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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 25, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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a business like just is free to you believe i guess is a lifestyle. one of your just makes modern, pleads the the hello, until mccrae. this is then use our live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. we will answer the winehouse, joins b, e, u, and the gwinnett demanding an explanation for the mass graves of cancer crisis and solidarity with palestinian spread across the campuses in the us new york, los angeles in texas as more risk. somebody's the purchase also play outside the
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home of the israeli prime minister of the most releases of videos of in this friday captive in multiple is tri city residential areas. in southern guns are as risk you as search for survivors. this route pounds has been law positions across the live in these border, the heaviest fighting since the war began. and far as small with this, ford is lim falls, title challenge is slipping away. they just want let you know to locate rivals every tend to remain 3 points, interest, a premier lease leader as far as the deeply disturbing dance. how the whitehouse has described reports of the mass graves in guns of its national security advisor. jack sullivan is now demanding ounces from his row along with you and you, and who have both cooled for an independent investigation. now on wednesday,
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another 51 bodies were found on the grounds of a hospital in con eunice, more than 300 had been discovered since saturday are. those reports were deeply disturbing. we have been in touch at multiple levels with the israeli government. we want answers, we want to understand exactly what happened. you've seen some public commentary from the adf on that, but we want to know the specifics of what the circumstances of this were. and we want to see this thoroughly and transparently investigated so that the whole world can have a comprehensive answer and we, the united states can as well, i can't speak beyond that because of course, we're in the early days of fully understanding what happened. okay, so more of this is go straight to how to direct castro, who joins us now from washington, dc. and these are pretty strong woods. they, how much should we make of them? well tom, they are strong words. the us say that it's demanding answers to this, but i think what's notable here is what was and said. jake's all over the national
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security advisor didn't say who should be conducting this investigation, that he says should be thorough and transparent. because of course, the un and the, and the you has demanded an independent investigation. so the question is, what the us support that step as well. and in fact, my colleague gave alexander, asked that specifically to the deputy us ambassador to the un that earlier in the day. and was told that while the us would speak with other countries and the photographs of these alleged atrocities, the us was not ready yet to call for an independent investigation, despite calls from other world leaders to do so. in other we've known about these mess graves for some time. so was the white house speaking out about them now and will these words actually be met with any sort of action? are right, well with the un high commissioner of human rights,
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demanding an independent investigation with the you and with student voices now across many american college campuses, calling for the protection of palestinians and against these mass graves. all of that is perhaps putting more pressure on the white house to speak more forcefully on this, but it is rhetoric up to this point. at the same time we just saw this morning, president biden signed into law, another trudge of us military support to israel. so action wise, no, there has not been taken, but we're hearing much of the same rhetoric as in the past when israel is accused of atrocities. and that the us saying that israel should be given a chance to investigate. and then little action done once such a investigation has been completed and day. thanks so much heidi, heidi drug test, right? for us there in washington dc. well, they have been multiple as strikes and rougher and southern guns are in just the
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past few hours. one of the strikes of the house and the opt in to can killing at least one person and wounding several others as they were rushed to hospital. another strike hit a building near you in clinic, observes terracon. bu assume was that quite the hospital? when the engines were brought to treatment as much soles in a rough on the is very minute, 3 attacks on the goals of strep has completely rammed up as a residential house was completely destroyed in the refuge account, as it calculated right now, the injuries are receiving right now, treatments in a way to hospitalized the pos, majority of casualties amongst abilities. now, this is the area where the majority of jobs, this population has been told to stay and to remain done, what are to guarantee the own safety pump. what we can clearly record and that when does the past couple of weeks is play such a feasible yet tax ones that very densely populated area in light of the anticipated mediterranean cage. and that will be carried out by the is very minute
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treat within the coming days. that is the situation right now with the ground, this kind of city, you know, where less to go start of a, zoom out. just a rough, rough kind of sewing in waste, jerusalem protest has gathered to demand prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his government to mod has acute the release of the remaining captives in kansas rod police within deployed as they march towards government buildings. the protest erupt, it following the release of a video by mosse of 23 year old hersh, colbert, poland, who was taken from the music festival and this rattle on october, the 7th. but its smith has the date house. first go book. poland has spent almost $200.00 days detained, a multi described as an underground. how visits him on october 7th, left um covered in a box without getting into a pickup truck. come and did buy how much spices is that over? run the music festival in southern israel. gold book, poland,
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and others had run to a shelter. eventually they were forced out thrown on to a pickup truck and driven to gauze. goldberg pulling out his lead, time blown off by a grenade. his parents have been pushing for a deal to get them released and were here today with a plea to all of the leaders of the parties would be negotiating to that includes the car, egypt, the united states, from us and israel. be brave, leaning, seize this moment and get a deal done. the release of the video prompted protests by relatives of the captives outside the official residents, a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they say that government isn't doing enough to release the 133 is really still being held in gaza. and when fall right, security minister, it them up and give a left a nearby, send a gold. he was heckled with shouts of shame on you. he too, is accused of prioritizing the war against thomas over the rescue of captives as
