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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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canals rims and isolated from around the world, struggling by rushing full series of the band and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day the an independent review says, israel has failed to provide any evidence for its claims that some employees of the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees were involved in the october 7th. the play you watching l g 0 life from to have with me for the back. people also coming up. the number of bodies found in mass graves continues to rise in hon unit southern gaza, following the withdrawal of these really ami the us president ways in on the
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whitening student protests against these routes. war on guys left more than a 100 protesters, if interested so far. and a presidential candidate in mexico is ask, so taco rising violence by members of a drunk content. the 2 months after major western countries cut funding to the un relief and works agency because of its really allegations, some of its employees were members of hamas and connected to the october 7th attacks. israel has still fails to provide any evidence for the accusations. those are the findings of an independence report commissioned by the un on right is the primary agency for palestinian refugees and many nations are still not reinstated the funding. despite is ralph failure to provide evidence for his grades, get released onto a report from you and headquarters in new york. humanitarian organizations are
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bound by principles of neutrality, and unrest has not only met but exceeded those principles. that according to a newly released $47.00 page independent report, which was commissioned by the un and led by former french foreign minister, catherine colona, in conjunction with 3 human rights investigative bodies from europe. over the findings of the review. all of that in rise in place, a very significant number of mckenna sends and procedures to ensure compliance with the humanities and principles of neutrality. i show you the property of a more developed system then all the un, nobody's ations all agencies which is a necessity considering the very difficult environment, complex and difficult a situation which sale prior to the uniqueness of the mission. the
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report was 9 weeks in the making and relied on hundreds of interviews and site visits including in gaza. it was commissioned by the secretary general antonio gutierrez after israel made unsubstantiated claims in january. that henri employees were part of terrorist organizations, the regarding those claims. the final report says, israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of this. unreal gives a full list of all its employees to relevant countries, including israel, on a regular basis. these really government has not informed of any concerns related to any unreal staff based on the staff with since 2011 the report states. the report goes highlight 50 recommendations in areas on rec, can improve such as more international employees and management goals. more frequent updates to toner countries on neutrality issues and expanded community awareness. the report large we exonerates on right from any intentional and blatant
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acts of bias. but the damage from israel's claims has already been done. 16 countries suspended funding to unreal and will a few of those have since resumed funding once again? unrest says they only have enough money to get through june gabriel's onto elders either at the united nations in new york. the policy and single defend says it's um, covered 200 and a 3 bodies from a temporary burial side inside not the hospital in con unit 7 guys on the site was built when he's ready for his surrounded the medical facility. last month, they said some of the people were killed during these early siege on the hospital. this is the pain. i'm in the norman. hi, miss. i came here for the 5th day looking for the body of my son, jim, and they told us there's a mass grave located here and every day i come here to identify the body. but unfortunately i haven't found my son's remains. c
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to any one who knows anything about my son wouldn't see me or informed the officials. i can no longer bear it. everyday. i come here in such a come 2 or 3 times. i searched for him in many places. all these really military has arranged the majority of hospitals in guys. only a small percentage are able to continue to offer some medical assistance for more than 2000000 people under constant bombardment, medical staffing, hot eulissa, trying to repair parts of the all. i'm a hospital that was severely damaged by repeatedly is really a tax and a weeks long siege terry cup was a report some southern gossip figuring this cause of this will flow to ceiling. the walls of the hospital all fairly standing for dr. chrome and his teams, it's no reason to give up hope was ever to show him the full we're trying to get
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the hospital running with what is possible. and as you can see, think good. everyone is making a big effort to work together and given how much damage there is. again, if i'm on the how the problem is that something we are trying to get the beds now that so we can clean the automatic smoke and water and not hospitals receive a special protection on the international load. that status did not stop east by the troops from attacking this hospital with onto the re, the latest surrounding the compound and the rest. the medical stuff spin out of surface of a sense that is because of the behavior of the hospice that they destroy. anything in the hospital, really the effect the loss as well as the, the development. now the health care facilities are slowly being brought back to life with one goal in mind to bring patients back. then it is urgent. there on
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viral infections and cases of money. christian among displaced and at least 10000 accounts that patients could only if not provided proper. the treatment of goals is $36.00 hospitals. only 10 are still partially functional. above the deputies, the son of i'm in the hospital is still intact. that means hope in arabic, something these medical workers have not forgotten. almost $500.00 medical workers have been killed inside the gauze trip since the talked of the will. putting more pressure on health care system that tens of thousands of displaced people in the south of garza relay on tarka bassoon and which is 0 rough talestine pass way is really strikes in central guys that have killed at least 4 palestinians named ty residential block was targeted civil defense schools say they are still people trapped under the revel in the southern city of ra, $526.00 people were killed in the past 24 hours as is really has tried to hit move
