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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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was unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantees the animals up package and free the is there any strikes, continue hitting that also the latest talk gets a home and by cycling 3 palestinians, the while this is officer alive from doha, also coming up the profile of a city and protest spread across us universities, most students are arrested for that opposition. israel's more ongoing side, drones present lines and try and catch mental grades of $500000000.00 hydro power plants, the purchase and argentina.
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teachers and students demonstrate against funding comes to public education. the, it's 8 gmc, that's 11 am and gone. so it was really forces of killed at least 3 palestinians off to blooming homes. in rafa, nearly 1500000 people have sold refuge and the southern ceci. what as well as threatening to launch a major ground offensive and central gaza full of people were killed when this riley bomb talked. his elders are at refugee camp. on tuesday, the camp is being repeated the under attacks of days. meanwhile, heavy selling was opposed in the town of owls, a way to the injured have been taken to our acts, the hospital you and human rights chief volk toolkit. tuck says he's horrified by reports of mass graves and con eunice and southern gaza. will them 300 bodies have been with covered on the grounds of not so hospital witnesses say some of the
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victims were killed during the as really siege of the hospital. many were found with the hands bound on to pay to have been shows you and his calling for a thorough and independent investigation. given the prevailing climate of impunity, this should include international investigators. the hospitals are entitled to very special protection under international humanitarian law. and that's b cleared the intentional killing of civilians, detainees, and others who are of the combat is a war crime. oh honey, my point is in rough and out in southern gauze the honey we've had another nice of as strikes for getting more horror for those families that who are just trying to survive now move in to 100 days of war. yes it's uh, one day after 200 days of ongoing war and just within the past 45 minutes renewed
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of fresh attacks on the central area mainly concentrated the most i right refuge account of the campus of the northern part of it that has been targeted relentlessly and when there's really military is formed it as of last week. but right now we're seeing more of the artillery selling and then tens bombing campaign taking part in the area of the northern part of the camp itself. and the area to the southern part of why the lot. that's a particular location where it is really military ordered people from the northern part in gauze of the vacuum ways to do in order to avoid being bombed. but the, they're getting bombed in any way, right? now and what this is doing right now to people who just push in for more internal displacement of right now people are caught in a limbo. they don't know whether to stay there or come throughout by city. that is under constant, the threats that have growing, growing calls for expanding the military on a ground invasion to the city that has been the last refuge of house for one point . 5000000 displays palestinians that early hours of this morning and late hours of
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last night air. so i continued to pound across this over crowded city work. 3 people were killed. that's a father. and 2 of the children inside residential, there is a bunch of them. they've been sold the children again and several other injuries just causing further destruction to the surrounding areas in more pushing people for a more internal displacement of the central and what from part of the city itself. meanwhile, in the northern part is really military storming the city of bit lot. yeah. with the good round forces on the ground, aggressively targeting and destroying residential homes and public facilities and pushing people out of the out of the city. further into the center part of the city and how they know that more than 300 bodies have been found so far and mass graves and no salt hospital reports now of 51. no bodies found
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as well. this is the 5th day in a row. were more tragedies keep on folding it from the courtyard of north or hospital with more master graves are being discover. and the more bodies that being retrieved with today is the close to 50 bodies, happy to retrieve the from different areas of the courtyard of the hospital on the top of the 300 bodies that were retrieved and discovered within the past 5 days. it just making the whole situation very, very difficult for people was still seeing pictures of the crying parents and remaining family members storming the hospital is searching for remains of their loved ones and family members just dominating the whole scene. in top of that the, the difficult is that the, the civil defense, the crew members and the grab paramedics are facing. and the challenge and they are encountering in full and largely the seas body largely unknown their, their identities are lost largely for the most part. but it's just very consistent
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with what we heard from medical staff and other people this way as individual inside the hospital describe the or the be have to endure. when does really monitor is formed the hospital last month. very distressing situation. the honey many thanks for bringing us the latest news lines from gauze on as well. students across the us universities are continuing to protest against as well as will on garza. hundreds of students have been arrested since friday and comments in solidarity with power. students have been set off in some of the top universities, students from massachusetts to california, according for institutions to comp ties with companies that profit from israel as well on garza christian. so they need before it's from new york. hundreds of students from new york university gathered in a park off campus to denounce israel's actions. and, and why use administrators? they say are suppressing voice is critical of israel. they're angry,
