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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the, the student protest spread across the us universities denouncing the world, gaza, according to cut ties with israel, and it supports has the carriage on. so this is all just from zillow. so coming up towards should executed and very the night causes civil defense officials present. the evidence found that nice grades with 9400 bodies have been recovered from the wells food program owns of catastrophic consequences. israel goes ahead with an offensive and graphic toast to hate these future us with new transitional council step again by
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the students in washington dc, are among the latest to join the weight of demonstrations and solidarity. we kind of started a sweeping across the united states. the quoting for an end to as well as one goes, i tend to cut ties with supporters of israel for funding the universities. hundreds of students. so gathering that's george washington university in the us capital. most students from georgetown university, much across the city to join the template, pronounced a few hours. they've been confrontations with police searching for a universe in atlanta. and wednesday, more than $200.00 students were arrested in boston for essentially it's in austin, texas. it's just over a week since students at columbia reversed in new york began that protest them on an end to any further funding from company. second,
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best of israel students at harvard's georgetown mit and most recently, george washington university on demanding the same process have spread across the country to campuses in several different states including michigan, texas and california. a correspondence covering the process across the us. how do you to our castro is standing by for us at university of texas in austin? the 1st let's go to adam fisher, george washington university in washington, dc. so, and what's the current situation where you are well, what another pass the deadline may be as long as you said, they wanted the people to move out of college square right here in the heart of washington dc to clear the in cap. and i just in the last, so we've had from the university saying that the patient is illegal. it is against university policies and they are continuing discussions with the metropolitan
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police, the local police department in washington dc, about how best to clear the area and returned it back to the way. it was 14 hours ago. excuse me. there's a lot pulling they're going to be live now. here is our guest are to raise a g w alumni. the school obviously means a lot to you here with the groups, but you would in your graduation. why did you decide to come up tonight to join this cry? i believe that students have always been on the progressive side of history, the morally sound side. and the students are doing just that. they have every right to free speech, they have every right to be here. we, i pay, they ask us for donations. what are they using our money for? they have the right to question i. so to threaten with calling the police on your own students is in my opinion, very extreme. instead,
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they should listen to what the students are saying, which is to stop funding israel to stop funding of genocide and to allow a to to are you concerned that the thought of these want to close? this turns on the police may stop moving in in the next hour or so. yeah, we've heard different things like it feels a little bit like they're using scare tactics like don't send bands and send threats, go back. i think they're trying to instill fear, but i don't think anyone here is afraid. i think they're not here to cause a riot or a rock is. in fact, as you can see, other students are walking around just fine. there's no danger. it's just students exercising their right to free speech inside a university campus, but they pay to us and i know i don't want to. you are probably to the school you hear in your rooms. it was say, is it disappoint you that they have taken this position particularly about wanting
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to we have the protest away and also what the students say is there support for, for israel, of course. uh, they sent an email earlier today. um, trying to insight beer again, it's very disappointing that the same textbooks that they use to teach us to speak up for what's right is not being honored by the faculty and the staff. and they care more. it seems about their own money and their own pocket than what the students have to say. obviously, police are starting to come now is we can see, but i think listen to the students and listen to the people. it's not just the students. i mean, there's a reason their solidarity is so strong is very peaceful protests here. the only time a honestly gets on faithful is when the cops come and kind of it creates a fear of on safety when they come,
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which i think speaks volumes for his time. thanks very much enjoy use live here. now 0. thank you. and time, what is interesting is that within the last hour as well in the square, when the people were gathering here, they weren't gathered in the middle of the square and it kind of built out from there. but just in the last. so people have moved to the age of this square. what they're doing now is essentially putting a body or a running the 10 to the encampment that is there any places, it's $56.00 people beat. so essentially they're saying that this encampment is going to stay and if the police finally do decide to move it, they will have to move an awful lot of people to get to the time that they want to remove. perfect. so thank you very much indeed for that latest update that. meanwhile, how did your customer joins as long as not from austin, texas. heidi was on folded them and how's it looking now?
