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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes and independent reviews, as well as you have to provide any evidence for its claims that work is from the you ins, relief agency to palestine were involved in the type of shipment to mazda tax, the number of bodies continues to rise from the mass graves found in con eunice off to the withdrawal of fee. it's rarely me but the full of presidents and you,
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your quote for the 1st day of one of the most high profile of criminal cases. and us history no, if nobody dislikes all going to roland and the british prime minister doubles down on his pledge to send asylum seekers to were one day and on peace. similar to the de sports news, boston known as president, is demanding that al plastic it'd be replayed of these 2 head of goals. this allows you to 3 to defeats, to rail madrid. i would kind of see the display of the allegations as well as you have to provide any evidence. solvents claims that employees of right have any connections with the mouse or the october 7th, a tag, as the findings of an independent report commission by the you in from a former french foreign minister. i'll just here as gabriella alexander has more
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now from new york. you mandatory and organizations are bound by principles of neutrality and unrest has not only met but exceeded those principles. that according to a newly released $47.00 page independent report, which was commissioned by the un and led by former french foreign minister, catherine colona, in conjunction with 3 human rights investigative bodies from europe over the findings of the review. all of that in rise in place of very significant number of negations and procedures to ensure compliance with the humanities and principles of neutrality. i show you the property of a more developed system then all the un nobody's ations on agencies which is a necessity considering the very difficult environment, complex and difficult. a situation which failed right. and the uniqueness of
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the mission. the report was 9 weeks and the making and relied on hundreds of interviews and site visits including in gaza. it was commissioned by the secretary general antonio gutierrez after e's real made unsubstantiated claims in january. that henri employees were part of terrorist organizations, the regarding those claims. the final report says, israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of this. unreal gives a full list of all its employees to relevant countries, including israel, on a regular basis. these really government has not informed of any concerns related to any unreal staff based on the staff with since 2011 the report states. the report goes, highlight 50 recommendations in areas on rep can improve, such as more international employees and management goals, more frequent updates to donor countries on neutrality issues and expanded community awareness. the report largely exxon rates audra from any intentional and
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blatant acts of bias. but the damage from israel's claims has already been done. 16 countries suspended funding to unreal. and will a few of those have since resumed funding once again. henri says they only have enough money to get through june gabriel's onto elders either at the united nations in new york. or from or on this. we are now joined by jeffrey sachs who is direct at the center for sustainable development at columbia university. he's with us live from new york. thank you very much for joining us here on out to 0. the 1st of all what, what is your reaction to this revelation? that is real, hasn't provided any evidence on the employees were involved in the mazda attack to i'm not surprised. i think the claims were political. i, they listed an immediate response from $16.00,
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unbelievable. actually that immediately caught off funding. this was the politics of play. this was not substantive. israel should reverse itself. it should abide by the findings of today's reports. and as the secretary general has said today, very clearly, these donor agency should stop this financial boycott. it's reprehensible at a time when the, the people inside cars are in such urgent need need more than if a, as i mentioned, many donors took his house claims at face value and pulled the funding. what does that tell you about those countries that did it? and the way that they have treated the various claims and informational dis, information that has been coming out since the beginning of this for and again, this is politics. this is not as substantive, it's not a rational process. it's not looking at evidence. and it is cruel at a time when the israel is harming hundreds of thousands of people driving them
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towards starvation. at the same time, to be leading a false campaign against honora to cut off this emergency, aid is extraordinarily cruel. it's a shame on these countries that they simply followed suit immediately. the nature of reaction without demanding a shred of evidence at the same time that we can all see day by day the a menace suffering that is taking place in god's ad. israel's hands. yeah. the report also brought up issues with the owner and it's new trellis a. what did you make of that? and also the, the number of recommendations that the report made in regards to it to well, what the report said in essence, is that this is an organization that has been, uh, absolutely, uh, of course, under politicized attack for
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a long time. so which taken many measures very detailed measures, very careful measures to demonstrate its neutrality and to have internal reviews and appeals process is it pointed out how on where i had made a massive overhaul in 2018 precisely to address concerns to make sure that on rugged was not subject to to the sick potential biases and so forth. so the report essentially said, look, this is an organization that is donald heavy lifting to ensure that despite the operating and one of the tenants is places on the entire planet. and one of the places where misinformation and this information absolutely flies on where it has processes that are systematic so that it can do its work. obviously the war and gaza has had and wide ranging consequences of rights around the world,
