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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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mikey oil giants of the global noise and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. talk to one of 2 on just the . ready ready ready a kind of independent review says, israel has failed to provide any evidence for its claims that some employees of the un agency for palestinian refugees were involved in the october 7th to mazda of tax . the hello, this is alex is 0. live from jo. um for the back people also i had a number of bodies found in mass graves continues to rise in a con unit 7 guys are totaling the withdrawal of these really ami the us president
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ways in on the whitening student protests against these rounds on god more than a 100 protesters have been arrested. so no, if nobody dislikes all going to relax and the u. k. so called wanda bill has passed off to the prime minister, dump them down on the spreadsheet, just sent asylum seekers. teresa news months after major western countries caught funding to the you and relief and works agency because of is really allegation. some of its employees were members of a mouse and connected to the october 7th. the tax. israel has still failed to provide any evidence for the accusations. those are the findings of an independent report commissioned by the un on right is the primary agency for palestinian refugees and many nations as still not reinstated the funding. despite is ralph
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failure to provide evidence for his grades, gabriel, his own to report some un headquarters in new york. a few mandatory and organizations are bound by principles of neutrality and unrest has not only met but exceeded those principles. that according to a newly released $47.00 page independent report, which was commissioned by the un and led by former french foreign minister, catherine colona, in conjunction with 3 human rights investigative bodies from europe over the findings of the review. all of that in rise in place of very significant number of negations and procedures to ensure compliance with the humanities and principles of neutrality. actually had property of a more definite system. then, although you are an organization, so addresses which is a necessity, considering the very difficult environment, complex and difficult, a situation in which they operate and the this uniqueness of the mission. the
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report was 9 weeks in the making and relied on hundreds of interviews and site visits including in gaza. it was commissioned by the secretary general antonio gutierrez after israel made unsubstantiated claims in january. the under employees were part of terrorist organizations regarding those claims. the final report says, israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of this. unreal gives a full list of all its employees to relevant countries, including israel, on a regular basis. these really government has not informed of any concerns related to any unreal staff based on the staff with since 2011 the report states. the report goes highlight 50 recommendations in areas on rec, can improve such as more international employees and management goals. more frequent updates to donor countries on neutrality issues and expanded community
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awareness. the report largely exxon rates on right from any intentional and blatant acts of bias. but the damage from israel's claims has already been done. 16 countries suspended funding to unreal and will a few of those have since resumed funding once again? unrest says they only have enough money to get through june gabriel's onto elders either at the united nations in new york. meanwhile, in guys i have a policy in civil defense or is this on covered 283 bodies from a temporary burial side inside nasa hospital in con eunice and the solve the burial sides was veiled when is really forces surrounded the medical facility. last month they said some of the people were killed during these received on the hospital. did you pain? i'm in the norman. hi, miss. i came here for the 5th day looking for the body of my son, jim. as they told us, there's a mass grave located here and every day i come here to identify the body. but
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unfortunately i haven't found my son's remains. c to any one who knows anything about my son wouldn't see me or inform the officials . i can no longer bear it. everyday. i come here in such a come 2 or 3 times. i searched for him in many places. he's really strikes in central guys. i have killed at least for palestinians. i mean, ty, residential block was targeted. civil defense co say is they are still people trapped on the level. in the southern city of ross, i 26 people have died over the past 24 hours as these really strikes hit the residential buildings. and i, growing outrage are these are as we're on guys, a has ignited protests, the major universities in the us. students at yale, columbia, and new york university. so i've been holding sit in protests on campus, defying university officials, demands to vacate more than
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a 100 students have been arrested so far. heidi's, jo, castro has more. a gale university in connecticut has become another flash point in the conflict between pro palestinian demonstrators and university administrators. police literally 47 protesters at you on monday morning. the demonstrators have been kept at a university plaza since friday, protesting hills refusal to die best from military weapons manufacturers. the protesters claim that makes yale complicity in israel's genocide and gaza. meanwhile, administrators at columbia university in new york city, cancelled in person classes on monday, citing some jewish students complaints that they felt unsafe. after more than a 100 pro palestinian demonstrators were arrested last week for us to to show
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yes we, we, we want to be visible versus something about what we're asking about. the genocide that's happening. that's happening. can guess that it should be the image itself. and the best thing in this, it just any time i would know some of the anti is real protesters, that colombia are jewish themselves. but a school affiliated rabbi over the weekend urged your students to return home for their own safety. the videos on social media like this one apparently show a protester calling on the armed wing of him off to target jewish students. but new york city police tried to temp down the fear. there's been no credible threats to any particular group or individual coming from this protest or, or any other columbia, as president says, the university is adding more than a 100 additional safety personnel. as protesters have returned to campus,
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president biden, to address the continuing university protests on monday. you submitted protests on college. i also don't understand what any student protest leaders denied charges of anti semitism. and so the demonstrators have been peaceful. now. protests of spreading to still more schools with students at n y u n. m. i t being the latest to join the pro palestinian move. and heidi jo. castro alger 0, washington. let us now speak to one of the students that these protests cameron jones is the lead organizer at columbia university's jewish voice for peace is joining us from what's being called the gaza sony dieting comp meant inside the campus. cameron, thank you so much for joining us. can you tell our international audience 1st, why your organization decided to join the protest movement in sali diety with
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palestinians in gaza at the risk of arrest and at the risk of compromising your academic degree to? yeah, so as a jewish person, i recognize the a man, it's not a privilege that i have when it comes to this conflict. and i think it's so important that as jewish students in america, we use our privilege to uplift how us to the invoices and $0.02 or a palestinian perspectives. and in that case, it means by using for palestinian liberation in doing whatever we can do to put ourselves at the front line to continue that spite and calling out our universities to sever ties with the apartheid state of israel and to divest from apartheid as well yeah, i was going to ask you about your specific demands. the war has been going on for nearly 7 months now. 34000 people killed. many of them, women and children. what exactly would you like to see happen?