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will likely of catholic time. the release of this video to add to the pressure on benjamin netanyahu as he presses on with these plans to launch a military operation. in rafa, it's a reminder that he's really captives will be as much in the line of fire as a modem, one and a half 1000000 palestinians sheltering the border with egypt. bernard smith islanders era, you don't keep bodies jerusalem. in the united states, there was a more confrontations between police and students during protest cooling for an in israel's war on gaza. the whole day was skilful inside a demonstration at the university of southern california in los angeles. some is similar satans have played out of the campuses right across the country in recent dies and we have correspondents covering the approaches from coast to coast. joan, hindrance the standing by for us at columbia university in new york. the 1st it's
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got a reynolds joins us from the university of southern california. well, can you just explain how tens things right now on campus? well right now, on campus, as you can see behind me, there are several 100, at least a students who have rallied chanting of slogans in support of palestinian. the just step aside so that you can see what is going on. there are a lot of students standing around watching the city and flags being raised above the crowd and in the center there are students of us speaking into bowl horns of leading chance and making speeches. then i see the cause of the crowd of students as i said, at least several 100 of them. no earlier today in the same area of the
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university of southern california campus, a student protesters, set up tents as has been done and many other campuses around the country, including in berkeley and california in columbia. and then campus police arms campus. police moved in to forcibly remove those tents. there were scuffles with protesters. i'm not certain if people would change or not, but there certainly were very tent. seems that some of that tension seems to have and there's a special source of sort of inflaming tension on this campus because usc last week decided that it was for a muslim woman, valedictorian speaker, from speaking at the graduation ceremonies to be held next month. that enraged a lot of people who said that she should be allowed to speak,
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she was the subject of an online campaign by a jewish activist and your students on campus here as well. who said that she was a chance, i submitted something that for about some denied. but that really rolled up a lot of the students here as well as in faculty members and made us see a focal point of uh, the demonstrations and say it support a palestinian right here in southern california. okay, thanks so much for that. that is rob reynolds for us there at the university of southern california. we're going to start with a story and go live now the joint a hindrance who is at columbia university in new york. and despite these, the risk that we've seen that these purchase continue to grow, can you just give us a sense of exactly what it is like there at the moment? with a senior at columbia, which in many ways is the epa center of this protest movement is quite peaceful and
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quiet. as you can see, this is the encampment that the university has tried to clear. a 100 students were arrested last week. that was shortly after the university president, menu ship fig, spoke before congress. and congress was asking her about the concerns about jewish students on this and other campuses. but from there she ordered the arrests of students who were protesting. here a 100 students were arrested. and then they re formed here, and they, they got a deadline again from this, from the university president to clear out by tuesday now they've got another deadline on thursday. and as you can see, they're not giving up. these are their signs. these are their students themselves, and just a few minutes ago, mike johnson, the speaker, the us house of representatives, was here speaking to the students who spoke to jewish students in
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a private meeting. and then came out and spoke to the students at the campus. and he condemned this movement, he condemned him, us and the students butram and they chanted back at him. so this is kind of a microcosm of that movement is going across the country right now. the university is negotiating with students. that's why we are allowed in here. for the 1st time this week to this and whatever comes in that we don't know, but there is still a deadline for midnight on thursday. the university president has set for these students to clear out. and as you can see, they don't seem to be going anywhere. yeah. don't we know a number of students have been arrested sofa. exactly. what have they been charged with and what has happened to them since they were arrested? a good many of them had been charged with trespassing and i should point out it's not always just students. there are other young people and people of all ages that have joined in these pro palestinian pro chests. but
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the main charge that people seem to be charged with is trespassing. of course, if they're, if they've thrown anything at police or anything, then the chargers just add on to that. but for the most part, they have been this is a private university. the university president decided that the protests were a clear and present danger. those are her words and ordering. the protesters cleared out by police and that's a very dangerous mood here at columbia because it was in 1968 that the university president cleared out. protesters violently with per lease when they were protesting the vietnam war, that president ended up having to step down afterwards. and those vietnam approaches of course, swelled and swelled. and that seems to be what's happening with these protests in a smaller sense. what we're seeing is a growing movement across the us right now. and so far, for the most part, it's peaceful when they get charged is when somebody decides they shouldn't be here