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including in the us. obviously we've seen in the last few hours, students at columbia university in new york with you teach, i've been told to stay at home is the palestinian solidarity purchase continue on campus as well as you island in why you them you as president joe biden has been speaking about these protests at columbia university unless listening to what he had to say, you know, as i submitted protests on college, i also don't understand any of this is jeffrey, i want to ask you these demonstrations on us campuses that are obviously growing in scale. what impact do you think that they could potentially have on us policy when it comes to the war and casa? well, i think there's one very basic point on politics,
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and that is young people in the united states are a guest at what israel has been doing and by you large margins, according to the opinion, surveys of want israel to stop this war, want the united states to stop being complicit in this war and have a great sympathy with what's happening to the people of gaza and to the people of palestine more generally. this is shocking the politicians because the politicians who are much, much older, are basically with careers heavily influenced by these real lobby, which is very powerful in the united states. it's been safe for them all along a to side with israel, basically no matter what. and the young people are saying, no, it's not safe for you politically. it's not right for you politically. it's not right for the united states debate this way. so this is what is
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a nerve in the white house and not nerving the congress because they are on the other side and young people. it violates significant dates, march, and according to the opinion, surveys is just absolutely guides. very unhappy with this war and want the united states not to be complicit in that. and obviously comes at a critical time with the us election in november to for 6. thank you so much. we really do appreciate your time and your insights into or i can do and you so we're going to go back to central gaza now with is riley. it strikes have killed, at least for palestinians, and entire residential block was target his civil defense cruise. say there are still people trapped under the rubble in the southern city, a for alpha 26. people have died of the cost 24 hours is, is really a strong said move residential buildings with the palestinian civil defences. it has uncovered 283 bodies from the temporary burial size inside nestle hospital and
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con eunice. the burial site was built when it's ready for us to surround to the medical facility last month. they said some of the people were killed during the is ready, sage on the hospital, is you pain? i'm in the norman. hi, miss. i came here for the 5th day looking for the body of my son, jim, and they told us there's a mass graves located here and every day i come here to identify the body. but unfortunately i haven't found my son's remains. c to any one who knows anything about my son wouldn't see me or informed the officials. i can no longer bear it. everyday. i come here in such a come 2 or 3 times. i searched for him in many places. medical stuff and con eunice said trying to repair parts of the alamo hospital, who was severely damaged by i repeat, it is rarely a tags and a weeks long siege to erica bozer, the reports from southern garza fearing this cause of this will flow
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to ceiling. the walls of that i'm in the hospital of barely standing for dr. chrome and his teams. it's no reason to give up hope was ever to show him the phone. we're trying to get the hospital running with what is possible. and as you can see, think good, everyone is making a big effort to work together and given how much damage there is. okay, and if i bought the house was that silver, we are trying to get the beds now, but so we can clean the automatic water and not hospitals receive a special protection on the international. lo, that status did not stop east by the troops from attacking this hospital with onto the latest surrounding to come down to interesting medical stuff. spend out of surface of a sense that is because of the behavior of the husband that they destroy anything in the hospital, really the effect the loss as well as the,
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the development. now the healthcare facilities are slowly being brought back to life with one goal in mind to bring patients back. then it is urgent. there on viral infections and cases of money, christian among displaced at least 10000 accounts that patients could tell he's not provided. appropriate treatment of goals is $36.00 hospitals. only 10 aust told partially functional above the deputies. the son of a hospital is still intact. that means hope in arabic, something these medical workers have not forgotten. almost 500 medical workers have been killed inside the gauze trips as best talked of the world, putting more pressure on health care system that tens of thousands of displaced people in the south of garza relay on target best. and which is a rough, rough palestine. are you a secretary of state anthony blinking says washington will have what was the sign
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in the coming days about human rights violations committed by these riley military and cancer. blinking says the us does not have double standards when it comes to as ro, joan hindrance has moved from the state departments in washington. and new u. s. report found that in 2023 is real, committed, serious human rights violations. many of them in gaza. the state department is 2023 country report on human rights practices family, both in moss and israel, committed human rights violations including arbitrary or unlawful killings. disappearances of individuals tortured or cruel, and inhuman prison conditions. widespread civilian deaths and violence against journalist secretary of state entity blinking was at the state department here to announce that report. he was asked if the us has a double standard when it comes to israel. do we have a double sent? the answer is no. as this report makes clear, in general,
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as we're looking at the human rights and the condition of human rights around the world, we apply the same standard to everyone. and that doesn't change whether the country in question is an adversary, a competitor, a friend, or an ally blinking referred to the lady. yeah, that's a lot of it for bids. u. s. military aid from being used to violate human rights. he didn't specifically mentioned in his really unit called the nets, a hoot that's an ultra orthodox unit that has been accused of violations. but there are reports that the us is considering sanctioning that unit, which would mean denying them access to us weapons in the future. blinking said, in the coming days, we'll have more to say on that. john henry and l g 0. the state department got some more on the sofa and bought a car to joins us now professor of public policy to come up and configure diversity . thanks again for being here blinking pretty at them. and they're saying that they don't have to will standards when it comes to human rights. and as well,
