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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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even more significant this year, a foster emphasized with those hungry and suffering in gaza. the as really strikes continue hitting goals are the latest targets a home in vasa, killing 3 palestinians. the kind of them or carl, this is out, is there a life from the also coming up? 51 more parties are recovered from last grades on the grounds of the not so whole special in con units. the pro palestinian protest spread across the us universities. most students are arrested for that
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position to as well to own guns under arms present as intro lanka to no great, a multi $1000000.00 hydro power plants, the beginning gone. so it was really forces have killed at least 3 palestinians as they bought homes in rafa. any 1500000 people have sold refuge in the southern city as well as threatening to launch a major ground offensive. and central gauze are full people, the kills when it's really problems how to the on this or out refugee camp. on tuesday, the camp has been under repeated attack for days. new all heavy selling was reported in the town of all the way to the injured have been taken to out. ok, so hospital 51. more bodies have been recovered from the mass graves on the grounds. vanessa hospitality and connie eunice within 300 bodies have been discovered best and saturday. witnesses say some of the
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victims were killed. joy is released as well. seeds on the hospital. many were found without hands found on the pay to have been shot. you and his calling for a for an independent investigation as close to a correspondent in rafa and southern golf at now honey, my fluids and honey. let's start by talking about another night of strikes, springing, get more horror for families that trying to survive more than 200 days of war. of the yes, and the tragedies of these various tracks in overcrowded drop by city are the direct deep it inc. sense of shadow, a sense of safety for really traumatized and displaced populations. so far, robot has been a major side of relentless attack since the initial weeks of the war. in fact, many areas in reference, it has been equally bomb,
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relentlessly as bad as areas in the northern part and gaza city with the trails of destruction. avery, where you go now, it's a, it's a very huge, we'll see. and to see the rubble filled roll absorber locks completely because of the destruction does caused by the intense bombing campaign. and we're seeing on daily pod of right now, entire families being killed inside residential homes, that they have been filtering and know as a flight. and they have lost sight family over 3. a father and 2 of his children were killed inside a residential home at the eastern part of robust city with several other injuries old, transferred to a very small, a really large the on equip, in the health facility. and, and not pass it increasing the risk of those injuries, the, lose their life. but what's really tragic about these attacks is the further internally displaced displacement cause do a really displace family that the vicinity of these residential homes. don't forget, revise the the home right now for 1500000 display of palestinians. meanwhile,
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the central area has been repeatedly targeted. we're talking about in the fight. i review. com as well as the area between the northern part of the account itself. and why does that an area previously, people were told to evacuate too, because it is a further eastern part of another account. bruce camp where 4 people have been reported killed in a service strikes on a residential homes. they've been also sheltering again. and honey we, we've got $51.00 more bodies being found buried in mass graves. what more can you tell us about us of the. 1 as the day progresses, there are more shocking details of revelations from the massive grave of the courtyard of nasir hospital with many of the bodies retrieved and cited plastic bags have be largely this is to the point. no, they're not recognized at all. they are largely annoying. their identities are lost . family members are who gather at the 40 out of the hospital trying to find their
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fit, remaining family members or their children. what been searching for for the past 70 days, are now unable to recognize them. only few cases we have parents are able to recognize the, the bodies of their own family member children from the clothes that they were wearing . just very shocking to see this happening and, and the tries you to keep on folding across the court yard of the hospital. what we're looking at right now is the 4th mass, the grave being this cover within the past 12 days. there are 3 more one and that you have a how to invest. you have a hospital and one in the northern part, right? that a very good check point that was set up by this really military and where people would order to go through the check points were mass arrests and sorry execution took place. okay, honey my, what brings the latest that from gone. so thanks very much how many are now students across the us, universities are continuing to protest against as well as war on garza, hundreds of students of interest. and since friday, incumbent and solidarity with palestinians have been successful in some of the top
