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tv   Al Jazeera World Gaza The Last Picture  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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the, what do you have the 0 enables me to make the other voice is relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the robots as an in doha, the top stories. and i'll just say to students and faculty members from universities across the united states are continuing to protest and supports of pa, this time they're demanding that the university is cut, financial ties with israel says the protests against a lot of you guys have begun at columbia university new york, more than 550 students have been arrested across the country. police in the us city of atlanta, i have a rested at least a 17 students at emory university. dozens of students set up tents and the counselors on thursday morning and support and follow standards. police dismantled
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account, same the students with trespassing. at least one faculty member was among those arrested in powers french students have been occupying the main building of the sciences poll university in solidarity with palestine. i'll just say this natasha buffalo has been out the protest. it was the sign it in the street. the university, the just the assistance is yesterday. they say they're going to say the indians to have their own state. and the time is really universities. some of the banners so we can see it when the say things
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like and so this is janice or the presidency. because what happened to him in the test? hi, principal newton students. they come in and they say, this is another example, the voices when a certain protests are also happening in australia. that research has their setup tens that the university of sydney, students from other universities have been going there to show the support. they've been charging slogans similar to those voiced in the us like calls for divesting from age of any link to companies. belgium has something to be as ready in boston or offer an aide worker was killed in rafa. belgium's development minister the said 33 year old adult and upon and his 7 year old son were among the casualties and it
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is rarely ever strike. it was part of belgium's 8 efforts and the gases type are not traditions wants to see forensic evidence preserved during investigations into mass graves and gaza. that's after guys as a civil defense called for an independent inquiry into the bodies and zoomed from sights of both naso and all shafer hospital compounds. i'll just do this. kristin, sort of me has us, the spokesman for the un secretary general about what happens next. what should they do with that information? they say they need the forensic examination. where should they go for this? what would you, what would the you and advise? and i think it is important, or excuse me, the circumstances to ensure that any potential evidence is kept in a way that is not compromised. we've called for an international investigation how that will take place. it's unclear this time. there's certain bought parts of this
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organization that have the authority to do that. oh, shit, parts of the organization. do you think can be of how well, i mean there's, there's really investigative traffic and with those very right there, there, legislative bodies of this organization that could create and call for an inventor national investigation that has yet to happen. in the meantime, it's important at all forensic evidence of the well preserved chinese presidency during painting says he believes the u. s. and china should be partners not wilds. she emphasized finding common, grimes during talks with secretary of state and to be blinking in beijing, visits an attempt to stabilize relations between the 2 super powers. and those of the headlines, the news has been going to continue about half an hour. don't forget the website. i'll just eat or don't come, stay with us on orders here. the
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the of the good
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when we're looking to the 1st one for the
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tennis channel. what is the phone at all? yeah, i need it if that a can i know. yeah, i mean up to one them and send them to accept me in the hallway on i say i'm a little behind on a frequent and the multiple the best i understand that. yeah. and again, both of them fit shortly for the. yeah. and if in your husband tell you, i mean the fish or friend fish or what the bubble contracted and it was time view involved in was in with the, the to football and kind of way to win a sort of the both we've had to kind of to you on
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a course here to tell somebody else either side of the on the final try to come up . ready we will hit some water. oh, it will hit so what? it will have the most of what it would look like, you know, somebody talking to somebody else. so what i know of who you face to or where you would add them? you saw what add them kind of a sort of 2nd kind of the kid that had the stuff either going to be on the bus men . those usually don't want to have them that has come out of the sudden for some kind of how do you like come on? i love the just the whole day. i love that i am only i live inside of shannon, so i'm gonna give it some one of the of us. so you, you saw what a ha plus we'll see in the queue. the for the, for the software that is already on the 7th day and then you're going to miss and then for you, there will be somebody there. yeah. let me check with you as that i usually i hear
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someone just handle sophia i'm, i would have a sofa couldn't issue if you tell you said a lot of the level. so with the, with one in the, i know, so here from the plan and okay, and those rooms filled hope on, you know, and if is i was in the middle of the assessment and i know the one in the system can say, definitely, i mean we've worked with us, which if i can before, no, yes. how did the one that had a bad jammed is a hit to infinity de la here by a much and i mean in, in the got the most us murphy, i hope the i'm in the district attorney and i had the one who was you're had oh, my goodness of us to expect me see what's,
