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tv   Dying Earth Life Before Land  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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rush during its invasion, this is crazy. i reiterated our serious concern about the p r. c. providing components that are powering rushes, prove war of aggression against ukraine. he said this threatens not only ton, his relationship with the us, but with europe too. but there was some areas where the 2 sides agree to deep incorporation, including instead being the tide of power from drugs pension to the us. you know, it's official intelligence and increasing student exchange. no major break service, but enough to keep those of communication open until the next diplomatic inc. katrina, you to 0 to british man accused of spying for china had been granted bay laughter appearing at us. the court in central london form of parliamentary research for christopher cache. and his co accused, christopher berry appeared briefly at westminster magistrates court. they are charged with breaching the official secrets act by providing information that could be useful to an enemy. their preliminary hearing will be held of the central
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criminal court of england and wales that is on may 10th. the largest ever joint military exercises between the philippines and the united states are currently underway and the disputed south china sea. the annual drills run until may 10th and involve more than $16000.00 military personnel, along with more than $250.00 french and australian forces. china has warned countries against operations in the area. the fire has slipped through an unlicensed, homeless, hostile in southern brazil, killing at least 10 people. blaze in the city of 4 to a leg re broke out early on friday. officials say the building did not have a permit to operate as a guest house and didn't have a fire prevention plan. the cause of the blaze still unknown at this stage to kenya now where at least $45.00 people have died after severe flooding had parts of the capital nairobi, days of floods across the country have forced thousands of people to flee their homes. entire neighborhoods are submerged and many people are missing. president
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william roots that were held in emergency meeting on thursday to address the crisis . maureen is expected until sunday, and neighboring townsend. the flooding caused by weeks of heavy rain has killed at least a 155 people. the prime minister says more than 200000 others have been effected with crops, homes and roads destroyed. tanzania is one of several countries across east africa dealing with the impact of the media weather pattern. and that does it for me. so venue, as always, there's more information on our website that's house 0 dot com. the news continues right here, after dying for us, and i'm back at the top of our with a full slate of world news analysis. the now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict
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zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are as can you see negotiations being even have. this is the most important point and bushy poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on how to do the or the
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one on a quest to be to, to find 2 months. the among them to guy, she asked me to do the spelling, good fun to talk to boss toward isaac government. and that's what i'm trying to type in talk to across street. this is actors who to require even to on to into boy e to find you can get a stain uh on it close to the television particularly. so would you like into economic tough month that way?
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she can the boys today. she got them like the winds in springfield and beach by the category 5 bottles to west to me and wrapped from the climate change perspective. almost every climate came back from flooding to site loans for droughts. it barks to bundle with dish and effect millions of people in the enhanced bundle dishes, usually in the top 5 countries as the most vulnerable country in the world. bangladesh has the largest delta in the world at the mouth of the highest mountains of the world. so we are in a very geographically in a very vulnerable position, though it seems sheltered. we are at the front of the site,
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the loans and the floods, the one of the major consequences of human induced climate change. if it continues at the rate that is going on now, is that many, many people around the world living in very vulnerable areas, we've become displaced, they would simply not be able to live with our living, the boys to us. oh, boy, you shut it up once you lam in kyla zillow, quoting see, go. so i'm going to see my mother. see. i'm ok. see, potted boy showed according to all right. the the con daughter i to put
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a one. know it the funny. i've annoyed even when it all body to a letter, i don't acknowledge you by the to the revised quote i should of the by 2050. there will be, you know, 260000000 people who will be displaced due to climate change. but think of funding of this, the data that we have $19000000.00 will be displaced alone in bangladesh, the around 2000 people, every 24 hours arriving in taca city by foot, by side to by which up like bus by the boat. and the disappeared into december, so we have more than $200.00 slums in tucker city. and unfortunately,
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the limits of the human body, which is in the high 40 degrees centigrade or 50 degrees centigrade, are being reached. those who would like to work, they will have to come to tech. what they're facing. it's a big gate is leaving and precarious worked at the so if you look at tucker city now it's unbelievable. the shuffled tied to the t, y that dash 3 pipes new, sharp, a tie car bonded to get in. the
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the do does i buy dash and i get bought it. i land stay. they shop on a block on to monday. the airport machine would you find the n e y got shoot, a good you avalon? same day. i mean not expensive costs good. how much? because the low quality carfax, the guy i ever just need to know, but i like i shoot a goodie. bye stuff is actually shot, but i'll try to put in the shop guys hiding. gosh, good, i'm going to go shop those had been go scrolling,