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police arrested over 100 protesters on monday night after students and teachers defied orders to leave a school plaza or face consequences. the arrest that have been made. the attempts to stifle the accept, the expression are ludicrous there. instead of going to the goals of a university, and so number one, i think they need to stop suppressing the free conversation that's happening. that's clearly back right of all the students and a lot of faculty on tuesday, pro palestinian actions and rallies sprung up at lower universities across the united states, including the university of michigan, the university of minnesota and the university of california berkeley at new york's columbia university where the latest wave of protest began, students were camped out for a 7th street day a week that has seen hundreds of arrests there as well. we should also note that it's not just the police universities also suspended the students without any kind of due process. many of the students have been evicted from the dormitories don't
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mature, is that they pay for something given us 15 minutes to gather their belongings. and so overall it's been a draconian punitive response to these protests in a situation that really doesn't meredith. there's no justification for this when the students are really just sitting on the lawn doing their homework. our students are demanding universities cut, financial ties with companies that profit from israel's occupation of palestine at n y u. that includes lockheed martin, us weapons manufacturer, whose weapons are used by the is really military general electric, which makes engines for the israeli military and caterpillar, the construction machinery giant, whose products are used in demolitions of palestinian homes. also, cisco, which supplies telecommunications networks for israel often in illegal settlements . many students are reluctant to be identified for fear of recriminations from universities who come under pressure from pro israel donors and politicians who
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claim the protests are anti semitic. demonstrators including some jewish students, deny accusations of anti semitism at new york university in columbia university. they even stopped to celebrate passover, they blamed individuals who are affiliated with their movements for inflammatory language. new york's mayor says, a police presence is necessary to protect students against outside agitators. there are people who come have nothing to do with the issue and they want to aggravate. but n y u students and faculty say that the demonstrations were peaceful until the police arrived. christian salumi, algebra, new york law student demonstrations us institutions have now jumped confidence to australia, thousands of students and teachers at the university of sydney, held demonstrations in solidarity with palestine. they also have set up incumbents
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post as a cooling for an end, as well as will on gauze to germany, says it pounds to resume funding for the u. an agency for palestinian refugees. and garza salter investigation by the former french for him is the catherine co credit on what stuff of links to him. us speaking to alex is there earlier? the heads up on roughly plus or really so the agency was being attached for political reasons. why is on the constant attack constant pressure constant cooling of this functioning, a constant administrative, a restaurant, and also constant, i would say sometimes social media assassination. and this has definitely an impact on l. stuff. you might also have seen over there now stuff few days. they have been an opinion for and also within the population in the west, mike, i need no gaza. there is a, a deeper anxiety is that if the, the agency is a discount of the do,
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this would also put an end to 2 of the 2 state solution. i was just have create content last a week. and basically i told the member that the i talked to on want have nothing to do. we sudden to try to, to issues. but in reality, the motivate that the bite, the objective of the street. but the but his team in, from the risk just stages more than 500 is riley settlers, have entered the l. x almost compound in occupies east jerusalem. none listens, are allowed to visit the site for 4 hours every morning. security restrictions have been tightened for the jewish holiday of positive a woman and a 12 year old girl are amongst 3 people killed. and this really striking. so the 11 on, on tuesday and i have a 6 well wounded attack. talked to the home in her name, the town around 3 columbus is north of the boulder is ready, mo, tree and on fruit has bull. i have been exchanging fire across the border almost
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daily since october. the 7th. it's bringing our correspondents in a honda. she's joining us for much a unit in southern lebanon and say, in the past 24 hours, it seemed escalation and fighting across the board with that. what's the situation to well, it's still very much an active frontline and increase the tax and recent days as part of a strategy of sporadic escalation, late on tuesday, has been lock carried out. its deepest strike inside is ready territory. since october, the 8th targeting is ready military positions in a car that's approximately 15 kilometers from the border. and it states meant the arm to group said that this was in retaliation for the killing of one of its members in a target to assess the nation. so this is, has the law sending a message to the israel is that these targeted assassinations need to stop? or else there will be further escalation in recent weeks and months. really?