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in day. okay, thank you so much for all of it says john henry and for us at columbia university in new york. these ready armies. it has almost at least 4. he strikes on what the claims of his beloved targets in southern living on. it's the largest number of strikes carried out in a single day since the cross for the conflict began when as below opened up a front to help. it's a lie. how moss engagement, october and one tuesday. here's what i launched as deepest striking to israel said hold. i has been following developments from marshall unit in southern living on a beloved on israel of border remains very much an active front line. these increase the tax and recent days, parts of a pattern of sporadic escalation yesterday has block carried out. its deepest strike inside is really territory. since it opened the front to help relieve its ally home us in garza on, in october, it hits it's really military positions in arcada, just north of elk are some 15 kilometers from the border. and it's statement. the
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armed group said that this was in response for israel targeting one of its members . there was a target to the assassination, yet another targeted assassination on tuesday. so hezbollah, trying to send the message to the israelis that expect further escalations if these targeted assassinations continue. what we've been seeing really in recent months is israel carrying out these drones strikes, taking out the field commanders fighters has well as infrastructure. can let's hit the bank to our top story now. now this is gabriel alexander asked for han hawk whose deputy spokes person for the un secretary general for his reaction to the discovery of mass graves at no site and l shape of hospitals in gaza. here was their exchange, and there was another mass grave discovered at nasser hospital, 51 people. this now brings it up to more than 300. that if palestinians that have been pulled from mass graves at the 2 largest hospitals, an
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e u spokesperson today called for an independent investigation, volker turk is called for an independent investigation. yesterday, a step step was asked about it. he called for an independent investigation. my question is, what's next? when will we see this happen? first, we'll have to see what kind of investigations are plan but, but our calls as used as you yourself know, did have been made and, and they stand um, uh, at this point. uh uh, there are many entities on the ground including the world health organization, the trash committee, and the red cross, and the opposite of high commission for human rights. uh and uh and uh, they can follow up on any rights violations that may have occurred at the grounds of hospitals, but an independent, effective, and transparent investigation into the desk at nasir and i'll ship a hospitals must be conducted. the world health organization has repeated it's called for a hospitals, health workers, patients and civilians to be be protected,
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to have their basic human rights respected. uh and as plans are reportedly being made for potentially further fighting, we ask that all parties continue to work to keep hospital safe. can i have a couple of follow ups please for hon. um, are any of the u. n. h agencies that are working in guys are right now, admittedly under very difficult conditions equipped to investigate mass graves. i don't believe that the situation on the ground is conducive to investigations at this point. uh, again, uh that there needs to be a whole to fighting and this is something we've called for repeatedly. okay, if i made another one, if you don't mind, because it's very important is for an independent investigation to take place. wouldn't need permission from israel for any of this goes across our work for any investigations to be effective. all of the parties in the
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area, uh that control access uh sufficient to conduct the investigation would need to agree to it. so he's real would have to agree to allowing any independent investigators and that seems to pose a very large problem, considering that israel is accused of perpetrating these crimes. how are they then going to agree to allowing and investigators to independent investigators that seems like it puts the un in a very, for lack of a better word, difficult position on. how are you going to get an independent investigation then? well, again, this is something that's been true across the board with our investigations. there's always difficulties in terms of places where conflict has occurred to get the access we need, but ultimately for any investigation to be meaningful. you need that access. it's kind of like a closer look now at l shape a hospital where some of the mass graves were found. satellite images show the hospital complex and northern cause and before is rarely forces besieged to compound. this is an image of the issue of a hospital at the beginning of april,
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after is ready for his injured and occupied the compound for 2 weeks and to mass graves were found in the hospital of crowns from we're gallons of civil defense authorities have been recovering the bodies of those who were killed by some on this we joined now by jeffrey nicer is a human rights lawyer. he prosecuted pullman serb latest of it on the most of it. she joins us now from canterbury in the u. k. thank you very much for being with us here on tuesday are now is we've heard a lot of people calling for an investigation, but what's stopping one from actually fully being started and just how much urgency does they need to be here? and it needs to be quite a residency, probably because part is already composed might be some cause further. so it's not quite clear to me at the moment who has access to the site, but if it's access to people other than the israeli defense tools, then you just go to get on with the investigation for mass graves. sorry i was going to say what, what,
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what size are you still think investigators from going in immediately? do they need permission from this room as well? so i would, i wouldn't as old so, but if it's drown, stop some guy. and then is there a solve some jang, and otherwise i can go in and you got cameras. and these days you probably got sophisticated devices whereby you can map from the precise position of the boat. is that something that you want to do? so at your left with a graph of way, the boat as well. what's important to fun at the moment, approximately the general condition of the bodies is whatever it and a series of how they were before they were killed or full. they died. they dressed in more than hands, time behind the backs, they showed signs of having being tortured in any visible way when it comes to don't even individual bodies assuming they were killed by gunshot wounds or similar that where they were killed in the same way. so routine the, everyone in the back of a head for example, where they were all killed in different ways so that it might be argued that this