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not just from your universities, but also the american government deal government, one of your specific defense or yeah, so in terms of the university, we want the university to divest from companies that do business with. and then israel, we also are calling on the university to close the tel aviv global center and to stop the, to a degree program with tel aviv university. and in terms of the larger american government we want to ceased, all funding for is bailey weapons and stop and giving them any more money to continue this genocide and be want to call for an immediate cease fire. on sunday. cameron a prominent rob, bye with links to columbia university of jewish students to stay at home because of extreme on tie some of these in, that's what he called in. and some students have said not just in colombia, but on other campuses that they're scared. we've also heard
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a person by the state of the protest are on tie semitic. how do you as a jewish press and respond to those accusations? what is the state of our try some of this in on american college campuses today. yeah, so as a jewish student coming from a jewish background at the time of the jewish perspective, i do not see any of our demonstrations as anti semitic, or using by the right that is anti semitic. i think it's really important that we recognize that a lot of the rhetoric that is being deemed as and types of medic is simply anti zionist and is not anti semitic in any way currently at the gaza solidarity and cabinet where i'm at right now. we have dozens and dozens of jewish students present. we also just wrapped up our pass over, stay there on the 1st by the passover. so jewish students are very much involved in the organizing here. and if there was any anti semitism presents, we would not stand for at columbia university has
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a long history of campus. protests, of course, a know there was a warrant getting them protest movement that helped define that generation and accelerated the withdrawal of us chose. you feel that this movement which started in columbia, but it's now spread to other universities, has the potential to grow even further. and it's possible to see and the upcoming presidential election because from what we're hearing from politicians right now, it doesn't seem to be the case. i mean, members of congress, i've been speaking out against the 7th street and the president of united states, or it has been speaking out as well. do you really feel that you can bring about change? i mean, i really do, we can, i do think we can bring about change because even though we are young people in college students, we are still voters and we still have a voice in the so called democracy. and we hope to use our voice to put pressure on the people in power, the institutions, the politicians,
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so they eventually cause change. and i do think that change as possible. if we continue applying this pressure and do not give up the 5 camera and thank you so much for taking, just taking the time to speak to us. cameron jones is a lead organizer at columbia university's jewish voice for peace. one of the organizations taking part in these pro palestine demonstrations the demonstrations and support of policy engine guy. so thank you very much for your time. thank you. thank you. us. as our guest, i mentioned the jewish holiday of passover began on monday night. but this year, somebody's really see the tone on how to celebrate during the ongoing war on garza . i'm the son who has this report from tel aviv jewish people around the world are marketing. the story of passover, the week long festival commemorates freedom, and is typically observed with the feast known as the sate are to celebrate what
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jews believe was the liberation from biblical slavery. but this year, celebrations are muted, overshadowed by his rules war and the captive still being held in dogs though doing these things. because we do it for the people that cannot do it right now. if we do all the somebody dvd, sorry that we are doing, we do it for them on this major jewish holiday with a focus on freedom menus really say that their traditional state or will have an empty chair at the table representing those who were killed on october the 7th, and those were still being held captive in gone so such as those from could boots. they read one of the towns attacked by him this on october, the 7th. these is rarely use or holding a state or for their entire town in what's become known as hostage square in the heart of telling me that no, ma'am, we had
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a 100 people nodded. it's indescribable unbearable. and we are holding onto the hurt that our hostages will return, and it doesn't fall off the agenda. and the old address is way these, all the people around the world understand that there are people whose freedom was taken away. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is still adamant that military and political pressure are the only ways the captives will be brought back on this pass over. say tonight, how hostages and how much does captivity stand before us? best suffering and the suffering of the families breaks our hearts and the strength and determination to attend them. we don't laptop even for a moment from the sacred task of bringing them home. we worked on a bike in a protest outside that's in your whose house demonstrators set fire to a symbolic state or table. it's the latest event in a series of protests calling for their loved ones released with nearly 200 days
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into the war. many's really said the government's promises are empty from the central jersey to tell a b c i had on the program, african leaders call from all regional corporation in fighting con grove. sadie, somebody in nigeria, capital the bungalow is k, off the growth has destroyed many. the cities volta buttons in a race against india is newman. walter shorts is an engineer turn. the water conservationist takes on cities. that was one lake at the time. catching the rain in india that takes a live, a witness documentary on
