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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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all the challenges here with the the tight i'm nor i, kyle: this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes is where the strikes continue has been gone for the latest targets, a home in rough us killing 3 pallets sent in the pro palestinian protest spread across the us universities, most students arrested for that position to as well as the us senate signs off on
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a 9 to 5000000000 dollars for an 8 packets full as well to crane and tie. one of the rooms present lines and columbus strengthening ties on economic corporation is for like the it's 7 g m t, that's 10 am and gone. so where we begin this news hour, at least 3 pile of students have been killed and is really strikes that hit a residential building. and rafa in the south and the 1500000 people have sort refuge in the city. what as well as trusting to launch a major ground offensive, and central goal is that for people with kills, i mean is waiting for me, talk it out to his elders or at refugee camp on tuesday. the campus being under repeated attacks the days. meanwhile, heavy selling was reported to the town of the way to the injured have been taken to l. x. the hospital. of course, sometimes honey,
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last month is in rough in southern gauze for us and honey. yet another night of strikes, bringing more hora for families that trying to survive more than 200 days now of war. yes, that as the day progresses, we receive these confirmed reports of from the hospitals across the rough. i city that the injuries who were transferred of from the targeted side of last died are and actually live support right now given the difficulties at the hospital and the lack of extreme lack of medical supplies necessary to save life. and that's what we're expecting. the number to increase within the common dollars as one doctor told us, but this is the aftermath of every us talk so far for the past month. and since the beginning of this dentist, by the way, we have it pretty much the crippled health care sector is extreme shorted here because of why it making it very difficult for the doctors,
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but overnight us parks. at midnight 3 people were killed. that's a father. and a hit to be the children were killed inside the residential home, just causing further civilian, casualty destruction. not only did the residential home itself, but also the vicinity and the surrounding buildings, forcing people into more further internal displacement. a vacuum. evacuations on, in the central part of behind the was print uh, part of the city where 1500000 people have been filtering inside, roughly city since the beginning of the war defend from the area has been also a major side of relentless attacks. and from people who at the vicinity of these, of the central area could hear loud explosions all night long. the from the targeting of g. com. com and res records again, and also the city of the but i work at least 5 more people that she reported killed in one residential home, the from one,
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the family and several other injuries that our towns were transferred to a loc sauce hospitality. meanwhile, in the northern part is really been a very cell operating, aggressively destroying and targeting more residential homes and public facilities . given people as little as a few minutes, just to evacuate an entire city and divided into the blocks and starting a melody, aggressive military operations by air, land, and sea on a separate evolving development. right now, more bodies are being removed from nasir hospitals for the 5th. they are in a role, the expectation that the entire courtyard of the hospital was for an into a graveyard. something very consistent with what doctors, it's 5 and what units of this private deposit, doctor hospital and other health facilities us across the gusted turned from being a place of healing into a graveyard for women and children and patients name a 100 france, the latest lines. the from rafa and gaza. thanks very much,
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honey. we'll talk. i assume also in rough i has this report now on a tax on choose say on but law here in the north of the strip made was just 7 years old when the messiah trump is more of a now left without this on the be we were inside the house and suddenly the house break suggested everywhere we kept looking for a smile, but he wasn't in the house and he was an industry which might have disappeared. he was not even in the houses of our neighbors. finally, we found dish males body. it was more than 20 meters away from the blow off. these were the only gave that and wanting to evacuate this positive. they cannot yet in the know doing cause this trip. somebody this morning do not mess up any more to people left hanging on to life. here. we're in
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a very dire situation. i'm too exhausted. i walked all the way from home on foot. i can't continue like this. what happens happens? so it's in a less and others are being forced to leave any way they can hoping to find safety going to value which you to come lives destroyed, increase families, but to parts. as well stands accused of genocide at the international court of justice. the court has already ordered as well to guarantee the safety of civilians on order as well continues to ignore the 200 they use into to and gone to our capacity. oh, just a rough, rough off power steering well, students across the us, universities are continuing to protest against, as well as well on gaza. hundreds of students with interest as since friday, students from massachusetts to california, according to the institutions to comp ties with companies that profit from israel's
