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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the, the business latest is do you believe, i guess is that a minor supply on one of your makes modern plates? the the come on so venue. this is the news our lives from bill coming up in the program to date, tortured, executed, and buried alive. cause of civil defense officials present the evidence found at mass graves were nearly $400.00 bodies have been recovered and the world food program warrens of catastrophic consequences. if israel goes ahead with the offensive in rasa university protests against israel's one gaza,
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or kicking off again across the united states and a toast to haiti's future. put with a new transitional council stem, gain, wireless, and sport. another huge title statement from manchester city are they beat brighton for now? they go within one point, primarily, leaders are still have 40 all sides still have it. in half the policy and officials and gaza had been presenting evidence that they say proves these really military carried out torture and summary executions in hon. eunice. it comes from bodies were covered in the mass. graves of gauze and nearly 400 bodies have been exude from sight, said both the nicer and i'll shift the hospital. confound! now, says 0 is tara cub was, who reports from rasa in southern gaza. this month is
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creams evidence the moments before his son's body was pulled from a mass grave. the north or hospital coming down in con eunice took them home with them high young from gauze of civil defense as showing videos and pictures to a room full of reporters. he wants the world to see the dozens of bodies, the fount i'm to, um, stuff for them. like that of holl affairs. a young girl discovered with her legs amputated with a novice. we found the body of a number of children we have. the question is why do we have children and most graves, a child, the patient is still in his crops. a man with his hands tight bolt to the head. in the past week's dr. munoz teams have got that forensic evidence from nearly 400 bodies. the report finds signs of summary executions and physical to, to see about the new test. you know, again,
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it's not somebody still had the controller on them which shows they have a patients who are receiving treatment and then also hospital dental. it is, i believe it also has approximately 10 bodies were found with their hands tied. i mean each for the forensic examination for 20 bodies, for people we think might have been buried alive. they are asking for an independent investigation to check the findings and document them. the is where the military dismiss accusations its forces buried bodies before the winter to come to compound as baseless isabel. the troops have pulled out of gauze as to main hospitals. in recent weeks, civil defense crews lights had dug up doses of corpses from 2 mass graves and the she felt medical center in gauze of 61. at least 392 buddies when discovered into 3 different sites on the grounds of nicer hospital. more than half of them have yet to be identified. plunging the families in constant anguish. by
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god, i can no longer bear it every day. i come here in search to sit de, he went missing and every day i come 2 or 3 times to search please, whoever knows any information about him. she told me, is he alive or was he taken by these readings or anything? now that u. s. is joining quotes from the union on the you and demanding an explanation from israel cooling the discoveries deeply disturbing goals or civil defense has asked for an independent investigation, connects a integration specializing forensic analysis. since most of the goal has this facility's have been destroyed, they are hoping to find the full image about what happened during, as well as raging loss or hospital. i'm to give the families of those being killed . the answer is that we're looking for tari cup as a. how does the rough rough, how this time, a palestinians who work to facilitate a deliveries have been killed and it is really strike on a bus south of gaza city park of boys whom has won this from rough,
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i think is very military, had targeted eclipse palestinians who were responsible in securing a d, a deliveries to the northern part of gauls, the 8 of them have been killed and they have been transferred to the are of hospital to be provide late shuffle burial part. yet the attack has been carried out in a telling how a neighborhood as this is not the 1st attack from its kind that has been targeting a people who are securing 8 supplies. in light of the ongoing, repeated attacks on the police vehicles, palestinians in the know their pots of guns and started to organize local committees that are consisting of young men who are, will be responsible for delivering and securing a deliveries to the know the positive gauze with just to guarantee that there was going to be no further types of carriers off to the repeated attacks against a policeman. bestbuy, yet the whose people had been attacked without any private warning. as we have been
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recording said, of military strikes, not only on 8 c cuz of the same time on a walk is and people often who are responsible for securing such a way to reach to the white house as if it's a charge of organizations in order to be late distributed to hundreds of thousands of palestinian families in another part of territory where the vast majority of population have been cut off from receiving the much needed humanitarian supplies in the course of the past few months. in the us says that it was answers from these really government regarding the mass graves, while the european union and the united nations are demanding an independent inquiry. while i was here as christians, whom use at the un headquarters in new york, so christian in light of the evidence that was shared today by gaza, civil defense, what can the united nations do? yeah, it's a great question. that's one that we had for the un secretary general spokesperson earlier today. as you said,
