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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the for us to have, we have insurance. if you pay right, the world, people pay attention to this one here. and i'll just see this very good the bringing the news to the world from here. the of the funds to hold rama new, watching the opposite, renews online for my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. 200 days of all israel shows no sign of ending the violence with ongoing strikes across the columns of street police. in new york arrest most students and academics, the latest tactics to suppress demonstrations and support the palestinians. universities, stones balance of southern china with heavy rain fuller to shoes and tens of
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thousands of people told to these the homes. and the humans climate agencies as asia was hot as hedge fund effects of global warming last year. and it was of serious repercussions if left unchecked, the, it's a $700.00 gmc, we'd begin in gaza. why? it's been $200.00 days since israel's will began as strikes adults, hillary shelling, continue across the gaza strip and gauze. the city, the neighborhoods of i'll shoot you an as tune. so the south is ready, gun bites, targeted the city of con eunice to bring us up to date. we couldn't join honey, made our correspondents in rafa and southern gaza. so the sun has risen. i the cause of this morning, honey, why should we be focusing our attention in terms of those is really assaults
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through the nights of the rescue operations that continue a yes, a little after 200 days. we're still seeing the war and it's genocide, the lax on the ground is still going on across the gauze frame. concentrated right now in the central area and for the northern part, an area largely described by there's really miller military, where operations, other operations were done and completed and it cleared it from palestinian fight a group. but there are reports of ongoing fight thing. and in, in classes between the housing by grooves and is really monetary. but so far in to 100 days, we're looking at the close to 34000 people have been killed deliberately by targeting them and residential homes and evacuation centers in roads on their way to shoulders and more than 77000 of different injuries that are either in hospitals
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or they're waiting for better medical intervention. the past 24 hours have been very difficult across the central area and the know the part of the strips, 3 atrocities committed will look at entire families. the same exact pattern of the past week. the 3 families died inside or we killed inside the residential homes. we looked at 32 and in addition to 59 or different injuries reported to hospitals that are barely function in the northern parts or they are overcrowded and insufficient in terms of medical. this stuff and, and medical supplies in the central area. there's really military showing no signs of letting down the attacks, or slowing down the genocide deluxe on the ground. overcrowded robots that he are struggling daily basis with basic supplies, food supplies, and water supply. the same time and during the pain and the panic and the state of fear of the ongoing growing the threats of a ground invasion through the city itself. while in the northern parts,
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people have been struggling with the spread of famine and the acute shortage of old means of life and all the basic supplies that are necessary for their survival. yes, we talked about those basic supplies and the conversation on the international front about age coming into the strip. is it coming into the strip and what sort of all the ins as well, within the past days we're seeing more trucks are being allowed into the gaza strip . the problem with this, it doesn't matter how big the number of however large the number of a trucks are being allowed into the gaza strip, just given the desperate needs everywhere. right? now we're looking at the capacitor beat that has this truck every corner of the gaza strip due to the intense bombing campaign, the ongoing restrictions out destruction of, of humanitarian aid deploying to the gaza strip right here. and in dropbox, the google, very crowded with 1500000 displays policy and really struggling to make sure that
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they have the basic supplies that they need to get through the data. but at the same time, within more people, q and a line for hours just to get some grades or to get some water or the seams of children in a rubble filled, throw the trying to find food for their family members. at the same time, we're looking at the northern part where there is an actual family that has really caused the death of more than 30 children due to the spirit of mountain nutrition. and the acute shortage of medical supplies, the number and the amount, the number of, of trucks and the amount of weight is not nearly enough to respond to the emergencies that are described by international organization and the world health organization. as above the emergency situations right now, the need in order to overcome is a daily constantly flow of more than 500 trucks in order to contain it. honey, thanks so much for the honey, but knew that for us in rough this causes a civil defense team say that they recovered 283 bodies from mass graves on the
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grounds of the nicer hospital. and con eunice, 3 separate greys, were discovered in the southern city on monday. witnesses say that some of the victims were killed during these by the siege on the hospital. many were found with the hands bound and the page had been show execution style. these by the army has killed nearly 30 full $1200.00 palestinians since october, the 7th. and the norman hi miss. i came here for the 5th day looking for the body of my son, jim, and they told us there's a mass grave located here and every day i come here to identify the body. but unfortunately i haven't found my son's remains. c to any one who knows anything about my son wouldn't see me or informed the officials. i can no longer bear it. everyday i come here in such a come 2 or 3 times. i searched for him in many places. these are the military that is destroyed or damaged. most hospitals in garza, they only
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a few able to offer limited medical assistance. so the 2300000 people in the constant bombardment medical stuff and calling you to so trying to repair pause. so the amount of hospital that was severely damaged by repeated is riley attacks and weeks long. siege target capitalism reports no from southern garza fearing this cause of this will flow to ceiling. the walls of the hospital all fairly standing for dr. chrome and his teams. it's no reason to give up hope was ever to show him the phone. we're trying to get the hospital running with what is possible. and as you can see, think good. everyone is making a big effort to work together and given how much damage there is. and again, if i bought the house was that silver, we are trying to get the beds now that so we can clean the automatic water and not hospitals receive a special protection on the international. lo,
