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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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i'm best place to understand the macbooks and so if we do continue with animal experimentation, let's be aware of the impacts of 5 actions. that desktop theme that we don't harm. we don't tucked, we do. we exploit the european union dues, an investigation and the discovery of mass graves in gaza as another 51 bodies are recovered from not so hospital in connie and the kind of them or kyle, this is alex, is there a live from dough? so coming up pretty palestinians are killed in rough sizes. riley stripes, continue to target neighborhoods across the gaza strip. cross border exchanges of
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fire intensified between israel and the seventy's on group has full on the pro palestinian protest spread across the us universities. most students are arrested for that positions as well as war on garza, the it's 11 gmc, that's 2 pm in gauze. the weather as rainy fight suggests on tanks, up on buzzing the strip from the a on the ground that helps ministry. the says at least 79 people have been killed in a to 6 inches in the past 24 hours. and devonte a refugee camp in the northern asked right wounded, at least 5 people. and 3 refugee comes in the central region. i'll bridge all my gauzy and on this or out have again been talk us head civil defense team say another 51 bodies of be recovered from mass graves on the ground of nasa hospital.
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and connie eunice, the remains of more than 300 people have been discovered since saturday is ready minutes. she withdrew from the southern city earlier this month, leaving behind wide spreads destruction. your opinion is urging approve into the mass graves un human rights commission of boca tuck, says he is horrified by the reports. witnesses say some of the victims were killed during the full month siege. many were found with the hands bound and appeared to have been shot execution style is given the prevailing climate. impunity this should include international investigators. hospitals are entitled to very special protection under international humanitarian law. and that's b cleared the intentional killing of civilians, detainees, and others who are of the come back is a war crime. hi, emma, when it is in rafa, and that's something that goes with it. speak to him now, honey fest, which has much more we know about the latest mass graves that have been uncovered
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at nasa hospital. yes laura, more soccer and revelations as a transit is keep from folding it from the courtyard or not there hosted that has largely turned into a graveyard. then it's very, very disturbing. the bodies are largely just these big, the bodies to more of been really covered as of today of the early hours of this afternoon. and the source is still going on with more bought as they are estimated a more than 500 people who were inside the hospital and went missing for the past couple months that the, the hospital was under military sees before it was a storm then it was largely destroyed and severely damaged to the point of view, literally turned it from a place of feeling and saving lives into a graveyard right now. and just judging it from the, the patterns of discovery on the bodies are largely deceived. uh to the point they're not recognized by family members who will gather the courtyard of the
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hospitals, searching for their sons and relatives and family members. been searching for them for the past 70 days. it just very consistent with description of by medical to stop and evacuated. who managed to evacuate the hospital of the mass of rest conducted by it's really military of the execution of many of the people arrested inside the hospital, including a patients and injuries. as many of the bodies recovered, including women and children, were evacuating inside the hospital. but also the injury then the is that because there is still medical pat, bandages as well as the cavity or is it still attached to their bodies were all inside of plastic bags, but largely deceased in the mass of great god, this is the 4th, not the graveyard across the southern parts and the northern part of say to discover in a ship a hospital one in the northern part, a literally a the check point where there's really a monetary set up when it invaded the northern part of this trip and order people
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to go through a check points and according to the task they want it from people who went through the check points, not the rest of young people was conducted at that check point. and later on the discovery method, the math, the group under kind of dirt the levels right at the very check point that was set up by this really another drain, still more is evolving. got this is at this point from what's going on at the courtyard of north or hospital and how do we can hear the constant is rainy surveillance drain of a heads the as, as strikes continue across the gaza strip. yes, this is a quite intimidating gap. now is, does that soon as a drawing is in this kyle rough or anywhere in the gaza strip? we're expecting something is going to happen either uh, to have residential hallmark car or a group of people be going to be targeted. and this has been the pattern for the past week. then since the initial week of the drawing that you,
