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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the, the, the student protests spread across the us universities denouncing the war on garza and quoted to cut ties this route that it supports this the i'm carry johnston. this is, i'll just say we're on the ball costing lot from the most are coming up towards should execute buried alive causes civil defense officials present. evidence found the mass graves when they're the 400 parties have been recovered. wells,
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food program was have catastrophic consequences as well goes. i had been sitting on the toast to hate these feature, but with a new transitional councils, step again by the students in washington dc are among the latest to join the wave of the demonstrations in solidarity with palestine. but a sweet thing across the us that quoting for an end, as well as one, gaza, and to cut ties with supports as of, as well. the funding that universities. hundreds of students are gavin and at george washington university in the us capital. most students from georgetown university mazda across the city to join incumbent. they've been confrontations with for the search. emory university in atlanta for wednesday, more than 200 students were arrested in boston. essentially it's in austin, texas. it's just over
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a week since students at columbia university in new york began the protest demanding of the edits to any further funding from companies that invest in israel students at harvard, it's georgetown, mit and most recently, george washington university on demanding the same the process of spread across the country to campuses in several different states including michigan, texas and california. the best cross to the protest set, george washington university in washington, dc dot and fisher was there and joins us now. and what's the current situation where you are while it's 3 hours savings, the university said that they wanted to see call a job cleared of the tents and the protest there's. but if you can just see in the dock behind me, there's still. busy a number of people there more than than 200 numbers have gone, don't as you would expect, and perhaps the police are peeling a waiting game. but those that are in the square are making provisions to stay the
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night. they're bringing in more tents. they're bringing in more food. they're making sure that the people there have water as well. know. maybe zaya is one of the organizes of the system. the policy didn't even use movement. i mean, are you impressed by the fact that so many people are still here because it started at 5 in the morning. it's been a long time for many people. so i'm absolutely impressed, but i'm not shocked these students, this profile is that student organizers, especially in the dc maryland, virginia region, have been active and actively organizing for policy and liberation for years if not over a decade. and so this doesn't shock me, but i definitely am impressed by the coordination the organization of the students and their will to stay persistent in their demands for each of their universities and high dependents. do use new me get involved. obviously, it involves you in the grander scale,
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but i did to get involved with this here at georgia tech door to what's on the pallets the news move in the dc maryland virginia chapter is incredibly involved with the local students for justice and palestine. it's incredibly important as a lot of us come from, you know, former s t p as the former s u, p members. um and so we have built these relationships overtime with the extra fees where there is this trust in our our goals are demands and our outlook on the past towards the palestinian liberation is in line with each other. and so there's a lot of crossover work that is done with the students for justice in palestine. are you, what are you the police are going to come in and maybe try and start to clear this and come in at some point overnight because they're obviously hoping that the cold will drive the numbers don't. absolutely. i mean, i'm always worried at any of the options and in washington dc, we've seen police arrest and brutalized protesters as things that were not
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escalations, right. as simple march as such as a january, 13th of march and in washington dc. we saw over 5 protesters get brutalized and be in by a m p b and i believe also capital police and park police. and so i always expect the police departments in washington dc and all over this nations to escalate and arrest pro palestine. protesters, especially during this time, we've seen the crack down on student profiles, send student organizers all over the country. we've seen the impression walk you through not just in the academic institutions but by the government as well. and it all trickles down to a, a simple point of who do these institutions protect and who do they serve? and it's incredibly clear who it is that they do both of those things before us. the final question, i'm going to just apologize if you had words that you would normally expect. very