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that status did not stop east by the troops from attacking this hospital with onto the latest surrounding the compound interest in medical stuff. spin out of surface of a sense. the dentist, because of the behavior of the day is right on the hospice and they destroy anything in the hospital. really the said the last as well as the, the device for me. now health care facilities are slowly being brought back to life with one goal in mind to bring patients back. then it is urgent there on viral infections and cases among christian among displaced and at least 10000 accounts that patients could only if not provide the proper treatment of goals is 36 hospitals. only 10 aust told partially functional above the deputies, the son of an i'm at the hospital is still intact. that means hope in our big
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something resubmitted, coworkers have not forgotten. almost $500.00 medical workers have been killed inside the gauze trip since the talked of the will. putting more pressure on health care system that tens of thousands of displaced people in the south of garza relay on our campus. and we'll just do a rough, rough off tell a story. the israel has failed to provide any evidence of his accusations that employees of the you and agency for palestinian refugees. have any connections with from us or the october 7th attack. those the findings of an independent report commissioned by the un. many countries still haven't reinstated funding something wrong. after cutting that contributions with israel made the accusations in january, gabriel is on the house moved from new york. humanitarian organizations are bound by principles of neutrality, and unrest has not only met but exceeded those principles. that according to
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a newly released $47.00 page independent report, which was commissioned by the un and led by former french foreign minister, catherine colona. in conjunction with 3 human rights investigative bodies from europe, over the findings of the review. all of that in rise and place, a very significant number of negations and procedures to ensure compliance with the management principles of neutrality. i show you the property of a more developed system, then all the u. n. organizations are addresses which is a necessity, considering the very difficult environment, complex and difficult a situation in which they operate and the uniqueness of the mission. the report was 9 weeks in the making and relied on hundreds of interviews and site visits including in gaza. it was commissioned by the secretary general antonio gutierrez after israel made unsubstantiated claims in january. the under employees
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were part of terrorist organizations. the regarding those claims, the final report says, israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of this. unreal gives a full list of all its employees to relevant countries, including israel, on a regular basis. these really government has not informed and run of any concerns related to any unreal staff based on the staff with since 2011. the report states report goes highlight 50 recommendations in areas on rep can improve, such as more international employees and management goals. more frequent updates to donor countries on neutrality issues and expanded community awareness. the report largely exxon rates unruh from any intentional and blatant acts of bias. but the damage from israel's claims has already been done. 16 countries suspended funding
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to unreal. and will a few of those have since resumed funding once again? unrest says they only have enough money to get through june gabriel's on to i'll just see it at the united nations in new york. but the link is a fully un special russel to the full human rights and the occupied palestinian territories. he says the findings of the report will make it. honda for israel to continue is a tax on ro are closely following what many countries upset and also what many organizations have said. since these allegations 1st came to light at the end of january 2 months ago, and we waited and waited and waited for more substantiation coming from israel. and none has been forthcoming. my own country, canada resumed its funding of under on, in early march, stating that it had received no substantiation from israel with respect to its allegations. that 12 employees were involved in the october 7th attacks. and i
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think that was a contributing reason as to why they decided was trying to resume funding. besides the fact that no evidence was given to them, as they said, they recognize the dire humanitarian situation. and because of that was going on, they recognize the fact that it was unreal. more than any other agency that alone has a capacity for delivering humanitarian aid in the em gas where the need was, was tremendous. and interesting enough, also when the announcement was made on the 8th of march by our minister of international development, he said that the united states itself had approached him to urge canada to restore funding. even though the united states has not restored funding itself and is likely to do so, at least for the next year or so, all of those reasons were cited by candidate for, for doing us. and i think they're all substantial. and i now we know from the corner report that kind of was, was in the right with respect to returning the funding. we had strong statements being made in february and already marked by
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a number of humanitarian organizations asking canada to restore the funding by canadian unions. and particularly by leading canadian muslim organizations, muslims now make up a good 5 percent of the canadian population. they, of their numbers are represented in parliament. their numbers are represented particularly in the liberal party congress, the governing party in, in canada. and i know that they were making strong statements to the government with them the liberal party caucus about the resumption of, of funding to unreal. i think the financial district board, remember, we're expecting one more report coming from the united nations fairly soon. but you know, this report, i think it's, the findings are on a salable, israel's had weeks and weeks and weeks. that's at least 2 months now to be able to substantiate the allocation was that it made in january to the governments that cut off the funding. and most of them said, you know, there was, there was no other locations weren't met. it's going to be, i think, much harder for israel to continue. it's
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a tax on unreal. and is there any try and strong because kills at least one person and stuff. and 11 of the strong kids, a vehicle in the town is out on a is ready the media report that the target was a has belong. and these really military and has blown, have been exchanging daily fine across the board, has since october 1st got re drive israel's war on garza and it's splunk protests at major universities in the us. students at yale, columbia, new york university have been holding sitting protests on campus, define demands to stop more than a 100 students will be interested safe, all high digit cast, right? because the story, a gale university in connecticut has become another flash point in the conflict between pro palestinian demonstrators and university administrators.