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these really monetary deploy at pocket drawings and surveillance to drawing at this war, targeting the group of people, the gathering a groups or inside residential homes, or what it's called, largely as soon as it goes, killing that turn out to be causing so much damage, not only do the targeted locations, but also the surrounding areas. overnight attacks by of 60 and destroyed a residential home and eastern part of robust city, including a 3 people, a father, and a 3 and 2 and 2 business sales dress in the central area around the accounts are still being pounded and relentlessly attacked by artillery, selling a more of the relentless areas, price targeting, not only residential building, but also infrastructure remaining public facilities. pushing people for more internal, internal displacement of right. now people are in a limbo here because they don't know where to go. there's no safety place across the gas or if there is no safety place in a war zone right now. yeah. honey,
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the devastation that continues. thank you for joining us. that from rough up in something gone so well. germany says it plans to resume cooperation with you, an agency for a palestinian refugees day this week. and independent review, cleared unrest off of any links to hum us all the october 7th attack. speaking to alta, 0, the head of and roughly plus or we need so the agency was being attacked for political reasons. why is on the constant attack constant pressure constant cooling, of this functioning, a constant administrative, a restaurant, and also constant. i would say sometimes the social media assassination and the says definitely an impact on l. stuff. or you might also have seen over there now stuff few days that they have been an opinion for and also within the population in the west. like i mean the gaza. there is a, a deeper anxiety is that if the,
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the agency is a discount of the do this with also putting in the 2 of the 2 state solution. i was, i just had a pretty constant last a week. and basically i told the member that the i talked to on why have nothing to do? we started to try to, to issues. but in reality, the motivate that the bite, the objective of the street. but the, but his team in, from the risk just stages or this way, the middle tree has lost the tax, almost. it says all hezbollah targets and sell them 11 and at least 14 as strikes, talk to positions from the board of townsend. i to shop and run me a. is there any minute trane has beloved been exchanging flat across the board, us since october, the 7th on tuesday. and it's really striking. 3 people, including a woman and a 12 year old go, said ahold of its following developments from much a young in the southern, nothing on the 11 on israel,
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the board to remains an active front line. in recent days, there has been an increase in a tax part of a pattern of sporadic escalation in the span of just a few minutes as well carried out at least 14 airstrikes targeting what it says are hezbollah positions, and 2 villages along the border. this follows a series of attacks carried out by the lebanese armed group targeting military positions along the border. hezbollah also struck it's carried out in attack. its deepest strike inside is really territory on tuesday, targeting military positions, north of aka, that's approximately 15 kilometers from the border. it said that attack was in response to the killing of one of its members and a targeted assassination. so a warning from huntsville are telling the is rarely is expect further escalation if these targets it assassinations continue. um, so the situation remains vala tile precarious, but it's still very much limited to the border area and to military targets. even
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though 2 more lebanese civilians were killed. late on tuesday, a woman and a child, nearly 70 civilians have been killed and this ongoing conflict. so, so far it hasn't led to a this, this escalation hasn't led to a wider war, but a bigger war cannot be ruled out. there i was just the to march, how you and southern lebanon a hold on 700 is where a new settlers of and to the likes, almost compound and occupied east jerusalem. non muslims are allowed to visit the site for 4 hours every morning. security restrictions have been tightened for the jewish holiday of hasa, of the students across the us, universities are continuing to protest against israel's will on gauze them. the live pictures now showing the incumbent at columbia university in new york city, which has been set top in solidarity with palestinians and west protest as have defied a deadline to disperse. hundreds of students have been arrested since friday students