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they have called for an independent investigation. they say they're collecting information about what happened. but i asked them specifically, given the request from the palestinian civil defense for health with a forensic investigation, what they could do on that front to help. and they said that they don't have the authority to take possession of evidence without a mandate. here's my conversation with stefan drake. what should they do with that information? they say they need the forensic examination. where should they go for this? what would you, what would you advise on? i think it is important or excuse me, the circumstances to ensure that any potential evidence is kept in a way that is not compromised. we've called for an international investigation how that will take place. it's unclear this time. there are certain bought parts of
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this organization that have the authority to do that shit, parts of the organization. do you think can be of how well i mean there's, there's only investigate profitable and those very right there, there, legislative bodies of this organization that could create and call for an international investigation that has yet to happen. in the meantime, it's important at all forensic evidence of the well preserved so when he talks about legislative bodies, he's referring to the security council, the general assembly, the human rights council, other bodies that could vote and ask for a special investigation by the united nations. he says, that's what they need in order to proceed with an investigation that can look more closely at and try to verify the suspicion that these bodies were in fact buried alive. worth noting also that the u. n. a and the w h o have condemned attacks on
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health care facilities. the director general of the w h o has also called for the military rising hospitals and pointed out that since october 7th, there had been 890 attacks on hospitals in the palestinian territories. 32 of them in the gaza strip had been damaged out of 36 or kristen salumi reporting from you in headquarters in new york. thank you very much, kristen. meanwhile, israel's work cabinet has been holding meetings to discuss the military's next news in gaza. and the world food programs director in the gaza strip has worn that a full military assault on rough uh would kill thousands of people. we have really concerns about any kind of in cushion interest for the to displace hundreds of thousands of people i've just driven through uh con eunice to get here um from one
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side of the gaza strip to the other and seen the level of destruction across the us on eunice, if that happens, roughly tens of thousands of people will die. if that happens in rafa. hundreds of thousands of people who displaced again more misery, more needs that we will need to have to try and resolve and meet the earlier the deputy chairman. so how much time does a, how the, the highest spoke, sales is 0. and he says that the group is still open for negotiations with israel. but a key condition remains the withdrawal of israeli forces from god. nothing in the fall of the we are engaging serious in earnest negotiations. in our stance is firm and true. we seek to reach a permanent ceasefire and incomplete withdrawal of israel's occupying forces from the entire gaza strip and then move towards a serious and real swap deal to which we would release all is really we hold
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captive, including the living ones and the bodies of those killed in exchange, the agreement will be made through these tens, hundreds and thousands of posting and prisoners from is really jails is go to the us now, it's just over a week since students at columbia university begin their protests demanding that their university cut ties with israel and accept no further funding from these really government students at harvard, george town mit and most recently, george washington university are demanding the same protests of spread across the us. the campuses in several different states including michigan, texas and california. well, l 0 is patty cohan, is standing by for us in washington, dc. patty will come for you in just a moment 1st, so we'll go to john henry and who's screen right at columbia university in new york, which has been the epicenter of this set. this protest movement really? so john, the protesters behind you had been given. what is it now? 7 hours till midnight local to leave. you've told us that they're not going to
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leave. so what's happening as well? they are saying they're not going to leave and they do seem determined 0. they have said that they are focused on the demands that they have given the administration. and those are they want the administration to disclose what the universities investments are. didn't dive asked of anything that is either directly connected to israel or is a new nation factors or anything that contributes to the war in gaza. and they want amnesty for all of these students who haven't been protesting, and some of them have paid a price for that. a 100 had been arrested right here. and across the street at bernard university, the daughter of johan omar, a congresswoman, and a muslim american congress. moment was suspended and you'll know more of the congress women came here herself a little earlier. and she told our colleagues at calendars here a plus the she was proud of this move and she was sorry that in her words, it took
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a genocide for this to happen. but that seemed to buck up the students and make them even more determined to stick this out ahead of that midnight deadline to university get extend that deadline. it could send in the police or it could come up with some middle wrapper. told that those talks are ongoing. now of course that movement that started here has spread across the country since this began. and these folks say they're not going home. a dead zone as you're saying that it is spread across the country and we were just seeing the live shots there. boston washington dc. minneapolis of course, is new york, where you are, there's austin, texas, multiple campuses where we're seeing these encampments just spring up. and, and john, since we're looking at this, um, bear with me. this is a bit of a fuzzy question, but do you feel that what we're seeing on campus is kind of reflects where the conversation stands right now when the us army is really gaza war?
