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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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because himself, we're getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you want find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era, the us joins the who and the you and, and demanding an explanation from israel from mass graves found in garza, the kind of them are a kyle, this is out of their live from. so we're going to take you straight to my foot now and something garza, we're just waiting for a press conference to begin being held by the policy and in civil defense that in
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rafa say i'm going to be talking about the discovery of these mass graves. pull in 354. these have been found in mass graves and hospitals and in compounds allows the gauze and strip. since today we've got lab ahead of the monitoring and documenting unit the head of the civil defense department con units. i'm the director of criminal evidence in connie, and as we're waiting that for them to uncover some evidence of what they've found in these mass graves and pool can little bit more about what they have found. let's see if they have started talking gadson and get our translator off to see if i started to speak a
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particularly they have themselves about plus companies that we will be close and straight to it as soon as they start talking. meantime, let's go to honey monkwood. he's in raffle for us with the latest on these months. grace discoveries, the more of the clock and revelations of what's going on inside nasir hospital court yard were not the great was this cover and today is the 2nd day in a role where paramedics and civil defense, the crew members still recovering bodies of from this spot. the gray of their bodies of children and women, elderly bodies of patients and injuries. and because these don't have these medical bandages gab, if you're still attached their body is what, what paramedics and civil defense that goes so far have recovered from the, for you out of the hospital. very consistent with testimony from medical to stop
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and evacuated in this way. spans inside the hospital when they, when it was when the facility it was under, the israeli military is these last month describing the 4 of the mazda round and the, the indiscriminate shooting and people were dropped outside of the house for them to do where it's acute it and later on they were buried. when we visited the masa grade, we could the family members who can parents who have been searching for their missing family members and their children for the past 2 months. then they were only able to recognize the bodies of their family members and the children from the clothes that they are wearing up so far. what we're looking at is more of a shocking revelation of what happened in the past 2 months. it's not just about the number of people, but it just the about all the little details that they have experienced before they were killed before they were buried in this mazda. right, right now to about what the policy and in similar defense is talking about,
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the german title war, waged by the israeli occupation against our people in the gaza strip. the general direct rate of the civil defense responded to calls that were received by our operations room all over the gaza strip. we received over $100000.00 calls since the beginning of the aggression part of which civil defense crews could not respond to. and this is due to the occupation, not allowing our crews to access to be concerned areas, particularly the area of con eunice, where it'd be drowned incursion continued for over 4 months. like i said earlier, the civil defense received styles in distress the calls, if you don't mean that kind of since early december 2023 part of these calls coming from the injured people who are under the rubble. unfortunately, we could not even with them. following the pull out of the israeli occupation army from the governor, rape, our crews rushed immediately to the areas from which we receive the districts calls
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distress called by the injured people. and after 4 months, we only found composed bodies and skeletons. operation rooms received calls about hundreds of civilians being lost at the not through a medical hospital. we immediately moved in concert with the most of our brothers and forensic evidence and the governor rates. and we went to the doctor medical complex where we found 3 mass graves behind the more in front of the mortgage and near the 100 government dialysis building. d as in mass graves. in these mass graves, the bodies of martyrs were stacked together and there were indications of dead oh, cool field executions or summary executions were conducted, as well as the suspicions of physical torture that maybe some bodies were subjected
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to. as well as the suspicions that some of the murder people were buried alive, we had planned a fee of plan in order to excavate to the mass graves and on earth with this bodies . we documented the process and our crews deployed all over the even officer medical complex and we recovered directly and 39092 bodies. thank including the 65 bodies that for identified by the families and 227 bodies that remain on them. no nephew. so the 50 percent of the bodies that were assumed the identity we could not confirm and this is due to a number of reasons. now i see that v occupation, the costs or the thought of other does not change the marketing stuff, allow us to identify the bodies. some of the bodies were view deleted and some of
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the bodies were placed in the bags that aggravated the decomposition of process. and pod, after 108202 days, we call upon the international community to put the pressure in order to put an immediate tend to this aggression against our people and allow the entry of all humanitarian organizations in the world and international media to take a look at these crimes and now i will get default to dr. martin, but i didn't know that yet. the head of the follow up and coordination committee to tell us about the evidence that was recovered from these mass graves. doctor, the floor is yours and the name of god most compassionate, most merciful me. i love, peace and blessings be upon you all the abundance of love it. so we followed a number of steps that we followed a series of steps in order to document the mass graves and the crimes that were committed by the occupation. we documented all the areas and the previous steps
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that were taken in order to excavate mass grades. we examined the, the depth us with the bodies. we remove the sand that was covering the body is a loan. so we how many broadband wide shroud of the operation continued for 7 days. the search operation and recovery operation continued for 7 days. and during those 7 days, our cruise came up against a series of challenges which we will be addressing and, and some of the photos that we have. like we said, the bodies were buried that a depth of over 3 meters, which contradicts the rules that we have in the gaza strip books. and also the accumulation of bodies is also a violation of the rooms that we observe for burial. we know what heavy also detected the use of other types of shrouds that are blue in color and black and color. and this accelerated the decomposition and let through this experience of
