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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 25, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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sure, but not everyone supports the idea. i mean, i could definitely definitely have. we see this as an authoritarian decision on this, on the 101 east with deals engine. these you using a mega sitting on out to 0. the police clear out student protests as demonstrating against israel is one concept as compass process spread, the don't carry johnston, this is i don't just hear a lot from so so coming out the watch house joins a quote from you on the un demonte an explanation from mass graves found in garza multiple is very strikes here to residential areas and rafter and southern guns and
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rescue search for survivors on the anger and israel tempers flare outside of these very prime minister of to him. that's released as a video of a 23 is very kept the week off. the students at columbia university in new york 1st begun the camp in support of palestine. the protests against as well as one gauze. i've spread to college campuses across the united states. these are the latest life pictures now from the university of southern california, with campus security and police are trying to create a protest is demonstrates is refusing to leave thousands have been detained. we've seen a sporadic scuffled with police. this comes out as often whitehouse at the present . joe biden supports free speech and non discrimination at universities.
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i know is this our university of southern california and joins us life now. so rather what's happening then now is this sort of standoff between students and police. well not exactly a stand off carry we watch over the past 3040 minutes or so as one by one students have been. busy busy over by los angeles police department officers taken hand tough with zip ties, plastic zip ties, and then taking away a new arrest to a police vehicle parked on campus ground. so we were going to try to show you the remaining circle of students now that were originally i would say 50 to 60 students in that circle, but one by one, they've been taken away without resistance. i wanna, i want to add the notice that the students, the woman there and the red top,
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the who's being taken away. she's not resisting. she's wearing a usc sweatshirts. she stood up and actually sort of proffered her hands behind her back for her to be hand thoughts so that this has proceeded without any violence, without any resort to the use of force by the police. and again, the small group of remaining students in that circle, the students who have, excuse me, decided that they will stand their ground and undergo being arrested for the sake of their principles. they are not not fighting back. okay, well if i don't believe exactly now, i'll forgive me what we're going to leave it there now. well, that's good. so thanks for joining us from the the best of some kind of. alright,
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well christmas leave me has more from colombia and invest in new york with a student demonstrations begun last week. the columbia university officials spacing mounting criticism from all sides over its handling of student demonstrators. prominent republican politicians after meeting with some jewish students on campus, called on the university president to resign. as colombia has allowed these lawless agitators and radicals to take over, the virus of anti semitism is spread across other campuses. by some counts as many as 200 universities have a similar form of protest right now. students who faced arrest in suspension say they're the ones who need protection. many are afraid to show their face there's, there's definitely a fear of, you know, being attacked and the risk of like losing career opportunities and stuff. which is really a shame that people willing to, you know, advocate for human rights are smeared in such a way. nevertheless,
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they are vowing to continue their encampment. student organizers say they have 3 demands for the university. number one, disclose their investments in israel. number 2, divest from them, and number 3, provide amnesty for students who have been suspended. they say they won't leave the grounds until that happens. many have compared their actions to what happened on campus in 1968, when columbia students held students to them and, and to the universities connection to the vietnam war. and were arrested sparking nationwide demonstrations credited with us as eventually withdrawal from the war. and the students do have the support of many jewish students and faculty. and i do not feel that this project is anti semitic in any way. i do feel that the students are highly critical of israeli politics. and i do not believe that that is inherently anti semitic at all. and i do not feel threatened as a jewish faculty member in any way, by what's happening here on this campus,
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except by the arrest of many of our students. the university has warned students to take down their and camp in by friday morning or face on specified consequences. christine, so we, me, i'll just hear of new york. the protests were held across other colleges in the us . lots police force was deployed in austin, texas. the it was scuffles, there was police in the state. truth is trying to disperse the crowds. several people were arrested university, texas, and the purchase was an authorized hundreds of students have interested in the us since friday, which i'm a series of professional global leadership history and the public policy at the university of texas. he says the crack down on the protest is only uniting demonstrates is similar to the anti war movement in the 19 sixty's. the irony is the, this kind of behavior by the police only increases the resolve of students. i cannot
