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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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on a freedom just life and did the stock reality of climate change and a rapid leasing king country. you have the problem to day, the rest of the work and the have it tomorrow. and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series dying of life before land. the student protests grow universities across the us denouncing the war on garza and cooling for ties to be couch with israel and its supporters. the hello. i am the margie. this is al jazeera life from dell ha, also coming out. it's important at all forensic evidence. be well presented to you and once evidence from the mass graves and goal is that to be protected of the palestinian officials. say they have proof that people were tortured and executed.
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phase 2 and his election gets underway when any, a 1000000000 people are eligible to cause pallets in the next 5 weeks, a low tank and the secretary of state and china is 4 minutes to meet pat shop relations. the staging and says, washington is suppressing its development. the students across the united states are continuing to demand an end to the war on gaza. the sits in protest onto the university of columbia and new york with late thursday night faculty back down off to having issued a midnight deadline for students to disperse protest as a demanding that their institutions comp ties with companies that have links to israel. john henry begins our coverage from new york. the stand off universities across the united states is forced a national confrontation over us policy on israel and its war on guns. the national
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divide is reflected at the epicenter of the protest movement on new york's columbia university campus is really flags and palestinian flags marking the conflict, half of a world away. demonstrators, a just spike hundreds of arrests here and across the country. and the universities calls for them to leave. they will remain in their encampment. they are demanding the university divest from investments with ties to israel, palm beach for ongoing. we are calling the park columbia university, since i best disclosed it, could you provide m a c for all students and faculty disappointing in the movement for palestinian liberation. and those are central demand in until those on that we will not be going any way. we will continue to protest muslim american congresswoman, johan omar, voice to her support for the demonstrators,
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inside their encampment on thursday. i mean, young people have always pushed our government to do better, whether it was through the civil rights movements and whether it's been to end the vietnam war. i. and i think that they are on the right side of, of history and pushing our country to not stay complacent in the genocide that's taking place. and also to see of news really flags silently appeared this week, meters from the student zone of occupation that has drawn the eyes of the world where alone, calendar approached test or condemned the demonstration to stop the . # to tell you why do i see this as the story, the approaches to intent encampments have spread from coast to coast from new york
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to suburban, chicago's northwestern university, to harvard and cambridge, massachusetts. to the university of new mexico in dozens of campuses, in between. students at columbia university have started a national conversation, whatever happens here, or at other campuses, those protests can get shut down in one place. but that conversation is spread the campuses across the us and they say there's no stopping there. as the clock ticks down to the final weeks of classes, universities across the us are deciding whether to hold graduation ceremonies punctuated biking camp. protesters calls for justice john henry and l jersey or new york. the island. so sure, george washington university in the center of washington. d. c, the professors have been here for hours. the deadline set by the authorities of the
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university to clear the courtyard for people to leave has come and gone. and the numbers have been fairly consistent for several hours. the people here are very clear that they want the best day to start divesting of any interest. it has in these really link companies to make sure that that investments are open and public, and those who are protesting here face new rep, akasha, the protectors have been calling for change and the incest that they will stay here . even with the threat, a police action, even with the threat of arrest until the demands are met. all the fisher, i'll just do the washington with students and the faculties across america, calling for divestment from the israel. but what does that mean? universities and colleges have these endowment funds to finance the research and scholarships. this money is often invested in private equity or hedge funds for test. as of the mounting university stop investing this money in companies,
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the profits from israel is full. like honest manufacturer, lockheed martin or tech joins amazon and google. we have contracts and israel civil action was held across the us several decades ago against the a pod take government in south africa. and 2009 hampshire college divested from and his writing related fund, but denied it was due to a boy called prussia and new university students also cooling for the closure of the schools. tell of these campus saying is discriminant tree. well, heidi drug castle reports now from the university of texas in austin, on the thames clashes between police and student protesters. wednesday have transformed into this peaceful gathering which protest or say is in itself an act of defiance. police earlier arrested $56.00 demonstrators and one journalist that prompted still more protesters to come out on thursday. and they were joined by many university professors. they're demanding that you t austin,
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divest from weapons manufacturers and from companies that benefit is real. and now they're also demanding the resignation of the universities. president j hartzell, who had order that the police crack down on the protest. meanwhile, the texas governor of greg cabot, a republican who strongly supports israel, has taken credit for the plainest texas state police and says he'll send in the military next. the student protesters did not accusations of anti semitism and say they're here to speak out against the killing of palestinians in gaza and against the use of their tuition money to fund that effort. heidi to castro alger 0 austin, texas. so darcy riley's of spread outside the us as well. and the french capital students that are blocked the entrance of the sounds probably university. tasha butler joins us now. and so in his house, it seems as though the students have gathered to protest again off the profile assign protests was broken up