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some type items. we also noticed that the hands of some of the martyrs were actually tied using plastic ties. and we will be showing you some pictures. here. we can see a civilian wearing a white overall apologies. the audio is not clear from the source of you eh, what a civilian is. glad and wide over rose. and as you can see, he was executed in the field. he has a gunshot wound to the hand and to the head and his hands were tied. and this evidence shows that he was executed in the field. another proof of field execution of some of the civilians. we can see the gunshot due
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to the head and the hands that were tied here. we also have some marks and some evidence of the torture that some of these, that people suffer at the hands of israeli occupation soldiers to the with a b, y that the long as you can see, this body here was stapled, and this makes us suspicious that we might have an oregon test on our hands where oregon is, were stolen from some of the bodies. here we have this civilian who is clad and scrub is he was potentially arrested and murdered as these really forces ray to be nicer. medical complex,
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which caused the end of all surgeries at the complex that we also found. and the bodies of the number of children in the here, we have questions that we would like to know. what is the reason why we have children in mass graves this shows and proves that the occupation is still meeting a war of genocide were over $14000.00 children were killed so roughly 40 percent of the total number of murders and because of the trip our children this is also the body of a child had outside us and then her legs were amputated and her parents told her that she was alive prior to the invasion of the knots or a medical complex by the occupation soldiers. and i the, instead of the loops shotwell,
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we also noted that some of the bodies, their hands were tied using belts using fab break. and this also shows that some of the civilians were subjective to torture by is really occupations old years. we also found the bodies of children. this child is a no more than 15 years old, and this body was recovered from these mass graves. and this like once again shows that these really occupations is still committing atrocities against children. and the guys that script, this is an identified civilian whose mother showed up to the complex. and during the, on everything process the my son knew i found him, i found him the,
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the, the, the of the, the sub would love to see it. so that all the prior evidence indicates that is really occupation sold here is committed crimes against humanity, including summary executions at the nicer medical complex. and all these suspicions
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prompt us to call for an international investigation. and therefore, we call upon the secretary general of the united states and international organizations to form an, an independent investigation committee to investigate the crimes that were committed. and we are more than willing to participate in these committees in order to prove that crimes against humanity were committed, then to present all evidence that was documented. this is only a small part of the evidence that was recovered of domestic carriers that were committed all over the guys us trip. and we also called for elizabeth, expediting the us anything of that, of an international delegation, specializing in forensic medicine and forensic investigation. after all the facilities were destroyed all over the guys us trip. i'm a i'll, let's be sent blessings be upon you. and the fact that the loved the, the 3 years so far,
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the the save up to see about that just to get it's not up to us without the animal. as we saw in the pictures that we just displayed to get some of the bodies still had the can you let. and it shows that the patients were actually in the operation room or were receiving treatment. that's enough for medical complex and based on the evidence that we recovered to these people were executed and some of them were buried alive. because if we look at the burial process that is implemented then because strip usually the deceased citizens are stripping and they are covered and white shrouds and all need those,
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all can us and so on and so forth, are taken out prior to the burial. so. so far that means that if it's injured, we have recovered $392.00 dead bodies, 40 percent or 42 percent of which were identified while 58 percent are still on identified. and we are still waiting to deal with it and confirm their identities. apologies, we cannot hear the question. the speakers are not using microsoft, the some of the mass graves awarded hall ready their occupation. so yours took a number of bodies out and read very them after changing the body bags. as we already said at the beginning of this press conference, that is definitely le these i believe. and also said that the terms of the insults, approximately 10 bodies had their hands tied. and most of the in the, not the last one of the shows and we believe we need the derenzo examination
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holiday motivation for approximately 20 bodies for people who we think were buried alive. most of the 392 bodies were recovered from mass graves around the nozzler medical complex. however, the civil defense is operating all over at the governor rate and our work will continue because like i said, we receive thousands of distress calls to look for missing people. and we still have murders under the rubble until today and be fun. eunice governor rate, as you all know, the fun eunice, govern the rate suburbs, immense damage and immense destruction. and we still have large numbers of murders under the rubble. and we will continue our work in charlotte in the coming days in order to extract the bodies of these monitors outside. and then after medical
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complex, 300, marty, the 300 murders have been recovered since the pull out of occupation sold. yours on the part holiday until today. a thank you very much. thank you though is being missing tooth clauses, civil defense and rough by giving a press conference on the discovery of mass graves, they said the 3 mass grades have been found in the hospital. in con units. they found the bodies stacked off and there was indications and some of them, of executions and total, $390.00. 2 bodies have been found. so for 65 of them they said 510 to 5227. they said, well, on known this was off the 7 days of such and recovery, a cooling for an independent an investigation. let's get them on the shower. he's on the officer, a senior plesco unless was listing and also to that press conference from london.