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tell you how many students more than 15 to 20 that i spoke with who i saw at this event. some of my students, i know, were students who are apathetic or may have even been favorable to the israeli side in the arguments. and they see the police acting this way and it leads them to become more radical. and this is the story of the 19 sixty's in our society. we're replaying that when the police attack students in this way, it makes other students sympathize with those were attacked, not the attackers. i believe that university presidents, including my own at the university of texas, are afraid they are afraid that they are going to be criticized and condemned by politicians by the governor of texas by members of congress. they're, they're afraid they're going to be condemned for allowing anti semitism and i'm against anti semitism to i'm jewish myself. so i think anti semitism is horrible when there has been too much of it. but this, the presidents are over reacting and what they're doing is they're creating an
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environment in which no one is allowed to say anything that sounds critical in any way of israel or any other topic. and they're making it impossible for students to express themselves. the lighthouse has described reports of mass graves in gauze as deeply disturbing european union. united nations have joined into national calls for an independent pro into this situation. on wednesday, another 51 bodies were found in the grounds of a hospital income. eunice, on 300 had been discovered since saturday. hospitals have protection on the international door to come on. the heavy is rarely bombardments is israel's $1000.00 began in october, us national security advisor, jake sullivan, says washington one sciences auditor castro has more on this now from washington dc . us national security advisor jake sullivan, had sharp words about reports of the mass graves discovered in gaza. well,
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those reports were deeply disturbing. we have been in touch at multiple levels. we see is really government. we want answers, we want to understand exactly what happened. you've seen some public commentary from the adf on that, but we want to know the specifics of what the circumstances of this were. and we want to see this thoroughly and transparently investigated so that the whole world can have a comprehensive answer. and we, the united states can as well, i can't speak beyond that because of course, we're in the early days of fully understanding what happened. what's been missing from the us response is any call for an independent investigation into the mass graves. that is in contrast to the u. n. and to the you that have both said, there must be an independent investigation, not just one conducted by israel alone. we are gravely concerned by the, by the report, the discovery of most grace in the found you need. i mean i'll, she follows to be told the something that the forces us to call for an independent investigation of older suspicions and all the circumstances. because indeed it to
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create the impression that there might have been violations of international human rights committed. that is why it's important to have independent investigation and to ensure the accountability the us has emphasized that answers are needed from israel. but on wednesday, president joe biden signed into law yet another us aid package to the is rarely military. hi to jo castro. alger 0 washington. we'll see you a call going to you in the senior monetary and reconstruction coordinator for gauze . it has pull the security council. it's time foot paradigm shift in thinking. when it comes to increasing that he might have an aid entering the gaza strip. whether it's on clarity is really or thought is were corporate. in a briefing at un headquarters in new york called told the counsel that it was the civil steps needs to be taken to facilitate on hand to delivery the full rate and that the quality of that age must also be improved. obviously it is gabriel,
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as long as more from new york immense. a new united nations with mechanism for monitoring aid routes in the gaza will be operational in a matter of days. secret colleague the you in the senior, she mediterranean reconstruction coordinator for guys. a said that initially the mechanism will monitor aid routes via cyprus and jordan. and shortly after short begin monitoring aid entering through egypt. i've informed the government of israel on the operationalization of the mechanism as per the resolution. a database and notification system will go online for all cargo destined for garza along supply routes. the approval for the placement of international monitors of crossings inspection and supply points has been requested from relevant authorities, verification and monitoring inside guys i will commence as soon as possible. it's been over 200 days since israel's war on guys or began some council members said it's regrettable. it is taking so long and we have to discuss the