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was a group of people who died in different circumstances. and unfortunately being put in this very unsuitable guys. so we will pull that, you look for obviously uh, an eye witness or witnesses. and it's not necessarily the case of the one being the part from the is ready to defend the soldiers who are in occupation. you can you close to mon, from israel, a sound account, a written account, a record of how this came about because you wouldn't deployed a group of soldiers some for the mass graves like this without there'd be some kind of record. yeah. and then if all else fails, you haven't got the body is seeing what you kind of the body is. if you go back closing the contents of that kind of thing by which they can be identified. if you call and try and then you find them by all those means. so any of those means, then sometimes you have to go to the position of dna. we're finding someone who
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says, my son is missing and you get it in a match and then you prove who the body is. if you copy visually identifies. so there's a whole lot of stuff we go on the sooner the better and data that they've been calls for, an independent investigation here. obviously, if it will fit for obvious reasons who exactly should be conducting as well. i'm not sure what you and agencies would do this, or even these days count as an independent. but if you want an independent organization to go to a country, if you find monitors wanting to go into cause that but it's not engaged in the concrete by the supply of arms or otherwise. and i assume they say we put together our forensic team to get in and do the job. and i think that happened occasionally in the former yugoslavia where you had a great deal of mass, great work. i've had to be down and you have people to various other countries which was completely out involved in the contract. and they came in and gave their evidence. and once investigators have collected as much evidence as they possibly
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can, how difficult is it to actually prosecute from their that it shouldn't less? well, let's assume, 1st of all, what you see, i'm what you established by a scientific analysis and similar will give you uh the lead on whether this is definitely a crime side. for example, everyone's a little bit hands tied behind their backs, and i think there's some evidence of as being tied. and that one shot from the back of the handle, the front of your head or something like that. so it looks like a mess as a executed penny. now you go to crime, and the other things are referred. you can also cumulatively show that it's a crime rather than a serious side to the disposal of a large number of photos that were killed in the cause of concrete glow from around the why. and haven't gotten that. and she's in got various levels of control that you want to investigate the people who are actually doing the killing and putting the bodies into the ground. and remember that these are mostly protected people or
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all protected people. yes. patients and that was for the medical stuff, there's going to be some reason for calling them or, or treating them out of that as protected stuff from need to be probably tricky, right. can people who need to be to? yeah. and then you been born and this is where israel you may have, it's kind of get away with things because they may hope that the west will never force it to be tried. or rather it is need is never to be tried. that's how that doesn't happen. that so there is an absolute firm determination that it should be a trial on this. anybody who's found to need a rest long as you're going to some however high? yes, we strength and we've been kind of able to pull the international criminal code or otherwise. and you're going to stop me from is yuru the documents that would explain exactly what happened to you. they make great part about the finally being so sophisticated with cameras on that. uh huh. and a on their heads and so on. and, and records and the records in like fi, computerized, tim, on them. yes,
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on this they weren't happening, but, well, maybe a quote when i can for this is about an empty jeffrey. we're gonna have to leave the day. but we really do appreciate all your time and insight into this different nice human. right. so thank you. a palestinian gen less mohammed curricula has been reporting on the board wrong guys about he's now covering a personal tragedy. his mother was killed by israeli forces when they write it as cheap a hospital a much. so the a car has more remembering happier times. how much correct here with his mother 9 that was in that you know, most especially felt them on when is really forces withdrew from our chief a hospital after a 2 weeks each. he finally learned her face according this one. and this will from the, in some women have told me that they saw my mother here asking for how many times when i got here i found a buddy. i knew immediately, even before it recognizes that it was my mother. i went closer and i saw her lying, the covet as if she was sleeping. it was as if she was a sleep at home. so i said,
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wake up, ma'am. i'm here cuz i haven't used witnesses say these really army killed people who are sheltering at the hospital. and so i deal with this one. remember seeing name is body legit. lemme just plug them in and it was arrested early in the day by is ready forces for interrogation. they released me in the evening. i'm on my way back. i still have body was already wearing my on the wire. and i also, these really soul just allow me to go home and put on my clothes. he refused and said, do you want to lose your life like this woman? time i refused to leave guys a city with that in the habit who was covering the war. she was one of thousands who took refuge and you guys as big as hospital complex, hoping to escape the relentless is really a tax goodness the i was all fully. but the how i wished i could see her when she was looking for me to hook up to take her with me away from danger. and that was her face was unrecognizable. and that's how cool people told me she was executed by
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these randy ministry heads that they should have helped me. i was the only son. it was so hard for me to see how like this. now on the hand that has left his memories of his mother and questions about who if anyone will be held accountable for killing her for the car, which is 0. a facility around it, i'll just say are in your reports, there's only 300000000 people around the world are facing high levels of food and security. conflicts of a major cause more turbulence for boeing as the company reports. huge losses of the series of safety issues. and i found the dog has doubts of a widow. he'll be able to play in the french open. we'll hear from him later on in school, the hello. it's remaining robert city across north western part. so if you see this
