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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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as a credit general as privilege one. so i see a european union following simple now, and i saying that examples in textbooks, mathematics being illustrated by no kidding how many zion it's is in my view, something that should not be in the textbook. ok, not in a textbook, internet high school capitalizations of the jews as having you know, very negative qualities and the getting the existence of as high as, as one is so full. so unfortunately again, i just sense of discussion. there are so many examples less than before except the text was something before and by the p a. but still i don't want to reform it because some of the content is not in line with the desk of values, unesco standards, you and values and science. so false maggie. thank you miss. i'm colona over here.
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it's margaret this year with the voice of america. i just want to. a know when you expect your recommendations to be implemented, particularly ones, i mean, i understand like advisory committee can meet. okay, that's easy enough to do in the middle of the war, but the ones you make regarding staff, for instance, the training and things like this on neutrality. i'm not sure how they're supposed to be expected to do it at the moment when they have no homes, no internet, no electricity. i mean there's practical obstacles. so how soon do you see your recommendations being implemented? and israel's been very clear and that it wants to dismantle unread. do you think these reforms will change their opinion? have you seen any indication from them when you were talking to them that if certain performs are implemented they'd be ok with on rep continuing. thanks. i think i've just asked for that as part of your questions and that we shall see what the reaction is and where the actions are. on the 1st part of the question i,
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i really leave it up to the commission in general. now, to give you is, views is reactions to the accommodations, especially having heard about this a traditional and i'm sure is desiring to presenting you with a plan to, you know, uh for a plan implementation action plan, response, crime, college, whatever. and it is really up to not to know what is implemented, but in the short term what advice more work. but i repeat, i would not do that in the behalf of those here for that. but we've been very careful as in designing all recommendations to cover a set of adventures with some could be addressed quickly, some will diploma work. so i'm wondering call most people also from international community somewhat defend only from in college so they would give that. so i'm
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seeing a significant, i'm hearing that they might do it soon. a fine. thank you so much my them. corona and you spoke about the level of cooperation because of all stakeholders and all parties concerned with your report. how would you characterize the is rarely corporation with you, given that as you may have seen today, the main take away from your report as israel has yet to provide any evidence for its allegations that under a person a took and were involved in the october 7th attack, so how would you characterize that corporation and this main take away? thank you. thank you. and i covered everybody. when i said that we receive very good cooperation from everywhere, including this one. i could go in details who received us and so and so false. but i want to repeat that we had an excellent conversion from all sides. a note about
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one of the quotes that couldn't afraid everything this morning, but one of the quotes that been uh, issued uh, does not respect. i think the text of the report we have written and the beauty of writing. hope all is that though you can refer to us, which means we've written that in the raw as not received evidence, but it's not that there is no evidence. it's very different. so please again, and again, refer to the content of the result and not to what you hear sometimes about it. i would really appreciate if you could, but it's so common. and based on the judgments on the content and not on no preconceived opinions, station, high modem, sure. does your with tennis central solution, your reports? you said there's robust framework of neutrality on well, but there's do neutrality related issues process. you just mentioned some curriculums and, and wrong use of the facilities of all and was there, can you to,
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can you just give us that idea? how big of the problem is you think, do you think it's a systematic problem or how, how big is this? is this the problem, the big enough for donors just stop funding on a while to dismantle on what? how big is the problem? thank you. thank you for your question. the probably so yes enough for the security general draft initiated this review a. so it is an existing issue absolutely. now with the, you know, at the beginning and including of the being of this briefing, stress the fact that the, the set of rules, the, the mccain isms implies the procedures in place. i'll probably, i said probably by the, i'm sure i could say all the most elaborate within the u. n. system. precisely because it's such a difficult issue to work and such a complex and sensitive environment. now what needs to be to be improved will be