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absolutely, there is a christ like you to these countries. and everyone says, how divided this country is politically will. this is a great example of that. divide young people, students, liberal muslim americans, air of americans has risen up and they have asked in government to call for a cease fire. that's not happening. the university students are also avenue asking for their universities to divest, and that's just cause conflict across the country. but it does seem to reflect the national conversation is for miracles by and large have been supportive of israel through the years. that seems to have shifted somewhat in recent years as more muslim and arab americans who have come to the us. and i think that the sense that of the injustice and the number of people children truth,
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that conversation it's being led by these people right here. they're willing to drawing visuals attention to this problem. they have drawn the attention of congress, the speaker, the us house of representatives, who's here a day ago, i keep condemned to protest movements, but they brought it to his attention. so yes, this is definitely where the national conversation starts to find out if it ends here or whether it continues in the coming hours in days. all right, john, thank you very much for your coverage there. that will go to another campus now where there are protests, there is an encampment then that is screen right padding coal hain is standing by for us here at george washington university in the federal capital. patty, you've been sharing with us. i think a range of voices really on this issue that have a voice and polar opposite opinions on this. where are things where you are now? well, have to say everything is very much calm. they've been having speeches and chance
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they set up these tests. what's remarkable is just about 24 hours ago, this was literally just a college square. these purchase or say they were expired. but what happened in columbia to set up these tens, i want to bring in another one of those voices that i think is very unique to this conversation. i'm all good, colorado. she is a alumni of george washington and your parents flood during the knock box. and then your husband, you said this from casa, what's happening to his family, of my family, your lessons, family, you know, my husband's family, um about maybe 85, maybe 100 people were closed. um, from the beginning of the war on guys that you graduated last year. congratulations from george washington. how much have you been able to share your story with the students here? yeah, i share my story a lot, many times with the students and most of the few dance where some,
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besides with me about, you know, what have been some of them they have for you to speak up. but most of them are they were supporting, get the 1st thing in human rights and they were saying good words to me about it. you know, we've seen people protest before, especially pro palestinian protests against israel. does this seem different to some of these kids? younger people, i will call them kids and it is. it is different because it shows that this a new generation. no, that's all about what's going on in garza. and in the though to buy the all for the sign and there's a you know, the history. so it's amazing that those
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like young people who didn't even live by this time uh who didn't suffer from the corporation, but they see the suffering of the people there. and the, i think cam, one of the most important reasons for that is that social media. because it's of no, no, not prospected by governments. thank you very much. them all for joining us and it's true the thank you very much say for the american media does not tend to cover this work, especially close the way we do. so not aware that any negotiations are happening, but we did have a crew just starting to straighten this out pretty massive police presence hours ago. now the, some of the students have said they were told that they had till 7 to leave the spot. i talked to a police official on campus, he said you haven't given them any sort of timeline and that basically they're
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saying they just can't set of care so they can protest in a certain spot. so this one but the cancer cancer. so i've also talked to a lot of count profile, so the students and they say it's the police come and they're going to have to arrest them. so we had a crew on scene and they are waiting for any updates throughout the night. okay, so it looks like you have some kind of soft deadline of 7 p m local time where you are, where, where things you know might, might, might become very different uh at that same john, who's reporting from new york has a midnight local deadline. he was saying that's probably going to be ignored by everyone involved. but we'll continue to watch the scene life as we speak to you. patty, we're, we're looking at the live shots from minneapolis from boston from new york from los angeles, from where you are in washington. um, thank you very much for the great coverage is really forces have arrested 3 palestinian children at the java zone. refugee camp, which is north of ramallah in the occupied westbank. the children,
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ranging from ages 10 to 13, were arrested in your school run by the you with is really military can be seen forcing the children to board military vehicles. elsewhere in the occupied westbank, a funeral has been held for a policy and a teenager who was killed by his really forces. mourners carried the body of 16 year old. how that was the name on a route through the streets of janine. he was shot in the chest during, and it's really rate in ramallah nearly $500.00. now the students have been killed in the occupied westbank since the war on gaza began. israel's army is carrying out operations along the border with lebanon. there have been several air strikes targeting areas in the villages of um, uh, shop and cora and $711.00 on houses. there was an a hold or has more from marsh. are you near the border with israel is becoming a higher intensity conflict along the lab. and on israel border a different phase. so we're seeing an intensification of the fighting from both