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police literally 47 protesters and you on monday morning. the demonstrators have been camped at a university plaza since friday, protesting hills refusal to die best for military weapons manufacturers. the protesters claim that makes yale complicity in israel's genocide and gaza. meanwhile, administrators at columbia university in new york city, cancelled in person classes on monday, citing some jewish students complaints that they felt unsafe. after more than a 100 pro palestinian demonstrators were arrested last week for us to to show yes we, we, we want to be visible versus something about what we're asking about the genocide that's happening. that's happening in does that it should be, it should start investing in this it just any time i would know some of the anti is real protesters, that colombia are jewish themselves. but
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a school affiliated rabbi over the weekend urged your students to return home for their own safety. the videos on social media like this one apparently show a protester calling on the armed wing of him off to target jewish students. but new york city police tried to temp down the fear, there's been no credible threats to any particular group or individual coming from this protest or, or any other columbia. as president says, the university is adding more than a 100 additional safety personnel. as protesters have returned to campus, president biden, to address the continuing university protests on monday. you submitted protests on college also, don't understand any student protests leaders denied charges of anti semitism. and so the demonstrators have been peaceful now. protests of spreading to still more
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schools with students at n y u n. m. i t being the latest to join the pro palestinian move and heidi jo. castro alger 0. washington. helga tell sony is an associate professor at the department of middle eastern islamic studies at new york university. she was out, the protest explains how things unfolded. and i'm waiting actually for many colleagues, many students to be released and i am outside the police station. and i'm, so as of this morning is about 4 or 4 30 am a number of students started there encampment in protest of what's been happening in palestine, but also supports a service for palestine rights and freedom of speech, freedom of expression as well as in solid already with other students at columbia and elsewhere across the country. and so they set up a tense and temperament and as soon as they started, uh, camp security tractors, uh, block that off already and also called in the n y p d. and then um,
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eventually mtv kind of backed away and the students remain there all day uh, peacefully protesting, chanting and so on. and, you know, supporters came at this point, there was a barricade that was set up between the students and, and it's for business space. and the outside of the campus if she wants that and why you is a very urban campus, there is no inside and outside. but in any case, the students were there all day those that were kind of in the encampment. and then those that were also sort of protesting from across the street and it was peaceful there's no one was hurt and nothing happened. but you know, i think there's the, the new york new york university campus security guards just would not sort of allow for a lot of movement and would not back down. and then eventually brought in the n y p
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d the, the spring using the days of the nissan typically is m p 's have approved a controversial new constitution that could extend the gas and they didn't stay 6 decade hold on power in. definitely supposed to say it could tend to go into a parliamentary democracy, but the opposition is quoting for protest. meanwhile, campaign is on the way ahead of legislative elections scheduled for april 29th. because talk triples. this is a small newspaper in togo, is standing up to the most powerful dennis dean africa. the missing bay family has govern to go for 61 years. members of parliament voted on a new constitution on friday while the tax has not been made. public journal is evelyn, this is who says it would allow president phone yes in be to stay in the office in . definitely let's get rid of for guessing. the peacefully says when the headlight
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free political prisoners and give us back our right to protest says another and active defiance of the country that does not tolerate the set lips of cuz you're so young ready to settle. i'm talking to you with fuel in the pit. of my stomach, we are working on the restraint and substance of ship, but we have to keep going in terms of the tooth. a dma guessing they came to power in a coup in 1963 and ruled with an iron fist. thousands of dances would follow him around in portraits of him and his son fell. were plastered everywhere. when a demon died in 2005, both took over and introduced a multi party system of governance. symbolic stations welcomed the latest constitutional amendments which include the president being elected not by the people but by m p's, and the removal of limits on terror was across the prison. what's new is more accountability, more stability, and more representation. and the system enables a permanent dialogue between players,
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the changes come as totally as prepared to vote for new members of parliament and the opposition fears. this will provide the legal framework for guessing by the clean power. it's not with the democracy eh, elections and to go. is it kind of tools to keep the fall off fund? eva is the, it's the way the holding the country while the united states says it's concerning. the constitutional amendments were made without public consultation. the west african body echo us has yet to comment. but there is rising criticism within to go against a family that for generations has rob people or their voices. nicholas hawk elgin 0, the case like over one. the bill has been passed by paul them in time move welcomed by kick, only probably ministration student. it says that the 1st slides counting asylum seekers to, to one to believe in $10.00 to $12.00 weeks. but it's caused huge vandals within
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parliament's upper chain, the full brandon has moved from london. the u. k is handled hundreds of millions of dollars to friends for coastal security and police patrols. yet the small boats containing refugees in migrants keep coming. on 2 years after former prime minister boris johnson's government 1st announced a highly contentious plan to send refugees to rolanda. but a single plane has taken off. a frustrated wishes to knock cold time on the object is enough. is it now? no more prevarication? no more delay. no us, no butts. these lights on going to roll into a long day of parliamentary ping pong ensued the upper chamber trying to amend the bill. the government using its majority in the lower chain, but to block any, an oil changes. it went on until after midnight, when the loads finally capitulated the old bit reluctantly. we will this week have a little the provides for the actual processing and supplement of asylum seekers.
