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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 27, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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she is still able to sing secure, counting the cost on just the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i my optimize the welcome to the news, our life from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. at least 32 palestinians, including women and children, have been killed in his writing phone 5 minutes in gaza in the past 24 hours. us on it's a bunny, sondra slams israel's prime minister for cooling the student, protests, anti semitic mums. it is not anti semitic. to point out that your bombing has completely destroyed more than 221000 housing units in god's up leaving more than
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a 1000000 people homeless. so as he is on from his 1st democratic election, south africa celebrates freedom day with 90, say the governing amc has failed to live up to its promises and thousands of people . the dead. thousands of houses washed away by floods in kenya with more rain on the way and on peace of statements with odious feats, needs the minnesota temples, or one went away from the 2nd round, the b, n. b, a titles. all have all the action for you, right? so this is our, the, the israel's bombardment of gaza has shown no signs of easing. at least 32 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. this includes 8 children, thousands more injured. emergency workers are trying to rescue survivors buried under the rubble. this off to
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a residential building was hit and miss eric comp in central gaza. is there any arabs also intensified over night? with 2 homes boomed in rough uh in southern garza, dark i was doing joins us now from rough uh, in gauze or so. first of all, tell us about this attack on the residential building in central garza into sara county. what do we know about that? yes, um, already been faxed to the user. the minute tree fi to jets have launched a series of strikes the course of multiple areas. it within the past 24 hours of pacifically over night strikes that targeted a residential house and roof off where at least 6 palestinians have for reported killed, including 4 children. now this attack has been at this house has been attacked without any prior warnings, was another bombardment that had taken place in the middle areas. specifically, you know, most a ross refugee camp has killed at least 9 palestinians with at least 30 others
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being one that does mass casualties amongst civilians have been recruited. the leaving behind this way either of destruction and neighboring houses, where it says that have been describing the type to be completely loyalty as the efforts are still ongoing by the civil defense cruise. searching among the deputies of disability in order to look for sit by visiting what have to be later recovered by meanwhile in the northern parts of the gaza strip. these but you tend to units have targeted agriculture. madison baseline. yeah. town where civilians have been looking at the ceiling or just the or that's the level of disruption. and baseline here is unprecedented for a case as they have been hearing loud explosion every now and then in that part of the territory. as governor's health ministry has confirmed that at least $32.00 palestinians have to report of killed within the past 24 hours. it's ongoing intelligence assets by the it's very surveillance of drugs on this call you roughly
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the district in order to find the targets to be attacked, which is the coming hours. thank you very much. like i was in the 14 to us from rough on well the one goes, is left the areas health care system in ruins. the collapse of sanitation systems and the lack of clean drinking water is now fueling the spread of disease as honey . my hood reports from gauze after months of bombardment on suffering, the people of god that have been left within you in the beginning of each because it should be a honda for the situation is very dark and the place is not suitable for living at 2. no toilets, no water, no sanitation facilities, just making it very difficult one toilet and one war to science of 5000 displaced individuals. people are in overcrowded spaces. and this has led to a spread of infectious diseases, very alien to us. even the health ministry cannot determine what these diseases are
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. the lack of showers and hand washing facilities means maintaining the proper highs unit, nearly impossible. by getting water and pour waste management held the breed diseases, carrying mosquitoes and flies, the number of those with malaria. the fever and other illness is rising, whole eligible diseases such as hepatitis and other infectious diseases are spreading quickly. vomiting and diarrhea are among the most whites but diseases among children. israel's war on gaza is also screening the management of medical ways, adequate sanitation and the supply of clean medical supply. and there is no sanitation or waste management when you live industries. there's no sanitation, tools, or equipment to help tools as simple as a broom or sweepers are not available if they are available, they are very expensive. for 7 months, we've had no work or salary and we can't afford buying these necessities. it's not just on sanitary conditions here that are creating health of problem sickness pressed on the problem of the conflict,
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we're not excited. the pressing on post traumatic stress disorders are building into a mental health nightmare for the people of dog roles and tens bombing campaign has eliminated nearly all social services and health care for. 2 recovery will need a humanitarian aid organization. local authority is an international actors to work together. sanitation, waste management and health care, including mental health treatment are all needed immediately. clean water would be start hunting for more. outage of the gaza palestine. they joined now by did united soltani as a consultant, vascular search and with persons. national health service is just returned from a 2 week commission at rough us european hospital with the n g o f h i l. scientific joins us live now from how could you stop by explaining
