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tv   Witness Dead Lakes Alive  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 7:30am-8:01am AST

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a student in the area where he grew up, everyone knew he was not a member of findings. international observers have applauded the successful swearing in of the transitional council. some call we need a turning point for a crisis that is left more than $2500.00 people dead since the start of the year. one of the 1st daughters of business of haiti's new transitional council, was the name of the interim prime minister michelle patrick. while they're a former finance minister who is taking the place of prime minister ariel henri, who formalized his resignation earlier in the day, the general incense should be at the saint of all consents and public decision and advisable competitor as to what, what strength, name and consolidation what has been achieved to contribute to the recovery, i thought beloved hatred though haitian gang leaders of promise to the rail, the efforts of the new transitional body council members say plans are in motion for the deployment of an international security force led by the government of
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kenya, to help restore law and order in haiti, was it up a little al, to 0? now indigenous people in brazil are continuing to march to demand recognition of the lands gathering in the capital. but celia is now and it's the day they want the government of president due to the silva to protect the territories. i'm criminal activities like legal binding. while the indigenous yamani, people in brazil say its members, detain 12 people on tuesday for allegedly binding illegally on that territory in the amazon. they handed them over to police. they say the miners contaminate that will chat with mercury indigenous group of the amazons largest. i live in relative isolation, as you're not to mention, this has closed one of its peacekeeping bases and peace, the democratic republic of congo, the buck hoover base and south keeper of province was handed to the government forces on thursday. the company's government asked you in troops to leave last year
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or choosing them or failing to protect civilians. well, that's can you do with some incredible pictures now from the mountains of iceland, the japanese key john pet roy. your company actually has unofficially broken the record for the longest ski jump and then pick champion for the distance of 291 meters reaching speeds around a 107 kilometers an hour. he was in the f, i around 8 seconds because this was not on the competition conditions, ski jump, things governing body won't recognize if or that's it for me down jordan. and so now you kind of course find more information on our website out 0 dot com. that is on the screen that he's continues here. now, just so you're off the witness state. you a sense of watching the the
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value is that lake city. you know, it was mixed, it did not know those so many legs to be buddies, be as destroyed. we all like huge water crisis, one sites. another phase who's pollution? because that brings us these, whose population. and on the 1st couple quick updates from bank a little where then small continues to cloud, the billing to lick of the city offices of 5 who called yesterday it's known for its that's all pollutants and phones. as those on the adjoining buddha now has become a common occurrence to see the make on fire plains, reading on the
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see if you see legs the legs there are lot of interest in implementing sewage on the lot out for a living dining plan. so many others we do the leaving, it is what we agreed as quickly. we should all just to do a visual vision at 3 resort change. we should not blame anyone like government. so anything you would like to me, god for that. so i don't think this didn't win for us was, isn't richard drive, and so we know each other, we should bring up to governments that we want dyslexia. we want to change the unit size, those within the uh, but it gets you gotta think of it. don't. you know, if we've got to get to the middle of website that you do me,
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i'm think i'm going to look in and look at her. yeah. but the law, the i'll who love, i'll fire fire or the i was wondering what is the now we got a lot and you that i like the color, my yellow, the one thought i would love it isn't even the bill. i don't have to do that. i love the word you are during the, on the, on the, on the person or, you know, maybe the de la la la, i'm going to do the body. the 2nd one to be in the chemical exam. right? yeah. go, you go by the lodge on the well, i'm getting the on the. yeah, i'm, i'm top work much better mark though that i think movie and mark the lot in the
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last number was you guy, you can uh for the you can get a little while going to, but what all, you got flu. lemme then it means what are some of these are done? got to that. you can get a 1000 here though. you got the new texas you'll see in the next teen mental completely. it does have like, there's more likely that you got a lot bigger one that's not going to that. so this lack of information, we saw that here. the 1st step is like a full of gone page building the dump into. another thing is that we're going to be as clean. i know that you with all this of it just the last 340 years. i all do, you know, the thing like, there are a lot of people,
