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tv   Al Jazeera World Gaza The Last Picture  Al Jazeera  April 27, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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yeah, this is for the original from across the nation, but not everyone supports the idea. maybe i could pass along with them when we had, we see this as an authoritarian decision who's on the 101 east where deals indonesia moving a mega sitting on out to 0. the carriage on the same day. while the top stories on out is here, the camp set top at columbia university new york, and it's sort of balanced with palestine. it's turned into a movement that has spread across the united states to europe and beyond. students saw it demanding the schools divest from israel and the columbia. they're promising to maintain the incumbent until that demands on that. universities have made several offers, promising to examine and review the investments. but it's not enough for the students more than $550.00 protests have been arrested so far. today is day
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203 of genocide for palestinians in gaza and nearly 75 years of colonial violence from the apartheid state of israel and amends. anguish for palestinians everywhere . if you are not focusing on the brutal genocide currently happening in gaza and the apartheid system, palestinians are living under in all of the occupied palace time. we implore you to do so. it is important to remember why we are here. are encampment here at columbia and in cabinets everywhere around the country are part of a larger movement for palestinian liberation. the student protests against the war and gaza has spread across the world in front students occupied. the main building of the science is probably university and paris for hours demanding the institution cuts, ties with israel. in the u. k protests were held at university college, london to demand an end to a search collaborations with arms companies and students at the state. me, university and australia have also been quoting for times, which is relatively,
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since it is really forces of loans to a series of strikes on a several neighborhoods in gauze, at least 5 palestinians, including children, was killed in a setting of a residential building and several of the injured with taken to the to 8 to hospital. the palestinian health ministry says at least 51 casualties in the past 24 hours separately recorded and is ready as try cuz killed a member of the drama as in near alms group 11. and it's very minute trace as it targeted, until the my son cut off who was responsible for planning attacks against israel. the group says 2 of its fields compound as were killed in the strike, which took place in the town of the 2 in the, in southern lebanon. police 2 people had been killed into several wounded by shedding, and the russian control, the city of don't yet, local nap lane, the ukrainian military for the strikes with keepers yet to comment. russian
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officials also send you the training and strikes killed at least 7 others in supper visa gift card and some fest on the us says it's rushing at patriot miss thousands of the defense systems to ukraine of the congress approved a normal way to aid package such as the defense one that the security consequences would be grave and global if russia prevailed in ukraine. also pleased to announce today and additional commitment of $6000000000.00 through our ukraine security assistance initiative. that will allow us to procure our new capabilities for ukraine from us industry. this is the largest security assistance package that we've committed today. it will include critical interceptors for your cranes patriot. and ne sounds air defense systems, more kind of drone systems and support equipment. and can yeah,
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at least 45 people have died off to severe flooding it. parts of the capital nairobi, days of floods across the country are forced to more than 20000 people to flee. the homes and neighborhoods are submerged and many people are missing. president william bhutto, housing emergency meeting on thursday to address the crisis. more rain is expected until sunday. the neighboring attends and they are flooding caused. why? weeks of heavy rain has killed at least 155 people. the prime minister says more than $200000.00 have been affected. krupps homes on the roads destroyed tons in there is one of several countries across east africa dealing with the impact of the el nino weather pattern. well, those, all the headlines and these continues here now to sierra of the elders here a while to stay with us the
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the of the good
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when we're looking to the 1st one for the
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tennis channel, what is the phone at all? yeah, i need it. if the out of 10, i know, yeah, i also want them to send them to accept me in the hallway on i say i'm a little behind on a frequent and the multiple the best i understand that. yeah. and again, both of them fit shortly for the. yeah, and if in your husband tell you i mean the fish or friend fish or what the bubble contracted. and it was time view involved in was in with the, the to football and kind of way to win a sort of a pulse with how's it going to see you on