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from massachusetts to california, according for institutions to comp ties with companies that profit from as well as well on garza christian salumi has moved from new york. hundreds of students from new york university gathered in a park off campus to denounce israel's actions. and, and why use administrators? they say are suppressing voice is critical of israel. they're angry. police arrested over 100 protesters on monday night after students and teachers defied orders to leave a school, plaza, or face consequences. the arrested have been made. the attempts to stifle the excel at the expression are ludicrous there. instead of going to the goals of university, and so number one, i think they need to stop suppressing the free conversation that's happening. that's clearly background of all the students and a lot of faculty on tuesday, pro palestinian actions and rallies sprung up at lower universities across the
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united states, including the university of michigan, the university of minnesota and the university of california berkeley at new york's columbia university. where this latest wave of protest began, students were kept out for a 7th street day a week that has seen hundreds of arrests there as well. we should also note that it's not just the police universities also suspended the students without any kind of due process. many of the students have been evicted from the dormitories dormitories that they pay for something given just 15 minutes to gather their belongings. and so overall it's been a draconian punitive response to these protests and the situation that really doesn't, meredith, there's no justification for this when students are really just sitting on a lawn doing their homework. our students are demanding universities cut, financial ties with companies that profit from israel's occupation of palestine at n y u. that includes lockheed martin, us weapons manufacturer, whose weapons are used by the israeli military, general electric,
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which makes engines for the is really military and caterpillar, the construction machinery giant, whose products are used in demolitions of palestinian homes. also, cisco, which supplies telecommunications networks for israel often in illegal settlements . many students are reluctant to be identified for fear of recriminations from universities who come under pressure from pro israel donors and politicians who claim the protests are anti semitic. demonstrators including some jewish students, deny accusations of anti semitism at new york university in columbia university. they even stopped to celebrate passover, they blamed individuals who are affiliated with their movements for inflammatory language. new york's mayor says, a police presence is necessary to protect students against outside agitators. there are people who come have nothing to do with the issue and they want to aggravate.
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but n y u students and faculty say that the demonstrations were peaceful until the police arrived christian salumi. i'll just hear a new york. the ethnic violence in india is northeastern states of bonnet. pool is interrupting voting. as a result, just days into a 6 week process, some polling stations that having to re run the 1st round of a thing. indian government has failed to give these as to algebra. 0 is correspondence to cover this story. so we're covering the elections from outside of the country, homes of a home and triples. i'm going to use patrol the streets of villages in money for the state it's. it's been like the since may last year when ethnic violence broke out between the minority khaki and the majority made the communities oh,
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the tension has been sitting for years escalated code proposed extending state benefits granted to the 2 keys to meet these. this one was on the weekend said a separate me decision. we'd be the only sort of friends since we can all go to in far and they're going to come to healy area. i think there that would be the only sort of thing more than $200.00 people have been killed. the violence spider, like many parts of the region, this highway should be full of traffic. it connects money, put me on my trade is struggling to keep their businesses open live i eat, i'm put, i'm from payment now. earlier when there was no conflict, we could go to them on and on was to me and my to buy goods and sell them. you know, now that become good there anymore. become good. any products for me and my