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my one extremely distressing video and photos of people who'd been uncovered from those mass graves, including a number of children who had been buried. some were reported to have had the hands tied others with gunshot wounds to the head. yeah. you know, the, the going was the, is that one should not look away because one's presence one's tax is one's existence is completed in the one crimes that are taking place in guy. so i'm not the so i can't, you know, look i can remain focused. it's just too painful to graphic, too horrible to tragic overseas. now, watching those investigations into mass graves really take us and all my
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managed level, that even the broadening genocide over the past 6 months on our tv screens does not measure. this is a new level of cleaning out at the i holidays, right. is what the smart to get involved with it. i mean one thing is to be bashful . another thing to be mean i starting to say i thing happens in more, but this sort of crime that it's cheap. the new deputy one would be reviewed, see not late that we've seen it in boss me. i will see what we think also seeing so many places is that it might be able to resist it legally, politically, but this is going to enter the history and, and, and the, the, the tragedy of the scenes and buying and the mindset behind it. done by the is there anybody 3 against the hospital? thank you. so if you go, it's something, as i said, we've never seen before,
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and that's going to be something with us for awhile and it's going to have to be looked at by independent distinguishes. because looking at the press conference just now what's the source and the terms and forensic so uh, now it says what has been done and people from the smith's grade is trying to reach some early conclusions. but, but the, the normal seat of this discovery, i think, would be with us for a long time. and they were cooling the, the, the, the civil defense members were calling for an independent investigation. we've also had calls from the e u and the un for an independent investigation. the us stopped at cooling for an in, for an investigation. whether independent or not is any investigation realistic at this stage from outside of the gaza strip as well. you know,
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as it was when there's a way, the problem is that is or i was or nothing. yeah. i was actually say nothing. yeah . i was, uh, i mean, supporters in long island washington. uh, you know, i'm not exactly showing any way towards that. we've worked in the us, you said you started from the dishes, but the, but the long powers with, for the capacity that numbers do you want us deserves decision making now? so you can think stipend for us to see this as we've heard british officials yesterday. and we heard from the american officials, we do use the inside there's, we don't. uh, you know, and so when you were here, american or british officials talking about democratic is red, investigating crimes. i mean, sewage sewage seen that before. we've heard that before. we know it's not serious
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and we know there's lots of deception. that's sort of statement say that is right when investigate it says that these in the military was investigated. so and it even what it does, it's not serious. i mean, this sort of situation when it's deliberate, when. busy when, when days when he's got into hiding this and other places and basically demolished the place when we know for a week or 2 weeks that i thought hospitals. and now we see the results in terms of mass raise. this is not something for is read to investigate. this is a crime. she is a crime against humanity that must be investigated in the oven and that they this whole defense they. they said that 392 bodies had been uncovered so far. they also said that this is just a small part of evidence that's been recovered from across the guns a strip. do you think we are likely to see that number 392 increase over the coming
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days? well, nothing surprises me anymore, of course. but i remember leave a listening to these radio officials and because when the doctor on the hospital support the feel for us present worse, that is including i she and then saying that most people use what we took down uh, 200 or 300 tears and we took captive sorta or something, right? i don't know the time to terrace. right. it's amazing. you know, a few weeks later to discover that children, often demetrius patients and domestic squares looking for some of the 1st sick novices now from the spokesperson was that many people work where, you know, where, where, where um, a barry and it was clear that they were either going to reach him or they were sick
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in the hospital at work and the idea that people were, would have started and backed by the way, they with the fact that it was someone doing those mass graves. the fact that people only identify either the 60 and the majority something, but it was 50 percent of the group. i thought the fine model these hockey shocking . and once again, i've said that i present students on the spot. thanks. and this is randy balls. i find that out. i don't goes to be such times but not realize what the consequences are. it's really good. how long is the idea that i would guess of this nature? and it's really a, aside from good news and criminality is just on the days range to view the evidence of the times. okay, well and we will be talking to more about this in the coming hours for the moment.