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briefly. are you surprised there's so much and good ended students who are protesting against what's happening and guys, or rather than what is happening and guessing? again, as somebody who's grown up in the west for most of their life, i'm not shocked. this has been the rhetoric, you know, zine is propaganda is kind of what glues, and the political orientation of so many people, if not most people in this country. and so many people within the past, over the past 200 days have woken up to the truth and to the reality of life under occupation under is really occupation for palestinians, the ethnic cleansing of palestinians, the ongoing neck of palestinians, and the ongoing genocide currently. and the and so i, again, i'm not entirely surprised. it's something that we've been used to is something that's so normal. and i think for me the most, the most notable thing is that people now know what palestine is. people actually know what palestine is. it's no longer is for, but or any of those things it's oh,
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you're from palestine. wow. i know where that is. maybe i know you're anxious to get back to the people you have organizing. i really appreciate you taking the time sized for joining his license. yeah, and i'll just do that. thank you. and so the process started at 5 pm, its no after 10 pm here in washington, and just speaking to a few of the people in the square, the intention is that they will stay here. and just to remind you of the demands, they want the university to view all the links that has with companies that have connections with those really want to divest from any investments they have. and they want to make sure that those who of organize this protests will not face any reprisals, a toll from the university. as i said, the university wanted the yard cleared by 7 pm. the protest, there's a still here and the see. they're not leaving until the demands are met and fish i, thanks very much indeed with us out on the mention the students and faculty across
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america, quoting for the investments for me as well. let's take a look at what that actually means. universities and colleges have and dominate funds to finance research and scholarships. this money is invested in private equity and hedge funds for testers on demanding universe to stop investing. this money in companies that profit from israel is, was like almost manufacturing lockheed martin or tech john's amazon, google, the contracts as well. some of the action held across the us several decades ago. a sense of help and south african opponents, high goals for the investments for me as well. have been voiced in the past in 2009 a i'm sure colleagues divested from and it's really related funding, but the not it was due to boy pressure of, of them ons to divest for me as well. um, with direct new york university student salt quoting for the closure, the campus in tennessee columbia. it's discriminatory how the drug costs are reports now from university of texas in austin,
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of the thames clashes between police and student protesters. wednesday, have transformed into this peaceful gathering which protest or say, is in itself an act of defiance. police earlier arrested $56.00 demonstrators and one journalist that prompted still more protesters to come out on thursday. and they were joined by many university professors. they're demanding that you t austin, divest from weapons manufacturers and from companies that benefit is real. and now they're also demanding the resignation of the universities. president j hartzell, who had ordered that the police crack down on the protest. meanwhile, the texas governor of greg abbot, a republican who strongly supports israel, has taken credit for the plainest texas state police and says he'll send in the military next. the student protesters did not accusations of anti semitism and say they're here to speak out against the killing of palestinians in gaza and against
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the use of their tuition money to fund that effort. heidi to castro alger 0 austin, texas. on the ground in gauze that posting in officials having presenting evidence, they say tuesday is ready. victory carried out torture and summary executions and con eunice. the evidence comes from some of the bolt is recovered from mass graves of unnecessary el cheapo hospital compounds. 3400 bodies have been examined. patrick assumed reports not from rappa and southern guns. this month is creams evidence the moments before his son's body was pulled from a mass grave at the north or hospital coming down in con eunice took them home with them high young from gauze of civil defense as showing videos and pictures to a room full of reporters, he wants the world to see the dozens of bodies, the fount i'm to, um, so for them like that of holl affairs,
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a young girl discovered with hailey, it's up to you. tell you to lead a novice, we found the bodies of a number of children we have. the question is, why do we have children and must graves child? patient is still in his crops. a man with his hands tight bolt to the head. in the past week's dr. munoz teams have caused that forensic evidence from nearly 400 bodies. the report finds signs of summary executions and physical to to see about the new test. you know, again, it's not somebody still had the controller on them, which shows they have a patients who are receiving treatment and then also hospital dental. it is, i believe it also has approximately 10 bodies were found with their hands tied. i mean each for the forensic examination for 20 bodies, for people we think might have been buried alive. they are asking for an independent investigation to check the findings and document them. the is where the military dismiss accusations its forces buried bodies before the winter to come to
