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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the police in the us detain at least 100 protesters that a university in boston, as the student led movement against the war continues across the country. the time. so of any age, good to have you with us. this is allison 0 life from the also coming up. it is really airstrike hits, rasa and southern gaza. the bombardment across the strip has killed at least $27.00 palestinians, and that includes 10 children, a growing anger and frustration of israel. thousands of gathered intel of eve
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calling for the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu on june, the whole in front of the union buildings in pretoria where they've been celebrations of south africa's 1st free and democratic election, the pro nelson mandela and the african national congress to power, 30 years ago the, the police in the united states have detained around a 100 people while clearing a protest camp at northeastern university in boston university says the protesters resorted to anti semitic floors, student demonstrations against the war on gaza and spreading across the us. but there are growing efforts by university officials and police to in the protest. it's been a little over a week since students at columbia university began demanding that their school divest from israel students at harvard, a georgetown mit in george washington university. then followed suit and protest
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spread from the northeast to campuses in michigan in texas in california. let's go to my account. it was the george washington university in the us capital mike, we'll talk about what happened at ne and in just a 2nd. but since you're george washington, tell us what's happening there and also how universities in the greater washington area are choosing to respond to campus protests. it is indeed, well, there are a number of universities taking part in the 2nd demonstration. it's being peaceful throughout the period where it's being held at one stage, university authorities also police to move in and move in complement of behind begin what is called university square. however, the d. c. police declined to do so. they said that there was no evidence of any illegal activity, no evidence of anything that was disturbing the peace. they see it as a peaceful demonstration. and at this stage, they all posted either side of the street here. but they all, they told me in the monitoring capacity. well, let's just take a look here at the square itself. now, inside here, there's perhaps a around
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a 100. the students who have set up tents here in the past to 48 hours. it's blocked by this gate, which is being monitored by university security once you're in behind the nobody is being allowed in a pod from those who are already there. this clearly and attempt to try and keep the numbers down inside the university itself. you'll also see as well, but arrangements that'd be made within the squid. a 1st, a tent as being set up in order to help the safety of the students who are carrying on demonstrating so this a very peaceful scenes. indeed, in terms of how this particular venue students are protesting, the ongoing is, randy will in gaza. police as i say, keeping a distance monitoring as students here occasionally holding speeches. but for the most part, this has been peaceful and to the police insist that it must be kept that way. and it's really interesting what you reported. the university leadership wanted law
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enforcement to come and move in, and police actually turn them down now in boston. at northeastern university police did move in what happened there? so yes indeed, that northeastern university, the university of socrates, ospital police help the police didn't move in. they detain some 100 people, it was reported. now what is very important to note is that the university itself says those who were holding students identity cards were released without being booked. those who did not have student tied to entities were booked and charged with a trespass. so it does appear that at north eastern, at least there was a differentiation between those who are actually students exercising the right to protest on university grounds. the objection by the university authorities with the tents that were wrecked,
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it's similar to this. now here at george washington university. the authorities, as i said, did also police to come in. but what they've also started doing, according to students that we've spoken to, is they tag students when they leave the square itself to go into the building surrounding it to go to the boss, run mode, something along those lines. but they are tagged when they use the id fobs to get into the building. they are not being threatened with the suspension, those that have been identified in that way. so from university to university, they'll different ways of dealing with it. ne, in, for example, is just released a statement saying that the matter is the whole campus has now returned to normal. the 10 so down peaceful demonstrations are continuing but no permanent in counseling at the university succeeding the police called in at some stages to protest as forcibly dispersed. but it does vary from university to university. i'm a key issue appears to be the way in which the demonstrations compose themselves in
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a situation like this with all is blatantly peaceful. the d. c. police a staying at a distance monitoring the situation, and i must just that very quickly through that with the d. c. police has no doubt memories of what happened in june 2020, when they forcibly this book demonstrate it's in the streets of washington, dc. good black lives matches movement using that tons and to i guess the optics of that were absolutely a pulling and d. c. police clearly aware that they are being watched in terms of how they respond to this. one of the reasons perhaps why they will not succeed. university authorities request to move in and move these tense. yeah, you're right. that context is probably key to understanding what's happening specifically in washington. mike, if we take a big step back, there's no doubt that these campus protests have spread to the number of quite a large number of campuses across the country. but to do, you know, if it is moving public opinion nationally in the us as