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what did you make of that? well, i don't know who is who, who is, because he's speaking to, i mean, the whole world has seemed to the standard over the last 6 months or so. it's very, very clear. the issue is, is not just about technology where the principles of human rights has had a, has been happening is what are you going to do about it as united states? it's the strongest country. it's the strongest ally of the, of israel. and i think what's happening now is they're trying to provide the smoke stream by highlighting a number of the infringement. for example, this investigation against the r altoff detox unit a few days ago. they talked about these extreme a set. there's a few names that they will sanction is on. that's not the solution. that's not enough. and i think that i states and bank and understands very well that that's not the officer as well is not a, a country of a tribal country or
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a country that has no central command. everything that goes in is out is, is a control centrally. it has a very clear line of come on me and all the decisions are made or the great consciousness of what's happening, what, what is this a consequence? you're sticking with the us. we've seen in racing now is huge protest breakout, of the number of top level universities. yeah. a j o n y u and come to columbia to name a few best putting huge pressure on the white house on, on blinking. we heard from a jeffrey 6 early as saying that this is shocking. older pop up, all the politicians who just didn't see this coming, this backlash from young people against israel is actions in gaza. what's the effect, do you think that that is going to have on us policy, or do you think that will just continue turning a blind eye to that? i think that has to take it seriously. many of those young people are from the voting for the 1st time, and they can have an influence,
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and it's not just about to add their origins, whether the apps and machines. many of them are jewish, young men and women who are the testing was yes, they see on daily basis. and this is the generation that has direct a been a bitch to, to communicate directly with each other. this is the generation that has the ability to see what's going on in god's own social media. and i don't think they can take them light to. they have to to, to take it seriously. out. of course, the universities of always being the places where the ideas 1st arise, an ideal disease, develop and protest and so on. so as a quite important thing to have happen, do you think that this could be a potential turning point in the pressure from young us students basically doing what many leaders around the world haven't been able to do, and that is to get biden and the white house to, to try and change its policy when it comes, brings you to
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a piece will expose the depth of the standard that by then denies. and especially yes, i think it will have a name for it, which we truly have an influence. universities have always, i've during the vietnam war, the very important the campuses in terms of, from the protest ends, we directing the foreign policy within the united states so on as always, we really do appreciate your time. thank you so much. thank you for the head off as well as military intelligence has resigned. he says he accepts responsibility for the lapse and security that leads the attack by mos on the southern israel on october. the 7th major general her on her leave is the 1st thing you official to quits in the wake of the attack, which killed 1139 people. stephanie decker reports from occupied the east jerusalem . the intelligence director, it under might come on, did not so still its task. i have carried that black day with me ever since those words written in a resignation letter or by the head of israel's military intelligence. i heard on her leave,
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i had already taken full responsibility publicly 10 days after how mass fighters carried out their surprise ambush on southern israel. but he stayed on you to the war and goes off with the conflict now and it's 7th months. he is the 1st senior is really officials to resign. israel had received intelligence warnings up to a year before october. the 7th that have mass was planning and assault. even in the days leading up to the attack, reports suggest allies and members of israel submitted to intelligence. warranty of unusual activity in goza, old were ignored. the army was cool by surprise. it was hours before proper response was organized, and israel sense of security were shaken to its core opposition leader. yeah, lucky it has welcome to leave as decision saying, it was justified in hon. and the prime minister netanyahu should do the same. there is one line that was directed is directed
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to the prime minister. he says, also writing comes ways, responsibility and net anyhow is the highest authority and he never took responsibility. so actually we still hardly wanted to set the kind of a personal message to nothing. you know, it's true, so if i can do it, you also should do it the head of israel's internal intelligence, fission. but and the army chief have taken responsibility for stating to prevent the attack by him. us, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has not, that's in your home in teams that now is not the time that it is what link to also tough questions, but not before the war in garza is over. there has been increasing calls for him to resign, but that's something the prime minister seems unwilling to listen to. many is ready to accuse him of prolonging this war because. 1 since the war is over,