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will. on casa christian salumi reports from new york. hundreds of students from new york university gathered in a park off campus to denounce israel's actions and n y use administrators. they say are suppressing voice is critical of israel. their angry police arrested over 100 protesters on monday night after students and teachers defied orders to leave a school plaza or face consequences. the arrest that have been made. the attempts to stifle the accept, the expression are ludicrous there. instead of going to the goals of a university, and so number one, i think they need to stop suppressing the free conversation that's happening. that's clearly background of all the students and a lot of faculty on tuesday, pro palestinian actions and rallies sprung up at lower universities across the united states, including the university of michigan, the university of minnesota and the university of california berkeley at new york's
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columbia university. where the latest wave of protests began, students were camped out for a 7th street day a week that is seen hundreds of a rest there as well. we should also note that it's not just the police universities also suspended the students without any kind of due process. many of the students have been evicted from the dormitories don't mature is that they pay for something given just 15 minutes to gather their belongings. and so overall it's been a draconian punitive response to these protests and the situation that really doesn't, meredith, there's no justification for this when students are really just sitting on a lawn, doing their homework. students are demanding universities cut, financial ties with companies that profit from israel's occupation of palestine at n y u. that includes lockheed martin, us weapons manufacturer, who's weapons are used by the israeli military, general electric, which makes engines for the israeli military and caterpillar,
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the construction machinery giant whose products are used in demolitions of palestinian homes. also, cisco, which supplies telecommunications networks for israel often in illegal settlements . many students are reluctant to be identified for fear of recriminations from universities who come under pressure from pro israel donors and politicians who claim the protests are anti semitic. demonstrators including some jewish students, deny accusations of anti semitism at new york university in columbia university. they even stopped to celebrate passover, they blamed individuals who are affiliated with their movements for inflammatory language. new york's mayor says, a police presence is necessary to protect students against outside agitators. there are people who come have nothing to do with the issue and they want to aggravate. but n y u students and faculty say that the demonstrations were peaceful until the police
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arrived. christian salumi alger 0 new york. as well. one full 100 is writing settlers have and so the all ok, so most compound in occupies east jerusalem. heavy police presence from the is way the police is in place. tight restrictions have been put in place for the jewish holiday of positive view and human rights to folk attack says he's horrified by reports of mass graves and con eunice and southern gaza. at least 310 bodies have been recovered on the grounds of national hospital witnesses a, some of the victims were killed. join me is really siege of the hospital. many were found with the hands found on to pay to have been shot execution style. you and is cooling for thorough and independent investigation given the prevailing climate of impunity, this should include international investigators. hospitals are entitled to very
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special protection under international humanitarian law. and let's be clear, the intentional killing of civilians, detainees, and others who are often to combat is a war crime. had a view, an agency for palestinian refugees, says that ross signs more aid is guessing into the goals a strip that has a briefing. the un headquarters in new york, philip plaza, really said a lot more is needed. gabriella is on the reports. felipe, last. what really is that un headquarters in new york taking part in various meetings in a briefing with journal is here. he said there are signs of more aid getting in to gaza. he said, is real is allowing on average about $200.00 trucks per day this month into the besieged strip. and then on monday it reach 316. good news. yes, but that's still well below the $5.00 to $600.00 trucks per day. they were entering gaza before october 7th. so this
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a positive development. but the results, so the now that we are getting towards so warmer susan's about the new possible has the outbreak, especially in the south. so with the garbage collection has become a priority for our colleagues to present a disease outbreak that i have also been reminded about the deep anxiety prevailing in this house. so the about the, the possible looming upcoming military offensive, israel's war on gods are continues to be the most deadly humanitarian mission in u. n. history. last week alone to more unreal staff were killed due to is rarely bombardment. bringing the total to a $180.00 gabriel's onto, i'll just say to at united nations in new york,
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the airlines president abraham racy has arrived to ensure lanka on a visit aimed at strengthening ties between the 2 countries. it will hold tools for this, for lincoln present, running away from a single and what i see will integrate a multi $1000000.00 power plant built by radians. i had a visit, had the head of his visit to tr lanka, rice. he spent 3 days in pakistan as part of his tool of south asia. that's bringing now linelle finance as he joins us live from columbus. let me know, 1st of all, just little bit more about what race he's going to be doing on his visit that the so he is gone dried into the reasons for his visits. having arrived at the muscle airport in the southeast of the country. incidentally, that is very much the region that will benefit most from the irrigation part of this blue mount royal project. in fact,
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literally within the last half an hour or so, the event and present, and he's for lunch and count about press the button on the launch of that a multi purpose development project, it will generate electricity, as well as provide integration to over 12 or 15000 hicks as of land. now, it's been an ambitious project from the time that you're on pledge to funded. we're back in 2007. it's sort of diverse, a key water wave, almost a $120.00 degrees towards the southeast part of the country. the dry zone of just country making irrigation in agriculture possibility that it's not without some controversy. obviously, in terms of the project, when it was envisioned when they did feasibility studies, there was some concerns that would result in a reduction of water in the central highlands where that river is being sort of redirected of a as a residence in bacteria. that is a tunnel that