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we've seen israel carry out drones, strikes on field commanders fighters killing really dozens of hezbollah members. so the days and weeks ahead will show whether or not has blocked is able to get to create some sort of the parents to stop these targets it assassinations. but this conflict really remains largely confined to the border area and large. they can find 2 military targets. even though yesterday, $211.00 east civilians were killed. a woman and a child. when a 2 story building was targeted in and a parent is really strike more than almost or nearly 70 civilians killed since october the 8th to $300.00 fighters. so this is very much an ongoing conflict. we toured the border with you and peacekeepers along with the lebanese army to see for ourselves, the cost of this war. the signs of war are visible almost everywhere along lebanon's border with isabel. this is
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a front line where there's little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help its ally from us in casa, most of israel strikes have been focused on an area about 5 to 10 kilometers from the border now we are crossing the mark of the gun. see there's riley person position from here where i'm moving close to the blue line. and who knows when uh, shirley know i know yes like is going to happens. we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force, in southern looking on their own patrol with lebanon's army. their mission is to ensure the area from the border to the latania river is free of arms and fighters outside the states control. we are here to support the levi nice army on the leave as they leave them these government to take control of the, of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has
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a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, and despite thousands of strikes, israel has failed to push the groups fighters back. the you enforce has repeatedly warrant that the danger of escalation is real. yeah, we're looking for the, you know, the people this is an air strikes so we are looking for the this. busy how can we prevent this is collisions. so after this, moving at on dealing with the searching for the police where we can have the same. few people remain here, nearly 100000 lebanese have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation. on the other side of the border, this is the cost of war, official say, losses are already in the millions of dollars. although the concept is still largely contained and confined to the border region. as well as,
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as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then, because as well as threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve center for their eligibility to southern lebanon. have been more protests and tell of a web prussia is mounting on his right, a prime minister benjamin netanyahu relatives of captives held him gauze around. that's supposed to is a cooling for a safe spot. and for their loved ones with time, folks on frank captives of sold with his rel, refusing to accept a permanent ceasefire. and my brother in law, secondary doesn't. and we don't we 130 more people too much needs to be in. we need to have in defending the country still
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a has hair on out is era. us senate gives the final approval for a $95000000000.00 a package to israel. ukraine on taiwan. the had lower, the weather being unsettled and cool across europe. and despite it being spring, we have seen some winter weather about like in finance, capital, helsinki. we had heavy snow full here on choose a southern areas for up to 20 centimeters on more of known as more of that to come on wednesday. and while the skies were white there, they were red in athens, greece, thanks to the har, sun being blown out of the north of africa by some very hot wins. now we still got areas of low pressure bringing some very wet weather across more eastern areas. central pots as well, winter weather,
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touching into the alps. it is looking rather unsettled across the mediterranean. some blast, 3 winds blowing across the paces like sardine of where we have got those wind warnings out. shop a showers as well for much of it to be behind that. however, the spain and portugal is dry and warm. it will cool down here though, as we go towards the end of the week. and there's a rain that continues for the low countries. some of that coming into person on the island of island, but the rain picks up across finland into some of the baltic states and also the balkans. but it is a story of heat here you can see temperature is pushing up across eastern areas. we'll see 19 degrees celsius in moscow on thursday. the devastation finalizations usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tack of safety, it's unbelievable desperation then leaving on
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a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change in a rapidly sinking country and some of the problem today, the rest of the work we have tomorrow and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series dying of life before land news . the beginning of watching out his era, his reminder of our top story is this our, at least 3 percent of students have been killed. and this really strikes on our residential building and by foot southern casa, and essentially the strip is ready forces are, again, shunting an area close to on this arrest, refuge account protests against, as well as war on garza spread to a number of top us universities, including yale,