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compound. as baseless isabel, troops have pulled out of gauze to main hospitals. in recent weeks, civil defense crews lights had dug up doses of corpses from 2 mass graves and the she felt medical center in gauze of 6 a while at least 392 buddies wed discovered in 3 different sites on the grounds of another hospital. more than half of them have yet to be identified. lunging if somebody is in constant english, the by god, i can no longer bear it everyday. i come here and search since the day he went missing. and every day i come 2 or 3 times to search please, whoever knows any information about him. she told me, is he alive or was he taking by the is read news or anything? and now the u. s. is joining quotes from the using the you and demanding an explanation from israel cooling the discoveries deeply disturbing goals of civil defense has asked for an independent investigation, come next, a delegation,
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specializing forensic analysis. since most of going as facilities have been destroyed, they are hoping to find the full image about what happened during, as well as raging loss or hospital. i'm to give the families of those being killed . the answers they're looking for. tarika best and i'll just say are roughly how this time and not the nation says it's important to preserve forensic evidence with investigating mass graves in gaza. that's off the gauze, is a civil defense, coal for an independent investigation to what happened. and that's the hospital in con eunice, after there is a christmas and then he was at the u. n. with this stuff on to generate the spokesman for the un secretary general and asked him about what comes next. what should they do with that information? they say they need the forensic examination. where should they go for this? what would you, what would you advise on? i think it is important or excuse me, the circumstances to ensure that any potential evidence
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is kept in a way that is not compromised. we've called for an international investigation how that will take place. it's unclear this time. there are certain bought parts of this organization that have the authority to do that shit parts of the organization . do you think can be of how well, i mean there's, there's only investigate profitable those very right there, there, legislative bodies of this organization that could create and call for an international investigation that has yet to happen. in the meantime, it's important at all forensic evidence of the well preserved. meanwhile, as well as war cabinets has been holding neat things to discuss. the ministry is next moves and goes. well, food programs director in the gaza strip has one that the full administrators sold on the rafa with 2 tens of thousands of people. we have really concerns about
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any kind of in cushion interests or so to displace hundreds of thousands of people . i've just driven through uh con eunice to get here um from one side of the gaza strip to the other and seen the level of destruction across the us on eunice. if that happens to drop the 10s of thousands of people will die. if that happens in rafa, hundreds of thousands of people will be displaced again, more misery, more needs that we will need to have to try and resolve and meet it is ready for 6 other, arrested 3 palestinian children, the jettas and refuge account, which is north of the matter and occupied westbank, the children, ranging from 10 to 13 years old, were arrested in their school and by the un is very minute tree can be seen forcing the children to both admitted tr vehicles, but elsewhere and occupied westbank. a funeral has been held for testing and
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teenager who was killed by his very forces motors carried the body of a 16 year old on the route through the streets of janine. he was shouting a chest during and is there any waiting room? not that a 500 part of students have been killed in the occupied westbank since the war on guns have begun as well. so it's a come on else. is there a building bridges over troubled waters west 2nd just states and china as foreign minister meets envisioning the color orange warnings happened, issued across central and southern pots of china for yet more heavy right inside the flooding they set to us. and as we go through the next couple of days, since the may you from that to a relatively station refundable slip as well,
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a little further north, which as we go through the next couple of days, there's that heavy rain returning to southern positive china over the next 2 or 3 days, one or 2 supposed to be down toward hong kong, running through taiwan, could see another 100150, maybe 200 millimeters afraid on those flight of freight to areas. take a look, assess dice, more of the same move, very heavy, right? the allies in indicating the heavier rain coming back through that because more widespread through the coal. so fast a pushing on into sunday. nothing is, well, a little further north is but some really heavy down pools here we really are looking at all full conditions as we go through the next style. so most of that generally dried up towards the korean peninsula and up towards japan. so let me try to across rainbow china, one or 2 showers, bring up just around vietnam as we go through the next hour. so scattering the shouts to it, to the philippines, and then the usual showers, the across malaysia and indonesia, some showers to pushing across buckets. not at the north west india, but for the most part,
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the heat wave continues. the teams in the gaza strip as is, there is lots continues. there's a delivered mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanizes as waves and actively used humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of weight. tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the