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area of low cloud, the grey cloud here coming across eastern scouts of the basement areas of england, just running down into the low country, the area of light pressure just sliding its way across. northern germany for denmark, couple of areas of low pressure to the south and east of that, so as well. so it's cold across the northwest, but it says what will i be towards the eastern side of here. but we'll see those type of just picking up as we go on through the next couple of days. but as a platinum drain in between, somebody whether this, that in place just around the low countries around denmark's to what level the, just the coast cities, the side of england, the went to where the also coming into island this, we go on into a friday twice thoughts of the day across the north west, but the shot was to gather quite quickly. one or 2 them. wintry and nature went separately by causing the problem. some when she showers to just around the house could scattering the showers across from the spanish northern parts of the italy. some what's the weather coming into northern spain and portugal and very wet
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weather. will the weather is that the most go 21 degree celsius. the temperature is still on the rise here at time. it is high enough to across the northeast of africa, conroy at 40 celsius one or 2 showers across south area. and to show us from west africa. this is took, took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program in partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes this country homes more beauties that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural view. rivelo rich and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical, and cultural beauties your wealth, cekada a duty and a growth using for the p. use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the
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cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a copy, revised wells and increases systems cost on request the the the to you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder of our top story is the cell, the united states has joined the e u. n. d u in demanding an explanation of the mass scribes of casa white house, national security advisor, check sullivan has cooled. the reports deeply disturbing and said, we want times,
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this has been multiple, a strikes and profit and southern gaza. one of the strikes had a house in the up in the cam coming one person, including several others. another strike hits a building near you in clinic. and in the us therapy more confrontations between policing students purchase cooling for an in to israel's more on gallons of the with scuffles and demonstrations of universities in california and texas. while protests against the war on guys, a gain momentum at american universities do as president joe biden has signed off on a foreign aid package that includes $26000000000.00 and assistance as well. like hannah has more from washington dc. president biden, describe the foreign aid package as a victory for the us and for the world. can you reiterate to what he called his on class support of israel? always make sure it is real, a has what it needs to defend itself against iran and chairs that supports or was
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it say the united states going to help your planning to israel's air defense and fraud, other critical so that so rand can never carry out to destruction intended was its attack 10 days ago. about the same time this bill significantly significantly increases humanitarian assistance representing to the innocent people of cause or suffering badly or suffering. the consequences for the mass starts and we've been working intently for months to get as much a to guys as possible. the president said that the a to ukraine was also an important signal to the us is allies in they to is a historical moment. and the last 2 years we've helped unify strength to expand nato . imagine if instead we had failed. we had failed to step up now and support ukraine. all those gauge would have begun. no rabble. cohesion of data would have been weekend and our national security would have been undermined without any
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question. the department of defense has already drawing up an inventory of what will be sent to ukraine and to israel. and president biden says, the equipment will be on its way in a matter of hours. my kind of, i'll just see era washington ukrainian trojans have attacked oil facilities in western russia, a strong on an energy depot in the small lives region caused a large file. but there were no reports of casualties. officials reported another attack targeting facilities for the south, and the pissed and then you cry and at least 6 people were injured in a russian attack. on the eastern city of high cave. miss alice had a residential area, damaging buildings and thousands of cars. level food and security has got was for the 5th consecutive year. the global report on food crisis is spreading complex. one of the main causes of hung up hundreds of millions of people coming back, it looks at the west, hits the countries. so the agencies that monitor food and security are sounding the
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alarm. it's not only climate change, but the rapid spread of conflicts around the world that's causing widespread hunger . the global report on food crises shows that last year, nearly 282000000 people faced acute food in security. that means their lives are in danger because they don't have enough to eat 700000 people in 5 countries or territories on the brink of famine, catastrophic hunger. and almost all of them are in gaza. the strips entire population of 2300000 people is now classified as food in secure. that means they regularly don't have enough to eat. the report also finds the years of fighting in the democratic republic of congo, have made it the country with the most food and secure people. that's nearly 26000000. and then sedan a year of conflict on top of those that were already ongoing, has less,
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more than $20000000.00 people facing hunger crisis. a search and gang violence in haiti has left half of the population without enough to eat in just a few months. force displacement and hunger go hand in hand and more than 90000000 people are either displaced within their own countries, borders or have fled as refugees and asylum seekers and many are due to hunger. and interest isn't logical sense in this report on the food and security facing nigeria ended snipers the conflicts i've been raising in nigeria and several parts from nigeria. for example, in the office of the country, the boat caught on me. so it just has been on for the last 15 years. and as i pushed millions of people from that homes, 2.5000002 and a half 1000000 people have been forced from their homes over the last 15 years. and of course, if you calculate the feeder lucky encompasses countries like comfortable charges