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a little bit about what you witnessed when you in casa thank you so much for having me. uh, i would like to fire and uh, make 3 more bumps here, please. the 1st of all is the uh, item was uh, commission based on your, your message on our hospital. this hospital is the last working function of the hospital left and those are right now and it is the lifeline for the people for that. and on the work normally essentially basically is dependent on that and the local health care workers are completely exhausted. hasn't been working for the for 7. so anything if that happens to this hospital, that could be detrimental to people who have given file structure. the 2nd is the lack of medical supplies and essentially medications. and not only are you going to, but also in a few of them all community bank hospitals as well because all these community freedom. basically they rely on the you'll get hospital department all for medical supplies. so there is an urgent need to supply as many medications and other
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medical supplies as possible. and the cardboard which i want to make is the, the whole health care infrastructure is at risk of extinction. and it was all right now due to the lack of destruction of the health care hospitals plus the destruction of the medical schools. because of the lack of the medical schools, the medical students are not going to study or do anything. and also the junior make, their doctors have an older patients and training programs left, which means there is no future on the health care for some health care workers in b as a. so i would like to highlight the same bottom parts to it. so this, this is very important because we've already concerns about the health care system being destroyed in gaza. you've just spoken about that being a lack of supplies. and if the european hospitalized is targeted, that pretty much wipe out the last remnants of medical care and goes up because as you say, that hospital supplies of the smaller facilities in gaza. and so tell me then about
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how medical was coping on this. what sort of injuries do you see? so the phonics, almost a major, one of them all to introduce easy data come back to the welfare energy source, which includes basically the shorter slight the rooms and which will be mostly at all the blood vessels. so i've seen the most ages which are created a lot more of the, uh, 80, all the neighbors that are going to be in by messing around the me. so which would make the patients need that are in this and why they will be basically the same for the all the, all the all shorter next, that's fine. so these are the most frequent. then we'll see a lot of los angeles los angeles under torres because they are deserted in the complete fixtures on both the main bones and the limits are around the audio cables and the devastating effect. and people come with dilute games and they are not been bought. who made your invitation essentially, that that was the last who was the many shopping to increase, the shopping is flying. and the goal basically of defending trade in any part of
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the body remove shot. those ties abdomen and chest net in different boxes of or be and then is the burden patients. so because of the desire of loss and different, you know, sort of go back on so you will see a lot of the brands won't as well. so you have to say you described the firearms targeting blood vessels in, in, in various lens. there is also a shrapnel from the bloss that effects every parts of the body and then the bones also. and when you say you, you are performing amputations, this is a often with outs anesthetic because you said it running out of supplies because problem happens that you know, are often get here just aren't gonna be number and then you're not comfortable at that point. there are only 6 pictures which are in new york and hospital, and dark chemical, essentially with the world. one of them, they are awesome. and we also have 2 locations in the code. even many, most supplies and stuff as well. so this is a huge impact. and i think so in addition to this, i think that is
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a huge need to make all of the hospital names of which can have been based on what . busy from the european hospital and doctor how is fine and now being managed very poorly. you will make people there were hardly having to meet once in a week. there is no electricity, there is no gas. there's no water supply. people who do you mind if they get anything, they cannot go get essentially and to get ahold of me is very rare. that's very good at being loss of the water is basically commodity. i have seen patients like who are like nbc or just because of the lack of nutrition and proper food supply basically. and doctors and other risk fucker, which is going to be bringing to the higher risk obligations in these complex functions because they haven't rooms which are not getting back up into markets, lack of nutrition, s at the message skills or did you know,
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thank you very much for sharing your insight norms of ations with us following your trip to to gaza. thank you so much. take care. we take you to the occupied westbank canal. is there any forces have shot dead at 2 young palestinians at the solemn check points near jeanine. the victims were forcibly killed during fighting with soldiers. is there any way to prevent the ambulances from reaching that boating is st, but strongly joins us live from ramallah. any more details that you can chat with us on this right? of the well, with regards to the incidents and jeanine, we know that people have been marching in the street to protest of these deaths. now these rarely describe what happened as a firefight in which they engaged these men and killed them with a denial even in a situation of dealing with a combat, a combatant by his really army. the denial of life saving 1st aid, which we do understand that they let them bleed out for an hour before they allowed ambulances to arrive a common practice by the israeli military in these occupied territories. that is
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a violation of international law and protest and jeanine that followed in the aftermath of this incident. we know that there have been raids in total for him as well. the rate ended just a few hours ago this morning. no doubt a relief for the residence of folk or in the last time we saw major operations in the refugee camp. there. it was a massive operation that lasted in around the area for a 3 days where they were trying to find a leader of a palestinian resistance fighters battalion. someone who still remains at large. his death was reported once the dust cleared from that operation and told him, turns out he was still alive, remains of thorn in the side of the israeli military. now we've also just turned in the last hour that just north and west of ramallah to villages are being currently rated by the israeli military bees rates carry on the numbers, the events, all the facts and figures that come out of it tend to blend together the death toll since the war began and gods are here in the occupied west back is nearly $500.00. we've seen thousands of people entered thousands more detail with palestinians in