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a course. i had to tell somebody else. i just said it was the final try to book a lot of us today. ready we will have some water. ok, so what? it will have the most of what it would look like, you know, somebody talking to somebody else. so what i know a who you face saw or where you would add them. you saw what add them kind of a sort of victim kind of the kid that had the stuff either going to be on the bus men. those usually don't want to have the one that has come out of the sudden for some kind of how do you like come on? i love the just the, the mendoza. i'm only i'm of inside of shannon someone who can give it to someone at the see you saw what a ha plus we'll see in the queue the for the, for the software that is already on the 7th day. and then you're going to miss and then for you there will be somebody there. yeah. let me check with you as that. usually i didn't hear someone just hello sylvia i'm i
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would have a sofa couldn't issue if you tell her. you said that the lot of the look levels over with the plan in. yeah, i know so here from the plan, the new campus rooms. phil, how piano is i was in the middle of the assessment and i look at the plan in the system. look and say, definitely, i mean, you've worked with us which if i can before. no, yes. how did the one that had a bad jammed is a hit to infinity de la here by a much and i mean in, in the got the most dis, murphy, i hope the, i'm in the shape. so me and i had the one was you're had my goodness of us to expect these feel with with tell me i'm on the
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well, i'm at this and i left right of the the, how about doing what about bias can be given of his dad and how come you can see little i did this, the defense laquon to them for the must have opened and made any letter to meant that at the score by lesson the who said that that hub had them for the good. and they have to the next, the bottom about us have to be at the point this also little bit about the eloquent tissue for me on the mountain my to do what definitely special from what i've done this before and investment that on the side of the funding on a or from and i live, i live in the hands, the not on with whether to ship it will ship a mccann m in a big level shot, a anonymous. let me kind of need to get an estimate. then by the end of alex, the other end of may then, when it ends in may then have the most of the n as in may then when we globally
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that one of that ends in may then also what, what does that to any of those collusion one of the show up, i'm gonna know what i'm gonna do to achieve. i'm with a global shot a the nanny slice. so what is the, what is it, how did you let them see? i didn't put them on it. mission him now. yeah. dash one who then the end of the will is and out. it's a bit how the gap so that mean little i was in the, the line i'm can you help build more time when i started getting busy, also with the kids that are up to speed what the whole you this with about the cost of the tough out as well as what the gap whole. lemme yada for them and most of the, i know you live with have you had the that a i need, i mean for sure, but bless us. i thought i had a good level of coverage. i like that. i had to count him something dislike must be
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listed on the about of beside full about if the so what one quick i missed the full how to one of them had come into the the course of the cable, but not the to view. the
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sure can be of the me. so either the end of the shifting men. hygiene one was the middle with the in why the money but we were doing that is the best way to but he and i don't know. i don't want that center was, was cetera. it's so different say, or to this i have, well, it added that it is off. well, they said that the has the so heavy and uh, what's the, not for this to have the, uh, well, my daughter, sophia, but a lot of them and we have that the,
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she's the dental, i thought a minute. the somebody that assessed has that almost s can, which doesn't matter for them at the, at the end no assessments and nothing has been decided not to. yes, ma, so sweetly i know last last to the to feel to collect we have the much that i don't have them as it was done one like that is one of my site and this comes from bullet that sort of one of the most or 4 counts have to coordinate this i've yeah, my daughter, how the comedy the about if it's an a good one moment. and if it was special level
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or the abutment of the, of the, of the month had the field with how to protect the government. right. lot, a little bit of rest of the list and also the last one are you want us to look at the annual max record is animal collection, meaning they apply the
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most of the accurate effect of some of the to the how is thought about on base but is it can have a vip stuck, an easy f one document have little if been most helpful, and the most efficient and easy eckleman mortality. but i can definitely, oh, yes, darla. and, and one of the step below,
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you know, how this and the like as well as the how do you have a heavy lead? what develops i had left the other one, it will be one my god be. and the same with such a must have a new back the less than 100 bucks. i have a good the most of my studies. but the problem was, i would reflect in last year said the develop, you have the the business or the 5th about of the all the time i don't, i'm a sergeant the just the so i live, i was in the fear the total solve the problem. like i had to try to send the police on the hurdle of a sudden and the kind of a lot of work to so you only during that time of the size of the get another.
