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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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ties to me, the protests in west jerusalem off to home us where this is a video of it is very captive criticizing the prime minister, the robot this and then this is all just a light from dell. i'm also coming up dozens more bodies and finding mass graves in jobs are the you joins the un. i'm calling for an independent investigation. israel targets has follow positions across 11 on this folder in the heavier strides since
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the warning, gaza began, and palestinian solidarity protests. the u. s. university's gain momentum. most students that are arrested for the opposing israel's war on guns. the we're going to beginning west jerusalem was scuffles have broken up between police and protesters. have got the down side. the residents of these really probably most of benjamin netanyahu, they're demanding the nation. yahoo does more to secure the release of the remaining hostages in gaza. but administrators gather the following the lease of a video by how much of a cap to ash go by pulling was taken during the music festival. and israel on october, the 7th, we're going to get more corresponded and occupied east jerusalem binding smith at what's in this video that's prompted to protest, bernard. it was
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a 3 minute video of her gold book pole in the 1st sign of life since he was taken captive back on october the 7th from that music festival. and in the video, we see him missing his left hand because there was a video circulating no longer after october, 7th, off and being taken hostage, he was sheltering a grenade was thrown into the shelter where he was with other people. and that was what blew off his hands and he was shown quite badly injured at that time. he's clearly survived those injuries, but says of course, but he needs medical treatment says he's being held on the ground, have no contact with the outside world, of course. and these calling on benjamin netanyahu to do more to free the hostages . because these hostages, these captives, i'm not able to speak freely from why they all want, they are allowed to say, well known site is catholic, controlled by how much the people keeping them captive. but his mom, rachel goalbooks, poland has been very active since october the 7th,
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with the campaign to get captives released, and supporters and friends of poland gold would probably have to end up outside the prime minister's official residence in west jerusalem this evening. adding to the coals for netanyahu to do more. it's one of the reasons, by the way that yahoo says he's going to go ahead with the operation in rockford. because the cousins total hostages, read the hasn't yet destroyed. how much is capabilities the objectives this at that yahoo says i'll still that to be a cheap kind of thank you very much indeed management talking to some of the 5 east jerusalem as well. and guys are, there are growing international calls for an investigation into mass graves that have been discovered in the size of the strip. the european union has not joined the united nations and demanding an independent pro. on wednesday, another 51 bodies were fundamental grounds of the hospital in con units, more than 300,
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i've been discovered since saturday. we are gravely concerned by the, by the report, the discovery of most grace in the founding unique. i mean, i'll, she follows to be told the something that the forces us to quote for an independent investigation of older suspicions and all the circumstances. because indeed it to create the impression that there might have been violations of international human rights committed. that's why it's important to have independent investigation and to insure the accountability for elsewhere and there's a volley, a refugee camp in the north. an air strike is one that at least 5 people. 3 refugee camps in the central region have also been health. the health ministry says another 79 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. let's go to try a couple of them whose life for us in rough, at 1st of all bring this up briefly to date with the latest strikes on the rough. i guess that's like within the past couple of minutes,
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is there any flights of debts had carried out to them up as price after several locations in rough as on things he's right now, we're rushing to bring victims and injuries from under the record of the destroyed house, now the ministry had targeted the residential house in your account. the in the middle area, roughly on the side that there is on a brief hold to them that has been targeted in a shovel. rock neighborhood were and i'm called injuries, have to report it and reported in that area among the evacuees were living and made shift tens and also in the schools that costs thousands of palestinians, if activities in such areas. now the tax has been carried out in a very densely populated area. the civilians has taught to bring the casualties using their own private transportation in order to bring them to the hospital. and at the same time, to help the medical workers to bring the casualties. and that's really distressing us casualties included men and also women as a part of the is ready on getting decides all attacks, of course, areas that are supposed to supposed to be as safe. so now is the template. it