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you uh, countries of the elected region. you're talking about golden, 10000000 people who are full, insecure, go to try it again. country that just place me on lots of problems related to climate change. the production level of that is soul soul. so diminished over the past few is simply because of the climate change. i mean, i did it sort only before, i'm just feeling the crisis. we also have the keep not being and of course, the operation of games in the north west of the country have central parts of magic to set up post hundreds of charles in shipping from their homes and do not in millions of farmers access to that problem. is not just adding to the problem. and then recently in the last one or 2 months, we're seeing how the local currency has diminished in terms of value as a result, neighboring countries. people from neighboring countries like major charts and even though swat back as far as uh, book, an approximately molly raid local markets and i did, apple stopped. and as a result, we experience in shortages in various parts of the country that just push the
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prices of which stuff so far, far beyond the reach of ordinary nigeria. and this is our country. remember, this is a country why more than half the population lives on less than $2.00 a day. so that's a crisis point that we're reaching right now. and this is not even the 5th period of this problem. uh, billing period is about to start in the next one or 2 weeks. and this could last up till the time. the 1st call is harvested from the farm. that is expected to be a very dangerous situation for many families. uh, yeah. imagine in or the or p and parliament has approved the proposed little band with band singles use plastic packaging and it is adopted in the for the 1st reading of honda event is closed condiments from fast food restaurants and the plastic bags for groceries as well as many cosmetics, bustles and hotels. we don't need be banned under the law. it will come into effect in 2050, if ratified by e. u. member states. what is really important are for things i would say one is so
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a boss, us inability to of packaging. the 2nd thing is they, should they, what we do. so we don't forget about the functions the packaging has a so you know, the protecting the product, protecting the consumers, allowing for this to be transported and for 12 organized rules so that to prevent barriers to emerge across member states. an extreme hate wave is scorching parts of south and south east asia. in the philippines. it's full cost to drag on for weeks, forcing schools to suspend in person classes. and that's where i think concerns in the country with the quality of education is among the worst in the region. barnaby low has moved from manila. andrea fall does hasn't been to school for days. assignment. instead she's taking classes online. her school is closed. as there are thousands of others across the philippines during a heat wave that's lasted weeks, the government has given administrators permission to suspend classes when to
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forecast it's 40 degrees celsius. parents say it's good to have the option to learn online and, but it isn't ideal. it was the benefit of the fed them that we can up to choose either online or modular. but for me, learning needs a face to face interaction. so i prefer face to face learning for her, for andrea agrees, but also says she finds it unbearable to sit in a classroom for hours. it's the smelling because sometimes when i'm in school and sticking in the social, i sometimes get my new speed. it's threatening to whereas in the already poor quality of learning, i'm on filipino school children, a study, but the world back last year found almost all 10 year olds couldn't read simple tech. there are many pupils who were promot at the next level of the grade level. but we found out that they are non readers or they could hardly, right?
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maybe because they are using 5 left or cellphone. they are only using their fingers . so when you asked them to write me, could not. the government had told the return to classroom learning would bridge the gap, but the climate change is slowing efforts. will schools here in the philippines have been taking measures to cope with the heat. education department has decided to take a more concrete step. it's ordered public schools to gradually return to the old academic calendar where students take a break during the hottest months of march to me by 2028 instead of june to july when type ones and once in rains are frequent. education isn't the only sector effected. on monday, 19 cars parked many of us, the airport were destroyed. what's believe to be a grass fired power plants are going offline, and water reservoirs are drain up, and the damage to agriculture, exacerbated by drought caused by the new weather pattern, is estimated at nearly $70000000.00. find it below al jazeera,
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many less severe hate has also had bank of dish affecting millions of people across the country. schools are shots, and at least 5 people have died of heat stroke. tended chandra reports from the cavities, baccha, which has recorded as hard as the temperature in decades. bangladesh has record at a temperature of 40 degrees celsius and above for weeks, with no sign that the heat wave is going to and the high levels of humanity in tucker are making it worse. some of the city is richard drivers are having to find innovative ways to cope. i'll put this on to keep cool. it's 2 whole top side. i cannot bear it. i'm just caught in scuff does not seem to help him much does provide me with some shade from the sun. the hottest temperature recorded this month was 42.6 degrees celsius in the west of the country. although it's monsoon season, no rain has fallen yet, and rivers are drying up. as study by the agriculture research institute has found
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harvest are smaller due to the heat stress on plants and increase demand for radiation. they've gone out of the city and the climate change does have an impact . the temperatures are increasing globally. our study shows a gradual increase in temperature, st. bangladesh. but this year we haven't seen the usual amount sooner rates in april. we studied that guys record at its highest temperature in decades with the mockery rising to $40.00 degrees celsius mitchell, i just won the extreme heat. my linger until may. i start is i have ox hospitalization, products to be prepared as number of patient is increasing with symptoms ranging from feverish headaches, vomiting and diarrhea. the wetlands and trees are disappearing as industrial growth accelerates, and people in urban areas of feeling the heat, even more demand for phones and that condition is very high right now. and there is