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the west bank want people to know is as these things carry on. it as, as talk is carried out by regional leaders about negotiating, a truce between israel and homos and guys, a release of is really prisoners being held by home. us what people want the world to know something they feel the international community is ignoring, is that the rates that have be carried out in the occupied westbank since then, since the beginning of the war have resulted in just over nighted 20 detentions since the war began. 8445 people have been detained have been taken prisoner by these rarely, military, often held and deplorable conditions often held without charge off and not getting any legal representation while they're being in prison. palestinian said that this is something the international community is ignoring as far as they're concerned. these are, is really actions of kidnapping being carried out against palestinians that is being held as part of the conversation being turned out by were leaders. and in terms of any sort of negotiated release of hostages versus prisoners,
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and it all depends on the language policy and to your buddy, very frustrating that, that isn't more a part of the conversation, trying to st bus routes in ramallah for us. is there any forces of arrested more than 8000 palestinians in the occupied westbank since the beginning of the war on garza? those has been released speak about ill treatment, lack of food and medical negligence inside prisons. out of there a spoke to a lot of stuff, a 74 year old palestinian acted as from ramallah, who spent 6 months and on his way to jail. when he was released, his family said they could barely recognize him. the committee mackenzie. we met at an old would've had the restroom of we had the beautiful 10 to milam, a big visit this the late you couldn't, has money. and then when can the point you had said,
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you saw an x and lucky to put them in. and soon as you get the full complement of that, you can access the partial level farm on the fact you have to bundle it off the actual woman nor to papa movie movie. yeah. and in the head that he had to see kinda what had to do from manhattan, but buddha pushed through all the others in, you know, can you walk in and set up all you don't have to fill out you can hit next. so how bad the how much actual job to back into the school system. yep. the set up, i'm the email, i'm gonna photos and push all this to the multitude info on flight. and no,
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i have to look more into how do you on the number of pop in the let me tell you that for i think, what do you have today's way in the us and different how do you solve? i know i had even this probably sick daughter. i'm hoping tennessee said since you loved session as of june, had it been since i've had the successful assets. i know what the company is, he is he in what company that he will assume jeanette. a lie national know hey the, the south africa is mocking. 30 years of democratic freedom and the end of a punch, a rule present so around the pose as defend that his policies, records of government and steering freedom day celebrations in pretoria. the new polls show support for the governing african national congress is dwindling as of next month, january elections, around the post, as,
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as the and see like government has made great progress since coming to power. our task over the last 50 years has been to bridge the huge devise of, well an opportunity in the country between black and white, between men and women, between adverbs and rudo drama. we have done so not only to conduct the injustices of the past, but also that we may realize the potential of any part of me in which every person has a stake in which every person has the opportunity to make it meaningful contribution. and that's going out to somebody to middle up because she's at the alexandra township. and john is by thomas about the situation and the conditions in
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the townships today. well, many here would say that there's very little to celebrate the hud president sort of them up or so talking about some of the challenges of the n t spacing and working at pushing the gap between the rich and poor dealing with any quality. but people who live here say very little, has been done. nothing has changed in the 50 years. for them. one of the women we spoke to is 28 years old. she was born off to democracy in 1994. and she said that she lives a very similar live to that of a parents who lived during a party. and one of the key problems in an area like this and townships like this is one of housing. it's a very crowded area, densely populated, and people say that they've applied for homes that are being provided by the governments, but many are still on a wait list. now the government has provided millions of homes across the country,
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but there is a backlog of at least 2300000 and teachers that grows by at least a 180000. and people who receive homes and those who are on the list also say that the difficulties around corruption, people skipping the q people, skipping the q o people are not getting the homes that they've been promised. aside from a housing problem and they're not being enough homes across south africa, there's also the issue of service delivery. many people here just the home that we're next to, while people live in rooms, they have to use of something, toilets one central toilet for at least civil homes refuse is not collected on time . and one of the key problems for many years, especially young people, under the age of the 2 for one and 3 don't have a job. that's another very big problem. the very high unemployment rate menu of south africa is and again, being 2 issues around for education. the tip is significantly depending on where
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you are in south africa. thank you very much. how many men are joining us that from the alexandra township and you? how does, but let's take you now to for toria. john hall is dining by for us. tell us about the public reaction. then jonah to those remarks from the present civil run, the post, especially how does these crucial general elections next month when x 0 run, the 1st it was addressing a pretty friendly crowd here. this isn't an election event. and so of course, it was rapturous. suppose he was very well received as you'd expect through around opposes or of course state in the struggle against a pod tate all those years ago, he was one of the architects of the dismantling of that system and negotiations 30 years ago, a little over 30 years ago with a then ruling wide national party, he said that 30 years ago, the 27th of april 1994 shackles with cost of freedoms. bell rang across the great country. he reminded the crowd that the union buildings that you see behind me of