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the rights and i didn't even find the file size inside as well. they've been staging assistant for nearly 24 hours. he knows sources of awesome police as a pretty license person. so i have to say this is now where you can maybe see some of them. i mean, after the window, i would say this is a genocide. we'll say, can't hurt the problems for stages and solve the comp time which is right
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for holding on the french government to do more to protect the palestinian people and protect what they say is being a new version is a freedom of speech in the nation and of course, the police broke up a similar demonstration that happened the day before natasha. we've seen some very violent, heavy handed tactics being used in the us. so tell us more about the way that the response that we've seen. so the student protests is there in front of it. we have to put this in the context at this stage with us. we've seen the furthest light
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but it's not something that we saw some of the educational establishment between thing and the united states calling thing that is not the case, but that were a protest sir. this university, before the police house moved in and moved away. those 1st sessions they've had to break them off because the 1st test is didn't respond to the request by the university to leave the premises. let's say for that for that. so we seem as no doubt that, as i said, the 1st just to say this is very much like to see a wave of process like this across from so there. encouraging all the students to join in on simply to get that message out. do they want some end to the uh, the wars are eligible and goals? they wont. universities across the calls, the cop ties with his way to universities. thank you. tasha butler in, in paris for us. and then in australia, it demonstrates as the setup 10,
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so the university of sydney students from all the universities has been going that to show the support they've been challenging slogan similar to those voice in the us. i cool. so divesting from is righty link companies. alex thomas is at the university of sydney, something more on that in a slightly more civilized, peaceful, australian size, a snapshot really of the, of the process we seeing elsewhere in the world as i speak. probably a few dozen students in tens have settling down for that full nights, a protest to the university of sydney. all the colorful times. you can see behind me the flags, the signs, the banners, slogans, workmen, tools across the tom. i can stall, contrast to the historic buildings here at australia is oldest university going back more than a 170 years, although it is small and hasn't been going a long time. uh, organizers, hey, it's telling me there is a lot of grounds will of opinion in the favor that was
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a much early room was not sanctioned by the university. maybe a 100 to 200 students challenging slogans. as you mentioned, similar to those we've heard elsewhere, crossing campus, getting to the main road, briefly, occupying that main road and stopping traffic before returning here. but really they say they're in it for the long hold and the university for now. i told her i see it, but as for the ultimate goal of students here, who wants the university to come own size with his right, the establishment. i put that question to the universe. they didn't address any financial backing from israel directly, but they told about academic collaboration, saying this, we remain open to winning college links with countries all over the world. we would only consider placing restrictions on all staffing gauging and collaborations with colleagues overseas. if the proposed activity was assessed as potentially unlawful, the belgium has summoned. he is rating on bass of the officer and the aid worker
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was killed in rough or belgium's development minister said the 33 year old i've done enough handling. his 7 year old son were among the casualties old and his re strike. it was part of belgium's development efforts in the gaza strip. spokesperson for the is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who said they were moving ahead with plans for ground operation on rasa. but no timeline has yet been given out you there was honey, my mood joins us now from russia in southern gauze there. and that must be on top of everything else. people there having to deal with some very real fears and concerns about what the targeting of 8 workers could mean for the movements of humanitarian assistance into the, into the gaza strip. the yes will pass the tax on it. organizations and workers on the ground have
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a little some of the organizations to suspend their operations across the strip. this is unusual time times of emergencies that people are in need of the, the flow of mood, efficient, humanitarian aid and a truck to be delivered across the gods from now late over in crowded areas like robust city. but the northern part where there is famine going on and do these ongoing repeated attack just this carries in organizations, deepening the sense of shatter safety and security for workers. and it's important to point out not only to work as being the target, deliberately targeted by this really military. but we've seen a seekers as well in the some of the incidents that took place in the northern part of people gathered around the traffic circles waiting for the aid for flowers, for example, or other survival goods are necessarily needed for that. and we're a talk deliberately victoria, some of them is the flower massacre. and within the past, the 3, the 3 weeks that the talk on the w. c. k. employees in the western part of the
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fence drugs or you just cause the, the beer and the, the products a bad discouragement as well for these aid workers to continue doing their work on the ground. the belgian aid worker who was filtering along with his family members inside this residential home, along with other 25 other people all display as a from northern part gone beyond. what recently the central area, mainly from those i refuge account in this building was killed along with a 7 year old son. it just another incidents another indication that there's really military showing no signs of slowing down. continue with the ongoing obstruction and restriction, but more attractive to right now is the deepening sense of, of shattered safety. not only for a traumatized population, but for those people are trying to help and deliver aid to that honey, my mother, thank you very much. bring us of the latest that from the rough on. meanwhile, the united nations is saying it's important to preserve forensic evidence when