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a tooth on those actually 13 kilometers long. another one more than 15, kilometers long on the mountain range. so all of these things, the date on his pledge. and because of the crazy going off to a flat golf that project, but later on in the day, he will be here in colombo, where he will be received by the sherlock and president with a formal god with god devona. that will be the inking of some randoms of understanding and obviously before he leaves, that will be a joint statement as well. and even though, just getting back to that, a paula pomp project, we were talking about runs invested $500000000.00 into this project. why is it so interested in sri lanka? the obviously the ties between the 2 countries go back a long way. just incidentally that 500000000 is not all funding from iran. that is what it on had pledged. but in the subsequent years with the sort of sanctions and
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things like that did realize it couldn't meet this pledge and sherlock a step in the kind of a balance due balance or for funding. uh, but it has been a long a relationship. so they have bought out the we have bought as far as we have a refinery that was mainly geared towards the vein, you know, and it's been a long term relationship. and now with geo politics taking center stage internationally. obviously, the, even in present coming to for a long term, even though this was a planned visit at the time when there's so much tension back home, shows the importance of that iran is placing on building ties and keeping them, claudio. okay, i'm gonna let anything some days for free. and so the, the, from the columbus on north korea has sent a high level delegation to yvonne arrive visits, his racing speculation of cooperation between the 2 nations over the weapons programs. coney on her on on know to have close ties and both all are on the international sanctions units. kim has moved from sol. it was
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a brief one liner on state media. north korea's minister for external economic affairs has left come young on tuesday for iran. you and jim, who is pelias minister for international trade? no, to have contributed to deepening economic ties with moscow in recent months. but north korea has not sent a high level official to e. ron, in 5 years. it's a relationship shrouded in secrecy. the 2 states are known to have collaborated on miss styles as far back as the 1980s with the us intelligence report in 20. 19 noting a ron shall have 3 ballistic miss style was based on north korea's mid range, not on ballistic missile. now, driven by a common enemy in the us, now they have a shared tie in russia despite being under international sanctions. iranian drones and north korean ballistic missiles has helped fuel moscow's war on ukraine
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. the united states last week that it was, quote, incredibly concerned with the possibility iran and north korea we're cooperating on nuclear and ballistic missiles. now analysts here and sol suspect that north korea is footprint in recent years has been limited to supporting, has been a lot and hum us. but many will be watching whether this economic delegation to iran could have implications on the military sector. just as come young's relations with moscow has rapidly developed in recent months. it is kim, i'll just sarah. so russia has launch several missiles targeting ukraine, 2nd largest city call cave. myself has a residential area of damaging buildings and thousands of calls. at least 6 people were injured before he said, an investigation is underway to record a strike as of will crime. to do a sentence has pasta $95000000000.00 package for age to crane. i'm to,
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to as well. do you mind terribly for goza, as well? as $8000000000.00 for security and tie, one part of that package is a provision that could lead to a nationwide bond on tech talk. like kind of reports from washington. as know you guys appear to have it. the eyes do have it. and the motion is agree to the legislation, receive support on both sides of the aisle. red bipartisan agreement on the hill. it provides $80000000000.00 and aid to ukraine and $26000000000.00 to israel amounts that were approved 2 months ago in a similar par in a package that did not have the tick tock, provision. the chinese, other than social media company has to be done defined in congress for months, despite as wild popularity among american use, some of whom were protesting outside the senate against the measure. senators were at pains to point out, it's not to to talk itself that is the concern, raw, the chinese ownership of the app. congress is not acting to punish white dance,
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tick tock, or any other individual company. convers is acting to prevent foreign adversaries from conducting espionage surveillance. maligned operations. farming vulnerable americans are service men, and women, and our u. s. government personnel. currently, the chinese communist party is able to gain unlimited access to the account information of tick tock users. if it's so choose, is else with the director of the f b, i added his voice to the tick tock, debate, tick, tock for us represents a national security concern. and the reason i say that is that tech tax parent company, is beholden to the chinese government. and so when people, when americans stop and think about, how do they feel about the, the power, the access, the capability of the control, the tick tock has they need to be thinking about it in terms of how they feel about that same power access capability control in the hands of take talks,
