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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 27, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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forward slash e m. the universities across united states are wrapped by protests against israel's world concepts so, so triggered demonstrations in europe and beyond the con, carry johnston. this is out of here and not from also coming up on a taishan. and what's a crisis on the streets of gossip? the reports on how disease is spreading that fears of colorado plus i'm gabriel's onto the united nations headquarters in new york, where they've released their initial findings on israel's claims that some of the
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employees took part in the october 7th attack. and ukraine issues restrictions on posts, votes for victory, age maintained outside the country to address a shortage of troops of hope. the we started with a student protesting united states, the camp set off at columbia university in new york. and sort of down to a kind of style was turned into a movement spread across the us to you. and beyond. students saw the mounting, the schools divest from israel and columbia. they're promising to maintain their incumbent until the demands are met. universities have made several offers, promising to examine into review, done investments. but it's not enough for the students more than 550 protests as having arrested sofa. today is day 203 of genocide for palestinians
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in gaza and nearly 75 years of colonial violence from the apartheid state of israel and amends anguish for palestinians everywhere. if you're not focusing on the brutal genocide currently happening in gaza and the apartheid system, palestinians are living under in all of the occupied palace time. we implore you to do so. it is important to remember why we are here. our encampment here at columbia and in cabinets everywhere around the country are part of a larger movement for palestinian liberation. christmas to me is that columbia university in new york. after 10 days, the encampment here at columbia university is still going strong, alumni and other supporters of the demonstrators are dropping off food. faculty, volunteers are guarding the entrance to the and cabinet, and the students themselves remain here, day and night. they're holding teachers that involve muslim and jewish students together. all of this while negotiations are continuing with the administration.
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but it's clear at this point the university doesn't want a repeat of what happened when they called in the police and arrested more than 100 students. that's just brought out more and demonstrators here at columbia university and all around the country as well. it also provokes criticism from the faculty. the school senate earlier criticized the administration and a formal statement for its clamp down on the students, which they see as a violation of what the university stands for, for a free speech and the right to speak out. that said, the university is also facing pressure from students who say they feel uncomfortable and at least one major donor who has announced that he's angry about what the school is doing here and has pulled his support. kristin salumi, l g 0 new york. and his alan fish and now at george washington university in
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washington, dc. the number of professors inside the college courtyards has gone dining significantly since this time on thursday. now, the reason for that is this right could have been made by the university warning students. it could lose their housing. there's the possibility that they could lose college credits to they might not be able to graduate. i'm not certain the 16 inside the courtyard, but as you can see, it being joined by hundreds are excited to come to give their support to i dear boy, to the project outside the university. and the number of do is have turned up with a to spoken to the cried one of those was a young man by the name of the site, but now he's a jewish student. and he says, there is a very good reason why he decided to add his voice to the protests. here a g, w, does the fight we should be in together. you know, like i said,
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we are the spiritual and often literal descendants of the victims of a genocide. there's another one going on right now. we are watching it live stream on our phones, on our tvs. we should be here raising our voice is i shouldn't be the only one that i am far from the only one. the only jewish person that is here today. and we should all be here standing up against a human ization against polarization and against genocide because we've seen it before and never again. and that means for any body, many of the academics at george washington and also other schools in the washington area have actually sent a note to the authorities. saying that the students should not be punished for exercising their right to free speech. and for exercising their brains to contemplate what is happening in guys. but the authorities have not decided at any point to discuss with the students that demands that the university divest from is really companies that they look at is really academic links as well. and they give it guarantees that those who are protesting will not face any sort of punishment in
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the future. those who are still protesting see the steering on the steering until the demands are met. also sure, i'll just see it at a george washington university in washington dc. meanwhile, rentals is that university of california is assigned to these campus here on the campus of the university of california, los angeles. hundreds of protesters are encamped in a central quad, a part of the university. they are demanding that their university divest itself completely from is really entities and from defense contractors. they say that a lot of their multi $1000000000.00 endowment of, of their university is tied up in weapons manufacturing. and they want a stop to that, as well as more transparency about exactly where the endowment money and the tuition money is going. now we've seen no violence here whatsoever. we've
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seen a very orderly sort of us and well organized students camp here, or they have a food, water, sanitary facilities of their own sort of a self defense force and even a medical tens. the most um kind of a sign of, of any discord or disruption comes from powder protestors who are currently blasting a hebrew pop songs in an effort to apparently to annoy the the, the pro palestinian demonstrators. so this, as part of the apes, largely student run protests, but also there are many faculty members involved, many of whom told us that they're here to ensure that their students are protected and that their rights to freedom of speech are respected. the part of the university has not made any moves to evict the protesters. there are no deadlines