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so too will be his political career. stephanie decor onto 0 and occupied east jerusalem. the jewish holiday of policy has begun. the week long festival committee writes freedom, and it's typically typically observed with a feast to celebrate, won't choose belief, was the liberation from biblical slavery. now this here, relatives, all the captives detained in casa, are observing positive in the square and tell of have to raise awareness of their loved ones. applies to salute, has more of jewish people around the world. and here in israel are commemorating passover, this is a major jewish holiday. they say that commemorates freedom. but this year it comes . it means the backdrop of the war on garza and those who are still being held captive in the palestinian territory. now there are around 500 people from 2 boots, very having their traditional holiday, faith known as a sage, are here in what's become known as hostage square. they say that there is no sense of normalcy for them. so they decided to have that traditional meal here. in tell
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a view, now somebody's really is are telling us that throughout all of this, i mean the backdrop of a muted holiday. they still blame these really government for what's going on. they blame these really prime minister himself and want to see change within his rules. governance so that there can be a deal to bring back. the remaining is really captive. the 2 other world news now and i make statements and the 1st testimony and donald trump's 1st criminal trial have now wrapped up for the day prosecutor say the phone with us president, a legally concealed payments made to an adult full mattress to hide. and the 5th, trump has pleaded not guilty to the charges and says he is the victim of political persecution as he makes another run for the white house to see a christian salumi has moved from outside the course of new york. this is stuart criminal trial of
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a former you as president dod underway with the prosecution. and the defense presenting an overview of their cases in opening statement. the prosecution argues that this is a case of election fraud, pure and simple. they say that the payments made to the adult film actors known as stormy daniels were hidden and improperly documented as legal fees in order to cover up with. they describe as a long standing conspiracy to very bad news about then candidate donald trump. this was in the run up to the 2016 election. the defense, on the other hand, argues that donald trump never had an affair with this woman. she never tried to cover up the payments. they point to key witnesses in this case as on trustworthy people who have lied on the sound before. now,
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all of that will be dealt into with witnesses going forward. in a case that's expected to take about 6 weeks. one question that still has yet to be answered is whether or not donald trump himself will take this down to testify. he said that he wants to do so, but the judge warned him before opening arguments, that if he does, then prosecutors can ask him about other legal issues he'd had that would otherwise be off limits in this case. for now, donald trump is choosing to make his case outside of court in the court of public opinion. prison salumi al jazeera, new york, the india is prime. minnesota is being accused of hype speech for comments he made about muslims and election really on sunday. nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to cons. bellows during the 6 weeks advising,
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which started on friday, body is seeking us to attend. the indian government has failed to give business to l, just various correspondents to cover the story. therefore, we are covering the election from outside the country. comes to mohammed has more just these into induce elections, prime minister, and that in the mood, the goal is to control the c addressing supporters in red defense, the easy fight to muslims. us can please take this, go back and see if the opposition congress bought the game to paula. again, most lips would have 1st rights to induce us. it's not a da da da da. this is the early a government sit, the muslims will have the rights over the results of the country. it's part of the main use of this means they will gather all the welsh and give it to the people who have more children. they will distribute that among the info traitors. do you think your hodgin money should be distributed to the info prices? do you accept that? no, no, they don't like the position,
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sees moody's comments disgraceful about the effect of the people realize that really shows that congress buddies and zip code your wisdom, give it to the reserves that exist and it could let me know a few of which normally a civilized election commission, which is a law and one we can get it for speaking luggage. nearly a 1000000000 indians eligible to cost products in the bottom entry elections activity. see more these trying to do, but both the tension from the re, issues. he has promised jobs and prosperity in the 2014 election again in 2019 and now to tom's out over in the spacing the worst unemployment rate. since in the last part, the 5 years is coming to paula in 2014 mode has been accused of employment. religious pensions between majority induced and muslims who are come
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for about 14 percent of the population attacks and violence targeting mostly in properties and religious sites of increase the size of the most name rhetoric. most incidents happens in states headed by the governing, but the jeanette apache in a b 2 chinese movie. and these bodies, dominus, in these elections, dads and so for position parties of united to form a coalition of voting, we continue until the june defies times them. and so you just need a little ahead here. ronelle just are looking to mend relations runs, president begins a 3 day visit to pakistan following an exchange of strikes along the border in january. rushing to save lives in southern china as well. 3rd, he's one of the once in a century slot. and later in sport, austin will have a big chance to put some pressure on the rivals and the premium leak typing rice, estate house coming up like
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the head of. a the weather is being feeding robert chilly across parts of europe, especially across more northern and central areas. we've had some cold air blowing down. know can temperatures below the average of cost pots of scandinavia for places like sweden. we're also watching some areas of low pressure. one of those will continue to bring some western wintry weather to places like switzerland, austria, as well as northern parts of italy, as well as the blustery winds across the mediterranean. we have had some warnings for cases like sardinia as well as the city and some of the greek islands as well will feel force of those wins. another area of low pressure will bring some west of weather to the balkans, and another area will continue to bring wintery weather across the baltic states. now they tend to much together as we go into wednesday. so we'll see what the