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book and back reminder about top stores besides protestant and officials have been presenting evidence, they say proves these very minute treat car without scorching and summary executions. in con eunice, the evidence comes from some of the bodies recovered from mass graves. not so now she's come pounds that a 400 students and faculty members from universities across the united states are continuing to protest in support of protest on demanding that universities cut financial ties with these relevant diag best from companies. they say enabled the war on concepts. i'll sit down on to and is a professor at new york university. he was recently arrested to one of the products as he says, n y u has been trying to silence protesting voices since october. there is an obvious bias amongst the political leads and the leads of this country and in the
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universities against palestinian lives are let us say that by this time exception palestinian live do not matter as much as is really lives. so the president of the university never use the word garza or genocide in all of the email exchanges that you sent. but of course the hostages in israel and the safety and so on and so forth. but it is the bias and it's also the corporatization of higher education, whereby university administrators are answerable and concerned about donors and boards of trustees, but are not concerned about faculty and students. the fact that they are willing to call the police to quash pro talestine sentiments just tells you who's signed they scanned on. they would never call the police to colacho pro. is that a bro, this for example, since october the university has tried whenever students for just as in palestine, try to have a room to show film or do i have something then diversity says all for security
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purposes, we cannot have that. and also there used to be 2 spots on campus where usually students want to express their opinion and protests and something called the camel stairs. and the building called those were shut down. and the war on gauze has led to renewed calls to boycott is very products for years. palestinians have urged international sanctions to being posed and the pressure is around the ends itself for patient. but for many in the occupied westbank israel stranglehold on the economies of age. a obstacle for the boy movement is the abraham has more from best to him. a living old occupied land settlement up that we doesn't want to buy the occupiers products known as the youngest member of the palestinian boy cliff campaign. she says it's a way of resisting the occupation, as i know about that. i'm aware that as far as controls our lives and our economy of it's our electricity, water, and fuel our from them. so we can fully bike up. but even if i inflect 35 percent
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losses on them, this the least i could do as really controls that economy kind of city is, are left with little to no free choice. since the world goes up activist worldwide renewed pools for both quotes and sanctions against israel, arguing the best known, violent approved play to major room in, in the upper side in south africa. this libyan advert equates buying from companies that support is rules. with funding the genocide against palestinians that has cost brands such as k, f, c, and starbucks at home, decent worked with campaigns, encouraged palestinians to support their national products, such as this 4 year old. so the 1st 3 in middle of the occupied with been competing with international brands was difficult. it's owners say what sales were most
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recent soon there. so that would make its way to shops in jordan with both quotes, the quotes are strong dramatically. this idea, these really offer to complicate our process. they impose high taxes and delay the inputs and exports. they don't want the palestinians to be independent or to have an industrial economy. the only wants us to be work as independent as if the market palestinians do not control the borders that have to suffer is really restrictions on the palestinian imports exports and foreign currency. more than a decade ago, a group of young men opened the 1st palestinian mushroom company to challenge is really domination of the market. a few years later, they were forced to shop the home. it wasn't to the consumers stuttering, demanding, put us in mushrooms more than is really my films that we started taking a percentage of the market and we started getting the instructions, including on holding up. our inputs did not work at 1st, but with the holding of inputs for all materials in the port, which is, you know,
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it's the only way we can get things in one week with not to really hold on anymore . but this is where the authorities have central control over at home made products like these. this is a local initiative to support small skin projects making had made so craft, intrude. for many boys. the thing is where the products also gives people the opportunity to support small project. any money that does not go to israel, they say, well instead health support a palestinian comedy, survived the difficult economy conditions that he does eat off the occupied to us to bring us secretary of state and to the bank and has met the chinese front and as to why in the beijing, but it's part of a 3 day trip to try to stabilize times between washington and basing the visits as seen as an attempt to stabilize relations between the 2 super powers for us. trade restrictions on china is what is mit, treat rivalry around the south china sea and tie one level added to the tension.