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access to basic needs. the basic human needs such as access to food, water and sanitation. cogs said she expects is real to help facilitate the new aid routes. but the reality on the ground water right now is much different. it remains extremely difficult to secure, safe and unimpeded access. we can match here and movements to northern gaza. reports that as of today, more than one 3rd of admissions to the north and april were denied, were impeded by his really authorities. secret cock also said that the next step may be for aid trucks to be inspected on the palestinian side of the rock of border . that would be a major change from how it's done now, but it's unclear how it would be implemented. if israel would be involved or is
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real, would even agree to it. cause also said that her office in gaza should be operational in the next few weeks. gabriel's on though, how does it at united nations in new york? in a series of is ready as strikes in wrestler and southern gauze, and the past few was one of the strikes. it's a house and the yet in the account, killing at least one person and routing several others say were rushed to hospital . another strike you to a building there are you in clinic, i'll just here is tired. assume was at the 280 hospital in the interest of georgia and he sent us this report as more sold in rough. all these very minute tree attacks on the goal is a strip, has completely rammed up as a residential house was completely destroyed in the refuge account as a clarity right now the injuries are receiving right now treatments in a way to hospital as the boss majority of casualties amongst abilities. now, this is the area where the materials are jobs. this population has been told to
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stay and to remain done in order to guarantee the own safety point. what we can clearly recruit and observe when does the past couple of weeks is play such a huge benefit tax ones that very densely populated area in light of the anticipated mediterranean, cogent, that will be carried out by the is very minute treat within the coming days. that is the situation right now with the ground, this kind of city, you know, well enough to go start recognizing how just a rough, rough protest point. so it's a cut off to the break target and so head for boeing as a company reports huge, no 6 off to series of safety issues. the follows, i'm afraid there is yet more right in the full cost, the southern parts of china. so there's a lot of hit areas,
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we'll see more heavy down pools. here's the my you front, you can see every stretches out into the open waters and it will continue to step as well. a little further east was little area of high pressure for the time being, keeping things settled. but the 2nd cloud stops inches by left across southern parts will gather and it'll push more heavy down pulls and across southern china. as we go through the state, i think i have the next 2 or 3 days, some pots could see it excessive a 100 and maybe 200 millimeters more on those flood, hey, area. so that will cause for problems. they really will exacerbate the pool situation that we already have in place by the mill, fixed and retry it won't, by using 28 degrees celsius and not too bad to for good parts of japan, generally dry. i'm fine here, so i'm fine to across much of the indo china for the paints to drive here as well. one to 2 shells creeping to sell the most part, but we have got increasing humidity's hot. it is sticky good. scattering a shelves that felicia and indonesia wanted to say, i was just around the southern parts of india. amounts of india does stay dry
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costano northwest, seeing a little bit away with, with the coming dies elsewhere. it's thing very hot. the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a site in any of the medical workforce has been so under valued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live with the public? have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera of the
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the book and back or mind, the other type store is this protests against, as well as well. and guns. a continue on college campuses across the united states is online. pick to stop, university of southern california by campus security and police clearing protests. 7 sporadic scuffles with police dozens been detained. why task has described reports of mess, grazing guns as deeply disturbing us national security advisor check sullivan says washington, the ones on system q and the you and also an independent series of air strikes in reference, southern gaza sheets of house building. are you in clinic, at least one person was killed and several others went on. those student protests
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were rentals. is that the universe to of itself in that kind of funding joins as long as not real. but what's happening there right now, the terry we told you earlier, there was a group of students who are committed to being arrested. that group has been completely removed, though the last student was taken away just a few moments ago. and the only thing that's left now is a palestinian flag, probably on the ground, that there are thousands, perhaps of other students. you can see outside the police perimeter there who been chanting, let them go, let them go free and other chance and slogans. so what will happen to them? and we don't know at this point, but this police operation appears to be winding down and talking to some students here, just informally of some of them saying that they believe that the university is