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weather for the low countries. what are some heavy rain coming in this poland, and whether you can see moves its way across southern parts of it to be as we go into wednesday. but it does remain launch the dry for the north west. will person on the island of island as well as will portugal in spain? what will see the temperature continued to rise over the next few days. not just be here, but across the west scenarios. if we look at the 3 days and caress will be well above the average is through to 1st day. so how is your vacation and this is shelves? the
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chest? wow. the okay, foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts, and emergency donation spence on projects. we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the the t watching. you'll just hear a reminder about top stores,
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the ssl review into the you in agency for palestinian refugees. the owner says is around has know, provided evidence of the employees, a members off a mouse and linked to the on august 7th of tax. and many countries have come to have funding to order since those claims were made in january palestinian civil defense is it has on covered 283.8 from the temporary burial side inside nesa hospital and con eunice. the burial site was built when is ready, forces surround at the medical facility last month. they say some of the people were killed during the is ready, sage on the hospital. and the court has ended for the day and on terms criminal trial. the form of us president is accused of falsifying business recalls by conceiving payments to an adult film actress. he has pleaded not guilty british prime minister originally. so next is the 1st flights carrying asylum
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seekers to rolando believe in 10 to 12 weeks. the plan is the central part of his government strategies a tank a leak and migration is we want to be criticized by human rights groups and as a to a political deadlock. parliament is debating this game and what the government does, i think will be the last stage in a long running battle. enough is enough. no more prevarication. no more delay. paula: and what's that tonight? and vote no matter how late it goes. notice nobody. these lights on going to roland . on the success of vista, terence doesn't rest on one side alone. it rests on the relentless, continual process of successfully em, permanently removing people to rolanda with a regular rhythm of multiple flights every month over the summer and beyond. until the votes, all stopped the footprint and joins us now. some more on this in london and pull us, we heard from her,
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she soon exit. i come to stay. there will not devising. this is what 10, 30 pm in london right now, is this still ongoing? it is still ongoing. yes, the commons are just going through a division. that means that the having a vote, i expect that the government will use its majority to reject the latest attempt to the amendments. this has been suggested by the lords this evening. and then if we bounce back to the lawyers to see whether they have any more amendments that they want to try to introduce. but i think that steam is running out of the lowest opposition on this one. they've, they've tried twice so far today. they the, the government has the, the numbers in the commons to back it down and i, i get the impression that the lords feel they've made the point will be reluctant to, i mean, the lord anderson who's amendments is being going to be very down in the next couple of minutes in the comments and said look, we are in the end game. now. the benefits of this around the plan remain to be seen
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. and the costs will be measured, not only in money, but in principles. the based on a gives you a flavor of just how controversial this plan of the u. k. government is to essentially offshore its commitments and its obligations to, to refugees by sending them through and to be processed. and how is that never to have a return to the, the, to the u. k. shows. okay, thanks so much for the for that, that's fullborne. and for us in london, we're staying with the story. we are joined now by leon in raleigh, who is a british political consultants and commentator. he is also in london and joins us law. thank you very much for being with us here on, on just there. and now this is being described as inconsistent with the principles and traditions of the country. do you agree with that statement as well? i think that it is easily come to the point to the policy the government are trying to implement. hey,
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i think that varies question law 1st of all about and the reality of it, as he said, a pretty is a country that has a long history of taking refugees and showing them i are integrated into society. i'm careful. this doesn't seem to be a deposit from the convention, but then there was also the practical component of this policy. the thing we all plan to look at quick size is the cost of how much it is taken to the point a loan, which i think is uh, is a real have a number 10 numbers using dot net. this thing mess of criticism from the human rights group started with this new people also saying that it's actually not cost effective and it wouldn't even to, to refugees from arriving in the future are those all valid concerns. i think the ones who is actually act as a detector installed the bugs as receives. you know, he's hoping you will. i think that would be the question. my favorite of that
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because the author is we simply don't know that yet. i don't think there is a risk or gone. i was looking at this relying divides some sort of still the one that says legislation this i think will off. it does not necessarily mean that the grades to the k is going to stall. so i think that has to be more than just as the turns where you see that the best thing is political diesel in many ways. and it is a bit of a blind bad because we don't know whether this is going to have been tentative. but you can just give us a little bit of a bit more political context here and why he is so determined to ensure that this passes as well the immigration illegal immigration is one of the, the topics in domestic policy. it's in the u. k. right now and conservative governments, meaningful meaningful is the, is a not particularly popular. and i think more cc 9 is trying to do in