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universities, students from massachusetts to california, a cooling for institutions to comp ties with companies that profit from as well as well on garza christians, telling me reports from new york hundreds of students from new york university gathered in a park off campus to denounce israel's actions, and n y use administrators. they say are suppressing voice is critical of israel. their angry police arrested over 100 protesters on monday night after students and teachers defied orders to leave a school plaza or face consequences. the arrest that have been made. the attempts to stifle the accept, the expression are ludicrous there. instead of going to the goals of university, and so number one, i think they need to stop suppressing the free conversation that's happening. that's clearly background of all the students and a lot of faculty on tuesday, pro palestinian actions and rallies sprung up at lower universities across the
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united states, including the university of michigan, the university of minnesota and the university of california berkeley at new york's columbia university. where this latest wave of protest began, students were camped out for a 7th street day a week that has seen hundreds of arrests there as well. we should also note that it's not just the police universities also suspended the students without any kind of due process. many of the students have been evicted from the dormitories don't mature is that they pay for something given just 15 minutes to gather their belongings. and so overall it's been a draconian punitive response to these protests and the situation that really doesn't, meredith, there's no justification for this when students are really just sitting on a lawn doing their homework. our students are demanding universities cut, financial ties with companies that profit from israel's occupation of palestine at n y u. that includes lockheed martin, us weapons manufacturer, whose weapons are used by the israeli military, general electric,
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which makes engines for the israeli military and caterpillar, the construction machinery giant, whose products are used in demolitions of palestinian homes. also, cisco, which supplies telecommunications networks for israel often in illegal settlements . many students are reluctant to be identified for fear of recommendations from universities who come under pressure from pro israel donors and politicians who claim the protests are anti semitic. demonstrators including some jewish students, deny accusations of anti semitism at new york university in columbia university. they even stopped to celebrate passover, they blamed individuals who are affiliated with their movement for inflammatory language. new york's mayor says, a police presence is necessary to protect students against outside agitators. there are people who come have nothing to do with the issue and they want to aggravate.
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but n y u students and faculty say that the demonstrations were peaceful until the police arrived. christian salumi algebra. new york student protests are also being held in australia, thousands of students and teachers at the university of sydney, held demonstrations in solidarity with kind of sign. i will 1st test out and comments the students, a cooling for israel and at school on gone so to germany says it will resume funding for the you, an agency for palestinian refugees and garza. that's off to an investigation by a former french phone. mister catherine colona played on the west off of links to hum us speaking to al jazeera earlier at the head of unrest on the plaza, really. so the agency had been attached for political reasons wise on the constant at the constant pressure constant cooling of this functioning,
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a constant administrative, a restaurant, and also constant, i would say sometimes. so social media, assassination and do says definitely an impact on no style. so you might also have seen over there now stuff today. so they have been opinion poured and also within the population in the west bank, i need no gaza. there is a deep anxiety. is that if the, the agency is a discount or that would this would also put an end to the 2 state solution. i was just say pretty console last week. and basically i told the member that the at talk to on want have nothing to do. we sudden to try to, to issues, but in reality the what keep it that the, by the objective to street the defense team and from the rest of the stages is where the security forces have shot dead a 20 year old palestinian women and the occupied west bank is ready ami says she
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tried to stop soldiers, a check point, new and illegal settlement and the southern city of hebron within $450.00 pounds of citizens have been killed in the occupied westbank since october 7. more than $700.00 is rainy settlers of and to be like some of the compound unoccupied. east jerusalem. non muslims are allowed to visit the site for 4 hours every morning. security restrictions have been tightened for the jewish holiday of past. i have a woman and a 12 year old go amongst 3 people killed in this really strike and southern lebanon on choose day. another 6 for wounded attack. talk to the home and her name, the town around 3 kilometers. know for the folder is right, ministry and alms group has pulled off. i've been exchanging fi of cost of order almost daily since october the 7th, in a span of correspondence, dana hodges, she's joining us from launch a unit in southern lebanon. zayna was seeing this escalation and fighting across
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the board to the what's the situation? well, the 11 on israel board are remains very much an active front line. these increase the tax and recent days, parts of a pattern of sporadic escalation yesterday has block carried out. its deepest strike inside is really territory, since it opened the front to help relieve its ally. how much in gaza on in october, it hits it's really military positions in arcada, just north of some 15 kilometers from the border. and it's statement, the armed group said that this was in response for israel targeting one of its members. there was a target to the assassination, yet another targeted assassination on tuesday. so hezbollah, trying to send the message to the is released that expect further escalations. if these target to this house, the nations continue. what we've been seeing really in recent months is israel carrying out these drones strikes,