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doing something that's not correct. but they believe that the demonstration here was a legitimate expression of freedom of speech, and that there was no reason to call the police and bring them in. i would also mention this as we have throughout the day that while we observe the protest for hours during the course of this day, hundreds of protestors were gathered in please the peaceful manner they were not fighting amongst themselves or confronting other students or threatening other students. or doing anything of that nature was simply a protest with traditional sorts of chance. the purchase of course, centered around israel's war on gaza. but the students demanding a ceasefire. demanding an end to us support in terms of weaponry for the israeli military and closer to home, demanding that the university itself divest from any ties to is really institutions
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and to stop whole contact with is really institutions including others. really, the universities incentives of higher learning. so what happens next? we expect that there will be continued protests here at usc and other colleges and universities around the country, you know, carry in the past, a dating back to the vietnam era. and even before these protests of this type have been suppressed and people have been arrested, but eventually, over the course of time, they have changed american politics and culture. and so this is perhaps something that will happen for this series of protests against the gods of war as well cared lie for us, the rope rentals. thank you. as a scuffle is ever cut out between police and protest as outside the residence of the is very prime minister of the mass for the east, a video of a hostage,
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they demanded nothing yahoo to more to secure the release of the remaining captive in gaza. nice escorted, is there any national security minister tomorrow been there to his car through the crowd right place within, deployed does protest as much to it's government, buildings and immunizations are about to dr. have mass for these to video. for the 3 of those should go the podium. it was taken from a music festival in terms of the 7. then it's. as of the 1st go book, poland has spent almost 200 days detained, a multi described as an underground. how visits him on october 7th, left um covet in a bag. no. getting into a pickup truck. uh commented by how much spices is that over run the music festival in southern israel, gold book, poland, and others had run to a shelter. eventually they were forced out thrown on to a pickup truck and driven to gauze gold book, pulling out his left hand blown off by a grenade. his parents have been pushing for
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a deal to get them released and were here today with a plea to all of the leaders of the parties would be negotiating to do that includes the car, egypt, the united states, from us and israel, the brave leaning seize this moment and get a deal done. the release of the video prompted protests by relatives of the captives outside the official residents, a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they say that government isn't doing enough to release the 133 is really still being held in gaza. and when fall, right, security minister, if not, then give a left to nearby, send a gold. he was heckled with shouts of shame on you. the 2 is accused of prioritizing the war against thomas over the rescue of captains, as will likely of catholic time, the release of this video to add to the pressure on benjamin netanyahu as he presses on with these plans to launch a military operation. in rafa, it's
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a reminder that he's really captives will be as much in the line of fire as the modem. one and a half 1000000 palestinians sheltering the border with egypt. bonus with islanders era. you don't keep bodies, jerusalem. protests against the war on guns that gained the men to mount american universities. us present, joe biden has signed off for the for an aide package that includes $26000000000.00 and assistance for israel. mike hunter has more from washington dc. the president biden described the foreign aid package as a victory for the us and for the world, he reiterate to what he called his on clad support of israel. always make sure these are a has what it needs to defend itself against iran and chairs, to support with this say the united states can help replenish the israel's air defense and fraud, other critical so that so rand can never carry out to destruction and attended was its attack 10 days ago,
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about the same time. this bill significantly significantly increases humanitarian assistance or shiny to the innocent people have guys are suffering badly or suffering. the consequences for the mass starts. and we've been working intently for months to get as much a to guys as possible. the president said that the a to ukraine was also an important signal to the us as allies in they to. this is a historical moment. and the last 2 years we've helped unify strength to expand nato. imagine if instead we had failed. we had failed to step up now and support ukraine. all those gauge would have begun. no rabble. cohesion of data would have been weekend and our national security would have been undermined without any question. the department of defense has already drawing up an inventory of what will be sent to ukraine and to israel. and president biden says, your equipment will be on its way in a matter of hours. my kind of,