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improved. and i repeat, i'm confident that implementing this measures we've had been hard delivering since monday with i would, i would strongly encourage again, international community to be side by side with the hedge and see so it can performance mission and all the kinds of challenges while they are there, this is, again, this is the purpose of this for you. thank you. give you a. thank you ms. colona gabriel's on to from algeria english. you stated that israel has given no evidence to on or about their claims that any henri employees took part in october 7th. but did you during your investigation? ask is real for evidence. thank you for this opportunity to have me a repeating that there must be no confusion between what they've been task for
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which is assessing whether and how does that present get his phone? what to insure on the 22 and address 10 showed up. and what the o s is in charge on the 2 separate missions. so allegations regarding individuals, a difficult case are in the scope of the o i o. s. mission. it is not the scope of all my data, and by the way, it is no surprise that if i did not provide evidence to it and run because it's it, it doesn't always is 7 is joint scene investigation to an hon, but to the wireless. and my understanding is that they have a better corporation not but at the beginning of the team will investigate us. we turn them soon. so this is separate separate vision. a gary it's terry that we have to close it. yes, yes, he's been violated and done. that's just all false hopes going to do the 0. i liked
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if you, if you are full and i'm glad made to members compromise the new to the t a on that so that you see describe it to success could surely pub, and slick and slightly positive. see that he gets from when it's like, i mean you can do i us meet or see it tomorrow, but we keep as cool. so between them, but each, during the time you take a sub wait a minute. so that is the scene of the united nations in new york and not as a press press briefing, where the former friends for a minister catherine calona was presenting her findings from what's known as the colon or reports which was commissioned by the u. n. in the wake of the is really allegations that some of our employees are members of from us and they were linked to the attacks carried out on october the 7th. and what she said is that the review identifies neutrality related issues when it comes to warner one. and she also did describe warner, why, though, as they replaceable, as well as in dispensable. so we're going to talk about what's come out of these the findings and this press briefing with our diplomatic editor james base,
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joining us here in the studio. and we also how with us, our senior political analyst model on the shadow. joining us as well. james, it's important to, and this is a point that be from a french minister of foreign minister may. she said, this report does not look at the allegations made by israel, but some staff were involved in the october 7 attacks. this is an independent review. it's a safe owner, adheres to the concepts of neutrality. there are 2 separate reports. that's the confusing thing about this. and her report was to look at the mechanisms of on run and see if that needed to be reform. while there's a specific report enrollment into potential wrong doing by you and stuff. and remember, israel claims the 12 understaffed were involved and the type of the 7th attacks, but it also made claims that 12 percent of the organization. what of related to a mouse, the separate report is being conducted by the office of internal of the site. the
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best way to describe that to you is if you want us to come show and they have an internal affairs, part of the police department, that is the you ends, internal affairs investigating itself. but how report i have it here does touch on this issue and you have people asking about it. then let me just read the relevant bit. israel made public claims that a significant number of henri employees, a members of terrorist organizations. however, israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of this and we've heard similar things from the un spokesman every single day when he's asked about this at the daily un briefing. and it does beg the question. if israel has such damaging allegations, why does it not provide the evidence? we will see what finally the o i o s. the separate report concludes, when it came to this report on what you have to say was she identified some neutrality related issues as she's called them. what you say uh, what is the take away message. and so what are the rules things that we've heard about before? they've all things that a talking about bias about the way school maps up,
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but constructed the way school textbooks sometimes a written. and remember the context for this. this is a people who are living in garza and the is really bombardment of people who be living all of their lives. most of them on the is really occupation. henri is a you an agency, but nearly all of the stuff. all palestinians working, the palestinians have a national view, i think of to the way they've been treated for so long and that is reflected. i think in, in some of these documents it is, was thing that you did into that the, that, that is really officials on the count is really government want to get rid of on. they want to get rid of his body completely. and that's, i think because as i was just saying it's largely stopped by palestinians, it provides a crucial backbone of services. what full college students, education, health care aid services that eventually will be subsumed into a palestinian state. something means right. the government current one doesn't want