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sides. israel carrying out the numerous air strikes on what it calls hezbollah targets along the border, saying that it is taking out a weapons to pose and going after. after fighters at the same time hezbollah to increasing the tempo of its operations, no longer just targeting along the border on tuesday they targeted deep inside as well some 15 kilometers north of the city of echo that is a coastal city. yes, the target was a military base, but it is an area where there are still civilian civilians have to take shelter in bunkers. so both sides really sending messages to each other hezbollah saying that it is ready to escalate. if israel continues, you know, to, to the escalate on this side of the board or going after it's fighters and it's field commanders and targets it assassinations. what this role wants is for hezbollah to pull back at once. he has bought a fight is to pull back from the border, but despite the thousands of strikes, hezbollah is still along the border,
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launching attacks from the border. so are we going to see a further escalation as each side tries to get a better, better position on the bargaining table? but what is clear is that this is going to remain an active front line. as long as the war on garza continues, because as well as says there will be no help to the fighting until there is a permanent ceasefire in gaza center for their elders either. so their loved or not the, the, the end you know, where the 2nd, the 7 phase general election will take place on friday. the issue of citizenship is critical in constituencies going to the polls in the northeastern state of us on the beach. if he government has passed a controversial based on religion, the indian government has failed to give these as 2 alphas here as correspondence to cover this story. so we're covering the election from outside the country and we consume, surely for points. for more than
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a decade now lots come on monday. that has been fighting to prove he's an engine citizen. the daily bridge worker was declared of 4 by 5, you know, in india is northeastern state or for some in 2016 since then. he's been 4 years in detention and his country on bail mundell and since he was born in the states and he's not an undocumented immigrant guy was with a woman, not a problem with that, we've heard there was something called the citizen amendment act, which is supposed to help us, but i don't understand what the c a is. one thing is certain i was born and a some my father and grandfather have documents here. monday is among nearly 2000000 people in the some who are being excluded from a natural registrar of citizens updated in 2019 the b g b says he can get an indian citizenship to a recent fee and that's a controversial know that sets of religion as a criterion,
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the citizenship amendment lo, we'll see, provides a fast track to naturalization for seeks policies in news, jane's buddhist and christians who fled to promised on the dish and focused on this for 2014. but it excludes muslims from these countries, citizenship and this is a contribution issue, as it seemed race of migrations of both hindus and muslims. it's now dividing voltage on it's nice and religious grounds. as far as the minority muslim community is concerned, it's in know that if they have been creating a narrative and narrative, is this the day on not part of the indies. enough culture is good. lot of police fuller, i zation. when you the see it from the perspective of electronic dynamics, how much more than full use of to the bills of approval in parliament,
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the government has implemented just ahead of this is general election. the prime minister moving to body is seeking a system. the passage of the low let to violent protest in 2019 with critics saying it on the mind india, secular identity wisdom. so what are the low combined with the proposed citizenship registry could be used to talk with them. do you think anyone was good? we have echoes of being in a country where the stream is the measure that the lake park is done like of gun and stuff like burnwell this i don't think so. the answer is very clear. he knows why they have some really just address. it is mostly but certain, most the minorities within most the majority nations face persecution, to especially a neighboring country is like a furnace dawn and focused on but they won't be able to apply for citizenship. and now many fear india status as a secure list aid will be put to test under this low on the consumption leave on to
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see the. so now a reminder that we are covering that election from outside the country as the indian government has not granted visas to elsie restaurants. still ahead on elsie's 0, harvey weinstein sexual assault case triggered the need to movement. report has no overturn his conviction. we'll have more on that and find out why what one of at least most famous cities is going to cut down the number of bits davis. also we'll hear from barcelona, head coach shelby next to after his shots. you turn decision to stay at the spanish joins the the color we got. oh i'm sorry. i'm certain whether it was a good positive here where to where the right,
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which was the east and possibly losing that to struck the when the, the dustin cab has been drifting up from this a hara got some good scattering, a shelves across central pos, lots of areas of light pressures but of adults tend to assume fact. and then we got this where the system will these to what the systems thinking further south was and they will introduce what the weather into that west inside of here as we go through the next couple days, much needed cloud and rain coming into spain and portugal what will become more widespread do without it really across the broad south? because england, well, scotland pushing across into northern not in and in fact across the republic as well, but to does to and increase the unsettled across spain and portugal. as we go through sas day notice and snow that to with apparently it's heavier rain coming into westland central past of france to west. and you just up then central area somewhat, quite somewhat dry, somewhat brighter on the 2 showers the just down to will. southern parts of the bulk is but that eastern side of the med, lousy, fine, dry and settled with
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a good deal of sunshine sunshine to across northern parts of africa. just to jo, chat, drifting through here. and then the showers, the west africa started but surely drifting further north. the now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what, this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even have this is most important, which of these are going to and bushy hold unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on out. and the latest news, as it breaks, the doctors will say to witness the killing, knew exactly where to with detailed coverage. everyone is telling us they do