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well that's okay to katrina, you know, who's a live person, beijing. so katrina, a lot of issues to get through for the 2 sides. but how likely is it that much progress will be made? it's very unlikely that there will be any brakes there is that i think both sides have been very plain about that. there is a long list of disagreements and very few issues that there is to consensus from both washington on aging. now the 1st issue that we know that your secretary of state engines lincoln is raising during his pulse with one he is the issue of cranes us has repeatedly said that they was trying to draw back it support from russia. it says that china provides technologies to aid the russian rule as it now these are non lethal uh technologies, but still that is all part of that as that which is supporting rushes invasion if you trace a. conversely, the paging has so short notice side of wanting to back down from its partnership,
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and indeed we've seen, she didn't think double down on it. here's what she's called a rock sold partnership with the president. so i represent over the last few months . another issue which is a flash point is that of tie one, you know that the us as the creasing military activity in the south trying to see around tie one. we've had the us citizen us senate passed a bill which provides $8000000000.00 of foreign aid to slicing circle chinese aggression in the, in the pacific and a large chunk that will go directly to ty, ones military to, to, to china. so china is infuriated about this because it sees taiwan as broad chinese territory. and finally, we know another issue that will be discussed is spend some of the us wants to see more progress in its corporation aging. in sending the type of such note into the us, but we've also had us officials actually accused trying to directly subsidizing subsidizing the exports of fentanyl because of chemicals and katrina. what does the chinese
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foreign minister then have to say? then from his perspective, the homeless well, the trucks are ongoing, the amazing for a few us behind closed doors here in beijing spots. we've had an initial read up from china. and while he says what he wants is for this visit really injects a much the positivity into the relationship. he said that us china, a bilateral ties are very much in danger of spiraling again downwards. as we saw last year, he wants to return what kind of goals the san francisco vision that was agreed upon between bite and, and see thing when they met in the us last year. but unfortunately, when you said that's aging legitimate, right? so being unreasonably suppressed by the us know though with us instead of wants to stabilize ties, it's sincerity is being tested. and what is really interesting is to see the difference and the language though from the get go, we have china continuing to use words like when, when shed future,
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when it talks about its approach with the united states. but unfortunately from the us side, it does a huge gap. we see words like rivalry managing competitions already. that's the 1st challenge before we even start talking to you for us that thanks very much indeed. states he has sworn in the transitional governing council after months of gun violence, which forced permit us to read to resign the sermon. he was held at the prime minister's office rather than the presidential palace, as police fails to gain control of the area around the compound. i'll just it was my own right there. in haiti's capital poor to print a ceremony to swear in a new transitional presidential council was interrupted by the sounds of heavy gunfire on thursday, cause the members of the new council vowed
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to reign in the gang related violence that's pushed the country to the brink of social collapse and recent months in the face of this unprecedented crisis, the entire population has recognized the urgency and necessity of taking a firm grip on the situation to pull our country out of the spiral of despair and destruction. outside the walls of the ceremony, gang members armed with automatic weapons, exchanged gunfire with police on criminals, roaming the streets, freely off and overpowering. the police is a scene that's become all too common in the city. at least 2 people were killed during the fighting on thursday. this woman says her son was caught in the crossfire and till she adds that there are no safe places left in the country. when yeah, she was sudden walter, she saw the police here in here to rent as it was her when she was shot into like the police held him many times in his stomach and that i didn't know what to do to
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deserve this in the area where he grew up, everyone knew he was not a member of findings. international observers have applauded the successful swearing in of the transitional council. so i'm calling you to turning point for a crisis that is left more than 2500 people dead since the start of the year. one of the 1st daughters of business of haiti's new transitional council, was the name of the interim prime minister michelle patrick. while they're a former finance minister who is taking the place of prime minister ariel henri, who formalized his resignation earlier in the day, the general incense should be at the saint of all consents and public decision and advisable competitor. hence what, what strengthening and consolidation? what has been achieved to contribute to the recovery, i thought beloved hatred though haitian gang leaders of promise to the rail. the efforts of the new transitional body.


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