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a be to reverse the polls, the positional and the policies. well ahead. what, what you see that he's trying to do is make a narrow elections focus on long issue. in particular, a seems to be the immigration and got to be the issue. he's trying to draw the binding lines between the conservatives between laying the plan is to tackle whether you get them in ration i meant for a lot of people use social to it. but the general election late to the c, a potentially meals and whether or not this is enough time for the 1st you see that the point to this is i think i'm solving the problems, remains to be saying, let's just go one more practical question and like is this in relation to the you cause refugee responsibilities? if you want to seek asylum in the u. k, how would you actually physically gets there? because you can't get on a pine, you can't get on it, but you can cross a legally. so how would that actually happen? so the problem is there are very limited legal and the site routes for an
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individual to speak to solve them. and then you can, and i think this is one of the big questions is be how do we need a more of the legal and site rates that allow people to seek asylum in their home countries and then arrive in the united kingdom? because right now it seems as i was a, the side of the law of the draw a cheapest, honestly, because tiny home but is crossing china, which is it can be dangerous. but also, i mean, he's being splinted by even truck and guys who are essentially taking it from some other countries. and so i can get you to the can, we can get you to the you guys, estate insurance. the last thing, this is all about the guys, but i mean we do have legal and safe roads. a genuine is on the do you want to think you saw them in the not. okay, well, have to leave it there, but we really do appreciate your time, leon and morales. thank you so much for the writing and
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presidency for him. racy is on a 3 day visit to pakistan. i aimed at improving relations between the 2 countries. tension searched in january after an exchange of strikes along the buddha. the both countries seem to tend to move on as come out of honda reports from this. one of us be really interested in driving it and i'm about to a guard of on speaking at a news conference a brain day. if you stretch the news for cooperation to address read, does it go to the challenges motivated or to shred of them or what is it about, you know, these countries have a number of common position? i mean, but only, for example, on both countries are determined to fight against terrorism, against organized crime, against narcotics, and against the different forms of insecurity which endangered our 2 countries. at the same time, the ford head spart environment at the bar charities, said the relationship or the road in history, culture and religion to is, can we the hardy. but we have had
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a very candid dialogue between 2 neighbors and discussed of relations from religion to culture. diplomacy and economy including security. let me reiterate. we don't just have 76 years of relations with around dicing back to the birth of fucking stop. these relations of centuries old. there to assigned a number of agreements and energy bar to management, then security and res. he announced bands to increase trade with focused on from $3.00 to $10000000000.00. a bucket done already has their deed reviewed on for a gas pipeline. but the project has been stored since 2017 because of us sanctions on to her on washington tech. and it's now involved with similar major, if it went ahead the to lead there that phone common ground on palestine board the board and independent from the city and state and condemn the on going goodness, i didn't, god i'm, i like that i just need, uh,
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it's not my body emergency plans have been act devices in southern china, up to heavy rains cause severe flooding. more than 100000 people have been moved to safety assigned to say climate change is making weather events like this more intense and unpredictable to some good food reports dropped by torrential rains in southern china. this elderly man has to be carried to safety. emergency services are looking for several people still missing. after on seasonal rains, last spring, don't provence for days. the force of the flood waters took many by surprise, sweeping away cars, damaging roads and destroying crops, local se rain like this hasn't been seen in nearly a century. the more the element was idle, everything's gone. all the seeds are gone. i lost more than $13000.00,
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feels over that several heck says it's full flooded. the storms have already cause damage worth almost $20000000.00. according to some estimates. one of the most densely populated provinces, ones on this home to many of china is factories. it sits on the pearl river delta, making it vulnerable to the rise and sea levels and climate change induced weather events which are happening more frequently. dozens of rivers, 1st thing their banks have forced a 110000 people to move to safety. those i gave you, and i live here. it's all flooded. schools and businesses have closed in many cities as a brace for more powerful storms. forecasts for later this week. if do some good food, ultra 0. it's of russia and neighboring cars. exxon also struggling with some of the worst floods in history, fast melting snow, as in heavy ryans of cause many or this to bridge the banks. hundreds of thousands
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of people have been evacuated now, thousands of gas wells and rushes or in the region, not so experiencing disruptions. julie julia shuffles oliver has more now for mosca . the gas pro has suspended load onto doesn't gas wells do that? it floods in before and bug region. they say they manage to save the infrastructure that and how they know taking the precautionary measures, a bigger damage to the facilities could have been done prior to the floods. the monitors have made a, had a couple of flights over the production and transportation facilities to assess what needed to be done during the flood period. they say all the wells in the flood zone, all protected by a full level security system, no destruction of the gas facilities, and note oil and wholesale lakes have been detected. that, of course, has say they motivate performance of each well. also the floods along the scale, all that is required, but the general sentiment is that it wanting to fax, the whole gas industry in the country,