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what's tell me i'm on the well, i'm at this to my left right of the the that, how about doing what about buys can be given that his dad is how come you can see little i did a said if it was going to them for the must have opened and made any better to meant that at the score but less than the stuff that the hub has in front of the good and may have and make the have to be at the point is also a little bit low on the la quinta, shoot for me on the x amount of money to do what definitely special from what i've done this before and investment done on the side of it from an audio a form and i live, i live with a hand the number to the to ship uh will ship them again. um, in the global try, they anonymous, let them kind of need to get an estimate then, but the blacks, the other ones, and they then when it ends in may then have the most of the n as in may then when
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we globally or that one of that ends in may then also what, what does that to any of those collusion? one of the simple, if i'm gonna know what i'm gonna do to achieve, i'm with a global shot a, the nanny slice. so what, what is it, how do you let them see how they can then on it? mission him now? yeah, that's one who then the end of the will is and out. it's a bit how the gap. so that mean little i was in the, the line i'm can you help build more from what i did get in the business also did a loser office fees or what the whole you know, this with the law for about the tough as well as what the cab whole lemme yada for them and most of the i know you live with, have you had the that a neighborhood mean for civil bless us. i thought i had a good level of coverage. i like that. i had to count him. something dislike must
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be left to the bottom beside full about a foot saw where one quick gun missed the full how to one of them. hit get them into the but the shut off not the cable, but none of the sort of the
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the sure can be up the me. so either the end of the shifting men, hygiene one was the middle with the in why the money. but we were doing that is the best way to but he and i don't know, i don't know that center was, was cetera. it's so different. say your to this i have. well i added that it is off . well, they said that the has the so have a new, uh, uh, with the not for this to have the, uh, well, my daughter, sophia,
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but all of them and we have that the, she's the dental, i start a minute the somebody that says that unless the s 10 should have the most that's not for the month of the at the end, no assessments and nothing has been decided not to. yes, ma, so sweetly. i know the last last course as to the, to collect we have the most yet. and i don't have them as it was done one like that is one of my set. and this comes from bullet that sort of one of the most or 4 counts have to coordinate this. i've got about a hold of somebody the about if it's an a good one moment and if it was special
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level or the abutment of the enemy, of the month had the field and how to assess the government. right. lot, a little bit of rest of the list and also the last one are you want us to look at the annual max record is animal collection, meaning they apply the
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most value of the accurate effect of some of the to the how is thought about on with what is a can have of if that can easy f one document have little if been most helpful and the most efficient and easy eckleman mortality is blocking the darla. and,
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and one of the step below, you know, how this and the like as well as the how do you had you have with the heavy lead? what do you develop a, how lucky or what it will do or like, gotta be in a single assessment. must have a new back on the less than 100 bucks to have a good the most of my studies. but the problem was i would reflect in last you said the, the bad if you have the time in the business or the 5th about of the all the time i don't, i'm is sergeant the, just the so i live i was in the fear the total solve the problem like i had to try to send the police on the hurdle of a sudden and the kind of a lot of work to us during that time on the other side. so how do i feel to get
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another i'm just getting us out of this house on the other phone because of the fresh way on the governmental morse to the side of it. so what am i doing the women as well? yes, you can have that for assessing what that means for a couple of the the . c the,
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the, the, the, if the side has a theme and a city with off model what sullivan and i thought was just the shop tenuous motor offer liaison national for the day out. if i'm not on the follow this up and we'll just as somebody that i wasn't an either i look at the mission on a shuttle wasting, definitely to say about the sauce has to about the fact that, let's say out of the size. so can number towards it'd be how come of that. i that i love the kind of, if it was my list of the houses,
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what kind of sort of the mean of somebody and those almost on that it's only on the food. yeah. and the thought of mobile that these are the best friends in makin 1st all of web. let us leave another month apart. mobile phone for a lot of them will allow them to put some kind of a slightly i'm. yeah. yeah. so yeah, the, so you go to the bottom of how to go and i'll show you what to have shuttle fun with these. yeah. almost all the magenta. yeah. shut off
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unless it's nick from level of beside out of funny will. how one that on, and you also have left the love languages. so the, so the best of luck them of the can for that. and as they need a normal, the demo, what kind of service all the solve it kind of feeling like those kind of a. so the saw that with best of upon move from us. are you done kind of this about the, the, the so most of the fee is still good. if this is a, if the bus bought the them see that this is from the shot to push, the gun will come, but of up to in was for. so the software on the, the, i wouldn't send them again and then the other then why that?