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the day when nelson mandela was inaugurated the 1st black president of this country . in 1994 had for a 100 years, been a symbol of oppression and power to describe the dismantling of that system as one of the greatest achievements of mountain history. that was special woods, of course, for nelson mandela, the father of democracy. as he was described, another key figure a heads all of a time. both this is due to the people like that mister rumble coat rather close to offering the intention to continue to work towards the visions and the ideals. this was not an event where it was going to be suggested that millions of south africans, as you've heard from pharma to consider that those visions and ideals a fall from being met, the promise of a better life. pearl, 32 percent, unemployment corruption, rife, one of the most on equal societies on us infrastructure in the k. but had he been aust, so we'll run a pose. a said that's all that for this democracy. he's young. what we've achieved that makes this country a better place than it was 30 years ago. it is something of which one of us should
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be proud. all right, thank you very much. china holland pretoria. was you now speak to eunice carr? him who's been in a n c m p. 's since 1994. he's also a former communications minister and was the leader of the south african communist policy. he joins us live now from peace and lawrence bug. you've been involved in politics since you were 16 years old. what are your selections on? how the country has changed? for the 1st instance, everybody for, for not least global journalist and commented is that this country will have a civil in the late eighty's early ninety's. and it is remarkable not to sort of, mary, that we had indigo shades of transition. there's an academic, we suggest that what you had in the country at the time of the late eighty's was
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instead of a balance of power. you had a balance of weakness. otherwise, you say neither side one and neither side. at last, in the states, the pottery state was unable to contain the amc and then brought a mass movement. and the agency was bad as much as a 10 to the state on the able to over throw it. so the impulse and the state clearly is that it's going to take only a few years ball, even assuming insurrection and the situation that they'd be on the toner. insensibly the partridge state decided to negotiate is one of the most remarkable events of the 20th century negotiated settlement that 1994 democracy. oh, serious friends. the terms of the matter is each remains one of the most remarkable events of the century. and the interestingly, i think most time magazine or somebody else did the survey probably. so we have the end of the century. i'm not sure what the study, 6000 people were interviewed, a pop brand name. needless to say, it was coca cola. the 2nd most popular brand,
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it was nelson mandela and i'm wondering what your thoughts on this i know that the clock. so yes, it is true. i just picked up now a minute before i got you on the screen that the challenges that i'm being conveyed quite often. it is just, it's true. it's true. we do have any problems at the government on the amc itself is admitted that but he did a significantly better societies or problems that we had during a project. but is that not enough? uh, a population. you have 32 percent unemployment, which is hearing from al correspondent that some new challenges facing the, the country economy to terry writing and a great deal of anger, of corruption. yes, all of the major challenges. but just as we would capable of avoiding a civil war and having a negotiated transition, we capable of dealing with these issues. increasingly, i think the amc, we have the state of being more humble. we kind of delivered this on our home. we
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the active participation of business as a private sector, trade union, and civil society into old community organizers. we can solve those issues, but we need to bring together broader a collection of people including all position parties and. ready to deal with these issues. but why, why, why, why hasn't not already happened the right because it's just, i'm just, i'm just, i'm just thinking, i'm no, i'm just thinking about some of the stuff that we're hearing from for me. the miller, who is at the alexandra township, and i mean, i don't need to tell you the living conditions of the country's full black majority of groups, issues, sewage from bus pipes flowing on the street on collected garbage piling up on the pavements and electricity crisis. when they should have mobilized and an organize themselves to, to try and do more to solve these problems. yes, they should mobilize, they should organize, and they should confront the task as the states and a is a government funding problem. what they doing is correct. okay. we support best buy
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to see at the same time while i pull that up, that's is we still be back to that. if you went to another township, you might get a different response, but you know, there's, it may, the fact is, we haven't done as much as we should have, but we certainly have done the, let's take a few statistics i. when we came to power, 32 percent of all people that electricity disproportionately white people as one colored people. how much does it and people have been getting this in mind. and now over 90 percent of access to electricity, except it's true. it's not consistent. it's not happening all the time because of how low achieving somebody. hospitals, if you're pregnant and you have children of the 6, you get pre k at the hospitals where the hospitals are not functioning, to the extent that they should, i think on the apply to less than half of african children of school going, okay. you know, i mean i, i bring that in, but not the one fine. yeah,
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just one final. this find all the problems we provide. 57 percent of the population of this country. social drugs is the highest in the world and you have to have the whitening and equality, you know, the black majority is continuing to live in poverty. i do appreciate the comparisons. you may see the situation now and, and the one before pod tape, but how it, how is the government going to overcome this challenges of people feeling as though their leaders have failed them, especially with the general election coming up and yes, when the election will finally tell him, despite all the doom says, we're not going to get below 40 percent. right. and do you know what a, there's no problem. we can have alliances routine to that. but you see, despite our problems, the state is committed to dealing with them. we're not going to do with them over night. yes, the sewage running and so on. but at the same time, people get the services for electricity and water was provided. they call the 5