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in rwanda, its benefits remained to be seen. its costs will be measured fairly in money. but in principles the based of bethany for the victory for the government then. but real questions, roommates, when exactly will the flight start to take off and how many refugee migrants will actually be on them? and the biggest question of all, will it really act as a deterrent for those seeking to make the crossing from friends to the u. k. in small boats, the government wants the 1st row and the flights to deposit in 10 to 12 weeks. the campaign is not yet ready to give up. for a stop, there is a very strong prospect. so the legal challenges we are often rule, still a rule of little country here in britain. and then secondly, the government comp concern that it is found in a line to upright those slots. this rewind the control vesee fall from being result, poll brennan, algae, 0 central london. this little screen made it came. john has ever seen
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a drill simulate single peeling young is calling a nuclear account to attack involving multiple rocket launches. that comes a day of the south, chris said that the normal 5 short range missiles into the east and see themselves flew around 300 kilometers from film young's area splashing down east of the korean peninsula units came principal in a pretty lengthy state, media posts north korea confirm that the suspect in short range ballistic missile. so in tokyo flat on monday, we're in fun fact or part of a wider military exercise of its nuclear forces command and control system the heck policy, which in korean means nuclear trigger. now the so called super large artillery rockets, which were a part or a cheaper version of ballistic missiles and casey and they said they carry dummy nuclear warheads and precisely hit an island target some 350 kilometers away.
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winning the praise of leader came down in that nuclear counter attack exercise is said was in response to ongoing large scale aerial drills between south korean and us forces. so it was military concurred with that reason, but added a couple more possible motivations. one term tardies implies that unity and it's also meant to fill a gap for mr. light spice. that's a lot long. while serving as a performance test for a super large rocket launchers at the north korea wishes to expose of the supposed person added. it remains unclear whether north korea has achieved the capability to mass produce, minutes arise, nuclear warheads. your career has not conducted a nuclear test in 7 years under intense international pressure. but some analysts are floating the possibility of the resumption of testing to create leverage ahead of the us presidential elections in november, unit skim oh,
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the 0. so i still had a all the news on palestinians in the village. it village, unoccupied. westbank excuse used by the ministry of helping such as attack codes and phones and a presidential candidacy in mexico is asked to tackle rising violence by members of a drug comp time the had a lot of the weather's been feeling rather chilly across parts of europe, especially across more northern and central areas, we've had some cold air blowing down. know can temperatures below the average of cost pots of scandinavia for places like sweden. we're also watching some areas of low pressure. one of those will continue to bring some western wintry weather to places like switzerland, austria, as well as northern parts of italy,
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as well as some blustery winds across the mediterranean. we have had some warnings for cases like sardinia as well as the city and some of the greek islands as well will feel force of those wins. another area of low pressure will bring some west of weather to the balkans, and another area will continue to bring wintery weather across the baltic states. now they tend to march together as we go into wednesday. so we'll see what the weather for the low countries is. what are some heavy rain coming in this poland, and whether you can see moves its way across southern parts of it to be as we go into wednesday. but it does remain launch the dry for the north west versus the island of island, as well as well. portugal in spain. what will see the temperature continue to rise over the next few days? not just be here, but across the western areas. if we look at the 3 day for anchor will be well above the average through to 1st day. the
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devastation bundle. dish is usually in the top 5 country as, as the most valuable country in the displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's unbelievable desperation. then leaving on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change and a rapid leasing king country. you have the problem to day, the rest of the work when the have it tomorrow and they will have to learn from us . our address here is new series dying of life before land. the latest news as a story. israel vowing a military response for situation remain fund nationwide with detailed coverage. it's only taking a few hours to turn the city streets into canals room and isolated from around the world showing by russian full series of the band and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the book about see what you go to the news with lisa hill, robin and i'll remind to of on top stories is where the strikes and alternative rationing continue across. the goal is to split in central pods. refugee can so have been under relentless times. these really all mean has killed at least 34183 palestinian since october. the 2nd, an independent review of the human agency full pallets to me and refugees as israel has not, provides evidence of underwater employees on that because of how most many countries