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sounds about the ground. there is a state of the imagined sets of ways you hospitalized as the possible to right now . we're dealing with new entries and now we can hear me empty. lenses are arriving to the location right now is move casualties are right now to the departments of the hospitals in order to receive medical treatment. and that's really completely contradictory to what kind of thing is happening to buy the ministry, to hit, to run over that just the safety pot. this area right now is no longer safe as we have been recruiting. please said the strikes on that very densely populated area and the course off of the gaza strip. antonio, let's talk about the mask raising the situation has been developing and outside the hospital in new to more bodies we being find, we understand. and of course, as we mentioned, drawing pressure for an investigation. well, that's why it's and so i can use co is the palestinians. body is being greedy
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recalled from the same graveyards and not for hospital off to the is very with the trouble from that area. bringing the total number to record more than $300.00 palestinians bodies. being uncovered till now as some of those bodies happened, identified by the families, while others really are have been buried later to be an identified the some buddies were really it's you and on decompose. as the civil defense proves, i've been saying that move bodies are still messing, but what palestinians are really saying is that this is a crime. a tool specifically that the majority of palestinians were elderly people, women, men, and also one of the people who have been arrested by the military with different signs of being subjected to investigations as their hands being time cost. and that really gives a please sign that those people have been field executed by the ministry, according to eye witnesses. they'll who have been reporting on who rustic conditions as they use very alterations in the most or hospitals that place that
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has to be completely a military base by the all me. and that's clearly distressing guns. what we can really hear from the civil defense cruises that they are facing. and we actually dilemma in terms of identifying boost bodies as the as wait a minute. we have been describing these claims to be completely baseless and groundless tire. thank you very much. indeed. counterterrorism in or off on the easy done yeah. is a senior electra nursing and law school. he was among the academics invited by human rights organizations to discuss the special russell chose guys genocide report of the un human rights council. he says systematic crimes of already been committed in gaza on a horrific scale. we are witnessing the reports by a most deeply city of crazy, bold human rights organizations, media outlets documenting you a relevant list targeting of cdns or otherwise protected by students of at
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least 1518 workers. subbing to you the, the, the off the, some of the coordination room you mind is that enough fair secans for a $190.00 out workers queued since the beginning of these media campaign. ready it's true that there being no concrete results of existing investigations, but we don't know if nothing is happened because the international court was already investigating pro level international crimes by both parties to these conflicts. and the prosecute of the international court is made clearly multiple locations. so that the court ease investigating also probable crimes committed by these really are me. so there is a distinct likely that's august we're on. so are you mean and event for he's right leaders. but let me stress that they are longer overdue. the injustice
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then system of the crime. so, and i've already been completed on their re fi, cook's k as these must great demonstrate. so, so the international community should the pressure immediate august warrants to try to prevent the continuation of these crimes? is there any armies has as long stop list of 40 air strikes on what kinds of hezbollah targets in southern level? it's the largest number of the strikes carried out in a single day. and since the cross border conflict began when his vall, that opened up front to help us out like homeless and gaza in october on tuesday, has fallen, lost its deepest strike into israel. then a call has been following developments from iceland and southern level of the 11 on israel border remains very much an active front line. these increase the tax and recent days, parts of a pattern of sporadic escalation yesterday has block carried out. its deepest strike inside is really territory,
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since it opened the front to help relieve it to ally how much in gaza on in october . it hits it's really military positions in arcada, just north of elk are some 15 kilometers from the border. and it's statement, the armed group said that this was in response for israel targeting one of its members. there was a target to the assassination, yet another targeted assassination on tuesday. so hezbollah trying to send the message to the israelis that expect further escalations if these targeted assassinations continue. what we've been seeing really in recent months is israel carrying out these drones, strikes, taking out the field commanders fighters has well as infrastructure protests against israel's war on gaza growing at universities across the us. these are the scenes at columbia university where students are camping out, despite the dozens of arrests on monday students from massachusetts to california, calling for universities to cut the ties with us companies, the profit from the war christmas. and it was joining us not from on the site for