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residential buildings, a growing outrage or these are as well on gaza has ignited protests and major universities in the us, students at yale, columbia, and new york university. so has been holding a sit in protests on campus, define universities of university officials, demands to vacate more than a 100 students of interest. if so far, how does your costs are reports? miss yale university in connecticut has become another flash point in the conflict between pro palestinian demonstrators and university administrators. police literally 47 protesters and you on monday morning. the demonstrators have been camped at a university plaza since friday, protesting hills refusal to divest from military weapons manufacturers. the
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protesters claim that makes yale completed in israel's genocide and gaza. me, well, administrators at columbia university in new york city, cancelled in person classes. on monday, citing some jewish students complaints that they felt unsafe after more than a 100 pro palestinian demonstrators were arrested last week. time for us to to show that yes we, we, we want to be visible versus something about what we're asking about the genocide that's happening. that's happening again. does that it should be, it should start investing in this. in this genocide there's no separating some of the anti israel. protesters at columbia are jewish themselves, but a school affiliated rabbi over the weekend urged your students to return home for their own safety. the videos on social media like this one apparently show
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a protester calling on the armed wing of him off to target jewish students. but new york city police try to temp down the fear. there's been no credible threats to any particular group or individual coming from this protest or, or any of the columbia, as president says, the university is adding more than a 100 additional safety personnel. as protesters have returned to campus, president biden, to address the continuing university protests on monday. you submitted protests on college. i also don't understand what any student protest leaders denied charges of anti semitism. and so the demonstrators have been peaceful. now. protests of spreading to still more schools with students at n y u n. m. i t being the latest to join the pro palestinian move. and heidi jo castro, alta 0, washington hurley. i spoke to cameron joe,
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and so is the lead. organize at columbia university's joyce voice for peace. he spoke to us from the protest comp inside the campus about why he thinks it's important for students like him to take us then. as a jewish person, i recognize the immense amount of privilege that i have when it comes to this conflict. and i think it's so important that as jewish students in america, we use our privilege to uplift how us in the invoices and to center a palestinian perspectives. and in that case, it means by using for palestinian liberation in doing whatever we can do to put ourselves at the front line to continue that spite and calling out our universities to sever ties with the apartheid state of israel and to divest from apartheid as well when terms of the university, we want the university to divest from companies that do business with. and in israel, we also are calling on the university to close the tel aviv global center and to
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stop the dual degree program with tel aviv university. and in terms of the larger american government, we want to seize all funding for is really weapons and stop and giving them any more money to continue this genocide. and we want to call for an immediate cease fire as a jewish student coming from a jewish background of the family to his perspective. i do not see any of our demonstrations as anti semitic or using by direct that is and types of medic, i think it's really important that we recognize that a lot of the rhetoric that is being deemed as and types of medic is simply anti zionist. and is not anti semitic in any way currently at the gaza solidarity and cabinet where i'm at right now. we have dozens and dozens of jewish students present. we also just wrapped up our passover stay there on the 1st day, the passover. so jewish students are very much involved in the organizing here. and
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if there was any anti semitism presents, we would not stand for of all the jewish holiday of passover began on monday night . but this year, some of these really say they are torn over how to celebrate during the ongoing war and gas. i'm to saw, hold 3 for some tennessee jewish people around the world are marketing. the story of passover, the week long festival commemorates freedom, and is typically observed with the feast known as a theater. to celebrate what jews believed was the liberation from biblical slavery . but this year, celebrations are muted, overshadowed by his rules war and the captive still being held in dogs though because we do it for the people that cannot do it right now. if we do the some odd dollars of receiving, these are all that we are doing. we do it for them on this major jewish
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holiday with a focus on freedom menus really say that their traditional cedar. we'll have an empty chair at the table representing those who were killed on october, the 7th. and those were still being held captive in gonzo such as those from could boot. they read one of the towns attacked by him this on october, the 7th. these is rarely use are holding a state or for their entire town in what's become known as hostage square in the heart of telling me that no, ma'am, we had a 100 people nodded. it's indescribable unbearable. and we are holding onto the hurt that all hostages will return and it doesn't fall off the agenda and that all the juice is really is all the people around the world understand that there are people whose freedom was taken away. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is still adamant that military and political pressure are the only ways the captives will be
