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tv   People Power Israels Foreign Army  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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national internal company documents, snowmobiles cause that were all revert to burst its banks in early april, which led to a delusion, dozens of towns and southern russian. tens of thousands of people were evacuated. 3 people accused of spying for china and had been arrested in germany. prosecutor said the trio, german citizens had been passing sensitive information to chinese intelligence, since of please june 2022. 1 of the suspects, named as thomas r, had been reportedly handing technologies with potential military purposes. the 3 german citizens are also accused of exporting a laser, a to a china, which is prohibited unter european regulations. while emergency plans have been activated in southern china after heavy rains caused severe flooding, more than 80000 people had been moved to safety and wrong dung. providence, katrina, your reports from beijing. the parts have gone don't provence in southern china.
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underwater, after record rain falls over the weekend. torrential downpours coast bruises and reservoirs to overflowed, forcing tens of thousands of people to be loose to safety. the cities of child, $1.00 and $2.00 un, are among the worst hit. in one area, the river level rose by 7 meters. farm lands and villages has been flooded. land slides have damaged property, and block thirds. emergency teams would have put to help their stranded, including 700 students trapped in school. don't latrice. people here say extreme weather events have worse and in recent years to attend that it seems 2 years ago, the reinforced on it to get relatively happy. and this year, in the past, the flaws are rarely rose to this point. at least the flaws go drain. many businesses and homes have been submerged, but some residents were per pet. yellow, you know, for letting reach the ground floor and above,
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basically is way over the ground floor. the measures were all taken in advance. the residence already left. power outages have effected more than 1000000 households and transport has been disrupted, with numerous flights and trains delayed or canceled. rains eased on monday like many waterways and long duns pover. if a delta remains swollen and above safety limits. authorities have described the situation as grim with most on spoil cost for later this week. municipal governments have been told to propose shelters and emergency supplies. if you're in the worst is still to come. katrina you out to 0 or take a wife to the you. and so people are waiting for the former french minister at catherine colona to speak on the findings of an independent report that has been commissioned by the you when on the allegations that order was
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members are linked to her mouse in some way and were linked to the october the 7th attacks, and that is the un secretary general spokesperson, stefan to jar, expanding on stage along side of the former french minister. they're about to start, so we listen and yeah, let's us it is mr. lucas, if i'm can speaking spanish between us, we don't have any witnesses. hey, ring. good afternoon. everyone's thank you for thank you for being here. it's pleasure to be back in new york to mazda of, to my, my 1st visit to i was picking to you. 2 months ago, at the very beginning of the mission. as you know, this includes your general as established, the independent review in february to assess, i'd like to quote, with us in the hall is doing everything in his power to ensure and to try to take. and to respond to integrations of so use breaches when they all made the
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reviews. also estimate recommendations if necessary, leasehold. so you said again, it's about the possible involvement of some extra individuals in the 7th of october, theresa tax on his side. so i'd like to be very clear on this. these allegations are under investigation by the o i o s internal upside services. it is a separate mission and it is not, you know, monday maybe quickly explained how we have a went for the last 9 weeks. it was full timeframe. we have extensive data not as a make an assumption procedures in place within and rough. so we have a travel including in the region. we travel to tel aviv chavez and them
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come a know a man. we met with the officials as well as with the you, an agency's and nachos. we visited the to fet, right? pre she comes in, chosen and east run by enroll and we visited the in roses quotas in human or do you know, i think we've had called the sessions and meetings is over 200 people of for the review and creating both of course, local and international stuff of course, but not only and i think i've spoken with them so that is of a 47 countries and organizations. so the 1st thing i'd like to say is that i would like to personally be sunk on those as given me the time i support information and i've been so patient far as i know
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many questions and quite often come back to these some contacts to, to fill the details and i want you to know that we've received a very good corporation as we are everywhere from every single interested fault. and this is important for you to know. of course, this was highly appreciated. also to like to thank the free resources to choose who worked with us. they had a thorough search and that was mentally useful. now when we come to substance, i would like to say 1st that in rob plays an indispensable and irreplaceable roller innovation. and this must be said clearly that
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stalled from that is the absence of a political solution. we know it provides live, saving you money to an aid and essential services to the population. and of course, as, as we speak in this critical time and rock as a vital role in the you, money to a young response in guest over the findings of the review. all of that in rise in place, a very significant number of negations and procedures to ensure compliance with the humanities and principles of we're trying to actually get property of a more developed system. then all the un organizations, all agencies, which is a necessity considering the very difficult environment, complex and difficult. the situation which they operate and the uniqueness of