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parent in chinese government and ultimately in the chinese intelligence services. the chinese elements of tick tock kept being given 9 months in which to sell the company. oh, it will be banned to the us president bite and can extend this period for 3 months if the wishes with an immediate band no longer being contemplated. congress has ensured that does not become an issue in the november election by kinda, i'll just say around washington. tens of thousands of odds and pinions have protested against cots in the state, education budgets and, but as far as on the other cities present, have the malays been slashing. spending to address the cost of living crisis and high inflation, tries about reports from one of the demonstrations. thousands of people carrying books took over, but that's how the module in front of the presidential palace. they say public education is at risk, and that's why they want the government of libertarian president,
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have you had any like to know be here to defend the plan. the guy that use the dean of the university of windows site is middle school in education is a constitutional rights. and it's the job of the states to promote public education and high level education. it provides the opportunity and is at the center of any type of development video or the university of what a site is, is free, and is considered to be among the top universities in the world. people say it's a matter of national pride document, the students and stuff from hobby to university to have all come here to defend public education. but it's over 60 public universities in argentina and maybe been on the national guard. your thought seems probably going to be late to corporate funding for the university of north increase in buying on storing installation. government officials accuse universities will be regularities and one to carry out
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an audit. and bring the really address the nation on monday is saying he will continue with hazel's terry to plan, to jumpstart the economy side of him. they don't wrote any of the envelope, but what we noticed when we took off is that situation is so serious. it's argentine that has no time for gradualism. and that's why we implemented the most ambitious chuck plan. and now we history. but people here same really is making a mistake when i was studying during the dictatorship, in the 19 seventy's, the military close to my university. and i defend the university of winner site is because it is the best we have in education and education that has provided an opportunity to, to a higher education, to millions of people in the country. they showed up on the streets in times of need to tell the government the budget cuts need to happen somewhere else. very so we'll just see that window site is thousands of indigenous brazilians have gathered
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in the capital for a 5 day protest in defense of the land and cultural rights. i say the government has failed to fulfill its promises to protect was us and expel land gravitas from the tenant trays. okay. yeah. and i kids spoke to protesters in brazil. yeah. chanting in different rhythms in tongues, but marketing is one leaders of more than $100.00 indigenous peoples have gathered in results capital to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their annual camp out, but also to raise their voice against the persistence violence they endure. first of all, someone to call them of them. we've come a long way these past 2 decades claiming our territories. but while more indigenous lands have been de, mark hated. we have also suffered more invasions from illegal minors, poachers and loggers. it's a never ending struggle. far from resilient in the brazilian amazon, a stark portrayal of the ongoing tragedy faced by the enemy. people. for years they
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have borne the brunt of illegal mining activities, the rivers points and with mercury, rendering water and drinkable and fish inedible. in 2023. soon after taking office president, losing us, one of us to sent a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve and come back. what he termed a genocide was the one more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed. so unfortunately, the soon as the armed forces left illegal miners return. every day we see their plains coming and going to sometimes 15 per day for you on a recent report shows a 94 percent of our people have high levels of mercury and their blood b. r people are being poisoned and are women are afraid of their children and the color of the product they hang on a little cool like the yeah. no mommy face the same problem. yeah, i think well as in the effects of america reposing or not immediate, they show up with time. we feel headaches,
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we feel weak. our children are born with deformities present lula has promised to help deforestation to increase the number of indigenous reserves. protesters say a lot more must be done. indigenous people here say they've come to realize that having government support is not enough. there's still facing strong resistance from the powerful farm lobby in congress. activists say they will expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. monica, you're not give audra, 0, brazilian venezuela and present because majority says he will allow the representative of the you and the human rights commission to resume operations in his country. and there are had ordered on un stuff to leave and his violent in february and national criminal court is investigating defense while in president for alleged crimes against humanity. as often more than
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a 100 protesters were killed in 2017 the doors government has also been criticized for jailing political opponents on 3, i'm on a point to go with. let's overcome our differences. i'm ready to receive the representative of the un high commissioner for human rights soon as always. the doors of the presidential palace are always open, place and lima have elected a mind to safety after a building court fire, he sits bank good health at a local hospital within 15 engines with dispatch to control the blaze has hair on al jazeera, the heat wave is causing major disruptions across parts of asia. the region is heat, single, foster than any other place on the planet of a mountain of rubbish catches far in india, spearing toxic waste plus the capital and whisking to health of 1000.