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taking out the field commanders fighters has well as infrastructure. so this is very much an ongoing confrontation. last night, 2 civilians were killed, a woman and a child. a nearly 70 civilians have been killed even though this conflict is still largely confined to the border area and largely confined to military targets. so you have the sporadic escalation, but the possibility of wider conflict, a bigger war is real. we towards the border region with un peacekeeping troops, as well as with the lebanese army to see the cost of this war. and the signs of war are visible almost everywhere along lebanon's border with isabel. this is a front line where there's little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help. it's like him, us in casa, most of israel strikes have been focused on an area about 5 to 10 kilometers from
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the border. now we are crossing the color. you can see that riley person positions from here, where i'm moving close to the blue line. and who knows when uh, sharing or i know, yes, like a is going to happens. we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force, in southern lebanon, on their own patrol with lebanon's army. their mission is to ensure the area from the border to the latania river is free of arms and fighters outside the states control. we are here to support the levi nice army on the leave as they leave them these government to take control of the, of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, and despite thousands of strikes, israel has failed to push the groups fighters back the you enforce has repeatedly warrant that the danger of escalation is real. of the. yeah, we're looking for the,
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you know, the people this is an air strikes. so we are looking for the, this the how can we prevent this is collisions. so after this, moving at on, dealing with that searching for the police where we can have the same. few people remain here, nearly 100000 lebanese have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border. this is the cost of war, official say, losses are already in the billions of dollars, although the concept is still large with contained and confined to the, for the region. as well as, as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then, because as well as threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve center for their elders either. so there's nothing on every more process than televi for
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a pressure was mounting on these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, relatives of caps, hoops, health and golf, unless of course, as a cooling for a cease fire. and i loved ones with 10 talks on frank concepts of sold with israel, refusing to accept a permanent stays, fine. a my brother in law, secondary doesn't and we don't we 130 more people too much needs to be in. we need to have in defending the country need to is still a head hair on al jazeera, the purchase, an argentine of teachers and students demonstrates against funding comes to public education. the
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hello that was not in south east asia and storms and showers. all the older of the day across the southern areas of the region with more heavy rain. so comes to the likes of malaysia as well as indonesia. over the next few days. we've also got some waves of weather pulling into southern parts of the philippines. thursday in to friday, but across the north, it is a very hot story to people in china, with temperatures sitting high for thailand and vietnam, some very hot nights here as well. and we've had some excessive heat warnings issued across the philippines. if we haven't looked at the 3 day however, formula, you can see the temperature is sitting around the average, but it will be feeling more like it's in the early to mid 14th. and that sense of the high temperatures as well as the humidity. now, as we had done on the 2 astray, yeah, any room has been kicked out of that southeast corner. i saw
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a trailing cold front on i was going to do the same in sidney and brisbin over the next few days and also bring some showers to coastal areas of new south wales as well as queens and but as long as you drive across much of the country so much when a however, is expected to the east of pub over the next few days, but the mercury is sitting high here picking up to 20 degrees celsius the on friday, and office and set on the weather in new zealand to this heavy rain coming in to the south island unique perspective, the place himself told the palestinians to go to the on hers voices. to humor, i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceeding the landscape, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really alone about what's
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happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out just the or the 3rd annual what challenges there has reminder of on told stories this hour. at least 3 palestinians have been killed in his writing strikes on a residential building and rough uh, some of them garza and essentially the strip is ready forces are again, showing an area close to almost around the refuge account protests against as well as war on golf and spread to a number of us universities, including yale, columbia, m, i t at harvard, hundreds of students have been arrested and that'd be more cross border exchanges.