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well, that's difficult to gauge at the stage that had been underway for a number of days now. and to an extent, public opinion appears to be divided many or supporting the students and what is seen as a rightful protest against israel as well and gaza. some are seeing it as a waste of the education and some would put it up if it is public opinion this, but political opinion as well. you've had some republicans visit to university like columbia and put the weight behind those, attempting to quell the demonstration. then you've had others who are going to have the universities to express the support for the students. now you've also got a split in faculties, for example. some staff members at columbia joining demonstrate has to express that and at what is happening in gaza, of the staff members attempting to get the demonstrations removed. so this is a dividing issue, make no mistake, both public and political, but also make no mistake. this is going to have an impact on the elections in november,
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the whole resistance of many as demonstrated here to the us support of israel and it's ongoing. well, what maybe see as i'm qualified support since the beginning of this most recent round of conflict is something that could have a mess. a blow back in terms of president biden's efforts to gain the election. and certainly over the last week, it's alone. it has very clearly become a major political effect to within the election race and united states might. there are many threats to this. mike had a there in washington dc. thank you for your reporting and for the context. a thousands of demonstrators have been marching in support of palestinians in london . a counselor rally has been cancelled citing security concerns, but 8 smaller events by a group called enough is enough which supports is really actions is still going head in central london houses here, as harry faucet followed the march, his progress through central london. so it is ready to start setting off a long,
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wide holding destination. hyde park, as always, concerns about the latest phases of the war. and going to get the timesheet for the sake of rosco. this is as well the 1st boss. since the discovery about spray, if at all, not so hospital and the 1st serves the dramatic scenes we've seen at conferences and the united states, we spoke to some students here i see a while ago. we are too proud to be doing this is bill morris. this thing among the students and i think it's getting to it's in the whole states and are on the wrong thing for the identify. the semitism is also i said you are holding a box together at the same time. it's
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a cost all the safe side points to buy as well. another account of protest by a pro is ro group did take place, though a group calling itself enough is enough station. and a static demonstration alongside the pro palestinian march roots police concentrated. i thought area and touch base for to testing groups apart from each other. the pro palestinian group then ending up here in hyde park, full the rally. they say that this, the 13th such a national protest in london is the latest. but certainly not the last day and tends to continue with this action and support of gaza against the war party. suppose it was
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a 0 london. and there were protests in solid arity with people of gaza as well in germany. william peacock attended to rally in the capital, berlin of the 1000 people. now if it says guys in the north, a huge demonstration by some sound there's nothing like a 100000 people doing what they say in london. 7 which is a passive in general motors demonstrations and very often, even today we go live with germany, small ones and doesn't go, i'm beg of you on the people. the reason being held recap the week of the week. what people want is the same. every demonstration they want to see for now, and they want people to stop sending us through as well. cuz typically gemini, that's the 2nd biggest via obama 3 as well. people say if they stop sending them would make a big difference. they might get some good news next week on tuesday. the case and the language was against germany in the hague. of international court of justice is going to be the fast routing on tuesday about wherever the month urgent measure can be taken,
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including still single sales of items. now they're going to happen. what is known? bismark is a heavy police presence even by germans. then 280 police officers that may say that's because as to what happens yesterday that we're worried about face has been committed in terms of disorder yesterday. refilled thousands of people to pay as opposed to stock. but i can put it in place for free rates. basically, kid, i bought the lease to remove the category, leaving of this part of town by people won't know, defends, it might be, well that's actually quite hard to say it's not clearly defined anyway, we'll see if and legal that'd be as much of anything that the police could seem to be insights in hatred, specifically today they say the receipt. if they hear about males and the rest, anyone say that, you know, get caught in frank. a few weeks ago, i'd say 334 people saying that they allowed there's no physical catches. they say in size, but now they wouldn't be arrested anybody the same about here today, the police say to anyone,
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denies about the visual to exist. anyone buys is very flag. those people will be arrested william peacock. how's your day of the on the ground in gaza is really forces have killed at least 27 palestinians, including 10 children that since saturday morning, the army targeted homes in the state of the camp in central garza and rossa. at least 34388 palestinians had been killed since the war began. were joined. nobody else was yours hunting my mood honey. you're in rafa. you're in southern gaza. we can hear the is really drones above you. can you bring us up to speed? so we said the death toll at least $27.00 pallets, themes killed. what has israel been targeting on saturday? what generally have you observed on saturday or the oh we just got, we just received an update on the number of casualties within the past 24 hours.