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because the income level see all these welfare measures at stake. but we need to get people on a well, we need to create jobs. it started a week ago and i saw throughout the world, the quality is increasing. we have a 2008 global financial crisis with j for us. the green of the bank is we had cool good, which we have to deal with as a developing punch. i'm credited for how many managed cobra. well, you know, it is true there. all those things that people see under my sites the other day that my life to see what they want to say. but there's also a balance to be considered. that this is a country which emerged from the most horrific sending in selection. the situation is true while the 2 years is a long time in the life of an individual in the life of reconstructing a state, it is not long enough, which is not to say, yeah, that's great, thank you very much. the ideal for us. no, i mean yeah, no, i do appreciate your thoughts and patsy can hear bit more from you when that vote
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takes place next month. thank you indeed. well, as we're hearing any off of those under the age of $34.00 are unemployed in south africa. one of them is, valencia believe has been looking for a job since you've graduated from university. this is her story. my name is village . i see any by the way. i live is always in, i'm a, i'm an input. so duster can i study public relations from 2018 to 20? 222022. i graduated and then after graduating i stayed at home during nothing's been applying for what but nothing came up to me. so useless like i've just wasted. i know that it makes me feel like i'm not doing anything to clinton. there's nothing all day. i've been applying. if you could see my sent e mail in a day, i play move at 6 places,
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but to no response. a thing for me, me personally, if i could find a job that my life would be more easier and then accessing what they said, department of labor has inter interested in spanish so that you can gain access to like the youth can gain access for them to find for me to find what can be more easy. i mean, i've applied for it's awesome, it's me being when i go to the system right now, the system itself is not working. and the thing is in this, and i don't know, i appreciate the opportunity to that the government has paid for me. and that's of this page for me for the, for me to go to school for free. if that's the, that was the only thing that i'm grateful for the us. do i believe me in this country because of what the government is? permission of life from
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a 1994. so now i haven't seen any change for me. if you're watching the news, how much was still to bring you on the program, ukraine and russia target each of those energy infrastructure in cross for the missile? have exchanges. student protests in the u. s. against israel's war on gaza, spread to europe, and beyond. and round the drag close in on the line, the good title that's coming up in sports with pizza. the buttons changed a bit. now the rain is falling in western europe. the reason may be fairly obvious is an area of low pressure permit due the 7th day of biscuit, and a warning for the rest of the day of developing quite severe thunderstorms. in western france, the as inherently not particularly warm,
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it's cold enough to give snow up in the parent needs the high ground of pumps from for example, this is mainly right instruction up towards southern britain and then east to veto is warming up considerably with temperatures in eastern europe approaching the low 20. so a steady rise. it's what spring is supposed to feel like it's all going to be. it certainly is nothing to bridge out where that on show breeze means in edinburgh. more like you have a day and it's going to be wet cold. i'm really not. the tool was like late april. so if you overlay the colors, you'll see the reds are very obviously in the central eastern europe. up to the baltic states to southern sweden stockings full cost up into the teens. by the time you get to monday, quite a considerable sleeping fortunes. he has a story in africa as well. and so how from chad west, with all these temperatures during the low for he's all well above where they should be to submit the assistant problem. there's also some right, right. not much, but a few shells stretching quite
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a long way back in land to the the welcome back. reminder of the top stories now rescue teams have been digging for survivors off to a residential building. was his name is sarah camp is riley strikes of killed at east 32 people in gaza over the past 24 hours. elsewhere to young palestinians have been shot deadlines. writing forces in the occupied westbank had been fighting with soldiers at the solemn check points near the city of jeanine. we've continued to follow student protests in america against the war on garza, but we've also seen them spread outside of america into europe and australia, demanding that the schools divest from israel, but their growing assets by university officials. i'm pleased to clear the
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demonstrations as john 100 and explains, and his report from new york another day, another group of pro palestinian students occupying yet another american university, demanding a ceasefire in gaza, end of free palestine. it isn't cam and it's city. university of new york was in its 2nd day on friday, a public institution joining a movement that started at elite private institutions. it is spread from campus to campus coast to coast from columbia university to the university of southern california, which is canceled its graduation ceremony over the protest. the occupations are rejected by university leaders and reviled by campus police who students block from entering the territory they occupied with supported by the swelling ranks of students in palestine and advocates across the us including orthodox jewish