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or ultimatums of been set. and the protesters say they will stay here as long as they have to in order to accomplish their goals. rob reynolds, l g 0. los angeles is ready for states have launched a series of ass strikes on several neighborhoods in gauze, or at least 5 palestinians, including chose that's what killed in the setting of a residential building and ross that several of the injured would take. thank you to to a specialized hospital. the palestinian health ministry reports is 61 people killed in the past 24 hours. perfect as reports now from rough attacks on the guns with strep really did not stop within the past 24 hours of at least 51 palestinians have fair reports of killed according to gauze, as health ministry as weapon recording multiple attacks in a rough hour at least 2 locations being targeted with 2, at least palestinians have been injured and now they are receiving treatment at the job hospital. but again,
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and it says on the ground in the middle areas happened reporting and constant onto the re bombardment and unprecedented rates of strikes that target. residential houses on the farm land with a number of casualties have been transferred to a box or hospitals to receive medical treatment. now these, these unprecedented escalation of military attacks came in light of the anticipated military and cogent for rough. our district as palestinians are following all the latest developments on the ground regarding the political assets being made by regional payers in order to bridge the gaps of this on this type of, of this understanding that we, how my son is valid in order to get for an end for the fighting on the ground as palestinians here believe that they have no one else safe to go to our campuses. how does the euro, rough palestine, israel is war and guns that has left the strips, health care system in ruins. the collapse of sanitation systems and the lack of
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clean drinking water is fueling the spirit of disease. honey, mac moved reports or after months of bombardment on suffering, the people of god that have been left within you in the beginning. if he should, because if it should be a honda for the situation is very dark and the place is not suitable for living at 2. no toilets, no water, no sanitation facilities. just making it very difficult one toilet one war to sign for 5000 displace individuals. people are an overcrowded spaces and this has led to a spread of infectious diseases, very alien to us. even the health ministry cannot determine what these diseases of the lack of showers and hand washing facilities means maintaining the proper hygiene is nearly impossible. beggining water and pour waste management held the breed diseases, carrying mosquitoes and flies, the number of those with malaria. the fever and other illness is rising, whole eligible diseases such as hepatitis and other infectious diseases are
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spreading quickly. vomiting and diarrhea are among the most whites but diseases among children. israel's war on gaza is also screening the management of medical ways, adequate sanitation and the supply of clean medical supply. and the issue with the there is no sanitation or waste management when you live in the street. there is no sanitation, tools, or equipment to help tools as simple as a broom or sweepers are not available if they are available, they are very expensive. for 7 months, we've had no work or salary and we can't afford buying these necessities. it's not just on sanitary conditions here that are creating health of problem sickness, stress on the problem of the conflict. we're not excited. the pressing on both dramatic stress disorders are building into a mental health nightmare for the people of dog roles intends bombing campaign has eliminated nearly whole social services and health care for. 2 recovery will need
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a human to $3.00 and $8.00. organization. local authority is an international of actors to work together. sanitation, waste management and health care, including mental health treatment are all needed immediately. clean water would be start and even more. outage of the gaza palestine and international aid organization says israel has deliberately preventing a shift occurring age and international observers. from reaching garza the freedom for 10. a coalition says israel has created an administrative roadblock to stop the vessel from leaving the port to this time bolt. i said bake has minus ready, but then not setting sail. the 8 has been loaded with the international feed into the 2 that has facebook to organize the site or administrative roadblocks initiated by israel. the leadership act in this business that of the republic of getting the best so organized to say, there's been pressure to have this like removed and stuff, the vista from departing. so i understand the message to the european countries
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about the nations, to, to be participants on the ship and quiet and traveling for them. and also sending a lot of massachusetts, the turkish government to play the challenge from the port authorities. and it's not as far as it was on the freedoms or to the 14 years ago. there's one of the 9 people killed by this reading that you've been, they boarded them of you motor motor, a way to i don't know if was on the, for the to the in 2010. israel continues to deny the entry of life saving age for palestinians and we can't justify while our government to nothing effectively to change the realities in silver plan to sale with the slight saving a but also to confront and challenge israel seeds on the civilian population. but she would now have to wait. no one here knows for how long you had experts had demanded the safe passage for the freedom, such as the closing on these wheels to adhere to international, including recent orders from the international court of justice,
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can show unimpeded access. for too many children aid activists have not been told to return to the home country until the to the is ready to leave. nobody knows how long that will take or if it will do fox for garza. without instructions on political pressure which remains to be seen, but for now the $5500.00 tons of humanitarian aid will remain here. and there will not be a challenge. today's rating siege of cause, as i said, vague a zeta assembled to the to the occupied westbank. not where 2 young palestinians have been shot dead. but is there any forces at the salon check points. net jeanine the victims were possibly killed during fighting with soldiers. is where the forces prevented evidences from reaching their bounties. the 1st of the coming out of their boxing for months in brazil on the government is the landless workers. why can he is refusing to leave that homes despite devastating floods?