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not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas from the hall to the story. these attacks are taking place also was had a city and are on the road, making it very dangerous for them to commute from one place to another. the they're watching else 0 a reminder of our headlines. how this thing and officials and guys that have been presenting evidence that they say proves these really military carried out torture and executions and assign you this. it comes from the bodies were covered in the mass graves of gaza. almost 400 bodies have now been assumed from the 2 sites that
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the nicer and i'll shift the hospitals. students and faculty members from universities across the united states or continues purchased and supported alliston are demanding their universities, financial ties of israel and a best from the companies that they say enabled the wrong guys at all times. so called a hush money case in new york has hit the world's headlines as he becomes the 1st former us president to stand trial. but trump is also involved in another case at the supreme court level, which could have deeper repercussions. the justices heard arguments about whether he enjoyed the absolute presidential in unity while he was in office. she have her time, she has more on this from washington. the drums law are all due. the us presidents are immunity from prosecution for official ex, conducted by a president while an office, unless they have been impeached and convicted by congress. well, there, even from small i have to concede the personal actions committed by
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a president while an office all liable for the prosecution. so there was much discussion as to whether this sort of allegations being leveled against donald trump. constance youth official x plus selections of a candidates who wants to become president who wants to retain the presidency. trumps argument is that a president must be immune. otherwise, the opposition can boast to mail the president to do their bidding under the threats, off indictment. once they leave office, the government is arguing that no one is above the law. the supreme court justices all expect the rule before june. so once again, the question as to whether at least some of the trials the donald trump faces will even have become by the time the election rolls around is once again unsafe. she, everytime seattle to 0, washington new york's highest court has overturn to be 2020 rates. conviction of the former hollywood producer harvey weinstein. it rule that the trial judge was wrong to allow testimony from women who were not named when the initial charges
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were brought against wednesday. the face of the possible re trial, but is expected to remain in prison in new york. that's because of a 16 year sentence handed down by another court. this one in california 2 years ago in a separate rape case as it is showing when a human being who is in his early seventy's now says i've been in jail for, for 4 years because something i didn't do. and what was done was done in proper and that's a really think about where we all were 4 years ago. we were locked down a cove and think about how much license passed. and he's missed all of that. and he's got little kids there behind. so the try a lawyer and for a baltimore city prosecutor, she joins us from baltimore. debbie, put on your law professor half a just a moment. why was weinsteins conviction overturn it was a close decision to the $43.00 decision which meant 4 judges validated to overturn
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it. and 3 did not put in that was presented by other witnesses, women who were not whose charges were not brought. the court said that that was highly prejudicial. now, in all other cases, many other cases as prosecutors. now a former prosecutor, we bring evidence sometimes to show a pattern and practice not to show that you were found guilty in those other, in this case, women's testimony. but it just busters the fact that it shows a potential pattern in practice. what's the highest court in new york said is that may be true, but it's so highly prejudicial. in this case, that we cannot consider that it did not harm his case. and so it was overturned and one of those grounds, so that'd be that means the prosecutor's entire strategy during the trial of calling many witnesses to the bar to establish this pattern of predatory behavior
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on the part of harvey weinstein. that entire strategy has backfired. no, it it backfired. i mean the pallet, well the conviction was over. ted. right? but what i'm trying to say is, i don't know if it's backfired because they could have just as it was, a judgment call is what the prosecutor made and the law is in park. it's not a science. so i'm not going to say that it was totally wrong could isn't okay, in another case, but this case was so widely known that the court likely said that no, you cannot do which in this case. so it was a decision that the prosecutors made, they, it's not necessarily that their case of rest and on it. and as a former prosecutor, sometimes you just want to try and claim case and just make it as narrow as possible. and sometimes you want to bring in a wider range of evidence and in this case, bringing in that wider range of evidence which of cases that he was not charged in
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caused the case to be overturn. so if the prosecutors go after wind seen again as i believe, a signal that they, that they would then what would be the strategy the 2nd time around the strategy would be just as in any other case, is that a try to try the case that you have before you try the to, well, it's cases that you have before you don't try to bring in anything else, just keeping it. now, let the chips fall on those women's cases. the jurors either believe those women or they don't believe them, and that is our case. just try your case. bring the charges beyond a reasonable doubt when the case and the charges that you have. and if your weinstein is lawyer, now you're rubbing your hands. now you're thinking, well, there are going to be, there's not going to be this whole pattern of behavior. it would potentially 20 women speaking out against my client. now we're just focus focusing on these 2 cases. and that happens every day in america, when saxophones,