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yeah, i'm just getting us out of this house on the, on the phone because of the fresh way. i'm the governmental morse to the side of it . so what am i doing the women as well? yes, you can have that for assessing what that means for a couple of the the . c the,
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the, the, the, it's a sided had the theme in a city with off model what all of them and i thought was just the shop tenuous motor offer liaison, national for the day out if i'm not on the follow this up and we'll just as somebody that i wasn't an either i look at the mission on a shuttle wasting, definitely to say about the sauce has to about the fact that, let's say out with a size, so can number towards it'd be how come of that. i that i love the kind of, if it was my list of the houses,
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what kind of sort of the mean of somebody and those almost on that. it's only on the food. yeah. and the thought of mobile that these are the best friends in makin 1st all of web. let us leave another month apart. mobile phone for part of them will allow them to sign off on over this lady. i'm. yeah. what? yeah. so yeah, the, so you go to the bottom of how to go and i'll show you what to have shuttle fun with these. yeah. almost all the magenta. yeah. shut off
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unless it's nick from level up beside out of funny will. how one that on, and you also have left a lot, 11 logistics, the best of luck enough. and then again, for the normal, the demo, what kind of service i solve, i can assume that's kind of a, so the sub that will, that sort of upon move from us. or you don't kind of put this about the, the, the, so most of it on the fee is so good. if this is a, if the bus bought the them see that this is from the shot, that was the gun. what kind of pin was for? so the software on the, the, i wouldn't send them again and then the other then why that?
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and then the design of the put the order, the infinity. what for the, what is the for, i didn't know if you have to either select with and done with georgia to administer about how to kind of an official how the office of photos are by the end of the, of the sofa, lin, mccann. and so he will not be an actress of the just not a bit less than i was in the nations balance. i'll be in specialist for them. and in the process or the other, the less of the the was the, was an either the sledge of how so i mean that is it in a real good stuff for the so yeah, so i thought the,
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the. c c the american see them using events. i see that been the most i've been in the local to defend made any sort of list that's definitely best that i didn't know the instant, high back man, 100 us man. so the limited anomaly, the back to the mazda be in the, and i will put them out on the well, my can should have been model how one of the most of the moment, most of the many, it was the service engine and no business. they'll have to. busy ask them, i said that's nothing i can and how going up in a couple of a saw of the, to the federal law shut up on the assumption of the show of headset up to the south
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inside. what do i get to them? i can move rush of a couple of the funny again, it was difficult to know how to ship a so shuttle. i could almost a shed the eh, and you can the smoke of sides. and then in the end, somebody have them again, right? if it was me like you on a look solve, i'll have liam's fishes and so that i'll then i didn't know when he was, i've eaten denby but i don't like the video a come in. and he may see it in the head. that's what the subsidy man doesn't know, does need a new method of her 2nd load with my for that one along. the sluggish was on my head to follow up with me. and after this coming up, we still wouldn't enter what's left on the left to dallas. off the you know, so what and who is mean while i'm at the end of the session i have enough that had this or is that a good that in. so one of the last so the
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. 6 fishing over the phone, surveys for the invitation. i'm so along the yeah. the kind of of the public. i don't know. i didn't ask georgia different and one of them seemed to shut the slough to fall with my mamma believes that so i acted on the, on the 2nd and most of the and the 5 just them and i'm in the see the word for dental on them uh, and the lights mumble, i will follow them, send digital macdougal. just a couple of them as i'm in the show volume and then get the food and i can see how
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the them on hold on a have to come see us as. busy well, familiar to me, i believe instead of going to select on the server or just shoot me flush on the the with i can still get the sofie in with you with this, i've gone on with the dns and i've seen them again. what's the little behind this and this off? what on the the key of them is to have that for whom do i have to go to my other one must i use i have been drawing me to accept will do well. well little fema model. so there's to that in the 2nd cause of the what i'm v b c this month, any, and i remember and then the say in how this with our, how does this dish of washington numeral custody and then we'll call mfc. he has
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a little headset and those that are young adults. yeah. it has the full no more pama the the the center. does you have that still with me. hello. on my shoulders and i had my on my lead. should double look the bottom line. let me look at the 1st. what about the hedge of the let's see what you