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a jersey to 300 years ago. the found is the full season the celebrated, the natural world in stages of the year. now his music has been re composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency culminating, and it is still being like performance in south korea. this nokia or of silver on al jazeera, examining the headlines, unflinching journalism, sharing personal stories with a global audience explorer and abundance of world class programming. on alex's era, the
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brought them back, a recap of the top stories on algae 0 review into the u. n. agencies or palestinian refugee says israel has not provided any evidence its employees and members of hamas and are linked to the october 7th, a tax. many countries cut the funding to on rocks when those claims were made in january. the palestinian civil defense is it's on the coverage, $283.00 bodies from a temporary burial site. inside nasir hospital in con, unit southern gaza. the burial sides was filled when he's ready forces to bond at the medical facility last month. they say some of the people were killed during these early siege on the hospital. and students at columbia university in new york has been told to stay at home as palestinian solidarity protests continue on campus . demonstrations and support of casa,
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have rocks university campuses with dozens of arrests, including at the ivy league school. yeah. and other world news dob, e u k, so called wanda bell has been passed by parliament for ominous originally. so next is the 1st slide. scaring asylum seekers to wanda will leave in 10 to 12 weeks. the blind is a central part of his government strategy to tackle the legal migration. it's been widely criticized by human rights groups. for brendan has moved from london. there are still very many questions about how exactly it will work in his news conference . earlier on monday, i really see not laid out some of the plans. he said the 1st flights should take off within 10 to 12 weeks. he says there are more than 2000 people. so 2000 detention center spaces being uh, per pad. there are extra staff being trained to act as escorts on those planes to rewind and there are certain plans that are still going to be finalized with were
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on that to make sure that the legal aspects are all tied up. but there are still questions exactly how many flights uh will be going, because they're on definitely going to be some legal challenges. never mind the political challenges we've had in the past week. and there is also the question of how big a did to parents. this will be to those people crossing the english channel that night or a stretch of water from france. so the u. k. in the small that's will, is legislation which versus you and i can says will be a detachment. will it actually act in that way? how's it going? leaders have been meeting in nigeria is capital budget to discuss ways to jointly combine attacks by onto the un office of counter terrorism. also to part along with representatives in the from the us, you and russia. it comes after the shares government told us troops to leave accusing them of failing to prevent attacks. i made these race reports from nigeria as capital i brought you. african leaders say you may be let down by the
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international community. because when the country suff and losses, they receive little or no help. we cannot understand. yes you want to mission, continue to up so in many also of dollars for this thing very with this the results. and that does the states, or i'm not granted a minimum of resources to come out of the private spread of federal distinguished basis. the african union says has allowed um, groups to establish themselves on the continent. making one, doing the kid says is the epi center of global terrorism involvement experiences. both are by so a guide and they off, she would have killed tens of thousands of people and forced millions from their want that they should have community. as the mora, i lived out of the dish to help in this case because it is outside
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mooney, north africa, money. that was the gas of patients, military governments in here working across. and molly have ordered west coast to leave the countries saying they haven't done enough to protect them against attacks that you and that meets the secure, to cause a strategy to secure this region 11 years ago has failed. today. luckily we see an absence of states in areas with tears and flourishes. the, well, i'll talk you later, f itself, the strategy have not come at the scale or at the pace that was sold by this is rising property, inequality and neglect. happy enabled groups to recruit fighters and seize control in many regions. organizers him to attempt to come one approach to curbing attacks . we must show strategically that's what's up a g i ship by an applicant on needs assessment. aligning our content to
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those inputs with the clinton is prior to the recent statistics to valez by of course in africa is escalate. the united adventure says it's causing terrorism related to that's why they quoted globally in frontier 22 percent jump about the previous years. records and the most documented in 7 years, countries of this number. but the 2 countries didn't attend the meeting. they are on day you sanctions imposed of them and if it goes in 20212222, it's not clear how in the opposite resolution has meant that this high level meeting could impact these countries already going it alone in the walk asked on groups, how many degrees i'll just get out of what you. the opening statement is in the 1st day of a trial of a former us president got underway in new york on monday. the prosecution says the charges against donald trump amount to the election fraud. but trump again, claim to try was part of the political conspiracy. christian slow me for some new