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the hello southern parts of china, now brace but yet more heavy, re sundry down pools. as we go through the next couple of days. you can see the little plot systems pushing for oil on may you front, which will flick its way in as we go one through sas dice i pockets of heavy rain. when you do get a sundry down pull, you might well see 304050 millimeters of frank coming down in next to no time. you can see what the yellows, just show up sas they into sunday. the app as most stones around a similar area. pushing royce up into central and eastern positive china at that stage where the weather will make its way across the fall south of south korea pushing into southern parts of japan. but you can see how it links all the way back
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yet more heavy right. coming into the southern areas of china, so we are looking at the flooding the problems here. we go through the next couple of days for the south where we have go to scattering machines into the southern philippines as usual, showers that across most driving the equator. still, clinging on some rain, never to solve the pos of indonesia, a little bit of weather, still clinging on to southern past all best for lanka, really across india, it's really about the heat white temperatures into the forty's for many. so what's the weather for the bond with west, the outcast foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent, subject on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we insure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hub and so it goes through the roof,
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the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the the be watching out this, where am i going about top stores? is universe, the protests and sort of data is kind of started to continue to spread. united states students saw the monitoring, the schools divest from is around $550.00 protests. and the rest itself is ready for 6. have of course asked strikes and several neighborhoods presidential errors and instruct you at least $51.00 people have been
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to the principal out international aid organization says israel is deliberately preventing a ship, a national service for breaching guns that freedom. so to the coalition says that as well as created under administrative roseville, to stop the vessel from leaving the filter is done to ship for now go through further inspection today is planned product to function not to nations says it doesn't have enough information from is very all thoughts is as investigates, accusations that some staff members took part in the all type of 7. the tax un investigate is will return to israel in may, was approved, continues. i'll just say it was at gabriel. that is on there as more from new york in january, israel told the un, 12 of their staff members working for under were involved in the october 7th
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attacks. all 12 were fired and the secretary general almost immediately ordered an internal investigation into the claims. the investigation by the un office of internal oversight services is ongoing. normally, the un doesn't release its findings publicly, but because 16 countries suspended funding to unreal. following the allegations on friday, the secretary general's spokesperson gave an update of the 12 under a staff is real accused. the un has closed one case because no evidence was provided by israel to support their allegations. 3 cases were suspended as information provided by israel was not sufficient. the other 8 cases are still under investigation, ended march and april. israel went to the un with names of 7 more employees. it said also were part of october 7th. one of those cases, the un has suspended as well, pending more information from is real. the other 6 remained under investigation the
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you and said it was looking into what it calls corrective measures for the staff member, whose case was closed. the, the secretary journal wants to be extremely proactive for the sake of all right. uh, for the sake also of, of the, uh, tens of thousands of on the other on, while workers, uh, were continuing to do their job in the most difficult circumstances. right. um, so we will continue, we will go where the evidence leads us and we will continue to appeal to donors just report unable to support underwater generously. you and investigators are expected to be back in israel next month. so their final report is not expected to be ready for at least a few more weeks. gabriel's onto, i'll just see it at united nations in new york.
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the often more than 2 years of will, ukraine is struggling to recruits. new troops is recently passed a no knowing the conscription to age from 27 to 25 on tuesday went further, issuing new possible was from an abroad. so home and reports now from keith, the ukraine struggling to buy men to fight its military command or in the east has said that in some sections of the front line, brushing forces out number, it's 7 to one. now it's governments announced a new controversial measure. it will stop issuing any new passports abroad to military age, but they'll only be able to get them back in ukraine. he wants them to come home is what the ukranian minister of foreign affairs to meet through a cool level wrote in a statement how it looks like now a man of conscription age went abroad. shoddy state doesn't care about it. survival
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and then comes and wants to receive services from the state. it doesn't work this way. a countries will wednesday be able to seem to going to instant effect in the ukrainian possible office in will. so there are tens of thousands of ukrainian men of military age in poland to go to pick up my possible. my goal here is 6 am yesterday we spent the night, but no one's giving us a possible. what do we do now? this is a fight against draft dodgers, but they didn't ask us on the basis we went abroad. how can i be a draft don't j? if i went to broad legally not to tell you, is the neighboring ukraine supports the major. and it's defense minister said like wednesday, these country could help out. we talked about, we've already suggested for a long time that we're able to aid the ukrainian side by helping those who are subject to ministry service. go home. mr. is a test. i think the many of our compatriots feel outraged now when they see young