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the mission but also what is room for improvement and some issues related to nitro databases. this is why this mission was created an amount some events could quote for examples, instances of a stuff publicly taking size, post countries, textbooks that could sometimes content contains some program at, at content when, when go further in the report with that as well as put it as low as june making it did happen a personal descriptions on making sweats against the management. i'm presenting this report and we as a result, i think it's public as we speak. i'm presenting the report as the chair us and
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i talk to 58 critical areas to ensure compliance with enrolment trinity principles . let me go briefly for the h arose if i may, and then the i stick your questions. one is engagement with donna's enhancing interactions between iraq and it's donors is imperative to foster trust and to and to strength and partnership. i've heard it from so many states at the very beginning of the mission it must be addressed obviously. but frontier speaking, i think this is not too difficult by just increasing the interactions. so recommendations will include increasing don't updates on the finances of the budget on the structure of the budget on which way to see how they go sions or breaches when they okay to governance
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as well as or unique nation. i repeat, but as a very interesting structure, they do not have an executive bought them. and then the advisory commission and the advisory commission provides advice. so it would benefit from tongue governance structures and support of it's condition and of what the management tries to pursue as a strategic line and are stopping here just a whole lot. and you hear me saying this several times exponent of this afternoon, right? but i would like to stress that the international community has a responsibility in helping and supporting era in addressing trying to issues. nobody's speaking in its mission,
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including in helping the agency to address these difficult challenges a face. sometimes it is a shared responsibility. we have recommendations for governance without changing them. updated is what it is and discharges it what it is. are we come on the advice or commission to meet more regularly, maybe at a higher level of sometimes a the you and quarters here in new york on geneva. why not as a level of coming up reps? um, are we come to have neutrality as a standing issue on this agenda? is it an issue? yes. that's what we're here for. they don't discuss about it. and there we go on create a dedicated working group from the trilogy to address this question free management. the international office, i capacities all structures and it'd be quite direct. here it is
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a critical area where the major gaps been ha, as undertaken, a huge, uncomfortable efforts to, to, to reform system. and these initiatives should be further expanded. do we have the oversight and the dental services, we have the ethics office, they could be in power with a great, a great, a broad oh so very clearly there needs to be more senior international stuff in field positions in each of the 5 fields, operations. you know, it has just a tiny percentage of national stuff, less than one percent actually. and the rest is a real corner police which is quite natural because it does have a services directly to the position. so no, so, so, you know, local teachers are, local workers are local and if it, as they're missing,
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maybe this management structure that is needed. if we want to see a, of a side being, being reinforced. in addition to that, we've noted the some political influence sometimes is a concise on decision related to projects and shouldn't be the case. this is supposing a significant risk this is not respecting neutrality, so it is crucial. so to address this side of the question, for neutrality of stuff, it is not news that's an office of challenges due to the party type session of, of stuff, not all of them, but some of them. and usually the how you go to, to the positions of influence, the more you'll see that this is a good affecting is maternity. so it is crucial to reform prevention strategies and
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monitoring strategy. the stuff should better respect staff regulations and rules. so they've accepted those when entering that signed they should respect the so and the association gave the appropriate response to potential breaches. it is also needed. so coming to our recommendations, some of these are just a few examples, include regularly sharing the list of employees, digitalized with some details of them. for years. we've host countries and we just hired it works well in some countries less, which is fine in the past of yours. it could, it could have been better. but in the very recent times, this has affected us close by the global atmosphere. so as countries and this time
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we need to provide a hot screening resource and evidence. if there's any red flag on unimpressive, we would come on the, the just use of the stuff one promoted. so each time you reach a certain level of responsibility, you must be killed. also to have a whistle blower, a system which is good because when you see something, you can report it, it could and should be strengthened. 5 try to to of institutions. again, not so much uh, breaking news here that it did happen that sometimes in rise and solutions have been used for a misuse. whether i should say full political or ministry purposes of both values groups. as you know, i'm not thinking of one only here. you know, very spot is by his groups,
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and this is undermining the new treasury of institution. it should not happen. preventive measures. and as monitoring of these 5 issues trust about reporting on assess for steps to address this issue effectively. so that should be more inspections and especially looking at a larger scope, you know, looking beyond the u. n. a no. go looking beyond a posters and, and, and values a science a little bit to we know it's needed. the address include, does it, but could expand the community a wellness compounds, but they do on the civilian nature of these institutions, they'll sufficient installations in our solution. they should be respected and protected 6 neutrality over the cation. let me 1st say that
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the role of in hot is, is so high and important that in hall as a system that is crucial, indispensable to several hundreds of thousands of children in the region. however, dismiss defaulted so many as much say dictates that some schools may have been utilized to spread political views, violating to try the principles, not respecting you and values, not respecting unesco status. you would find additional material in the report and the in house may consider or progress in, in the past few years to meet you get the risk address to some content promoting, had told, inciting violence in the textbooks in the classroom. it now needs no news from him at a 0 tolerance policy,
