able to cope with it, but not this kind of a draft. particularly when the monsoons stops in a free lender may still september, the temperature goes down. a country that is known for its agriculture production now is threatening by the weather. farmers are worried because the canals and their neighbors are drying up. this is a country that's hardly made that much carbon emissions. yes, it is suffering already hit the global warming and climate change trying to charge
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rate. i'll just say the dock uh with income from the international seem to for climate change in development says the heat wave serves as a wake up call for the dangers of climate change. of the neptune of all, we have a kind of a head of the body shop, but this kind of, uh, it was uh, uh let spectrum last year. also we have some but my address labels. so we have been kind of in a way, uh, because of this is kind of a model up to this amount of that as well as also proving to be a my girlfriend operation. but for managing it just says on the scanned or if it was on government, also site to see the that'd be that's not been ready but know people are government is becoming very sensitive to the complaint that i kind of a from to address this kind of the desk chair 100 is the simply difficult and the address is
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a wake up call that we are leaving and the phone with james was and this problem does not, the only problem is by numbers is the number on the job. so of all the solution lies the marriage, i'm it or something. this is what the share is one of the month hits of engine on ok. i'm just going to change back up the example. this is the kind of progressive to get the parts of the country and people in to have to ask for putting the most of that i, as i understand because we have more than 2000000 population i most living in tucker and hughes. this is the palatial, so bob wise new currency has gone into circulation. the introduction of this inbound why gold was like, is the government's latest attempt to tackle type it inflation. having the tasser has the story from how about a brian puzzle, blah blah says it's too soon to know if this new currency, the ball with gold was big will make a difference to his daddy life like millions of other people living in
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a country with one of the highest inflation rates in the world. he wants to bobby's economy to improve says the cuttings is picked up by something that we get in touch with you in good for me is that we have some more confidence in these cuttings which means that um it to into, to enforce says within the public the zig replaces isn't bobby and donna, which last 3 quarters of its value this year and his best buy gold reserves and foreign currency. the central bank has promised not to point excess of volumes of in you notes or floods the discipline government in the sense that to you can't inquisitive money without it being a corresponding increase in the gold reserves or in the, even in for the next interest rates. but i think it's very important for that to be trusted by the nc into that probably some or did. so did my, the exec to this fix come on to produce a if that regularly. but commodities such as input duties, rent,
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and fuel paid with us dollars. that means and bobby, and still have to change the big into us dollars. the police to be no racing legal money changes operating without a license. undermining the new card and the government need this one people to change the money is in love with the bank and not on the politicians. once and bobby's to have confidence in the new currency at one of the largest markets in the capital. meaning here i haven't seen the zip notes yet. people are buying and selling mainly in us dollars. they say over the years is be more stable than somebody's money. if and use the currency, doesn't the strategy of wrapping that clips translate them into how to my tasks out? britton's king charles has returned to public duties for the 1st time since it was announced had been diagnosed with cancer in february. for britain reports from london. looking relaxed and smiling can charles was accompanied by queen camilla
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for this resumption of his public fixing royal duties. the university college hospitals, mcmillan, kansas center is not where the king himself is being treated. but the royal gesture of solidarity and support for the patients and staff here was clearly intended to send a message, waiting patiently for a glimpse of the king with 2 loyal supporters. glad to see him out in public again . it's nice to see him back. and we will mission, and he's not alone. a cancer to my partner concerts, 121. these guys you guys confessed that she was 40. i am is not in. and i know exactly what the kids are doing and the claim. and you could tell me to baptize to see the patients who got cancer. not, i mean i was, he's not allowed, not alone, even within his immediate family. jones's daughter in law, catherine, the wife of prince william is herself undergoing preventative keyma therapy for cancer. inside the unit of the king toward diagnostics and screening facilities
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hearing about the new melanoma skin cancel vaccine announced just last week. i'm sitting down to chat with long chemotherapy patients. the king sympathized, telling her i've got to have my treatment this afternoon as well. the king's own can. so it wasn't asked in february after a scheduled prostate treatment the previous months. the exact nature of his cancer hasn't been revealed, but the publicity about his condition has seen an 11 fold increase in the number of prisoners seeking medical advice for prostate concerns. it's huge, the popular thing that, that much of these came here today. well, the king is still understanding cancer treatments, many thousands of people choose to what was i have come to the treatment often. we think about that. what needs to happen in order to, to make that possible for people to think, spend such a message of hate to see and hit stay, not quite a full, it's a, it's a public duty for king charles. he's yes to confirm his attendance upcoming demonstrations or the enforcement to paint the color ceremony. but it's
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a positive side whole front and i'll just say era central london. well that, so for this news out, elizabeth from them will be here in just a moment with much more news. the forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congress is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain and how would they govern the dream in the usa of electric, s u. v. is for all the rest on the back of extraction from the minds of the congo and from the bodies of candidly is workers all just the risk new series dying beyond the o. n age pod came into the use of the oil, c suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on
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a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say no double standards to all of us. any, anyone in particular i said to facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy, and this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era in a well filled with b. concerning transformation is underway from the amazon lane 1st to the arctic sea environment are generally still around the front lines lines to reveal the truth as they continue to expose environmental issues and corruption. many have been talking to together let support environmental and ensuring that the truth prevails for the 1st well dressed freedom day conference. and 2nd,
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to the 4th of may 2024. the colleges. when the students raise the palestinian flag at columbia university as protest against israel's wall and gaza disrupt campuses across the us. the hello on elizabeth autumn and this is eligible and live from door how also coming up as well as communist. besides this, this is willing to gone to some of the city of golf. so i just bought calls from


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