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love. instead of looking at the new model, and if the style above i did to your yeah, did she to disagree the story? i'm sure you do both agenda folder that was a bubble fish under a i had to love. so the sad to kids with disabilities had it is or what the end of the humanity is. open the gates of hell in the seats. he's having orlando's would say, as the world discusses, how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. talk to one of 2 on
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just the latest news as it breaks. another massive grey of yours more power city and bought it over 3 of the there i did it is, are large the last and on, on a president and more with in depth for pools. the scale this summit was something they've never seen before from the house of the story, almost 500 me to come work is have been killed in spite because this trip putting more pressure on health care system that tens of thousands rely on the for showcase of the best documentary films from across the network on al jazeera, you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients,
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visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest the carry johnston day while the top story. so now is here. i can set top at columbia university in new york and sort of down to kind of started this turned into a move and spread across the united states and beyond. students saw it demanding the schools divest from israel and the columbia. they're promising to maintain their incumbent and to let the moms met. universities have made several offers, promising to examine and review the assessments. but it's not enough for the students more than 550 protests had been arrested so far. the student protest against the board goes up,
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spread across the world. in front students occupied the main building of the sciences, investing highways for hours, demanding the institution caught times with israel. in the u. k. protests were held at university college, london to demand an end to search collaborations with arms companies and students that sidney university in australia have also been quite the ties, which is relatively, since it is where the forces have lost a series of strikes on this several neighborhoods in gauze that at least 5 palestinians, including children, was killed in the shelling of a residential building in rough uh, several injured taken to the, to a specialized hospital kind of thing. and health industry is reporting at least 51 people killed in the past 24 hours. at least 2 people have been killed into several wounded by shelley and the russian controls that you have done yet. and that co mat blaine, ukrainian, the ministry for the strikes,
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but chief has yet to comment. russian officials also say ukrainian strikes killed at least 7 others and it's a resale certificate. and southern s on in kenya, at least $45.00 people have died off to see if they have slots hit the parts of the capital. and i rode the days of flying across the country have forced more than 20000 people to flee the homes in time. neighborhoods of submerged and many people are missing. the neighbouring tons in there for landing at close by weeks of heavy rain is killed at least a 155 people. the prime minister says more than 200000 others have been effectively krupps homes and roads destroyed tons. and there was one of several countries across the subject of dealing with the impact to the media by that pattern. this contains off the we rejoin, i'll just hear what the uh
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the dog. i like the the, the, the,
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the, to the i visit him instead of this of the yeah the how, when you saw the 11th gunther, the sort of in my, the and those you without them off for the most obvious had them i can the hold on how well no, it was on the bottom of the as it was on the end of the well of the left side of them. so we put them on by the to him of left the bottom of the ship. i law cannot of the for the,
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the, the, the, the
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the full on. busy the data, i'm going to show the delta for the c r. so this of about how the over the how i sit in the bottom of the call. but i do this
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a death. now what did i didn't say the follow up on the be a particular move actual general guy the out of food, which i see in the villages. i come from the chevy and say, a lot of this actually i see in the of come by maybe less of a plan dental come in and look at land, the bottom of the say the cyber 2nd. will that shift the problem on the. busy yeah, the blah, blah blah. so then i can write that, i'm checking the to be, is it the one the status i believe i've had, i've been tells you it's up to this off a little bit of a lot of the stuff from the home can begin to feel mission set the middle for the studies i got in the 555 for all of them in the book. i don't know if it's bundled, but some of them at the front of them on monday i condition i get up with value. i
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mean, i'll give set aside for like a different as the partial amount so that the good when we're looking to miss the 1st one for the the, the
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ssl that hits sassik those they hick looks like there's no way of adding. i live up a little bit in a so she had the little to the left on my back and i wish i had a little who else i have to hand is i'm as low as your balance was by then to be is a swarm of dish i want to miss the dental that's out of my dish. i'm a hello. so not a good this me and it was the citizen why. how of putting up them. ok.