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a find between israel and the lebanese on the group has black women and a 12 year old child were amongst sweet people killed in this really strike from 711 on on tuesday. around this present abraham racy has arrived and franco on a visit aimed at strengthening ties between the 2 countries and hotels. for this rank and present right now with listing a gracie will integrate a multi $1000000.00 power plant. those by ronnie ends head of his visit, this rancor rice. he spent 3 days in pakistan on his pulse with his tool of south asia. nelson. and this has or from columbus, as he is gone, dried into the reasons for his visit. having arrived at the month of the airport in the southeast of the country, incidentally, that is very much the region that will benefit most from the irrigation thoughts of this amount or project, the uranium present. and he's for lunch and count about press the button on the loan. of that the multi purpose development project is to generate electricity,
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as well as provide integration to over 12 or 15000 hicks as of land later on in the day. he will be here in colombo, where he will be received by the selected president with a formal god with god devona. that will be the thing of some randoms of understanding. and obviously before he leaves, that will be a joint statement as well. it has been a long a relationship, so they have both the t, we have both as far as we have a refinery that was mainly geared towards of a new noise. and it's been a long term relationship. and now with geo politics taking center stage into a nationally, obviously, the even in present coming to for a long term even though this was a planned visit at the time when there's so much tension back home shows the importance uh that yvonne is placing on building ties and keeping them call, you know, if career has sent a high level delegation to iran, eva rad visits is raising speculation of cooperation between the 2 nations over the
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weapons programs feeling young. i'm to have on on it and to have close ties and both on the international sanctions you this kim has more from so it was a brief one liner on state media. north korea's minister for external economic affairs has left come young on tuesday for iran. you and jim, who is pelias minister for international trade? no, to have contributed to deepening economic ties with moscow in recent months. but north korea has not sent a high level official to e. ron, in 5 years. it's a relationship shrouded in secrecy. the 2 states are known to have collaborated on miss styles as far back as the 1980s with a u. s. intelligence report in 2019 noting a ron shall have 3 ballistic miss style was based on north korea's mid range, northern ballistic missile. now, driven by a common enemy in the us, now they have a shared tie in russia despite being under international sanctions. iranian
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drones and north korean ballistic missiles has helped fuel moscow's war on ukraine . the united states last week that it was, quote, incredibly concerned with the possibility iran and north korea we're cooperating on nuclear and ballistic missiles. now analysts here and sole suspect that north korea's footprint in recent years has been limited to supporting has been a lot and hum us. but many will be watching whether this economic delegation to iran could have implications on the military sector. just as come young's relations with moscow has rapidly developed in recent months. it is kim, just sarah. so a cleaning and dry and strike has talked to a fuel and energy tapco. and so let's get in western russia. the strike cause a large file, but no casualties have been reported. while russia's little,
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several missiles targeting ukraine, 2nd largest city call cave massage, federal residential area, damage and buildings, and dozens of calls, least 6 people were injured. or far as he said, investigation is on the way to a cold the strike as a war crime. the us senate has passed a $95000000000.00 a package for ukraine and israel also for humanitarian relief. for garza, as well as $8000000000.00 for security in taiwan, will say part of that package as a provision that could lead to a nationwide bond on tech talk. like kind of reports from washington. the guys appear to have it. the eyes do have it. and the motion is agreed to the legislation, receive support on both sides of the aisle, red bipartisan agreement on the hill. it provides a $2000000000.00 and aid to ukraine and $26000000000.00 to israel amounts that were approved 2 months ago in a similar part in a package that did not have the tick tock provision. but chinese,
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other than social media company, has to be done to fight and congress for months, despite its wild popularity among american use, some of whom were protesting outside the senate against the measure. senators were pains to point out. it's not to talk itself that is the concern raw, the chinese ownership of the congress is not acting to punish white dance, to talk or any other individual company. convers is acting to prevent foreign adversaries from conducting espionage surveillance, blind operations, farming, vulnerable americans, our service men, and women, and our u. s. government personnel. currently, the chinese communist party is able to gain unlimited access to the account information of tick tock users. if it's so choose, is else with the director of the f b, i added his voice to the tick tock, debate, tick, tock for us represents a national security concern. and the reason i say that is that tech tax parent