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carrie, if you look behind me, the moment is a peaceful one, but this is in stark contrast what we saw on holding in the clash. it's between police and student protesters who had gather initially peacefully that occurred over the last 24 hours. but they say now just the fact that they're sitting here at the you t austin, in a peaceful way, protesting against the warrant asa and gaza, is in itself an act of defiance. and i'm joined by one of the student protesters. this is colby, thanks so much for your time course. tell me why is it that despite those violent arrests, that we're training over social media yesterday that students have come back today? the students are back today. first, of course, to encourage the u. t administration to divest from corporations that are benefited at benefiting is real and it's actions in palestine and benefiting from israel's actions, but also in protest of what the university allowed yesterday in allowing the campus
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to become a militarized so on in inviting the local austin police in dps troopers on to campus university administration in greg abbott chose to endanger not just those participating in the protests yesterday, but every one on campus. and that's for gab it who's the republican governor of texas has been very pro, is real. he is calling you guys, you student protesters, anti semitic, and he says, you should be expelled. how do you take that? and i think that that's absolutely divorce from what i'm seeing from my peers. we. there are many jewish students in, in this protest supporting supporting policy and that supporting policy and, and supporting you to use divest meant to be frank. the, um, the, uh, the remarks by pop, it are
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a cover for an attack on students 1st amendment rights. and i know another demand has been added today, which is for the resignation of u. t's president because he initially called for this whole protest to be broken up . why is that important? do you support his resignation? i do support his resignation. setting aside the content of our protests, the response to our protests yesterday, we were not just unacceptable. ready but also dangerous for everyone involved. what was initially planned was a peaceful demonstration that would involve work shots, teach ends in art making. it was because of j hartzell's decision to allow apd and dps troopers onto campus that things escalated in the way they did. i'm also here in solidarity with many of my peers and classmates who are unable to
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attend classes today because they were arrested because they spent the night in, travis county, to my understanding is all those charges against those 56 arrested. and the wonder knows they have been dropped. what does that say and what do you think about the impending threat for more arrest that has been told to you guys? i think the fact that the charges have been dropped speaks to a the fact that our demonstration was legal in the 1st place and the, the power of our community and supporting these kinds of actions. i has to recognize the incredible accents of the austin lawyers guild in supporting students and other community members who were arrested. i also want to thank people who participated in the visual outside of the travis county jail last night. and people worked through the night, staying helping to fill out paperwork, providing rides to people who were released. and it's been really encouraging to
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see the way that our community both the campus community but also. ready people from outside of u t have come together to support each other. thanks so much, colby and he said, you know, that protests yesterday was through the night while through the night is how long they expect to stay here tonight as well. and that's despite a deadline that's coming up in about 3 hours time. but if they do not disperse, they are threatened to be arrested again. carry. harvey, thanks very much indeed for that top dates from the ground and goes, a palestinian officials have been presenting evidence they say proves these very minute treat car without torture and summary executions and con eunice. the evidence comes from some of the bodies recovered from mass graves and that's a see for hospital compounds that a 400 bodies having seemed heard as the reports from rafa and southern cause.
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this mothers creams evidence the moments before his son's body was pulled from a mass grave at the north or hospital come down in con eunice. it took them home with them higher from gauze of civil defense, as showing videos and pictures to a room full of reporters. he wants the world to see the dozens of bodies, the fount i'm to um, support them like that of how the affairs, a young girl discovered with her legs amputated, lead a novice. we found the body of it for a number of children. we have the question is why do we have children and most of graves child patient is still in his crops, a man with his hands tight bolt to the head. in the past week's book to him, why as teams have caused it, forensic evidence from nearly 400 bodies. the report finds signs of summary executions and physical to, to see about the due to the non. some bodies still have the can you law on them,
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which shows they have a patients who are receiving treatment and then also hospital dental is i believe it also has approximately 10 bodies of a phone, but there have died. i mean each for the forensic examination for 20 bodies, for people we think might have been buried the lives of all. so they are asking for an independent investigation to check the findings and document them. the is where the military dismiss accusations its forces buried bodies before the winter to from the compound as baseless. here's where the troops have pulled out of guns us to main hospitals. in recent weeks, civil defense crews lights had dug up doses of corpses from 2 mass graves and does she felt medical center in gauze of 6 a while at least 392 buddies wed discovered into 3 different sites on the grounds of nasir hospital. more than half of them have yet to be identified. plunging. if somebody is in constant anguish the by god,
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i can no longer bear it everyday. i come here in search to sit down. he went missing and every day i come 2 or 3 times to search please, whoever knows any information about him. she told me, is he alive or was he taking by the is read news or anything? now the u. s. is joining quotes from the you mean on the you and demanding an explanation from israel cooling the discoveries deeply disturbing goal is a civil defense has asked for an independent investigation, conducts a delegation, specializing forensic analysis since most of gone was, facilities have been destroyed. they are hoping to find the full image about what happened during, as well as raging loss or hospital. i'm to give the families of those being killed . the answer is there we're looking for. tarry cabassos the out just the euro roof . palestine is ready, forces have arrested 3 palestinian children, the chosen refugee camp, which is north of vermont. an occupied westbank. children,