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investigating mass graves in gaza. this off to cause a civil defense quote for an independent investigation into what happened to an officer at hospital in hong eunice. i was just there, as christians threw me off, the spokesman for the one sector general stuff under your week about what comes next. what should they do with that information? they say they need the forensic examination. where should they go for this? what would you, what would the you advise on? i think it is important or excuse me, the circumstances to ensure that any potential evidence is kept in a way that is not compromised. we've called for an international investigation how that will take place. it's unclear at this time. there are certain bought parts of this organization that have the authority to do that. oh, shit, parts of the organization. do you think can be of how well, i mean there's, there's only investigate traffic to those very right there. there,
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legislative bodies of this organization that could create and call for an inventor national investigation that has yet to happen in the meantime. it's important at all forensic evidence, be well preserved. well, evidence of the un schooling to be preserved comes from some of the parties. it was even from mass graves that bus no sir, and l. schiffer hospital compounds. nearly 400 bodies have been recovered sofa type . i would assume reports from rough uh, in southern gaza. this mothers creams evidence the moments before his son's body was pulled from a mass grave. the north or hospital coming down in con eunice took them home with them. how young from gauze of civil defense as showing videos and pictures to a room full of reporters. he wants the world to see the dozens of bodies, the fount i'm to, um, stuff for them like that to of holl affairs. a young girl discovered with her legs
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amputated with a novice. we found the bodies of a number of children. we have. the question is why do we have children and most graves, a child, the patient is still in his crops. a man with his hands tight bolt to the head. in the past week's dr. munoz teams have got that forensic evidence from nearly 400 bodies. the report finds signs of summary executions and physical to, to see about the new test. you know, again, it's not somebody still had the controller on them, which shows they have a patients who are receiving treatment in the most hospital. dental it is, i believe it also has approximately 10 bodies were found with their hands tied. i mean each for the forensic examination, for 20 bodies, for people we think might have been buried alive. they are asking for an independent investigation to check the findings and document them. the is where the military dismissal accusations it's false is buried bodies before the winter to
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come to compound. as baseless is very troops have pulled out of gauze to main hospitals. in recent weeks, civil defense crews lights. i dug up those of corpses from 2 mass graves and the she felt medical center in gauze of 61, at least 392 buddies. when discovered into 3 different sites on the grounds of nicer hospital. more than half of them have yet to be identified. lunging if somebody is in constant english by god, i can no longer bear it every day. i come here in search to sit de. he went missing and every day i come 2 or 3 times to search please, whoever knows any information about him. she tell me, is he alive or was he taken by these readings or anything? and now the u. s. is joining quotes from the using the you and demanding an explanation from israel cooling the discoveries deeply disturbing goals of civil
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defense has asked for an independent investigation, come next, a delegation, specializing forensic analysis. since most of the goal is this facilities have been destroyed, they are hoping to find the full image about what happened during, as well as raging loss or hospital. i'm to give the families of those being killed . the answer is there. we're looking for tarry cup as the out just the euro roof on palestine and it's national. 8 organizations says israel's delivery, preventing a ship carrying aid to reach gaza, the freedom flotilla coalitions as, as well as creating the administrative roadblock to stop the vessel from leaving the ports in san bull. shit will now be subject to a further inspection, delaying it's planned friday departure. well, in all the developments we've also seen as ready as strikes, hitting the outskirts of 3 southern lebanese towns and the on the as of friday. more than a $150.00 is rainy shelves, a fight and the attacks strikes destroyed 3 homes and damage more than $45.00. all
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those of the towns of ship bought casara, schubert, and how to cross board a fighting between is ready forces and hezbollah has been escalating and recent days. so i had for you on out there on thousands of people, a dad and thousands more displaced of the heavy rains and floods in on date parts of the canyon capital nairobi, the the, the hello, the loss of the hate is now getting squeezed away from that south eastern corner of europe on thursday afternoon, we saw the temperature in se took a getting up to the th sales, who says 100 and found high. the reason it's being squeezed was because they say we're a cloud here that's running as well. a little further, reese was metal pole. uh i to well, the weather out of the way, freshening up a little bit, find it. why,
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where the grass you coming back into central parts of you, but i but towards the west because the areas of town and rain tumbling in from the atlantic again, actually, temperatures will gradually begin to rise here as we go through the next few days. but it will turn increasingly on several, lots of weather coming into cost, much of western europe, even those northern portions of bestbuy, northern parts of the portico, also seeing some pretty wet weather. as we go one and 2 west side stay, we'll see that weather continued to drive its way further. east was free. the low countries getting into the western side of gemini and type of just on the rise here . 21 sales just haven't seen that for a while. little cooler most got around 70 degrees. a sunny cooled down toward the south east of what will begin to brighten up once again. the dry, bright weather across know the positive advocate, more lifted. incentive to northern areas of libya and the usual showers for west africa as