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cup that funding of to israel made the accusations in january, students at columbia university in new york have been told to stay home of allison in some of our t purchase, continue on campus demonstrations and support of gauze that brought to many us see the best schools of students arrest jody as not as how somebody is a professor of international size across all universities could help you with this, again on the product and kinda just ask you about your opinions about what's going on in us universities you've taught at places like yale and this seems to be so bullying surprisingly. i even think this is surprising to me by the way, because it is obvious for many students that to the americans ministration has been paying lift jarvis, when they talk about 2 minutes here in the 8th. and they need to stop the war on the need to come up with an agreement. tennessee is 5, but at the same time they keep funding door. i've just freesin fee the sanction wrong $26000000.00. the lost interest from tax. there was to go on kind of to the
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israeli government in order to continue the war. so i do see a kind of uh, dishonesty and default with administration. so the fact that these demonstrations snowboarding are the now i'm getting some moment that i think it is kind of a put this also, again, is the american administration for not doing enough. you know, i something to say, surprisingly that happened because it wasn't just a few of just a few months ago. it wasn't, it was a ton. so those of these universities were being hold in front of government committees, a capitol hill to explain when that was small groups of prototypes. so what do i, what i say surprising, are you surprised at the fact that, you know, students have not, you might say, be afraid to speak that in mind. these are the most prestigious of universities. why you would tell the would you expect students to demonstrate in the numbers that they have the what any, not really. but given the, the scope of over the genocide he is taking place like now in guys i think this is what actually uh, triggered this kind of demonstrations. and they're getting
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a lot of moments in these days and all these mccarthyism and deposit and making the administration to fight. and just to this, i think at the back fire and simply because when, once they see it seems like really hard, succeeds in tv. i hope that it seems being this face and kevin and genocide and with also on the west is doing nothing but, you know, saying that we need to come up with an agreement on fees via i think this is what it goes to. does it take to the street in order to make their voice here by their own governments? and this only adds really to the civil society process that we've been seeing globally. every week tend to wait. we're seeing hundreds of thousands of people mocked the was lost. we tend to be the san francisco, but i mean, generally speaking, we see london lane mid rate. i mean in new delhi, i think and tokyo, but the od demonstrations and they continue whether the media cover them or not. and this is, this is very interesting. you know, given the fact that we can see, to alliances here, at that the, the global level one is loaded with supporting is right. which is the official one like the government,
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particularly listing government. and they only pay lip service to whatever they say . and also we have the civil society, which is actually listening to their government and they come up with this time because against occupation, colonialism appetite and genocide on this to this. actually those parts of this kind of like a civil society will be and picking a lot more about what's going on across the goals of stripping gladly with you throughout the day for the moment. thank you. hey, pablo city of this died of wins. problem is where the gun fight in jericho. the 44 year old was a father of 3, or the 3 people were injured, biased by the gun pon, drawing the right is death springs, the number of palestinians killed in the occupied wes thing since october, the 7th, to full 100. 57 is really set list the thing of the legal outposts that set for the phones and times in the village of buddha, east of tamala, at least 3 times as yet. now,
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the mass says the attack some of the attempt to force palestinians of land. same astronomy to pulls off one book in the occupied westbank. the win is really settlers come down the hill from their trailers. soldiers waiting nearby block the only road in and out of the settlers set fire to palestinian property soldiers shoot, tear gas. and people trying to defend themselves. maneuvers that seem choreographed our citizen here on a screaming for help. and the ottoman stopped us from the, from the beginning to come in and help them, and they leave the set. let us do exactly what they plan for them to do, which is actually booked, fly out in the houses of our citizens on top of them. and everything is vacant, so they're, they're coming in, they're setting fires to bales of hay. they're for stealing sheets of injuring animals. what's the point they are getting actually attacks and everything, not only the end the month, even, but these even the stones, even the houses,