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were looking at $32.00 palestinians golden atrocities across the central area. the western part of new and has been here in rough i city and overnight a pack or 2 residential homes were targeted and destroyed and people still feed. many people still missing a trap under the rubble just during the day and they barely hours of this evening. a residential home and eastern part of robot city was targeted and destroyed in civil defense corps on the ground paramedic. find it very difficult to remove bodies from under the rubble, but 7 people reported killed it from one family. an entire all of them are from one family to other people who are shouldering at the same building. it's important to point out that these people are displayed families and evacuated from the northern part and gotten they have been filtering in this residential building for the past month. the states and a separate attack, the center of the area, major side of the talk where a residential home was destroyed as well. natalie, causing destruction to the targeted residential homes that are causing severe
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damage to surrounding houses and areas that further causing further displacement for, for people in the area that haven't really been displaced more than 11 times as 9 people were killed in this attack on this residential home with several other were injured. we're also looking at the very disturbing report of $22.00 brothers who were killed that was trimmed part of china in a city mainly. and how much the residential compound, these 2 brothers happened to be journalists, they were deployed and flying a drawing just to document this year. a level of the trails of destruction caused by this really military when the city was under military, as these they were targeted by the attack of drawing that killed both of them. so so more during this then killed on saturday on what day 203 of this war i believe. and as you said, you're learning that the death toll for saturday has increased at least 32 palestinian skills honey mountain. we thank you for your reporting there from rough
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and southern gaza to thousands of anti government protest as have been gathering once again in tel aviv. as the government continues to face growing anger and discontent. their demonstrators accused the government of dragging out the war. they have also been calling for early elections and for the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign the, on the wing of hamas has released the video showing to is really captive held in gaza since the october 7th attacks the families of i'm re moran and keep siegel have confirmed, the 2 men are shown in the video. they and other families of captive still held in gaza. a once again demanding that benjamin netanyahu, whose government reach deal with home us for their release burden. smith has more from telling me the video. there's like a video release by how much i suppose there is. release the 1st side of life in
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terms of the 7th and the vectors of pain and many of the 6 families the resulting reminder that there is any money to move to those is really, campuses are the 1000000 in shelter. an indication about typically 6, although strongly advise it's a couple minutes. i'm sorry, you said that every time you go to a deal, the sabotage you said is there on how much a no show, no commitment to reaching the safe spot and the whole state to release out into the pressure a prime minister benjamin bit benjamin netanyahu. bees gathering the
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calls very for people who know who is deliberately facing. so the still ahead on elsie's 0 tornadoes touched down across the us, midwest, destroying hundreds of homes and cutting off our to thousands. the hard hit came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered states. pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no delta standards to all of us. any anyone in particular i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy. it is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era foster
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a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from? i'm into the how to rubik language world wide. shea come out award for translation, and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the challenge as well as
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the you're watching else is 0. reminder of our headlines this, our us police have detained about a 100 people, one clearing a protest camp at northeastern university in boston. student demonstrations against the war on gaza had been spreading across the united states. is really attack said guys, i have killed at least 27 palestinian. this said that this till now updated to at least $32.00 palestinians, including 10 children and military palmed homes in the se that's camp. and in russia and thousands of anti government protesters have been gathering once again until a v, as the government continues to face growing anger and discontents. the coalition of a groups that is trying to deliver supplies, the gaza is holding a protest and it's tumble the
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freedom flip pillar coalition and it's no and says 2 ships carrying 5000 tons of life. saving 8 are unable to leave because they have been de registered by guinea the so the vessels operate under that countries flag activists or choosing israel of putting pressure on the west african country. now says here, as i said, big reports from a simple as well as the organizers how the press conferences, central is done. both now ships, concepts, sales without flying a flag, not 2 of those ships of flying the sides of the republic of guinea best. so now over i have to say that those blacks have been removed, including from chicago ship that has thousands of tons of age. now they say that this is a blatant needs political move, an unusual one. now open, i just have the press conference here. they said there's a, there was a request from the authorities in gimme a bustle for an inspection, which they said that was fine. but before the inspection had finished on friday afternoon, they were told that the flags were being removed. so those ships cannot set sale
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that they say the in the communications with the authorities with the destination. the mission to garza was a reference full. so that will also about the call goal and the route, which is highly unusual. they say that usually these authorities are mainly concerned with the safety and standards of the vessels, the bearing, the flags of these ships kinda upset sale at the moment and there's no idea when they will be setting sale. sadly, the republic of giving you be so has allowed itself to become complacent and israel's deliverance. salvation illegal seeds and genocide of palestinians in garza is real. is showing the world the extent to which it will go to deny color scheme. use the a they need to stay alive. some of those activists set to go into submission to try to break the siege of goals and delivered the community. hearing aids will be returning to the home countries, and some of them are very disappointed on here. in istanbul, their protest taking place is a sit and that's been taking place full week, trying to keep