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indonesia is building a new capital city. deep in the jungles of borneo, just as for the original, open our boss to an issue. but not everyone supports the idea. maybe i could pass along with them when we had, we see this as an authoritarian decision who's on the 101 east where deals indonesia moving a mega city on out to 0. hearing the fact, the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet reporting from the junction age workers work directly targeted. i'll just say it was teams across the world. bring you closer to the heart of the story. the, [000:00:00;00] the challenges, era and look at 9 stories,
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students and faculty members from universities across the us to continuing to protest in support at the university's health, financial ties with, as well and divest from companies they say, enable since the protest onto the move in 550 students have been arrested across the country. student protests in solidarity with palestinians are also taking place in australia. thousands of demonstrators is set up tens in front of the university of sydney calling for an end to the schools. links with israel. and the united nation says it's important for the forensic evidence when investigating mass graves and gaza. this off, the goals of civil defense presented evidence base. i proves these writing military carried out torch and summary executions in hong eunice as we go to india. now, the 2nd of the 7 phase general election is on the way across 13 states, nearly a 1000000000 people eligible to cost pilots during the 6 weeks of boasting,
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which started last friday. the issue of citizenship is become critical, and the northeastern state is awesome. the b j. p. government has post a controversial low based on religion. earlier i spoke to i be shak, saw her a john list, an author of no lines people. he says the citizenship amendment act is a significant consideration. so many people who are heading to the polls, the citizenship continues to be quite important. the law sending us out. but you know, the n d c a kind of send resolve that often enough time. and so the 1920 and need to be has actually, even in the 99 print one elections of the national and state connection, they have the wrong that i understood that the decisive victories. and it seems
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that of this eviction. it's also the kind of cda sentiment in the family is not up to the for 7 that would be used in the holding to be j b. and i think the reason behind the light in the fact that the, the use, the most of the day is that it was kind of dubious and kind of turned in the country. but essentially that asked me to be doing the same thing. yeah. you know, it's not the same thing that you've been a human to validate. she should not be allowed to do that. yeah. yeah. so the difference in the progress and do they, you know, in a way that was, that was of and gender separately, according that, you know,
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the kind of the politics has the estimates nation list of the sentiment and probably to go back to be the end, the citizenship amendment to the kind of is not a strong enough, but it is important to kind of oppose the be. it's just a reminder that we're covering the election from outside the country because the indian government says not ground to visas 2 hours. there is john list the us secretary of state is you to meet chinese president region paying in badging on friday. as the blink has been holding talks with china is for me to stay at one g is visit, the scene is an attempt to stabilize relations between the 2 superpowers. diplomatic tensions of risen and recent is bought by a lessening minute revival. re around the south china sea, new restrictions on us trade with china, katrina, u, as in badging with more on those meetings. we've just had some comments now from
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the us side and also we just have been trying is foreign ministry both say that these folks work constructive and intense. uh extensive. um, it seems that they did go through a lot of issues, major points of disagreement that they were no breakthroughs as expected. so one thing that the us, as it raised is the issue of ukraine and us has in the past. so it's concerned about trying to support what it says as rushes defense industrial base that us has said that chinese provides no legal technology for russia eating. and it's a will exit. and its invasion of the price that we know by doing has denied having any role in the world at the same time, the agent has not shown any signs that it's willing to pull back from what it's described as a rump solid partnership with moscow. so that was one points of disagreement that was raised by anthony lincoln. also raised was the very thorny issue of ty, one blinking apparently raised to one the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the taiwan straits. race concerns about try is increasing military
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activity in the south trying to see no doubt of use to be the philippines as well over the 2nd thomas show. and the ton one he also mentioned to us at the time one is a red line issue. and that the us, if it is serious about the one china policy, needs to stop sending potentially mix signals to taiwan about supporting independence, which is arguably what the us has done this week by approving a for an a package which includes $8000000000.00, much of that to go towards ty, ones military, not move as infuriated badging. the u. n. is close, one of its peacekeeping bases in the eastern democratic republic of congo. the because of base and south q province was handed to government forces on thursday. comedies, government, aust, you and troops to leave last year, accusing them of failing to protect civilians us in following the situation in kenya, there's been severe flooding at least 45 people. and officials of warning that
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heavy rain will continue until sunday days of floods across the country of those thousands of people to see the homes. and so i neighborhoods as of knowledge and the capital, my roby. many people also i'm missing, present housing, emergency meeting on thursday to address the crisis. welcome, what is it? one of those flooded villages and at the river, just south of the canyon capital is in full settlements like this one. the west affected is often children who was smaller and like the most vulnerable to being swept away, can use red cross it. thousands of people have been killed in the rental down. pause across the border and neighboring tons in, in a government says more than 150 of the people have been killed in across the whole region. hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced from the homes. this is all since last month in a rainy season, not by to venture down pools, which you attributed to the el nino effect of
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a pacific ocean climate cycle. it brings warm a c temperatures once every few years. closing heavy rains here in east africa. and


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