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ukrainian men in hotels and cafe in here all the time about how much effort we have to make to help ukraine. but will the measure increase ukraine's true numbers? alexi headman is a military analyst and was a major in the army. let's get you. one of the models that i'm going to put along with. we need 3 things. one is the middle tree 8 that we've already got from out part is to is the mobilization of troops and 3 powerful fortifications to repel the russians. these 3 things need to add up, so that were able to find the weapons from a $61000000000.00 a package from the united states. now suddenly beginning arriving and coming weeks, ukraine still missing meant with the john home. and i'll just say to keep you cry, i try and strike on a gas failed in northern iraq, has killed for you. how many workers it's that took place and improvement service to them on the, in the could this region, local authorities say the field which is owned by you a e based company was severely damaged as likely to the to power shortages
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in brazil, anger of a low expected land reforms as seen a wave of protest activists from the douglas workers movement say, president knew that the silver has not done enough. but the conservative dominated congress is accusing him of siding with protest as order can you not give how's the store of thousands marching across brazil demanding land protests marked the 40 founding verse 3 of the longest standing agrarian reform movement in latin, america's largest country. since the beginning of april, members of the land, this worker's movement where the m s. t have organized 30 land occupations in 13 states. establishing camps like this one ancient buckle global view, and the site we are doing our duty pressuring the government to enforce our rights, preserves democratic constitution stipulates that unproductive line should be expropriated, and distributed to those who need it. so they can grow food and not go hungry. this
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land 300 kilometers away from the city of realtors and narrow used to be sugarcane plantation. now the old church serves as the community kitchen jacket, you know, made the associated know where to go. after family was evicted, she hopes to build her new home. here the government has responded by announcing it would invest over $100000000.00 to settle. $73000.00 families by the end of the year. but activists from the landless workers movement say it's not enough. and the quality remains of pressing issue in brazil. nearly half of the country's arable land is controlled by just one percent of agricultural holdings and the farm lobby wheel, significant power and congress. its representatives have a choose the left us government of siding, but squatters and a half proposed to bill allowing the police to expel them without additional
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warrant. we believe in property rights. and therefore, we understand that the laws in brazil should be strengthened in a way to um, you know, not a lot of these kind of movements through happening as people like can need us to box argue that brazil has enough wealth to accommodate both the haves and the have nots like herself. she spent 3 years in a camp, similar to the one she is now helping build before settling into her career at home . today, cheer and so living by selling organic fruits and vegetables at the local market. monica and give all g 0 comp was that was great. that causes brazil in the us, the ohio police departments has released both the camera footage of the arrest of a 53 year old. black mac died off the he was detained. the front tyson
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can be heard repeatedly telling police officers icons. read, i say opinion to the ground to hand coughing. tyson was arrested in the bar of the thing. the scene of a car accident on april 18th and officer can be seen placing a knee on his neck for about 30 seconds. the incidence is reminiscent of george lloyd's death in minneapolis 4 years ago, which on at least a wave of protest against police brutality. on a vietnam's top need is, has resigned this week solved to the president's quit head of parliament sees, and they just see if a good to leave office and it's an antique corruption, clint down on, let's say the principal tablets could have implications for vietnam's economy on the fastest growing in the region. jessica washington for a boon, suddenly using a thought human mausoleum in handling. this is rooms in which the chairman of the national assembly attending his state duties in the morning just hours before
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stepping down with a man. once one of the most powerful men in vietnam, he was wanting in 2021. to probably move further, i will continue to improve the quality and efficiency of the apartments work towards the ultimate goal of setting the people, the nation, and the happiness of the people. but his time and office has been caught short. earlier this month, queen met with china as president susan king in aging, speculation he would be removed from his post had already begun, and his resignation came days all to his assistant was detained in connection with the corruption investigation. vietnam is a one policy state. its top leadership is known as the full appeal is the party general secretary, the prime minister, the president, and the chair of the assembly. it's the latest upheaval in the country's top leadership in just a few weeks. this show a be in relation of the population to roots out for auction, which has me
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a really big problem. so you get bounced out the piece. my faithful, 14 years ago was on the other hand. so those signals are very bad moment for i think this confidence and yet not as many businesses. i worry that the and think options on paying these go to park and it makes the bureau to see really power line is a sweeping anti corruption campaign. has seen hundreds of state officials and business executives prosecuted or forced to step down earlier presidents volva until resigned after what the communist party said was violations and shortcomings. vietnam is due to have its party congress in 2026, with the removal of 2 prominent to contend is for the role of general secretary experts say the lack of a clear succession plan. they created some for the turbulence in vietnamese politics. jessica washington out to 0. this so heavy rains have devastated parts of
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east africa in recent weeks. floods in tons in the air per indian tenea of kills at least $200.00 people and destroyed thousands of homes. welcome web reports. now. the rains mostly come at night leave devastation in the morning. dozens of people have been killed in flash floods. here in kenya, holdings, and one day is mother was one of them. this is what remains of a home and her possessions. 6 people died here. this is exactly the place. this is where we found them. the body of my mother's name was trapped right across here and it seemed as though my cousin held her ankle with her head lost between her ties. people and.


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