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exposure to interrupted voting, independent mentor elections, which started on friday polling stations were bundle lights and voting machines damage. the government has bring to position but the selection is not between the b p and the congress party is between those who talk them, breaking up money for and those who want to keep money. poor united, to the congress part, to talk subdivision wherever they go. white or position to see the government is responsible but don't worry about violence. let's take you by, let's say they got that one, but this violence is a creation of the government. this is their handiwork. more particularly the state government colluding with the central government. they a deliberately not ending this violent tone, but as the 2nd phase of boasting in money pool will start on friday for vote. this one is for piece 3 attempt to this, the hands him, him, just need just
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a reminder that the indian government has not granted visas to alta. 0 is jealous. so we are covering the election from outside the country. feel ahead here on out this era. you a section of state lines in china to try to stabilize relations with global by volt, underground presidents. as in shoreline cut to integrate a multi $1000000.00 heights or problem solve the in depth analysis of the days headlines. the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for 5 minutes with nothing. you know, who is trying to stay indifferently as 5 minutes to the know the to stay possibly out of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between them is uh, and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of miniature partners,
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and specifically russia inside story. on al jazeera, illegal gold mining. the, again, you'll what you notice there as a reminder of, on top stories this, our civil defense team say another 51 bodies have been recovered from mass graves on the grounds of not so hospital. and connie and us within $300.00, i've been discovered so far. you and it's cooling for an independent investigation . is ready for us to get some time simple involved in the step from the at i'm to ground into bonnie, a refugee comes in the news and a strike wounded at least 5 people and 3 refugee comes in. the central region has been again targeted and here's where the ministry is north attacks and what it says, a handful of targets in southern lebanon, the scene as far as tots superstitions between the border towns of i to shop and rom. yeah. it was actually
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a states has arrived in china on his 2nd visit and less than the u. s. badging and washington sick to stabilize relations as the bank. and we'll begin his visit by holding discussions with business leaders in shanghai. he'll head to badging on friday for troops with for a minute. so one li, big lincoln is likely to meet the present change in paying during his 3 day trip of aging is also seeking to result several other issues with washington. amongst them is defense, no opioid crisis in the united states. us officials accuse china of fueling the problem. katrina, you reports from badging in the us, secretary of state antony blinking isn't bulking on a 3 day visit to china, expecting some difficult conversations ahead. badging and washington say the trip is about strengthening dialogue and stabilizing the rookie bilateral relationship. but it comes as us politicians continue to take actions against china.
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investigators for the us house committee, have released a report accusing china of fueling americas fentanyl crisis by subsidizing the export of pre caustic chemicals. this is despite badging agreeing to crack down on the production of the synthetic or the ard since 20. 17 officials here has dismissed the claim and some analysts say china is being used as a scape goat ahead of the move in the presidential election. it's easy to, and it makes sense for both democrats and republicans to agree on creating this image of china as being sent for the the only main issue to the problem rather than looking at what are the root causes of americans being such a bad drug users the us senate has also passed for an aid package which includes $8000000000.00 for the funding of tie, once military or red line issue for china. we tell our allies, we will stand with you. we tell our adversaries don't mess with us. the package
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would also force the sale of social media app take talk from its chinese owners bike dunce. within the next year, a move they doing has described as unfair, also high on entities, lincoln's agenda to ukraine. he wants to convince china to stop supporting moscow, and it's, we'll edit when it comes to russia's defense industrial base. the primary contributor in this moment to that is trying to we c china turing machine tools, somebody, conductors other dual use items. china denies this, saying it's partnership with russia has nothing to do with the invasion of ukraine . travel your boss any the flames, but it's mirroring others or shifting the blame is not the right way to raise off the ukraine. issue. thinking is also expected to raise discussions and the tensions in the south. china sea and aging industrial visit may not change the slight degree of mistrust between the 2 sides. but at least present disagreements.