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we'll leave them on the shower. joining us from london, let's go live now to have the song, which she joins us from occupied east jerusalem, how do we've not had this really saved by much about this since the discovery of the mass graves on saturday. what exactly house they've been saying so far. in fact, it's been a couple of days since we have heard anything from these really is on the matter. but the 1st thing we did here from the is really our me, when they did comment on the matter was the word quote baseless, trying to point the finger at palestinian, saying that this is simply on true. anything about a mass grave that was dug up is not correct with these really did say however, that they were looking for the bodies of these really captives. they said they have intelligence that there were captives that were buried there. and that they did this in a targeted and precise manner with dignity and respect. but what we've been seeing for many is on the ground, overhearing from palestinians is a completely different story. it is also worth mentioning that back in january,
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it was discovered that these really army had desta, crated around 16 different cemeteries, looking for what they say where the bodies of is really captive. but they did not find anything in that instance, nor did they in this one as well. so while these really army always says they have this precise intelligence about certain situations, and that's why they carry out these types of missions. they never show us that intelligence, they never show us or prove to us that they've had this information that ends up affecting the livelihoods of palestinians across the gaza strip. and we got the us cooling for an investigation, quoting for an explanation from israel. what pressure come to us post home, the nation, yahoo government it's certainly an interesting question because throughout the entirety of this war now 7 months. and there's been a lot of pressure from the united states for israel to do things differently. but these really simply have not been cooperating. they've been doing whatever they see
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best. and we've been hearing this from is really officials like nothing you all who himself peace, who says that until the goals of the war are reached, he's going to do whatever is real, feels necessary in order to achieve that absolute victory. but there has been a lot of pressure, not just from the united states, but on several different issues from several different countries. you have the european union now who also wants to see an investigation into the discovery of the mass graves. you have the one and other bodies that are looking for answers. the united states themselves has said that they are demanding answers for him. is real about what is going on, demanding an investigation. but if an investigation were to be had, it would be, these really are me carrying out this investigation themselves, followed by some sort of conclusion where they have absolved themselves of any wrong doing. we've seen this time and time again. there are countless examples of crimes and as palestinians executions were. these really army has denied any sort
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of wrong doing. and again, you have these really war cabinet convening as we speak, discuss the situation in drop off. the plan does really ground evasion into the goal is the southern most city. and there's been a lot of american pressure there as well to simply not do it. but these rarely as have said that in order to achieve an absolute victory in order to bring back the remaining is really captive an invasion instead of would be necessary. but there are one and a half 1000000 palestinian seeking refuge there with nowhere else to go. so while all of this is going on, all of these crimes are being revealed by these really army. they are saying that they're still going to do whatever they feel necessary in the face of all of the international pressure and criticism. okay, how does this all hit joining is that from occupied is through some thanks very much. i'm the this now week off to students at columbia university in new york steps of the campaign and support of palestine. protests against israel form golf
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on. sports comes across the united states, police and come for security, have a rest of dozens of those who refuse to leave the white house at present to advise and supports free speech, unknown discrimination at universities, precedence and lead me reports from columbia university in new york, columbia university officials spacing mounting criticism from all sides over its handling of student demonstrators. prominent republican politicians after meeting with some jewish students on campus called on the university president to resign. as colombia has allowed these lawless agitators and radicals to take over. the virus of anti semitism, it spread across other campuses by some counts. as many as 200 universities have a similar form of protest right now, students who faced arrest in suspension say they're the ones who need protection. many are afraid to show their face. there's, there's definitely a fear of, you know.


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