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you know, there is, you know, like, you know, various method method these like we have the cleaning good. we have good thing. what do i go ahead and give us a date? so that was, would it be the just if we don't to fill up basically, what's the luxury watch that is your life. there is no, you know me, i'm back in kind of sitting when you become a doodle or does it to the it's by now the. okay. the show so much use walkers. thank you so much for that in writing. and so now i'm going to show you a quick me, and i'm going to share you my presentation site is a 2016. i spent more time on research studying abroad, lex wasting, lex consulting exports, and meeting google, google, and uh, youtube, bava,
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and all these things i use them. and uh, 2017, i did one link 36, it goes 2018. i did one link and i got 201992 looks like 16 and 3. it goes to $1020.00, already in our conclusions as of 4 legs and then the other 2 legs. i am working on it this year and go to 6th next. so all the dream is bought. if i like to buy 200, if i know not jim impossible licks, we went to the unit and we wanted to have my surplus watching my country mandation . that is the dream. no, thank you. he does a lot of those jobs in martin is here that no job isn't martin period not all day when laura when he's at after the summer but the family and support martin in it. all the
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legwork isn't really challenging. like getting up to and from the appropriate other, just designing them, getting the funds and then getting it and you could have the project. and next to follow those what they want to do. next i was united, i'm expecting georgia things to get fill up those links. the biggest challenging, if legs to be able to do that, if there is no one has, nobody we can follow to these kind of things. thank to the last one the one of the holidays. we have one thing. yes. on this leg of you having a decent thing currently. so while you defining more of this lick,
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we can now one cause it won't warranty, therefore, drawing, and a huge money has been invested here. and we all about like this. the only one was about all the tax and to jersey result from the live was continuously we are working all how you present is that i need to probably to complete this project. and then to this, like we already know, we definitely just august or september, october the with our huge things. so i don't want to miss that opportunity. the close. oh no, no, no. really label. you could have a drug as well. so i mean that you really want to go for 5 months and get them within the owner and somebody in law up dixon, are you still get really there?
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what does it do? my legal, like i said, yeah, there was more of a drop box. one of the, the lot is a nicholas, you come in the legal of actually leg supposed to be like want her body is supposed to be watch somebody. it does not mean that we will up and make a big deposit. going to closing the leg. i don't think it isn't colors because as of tomorrow, if you become becomes vickers and you can go those are, i live for stuff. i get one in the news on the over the gold and all the all the line do. i don't have them giving money. that's all okay. they are giving me a pleasure to get but not in the cost of wonder colors are going to baby to the lake . so i, in the system that i built, i'm doesn't know i'm or you can not be far from one place. the ones that have the meat are units that are, you know, i'm going to give them. we talked about how the new a back on monday and then even when the global, your frontier,
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like you those in the, in 1000. they would order their new or because if you get to the point that we can easily get into the next single where you don't get me for the 1st one of which i feel the most. i've been caustic area, though we tried to segregate we don't possible so such everything. yeah, a lot on this and we had a really good deal. we put the one letter of that one plan side, one letter of that one last time told us that is not exposed to sound like there is no close to a month. that in fact like log off the legs. i do so as things are people out of
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goodness to me, this is that is of ongoing put designs on different non technical jump. what are the thousands of got use the risk jump in when we lose you probably lose you. how you doing to understand that? i always have to didn't know i use it. the other one that is the only thing that is a fact to save $46.00, it goes, i have to compromise when they got the data sample, even though like budget and all the samples belongs to the gun and it has a higher risk to demolition. what he relocked set back, because what does that mean? why is that? is this k montgomery? the b does?
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i know they've got to be some religion to do anything can happen. we don't know. actually as of know what that includes. meant that clear in the name lexa. if we have not broken any templates on anything, it is a 1st phenomena. i also don't have any experience about it. maybe people may go and greet. people may go upset, and not only that you've missed off my project folder that says that once i do need to know we are having a discussion with the local community at all levels, hold on with them. i. we told them that this is going to be done with this. 2 this was no incense of his eyes. you have taking this land back. if you can, once the lot of what does is that instead, what does and then bring all the legal activities even to go for the simple to use to use for the legal activities. william said that you can able to see like a ballpark of the day, is this all the stuff?