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. and also remember that under does not only operate in palestine in, in, in the west bank and gaza and jerusalem. it also operates in syria, lebanon, and jordan, providing services for processing and refugees, israel. so official presented those on refugees. they don't have any right to it and they want to break that link. that's why there was so many in these ready governing circles who won't see the report that was going to completely dam unruh and under. it's certainly done at some significant damage because all the funds are being cut, but that she is at the beginning say under is irreplaceable. and in disposable, right. okay, let's milan bring you in. so, as james was saying, there was a feeling that some wanted this report to be damning towards the owner. why do you think it's been damaged towards not only israel, but those countries that cut funding from or after the obligations were made as
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well? i'm not sure that it is that we're not into the day when i was, i mean, i couldn't, issues is time. it is funded by a number of countries like united states in germany that are friendly to the size. and it is an agency that works mostly occupied territories, but certainly a part of city and refugees. so on the 1st level of b, this is agency. it should be this, evaluate the review on the good the, i think the sort of the national search for any kind of i was always the one outage for my, the game of phone calls for each one of the most, the best for me. as you want to digits is insight on the 2nd low, you know, as it were, for me, i use not exactly a politically correct to phrase bigger stuff to be choosy. so are you not
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technicians? did you see that get some money from various countries. generous contributions of it where there's also a certain explanations where they are demanding a spanish industry. so hope to hear something i know the know where actually one of the stance in terms of new turn it in terms of educational programs on software. and i think here 30 points was pretty uh, pretty much in favor of one of those very, very few exceptions about this. and the other issue is something that you will see when you review with a maybe see what you're cushing, fries, and united states. in fact, some of the most governments around the world is doing a dental they do this is going to use this various uh, functioning uh, agencies when did ages last but not least. and i see that's what most importantly actually says, this whole thing for me as of course, is
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a political. i noticed this is just as informed that switching something to anyone's intelligence. the fact that this has happened to be the thunder. this happened on january 26 1st about the beginning of january, and by that time, what they said was accusing on the staff a dozen of them having joined the over 7 that, that already 150 on the staff was cute as the report did by here by the bridges i shipped by all these have components 50 you on staff by january, 4th, when different occasions just give off, i guess on the we are a or some, or put the call on the spam. and then the other thing the management reviews are giving the dishes to work and you see the shortest refugees for the past 75 years. one has done an excellent plan for one to come to you on staff is of
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course not. i totally understand. okay, model on thank you so much for that in james space. thanks again for analyzing other reports. find things with us as well. the head of the israel is really military intelligence has resigned, accepting responsibility for the lapse and security of the month to the attack by him. us on israel, on october, the 7th major general of her own how levi is the 1st senior government figure to quit in the wake of the attack, which killed a $1139.00 people. and he says there was a failure of as really intelligence and has called for an investigation. stephanie decker has more from occupied east jerusalem. but it's been accepted by the minister of defense. he remains in his position until they can replace him in terms of for now, not that much expected that at some point, senior leaders will be accepting responsibility. in fact, most of them did an in the optima of october. the 7th,
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he said he accepted responsibilities ahead of the shouldn't batch. that's the internal security forces. they are said they accepted responsibility for the failings. also, the head of the army chief of stalls said that they also failed in preventing october. the 7th, the main person we haven't heard from is these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and you've had, you talked about full knowledge about some finger pointing today. well sir, from the leader of the opposition? yeah. le pete. welcoming this resignation saying it was the honorable and justifiable thing to do, and that prime minister benjamin netanyahu should be doing the same. this was a captain scott catastrophic failure on an intelligence level and admitted to level . there were warnings up to a year before this attack, a blueprint even given to israel. that how much seems to have executed almost down to every line, even in the days ahead. they were warnings for me. it's tyler wise and that have mass was moving in unusual ways and then the ministry took hours really to organize themselves a couple of his left to their own devices. so it was