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even the people that can ever think investment. i don't know. there is no reason for them. this is, i'm just this. what's going on so far? 3 times this year. settlers have started fires, trying to force people off their land. readers, rustling livestock setting. barnes alert, seems straight out of an old movie. but is the owners of this form on the edge of work? i leave, the mayor says the village could be overrun, is really sightless, came down from an outpost on a hill overlooking the farm and tried to set fire to the barn to the animals. it is still feel the heat rising from these mountains of ash that were bales of hay feed for the animals. the people here have been trying to put this fire out for hours, but smoke is still rising. is really, is often target the guard dogs 1st. this one was badly maimed in the last attack, but his back in his usual place watching over the fly, around 70 to 80 settlers in a few dozen soldiers, all the community of thousands hostage,
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some here say the worst part is. many of the residents are american citizens, different places like newer, chicago and philadelphia, vienna just as is going on a month. i mean, um, i wanna go by month its a victim of their back to us. they don't have boss. i wish we have a beast with that as riley with i'm out of town with a human at the and what happens to us in here on guys law, strep and west bank. it's on the we wouldn't even be so we don't want to kick, nobody's off. because mayor says he met us secretary of state anthony blinking last year, promises to try to stop similar attacks were holler. i am an american citizen. i blame the american administration to destroy the so while the israelis leave them with damaged homes, ruins businesses. their leaders look the other way. leaving them just broken zane bus route of the old is 0 bertha the occupied westbank, palestine. and took care of people demonstrated against germany support for his
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round during a meeting between the german president and the assembled merrill monday, police to quickly intervene to stop the protest and villa monks has more german president frank volta stein maya in a stumble to celebrate his country's history of diplomatic ties with kia, vivian, dodge, something item more, nothing from zip system to board. start. what are we in germany? celebrate the 75th birthday, about that girl in the public in a months time. we will do so. we need to know is the millions and stories of tuckers, german immigrants, a product of our history tied ones like us, exclusive to his host assembles man, showing him a train station with turkish migrants. one set out to find work in germany. but as the pal together inside an expedition the great thing outside, some protest as was anything but the genocidal criminal. gemini, came the sounds,
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murder, a gemini within minutes tucker's piece broke up. a protest gemini, a 2nd only to the united states and with themselves to israel. and at the international court of justice this month it defended those actions often. nicaragua argued it was facilitating genocide and grit. this policy was on. so this past weekend in berlin to web pro palestinian sentiment and his rating support. sometimes class with seats in the middle, a similar and germany's need is now apparent away from home to the months of the data. the, the, at least 2 of the quakes with mold and 6 point will make the, to the hit tie one early on, choose day the,
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the sense of the to craig's on the dozens of small la quakes when the islands east and counties of highland minus the damage has been reported in the casualties time on. central weather administration says that the series of quakes, which number that's around a 180, were after schultz from the launch of quake. on april, the 3rd a russian beside strong can the ukrainian city of cause. he has destroyed a landmark, 214 major television town. officials say the damage caused interruptions to television signals in the region is the 2nd time the structure has been talked and since must have noticed is a tax on you framed 2 years ago. the donald trump has pleaded not guilty to will charges on the opening day of his 1st criminal trial in new york, prosecutors say that the former us president to legally concealed payments, made to an adult film star to hide a 5. once again, trump said that the trial was part of a political conspiracy. kristen,
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so maybe how small from new york in an historic 1st donald trump arrived at court for his criminal trial. he's accused of 34 accounts of falsifying business records in order to hide hush payments that were made to by the silence of an adult film actress who said she had a brief affair with him. the prosecution describe the case and their opening statement as election fraud, pure and simple evidence will show that this was not spin, said the prosecution. but a long running conspiracy to silence people who had something bad to say, the 1st witness allegedly had a hand in that conspiracy. tabloid publisher david tucker, has admitted to working with trump to barry damaging news and the run up to the 2016 election, which he eventually won. so as trump's former lawyer, michael cohen paid the actors known as stormy daniels, $130000.00 and was later reimbursed by trump for what was recorded as legal fees.