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company, is beholden to the chinese government. and so when people, when americans stop and think about, how do they feel about the, the power, the access, the capability to control the tick tock has they need to be thinking about it in terms of how they feel about that same power access capability control in the hands of take talks parent in chinese government and ultimately in the chinese intelligence services. the chinese owners of tick tock had been given 9 months in which to sell the company. oh, it will be banned to the us. president biden can extend this period for 3 months if he wishes with an immediate band no longer being contemplated. congress has ensured that does not become an issue in the november election by kinda, i'll just say era. washington, the 10s of thousands of odds and ends have been protesting and cities around the country against cups in state education budgets. president, have
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a malay has been flashing spending to address the cost of living crisis and high inflation to the reports from one of the demonstrations in, but as far as thousands of people carrying books to go over. but that's how the module in front of the presidential palace. they say public education is at risk, and that's why they want the government of libertarian president. have you had any like to know? they'll be here to defend the land. the guy that use the dean of the university of window site is middle school age. education is a constitutional rights, and it's the job of the states to promote public education and high level education . it provides the opportunity and is at the center of any type of development video or the university of one of site is free and is considered to be among the top universities in the world. people say it's a matter of national pride. faculty, students, and staff from the universities have all come here to defend public education,
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but it's over 60 public university. been argentina and maybe been on the national body a spot since 5. you gotta be ready to corporate funding for the university of north increase in funds on storing inflation. government officials accuse universities will be regularities and want to carry out an audit. but he made a lot of really address the nation on monday, saying he will continue with his austerity to plan, to jumpstart the economy market and the don't hold any of gamble, but on what we now. so when we took off is that the situation is so serious, it's argentine that has no time for gradualism. and that's why we implemented the most ambitious shock blending. now we history. but people here same really is making a mistake when i was studying during the dictatorship, in the 19 seventy's and military close to my university. and i just spend the university of winters site is because it is the best we have in education and
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education that has provided an opportunity to a higher education to millions of people in the country. they showed up on the streets in times of need to tell the government the budget cuts need to happen somewhere else. that is, i will, i will just see that window site is thousands of indigenous presidents have gathered in the capital for a 5 day protest in defense of the land and cultural rights. i say the government has failed to fulfill its promises to protect reserves and expel land. grap is from . that's how it trans mother. if you get like, have spoke to the protesters in the present in chanting in different rhythms in tongues. but marketing is one leaders of more than $100.00 indigenous peoples have gathered in results capital to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their annual camp out. but also to raise their voice against the persistence violence they endure. first of all, someone to call them of them. we've come
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a long way of these past 2 decades claiming our territories. but while more indigenous lands have been de mark hated. we have also suffered more invasions from illegal miners, poachers and loggers. it's a never ending struggle. far from brazil, yet in the brazilian amazon, a stark portrayal of the ongoing tragedy faced by the enemy people. for years they have borne the brunt of the legal mining activities, the rivers points and with mercury, rendering water undrinkable and fish, inedible. in 2023. soon after taking office, president leasing us to luna, the sofa sent a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve and combat. what he termed a genocide was the one more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed. so unfortunately the soon as the armed forces left illegal miners returned.


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