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a massive failure of the biggest in israel's history when it comes to nation. yahoo, what he says, he says he will answer tough questions, but now is all the time. and that he'll do so after the war is over. but just briefly, a lot of criticism also on the prime minister from is ready to say he was in charge . he's the ultimate one responsible he should resign and that he is prolonging this war only for his own political survival on what's happening in is in uh, central gaza is that is really air strikes of chilled at least for palestinians, an entire residential block with targeted civil defense cru say there are still people trapped under the rubble and in the southern city of south 26, people have died over the past 24 hours. that is really or strikes, hit more residential buildings, thought about as soon as the warning is not from the far from the cell. so the gaza strip and the air strikes happening, taught it as we also hear reports of a military operation in the court or separating the north and south of the gaza
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strip. tell us what's what you've been hearing a well, that's completely right to the is very military has been slight. you take the military attacks across multiple areas in the gaza strip, but within the past hour we have been recording me. and since the vacation of edit military attacks and strikes by the arts and every also in the northern parts of gauze is specifically in the bait block. yeah. and base handle in town where they use very helicopters, have been hovering in a very low altitude in these areas in opening fire against residential houses. but yet no casualties have been report said box swimmingly. this comes in lights off in light of the official announcement being released by the manager window from us stating that the managed to attack on his valley. built those in the bay tunnel and city as they have an attack. it was on to turn key style alongside that the manage successfully by this month is to shoot and is really sewage up in the northern part of bates had the one i'm that comes the lights of the also the is by the repeated
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announcements that they managed to mentally totally control the number of parts of calls about yet attacks on points, things have resumed again in these areas um its the escalation of attacks on residential areas and other and there was in some areas in other parts of the gaza strip, including a so far we've a does even telling how our neighborhoods were a number of casualties. ok, target. thank you for that updates and the data will return to our top story and that is the winner. well, report and real crossover to be rude to speak to joey. kelsey has an assistant professor at 11, is american university. joining us from 11 on welcome to alger 0. can i get your initial response to the owner? i'll report on the findings that have just been put forward or yeah, this, i mean, i think this is know the willingly positive report. it shows that on right doesn't
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struggle for all, but it has to write checks and balances in place. i think it also really discredits the allegations that have been made against on. obviously these are the core locations the last to this reporting submissions. but as a history of allegations i can see of the agency. i think this report really kind of pulls into question highlights the fact that this has been in place to stay this estimation campaign against the agency reformer of the french foreign minister speaking just a few moments ago, however, did say that she did identify uh neutrality related issues i to or how significant do you think they are? yeah, i mean listen, is that mean they're not always going to be issues in any system as complex lodge. i was on rush. i think whether a push shows is that, you know, from what i can see to be secure to the technical report that has a huge amount of detail. these are not significant issues. they have certainly not
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the issues that a lot of interest attractors have been putting out in the media that will always be issues and take care to think about the education system and any system that owns that and just have them just the level of implementation of what we see in this report is that one or as an institution has taken the right steps to ensure as these products you in line with us times. what's the difference? do you think this report is going to make, as i hope to die when i was in particular it well now and i should say, to get back to what it needs to do right now. these allegations, this process in some ways have been a real detraction from the cobra homes. but anyone needs to be allowed to provide foods to people who are stopping and gaza. it needs to be able to build shelters that are available and it needs to get kids back in school. now the donors really should be very satisfied with this record. what it shows is the internet has taken
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the steps that they have asked of it. and it really should now the store funding to the agency. i'm electric. go about the what credit as well. all right, we'll leave it there. thank you for speaking to us from beverage. thank the whole in other news, opening statements and donald trump's 1st criminal trial have now wrapped up in prosecutor say, the former us president a legally concealed payments made to an adult film star to hide an affair. trump has pleaded not guilty to the chargers and says that he is a victim of political persecution, as he makes another run for the white house with sir. i'm speaking to the cameras outside the court room. trump said the human leave, the day had gone very well. this is all this is done as everybody knows it. lots of other places