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the mazda was running, my god, the protect it unplugged the us clear to our magic my zone. it causes them those who to levels quote, to buy stuff in. i crap he just when i'm calling to new life, the new i need the just one i'm calling today talking to the minus. did they keys good day? they'll come out on a cup. they don't need that extra monday to let them the i'm gonna get on managed. let's have them do it. has a on a quest about this, so i guess good. i'm good. gosh, go down the quest to go to show
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a course to wait the the, whether they are internally displaced, people difficult or refugees going across international borders are not recognized displacement microphones or climate refugees by the law. in bangladesh, what you're trying to do is to give them recognition as people who are being displaced by climate change and providing them with some assistance to dealing with the displacement, the
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middle or push to bodily, see. but the knock us click on that looked at this i guess, couldn't say let about that i'm gonna have as good as it last night. the body is only kept them destroyed. well, no, the one that the toilet them on. uh, why should i guess at the front desk with the, uh, is this, is it asking them to that in the answer? didn't that ring and by day is it them to, for this no doing this is arlene is, are with me, maybe says bottoms. i sound like decision at the not in the,
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the deposit of i am going to do sort of income, right. but there's also 2 of them that the siding can do another federal night pen can and cannot directly from the sort of up as it didn't even get pushed to the group cut up. it won't let it pass. a cool, dullest touch by the body. but on hold on this part by the usa automatically to the door, look at it. it won't do the guy. most of us could, well, i know cause a lag, but i'm on that a and bring it in the guard about, you know, the thing is just, i'm not tacit. otherwise, i'm being that the, we used to get super psyched loans in the past decade. second keen names of
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thousands of people, sometimes hundreds of thousands. that doesn't happen. and we've had super psych loans in the last few years with a desktop, it's been less than a 100. we have the best, the best site loan warning protection system in the for what we know by the minute we're there. we can warn about half a 1000000 people living in the cost. and so, and we have tens of thousands of shelters around the core. so they lose their lives, but they don't understand the combinations out as the white one now is in the little much them gallagher, wiley is our gosh, this is chad young with a lot of our reports to times as industry, but the side condo was side tampered. a so i sense in that is i,
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visual of dish is hard to do. i got to do the transaction, right. i'm going to be collecting as well as a condo. unusual. look on the fact that it hasn't, wouldn't be the detective that's headed is a names a mazda. one is headed to using the this is a country that you're fighting for every square inch of land, every one to stream in. what? because c, d, r dodge, they just community initiated disaster risk reduction. they are taught how, how to deal with disaster in the navy and disaster we come. so we'll get to be prepared for the,
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the people the should have known about climate change for well, over a decade we have not been sitting idle. we have been figuring out what is going to do, which parts of the country are most likely to be impacted, which parts of the population of going to be impacted. the bottom of the issue is the land of solutions to climate change. not just the land of lever but people, so we are well on the way to finding ways to deal with the impacts of climate change is to cause a lot of har, but we are finding solutions to that the
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the, the, the new to go over. so we're not going to interest each cartridge a new mother. what kind of going on on it and do people milligram, a digit? the current will kind of do the stuff that they're gonna, we're gonna, we're just going to cover them up by now. she gets to the corner. so like the
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do you have any kind of an amount of adaptations and you should because they're leaving on a freedom just life and death, which is like a very tonight and day was did what it was said. you shouldn't comes to depth and make the best the, or the, the, the, the, the, the team a, she's, you know that to get through the cycling. they needed the body to the other. we know that the kids are going easy. they're going to be near the account on this. i knew more the trunk did go to the devil to go through 3 of them. i didn't go to them. no, no, no. do, don't let me am. i can go to the wrong english. how's it going? good. so the amount of shit, of audio neighbor,
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cuz we are showing it to like the did as you can remember, dixie. these are showing whether they came on this side glue, simply because it is in the future that somebody who has to know the version of windows, it should be able to give me. i want to keep it. there was a good thing about it. almost. i wasn't i like, how would you buy one vegas, do you guys already type with the google did you just want us to center and or is it the, you know, the sort of the ones that are already taken out of the home of the so it goes into the, the bus that goes out, those are the sure where to get some, these items that are the pros. you knew the issue with the $10.00, but there's no the coverage. all right, so you are moody who is your name because or should go through? you're gonna find you if you ever, and i, what about a little decided to do you guys are going to move from over one of these orders. you to go to the sort of the,
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the, in me a very important we have to work with that because the other ones left behind the other replace of the active bowen. and i think this is, this is part of understanding the community listening to the people hearing what the fee and also deeply listening to what the don't. because in the don't say is the be the individually to follow or if a woman is strong. but how does that reflect?