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i'll just see era washington, ukrainian drones of a tax oil facilities in western russia. a strike on an energy debt against region cause a large file. but there were no reports of casualties. other attack reportedly talks it facilities for the south in the pets. to uninstall it, ukraine, at least 6 people were interested in the russian attack on the east coast to give her a cave. besides hits a residential area of damaging buildings and dozens of cause, a strong ukraine have agreed to exchange almost 50 children or deal abroad could buy cattle, sion who has more it's been a long process of thoughts about a year ago when cuts off probably minutes 10 minutes of flooding a fast, something happened with on the outside he visited the russia and ukraine. and he was asked by the ukraine is to mediate the family reunification process. and ever since the cuts, all these have been in touch with the russians and the ukrainians 20 families
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arrived here in the house. part of that political process is quite a significant step forward. as the categories say today was a milestone for us. the subdivision process which started to last year today we had to 20 families, adding fi families from both c cream. i'm not sure with a high a presentation from both governance as well. we hope to upscale this process and to continue all you hopefully, todd, that this could be a starting point to bring the ukrainians and the russians to, to politics. but when we started this discussion, we agreed that we will start a humanitarian discussion of focus very much on humanitarian mattress. and then from there we can discuss all the portfolios as well. and obviously the human is heating and the political offset he much intertwined. so we're hopeful that this
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will open also more of a news in the future. but it's far from over. the ukrainian say that i'm more than 20 thousands of children who are productive by the russians claims dismissed by the russians. jose, this is parts over ukrainian, and weston propaganda to discredit the rushes. and this is why the cuts, how is hoping to try to continue the mediation spots of a confidence building measure that could eventually pay the way for both the political talks between the ukrainians and russians. to put an end to the conflict that spotted 2 years ago, posted by the 0, doha, as thousands of people have been forced to flee the homes due to severe floods. in kenya, the floods of submerge and time neighborhoods in the capital library, and displace more than 11000 households. weeks of heavy rain for coming off to month. some droughts have left millions facing the neighboring countries of
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preparing for some of the heavy rain continually the coast guard has retrieved the bodies of at least 14 migrants of the coast of the jet. but the cool for it to say the bodies have been washing up on the island since friday. a spring approaches the number of migrants in refugee's heading from to these a typically has increased significantly on tuesday. the coast guard also because of the $22.00 bought, is off the 2 museum. the coast for the new wifi is broken out in western cuba. i think a significant threats to one of the items main tourist destinations is big on monday and spread quickly through the forest. south of the rural resorts in unit for the firefighters have managed to contain 90 percent of the file. concerns remain, as it continues to put in some remote parts of the scope, well, which site no casualties have been posted, designations into the core,
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so i'm getting boeing is reporting more than 350000000 dollars in losses for the 1st 3 months of this year the company also spent $34000000000.00 more than it generated, but it comes as a us to find make horizontal growing scrutiny regarding the safety of its plains is being investigated over a series of incidents, including the boe out of a tool and a 737 max jet in january c o, david calhoun says it's focusing on addressing manufacturing issues and not profits out of sped takes. nope. now it's how the f, i make a fool into trouble of the 6 government safety investigations of boeing a craft underway, including a pro of why and how adults like fiction of a boeing 737 max blew out. she want to be asked to take off in january, in 20182019. boeing 737 mex
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a line is crest and indonesia and e. c o p killing 346 people. as a recent hearing safety experts told congress, the flying public is in danger. the manufacturing conditions the let's the to $737.00 max disasters also let's at alaska in an accident blow out accident. and these conditions continue. hundreds of people died and there's been no justice unless action is taken and leaders are held accountable. every person stepping a boarding, boeing airplane, is a risk aviation safety expense, say boeing's upper level management. prioritize the speed of delivering its products of a safety really what's needed is the cultural change starting from the top with executives who don't just focus on spreadsheets and stock returns. but actually go and visit the factories and talk with people for decades. buying was a symbol of us engineering and technology close appear your receipt. and let's say that changed with the c e o and other top jobs with those by executives trained and
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business management and notes engineering fully needs in aerospace engineer who understands production, who understands the challenges. one is.


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