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cases sexual assault cases, that are not a harvey weinstein individual. there is not always, not normally a slew of other women to bring in other cases and the same type of charges. so the case will be tried just like it's tried. and many other item know cases across america, against sexual predators. when the sexual assault sexual rate cases. okay. oh, thank you. that's a, that's a useful reminder. and also another reminder for our viewers, harvey weinstein, will remain in prison because there was another case that one in california. he was handed a 16 year sentence there. the beg your pardon for um for for rate. debbie hines, thank you very much for your time today. thank you. hey, he has one and a new transitional counsel. after months of gang violence which forced the prime minister ariel on re to resign. the swearing in was meant to take place of the presidential palace, but haitian police were unable to gain control of the area around the compound. so
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the ceremony you're seeing here instead took place on the outskirts of the haitian capital for the prince. criminal gangs control around 80 percent of the city at jacqueline charles as a journalist with a focus on haiti for the miami, miami herald. jacqueline, you are joining us from miami. so this transitional council has such a difficult road ahead to now stabilize haiti, which has been in a tailspin. where do they start as well? the 1st place where they're going to start is they're going to select one of their own to serve as president, even though technically all of them are presidents and that individual, their vote will not have any more weight than anybody else. and then the next job will be to find the prime minister, a point of prime minister to replace aria larry he resigned today. he said he's stepping down, he's not going to be there for the transition. he names as finance minister as in term prime minister, michelle passion,
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why there had been serving his acting prime minister, but everything that he did up until now was on behalf of only he consulted with him and he was carrying out his wishes as boarders. now he will have to work with this group of 9 individuals who, you know, until recently, and even they be now know they've been adversaries. and now they have to figure out a way to come together for the good of the country. okay, how, what's the path forward here? because i understand all these, all this process is necessary, right? you need a president, you need a prime minister, etc. but it, it does seem almost a little bit disconnected from what's happening on the ground where the capital is now largely under the control of gigs. well, this was a transitional deal, a political deal that was part of that to washington for. so i read this stuff down the caribbean community. they had been passed by watch to try to get patients to come together as a week before this blew up. they were basically telling our re during
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a meeting today and you need to leave power. so when you leave power, what does that do? it leads to political voice and you mentioned earlier that they had to move to the event. in fact, they had tool bags because they secretly did their swearing in at the palace. so basically reported that they weren't going to go there because they didn't want to have an attack by the game. i mean, so imagine this is the conditions under which they are operating and even today there's a non stop button gunshots fired across the top. so security is the priority once, once you've uh, picked the leadership team, the priority by any measure is security and dealing with the gangs, one way or another to they have to fight the games or do they have to negotiate perhaps with the gangs, talk with them in some fashion, there are 300. yeah. and well, i will fight of haiti. this has been a narrative, has been coming up. we are not seeing that inside of the 1st and foremost, you're writing the security. how do you return security? we know that the one has approved the international for some multi national
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security support mission that has had its own challenges as far as the lack of money is. that is the problem, is that far is going to deploy? well, i've been told that it is going to deploy the president of kenya. russo said that, you know, they're going to do it. so we're waiting to see how quickly that can happen. all right, jacqueline charles, something tells me it's not the last thing we speak. thank you so much for your time today. the haiti situation is definitely going to warrant more interviews. thank you so much. jacqueline. thank you. un peacekeepers have begun their departure from the eastern democratic republic of the congo. the 1st bases of closed and south keeping province, but there are fears about the government's ability to fill in that vacuum as part of your car reports. drawing down a decades long mission pakistani peacekeepers remove the you in flag and raise the
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democratic republic of the congo colors. this you in base and do capital is one of 14 and says, keep your province set to close by the end of april. the eastern congo peacekeeping mission, known as my new scope is ending this year at the request of the government. the woman leading that mission made it clear what that means. the plan we supposed to be paid for protection of civilian life with the government of d. f c, and this is where they have to build in terms of the mending that the safety and security ease taken cable by those who will have to fight. and we, we supposed to be the, the us presence has become increasingly unpopular here in recent years. it's accused of fading to protect civilians from arm groups, but agencies and many local worried the con, the least forces aren't ready to replace some 15000 to you and forces one of our this is we already grazing this decision of the government at this particular moment pushing the new scope withdrawal from the country. we know that they
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supposed to leave one day, but to be honest, i don't think out government is really to take soul responsibility in terms of security. it's not possible to believe that they've done more than one and a half a 1000000 internally displaced. people live in 9 comes across as keep who province many has said violence, the neighboring north keepers for the government struggle to hold by consensus by the m 23 revo group is what the government stephen says is, should be solely responsible for security. cool, right. what do sure everybody here has taken his engine with that show me it is possible. he has a government to provide the security piece and also from the attempt to reach many people here in the eastern. dear see, we'll be happy to see you in forces lease, but the violence that's plague the region for decades does not seem likely to end