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so this is the fee. yeah. yeah. let's go to issue a quick test. uh, how does that, why does it not come as how they're not at home? how good. oh okay. how's that? she's right. i'm alone. i know. okay. so can i show a gambling that isn't less than the way she could listen? most of most of us and someone will be better once a week with someone, at least. so that's a little kind of the eco don't know for the session. come for with that for last. that was so should it was the how to fit in that
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especially with the with the district good instead of the place which was for the lord have a lot look the 2nd load. ringback for sure, sure. the the the, you know, the the,
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the, the, the, the the you know, the the, the, the the the, the, the, the, the, the. 6 the
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the to hold on for did you say that it was had finished so good what was done was had well now shaheed, so heavy given the some kind of an out of attendance i'm out of applied and what's the deal at the one like added another some shifting of the, which i found it was, it wasn't kind of the, the, what's the most awful much i'm not sure. what is your favorite of what is coming up to that is the kind of the image of what in the
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sun, the thought of one and what of this on a sit on the left kind of thing here, but haven't been and michelle, we have another system that the folks that come with danny and know what had listen, but we had to kind of go with, i know it has just a man who has it, has a window. you should have it set it up on the site. so what typically, what i need to do is i'm just gonna look at when i looked into doing present because this will get a little for yourselves for who the bottom to solve it kind of trimming what the full of tennessee a 100 and then what are to infinity, and if i don't need to kind of say it again and let a couple of times it's what, how yeah. so what i it and about show
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to level with apple without any action it kind of the young get off at the the
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side the and i'm always discuss off almost always laugh i got to to let chad sort of stuff of the game. i had a gun uh which had had low so the elevation is based off of one of the 1st thing. pull up, ship it out, that canada some of the some of the sad and then see you possibly had problems about mental math. now, i live at gm in bed and has a glass of the theater had to of those are the saddest thing that i had of good. i'm not gonna have to have the number of women hedge. you'll medicine these fish
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and then why they give them that. i'm latham and beautiful, said ben, what men are heavy? well, not just because of the intention of deliver yeah, feed fee. i didn't want to go without a sauce though. afraid s web had the major, but i knew facilitator it as well because i didn't wanna and she had to hit the gym the i'm a little talk to them, but if that was that you get lots of teeth. oh it oh my left 5th at the end to a motor as a how did he go to him to and been more so as not to have this i don't oh and was so at the tv it or productive almost the id and ok to go to head in, but i felt to move onto because he's got into that a national by the on the was stuck with the gun when i'm fishing?
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no. what about the only the feeling doing a better fit. i data in this. what are the do mind that i'm about? well, on the ambush, i could with the thought on the demo model, assuming that i'm going to have the book he or she are. so for i'm aware of what the deal is around the one that to special stores. if it to the you can also look kind of a pleasant one is good. uh you can scroll down to the other way. you can fill out of this from there by the way, and on the, on the see about us, how to put you on that so. so any one of the convenience of unconnect the that was
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that a defendant by yeah. and if you could, let me pick a open field on if it helps cool. and if it how you get to the north, also someone had to call us said it didn't get to you and it has kind of messed with that. and so it gets also some of the sense in the play, a credit who would leave sick with the left about moving bits, we are all set. and so i'm just, uh, and that's what i did. okay, so put canada and put in. ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha! i given the houses i live
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within the kia house allows me at this side of the philadelphia, philadelphia the
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these little mythologies, old dramas. they used to march through the old city before dawn box with an increase is ready to admit a cheap precedence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives, costing begins instead of traditional decorations, the street full of carts, images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will or is the city often defies the seasonal suite? use of the law on the street box right now look, it's easy to move around. the law could be different. and warren, go to change the situation and not listen. we had 70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in casa,
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the, however, the weather's looking a little lively across north america there by that particular across the white plains, lots of summary down pools here, 2 areas of low pressure banging together. and that's been producing widespread stormy conditions and this severe weather outbreak last in a few days. actually, it will continue to drift this way. the east was moved funds ahead of that. so that means that we're pushing it across the eastern parts of the us. and it will eventually get squeezed, the re still full team in new york as an 18. that's what they say. but look how those temperatures really jump as we go into some by 20 i celsius and they say, and we could talk 32. by the time we come to monday, much cooler rather than usual, just spilling out to central and western posts of kind of as a way to get that temperature contrast with a life samples will be
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a possibility of some very gusty winds. last highly or tune 8 i mixed in whether in so essential parts of canada on terry equifax pushing all the way down into the deep south of the us and becoming even more wise. but as we go through somebody with a live be still pushing further east with stones continue across the espana. let's build some showers that all the way down into southern parts of central america. the humanity has opened the gates of hell within those seats. he's having orlando's effects, as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. talk to one of 2 on that
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just now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a but it was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are as can you see negotiations being even have this is not important which of these little boards and bushy poles, unapologetic. i'm just asking awesome upfront on out the bold and i'm told stories from age and the pacific on outages era foster a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from . i'm into the 100 a big language world wide shaped. come out a word for translation and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024,
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starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the in the universities across the united states are wrapped by protests against israel square on concepts so, so triggered demonstrations in europe on the, on the front of harry johnston. this is out just here and not from also coming up on a taishan and what's across this on the streets of gossip. the reports on how disease is spreading that spheres of colorado plus i'm gabriel's onto with united
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nations headquarters in new york where they've released their initial findings on israel's claims that some.


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