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just something katrina, you all to 0 agent. you planning, enjoying strike has talked to the fuel and energy deference, valencia in the western russia. the strike called the launch fire, but no casualties were reported. and russia is over several messages talking ukraine seconds on just city call. cave themselves has a residential area, damaging buildings and dozens of cause. at least 6 people were injured around this price and tape him racy has arrived in sher lanka on a visit aimed at strengthening ties between the $2.00 countries. is we think present running over chromos thing a and to know, raising a multi $1000000.00 power plant. so it's buying a ronnie, an engineering company, had of this visit twice he spent 3 days in pakistan as part of his tore of south asia. now fernandez has moved from columbus. so he is gone dried into the reasons for his visits having arrived at the month of the airport in the south east of the
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country. incidentally, that is very much the regions that will benefit most from the irrigation thoughts of this amount or project, the uranium present, and his salon can count about, press the button on the loan of that's a multi purpose development project. it will generate electricity, as well as provide integration to over 12 or 15000 heck says of land. later on, in the day he will be here in colombo, where he will be received by this election president with a formal god with god devona. that will be the thing of some randoms of understanding and obviously before he leaves, that will be a joint statement as well. it has been a long a relationship, so they have both the t, we have both as follows. we have a defined that he, that was mainly did to a devaney noise and it's been a long term relationship. and now with geo politics taking center stage internationally. obviously, the, even in present coming to for a long term,
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even though this was a planned visit at the time when there's so much tension back home, shows the importance of that iran is placing on building ties and keeping them. claudio, north korea has sent a high level of delegation to iran, arrive visits as prompting speculation of cooperation between the 2 nations on the weapons programs. if you on your on into or on, on noon to have place ties and both on the international sanctions units kim has more from so it was a brief one liner on state media. north korea's minister for external economic affairs has left come young on tuesday for iran. you and jim who is pelias minister for international trade. no to have contributed to deepening economic ties with moscow in recent months. but north korea has not sent a high level official to e. ron in 5 years. it's a relationship shrouded in secrecy. the 2 states are known to have collaborated on miss styles as far back as the 1980s with the us intelligence report in 20. 19
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noting a ron shall have 3 ballistic miss style was based on north korea's mid range, not on ballistic missile. now, driven by a common enemy in the us, now they have a shared tie in russia despite being under international sanctions. iranian drones and north korean ballistic missiles has helped fuel moscow's war on ukraine . the united states last week that it was, quote, incredibly concerned with the possibility iran and north korea we're cooperating on nuclear and ballistic missiles. now analysts here and sol suspect that north korea is footprints in recent years, has been limited to supporting, has been a lot and hum us. but many will be watching whether this economic delegation to iran could have implications on the military sector. just as come young's relations
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with moscow has rapidly developed in recent months. is kim also sarah? so let me just find them present that cuz my dora it says he will allow the representative for the you and human rights commission to resume operations in the country, missouri. i had ordered all of you and stuff to leave venezuela in february. and social criminal court is investigating the president for alleged crimes against humanity. soft to move and 100 protesters were killed in 2017 of the former leader of northern islands, democratic union. this policy, as appearing in quotes of allegations of historic sex offences jeffrey donaldson, was supposed to resign a ma shop that he was charged with right grace and decency and indecent of sold. he denies the allegations his wife also facing the charges of aging and a best thing. a huge wave is causing major disruptions across south and southeast asia. at least 5 people have died from heat stroke combined with dish. thousands of
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schools have been closed and they've been regular power outages. several people levels so died from extreme heat in the philippines. that's it from me, laura kyle. we have inside story next to hit the resignation of israel's ministry intelligence. the the hello that will look to east asia and as more heavy rain to come across southern parts of china that had been hit my those devastating floods. you can see the yellow peaks on thursday that shows where the torrential rain is going to for the places like one done but also central areas. and that rain will push its way further east, bringing showers to shanghai and knocking the temperature down thursday into friday night. eventually it moves its way towards the southern pots of japan headed that
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it has been looking very dry and warm for much of japan. and the korean peninsula $26.00 degrees celsius, the in so and tokyo on friday. so some of the trend for the north of china, beijing seam, attempt to sit well above the average, but it will be coming down by sunday with a chance of some light rain. now in contrast to this, temperatures have been pushing up because south asia, so much of india as well as the dash and the poll we are expecting the mercury to continue to rise in jack as we goes thursday into friday. we've read warning southwest bengal warnings, extending from b hot down to under projects. we could see a chance of, he says a day, some the storms across many areas, but the width is whether it will be moving from afghanistan into pockets done by friday. the latest news as a boeing a military response,
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the situation remain fund nationwide with detailed coverage. it's only taking a few hours to turn the city streets into canals room and isolated from around the world showing by russian full series of lead band and the surrounding countryside. causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day of the 1st senior was really official, has resigned over how much is october attack. the military intelligence chief took responsibility for major security failures. message does extend during israel's war on gaza. and could it be the 1st step towards accountability this is inside storage . the .


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