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a shortage. there is not enough stock on hand, so the price is also increasing. in recent study, the world material logical organization noted heat waves across asia were becoming more severe and wanted that the combined with melting place years, the regions future water security is under threat. it will bang study in 2021, estimated heat waves could cause a 10 to 15 percent decrease in rise. c of the staple crop in bangladesh. if there's any crisis anywhere in the country, we can manage the situation so far. we're in control, but we don't have control over the nature. we just have to accept it, signed to save the unusual weather patterns continue. they could disrupt the livelihoods of thousands of farmers, can reach out to the dock of boeing is reporting more than $350000000.00 in losses for the 1st 3 months of this year. the company also spent nearly $4000000000.00 more than
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a generation. it comes as the us and apply and makers on the growing scrutiny regarding the safety of its plains. it's being investigated of a series of incidents, including the blow out of a door on a 737, max g, as in january c, r, david cole, who says it's focusing on addressing manufacturing issues and non profits. it looks paid take. so look at how the apply make it flew into trouble of the 6 government safety investigations of boeing aircraft underway, including a pro of why and how i do a plug section of a boeing 737 max blowout shortly of to take off in january in 201820. 19. boeing 737 mex. a line is crest and indonesia and killing 346 people. as a recent hearing safety experts told congress, the flying public is in danger. the manufacturing conditions that led to the 2737 match disasters also led to the alaskan accident blow out accident. and these
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conditions continue. hundreds of people died and there's been no justice unless action is taken and leaders are held accountable. every person stepping a boarding, boeing airplane, is a risk aviation safety expense, say boeing's up level management, prioritize the speed of delivering its products, of a safety. really what's needed is the cultural change starting from the top with executives who don't just focus on spreadsheets and stock returns. but actually go and visit the factories and talk with people for the case. boeing was a symbol of us engineering and technology close appear your receipt. and let's say vet changed with the c e o and other top jobs were filled by executives trained and business management and notes engineer fully needs and aerospace engineer who understands production, who understands the challenges. we understand it's important. so safety. one thing that the really is important to to realize here is that the volume is not
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a service as a company. if it's a company that builds things on which lives depend on their product blowing, saves it is cooperating, and is committed to safety and transparency. the stock matters. everything matters . every detail, nice seo, dave told her 2 nights. $33000000.00 in celery and bonuses in 2023. i will step down at the end of the series. meanwhile, a poll earlier this month showed a majority of americans are willing to pay extra for tickets if it means avoiding flying on a boeing at like speed, which is 0, is facilitated here on al jazeera apocalyptic scenes in athens, as clouds of dust from the heart of visiting the sky orange us alone, the head coach chevy has made your shant decision regarding his teacher that's coming up next and support the
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these business. uptake these voltage by this the bank growth partner of on the dash before he is the
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this business uptake. these me roy thought of bundle dash football. he is the the son at this point now his far tom, thank you so much. little pools title telling should separate a major blow after they last to nail to local rivals ever tend to remain 3 points, a drift of premier league leaders, arsenal, and it's a huge win for advertising. on the other end of the standings, there are now 8 points clear of safety. they're open or crept in from jared breath . wait. the 2nd came from dominic talbot doing as they be living pool for the 1st time in 3 years here. the club suffering has 1st ever defeat that goodness. in part,
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liverpool is still in the title fight in seconds, but they have manchester city bearing down on them now. we're only a point behind the 2 games and hands matches. so united had to come from behind twice to eventually beach shopping with united for 2 goals and jayden vogel and ben brief for 10. d as put the relegation strugglers had. this was the strength of put air 10 had side in front for the 1st time. a really it's right from bruno fernandez . the 2nd on the night rasmus toilet is made sure of victory for 2 is how it finished. lifting them above newcastle into 6 power st. just man are closing in on a 3rd street legal entitle is the beat, lower end for one tables apiece from a spend them bella, and telling them buffy in the victory. and when the titles the vehicles have on saturdays are flown ahead. coast chubby hernandez has made a shock,
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you turn and has decided to stay on the spanish club until the end of his contract . in june 2025 and 44 year old has announced in january. he would be leaving the team at the end of the season. dispatch champions are currently in 2nd place. 11 points behind leaders, round madrid. shrubbery took charge of the side in november 2021. after leaving katara south side. this is a pad, were yokohama f marino's of reach the final, the asian champions league are managed by the former liberal pool and australia, player harry, q, yokohama, where it cool down after the 1st, like again. so i was a, chris wilson, how you guys are they stop back to win this one? it's free to which made it 33 on aggregate. they had a man sent off an extra time, but went to penalties and they won the shoot out by 4. it's the 1st time they've reached the final since 1990, where they'll face out we're going to enjoy to find them again. you don't get
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a chance to to find any finals and you created when you do enjoy it. and you probably the way that you, you're going to play, you go out there and just enjoy it. that's what we'll do. 22 time grand slam champion rafa to dallas. so he's not sure if he'll be able to play in next month's french opened. the spaniard was grieved by fans the arrived at the training facility, the 37 year old spaniards said he's far from being in top pharmacy prepares to play 16 year old darwin blanch at the madrid open on thursday, and it al spent almost all of last year at a faction with a head injury ccnp, whether it's where you see most of what partnership with it, if it's possible, it will happen. and if it's not possible, it won't. i'm not going to play in paris if i'm like, i am today. if today i was in paris, i would not go awesome the quotes, this is the reality. oh and you play and paris if i feel i am in a competitive level, if not, i think it makes no sense for a time grand slam champion. now mo saca has reached the 2nd round of address the