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supporters of the people of the as the 1st of all raising, i disturbs me to my core to see my own people. perpetrating something that we've been doing is this very disturbing. on thursday campus police tried and failed to forcibly clear students from their camp of occupation. the intensive at city university of new york is a tranquil or even a suggestive scene. but what people are worried about now is that new york police will come in and do what campus police putting the new york police department on friday, pre positioned barricades in portable light posts a harbinger students fear of a new wave of arrest that have swept universities across the nation by the hundreds
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at each campus student organizers and university leaders negotiate demands. and it can't stand off the students wanting the investment of university assets from israel and anything that helps it wage war and does university leaders demanding their campuses. it's beautiful to see that there's some of the encampments and the young people are really, really starting to show up and support and demand of the schools are held accountable for their all your relationship with his rarely cabinet agent. as college presidents call him police to clear encampment after encampment the demonstrators build and rebuild in a stalemate that reflects a deeply divided american nation. john henry and l g 0. the us senate to bonnie saunders has slammed these ready 5 minutes have benjamin. that's a meal. who are moxy made, criticizing the protests and the us as an yahoo to describe the demonstrations as horrific. say that campuses have been taken over by anti semitic mobs. this was
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found as response. no mister, that's in yahoo. it is non anti semitic, or pro, from us to point out that in a little over 6 months, your extreme is government has killed 34000 palestinians and wounded more than 78070 percent the form of women and children. it is not anti semitic to point out that your bombing has completely destroyed more than 221000 housing units in god's up leaving more than a 1000000 people homeless. almost half the population is nanette and yahoo! anti semitism is a bile and disgusting form of bigotry. that has done on speaker go home to many millions of people. but please do not insult the intelligence of the american
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people by attempting to distract us from the immoral and illegal war policies of your extremist and races. government to join me here in the studio is toddler, farm roads, and assistant professor of public policy at the doha institute for graduate studies here in dough. what do you make of these protests that we're seeing and says he's not just across america, but we've also seen at 10 in the u. k. all the parts of europe, france, and italy, australia. does this old reflect what appears to be a, a growing global solidarity movement that could possibly shape the course of this war? indeed it does. and it does because of the students and the you cannot, it's hot, it's, it becomes more hard for me to play them through mainstream media. through politicians. i have seen that the national from failing to address don't going to talk to them because you have the impact of social media as well. you cannot hide
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the truth from them. so all these factors have more or less a contributed to this uprising to this uh, a weakening and its 3 to significant because we're talking about students who are members of the, i believe, decision diversities. and it's becoming not worldwide. and so it's a good cause junction, in my opinion, because these are the pipeline for the markets for the economy, the, some of the leaders of the future. so all of which for is for this moment, them to keep growing and eventually lead to a significant change in the public opinion and foot board assessment for additions to take that life more understand when it comes to this. one of the factors inhabiting the change that you describe, that we see these protests erupting in different parts of the world. but is it likely to one power allow 2 attempts to crack down on the protests, not just by police and security forces,
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but also through controls on social media bonding. take talk, for example, limiting the flow of information more draconian measures. it's, it's, it's a very interesting question, but again, i mean with, when we talk about this young, see with this, this of the future leaders. yeah. and i mean it's, it's hard for them to be manipulated. now. i mean, when it comes to social media, innovation, the technology, all these things come, come, come from universities. these are the factors of these ideas, innovation. so i, i think the train has left the station. it's really hard to stop the, this momentum, the but what my thumbs is, it's not going to be an easy trip for these 2. what us, i mean, of course, this stuff just meant the politicians, the work to protect the interest and they will try to address this movement. but let's see how it goes. i mean, i have hope and that has worked in, in previous historical events like the world and faith. not because much of some critical wars. so let's hope this woman took it keeps, it keeps going, the way it is. now, it's interesting,
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you mentioned because the power allows that are the night with the, the anti war movement for vietnam because i guess it was those baby boomers and the students that were part of those protests that have become the need as of today. yes. who is that, you know, conservatives, conservatives, but again, of course, in the general flight mean people change the values can change the priorities that into change. but again, it's a circuit the 2nd 2nd flight that will keep something in the way. it's as though telephone with a thank you. my pleasure. thank you. the ukraine is saying that it's shut down 21 of 34 missiles that were launched by russia in an overnight attack. most of the strikes targeted ukraine's energy facilities. keith is also saying that it targeted to oil refineries and rushes across the don region with drones early on. saturday. attack cause fires. it is key
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and slovenly on square. fine res cables. have said that it struck me for shift. i'm going to treat field, which is actually in that same region, us on our own home and joins us live now from the brightening capital of keys. tell us more about why russia is targeting ukraine's energy infrastructure at this time . we'll just say one of the impacts is going to have is on the ukranian economy and also on the crating and ability to uh, to vote for, to, to power this will and to power its own efforts to defend its front line. so that's one aspect. it's also obviously going to have an impact on the civilian population at the tech, which is one of the power companies in the country estimated the 80 percent of the countries low power abilities and capabilities had now been lost. so that obviously means blackouts and we've been speaking of