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ranging from 10 to 13 years old, were arrested in their school run by the un is rarely minute treat can be seen forcing the children to both military vehicles but elsewhere occupies westbank. a funeral has been held for a palestinian teenager who was killed, buys very forces. mourners carried the body of 16 year old cabinets and from our youth through the streets of janine, he was shouting the chests, drawing on his reading rate and the amount of $3500.00 college students had been killed in the occupied westbank since the war and gallons of the god what's that? i don't know, it says era, who exactly is an indian citizen on the most contentious issues? wells biggest. next the, the latest news as it breaks. the doctors who say the witness to killing knew
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exactly where to with detailed coverage. everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas from the hall to the story. these attacks are taking place also was, had a city and are on the road, making it very dangerous for them to commute from one place to another in a post colonial will. this cause of european imperialism run the nowhere more so than in the democratic republic of congo. wherever restrict history still shapes the presence of the serial. yet instant insights through the eyes of a whistle blower and the patriotic ministry come on. witness presents. this is come on a jersey. the unique effective denial is wild on 6 of the poles, share the history of the genocide without any research on hud voices. why is it the
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don't please don't get to have a site and then if this is a medical workforce has been so and divided by the british government for such a little time, the stream on now to 0 the, [000:00:00;00] the to without just air a mind of the top stories now, students and faculty members from universities across the united states are continuing to protest and so forth, of kind of style that the mounting, the university's cuts, financial ties, which is ro an di, best from companies they say, enabled the war on concept palestinian officials have been presenting evidence, they say proves that it's very minute treat car without torture,
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summary executions and con eunice. the evidence comes from it. some of the bodies are covered from mass graves up to a certain house chief of hospital compounds. 3400 quantities. as well as ami is coming out to operations along the board, it was 11 and they've been several as strikes tubs and areas in the villages of l. mouse job aren't in the corner in southern lebanon, saying a honda has more from under, you know, the board of, of this route. it's becoming a higher intensity conflict along the lab and on israel border a different phase. so we're seeing an intensification of the fighting from both sides israel carrying out the numerous air strikes on what it calls hezbollah targets along the border, saying that it is taking out a weapons the pose and going after. after fighters at the same time has below 2 increasing the tempo of its operations. no longer just targeting along the border
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on tuesday they targeted deep inside as well some 15 kilometers north of the city of africa. that is a coastal city. yes, the target was a military base, but it is an area where there are still civilian civilians have to take shelter in bunkers. so both sides really sending messages to each other hezbollah saying that it is ready to escalate. if israel continues, you know, to, to, to escalate on this side of the board or going after it's fighters and it's field commanders and targets it assassinations. what this role wants is for hezbollah to pull back at once. he has both fighters to pull back from the border, but despite the thousands of strikes, hezbollah is still along the border, launching attacks from the border. so are we going to see a further escalation as each side tries to get a better, better position on the bargaining table? but what is clear is that this is going to remain an active front line. as long as the war on garza continues, because as well as says there will be no help to the fighting until there is a permanent ceasefire and gaza center for their elders either. so their loved or
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not of and use. now donald trump circled hush money case in new york has hit the wells headlines as if it comes to 1st formally us presidents to stand trial. a trump is also involved in another case that the supreme court, which could have deeper with the cushions, the justices a hearing arguments about whether he enjoyed absolute presidential immunity. while he was in office. she have her time, she has more from washington, dc or the drums law are all due. the us presidents are immunity from prosecution for official x conducted by a president while an office, unless they have been impeached and convicted by congress. well, there, even from small i have to concede the personal actions committed by a president while an office all liable for prosecution. so there was much discussion as to whether this was an allegation is being leveled against donald trump. constance, youth official act or personal actions of a candidate who wants to become president who wants to retain the presidency. trumps argument is that
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a president must be immune. otherwise the opposition can boast to mail the president to do their bidding under the threats. off indictment, once they leave office, the government is arguing that no one is above the law. the supreme court justices unexpected the rule before june. so once again, the question as to whether at least some of the trial is that the little trump faces will even have become by the time the election rolls around is once again unsafe and she advertised seattle to 0 washington. hey, t has sworn in a transitional governing council after months of gang vonage sermon, a was meant to take place of the presidential palace, but it was moved to the outskirts of the capital of poor defense. not the police were unable to gain control. the area around the compound, criminal gains control around 80 percent of the city were directly in. charles sees a journalist with a focus on a t for the miami herald. she says that
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a transitional council will have to work on the constant threats from the gangs in the 1st place where they're going to start is they're going to select one of their own to serve as president, even though technically all of them are presidents and that individual, their vote will not have any more weight than anybody else. and then the next job will be to find the prime minister of point a prime minister to replace aria larry he resigned today and he said he's stepping down. he's not going to be there for the transition. he thinks is finance minister as in terms of prime minister michelle passion, why they are, i have been serving his acting prime minister, but everything that you did up until now was on behalf of on re he consulted with him and he was carrying out his wishes as boarders now he will have to work with this group of 9 individuals who, you know, until recently, and even maybe now know they've been adversaries. and now they have to figure out a way to come together for the good of the country. this was a transitional deal, a political deal that was due back to washington forced,