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it's hello, we got more snow in the full cost coast pots of here, but still looking around the wintry, just around the alpine regions and seen some snow recently just around the both estates that's moving this way. the north with it was high. so we can go to the state and snow 2 and see positive gemini down to a southern parts of the country winfrey enough. i have a tool, is that eastern side of frost, which is that normally when there's always gonna be a chevy direction and it's going to feel it will roll over over the next couple of days, even though the temperature is nothing but london getting up to around 12 celsius won't even be that in paris. the show is extend that way down across at least some what whether that just around central parts of the mit moving further east was flashing of the last. but he down to was that southeastern corner 18 celsius. the in a book arrest, notice move on to the weather, coming back in across the northwest. if you have some showers to to know the spite,
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add also into portugal. the what the weather that we do have around central possible committed training will continue. that will bring some what the weather down across most uh into tennessee at the northwest corner of libya as well. because the temperature of the car we got the storm once again, just across the harbor that $42.00 celsius and car on wednesday. and we're going to get down to real 38 as we go one into thursday must go to 2 in tripoli, but most show us from frontier. yeah. the, the latest news, as it breaks the doctors to say the witness, the killing knew exactly where to with detailed coverage. everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas from the hall to the story. these attacks are taking place also was had a city and are on the roads, making it very dangerous for them to commute from one place to another
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devastation. finalizations usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country and the way to displacement. if you look at tucker safety, it's unbelievable desperation then leaving on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change in a rapidly sinking country. you have the problem today. the rest of the work will have it tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series, dying us life before land the color again, you of what challenges era has remind to of on top stories this hour,
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at least 3 policies have been killed that is really strikes on our residential building. and rafa in the south wisconsin and the center of the strength is ready, forces are, again shedding an area close to on this or at the refugee come protests against israel's war on gauze. and it spread to a number of the top us universities, including yale, columbia, m, i t, as havas. hundreds of students have been arrested. and the wrongs present. abraham racing is a licensure lanka on a visit and a strengthening ties. he'll make present funny a with from us thing us on the no great a multi $1000000.00 house on built by a wrong one and a 12 year old go remarks. 3 people killed in this way the as try can southern lebanon on choose day. another 6 were wounded. attacks held through the home and having the town around a 110 columbus is south of the capital is where the ministry and on the group has been. i've been exchanging fund across the board almost daily since october. the
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7th of the intensity of that cross border fighting has been increasing steadily as the space tens of thousands of people are left a trail of damage. then a honda has been on patrol with un peacekeepers. the signs of war are visible almost everywhere along lebanon's border with isabel. this is a front line where there's little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help. it's like him, us in casa, most of israel strikes have been focused on an area about 5 to 10 kilometers from the border. now we are crossing who am i going to see these riley person positions from here, where i'm moving close to the blue line. and who knows when uh, sharing or i know, yes, like a is going to happens. we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force, in southern lebanon, on their own patrol with lebanon's army. their mission is to ensure the area from
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the border to the latania river is free of arms and fighters outside the states control. we are here to support the lead on the side of me on the leave as they leave. i'm these government to take control of the, of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before the slate, this confrontation, and despite thousands of strikes as well, has failed to push the groups fighters by the you enforce has repeatedly warned that the danger of escalation is real of the. yeah, we're looking for the, you know, the people this is an air strike. so we're looking for the, this uh, how can we prevent this is collisions. so after this, uh, moving it on, dealing with that searching for the police where we kind of had the same. few people remain here,
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nearly 100000 lebanese have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border. this is the cost of war, official say, losses are already in the billions of dollars, although the cost of this fill large was contained and confined to the, for the region, has been lost, as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then, because israel is threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve center for their elders either. so there's nothing on her hands or connell is an associate professor at the university of turn and joins us now from room to have you with us. so the cost for the fighting between israel and level and it's mostly followed a pass and that both caught sides would consider to be contained. is that changing? i guess the suggestion is changing much because my eyes bull on the last few days says i'll give it for instance,
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uh my car and stuff. and so it's getting kind of a warning $30.00 that would be no totally around. so from, from a on. so especially after what happened with the strike august, a ring and consulates in damascus. at the same time, there's a really outdoor it is, are you using what 1st 1st so particularly i guess village is lacking. dave alpha could fight keela and it's, this is something that it's uh, as not to gaining the mouth attention as much to this and to undermine live in on the culture of the sector. and this is my way of 3rd painting. it's economy, it's environment and the well being of this population. so in this way is what that is without it. so we can see something similar to getting a script. so to may, can leave it below a certain area. if you make a livable centimeter out and you don't have to necessarily fix spelled with pollution, you making people so they have to leave the supply so, so in the north, but all 4 of these are on the width would want to you are the command to the