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and is very unfair because people understand this is and it's a shame. and it comes in coordination with washington every day to coordination with washington. i just want people to understand that this is done versus hurting the of the worst president in the history of india as prime minister, as being accused of hate speeds for comments he made about muslims, and an election rally in western renaissance, stayed at the weekends. the ranger modi said if the opposition congress came to power again, and muslims would have 1st rights to india's assets. the opposition has hit by accusing moody of trying to divert vote or attention from the real issues. nearly a 1000000000 indians are voting and parliamentary elections and monita seeking
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a 3rd term. the guy, this is the early a government sit, the muslims will have the riots over the results of the country. is part of the main use of this means they will gather all the welsh and give it to the people who have more children. they will distribute among the info, traitors. do you think your husband money should be distributed to the info prices? do you accept that? this is what the congress manifesto says. the british prime minister, which is soon acts as be 1st flights, caring asylum, seekers to rwanda will leave in 10 to 12 weeks. the plan is the central part of his government strategy to tackle illegal migration. it's been widely criticized by human rights groups and has led to political deadlock parliament's debating the scheme and what the government is hoping will be the last stage in a long running battle. enough is enough, no more prevarication, no more delay. parliament would set that tonight and vote no matter how late it
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goes. no, as no box. these lights on going to roll into the successive vista terrace doesn't rest on one slide alone. it rests on the relentless, continual process as successfully and permanently removing people to rolanda with a regular rhythm of multiple flights every month over the summer and beyond. until the votes all stopped. the russian energy corporation gals from has been forced to shut more than 24 and gas wells in the or in borough region to protect them from flooding. that's according to an internal company. documents, snow melt cause the for all river to versus banks in early april, which led to a delusion, dozens of towns and southern russian. tens of thousands of people were evacuated. you'll yet shop a volleyball has more for moscow. it was absolutely necessary, measured uh, in the car, in situation with the floods in boxes, southern euros,
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and the was hate owenberg return, in particular. so gas from stults, as you mentioned, motor to doesn't wells before the floods started. that's according to the local coal, towards publication. so now they say that they manage to save the infrastructure that and have they not taking the precautionary measures, a big damage, a 2 days of trust it could've been close to a gas for work is not cold. the flood situation in the region controllable. and prior to the floods that manages specialists have made a helicopter flights over the production and transportation facilities to assess what required to be done and for your attention during the flood period. uh no, all wells in the flood zone are protected by a full level security system. they say no destruction of gas facilities, oil and filter leaks have been detected and the source has now said that they monitor the performance over age. well that and also the floods
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a large scale is required with the general sentiment is that he's willing to fax the whole thing just for in the country of this is for me for the time being. the weather is excellent inside story exams. the consequences of an is really ground and vision into the they have been and they will be more fixed on the stones in the match this areas of west in yemen and south with saturday. they've given me fresh. that's but we'll briefly look at the eastern met and the strength of wind is coming out of africa, particularly for us, maybe as produce mornings here of lucky sand storms. and you can see this dust in the air for crete, probably for greece, maybe for west in turkey, over the next day or so. right. and is currently west virginia might head slightly east, was why wouldn't why just yet big charles is
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a following once again. and he wrote another note giant. it probably won't cost me something, but they are all there again. and they may not stay there. i think the trend is to take some eastwood's back in to afghanistan and west and pakistan. and apart from the sheriff in the mountains, it's dry, the sciences that the wind might well pick up tuesday or wednesday down the go. so it will be dusty not as usual with this time of the year. i have to say time to get to wednesday. that's the hint of the sherry stuff from across the board, maybe into something park. your site is not big, it's not to worrying, but there is to funding on the drive and sir is where the light through tropical africa, there have been some higher breaks of flooding as you well know. but on the particularly badly affected, possibly in kenya too. but it's terms of their weather, which is the weather is over the next day or the same size so that it's still too dry. the examining, the headline is there is really today for the forms of life and got unflinching
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journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a labor audience, only create a world where women come and feel natur, released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on which is era, the rasa, in southern gauze, or the last refuge, but 1500000 palestinians sheltering in fear of it is really ground invasion for us and european allies of all opposed. so with this real push ahead, regardless what will be the consequences, this is inside store the .


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