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how can you utilize this if you do not have the black phone off in the so the word needs to be done holistically. and the work needs to be done with the women to get because then the many of them don't want the doing the finalization the last much located around the screen $1000000000.00 of our own money to tackle climate change
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. knowing the country is doing anything yet. so we are way ahead of the rest of the world in terms of trying to figure out how to deal with the problem. because we have the problem today. the rest of the world, particularly the rich world, when have it tomorrow and day after tomorrow. and they will have to learn from us ultimately with the problem in the all the, the showing the bucket, spend a nip on the facing climate change as individual countries. but then again, solution lies in global movement. so we have to globalize our issues so that solutions are negotiating at global living. and in such negotiation, it is important that women have their voice. children have their voice on
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the main domain, they did solutions, we only partially solve the problem, the revisions i should, that they shouldn't be in the quest take on the right order, the product you the event, the go to manage, request time for sort of cost. i might about is
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a time he is an additional charge for the student, the bus, and the key call key for the auditor 0. is that a we should the sale in the door to see what we should go to. what did it go to to the then you start to, to any, to a different place. you do have certain emotion. the battery is which you have to really overcome the, to go through the sense sofa losing your belonging, the
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and the poor. you are not only are you ignored, you don't have this trend. you don't have the confidence of being able to restock lives. the if you work with my groups, you will find that they don't want the force to say not all heading for you, or they want to stay where they are living and continue to be to stay where they're leaving or near, where they, with the more than happy time, the what do they care? what the best way to come come later is good. and i do know how you do. i'm lucky
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for them. in the midst of uh to the 1000 animals and the measure and how the well the cheap threat to shoot for the low cost government quite a bit. i'm gonna lose and gas compared to that. in addition to some of the, i thought that was shut the time. no problem. what are some of those we had? what do they tell me that who shepherd sent on their party was at the same time as a cut that i never do the same done. so this how to see the progress on know quite a lot of the the last of it kinetic is. i was the, with the new shot, the, the,
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the lucia that seemed a little bit slow today. bon, we've told him to go to the dock by a young quarter, but i did i alone. and carlos the bush to i know i'm a god is a toy. excellent. i love for shopping money. excellent. now let's go to bring it in late. the
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next couple of hours to the unit. we've covered the needs it needed that i will be doing the, the forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congo is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain, and how would they govern the dream in the usa of electric,
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s, u, v. as for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo and from the bodies of candle is workers all just the risk new series dying are beyond the own age. your wealth, cekada a duty and a growth using for p. use a card to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems caught on red chris johnson. july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. residents of the coming to the deaf and devastation seen through the eyes of palestinian camera mind lead, hama,
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who films and strikes the 2 thousands of life. including its own garza, the last picture on, on to 0. all the student voices grow louder, protest against the war and gaza spread to universities outside the united states. to france, the u. k. and australia. the serve. any a good to have you with us. this is elsa 0, live from the also coming up and aid worker with the belgian development agency is been killed by and is really here. a striking garza, a slip pillow set to leave turkey for gaza with thousands of tons of aid, delayed
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a group of un experts as calling for unemployed as access to guns and ukraine. issues restrictions on passports for ministry, a.


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