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reports of white false was being used in south lebanon, off top type of 7th report, sort of around the end of the end of 2023 stall for 2024. it was extended by 5 out a to 5 hours from now. why is students not being allowed to demonstrate a guess? let's say that many of us are what you will be ration, what does to them proteins inverse it is. and that you asked this by the attempt to silence intimidate them. so your question as well, apples that if i want to stress them beside the diesel, so if i didn't hear any profess, there's no point of course to buy my professional. so couldn't be, are trying to protect somehow what is the essence of what university? and this is my space of critical thinking, which by law should, does not accept the logic of profit. but let me also say that there is too much focus on by media. let's say most media, most mainstream media don't include in this such as it correct, because of course i'll just see how he's doing that,
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you're doing that. so it's too much focused on us complement because the essential should not be so much for you as campuses, which will be much more for you since on the, for the 40. the today will attempt to break the central grads and would be in showing why they are sectional. i also ship them, but is there enough? tardies would run against information. i'm ready to know what we should focus on. i'd say many other means to administer felt was much more on for instance, the allegation of the school would rather be proved to be funded on all such as these includes, of course is ready also just to prefer it'd be best and bothered and 131 hostages some day and so come up by the same time mount over 3005 on the policy. and that the fact that most that is going to be that the detention without any charge you for the trial sort of say that there was too much focus on these campuses and not enough focuses on these so many other issues. okay. the ones that come up, buddy, thanks indeed for joining us. the from turn. thank you very much. well,
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they've been protests and televi pressure was mounting on his way, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, relatives of cops as housing goes around, that's important as a cooling for a safe spot. and for the loved ones for time, talks on free and captives of sold with israel, refusing to accept a permanent seas for a my brother in law. there, there he doesn't. and we don't we 130 more people too much needs to be in. we need to have in defending the country. the u. k. prime is services. it acts as the depths of 5 people who were trying to cross the english channel on choose day. as projects accident happens, ours off to end piece pos, the controversial low 10 microns,
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and refugees to rolanda. our full set reports from london. in the hours of to britain post a bill designed to deter these genies for the fullest boat squared. again, an action in the english channel, despite the calm conditions it already been a deadly day. at dawn, a small and sizable packed with a 112 migrants and refugees set off from this beach in front. official say it had assigned bank close to show 5 people including a young girl, died in the crush and confusion even after that the boat pressed on a 2nd set. so the 257 people who were in the thing he stayed on board preferred not to be rescued. they managed to start the engine again and decided to carry onto its great britain to make on the surveillance of the navy. the town smith said britain, its latest get tough legislation, notwithstanding, was responsible, is only big for the british of paying us stop them, but they welcome them. there is a problem at this level. i'm sorry, when they can have a bank account,
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they are given work without an employment contract. it's the economy in england. overnight, the british government had finally forced through controversial legislation, allowing it to begin deporting asylum seekers to rwanda. now considered by law, a safe destination to meet the act will prevent people abusing the law by using forced human rights claims to blog removals. and it makes clear that you take parliament is suffering last year, the supreme court, the rail, the government's plans by saying depo, the safety and rwanda could not be guaranteed refugee charities and un buddies. and now accusing britain of shaking its duties. this new legislation seriously henders the rule of law in the u. k. and it sets a powerless precedence globally. the government conservatives trading in the poles and seeking to vote when a head of an election likely in the autumn and says the 1st flights to rolanda will stop by the end of july. there are questions about the implementation of all this. the individual legal challenges against deportation that have bound to come whether
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risky, so not go get his projected regular rhythm of several people, taishan slides a month. and then if he does, will they do what he's banking on? will they did to people from making the crossings in the 1st place? the evidence of his 1st day since the bill passed? is it the motivation to get to britain is sofa undimmed, despite the dangers of these genies and the strength of deportation at the other end? how ruthless it, i'll just be around london. the heat wave is causing major disruptions across south in southeast asia. at least 5 people have died from heat stroke and binds a dash. thousands of schools have been close enough. invite you to power outages. several people also die from extreme hate in the philippines. recovering the story from these 2 countries, this our found to be low as standing by for us in manila professors go to the doctor and speak to tongue vit challenge and tons of people that they use to april . being a hot bump is just before them on soon range, but how much hotter and more humid is it the normal
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yeah, you're right. april is normally the hottest month in bangladesh, but typically it's also the month rent that month soon. start from the middle with the side of the bank only new years with coins side with the middle of april. now this time i last year we hardly so much rain in the car for that lot across the country and the degree of the temperature everywhere. much more high and the humidity makes it much more intense. now the mountains start from april all the way to september environment that it's intertwined with the big only culture. monsoon is bangladesh, but here you don't have any rain. the far the lens are dried and got the reverse canals that drained off in the rural areas of the capital city. with high rise building the industry set on doing it on the web lands disappearing, making it much more miserable for people watching outside. industry like breaks up a lot of construction work. they're very difficult. and i spoke to the met the