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a full for the people's minds. this will on garza organize this say that they will continue to work to try to make sure that those ship set sale try to break the siege of garza and deliver that commanded to an age of vague data. assembled via the south africa has been marking 30 years since its 1st democratic election, which signal the end of a part died. president civil run, a post that defended his governing african national congress, his record during celebrations. but the opinion polls suggest support for the agency is dwindling ahead of next month's general election. during the whole reports form pretoria it was a celebration of the events that ended upon the date of the civil war and gave birth to a new south africa. 13 years ago,
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president su rema pose said freedoms bills had run out to across the country. that they jo oppression. a new nation rooted in human drive is among the greatest. and the 2 friends of modern history. on the 27th of april 1994 millions of black south africans voted for the 1st time. the election swept nelson mandela and the african national congress to power became known as the rainbow nation. we, i just spend a break freedom day and we is at my g d. we invited to come into the bay as we, as we are, as young as we are. we are central ourselves. and since, as i was young, i know the events to 30 years ago still viewed significance, they delivered the free and democratic society in which everyone now lives with
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rights, with justice, but not necessarily opportunities for the problem. is that a better life the role remains elusive? for many and what the will bank list as the most unequal country on the one in 3 or unemployed infrastructure is crumbling crime and corruption, rice in an election year with the amc losing ground to other parties, the president said he would continue to work towards the vision and deals of 1994 south africans to put that promise many times before. jo, how elder 0 victoria germany is far right. a f d party is launched. its campaign for the european parliamentary elections in june . full suggested could come in 2nd in europe, most populous country. it's meyer and controversy. after an aid of one of his
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candidates was arrested on accusations of spying for china. ukraine says had shot down 21 of 34 missiles that were launched by russia and an overnight attack. most of the strikes targeted ukraine's energy facilities. and ukraine says that it targeted to oil refineries in rushes across nadar region with drones. early on saturday, the attack caused the fire was that the facilities keys also saying that it struck a military airfield in the same region. at least 20 soldiers have been killed and several others injured after an ammunition explosion in cambodia. it happened to the military base in campbell exposed providence. it was not immediately clear what caused the explosion. hundreds of homes have been damaged after powerful tornadoes plowed through the meet us midwest. at least 3 people were injured, and some 11000 homes are without power and the state of nebraska medical suture weeks has more. the moment if to need to touch down in the us state of
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the town of ma took it out at kit entire down the street. there's no houses down there up the street. there's no houses either. it just took everything in about 510 minutes and is gone. this is what's left of the city's airport after today, detached down here, the, the field was temporarily coast passengers been moved to storm shelter as an emergency cruise took charge. it was one of separate reported entities, 5 states on friday, making it the most active day for tomatoes in the country in more than a year. the area is dealing with power outages and gas leaks. the state of oklahoma was also affected as twist as 22 months of farm land, poplar trees flattened tomes and overturn fee cuz the national weather service has wont of pol system so saturday in center plains extending as far as texas
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consumption eve on 20 all right, that's it for me serve any of next is tossed the alpha 0 where we'll be talking to the you an aide coordinator for god. so that's next on else the there's hope sticky. active weather wise in australia at the moment there are shelves running up the queensland coast. there's something going on here, the bite, which means the wind direction probably contains a bit of code that came out from antarctica and the rush. charles in the west. not many and not really weather one to 25 degrees in pest going up to 27. the temperature dropped him at one or in melvin to about 17. was that cooler breeze coming on show but property no more not on their lower than that and use highland farm looking day on monday. gentle breeze mostly sunshine. 17 in christ church and
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still plenty of big potentially flashed for the shower was in southeast asia. the concentration company is going to be in borneo, so that's sunday and monday doesn't mean that nowhere else is susceptible with bone . it would be the focus and still in southern china, we have huge thunderstorms of the top from is this existing, affecting plunging glendon. they might briefly disappear on monday, but then it spread back down again for like monday and tuesday and the early a patch of writing it went through shanghai on sunday is going to be in south korea and southern japan come monday. the story in india, not so much, one of the big sheriffs, but a big heat, particularly in addition and west bengal of the you wills the, caught a duty and a growth using for p, use a cod to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the
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card and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems caught on ridgecrest the moving 200 days have passed since israel launched it's warm colors and responds to the attack by him not surprises, the killed over a 1000 israelis on october. the 2nd, the number of casualties keeps rising more than 30 full 1000 palestinians have been killed. most of them women and children. another 77000 wounded. thousands


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