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a team will say to power plant or prices in the heart of keith. the set, the, in the case, the power plants have been damaged, the struggle to get the pieces no struggle to repair them for months now, which obviously could take us into winter and ukraine, which is only going to make things more difficult in the country going forward all right john holman, thank you very much. gonna should positive joins us from laska. is there any was there about the way ukraine has a has targeted rushes oil refineries. any any details on that? oh yeah absolutely. uh driven thats hawks uh uh current res berryanne lets say a number of russian regions facing almost daily right now. the russian ministry of defense said that a 66 korean drugs trying to attack precious southern cross, not the region, had been intercepted,
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the lobby on the score refinery came on defy. today, the governor of the crossing to reach and said that a no casualties or serious damage had been reported that the trends had been drummed in several districts of the region. but it took some time, the full fund finance to extinguish funds that the, or refinery in the slot beyond and caused by those you avi's. now the oil refinery partially suspended its way across to the u. a. be a tax. and 2 more trends, according to the russian side, were shot down over the crime in peninsula said these days, as i said, russian energy infrastructure repeatedly being targeted and these latest attacks and not the only case very early on wednesday this week. you korean trends also talk space small landscape. verona is chorused, brianne scanned lip. it screeches as a result. fuel and energy facilities cold font in 2 regions. 2 oil refineries in
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small and screeching in particular came on the side. one of the drums fell in the industrial zone and the seats field lip is at the no lip, it's commit to logical plants was damaged. so ukraine officials have said that destroying rushes, critical imagery, military and transport, infrastructure, and mines, and most crews who efforts, while a kid was western allies, alleged to try to convince ukraine uh no to target rushes, imagery facilities. just to prevent arguments on the world energy markets. you're the shape of a thank you very much. i and so it has for you show you what prompted these celebrations from this colfax that's coming out as for the these are the,
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must these on the drum is they used to march 3 d o t before dawn box with an increase is really ministry preference it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives at, austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the streets for kind of cards. images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tory for is the city often defies the physical we used to be lost on the street right now. look, it's easy to move around. the law could be different and the war and go to change the situation and now we have 70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year a foster and besides with those hungry and suffering in gaza or
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the the better and thank you very much. and then because chief thomas boxes, palestinian athletes will be allowed to compete with this use paris games even if they fail to qualify between 6 and 8. how the student athletes are expected to take part qualification events for the parents. games are ongoing for a number of sports and boxes that if lo, palestinian athletes qualifies on the field of play, some would be invited to by the international olympic committee. the game starts on july, the 26th of to 5000. if you need me to read through greece, the olympic flame is on the mix. blake, of its journey atlanta in carrying the flame has set sail from athens for phones on
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a 19th century sailing ship called the bellum. it will sail across the mediterranean sea and arrive on may the 8th and must say, hey, the other relay 3 fronts leading to the opening ceremony in paris or the minnesota just under was the one went away from the n. b, i pile 2nd round of to a 126109. when over the phoenix suns, the world's now leave the series 3 nothing. it's actually the 1st time in franchise history. this has been the case folder. anthony edwards tops going with $36.00 points on the 9th renaissance and will be able to complete a sweep of the season game full on sunday. the dallas mavericks of taking it to one leading the series against the los angeles to please kindly irving coming alive then the final cost is $4019.00. it'll be $21.00 points in that period. russell westbrook taking orders for stations for somebody to don't judge. and then and p j, washington, facebook and washington post injected full. that's the 1st time that's happened to
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russell in a playoff game. final school, 10190 to the mads. the law seems to be home games against with, with this 3 years ago in a playoff series. game full is on sunday. also in dallas the indiana pacers also to one up into a series of gains to milwaukee bucks who are without storm, any honest and to, to come for, for 6 straight game because of the coughing, dri, indiana taking game 3, not really 121118 ty reese had a book and the hero with the lake falls good and free throw with may spend 2 seconds remaining on the clock in indianapolis. well, with the full points away from a wrinkled, expanding 5th and 6th, a monday got titled coach called a bunch of lots. he made 9 changes to e sign for the match against the rail. sophia, that all to do last scoring the only goal of the game with madrid's 1st attempts on going off to 29 minutes. the 19 year old finding the target on the 1st leave start for the club. that did move 14 points,
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clear of 2nd baseball simona with 5 games left off on a living full have moved a step closer to a pointing on a slots as the next manager. the dutchman is boyce to succeed. you have been tough after compensation deal with up to $11000000.00 was agreed with his current club finald. but before will now take steps to finalize a contract with the 45 year old slots laid final to the unit to be seen side of last season. and the dutch cup this year live full kick off against west time and around hoffman. our cup side have last to obey. last 3 premier, the games and canada food animals slip ups. if they want to push also and mattress city all the way in the type of race, bridge also, and then cdc dollars to us race. so they might have to say something else publicly, but they don't expect for themselves to lose 2 games from the one i don't think so . i don't expect them to do that. if they do it,