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the university. some more protests still going on, despite the arrests of the despite the arrests. and despite a statement from prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu, who just released a video condemning these college demonstrations that are happening across the nation. he says, anti semitic mobs have taken over us universities. he said it was reminiscent of what happened in germany in the 19 thirty's, and he called on administrators to do more saying they hadn't done enough this. despite the fact that over a 100 students were arrested for peacefully demonstrating on the campus behind me another 100 more at new york university, dozens at yale university. behind me is where it's all happening. you can see the chaise with a heavy police presence in the barricade on campus that encampment continues, still going strong with tens and signs. all setup demonstrate are still. * seeing
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a few demonstrators out on the street here as well in solidarity. and as i look across the street at what appears to be a dormitory, i'm seeing at least a ceasefire. now signs in the window one, we stand with israel side. so clearly, the situation with tension here on campus continues. and in fact, demonstrators have been given a 48 hour deadline as of last night to clear the and cabinet or else based on specified options or on specified actions from the administration. the protesters have agreed not to what non student, a non facile to protesters on the campus and associates are continuing. but at this time, they are standing strong and continuing to raise their voices and stay part in their and cabinet a person. thank you very much indeed. for instance,
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salumi talking to some outside columbia university in new york. and it's truly a dozens of students and teachers of the university of sydney, how the demonstrations installed the data on this time. they've also set up an conference. the students are calling for israel. and this was on god still ahead on on, does it up and you report says nearly 300000000 people around the world are facing high levels of food insecurity. conflicts on the major comes the in depth analysis of the days headlines. the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay in differently as 5 minutes to the know the state possibly else of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between them is uh and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of miniature partners,
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and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera in the gaza strip. as is there, as long last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting in humanity, in western media, and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to turn away. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past. the challenges here with the, the on the
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the we watching or does it. uh, reminder of the top stories this uh, the e, with the un or calling for an independent investigation officer and all those 51 bodies were recovered from mass graves. the remains of more than 300 people being fined in the grounds of non self hospital. con eunice is really, ministries responded saying one of those grades was done by the people of guns. is there any fighter jets and times have been bothering the ship from the air and the ground in the body of refugee camp in the north and air strikes? wanted at least 5 people and 3 refugee camps and the central shopping target again, is very managers launched attacks. and what it says, all has paula science in solving 11 and it says at least 40 strikes, targeted positions between the border time somebody to show up and drop me in
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global food in security has gotten worse for the 5th consecutive year. the global reports and food crises says and spreading conflicts are one of the main causes of hunger for hundreds of millions of people. call them. baker looks at the worst case countries us, the agencies that monitor food in security are sounding the alarm. it's not only climate change, but the rapid spread of conflicts around the world that's causing widespread hunger . the global report on food crises shows that last year, nearly 282000000 people faced acute food in security. that means their lives are in danger because they don't have enough to eat 700000 people in 5 countries or territories on the brink of famine, catastrophic hunger. and almost all of them are in gaza. the strips entire population of 2300000 people is now classified as food in secure. that means they
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regularly don't have enough to eat. the report also finds the years of fighting in the democratic republic of congo, have made it the country with the most food and secure people. that's nearly 26000000. and in sudan, a year of conflict on top of those that were already ongoing, has less, more than $20000000.00 people facing hunger crisis. a search and gang violence in haiti has left half of the population without enough to eat in just a few months. force displacement and hunger go hand in hand and more than 90000000 people are either displaced within their own countries, borders or have fled as refugees and asylum seekers and many are due to hunger. maxima, toyota is the chief economist with the food and agriculture organization of the united nations. he's joining us live from rome, so thank you very much. indeed for being with us. we're, we're hearing and calling to report the, the scale of the problem that the world is not facing. the numbers are astronomical