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the defense pointing to cohen's history of lying on the stand argues there was no affair. and no attempt by donald trump to hide the payment. spoiler alert said the defense. there's nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. it's called democracy. and while the former president may be the one facing charges, he again attempted to put the us justice system on trial in the court of public opinion. these are all this is done as everybody knows it. being able to be in pennsylvania lots of other places, campaigning, and is very unfair. donald trump has said he wants to testify in this case, but on monday the judge warned if he does take the stay on, the prosecution has the right to ask him about his other legal issues which otherwise would be off limits. the trial is expected to take about 6 weeks. kristin
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salumi alda 0, need your u. s. presence a buttons administration is issued a rule that bends the disclosure of protected health information for women who seek an abortion. the rule protects within living in states where abortion is legal under falls through trouble out of state to undergo the procedure. the new rules strengthens existing provisions and the a health privacy little mold. in 92000 women cross state lines for an abortion. the 1st half of 2023, not doubled the number during a similar period in 2020 in mexico, a group of messed men, intercepted the convoy of a presidential candidate during a campaign stop on sunday. the police to be linked to the center, the drug content and demanded the politicians commit to tackle rising violence in the southern southern states. a ship us little rough color reports now on the incident, which is base concerns about the influence of gains on the poles in june 10th
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interaction in mexico's chee up of state. while on the campaign trail cloud yesterday involved mexico's leading presidential candidate was stopped by mass man leave to be linked to the single low of cartel when they requested government intervention to put an end to the violence plaguing southern mexico. the truth is, we few helped us, you know, a hot as a community because the government has never done anything for these lands. mexico's g up of state which borders guatemala and police has seen violence spiral as the rival sinner low and lisco, new generation cartels wage. a war for territory and mexican states like he offers the spillover from violence, has led to the internal displacement of thousands of people as cartels seeking greater control for drug routes, weapons smuggling and human traffic is the man in the video. see the form part of
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the self defense force experts say the events of sunday could be seen as an example of how criminal groups in the region seek to influence and manipulate mexican politicians ahead of the upcoming election by a criminal group of stopping the convoy of the very likely next president of mexico and making demands i'm on camera with media presence, is something that talks about the increasing of raising this optimal brooks that are very, very aware of the kind of car that happens to evening beside me. the federal government during a press conference on monday, the mexican president under this manuel no physical with as or down played the events of sunday in chiapas, saying he'd appear to be staged d as well. yes, it is very probable that it staged highly probable because if someone has a complaint is why would they cover they face? and besides they name to be peaceful, but it gives you a couple just mexican presidential candidate that would be
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a shame bomb confirmed the incident on sunday, but also down play the significance describing the interaction with the masked man as quote, very strange policy expert war and that criminal organizations, or adopting increasingly assertive strategy and their involvement with mexican elections. however, when avenues for dialogue with the state run out, its violence that emerges as the prevailing means of communication. bandwidth up a little al, jazeera, mexico city. i kudos place and the rest of the allegedly to of a possible criminal gain of the los lobos, but it's still going on because it has been on the runs and so escaping from prison in january. he's accused or threatening to kill the attorney general because one of the most, one of the people in the country has gang was accused of planning. last is matter of the presidential candidate. and then the v evans. since you, i still had to pull the news on the diving dates to find the plastic pollution, thoughts to trust
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a global sweetie reach the final statement. the book and the china is issue this highest store morning and parts of flood ravaged gwendolen province. emergency plans being activated in southern china with more than a 100000 people. they moved to safety. if to some guns that has will, it's trapped by torrential rains in southern china. this elderly man has to be carried to safety. emergency services,
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a looking for several people still missing after on seasonal rains, last spring, don't provence for days. the force of the flood waters took many by surprise, sweeping away cars, damaging roads and destroying crops, local se rain like this hasn't been seen in nearly a century. where the little boys are, everything's gone, all the seeds are gone. i lost a more than $13000.00 fields over that several heck says full flooded. the storms have already cause damage worse, almost $20000000.00, according to some estimates. one of the most densely populated provinces, ones on this home to many of china is factories. it sits on the pearl river delta, making it vulnerable to the rise and sea levels and climate change induced weather events which are happening more frequently. dozens of rivers, 1st thing their banks have forced
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a 110000 people to move to safety. so as i gave you and i live here, it's all flooded. schools and businesses have closed in many cities as a brace for more powerful storms. forecasts for later this week, do some good food. ultra 0 to a new un reported reveal today's as well as the wells most disaster hit region, from climates in warehouses in 2023. the world of mutual organizations as floods installed schools, the highest number of reports of casualties and economic law says, and rule the heat waves on becoming most of the with mountain glaciers threatening the regions future war to security. fits and even as the progress of sustainability cutting universe to join us from past. mr. david, thanks so much for joining us on the program. it seems that no country and asia that is not vulnerable to climate change is that in recent years we,
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why do you think asia is in focus for this particular un report compared to other continents? well, it's a combination of the energy that has been created. all in this, in the cities advise you as well as the climate change, because that heat is all going to go some way and it goes up into the atmosphere and causes much more energy to the phone into the into sod plans and all kinds of peach related changes to the climate that is happening at a right south. and instead of times faster than the fully energy being released in the bombing of you crying, for example, this is, this is a role that we uh, induce, inducing onto our selves. and we've got a stall, and as soon as we store the global cooling will stuff, i mean you'd be the lead,