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seems pretty a car which is 0. it leaves world same as city of venice is trying a new scheme to reduce overcrowding. it is charging $5.00 for those who want to visit on busy days. the tax is the 1st of its kind in the world. not everyone is happy. as sonya diego reports, it's a world famous oven one to build on a lagoon and a city desperate to stay afloat under the pressure of mass tourism. venice has long welcomed the flood of visitors that comes to its shows, but the passage of time and the crowds have taken their toll in a bit to control the damage to this unesco wells. heritage sites. the solution in the form of an entrance fee a little more than $5.00 to stem the tide of tourists system is very important because a, we are finding a new balance between the residents of the community and the dates. we 1st,
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anyone wanting to pay a visit to the floating city on such and busy days will need to download a queue. all code. total numbers will be limited. reservations are meant to be made online, but there are booths for those who don't have a smartphone. if you live local study in venice, you don't need to pay to do those who have hotel reservations raged on to 14 inspectors patrolling the main entrance point to the city on the account for those have avoided paying the fee which can assign between $50.00 and $300.00 and it hasn't gone down well with some tourists when the pretty bad a to the private person on the budget to come here for an hour or 2 and enjoy the city. surely a shame service already for you to come to the country to visit a city in the city. your venice itself has only $50000.00 residents, but it welcomes $13000000.00 visitors
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a year. 2 thirds of them come just for the day. the effects that tourism has on the city has long been a source of frustration for its inhabitants. cruise ships with band of to one calculated into adult really for those who had been campaigning for years over the damage they close to the lagoon. but it's also naturally of would have been put on the unesco world heritage in danger list. that's the you in 40 said the city was addressing the problems of mass tourism of a tourist destinations will be looking closely at the scheme if its success. it could be replicated elsewhere, but when it kept that she knew venice is famous, florian cafe can set you back $13.00. it might not dissuade too many for visiting sony guy go out to 0. us in paris, the famous widow who is now without it's milan. that means when with when mailing french officers blades broke off. take a look at this authority. say they don't know what caused the death part of the
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signature is also broken during the incident. or the cabaret is wanna paris as most visited attractions and celebrates its 100 and 35th anniversary this year. is still ahead on alpha 0. getting on the fast lane to a bigger global market share, chinese car manufacturer a showcase their latest models and the badging motor, sho, russell and adel screenshots and preparations continue with victory in the 1st round of its rid of and find out how he did it next. in school, the, in this business uptake this voltage by the city bank growth partner of on the dash before he is the
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these business uptake. these me, roy thought no bundle dash football is he is saying that this is a privilege to get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been found out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks
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facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice as relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divides the all the time for all that sports usually promise you with as far as male who has joined us in the studio far. thank you so much. 0. manchester said he has sent out another
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big title statement as a thrash brightened for now to go within one point, a premier league leaders arsenal. say we're looking to make it 18 games. i'm beaten in the league place for 3 and the 1st half. the 1st was kevin debris is 1st ever had to go so far. and then for twice as he took his kindly leave tally to susan to 16 goals for, for julian alvarez. as for his 1st full weekdays, convincing victory for pet for the on the side that keeps them firmly in his huddled ride and see why they still have, despite all their so 5 games left for man. city who have now moved to points above liver pool arsenal. superior gold difference means any draw up points for city code, prove costly, but for now a 4th week title in a row is in their hands. while lever pulls, title hopes have cooled talks their potential new coach has been heating up on
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a slide has admitted he is in negotiations to take over from your going club of our nerd manager was seen with his side for the 1st time since news least of his possible appointment, and a 45 year old has reportedly confirmed his interest in the liverpool job blot lead, find irritable league title last season. they are currently sitting 12 points behind leaders. yes. the big news in spain, or chevy has you turn to decided to stay on as far as one of the head coach. he had said he was stepping away at the end of the season, but will now see out the end of his contract in june 2025 or so currently, 2nd in league 11 points behind round which red of the issue and part of the in the caribbean, so good, right then i so the decision would benefit the clubbing, all aspects, but right now circumstances have changed. so i continue here with the utmost happiness on you is willing to keep working and building a winning project of japan. i have reached the semi finals of the under $23.00
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asian cat after they beat house cots are for to victory here would put the sites within one day qualifying for the olympics. the hair is a slight going down to 10 man, cause her when in funds in the 2nd half, which of course the matched extra time and they score twice to say, let's turn in for the 1st time since 2016. so face around for the wrapping it down has gone off to a comfortable start with the madrid open as he continues his push to be ready for next month's french open. he beat a 16 year old darwin blanche in straight sets on wednesday. no dial said hello, only play a role in girls. if he's ready. freezing doubts over his participation. he's already once free of his 14 or french open pedals by the time this opponent blanche was born. and now has only played 5 competitive matches this year,