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. it must make it incredibly difficult for agencies. and of course the you and to be able to know where to deploy their results is 1st in order to be able to start to try and break the chain of the cycle of food and security. yes, um, thank you so much. is a pleasure to meet with you. so the numbers i do mention 281.6, medium people, 21.5 percent are phasing high levels of good for the insecurity to 59 covers and 30 tories. now what he's become more compelling is that that's what his number is, in fact a huge number. but the balance between the 1.5 percent is something that is happening in the same range for the last 4 consecutive years, a $36.00 call increase and $3030.00 south featured in the lower foot prices for bought like the one which is not actually in 8 years, meaning that this is a crisis that protect the crisis. now, what are the products here? one is, of course, if you are countries facing, that'd be c 3 or
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a both. meaning that you don't have access to then yet, so we need to act. we need to act quickly because we don't want these to become a mean and that these word resources are needed. but he's not only in the show for the sources, but he's an issue of access. mean even me, your driver, today's conflict that makes taxes a lot more difficult because they need to assure the security and the safety of the commander and maintenance is to be able to lock properly. deed, also increasing difficulty that costs. so in the volume, increasing the cost of the food that is being provided, but it's also increasing the costs of the logistics to provide effort. and that's why today we're a survey that there's a significant level of, i'm not going to be able to achieve a and to continue to respond to these and give you a couple of pollution. a leasing process today, of course and on rod they are un agency which is geared towards providing very for palestinians was i saw that it within 24 hours of allegations being made against and stuff by israel. that's uh,
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16 out of 18 or 16 or 18 countries immediately pulled the funding before any actual evidence had been provided and the evidence is yet to be provided. if i understand correctly, how concerned are you about the fragility of the funding and supports that food agencies have around the world to be able to even address this problem when it can be pulled out so quickly? the problem of a big street, a ballasting, these extremely extremely severe. we're talking to 577000 people. if i mean these are people dying because of lack of foot. and almost all the population easy might be city or a book. so the actual, the, it has to be immediate, i'm fast as why the secretary, you know, he's going for the stop of, of, of the, on the back from so that they, they, the emergency activities come massively going to in concrete to avoid these burnam to happen it's very important that the funding is available for these to happen.
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but it's also very important to understand that these not just funding for directive, releasing me into which is priority. but also is funding to assure that the farmers that weren't living in and they got to should, i mean, they all their copies liking haiti, liking the i see that are in these situations can continue producing what they produce and feed themselves. that's what it will assure that they can learn dia, activity, process, some of those things that they need the over time by being able to these actions also in the control center and the global network, i guess from the crises was formed in 2016 in order to be able to find, quote, new approaches to tackle projected crises and recurrent disasters reduced vulnerability and managing risk, all of which are quite perfectly laudable goals. but from what i understand, you're saying that one of the driving forces of what we're seeing now is the optic in conflict. that is, is creating this food in security situation. i would imagine they must be difficult to balance, long term stronger a onset to these problems,
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to breaking that cycle with the short term measures needed to deal with crises and call conflicts switched player up around the world. what do we need to understand these, that both truck to move to move things because we'd have to be nearly at the, in, in, in that showing that these people in emergency situations don't lie because of lack of look. but at the same time, we have to be sure to activate the look at production. but in the case of whether it has been mostly the destroy, more than 50 percent of the groups have been destroyed. more than 70 percent of the value of different production has to be destroy and infrastructure. but in other countries is also important to do the same. so the jump is not only to immediately respond, but also to great all and mechanisms for sure. production, underactive 8 the look of no matter how small they are. production seasons, for example, like stuck likes to be the source of proteins that these extremely need, that you need to supply feed stuck. you need to supply seats,
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you need to supply party licensed by the competitive and of course you want to avoid the population to move investigation of from your email. you sent to that. the certainly mentioned that we also need to look at using the cases, which is because of a way that events are because of as long as i'm downstairs, which are they all have to keep it items. we can start working with every action and we know they're the action base back significantly higher. so $1.00 to provide the dental $5.00 to $7.00. and we are working brain pensively. we, they, all that agencies. we don't use b r o, there's somebody that needs to develop tools that will allow us to also cop at the actual evictions so that we can minimize those potential problems in the future maxima to that old chief economist with the food and agriculture organization of united nation, so we appreciate it. thank you very much. indeed for your time. my pleasure. us present a joe biden signed into law and $95000000000.00 for on a package. it includes $60000000000.00 and military assistance to ukraine and