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i read the step down the caribbean community. they had been passed by watched to try to get patients to come together. and a week before this blew up, they were basically telling our re, during a meeting today and you need to lead power. so when you leave power, what does that do? at least a political voice. and you mentioned earlier that they had to move to the event is back, they had to events because they secretly did their swearing in at the palace. but they simply reported that they weren't going to go there because they don't want to have an attack by the game. i mean, so imagine this is the conditions under which they are operating. and even today, the non stop going, gunshot expired across the top. you and has closed one of it's a peace keeping bases in eastern democratic republic of congo. the because we base in the south cuba province was handed to a government forces on thursday. the company is the government asked you in troops to leave last year,
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accusing them of failing to protect civilians. the indigenous people in brazil continued to most of them onto recognition of their lands. the gathering in the capital of a studio is known. it's the day 5, they want the government over at present. there is enough to do that. the silva to protect the territories from criminal activities like illegal mining to india. now, where the 2nd phase of the 7 stage of general election will take place on friday. the issue of citizenship is critical in constituencies. go into the polls and the northeastern state of assigned the indian government has failed to get visas to, i'll just say it was correspondence to cover this story. therefore, we're covering the election from outside the country on equal soon choice reports. for more than a decade now, lots come on monday. that has been fighting to prove he's an engine citizen. the daily bridge worker was declared to 4 know by 5, you know,
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in india is northeastern state or for some in 2016 since then. he's been for years in detention and his country on base monday. and since he was born in the states, and he's not an undocumented immigrant tablets with a woman up on more than we've heard, there was something called the citizen amendment act, which is supposed to help us. but i don't understand what the c a is. one thing is certain i was born in a some my father and grandfather have documents him on monday lives among nearly 2000000 people in the some who are being excluded from a national registrar of citizens updated in 2019 the b j b says he can get an indian citizenship to a recent fee, and that's a controversial know that sets of religion as a criterion. the citizenship amendment lo, we'll see, provides a fast track to naturalization for seeks policies in those james,
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buddhist and christians, who fled to thomas dunn from the beach and focused on this for 2014. but it excludes muslims from these countries, citizenship and this is a contribution issue, as it seems, rates of migrations, of both hindus and muslims. it's now dividing voltages on snake and religious grounds. as far as the minority muslim community is concerned, it's in know that if they have been creating a narrative and narrative is this that day on not part of the indigenous culture, it is good lot of political, right zation. when you see it from the perspective of electronic dynamics, how much more than 4 years after the bins of approval in parliament, the government has implemented just ahead of this is general election. the problem this, the moraine devoted to seeking
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a system. the passage of the low let to violent protest in 2019 with critics saying it on the mind india, secular identity, most of them. so what are the low combined with the proposed citizenship registry could be used to talk with them. do you think anyone was good? we have echoes of being in a country where the stream is. the majority, like marcus thought, like i've gotten some like burning love this. i don't think so. the answer is very clear. he knows why they have some really just address. it is mostly but such and listen minorities within most the majority nations face persecution to especially a neighboring country is like a finest on and focus funds. but they won't be able to apply for citizenship. and now, many fear india status as a secure list, aid will be put to test under this low on the consumption leave on to see the. so there's more websites out, is there a dot com when the weather is next inside story examines where that is where it
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will have to provide the audiences for the discovery of mass graves in cost to stay with his hands. not just the the hello collins holdings, happy, initiated across central and southern positive charnessa, yet more heavy right inside the flooding they set to us. and as we go through the next couple of days, here's the menu from that to a relatively stationary, fun table slip. it's why a little further north with this we go through the next couple of days. there's that heavy rain returning to southern positive china over the next 2 or 3 days, one or 2. supposed to be down toward hong kong, running through taiwan, could see another 100150, maybe $200.00 millimeters afraid on those not affected areas. take a look, assessed dice more of the same move, very heavy, right?
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the allies in indicating the heavier rain coming back for that because more widespread through the coal. so fast a pushing on into sunday. nothing as well a little further north is but some really heavy down pools. here we really are looking at all 4 conditions as we go through the next style. so most of that generally try up towards the korean peninsula and up towards japan. so let me try to a crossing though. china, one or 2 showers, bring up just around vietnam as we go through the next hour. so scattering shouts to it, to the philippines, and then the usual showers, the accost malaysia and indonesia. some show us to pushing across park this down at the north west india. but for the most part, the heat wave continues the guns july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days,
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resident of the coming to the death and devastation seen through the eyes of palestinian camera mancha lead, hama, who films and strikes the 2 thousands of life. including his own garza, the last picture on as a global outcry after the discovery of mass graves into gaza hospitals. israel is under pressure to provide answers, but will it and how will it be held to account? this is inside store the hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much enjoy them. more bodies have been found in mass graves and gaza after is really forces withdrew from then also and shift medical compounds. they had besieged for weeks, the pallets, and the and civil defense says there was clear evidence,


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