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and then the design of the for the odor, the infinity. what for the, what is the for, i didn't know if you have to either select with and i'm with georgia to administer about how to kind of an official how the office of photos are by the end of the sofa, lin, mccann. and so who will not be an actress of the just not a bit less. and then for the nations balance i'll be in specialist will have them in, in the process or the other, the less of the, the was the, was an either the, this assets and again, the ceiling occur, sledge of how and so i mean, that is enough for the so you know, the source of the,
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the. c c 4 and i can see them using events. i see that been the most i've been in the local to defend made any sort of list. that's definitely best that i didn't know the instant high back meant 100 us man. so the limited anomaly, the back to the mazda being the mean, i will put them out on the well, my can should have been model. how one of the boss, i'm not, i'm was safe a moment. it was a plus the for that i'm in the, it was the service then you know business they'll have to. busy ask them, i said that's nothing i can and how going out of a saw of the to the federal law shut up on the stump of the show of headset after
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that i felt inside, what do i get to them? i can move rush of a couple of the funny again, it was difficult to know how to ship a so shuttle. i could almost a shed the eh, and you can the smoke of sides. and then in the end, somebody have them again, right? if it was me like you on a look, solve, i'll have liam's solution and so that i'll then i didn't know when he was, i've eaten denby but i my goodness, i guess either today or come in. and he may see it in the head. that's what the subsidy man he doesn't know does need a new method of husband can load with my for that one along the sluggish was on my head to follow up with me. and after this coming up, we still wouldn't enter what's left on the left to dallas off the you know, so what, what is mean? while i'm at the end of the session, i have enough that had this or is that a good center that in so one of the last so
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the. 6 just, you know, for surveys for the touching. i'm so along the yeah, the kind of the public, i don't know. i didn't ask georgia different mckenna and one of them seemed to shut the printer slip to fall with my mamma believes that so i acted on the, on the 2nd and most of the and the 5 digit, the and the from the other. i see a word for dental on them. uh and the lights mumble, i will follow them. send digital macdougal. just a couple of them is i'm going to show volume and then get the food and i can see
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how the them on hold on. i have to come see us as. busy well, familiar to me, i believe instead of going to select on the server or just shoot me flush on the the with i can still get the sofie in with you with this, i've gone on with the dns and i've seen them again. what's the little behind this and the software on the the key of them is to have that for whom do i have to go to my other one month i use i have the drawing me to accept will do well. well little fema model. so there's to that in the 2nd cause of the what i'm v b c this month, any, and i remember and then the say in how this with our, how does this dish of washington numeral custody and we'll call mfc. he has
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a little headset and those that are young adults that it has. the former was moved pama the the the, the center is you have it still with me. hello, on my shoes, and i had my on my lead should double the but i look at the 1st. what about the hedge of the let's see that you love
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instead of looking at the new model, if the style above i did to your yeah, did she to disagree the story? i'm sure you the level of agenda folder that was a bubble fish under a i had to love. so the sad to kids like this with these heavy, these are what the end of the house coverage of africa is. what i'm most proud of every time i try will say whether it's east or west sas, scott, people stopping and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not just on their suffering, but also on a more realistic and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in their communities and at p a and unbiased. and as an applicant,
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i couldn't be more proud to be part of a unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a saying any of the medical workforce has been so under valued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices? tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera we're reading eco friendly solutions to come back to our planning. on l. g 0. in a post colonial with the scholars of european imperialism, run deep nowhere most. so then in the democratic republic of congo, wherever restrict history still shapes the presence of the serial. yet instant
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insights through the eyes of a whistle blower and the patriotic ministry. come on. witness presents. this is come on just the the, the a conroe matheson and doha detailed stories on. i'll just say that students and faculty members from universities across the united states are continuing to protest in support of palestinians. they're demanding that the university is cut, financial ties with israel says the protests against the wall, and you guys have begun at columbia university of new york. more than 550 students have been arrested across the country. student protests are also happening in other countries. demonstrators in australia setup, tens of the university of sydney students from other universities have been going