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columbia, mit and all that hundreds of students have being arrested. and that'd be more cost for the exchanges of $5.00 between israel and the level these onto a handful of women and a 12 year old child. 12 months treat people killed in this way. the strike on $711.00 on tuesday around is present. abraham lacy has arrived in for like a on a visit aimed at strengthening ties between the 2 countries. hotels for the drinking preston trying to work on this thing. and racing will integrate a multi $1000000.00 power plant built by radians ahead of his visit to shoreline. k . he spent 3 days and pakistan as part of his tool of south asia nelson. and this has moved from columbus as he is gone, dried into the reasons for his visit. having arrived at the month of the airport in the south east of the country. incidentally, that is very much the region that will benefit most from the irrigation thoughts of
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this amount or a project, the uranium present, and he's for lunch and count about press the button on the loan of that's a multi purpose development project. it will generate electricity, as well as provide integration to over 12 or 15000 hicks as of land. later on in the day, he will be here in colombo, where he will be received by the selected president with a formal god with god devona. that will be the thing of some randoms of understanding and obviously before he leaves, that will be a joint statement as well. it has been a long a relationship, so they have both the t. we have both as far as we have a refinery. that was mainly geared towards the vein, you know, and it's been a long term relationship. and now with geo politics taking center stage internationally. obviously, the, even in present coming to for a long term, even though this was a planned visit at a time when there's so much tension back home, shows the importance uh, that even is placing on building ties and keeping them call you on those career
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has sent a high level delegation to a wrong rev visitors raising speculation of cooperation between the 2 nations of the weapons programs, young, young and around all known to have close ties. and based on the international sanctions units, kim has moved from so it was a brief one liner on state media. north korea's minister for external economic affairs has left come young on tuesday for iran. you and jim, who is pelias minister for international trade? no. to have contributed to deepening economic ties with moscow in recent months. but north korea has not sent a high level official to e. ron in 5 years. it's a relationship shrouded in secrecy. the 2 states are known to have collaborated on missiles as far back as the 1980s with a u. s. intelligence report in 2019 noting a ron shall have 3 ballistic miss style was based on north korea's mid range,
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not on ballistic missile. now, driven by a common enemy in the us, now they have a shared tie in russia despite being under international sanctions. iranian drones and north korean ballistic missiles has helped fuel moscow's war on ukraine . the united states last week that it was, quote, incredibly concerned with the possibility iran and north korea we're cooperating on nuclear and ballistic missiles. now analysts here and sole suspect that north korea's footprint in recent years has been limited to supporting has been a lot and hum us. but many will be watching whether this economic delegation to iran could have implications on the military sector. just as come young's relations with moscow has rapidly developed in recent months. it is kim, i'll just, sarah. so are you creating, enjoying the strike has targeted
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a fuel and energy depot in special ed and skin western russia. the strike cause a launch fire, but no casualties. have yet been reported, or meanwhile, russell or several missiles housing ukraine, 2nd largest city cox eve. the missiles has a residential area, damaging buildings and thousands of cause. at least 6 people were injured. of course, he's an investigation is on the way to record the strike as a war crime in the us senate test posts a $9.00 to $5000000000.00 package for 8 to crane. and as well, you might have started really for garza as well as $8000000000.00 for security and tie. one part of that package is a provision that could lead to a nation wide find on tech talk like how to report from washington. those know guys appear to have it. the eyes do have it. and the motion is agree to the legislation, receive support on both sides of the aisle read bipartisan agreement on the hill. it provides a $2000000000.00 and aid to ukraine and $26000000000.00 to israel amounts that were