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in an historic 1st, donald trump arrived at court for his criminal trial. he's accused of 34 accounts of falsifying business records in order to hide hush payments that were made to by the silence of an adult film and actress who said she had a brief affair with him. the prosecution describe the case in their opening statement as election fraud, pure and simple evidence will show that this was not spin, said the prosecution. but a long running conspiracy to silence people who had something bad to say. the 1st witness allegedly had a hand in that conspiracy. tabloid publisher david tucker, has admitted to working with trump to barry damaging news and the run up to the 2016 election, which he eventually won. so as trump's former lawyer, michael cohen paid the actors known as stormy daniels, $130000.00 and was later reimbursed by trump for what was recorded as legal fees to
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the defense pointing. to cohen's history of lying on the stand argues there was no affair and no attempt by donald trump to hide the payment. spoiler alert said the defense. there's nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. it's called democracy. and while the former president may be the one facing charges, he again attempted to put the us justice system on trial in the court of public opinion. these are all this is done as everybody knows it. being able to be in pennsylvania lots of other places, campaigning, and is very unfair. donald trump has said he wants to testify in this case, but on monday the judge warned if he does take the stay on, the prosecution has the right to ask him about his other legal issues which otherwise would be off limits. the trial is expected to take about 6 weeks. kristin,
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so maybe i'll just hear a new york 3 people. the key is the spying for china. i have interested in gemini prosecutor said that the trio of german citizens had been passing sensitive information to chinese intelligence since at least june 2020 to one of the suspects named us thomas are had reportedly handed over technologies with potential military purposes. emergency plans have been activated in southern china after heavy rains cost, severe flooding. more than a 100000 people have been told to move to safety. if the central, when fort resource of the trap by torrential rains in southern china, this elderly man has to be carried to safety. emergency services are looking for several people still missing. after um, seasonal rains last spring. don't provence for days. the force of the flood waters
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took many by surprise, sweeping away cars, damaging roads and destroying crops, local se rain like this hasn't been seen in nearly a century. where the, everything's gone. all the seeds are gone. i lost a more than $13000.00. fields over that several heck says it's full flooded. the storms have already cause damage was almost $20000000.00. according to some estimates. one of the most densely populated provinces, ones on this home to many of china is factories. it sits on the pearl river delta, making it vulnerable to the rise and sea levels and climate change induced weather events which are happening more frequently. dozens of rivers, 1st thing their banks have forced a 110000 people to move to safety. so as i gave you, and i live here, it's all flooded. schools and businesses have closed in many cities as
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a brace for more powerful storms forecasts for later this week. if this i'm getting food audra 0. so that's the news for now. knowledge a 0, stay with us for inside story. next. thank you for watching the hello. that was not in south asian despite the cloud, you can see moving from west to east. it is a laundry, dry and hot picture for much of india and those conditions are set to continue for new daily feeling rather hot and she would not just hear, but also across places like bung with dish and all the heat, wave warnings remain for west bengal and odessa, but the heat spreads across from the central areas down in the south as well. we have seen some bus of rain for cases like carola, as well as go up. but the west,
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all of the rain is still affecting afghanistan, moving its way east. from iran, we could see some of that rain moving into pockets on with tases that have seen flooding. continuing to see some of that wet weather remains wet as well for the north east of india. but for cases like function is a very dry stories, but warnings out for excessive heat over the next few days. if we have a look at the 3 day, well above the average 40 degrees celsius through to 1st day with that heat, now would you move to east asia? it's offices story. we've had exception the what, whether effect southern parts of china causing devastating flooding in one dong. now we see a low in the rain on choose day into when state, but by sunday you can see is come back with a vengeance. the hard hit came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not
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suffered states pilots use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double standards to all of as any, anyone in particular i say to all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era rafa is southern guns are the last refuge, but 1500000 palestinians sheltering in fear of it is really ground invasion for us and european allies of all opposed to willis ro push ahead. regardless what will be the consequences, this is inside store the .


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