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officer yesterday at the dock. i metro law that goes uh its just now he said that there is no sign of rain except for a little rain in the lot been east of the country and the thing turn seat way possibly will continue. so the month of may, the government have shut down the schools and colleges show 27th of this month until the clinic center hospital, just it prepared for any eventually it is now also in the early 80 s. if the rain doesn't come, this could possibly tracking the livelihood of farmers in a recent report by wall thing. it says that with this in turn saves red banner. that's good news. 10 to 15 percent of crop pills in this coming years. now we also know the world mitchell, all the trouble organization. very recently, sage, the agents heath way in asia, could jeopardize a water security because the melting up stuff the next year. so a lot of challenge,
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not just for binding of this spotlight, we're like cross ation very worrying situations and buying the best time there thanks very much for joining us from doc. even now to found to be low in manila. barnaby also dangerously hans. b how people trying to cope of the whole. let me tell you how hot it is out here. it actually rained just a short while ago and it drains pretty hard for about minutes. but after the reading past the, the ground was immediately dry. as you can see behind me, so the heat index today here in the capital manila was forecasts at a high of 44 degrees celsius and elsewhere in the country. it could reach as high as 46. a priest delta is in the northern philippines and this cheap wave has been ongoing for a few weeks right now. and the state weather bureau says that temperatures could
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rise even further in the next few weeks. and it's affecting life in every aspect here in the philippines. there's a looming water shortage. there's a moving power shortage. thousands of factors of price feels are drying up. and it just last monday, 19 cars parked at the manila international airport was destroyed by fire and additional investigation showed that it was caused by a grass fire. but one of the most effected really is the education sector. because schools have had to devise ways to educate children without sacrificing their help . and so some schools are now holding classes only very early in the morning, starting at 6 in the morning. and then late in the afternoon going into early evening, some schools have short and class hours from 5 or 6 hours. so just 3 hours a day. but what the education department has also done is to authorize local
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governments and school administrators to suspend classes. once the heat index reaches 40 degrees celsius and that's what's happening today, as you can see here, this school is empty. there are no classes here, but that's not to say that students are not burning because the school has switched to the online online mode of instruction. but parents are concerned because they think that this is not the most effective way for students to learn a dream dependent. but this was the prevalent mode of instruction in the office dependent but they tend to read and understand. okay, the symbols. okay. barnaby. many things indeed for join his apologies. 12 years for the poor quality of sounds coming from barnabees live from the philippines. now the latest round of you and negotiations on
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a treaty to control plastic production is on the way and canada campaign and say plastic is choking off, trying to attend a cooling for world wide fine on old. single use items such as stools, cups, bustles and bags, but the petrochemical industry and oil and gas explosives are pushing back against any cub and production of environments as to the clock explains. yes, plastic is everywhere from the claims we where to how food is packaged and even the micro plastics found in the deepest part of our oceans view and says 400000000 tons of plastic waste is produced. every year. about less than 10 percent is recycled and $14000000.00 tons ends up in the world's waterways. yeah. of the year of the year. then that is the health impacts for every living thing including us. when do you think about it every single day? we're in contact with plastic and it's of every single setting and all daily lives . so you know where, where in plastic with breathing plastic were 18 plastic. now what the latest
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research just showing is that the best pasta can breastmilk that's tough to conflict dentist. so it's become this completely inescapable toxic problem that impacting every single pass. and even if you have the best intentions to avoid using plastics and you'll someone who chooses the lifestyle way, you try to avoid it. it's simply not possible to avoid the health impacts of plastics at this stage. do not have a shift scale of single use. plastics is mind boggling. type things. containers 11 and 2022. as estimate to the world. use one point. 5 trillion. single use prostate buffalo, some cups. think of it 1.5 trillion one yet. use ones just chucked away, but remember not all plastic is bad. here's the u n's in a and us and we all understand by the way that we need plastic. we needed in lighter vehicles of foster trains that are lighter in windmills in shipping. so this is not a sort of antique plastic treaty,
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but it is very much an end to plastic in the environment treaty. and we need to understand the most of that which ends up in the environment to single use and shortly. so now there's a big push out the towards the radically and definitively count back on the amount of plastic reduced in the 1st place, the funds on single use plastics and so many different kinds of things. the plastics would be one of the key things that the treaty can do from writing a transition to reuse, repair, and refill. essentially trying to transition us to a kind of safer more secular economy would be an ultimate goal of the treaty. and that's really at the core of how the treaty is being designed at the moment. but not everybody agrees. plastics and made from petra chemicals and oil and gas exporters attending the tools. say we should focus more on recycling and eliminating waste than could be production. and looks at to be a bruising week of negotiations in the effort to clean up plastic pollution before we head to the final round of talks in november. one of the wells was plastic