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japanese former well number one cruise pass, belgian qualifier greet emitted in street flats. this is a song the 1st one on clay since 2022 after missing last season. after giving birth to her daughter on the dallas mavericks and even dropped there and the playoff series with the la clippers after winning a game to look at dante which had $32.00 points. and 9 is this inquiry. irving may 23 is non speed. the clippers 96 to 93 is 11 going into games 3 on saturday, indiana pacers also pulled their way back into their series with the milwaukee box pasco, see i can record is 37 points, 11, re bounce and 6. this is a snap to 10 gain postings that are losing street fading back to 2018 final score. a pacers a 125 bucks a 108 right now. and take a look at sure. hey, a ton is latest. how wrong the japanese star hit the ball 450 feet, or 137 meters into the 2nd depth of the washington national stadium. as his la
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dodgers, one for one. it was his 6 homer of the season and the hardest hit of his career at almost a 190 kilometers per hour. tiger woods ignoring mcelroy among the gulf, is expected to be given significant equity in the newly formed pga tour enterprises . as a thank you for not jumping to rob a live golf, which is such receive a 100000000 dollar sake and now for a 50000000, nearly 200 players will receive the state for sting. meanwhile, talks to merger, the 2 tours continued to drag on for time at major champion, mcelroy blaze unification between the 2 sides is the only way forward. and we also realize the game is not unified. right. nice for our reason. and, you know, there's still, you know, some hard feelings and things that, that need to, to be addressed. but i think at this point, you know, for the good of the game, we all need to put those feelings aside and all move forward together. meanwhile,
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live goals ceo greg norman has denied reports. they offered mcelroy more than $800000000.00 to join a tour. normally it says the door is always open, live, never put an offer to him. we didn't need to make a comment about this. this is just typical white noise that gets out there in the industry. if rory was willing to sit down, have a conversation with us, would we be happy to sit down with him? 100 percent. a time overall we're all cap sky champion, marcell her share is coming out of retirement after 5 years and switching nationalities, former austria and racer will ski from the netherlands, his mother's country as he aims to qualify for the world cup circuit again. now word yet on whether the to time to lift that gold medalist is targeting the 2026 winter games in italy. olympic ceiling. coal bulls are competing at the last chance regatta, which is doubling as a final qualifying event for the paris games. high winds and choppy waters hampered the efforts and some of the teams and dearest friends, 90 nations,
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are competing for 50 paras spots across all 10 selling events. building big ceiling competition will begin on july the 28th. okay, and that is all you support for now. back to utah. thank so much for people living in athens. have seen the sky to an orange. it was close by clouds of dance from this a higher deposit which blew in from northern africa. so near guy has more of apocalyptic scenes over the acropolis as dust from the sa hara accumulated india. it cost a shroud of athens, turning the skies an orange hue, reducing visibility and prompting. we'll socrates to sound the alarm. we have to be careful to not a breeze such air. right. and we have to stay home. many took the advice to stay in doors. they weren't sent to communities 40 a. i felt a discomfort. i tried to deal with it by staying in the house. so that it didn't affect my health for the others mumbled at the spectacle. 8th and everything was
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all in china. it's really felt like we witnessed the hara we were waiting for camels to post by the semester. this cloudy orange tinted haze is a frequent phenomenon. did usually happens in spring and autumn, low mutual logical systems, and strong winds transfer does fluids from the hard? does it sending the skies, bringing with it the risk of coming wildfire as seasonal. so this time of the year, but a devastating hazard in a country that experience has major blazes every year. but there is one positive outcome of this dusty display. the clouds backed as a new tree into the oceans, feeding content, and fueling the growth of lorene micro organisms forming the basis of an intricate, essential food web. so when you go, yeah, go, how does era? well, that's all for me. tell mccrae for this new sound is putting more information on our website. that's how old is there a don't come. but i, we back in just
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a moment with much more of today's news to stay with us. the a unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a site and any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock has been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of rise, we the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era these are the mythologies on the drum as they used to march 3, d o t. before dawn box with an increase is rated ministry precedence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives at austin begins instead of traditional decorations,
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the streets of clinic cods images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces . it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will or is the city often defies the seasonal. we used to belong on the street box right now. look, it's easy to move around the see the difference in the warren go to change the situation and not listen. we had 70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant. this year a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in gaza. ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emotions to donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries
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come 1st of a $300.00 on luis, haven't had going through the run for crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on top of the current, this has been, you sound a live from coming up in the next 60 minutes. the winehouse joins calls from the, the, you and the you in demanding an explanation for the mass graves found. and cancer multiple is rarely use strikes had residential areas and profit southern gaza. rescue a search for survivors and get in israel. tempest plant outside the home of these


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