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brought back. then let us on this passover say to night how hostages and how much this captivity stands before us. best suffering and the suffering of the families breaks on hawks, on, on the strength and determination to attend them. we don't laptop even for a moment from the sacred task of bringing them home. see what them a bike of the, in a protest outside that's in your whose house demonstrators set fire to a symbolic state or table. it's the latest event in a series of protests calling for their loved ones released with nearly 200 days into the war. many is rarely said the government's promises are empty from the central jersey to tell a v. 2 a 44 year old father of 3 has died of gunshot wounds sustained for misery fire in the city of jericho. his death brings the number of palestinian scale to be occupied. westbank to $0.48. october the 7th. at least 3 other people have been
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injured by surrendered gun fight and several policy and towns. they are the force of ongoing violence in nablus. softer is ready, troops formed the city and still ahead will be looking at some of the days having use in india as prime ministers accused of hate speech. just days after the country kicked off its 6 weeks generally next the hard he came in to be used as the oil c suffered casualties. we have not suffered states pilots. he has thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era on counting the cost germany
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is being gauging with china. entre if, why, consul in breakup with badging materials, county has rebounded all the economic reforms working and we speak to the president of the un general assembly about has called action on sustain instead of see counting the cost on al jazeera after a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from . i'm into the outer big language world wide shade come out. award for translation . and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the
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the brought them back. a recap of our top stories on how to sierra every view into the you in agency for palestinian refugee says israel has not provided evidence since employees are members of a mouse and are linked to the october 7th of tax. many countries have their funding to enrol when those claims were made in january. the palestinian civil defense is, is um, covered 283 bodies from a temporary burial side in nasa hospital in on you to southern gaza. the site was built when he's ready for surrounded the medical facility last month. some of the people where the fortunately cubes during the is really siege on past. and students at columbia university in new york has been told to stay at home as part of city and solidarity protests continue on campus demonstrations in support of
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guys. i have vox university campuses across the us with guidance of arrest being made, including at ivy league school, yale. and i've been use now in mexico masks or individuals in deceptive. the convoy the front running presidential candidate during a campaign stop on sunday. the men believed to have tie, so the scenario, a cartel demanded a commitment to tackle rising violent in the southern state of chiapas, money a regular report on the incident that does raise concerns over the influence of criminal guns on the upcoming pulse engine, attends interaction in mexico's g up of state. while on the campaign trail cloud yesterday involved mexico's leading presidential candidates was stopped by mass man leave to be linked to the single low of cartel. when they requested government intervention to put an end to the violence plaguing southern mexico. the truth is, we fuel health less, you know, a hot as
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a community because the government has never done anything for these lands. mexico's g, up of state which borders guatemala and police, has seen violence spiral as the rival sinner. lo and lisco, new generation cartels wage a war for territory and mexican states like he offers the spillover from violence, has led to the internal displacement of thousands of people. as cartels seek, greater control for drugs, weapons smuggling and human traffic is the man in the video see the form part of the self defense force. experts say the events of sunday could be seen as an example of how criminal groups in the region seek to influence and manipulate mexican politicians ahead of the upcoming election by a criminal group of stopping the con, by of the very likely next president of mexico. and making demands, i'm on camera with media presence is something that talks about the increasing of
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raising us off from the groups that are very, very aware of the kind of car that happened street. you mean these are the, the federal government during a press conference on monday, mexican president under this month with no physical boot as or down played the events of sunday in chiapas saying he'd appear to be staged. d is work pretty well . yes, it is very probable that it staged highly probable because if someone has a complaint is why would they cover they face and besides they name to be peaceful? yeah, 100 isn't couple. just mexican presidential candidate that would be a shame bomb confirmed the incident on sunday, but also down play the significance describing the interaction with the masked man as quote, very strange policy expert warren, that criminal organizations or adopting increasingly assertive strategy and their involvement with mexican elections. however, when avenues for dialogue with the state run out,
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its violence that emerges as the proof healing means of communication. menu is up a little al jazeera mexico city police in ecuador, have recap, should be an educator of los lobos gang race. you'll call on people police say he escaped in prison in january because accused of threatening to kill the attorney general among the clients is not echo doors president has one voltage support for rafter security measures, according to early results from the natural council. the plants presented in a referendum or aimed at curbing gang violence. theresa bull reports from durand in the south of ecuador, quoted them being the idea, as well as his wife and 4 children, 5 months ago. when a criminal group attacked, he's home by mistake and killed them. the children were between the ages of 7 and 6 months old quarter, any sangree and one security forces to put an end to violence in his country. some