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there to show their support. they've been chatting slogans similar to those voiced in the us like calls for divesting from these radio link. companies, united nations wants to see forensic evidence preserved during investigations into mass graves in gaza. not softer gauze was a civil defense called for an independent inquiry into the bodies and zoomed from side said both nasa and all she for hospital compounds all just need is kristen. so let me has off the spokesman for the un secretary general. but what comes next? what should they do with that information? they say they need the forensic examination. where should they go for this? what would you, what would you advise on? i think it is important. all the, excuse me, the circumstances to ensure that any potential evidence is kept in a way that is not compromised. we've called for an international investigation how
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that will take place. it's on clear this time there are certain bought parts of this organization that have the authority to do that shit, parts of the organization. do you think can be of how well, i mean there's, there's only investigate profitable those very right there, there, legislative bodies of this organization that could create and call for an inventor national investigation that has yet to happen. in the meantime, it's important at all forensic evidence of the well preserved chinese president cheese in pings says he believes the us in china, it should be partners and not rivals. she emphasized finding common, grimes during talks with the secretary of state. i'm to the blinking invasion visitors and attempt to stabilize relations between the 2 supervisors. those are the headlines. news continues here and i'll just jump off to, i'll just see the world. stay with us. the
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uh the
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the,
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the the to the status of the yeah the how when you saw the 11th gunther, the sort of in my the know you got them off for the most obvious had them i can the hold on how well no it was at the bottom of the as it was on the end of the well of the left side of you put them on by the to him of left the bottom of the ship. i cannot of the for
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the . 2 the, the, the, the,
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the, the, the full on. busy the data, i'm going to show the delta for the c i. so this of about how the over the how i
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sit in the bottom of the call. but i do this a death. now what did i didn't say the follow up on the b of a 2nd batch over seconds. you know, when a guy the out of feet, which i see in the villages, i come from the chevy inside. i think this actually i see in the of come by my little less of a plan dental, how many of the kid land the bottom of the say the say a lot of this, i'm checking the ship the i'm on the level by so then i can write that i'm checking the to be, is it the one the status i believe i've had, i've been tells you it's up to this off model. bad for the bulk of the home can begin to fail. mission set, the middle for the studies. i got in the 555 for all of them in the book. i don't
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know if it's bundled but some of them at the front of them on monday i condition i get up with value. i mean, i'll give 7 for look at the, for the partial amount. so that the good when we're looking to the 1st one for the, the,
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the so the hit sassik, those they hit, looks like there's no way of adding our lives up and move it in. so she had that little to the left on my back and i wish i had a little who was i have to hand is i'm as low as your balance was by then to be is a swarm of dish i want i missed the dental. i thought of i might have dish, i'm a hello, so not
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a good this and it was the citizen was how us putting up them. ok. so this is the fee. yes. clear. let's go to issue a quick test. uh, how does that, why does it not come this? how and now how good. oh okay, same house of shoes, i am alone. i know. okay, so can i show a gambling that isn't less than the way i should say, at least the most of most of us and someone will be better once a week with someone at least. so that's the low credit. no matter how cool goes no further discussion of come for with the for not that was there should have
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with the how to fit into the special business would know that with the district good. instead of the advice which was for the lord have a lot look the 2nd lowest for sure. sure. the the, the the the, the,
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the, the, the, the, the the you know, the the, the, the the the, the, the, the, the, the. 6
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the the to hold on for did you say that it was had finished so good what was done was had well now shaheed, so heavy given the some kind of an out of attendance i'm out of applied and what's the deal at the one like added another some shifting of the, which i found it was, it wasn't kind of the most awful,
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much of an issue i will say with the about to tell us the will, that's what it was or what in the thought of one. and what of this on a sit on the glass kind of thing you've been haven't been and michelle, we have another system that the folks that have come with danny. and go ahead with some of the hips candid, but we know it has just a man who has had the who what is the difference? hello, so edifice. said about it, you know, sort of the saw you thought the key when i got the letter, when i looked into june present this will get a little for yourselves for who the bottom to solve it kind of time. it was the full affinity. and then what are to infinity and if i don't need to kind of say it
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again and let a couple of times it's what, how yeah, so what i it and about sure the whole level with apple with the. ringback extra and the young get off at the