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the russian southern euros on the northern catholic stones have seen the west for lawns in tech caves. sounds of homes have been completely flooded and destroyed by the rules. have the damage has yet to best. but it's clear that tens of thousands of people have lost their homes and businesses as well as farms would been live stalled. many are unhappy about the way the source has, has been handling the situation, the water level in the extreme river, and kazakhstan keeps rising. it has reached a ton me to knock while the rolls level in b, u roll river. in the orange, the region is dropping right now. some sources road the floods in rushes, cool gun region, had affected you ran your wells and environment list via the the uranium could end up in the tube over that. but this information hasn't been officially, can find you lash above all of the odors, the right and most car. i was trying to sell a hotel rundown as air, including african leaders, quotes a more regional co operation and funding terrorism. at the summit in the nigerian
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capital plus slicing up the not afraid try and rolls through a town and candidate engulfed in flames. and in school, the mass of norcross, a mass of shots by this indian international light, is from the on the coming off in just a few months the these business uptake these votes in by the city bank growth, partner of bung the dashboard forward to use
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the these business uptake these mixes, try the gross not net bundle dash before to use the the saw at this point. now here's say that. so thank you so much. we'll start with football and into midland,
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or celebrating within the city all title the and they did it in perhaps the sweetest way possible by beating the city rivals ac milan to one. it's a 1st title since 2021, and they've wrapped it up with 5 games to space. it's also the 20th time overall that they've won the championship. if now one the lead title one more time, the n a c. these are the themes of the ends of and celebrating the teams city a try and cups in the city are entitled to add a star about they create some issue. it's every time they when change the titles of dental, as, as it is known, even easily in defense can now get ready for that 2nd stop. both of them is presidents. one sundays, our classic code to be replayed in the event that is found. he's team incorrectly had a goal this allowed on sunday also would be some thing to buy or tribal rail, madrid, medium,
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all thoughts. he had screwed only for the goal to be rude outside va are joining a poster has requested a video as an audio generated find that situation to be analyzed offline or 11 points behind rail in the standing still us in the penalty a lot for us to show as well after we analyze it. if we can determine a mistake has been made, which we think they did a, we will pursue any measures we deem necessary to reverse the situations, including judicial actions. if it can be confirmed, it was a legal goal, which we think it was. we will go further and demand a replay of the game. i mean this one. yeah. awesome. we'll have the chance on tuesday to exhibit some pressure on the arrivals in the premium leak. ties will raise the gun is who's chelsea on tuesday? a wind, we'll see them take a 3 point lead of a 2nd phase livable and a full point lead of a man just the city rep. prisons have played one game. let us then also, why didn't you win and your matches and, and you're bringing the margins has more than as muller. and as the only thing that we can do at the moment because they're seeing nothing,
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our hands on the other will try to the tomorrow night. and that form really well, try to win the game. and if we do that at that pressure would increase for sure. it's in these 2006 woke up, winning cats and fabulous kind of auto has taken these 1st coaching job in city all kind of all right now in the seats of eden, daisy who found them so. busy just one place above the medications and the contract is only for the last 6 matches of the season. kind of auto has previously spent on coaching clubs in china and the middle east. 22 time grand slam champion ref i'll the dell will play it. this is leave a cup. the dow has struggled with injuries and is hardly played this year. the twenty's ready for labor kept takes place in the middle of the september and couldn't be the spaniards final tournaments. he has previously indicated that this could be his final season in india international. yes, us each. i swell, stalled for the right. just found royals is they beat the moon by indians in the ip jo,
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between the 2 year old smashed swash buckling one of the full of 6 people's. if it's helping the royal, when by 9 we gets with people's lives. there was at the top of the table, well min, by on, down in 7 at the and i'll say phase one of the middle east, y is incumbent schools prospects. and she's getting ready to make a mixed martial babe you between the 2 year olds. first, the cage match happens at the professional fight, as lead evincing re up on may 10th. she's the 1st day of a female fi, so from saudi arabia to sign up with a major label and in a promotion, having one multiple more time metals, including a title at the will come back games last year. she's been speaking to l 0. so he'll medic about her ambitions in may, may, may, even before i started the combat sparked, i was telling myself that i was born as a fighter. i was the sightings my whole life. so i have the spirit
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of the fighter. so at the moment i started combat sports, i found my soul there. i, i feel like this is the right place that i can be there. i didn't had the. busy care of a normal life or an easy life before i had some troubles, some i lost my parents, a lot of things that's a got me. and so to fight far as you know, as a saudi women competing in professional support, how much does it mean to you to be able to buy a future sound, the athletes? that's not an easy, something to be carry. i will represent my country, i will represent every female in my country for being the 1st female. i'm so proud to be the 1st female, and i'm quite sure that i'm the right person to do it. it's means a lot. and that's why i'm always working hard doing my best.