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$26000000000.00 to israel bite inside the transfer of an initial, a package with military assistance for your train will begin in a matter of hours. i'm making sure the shipments start right away. the next few hours, literally the few hours we really be going to begin sending in equipment to ukraine for air defense, beauticians for artillery, for rocket systems and armored vehicles. you know, this package is literally an investment, not only in your rent, your credit security, but in europe security. in our own security. meantime, you planning and drones of attacked oil facilities in western russia and mr. icon on energy jeff owns my landscape agent. how's the lodge fire? but the window reports of casualties? officials reported another tact targeting facilities for the south in the pets, and a new train, at least to 6 people have been injured in a russian attack on the eastern. so if you've called keep miss house at
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a residential area, damaging buildings on dozens of cars, russia and ukraine have agreed to exchange almost 50 children and then deal brokered by caught on national how about as more? it's been a long process of thoughts about a year ago when cuts off probably mid assignments are flooding a fast system haven't been on the outside. he visited the russia and ukraine, and he was asked by the crate is to mediate the family reunification process. and ever since the cuts, all these have been in touch with the russians and the ukrainians 20 families arrived here in the house. part of that political process is quite a significant step forward. as the categories say today was a milestone for us. the subdivision process, which started to last year today we had to 20 families, adding fi families from both to cream and gotcha. with a high a presentation from both governance as well. we hope to upscale this process and
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to continue all you hopefully, todd, that this could be a starting point to bring the equations and the russians to, to politics. but when we started this discussion, we agreed that we will start a humanitarian discussion of focus very much on humanitarian matters. and then from there we can discuss all the portfolios as well. and obviously the human is heating and the political offsetting, much intertwined. so we're hopeful that this will open also more of a news in the future. but it's far from over. the crane is say that i'm more than 20 thousands of children who are productive by the russians claims dismissed by the russians. jose, this is paul to invest ukrainian and weston propaganda to discredit the rushes. and this is why the cuts, how is hoping to try to continue the mediation spots of
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a confidence building measures that could eventually pay the way for both the political talks between the ukrainians and russians. to put an end to the config dot spots it 2 years ago. possibly. but i was just the russ darrow ha, the inside story is up nice discussing wise and foot and security around the world is driven by assignment change and conflict on robotics and say, well this one obviously the had lower there with the story of heat and strong winds across the north of africa and some of those conditions are pushing across into the event and the middle east . so we're seeing temperature as a cit, while above the average for the likes of lebanon and syria over the next few days. it is looking at little settled across the gulf as we go into friday. the west, the weather starts to push its way across the eastern parts of iran, leaving behind some sunshine in the west. we are set to see the showers pickup
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across west and pots of saudi arabia and the week. now in contrast to this has been boned. why across the north of africa for places like libya and the strong winds have kicked up this a hard dust turning the skies red there. we could see for the sand storms in the days ahead, fully be as well as egypt, thanks to the very strong winds. and what weather does start to creep its way from west to east from morocco, across algeria, and to new seal on thursday into friday. but it is a launch the hot picture across the north of africa, so much west across that central band. these things very heavy rain cause devastating flooding across central parts of kenya is more rain to come here and for times and you with a wind warning for coastal areas. and it stria and hotter for the south. actually weather the, the, the latest news as a boeing,
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a military response for situation remains tons nationwide with detailed coverage. it's only taking a few hours to turn the citrus trees into canals, rooms and isolated from around the world, showing by russian full series of lead man and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. how can we reduce food and security report by 16 agencies, fines the lives of nearly 300000000 people globally are in danger? and it's printing conflict rather than climate change is the biggest cause has enough been done to address the crisis. this is inside store the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm happy to jump from hunger around the world has reached alarming levels. that's according to a new report on global food and security for the 5th year. acute food and security .


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