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but nice through here to break. and the 1st sent a loud noise when 61 or another straightforward 2nd sites as a one. imagine just over an hour. next for the 5 time winner of this fence is out seminar, we lost 2 in bar slona, which was very not for me. you know, after the things develop to the last few years, it'd be the end that they had the chance to, to be on board. and it's amazing because them with, you know, conditional support the throughout the means a lot domino. so a just trying to enjoy every moment on the tomorrow, one more day of practice here for tomorrow again. so that makes me feel great. women's world. number one, you just me on tack, opened her campaign with a straight sets went over china is when she you the madrid open is the only big european clate titled, the post start is yes. when she one tech,
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who is the reading or french open champion and base serena christ out. and that's what number 3 cocoa golf east into the 3rd round, the 20 year old americans raj, the ranch, a rou, 616, loud in the 1st double bag on victory. i've heard we're bringing us up and championship just 51 minutes the silver way. so things down. yeah. diana, yes, from scott rebels, chief designer, h renew. he is said to leave it from the one team due to the controversy surrounding the allegations against their team of principal christian horner, the 65 year old is considered to be the architect behind red bulls, extraordinary dominance of the sports in recent years. but he's reward, we've been unsettled by the situation involving warner, who was accused of inappropriate behavior by a female employee. something he was later cleared out by an internal investigation . now he has been with rebel for nearly 2 decades to mind. the heat has leveled
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their playoff series against the boston celtics, with an impressive 111 to 101. when you tyler here are contributing 6 of mine was franchise records 233 wireless on the night. here is 4 and 24 points. as well as 14 assist, including one for them at a bios for 21 points in south, along with henry 3 is on saturday. in lansing. all the nfl is also in its post season and reading stanley cup champions, vegas school, the nights are to nothing out but and their playoff series against the dallas stars . that's a thanks to 831. when in game 2 on wednesday in dallas, the series actually says if any champions against the west, but right now the number one is the dallas, this hours and 15 minutes trouble as a series is a las vegas for getting me on saturday. i don't say there's for some incredible pictures from the mountains of iceland, japanese sky jumper. roy, couple ashy, has unofficially broken the record for the longest job. you want?
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big champion fluids, distance and 291 meters. retail space around a 107 kilometers an hour. it was in the air for around 8 seconds. it was 37.5 meters further than the official world record fire because is not under competition conditions. each junctions f i, a deafening body will not recognize it. okay, that is all you support now back to you 0. all right bar. thank you so much. at one more thing before we let you go, we'll take you to the paging motor show nearly 300 electric vehicle models are on display. they're china dominates, the global markets of battery powered cars and the countries brands are expanding overseas. katrina, you reports from badging. the theme of disuse, aging, also show is new euro new cars. and many chinese also make us believe that this year is one blood chinese vehicles will dominate the global market. so the scenario
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chinese automotive companies are increasing their investment, research and development, so that we are able to produce cheaper and back to vehicles. that all the new people could afford to drive or china is already the world's biggest producer of costs and leads the battery powered industry. 60 percent of the world's electric vehicles for ease of sold and china. earlier this year. horton grant, brand b y d, or the tesla is the world's biggest selling e v maker dozens of new electric vehicle models of being unveiled, hey, over the next few days and emphasis on also visual intelligence, driving and smart connect. competition and china is increasingly fees with new players entering the market in recent months, including home appliance, sprint show me. well, china is producing more vehicles. it's slowing. economy means they're all fuel sales, then hopefully one day that you know, until the future, the domestic demand for new energy vehicles is being sufficient to absorb,
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to every increase in production as well. so this car manufacturers must pay attention to the overseas market. this has full some brands such as near to expand in europe and then the least. the 27 percent tariffs have prevented chinese also makers from entering the us market. washington is under pressure to band them completely with some american politicians. cooling, twenties caused a threat to the us, auto industry and national security. during the visit to china, this week, us secretary of state anthony blinking raised concerns about china's trade policies . on what the bought in the industry should close non market practices. it's a cute china of over capacity in several green industries and flooding the global market with an sally subsidized quotes. china has dismissed the criticism, saying the us is trying to cook it's development and suppressed its industries. katrina, you out 0 meeting. ok, that's it for this news hour,
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but i will be back in just 2 minutes of the top of the hour with another slate of world savings. the investigating the use and abuse of power. the cost on that, which is era, the, it's been a full for an, a progressive change, the locked in america. this time the slides were made high as to the violence against gender and sexual minority. i've come to windows irene, 2 young women who have taken place and it were to establish greater freedom and equality. welcome to generation change as level series attempts to understand, i'm telling you is that mobile i use around the world. generation in change on al jazeera, pod hitch, i mean to be used as the i, r c suffered casualties. we have not something to say,
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tyler sees thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know double stand to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful. you the story on talk to how does era being a journalist is that privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make the
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other voices relevant to so that there's more that unites us. then divide the the answer will then, yeah, it's good to have you with this. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. to the protest spreading across us universities denouncing the war on gaza and calling to cut ties with israel and its supporters and tortured, executed and buried alive, gaza. civil defense officials.


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