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approved 2 months ago in a similar part in a package that did not have the tick tock provision. but chinese, other than social media company, has to be done to fight and congress for months, despite its wild popularity among american use, some of whom were protesting outside the senate against the measure. senators were pains to point out. it's not to talk itself that is the concern raw the chinese ownership of the app congress is not acting to punish by dance, tick, tock or any other individual company. congress is acting to prevent foreign adversaries from conducting espionage surveillance. blind operations, farming vulnerable americans are service men and women, and our u. s. government personnel. currently the chinese communist party is able to gain unlimited access to the account information of tick tock users. if it's so choose, is else with the director of the f b, i added his voice to the tick tock, debate,
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tick, tock for us represents a national security concern. and the reason i say that is that tech tax parent company, is beholden to the chinese government. and so when people, when americans stop and think about, how do they feel about the, the power, the access, the capability of the control of the tick tock has they need to be thinking about it in terms of how they feel about that same power access capability. control in the hands of tech talks, parents in chinese government and ultimately in the chinese intelligence services. the chinese elements of tick tock had been given 9 months in which to sell the company. oh, it will be banned to the us. president biden can expend this period for 3 months if he wishes with an immediate band no longer being contemplated. congress has ensured that does not become an issue in the november election by kinda, i'll just say era. washington,
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a tens of thousands of odds and ends of protest to them, but as far as on the other cities against cots in the states, education budget doesn't have a malay has been flashing spending to address the cost of living crisis and high inflation. to raise a boat reports from one of the demonstrations, thousands of people carrying books to cover blast for the module in front of the presidential palace. they say public education is at risk, and that's why they want the government of libertarian president. have you had any like to know be here to defend that land. the guy that you said, dean of the university of we know site is middle school age. education is a constitutional rights, and it's the job of the states to promote public education and high level education . it provides the opportunity and is at the center of any type of development video or the university of what a site is, is free, and is considered to be among the top universities in the world. people say it's
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a matter of national pride document, the students and stuff from here to defend public education, but it's over 60 public universities in argentina and they depend on the national budget spot seems probably going to be late to corporate funding for the university . they've not increase in size on storing installation. government officials accuse universities will be regularities and one to carry out an audit. and pretty much the billing address the nation on monday, saying he will continue with hazel's terry to plan, to jumpstart the economy. side of him, the don't help any of the envelope, but on what, what we noticed when we took off is that the situation is so serious, the charge and the team that has no time for gradualism. and that's why we implemented the most ambitious shock plan and now we history. but people here same really is making a mistake when i was studying during the dictatorship, in the 19 seventy's,
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the military close to my university. and i defend the university of winter site is because it is the best we have in education and education that has provided an opportunity to a higher education to millions of people in the country. they showed up on the streets in times of need to tell the government the budget cuts need to happen somewhere else very so we'll just see that window site is thousands of in business present it. and so i've got that in the capital for a 5 day protest in defense of the 9th and cultural rights. instead of government has failed to fulfill its promises to protect reserves and expel land. grab is from the toiletries. once again, active, spoke to the protesters and present at the chanting in different rhythms and tongues. but marketing is one leaders of more than $100.00 indigenous peoples have gathered in results capital to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their annual camp out. but also to raise their voice against the persistence violence they endure. 5
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of us almost fall in love them. we've come a long way these past 2 decades claiming our territories. but while more indigenous lands have been the mark hated. we have also suffered more invasions from illegal miners, poachers and loggers. it's a never ending struggle. far from resilience in the brazilian amazon, a stark portrayal of the ongoing tragedy faced by the enemy people. for years they have borne the brunt of the legal mining activities, their rivers points and with mercury, rendering water undrinkable and fish, inedible. in 2023. soon after taking office, president leasing us to luna, the sofa sent a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve.


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