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i don't want it that it isn't. okay. well, let me de la when it comes to mix, you have to be for like happy man, humbly man. you know, saying don't the retail lot of time walk there was situation required to be how to change and we have to react. and to see that, you know, gang started for gang said to be sure to become a gang stuff then only be clear. ready the
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in the modern i'd go, did you know the right thing but, but the wonderful the bundle like it will not be all right, but the point does, you know, no, no, no, i was even a law that you know nobody's even the start with money. they little non amazing guys. no later, you know, none of us the other day. you have the you know. right. yeah, yeah, but the farmer and i've got you moving to now somebody in a corporate care,
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the quote identity. no, no, not a problem, not or not the law. i'm open tomorrow to 3rd party all over the phone number. good window. oh no, no, no, no. yeah, no, no, no, i'm sorry. i was in the model earlier. the give them a little hard. i just don't want to now i thought it doesn't let you do another credit card on 97 on. when would you like me to come over to you $11.00 dental. okay. do you have the internet did not get outlook on the lot. god, you one that did that. oh yea. yeah. there are no gaudy ah, you see the yeah, i don't knock. i don't know what's going on then wouldn't bundle. good luck seeing
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you when they lived in jim. correct. his term for maybe not conflict of interest on us either way is the risk of another guard at the point, it's acting back a move to acting. it stare the government, the law, their internal units, noon, or the admissions and the capacity that's in their mind. but see what some of them know i gotta do is just in the, you know, go to school, i was gonna get a little blue book a couple months ago. think modern and new edition, none of them. gloves going to go to school. and then again, i'm going to do what i, you know, i'm pulling them, you know, yeah. and the name of the money that can be the you what the yellow bucks month and the short you can barely short to jump on to you with the mileage. and again, you want to get, get a sized bed and now it's a model on the more than a lot. so surely. and you get a good day that the needed one that need one. the are the thing, the more thing that they thought i didn't want them but, but the,
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but i'm not for them that maybe they act based on that one. there's another believe it get it done up and find them on a minute. new kind of that might have been the last it's not there like a one man show help and the people with the one in there, it gives you an edge. and also this supported. they helped me. there was standing with me in all the aspect subsequently did take it off this thing. i vision in addition to us back the of the people who is backing me up is what i liked last 2 years. you know this nic assistant, the big one dog. or you can tell me what is,
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what on the other side of the other day, i thought you're gonna get it all a doing better, i'm doing, but the late doing better. i'm doing the i'm just letting go to that you're not doing with the bad intentions. you're not doing with the anything that the hopefully to the you know, who the speciality. we are doing it because this temple is not late and there is no start doing it. there is no unique, full size happening because of that i'm done with this and you. so you have to you me for was just me. i'm doing cause me because nature is you're because of the
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sense that 10 minutes i'm not getting it, but i'm not going to be able to close to a check. so i got that. usually i've had them all not able to have done the
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the, the, i'm not afraid of. i'm not upset because i'm not doing anything. i got to confirm that with them. i'm done. one of the thing is i'm due to the message part inside the printer. that's very locked on the new one. when i'm using the soviet. no, i put another 2 more because i know the bigger than what is more than i can really blow up and plug it up next to the side. one thing you see, god,
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nature is one on the handle really quick to the normal investment, normal in the name of god knows that and some good that and then let them do that. we are doing today. nathan, for job. all the gods. we have bring them that up. please fill up the slick using whatever works we have, then we need to walk them on dealing with. there is an awful lot for the there is no value for this. nick, there is no value for my work. i mean, as i'm seems extra money. yeah. nobody can fill up the leg only we can construct the nick we can clear this took to only nick feeling jobbies made to so are you seeing something about an x over the
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minute to look dislike? and once it gets pulled up for next 3 to 4 years, i don't have any way to the
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very nice my life really is live life. i need to be connected to the beautiful awesome very happy the guess.
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are you guys open to the shop? let's do we want to know, do you know what it is that you don't know is the are you doing good? i mean good. i like are the middle of your local? are you able to do this? but if i the ones we don't know, i'm old, i don't know what to say though is the depth of to explain to me how to explain what reason why i taught the gave me not just the only 3 dates will get. i didn't know what bill is going to do with help. 6 feet then next month to no problem 5, you know, like i'm just going to the judge, father. all ecology in the they like be much your person and but collision because
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of the top you, what does this lake water holding capacity instead of about 11 like 50000 cubic metropolis, which can cat does more than those. so when do you really just bored? was know which can, you know, be the main source for drinking water surrounding the place that is way in those guys and those very much connected with, with that me just because know we what card we split these to get to be fight. we to dig lot of calculate this, what the end up today. this is be, these are the one of the biggest selections of 2024 in the general election. will administer now
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render moody's be taking increase its root across the country. how will economic uncertainty and use some employment swing voters in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote freebie unfairly? ongoing coverage in these collections on al jazeera. why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this real, with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 developed luis, haven't had gone through the roof,
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the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the . ready student protests spread across the us, universities they denounce the world and gaza pool for ties to be taught with israel. and it supports us more than $550.00 students have been arrested so far. the other ones are in jordan, this is how does the or a license though, also coming up more mass graves describe it in jobs as palestinian officials present. what they say is evidence of is randy crimes against humanity but you are subject states and.


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