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the side the so i don't always discuss all of them as i was last. i got to to let chad sort of and especially jane had to can to she had had low. so the vision is based off of what a 1st name, full of check it out. that canada, some of the, some of these are the theater level, possibly had thrown. one is about another mouth, ledner. and i live a gentleman died and has it was the theater had those are the saddest thing that i
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had. and i'm not gonna have to have the number of women hedge. you'll medicine is sufficient and then why they give them that. i'm latham and beautiful, said ben, what men are heavy? well, not just because of the intention of deliver. yeah, sci fi fi. i didn't want to go without a sauce, though, offered us web had the major, but i knew facilitator it as well because i didn't wanna and she had to hit the jimmy. i'm a little fucking, but if that's what they get, lots of teeth. oh it's hum. oh my la fast boy. yeah, yeah. my motor as a, how did he go to a him to and been most the not have this i don't oh and was so at the tv it or productive almost the id and ok to go to head in. but i felt to move onto because he's got in the that a national by the,
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on the was stuck with the gun when i'm fishing. know what about the, and all the feeling, tuna meta data is what are the do my them about? well, on the ambush, i could with the thought on the demo model, assuming that i'm going to have the book he or she are. so for i'm aware of what the deal is around the one that to special stores. if it to the can also look kind of a pleasant one is could a if can of course on a good way, you can sort of this from there by the way and on the, on the see about us,
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how to put you on that so. so any one of the components of unconnect, the set of japan by yeah, and if you could let me pick a open field on if it helps cool. and if it, how you got to get to the north, also some of how to and you call us said it didn't get to you and it has kind of messed with that. and so it gets also some of the sense in the play a credit who would leave sick with the left about moving bits we, i just hold off on and so i'm just the and that's what i did, i guess i'll put canada and put in ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
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ha. i given the houses i live within the kia house allows. i didn't know i can tell you at this side of the philadelphia,
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top of the some of the packaging interviews for the i. r c, salsa and casualties. we have lots of websites, i love to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful to you. the story on talk to how does era these are the mythologies on the drum is they used to march 3 d o t before dawn box with an increase is really ministry presence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrived at costing begins instead of traditional decorations, the streets, a full tank cods, images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just
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a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will or is the city often defies the seasonal suite? use of the law on the street right now look, it's easy to move around. i think there could be different and exploring. going to change the situation in nablus. we had 70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in casa the color wake up. some very lively showers in the full costs for the river plate, so you can see that from the head just gathering across the se. opposite will rolling down across the uruguay. pushing towards will system pulse of origin taina for the remainder of friday. temperatures take back to around to 19 celsius here,
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but they'll drive a little further north, but the usual shots because central west and pops up for sale, pushing up towards a checklist inside of the amazon basin and to the north. there are still some live the showers just around the southern parts of central america. change shows still rumbling away fund 3, down pulls the left across. hispaniola could see a little bit of localized flooding speed pretty well here over the past few days. it's thing pretty westside with the next few days as well. so we got one, it's a satellite and see a very similar look to the weather here. are you still not? it's on the other hand looking fine and dry. lovely sunshine coming into bob. i just right the way down into trinidad and tobago. fat. it dropped sunshine to just around that eastern side of the us. but some of the stones are gathering across the great plains. they will continue to make my wife by the east was be tempted to trying to come to chicago. and for denver, as we go 135 i emphasized the day is that what with a bush is right across the great lakes.
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the devastation bundle dishes, usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's unbelievable desperation. they're leaving on a free range of life and did the stock reality of climate change and a rapid lease thinking country. you have the problem to be the rest of the work and the have it tomorrow. and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series dying of life before land. it's a scolding and taiwan. but it's too dangerous for peoples of this school in one in to return to class. for pin is needed here, quick cost more than 6000000 toilets. and this is just one of dozens of public buildings damaged by an earthquake. some residential buildings are also beyond repair. this apartment building was one of the most severely damaged. it needs to
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be demolished before it completely collapses. despite the $7.00 magnitude strings at the old quaker, the damage is relatively contained. so let's say that's thanks to taiwan is disaster prepared this, including its strict building the, [000:00:00;00] the, you know, i'm about this and, and this is the news on live from joe, coming up in the next 60 minutes, found a stand in solidarity valley spread outside the united states students and astray upfront, so i'm not a u. k. join the drawing calls for ties to be charged with the israel and the


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