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people tell me that it seems nothing happened to me, but i'm keeping it inside. i'm devastated. i'd try every day. not to go mad. on sunday, if were dorians headed to the post volts on a referendum to the side, the country's future. people have to mark with a yes or no 11 questions. you can see them right here. 5 of them are meant to respond to countries constitution. i'm the mostly related to the current security situation. whether people would like to see the military to patrol with the police . also, for example, allowing criminals to be expedited to other countries. the majority of the population voted yes to all the security questions. mendoza says, the situation needs to change good by you just on this little side of the countries destroyed because of criminal groups. now the bowers in power, maybe we can see something change. the results are seen as
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a sign of support for president, many and noble at hard line security plan to fight against criminal organizations that have taken control over large parts of the country. in january, the government declared a state of emergency and deployed the military on the suites and inside prisons that had become operating centers for drug guns. on the day of the referendum at prison warden, west killed in a restaurant showing just how difficult battling gangs continues to be. for many now was trying to imitate the security plan of a set of other presidents. maggie will kaylee. he managed to reduce gun related violence in his country by the end of the se, there was a difference. okay, le, 8th, i mean i, the kelly was a man, had some type of contact for the criminal groups. he recognized the territory that did not happen here. yet, but their response to that for now,
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people want government action against the criminal groups that most of them say has them living in constant fear. it is several defeat a boot on it whether the induced prime minister now render modi's being accused of hate speech for comments he made about most things that an election riley on sunday . the indian government has failed to give visa. so i'll just here is correspondence to cover the 6 weeks of voting. we started on friday with a full covering the election from outside the country from the moment as just these into india elections, prime minister, and that in the movie as close to control the seat, a dressing supporters in registered state, 85 to muslims, us. if we could just go back and see if the opposition congress bought the game to paula again, most lips would have 1st rights to induce assets. da, da, da, da da. this is the early a government said the muslims will have the rights over the results of the country
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. is part of the main use of this means they will gather all the wealth and give it to the people who have more children. they will distribute it among them, full traitors. do you think your hodgin monday should be distributed to the info traitors? do you accept that? no, no, they come. i've got the position, sees moody's comments disgraceful about the effect of the people realize that really shows the congress buddies and zip code your wisdom, give it to the slaves that exist. and it could let me know a few of which normally a civilized election commission, which is a law and one we can do that was preaching like maybe a 1000000000 indians eligible to cause products in the bottom entry elections activity. see more these trying to do. but both the tension from the re, issues he has promised jobs and prosperity in the 2014 election again in 2019 and now to tom's out over in the spacing the worst unemployment
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rate since in the last 45 years. since coming to paula in 2014 mostly has been accused in claiming religious pensions with the majority of the muslims who are con, for about 14 percent of the population attacks and violence targeting mostly properties of religious sites of increase the size of the muslim rhetoric, most incidents happen in the states headed by the governing, but at the genetic party. in a be to china moody, and these parties, dominus, in these elections, dads and so forth, position parties of united to form a coalition. boating. we continue until the june defies. hands him him to just the north korean leader kim jong own has always seen a drill, simulating with young young is calling a nuclear counter attack which involves multiple rocket launches. it came a day after south korea said the north cree inside short range may size into the
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e. c. the mist sized school approximately 300 kilometers from the showing young area splashing down east of the korean peninsula. and that's the news for now. that's it for me for the back to both. stay with us for talk to on 20 news. the hello. they will start in south asian. despite the cloud, you can see moving from west to east. it is a long as the dry and hot picture for much of india, and those conditions are set to continue for new daily, feeding, rather hot and humid, not just here, but also across places like a bundle of dish and all the heat wave warnings were made for west bengal and dish, they heat spreads across with central areas down in the south as well. we have seen some bus of rain for cases like carol, as well as go up,
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but the west of the rain is still affecting afghanistan, moving its way east. from iran we could see some of that rain moving into pockets on, with cases that have seen flooding. continuing to see some of that wet weather remains wet as well for the north east of india. but for cases like function is a very dry stories, but warnings out for excessive heat over the next few days. so if we have a look at the 3 day, well above the average 40 degrees celsius through to thursday, with that heat, now would you move to east asia? it's offices story. we've had exception to what weather effects, southern pots of china, causing devastating flooding in one dong. now we see a low in the rain on tuesday into wednesday, but by sunday you can see is come back with a vengeance. the lower scale to growth has destroyed many. the cities,
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water buckets in a race against india is newman. walter shorts is an engineer turn. the water conservation is takes on cities. that was one lake at the time. catching the rain in india that takes a live, a witness documentary on a jersey to of the one the fall in love. many young european americans use are raised to believe that the jewish identity is contingent on the unflinching support for the state of israel. well that identity is now very much in crisis as many young jews watch in graphic detail. the state of israel is also gov and the worsening treatment of kind of thing in, in the off the 5 west back.


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