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be would be completely silly for what that will be around. so, so i don't think it will happen, but if it happens, then we should be there to me and i fell playoffs. the new york ranges are on the verge of reaching the 2nd round. and so for us, $31.00 went over the washington capitals, the game 3 of a series. the ranges have the face sprinkled of o n h l teams in the regular season. i know you just want me to advance to the next round elsewhere, but we're taking shifts wherever, when by the color of the avalon leading to one in the food period. but that's when colorado clicked in here the avalon school in 5 times to not only when 6 to but also take it to one leaving in this evening. the edmonton oilers also had a big games 3 when they pressed the los angeles kings 61 had mentioned on out to one of in the series ended up getting full show. hey, i tony,
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back to booze from a hostile to run. so crowd, but still managed to help the essential as dodges with 12 to victory over the blue jays. tony was actually and talked with toronto to join the canadian franchising free agency last year, previous sick. and i said that he was about to sign with the blue jays before announcing the 700000000 dollar deal with dodge is just the following day. he hit a home run here, the 7th of the season. as los angeles made of 5 winds on this and we'll finish with some golf that is a day to remember for lpga to repeat, austin's came the american hit a 1st hole in one. it happened that the 2 is late in los angeles. in a 2nd. sure. all right, we'll leave it there for now. i'll be here again later with multiple things that are going to be thank you for your time. the heavy rains of devastated parts of east africa in recent weeks. that means 200 people have died in floods in townsend
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yet burundi and kenya. hundreds of thousands have been displaced, not from web reports now from could judge the county south of the canyon capital. my robi rains mostly come at night leave devastation in the morning. dozens of people have been killed in flash floods, here in kenya, holdings, and one day his mother was one of them. this is what remains of a home and half possessions. 6 people died here. this is exactly the phase. this is where we found them. the body of my mother's neighbor was trapped right across here and it seemed as though my cousin held her ankle with her head lost between her ties. people in the slums of the capital nairobi say the government some little to help president william route, so called an emergency meeting. earlier this week. i also asked the military and
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i'm happy them in the midst of for defends is yeah. to provide some of the capabilities they have to support citizens. it's mostly can use red cross rescuing people and providing some food and shelter to those who've lost their homes. grace, why, why they told us nobody came to help her. and the ones that came gushing in and it keeps happening unless id number, but definitely sometimes you can't get food to eat for the day. so you just one meal in the evening, the water that comes from the upper house is, is a lot. it's read it lot. you cannot sleep at night and have to stay awake in case it comes again at a. the races thieves broke in and stole a neighbor's possessions when they fled for high ground. so she refuses to join the hundreds of thousands of people across east africa, has been displaced by the floods in the last month. scientists say that this kind of extreme weather is becoming more frequent because of climate change,
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and the weather full cost of the site is going to be more heavy rain here in the days ahead. malcolm web houses 0, catchy auto county kenya. meanwhile, hundreds of homes have been damaged off to powerful tornadoes, power through the us midwest. at least 3 people were injured in some 11000 homes without power in the state of nebraska. i'm a costume sherry for, for the moment of tanita touchstone in the us state. of nebraska the town of ha, ha ha, took it out at kit entire down the street. there's no houses down there of the street. there's no houses either. this took everything in about 510 minutes and is gone. this is what's left of the cities effort after tomato touch down here. the if the field was temporarily closed, passengers will move to storm shelter as an emergency cruise took charge. it was one of separate reported entities, 5 states on friday,
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making it the most active day for tomatoes in the country in more than a year. the area is dealing with power outages and gas leaks. the state of oklahoma was also affected as twist as to 2 months of farm land, poplar trees, flattened homes and overtone feet. the national weather service has wont of pol systems to saturday in central plains, extending as far as texas. i'm a consumption eve entre 0 and finally, a young kid of well, that have been trapped for weeks in a canadian lagoon and dodge several rescue attempts for on a fleet itself on friday and indigenous drive on vancouver island have been watching over the orca after its pregnant mother died on a beach late last month. last story wraps up this news outlet that sammy's going to be back with you in just
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a moment. the pod he came in to be used as the oil c suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler sees thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say no double stand to all of us any, any one in particular. i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era guns july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. resident of the coming to the depth and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian capital mind call lead, hama,
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who films and strikes the 2 thousands of life. including his own garza, the last picture on, on, off church solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those stages we want. we want the education reward because the women and my country, they're not sweet. because that's the one we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. we are walking in their footsteps. our ancestors whatever has been done before, can be done. as long as the human being is doing it,
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you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the see to palestinians including women and children, killed and is ready bombardments in gaza or in 24 hours the . i'm sammy's a, them, this is i'll just say are live from dell hall. so coming up a health care system in ruins now collapsing sanitation and lack of clean water is


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