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and i will do whatever i can to show the best, cuz i know that i will make history. what is it that you want to achieve in m m a? i want to, she's the best of all is i want to go to get all the bells. i want to get all the names. i want to have the glory. i want to let all the world know who i am and know that there is amazing fighters from saudi arabia and in my country. well, the one's going shiffler has become the 1st man since 1995 to win the most is and the following weeks. events on the pga tour schifflet's a victory at the obviously you heritage in the off the pay was not completed on sunday. the american had a fire shock need with 3 holes to play and do the finish the job with a 3 shots. victory is also a full when and these last 5 events and show, hey, i'm telling you, broke the record for most home. is it by japanese boom. play or imagining baseball? yeah, la,
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georgia still here. the home run against the new york mates is 176. the moving 6 seasons in the major leaves. that's one more than the box. if i, he, dickie matsui, he was revealed series interviewed me in 2009 of the winning the title with the new york youngest witnesses. he's the one that that's what was supposed to be useful tonight. so pretty and thanks so much patience. well, african latest meeting, and now jerry is capital to discuss why has to jointly combat attacks by the groups . the un office of counter terrorism is also taking part along with representatives from the u. s. u. in russia. it comes up to noises and governments has told us troops to leave accusing them of failing to prevent the tags of interest has more from a boucher as i think you need to say you may see let down by the international community . because when that country suff, unless they receive little or no help, you cannot understand that you are missions going to the top. so every year,
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millions of dollars for this in varying with this the results. and that does the states or not gone to a minimum of resources to come out of the private spread of federal is distinguished this the african union says has allowed groups to stop least themselves on the continent. making one didn't get says is the epi center of global terrorism involvement, extraneous book, or by so look, i there. and they, or she would have killed tens of thousands of people and forced millions from there once the international community. as the mora, i lived with dish to have this cool because it is outside mooney, north africa, money. that was the gap of patients. military governments in here working across and molly have ordered was to comes to leave the countries saying they haven't done
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enough to protect them against attacks that you end up. it's the secure to cause a strategy to secure this region 11 years ago. cos failed today. exactly. we see an absence of states in areas where terrorism flourishes the well to collated assets of the strategy have not come at the scale or up the pace that was sort. but this is rising poverty, inequality and neglect. how can naples, i'm goose, to recruit fighters and seize control in many regions. organizers him to attempt to come on approach to curbing attacks. we must show us to physics. that's what properties i ship by an applicant on needs assessment, aligning, oh, account, a 2004 with the clinton is prior to the recent statistics tool follows by, of course in africa is escalate. the united fisher says housing terrorism related to that's why they quoted globally in 2022 percent of the previous records and the
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most documented in 7 years, countries of this month. but the 2 countries didn't attend the meeting. they all and they use functions in post optimal if it goes in 20212022. it's not clear how in the opposite was. resolutions meant that this high level meeting could impact these countries already going it alone. in the walk asked, i'm groups how many degrees i'll just see it. i apologize. as an investigation is on the way off to retrain. engulfed in flames bounced through the city of london in ontario, canada. the police say within railway ties inside 5 cars, quote 5 to try and do the eventually come to a complete stop and finding removed most of the kind of good at this level. police are investigating, want to try and conduct is so long to noise as the flames. but so for me, tell me crazy. so this these out, but i will be back in just a moment with much more of the dies use. stay with us.
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the bungalow is tail to growth, has destroyed many. the cities volt about this in a race against india is looming water shortage. an engineer turn water conservation is fix on cities. that was one lake at the time. catching the rain in india that takes a live, a witness documentary on a jersey though you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for the p. use a caught to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the car. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the caught on red crescent. and remember, it's
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a copy revised wells and increases systems. costs on ridgecrest. a pod came in to be used as the aisle seat suffered casualties. we have not suffered states. pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who they to say no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy. it is troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era in the vehicle more the us army use, the highly toxic her with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later. the same happened, the us states of oregon, these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even seem
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to care for 2 women fox for just to get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange colleges 0 the the hello on top of the credit. this is the news on line from coming off in the next 60 minutes. an independent review says, israel has sofa filed to provide any evidence for its claims that you in relief, agency work is involved in the all type of student to mazda attacks. the us president wise in on the widening student protests against as well as the war and


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