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polluters is indonesia and government says it's trying to address the problem. lots of jessica washington has been finding out in depth book outside the capital to console many landfill sites, so overflowing indonesia is one of the world's top contributors of plastic waste accounting for around 7800000 tons of plastic waste each year. and it's at locations like with in depth ok on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scales of what environmental groups, quote, a plastic waste crisis in indonesia. bring up some photos of the color, plastic either so much plastic waste here. you can find all kinds of plastic. oh, plastic bags and others. you can see those in the piles up the days of being here for many years. i know what you're looking at now is not a landfill, but rather overflow from the nearby to buy a landfill. now the garbage that has reached a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. and then this is just
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one of many landfills around the country that have reached or exceeded capacity mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. the most common plastic pollution in indonesia are single use sashes, which environmental groups say or small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button. entities as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in making these and such as reducing marine plastic waste and also promoting recycling among many communities. indonesia has also expressed support for the global plastics, tracy, which is being discussed in canada this week. it has also expressed its views that some countries may need technological and financial support to ensure the smooth, the implementation of such an agreement. jessica washington, which is 0 demo, indonesia or major fires another landfill in india is capital has released toxic
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fumes into the plumes of smoke continue to rise even off. the fire was contained people living in the area of complaining of breathing problems as national help. our reports, as one of indiana's largest mountains of rubbish is on fire. the landfill is the size of 40 football fields and the 65 meters tools. it's called fly on sunday, as temperatures for pharmacies say the blaze is now under control. but the residents in densely populated areas of new delhi concerned about it's toxic, allows of smoke. the rise of booting and none of us are able to step out of the houses. the condition is so bad that children end up crying. this isn't the 1st time a landfill has cooled fire during a heat wave, and the thick layer of smoke is causing breathing problems which we use 10 to 12 extinguishes and the situation is now under control of smoke issue will also be
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result soon. the landfill reached capacity in 2002, yet waste has continued to bile up polluting via and putting people lives in danger of pharmacies and the mounting pressure to find a permanent solution to india as waste problems in the gas i'm going to the landfills produce gas which induces fire. so can you kind of what metal or what waste, which has been suppressed for too long, has the potential to generate sheets, which in turn leads to fuming gas that causes fire to break out. the routing bahati a genetic policies dispensing itself from the crisis, blaming the states lead to was county and j. indian cities, the more than $60000000.00 tons of waste each year environment of this war and of a national catastrophe. if the situation remains are resolved, i should my lunch is 0. and so it has hell analysis era. the gloves come off full.
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yes. officer pandemic, full vaccine collaboration, and drug company slug it out as a future from the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the new legal bustle between coven 19 vaccine makers has begun in london's high court. us base mcdonough is seeking damages full as it goes, infringement of its patents by fines. unbind tech charlie angela has moved from
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london as the case has opened in london. the 1st part will focus on the technical aspects of the pace. and the 2nd part is focused on a promise that was made. and that is quite unusual in the world of pizza. and it's mitigation in 2020. when the world was anxious to be waiting for a coven 19 vaccine in fall, the companies are rushing to produce one magenta pledge to waive any rights defeats the investigation. saying that the priority was to find the companies to deliver the vaccine to the well, not to make money in march 2022. and it was obvious that size it by own tech's vaccines was going to far out strip. the done is in terms of sales, done amends into that pledge and it's for us to this period that they are seeking damages. now it's expected in this trial. the size of biotech will argue that considering the wells house open, eyes ation didn't declared the end to the global health emergency until march 2023 . medina had no right to amends that pledge when it did and that full cannot see
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damages. this trial is expected to run for the next 20 days and we can expect a verdict in mid may and well, it is obviously a legal battle. it is in many ways a po bottom. it's about recognizing which company will be the lead to an m. o. n a technology going forward, which will be even more lucrative in the future. try to answer that out. is there a number? that's it for me or a car for this visa, we're back in just a moment before the a unique perspective desktop plays in set does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceeding the landscape, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable,
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hard to really alone about what's happening because of the death and media attention. the stream on out to 0 a just to read his spend most of his life on the war to use the fisherman just like others and his family. but things are different now from when he was a boy. in 2022 long days, mcgarr would declared and endangered species. some of the family asked for the home today he's taking us to the band. so if the only stop leak in central den bode you, he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i down there the more now. so that's why i don't see that, and i'm want to,
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i mean molnar calling me about some of the off some of the i can only logan carnegie. the monkeys are frightened for good reason. traffic is just you and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy a medical research, this black market treat not only indeed just wise, probably may populations, but puts public health at risk. because unlike captive red monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals up that engine free. the is there any strikes, continue hitting that also the latest talk gets a home and rush by killing 3 of us and in
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the trial. this is officer a lot from the also coming up the profile, the city and protest spread across the us universities. most students are arrested


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