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all solve the ancestral pilot on the live on climate change. so what nitty over 82 decades now, you speak for the position of all saw, etc. and so that's what we did when we see flood, says we, so in recent weeks, in pakistan and afghanistan out across the gulf, the u. e. and i'm on hit with unprecedented levels of water is a huge wake up coal, isn't it? yes it's so it's a, it's a y got call. and we have been predicting this, but i would have to side. it has come, quit. yeah. then we saw it or rather hoped that we'd have a bit more time to make the changes. but we don't, we now in the thick of climate change, and it's going to get worse until we type net 0 through to the. and if we can do that by 2040, for example, then immediately we would start to get on top of the final. but until then we
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are going to have to expect more damaged from flood spies and all kinds of way the changes. it's not as if experts like you're good selves and various officials that you and climate agencies have been telling politicians for. yeah, is this is ongoing. we've had one comp meeting after and not the next one is, isn't as a by john late to this year. why a politicians not listening as well, like uh, and they getting increasingly driving now. it seems that they had to do something about it, but the world of finance is typing it up. and now there's so much more money you can make if you do the net 0 journey. it's a little harder, but it is definitely better and cipher and, and cheap. uh, uh, increasingly asian cities of times, you know, lead to all of his eyes and countries trying to rename the uh, why ahead of what's happening now in, in you're very,
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yeah. and showing that's all the batteries would. they really can bring down the house and it's common usage and tumbled on and you can go to china a cities now, and you can see the blue sky and you can hardly any traffic because it is almost completely electric vehicles. mostly that is in the boss is 100 percent on the buses and the 3 wheel is all going electric and about 40 percent of the cost and india is not behind. so we are on track is just all fast enough. it seems that everybody has to do that parts and it's not just one country is responsibility . we will certainly keep an eye on this and thank you so much for joining us on the problem. really appreciate your time. you will lead us on the spring and the canadian capital, the talks on drafting the 1st a tracy to end plastic pollution, the discussions and also all the full of 5 rounds integrations. with the final meeting set for the assembly. if agree,
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the treaty would be the most significant environmental deal since the 2015 powers climb is that now the plastic industry accounts of 5 percent of global carbon emissions with predictions of about going to 20 percent by 2050. if current trends continued us get more of this for more correspond, jessica washington is standing by for us in indonesian capital jakarta. how big a problem is plastic waste, where you are well, let me show you the scale of the problem of plastic waste, anybody's a place where environmental groups say the country is in the groups of a plastic crisis. i'm here in depth. ok on the outskirts of to cause us and besides that, you can see beside me this is actually not a landfill. this is overflowed from the nearby landfill, which has obviously reached capacity and the amount of plastic waste here accounts for a large proportion of the ways that you can see. and if there was so much waste here that is actually redirected the flow of the river, that gives you
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a sense of the scale of the problem here in indonesia. one of the want will largest plastic pollution is accounting for around $7500000.00 tons of plastic waste each year. and this is just one of many sites around into these. yes. indeed around the grades as a contra region where we see landfills that have reached capacity due to the severe amount of plastic waste in this country. and we just had to get so just a few moments ago saying asian countries doing really well to try and get to that 0 that they're looking at battery powered operations within that areas. i mean, how are they assault? he's going to tackle just this very issue of plastic wasted at all. it's old intermingled. isn't that jessica? well, that's exactly right. and from the perspective of the invitation government, we have seen some progress. we've seen a slight reduction in marine plastic waste. we've also seen the promotion of recycling efforts around communities around the country. but as you can see, this remains a severe problem for indonesia. though indonesia is involved in those efforts that you mentioned earlier,
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the global treaty on plastic reduction. and it has expressed that it is supportive, all set efforts. however, innovation authorities have also expressed that they do have the perspective that no old member states have the same resources and the same capacity to ensure that they could meet the smooth, the implementation of that tracy. and as a result, technological and financial support would be needed. now environmental groups in his needs, you have also been cooling for the government to do more. for example, to reduce the widespread availability of single use sashes, which account for most of the plastic waste. here in indonesia now. jessica, thanks very much for that updates and of course you can follow that story. everything that we are covering here on our website, which is a dot com. uh, our top story on the website is obviously uh, the pulls into another one of the accusations made by as well. and found this we have yet to see what more we actually will be to that,
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that search for the moment. i'll be back with more news on the other side for the break. you happy watching you. i'll just bear with me so robin. in a few minutes, i'll see you then. so much the examining the headlines. is there any is of publicity for forms of life and does, unflinching journalism awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with labor, only create it welts for women, come and feel natural released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming. on which is era, the bank, the lowest payoff, the gross has destroyed many. the cities, water buckets in a race against india is looming,
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water shortage. an engineer turn the water conservation is takes on 6. is that what it was? one lake at the time. catching the rain in india, that lakes alive a witness documentary on a jersey though. it's been a full for an a progressive change. you're locked in america. this time the slides remain high as the violence against gender and sexual minority. i've come to windows irene, 2 young women who have taken place and it were to establish greater freedom and equality. welcome to generation change as level series attempts to understand, i'm telling you is that mobilize use around the world. generation change on out you 0. ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened 75 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec,
11:00 am
thoughts and emergency donation spence on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 developed luis, haven't had gone through the roof. the crossing in recent months, our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the $200.00 days of voice roll shows no sign of ending the violence with ongoing strikes across the costs. a strict the products that are around and what challenges every life. well headquarters here in the home also, i'm a product man. the place in new york, the rest, both students and academics, the latest tech tech, to suppress demonstrations in support of palestinians at universities. now with


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