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7 your most day at no charge of stuff. union over the u. s. political functions of use, the enterprise section of the system to, to, to pressure as well as the to ship to use the influence. um sometimes closing, i repeat a professional disruptions and this is a not throw section is such as a represent the stuff and not quite representative by the way, even if a judge only by that agenda, balance of 50 percent of the staff is women of 50 percent that this man, the other half is women. when you go up to the top, there's only one woman representative of the 12 level and 18 men. we know this is one of the most sensitive issues with all the interest attached to that. so it,
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it needs to be addressed for the full support of the advisory commission and a lot of states. very recently, the commission and general push for our we phone of the system. it was not supported by the advisory commission, you know, and i cannot be there alone facing this issue with getting support from medistat and the 1st place of the advisory commission. so recommendations would be quite so you hoping to help making it through think to reforming the 9090 subject of the union of our staff of era bidding 1990 to be updated and should be aligned with the un stuff. unions touch it. we also send an independent entity should, but every stuff's union representative age
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and we're opening the door towards a broader scope even beyond what we will achieve now. enhanced both our ships respecting 40 the mandate that the market is what it is by the 1949 resolution. and actually is specifically in line with this resolution, cooperation with all the you, an organization and audiences is needed. it is there. it is already been engage, however, especially considering the, the, the current crisis and go so and for respect of the mandate of the i, c, i repeat some additional measures could be confidence to help and raw data life setting assistant to those in need. so i will and there,
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there are some 15 recommendations as well. i just mentioned a few and i'm confident the implementing these recommendations will help enroll, fulfill its mandate and restore confidence when needed. so i presented the, the findings and the conditions of the revolt to the secretion on friday. during our meeting, it was kind enough to coal, a world important and decisive for which i'm very grateful. i'm just phoning issued in a statement saying that the accepted the recommendation. this is a very important decision and a very important step this a quick rate general endorses the recommendations. and so it is not up to the commission general to take this thought and to provide
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a sale plan on how the agency will follow up on this recommendation. and one last note, because i want to repeat that, i strongly believe that my, besides the international community is host countries also need to help throughout implement this you phones. so i'd better face my date. it is a shared responsibility. obviously. thank you. you do have questions of some. thank you. different, we'll start with edi. i went in for you to one for, for, for person. so we do accept on boarding questionnaire. yes. thank you madam colona for doing this briefing on behalf of the united nations correspondence association. we welcome your presence here. you mentioned repeatedly the funding issue for on ross
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can these recommendations be implemented without additional funding? and what is your message to donors? thank you for your question and thank you for your festing box and i'm well, some recommendations we require or could require additional funding even because there's an extra funding and the budget is expanding. or if some difficult hall choices are made within the budget to devote what were supposed to one nation and to the other one. and indeed, funding the organization is vital necessity fall visit, but it's not all about finance,
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it's not on about budget. some recommendations can be implemented without extra financing, for example, meeting more regularly for the advisory commission taking decisions or taking orientations at least. and so many other examples we've tried to cover that could be so many more recommendations, but we've tried to be if i, if i may, i think my responsibility was to deliver to this a crazy general report that would be short, concise, up, up to the point you know, direct, clear, and if possible, have full of useful. we've tried to do and covering these 8 areas. we've found recommendations that could be implemented, some of them very quickly, but all of them all, i think, feasible, real concrete, practical implementable. some would be uh,
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isn't quicker to fix than others. but in any event, it is not only about finance. and i've repeated several time during this briefing. i think we've wrote it also in the report that sustaining the organization and its mission. this is what the international committee should do, the created and all they have to help you know how to defer to face those different challenges sometimes to you know, move on and overcome them. find new mckenna since this is the purpose of the report, which is here. you sign up quick with us as your arabic, i wanted to ask about the portion that has to do with education and the curriculum . because you know, as you know, under law has generation after generation have gradually to the palestinian refugees through on the schools and they've went on to be successful. people under domains. so have you looked at the curriculum under curriculum and specific
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schools, like the citations that you have in your report? have you or any of your team been able to look at specific examples? where did you say, you know, there has been insight into bottles and so on and so forth. the show the answer would be yes, indeed of calls. we've done extensive research. this is not a new issue, as you know, it has been on for the guys know the improvements that are the best selling of the textbooks. and i must mention that we'd be mostly concentrating on this issue and what's happening and you know, guys on the west bank, we couldn't go to celia, but i'm sure that'd be plenty of things to be looked at there of some of the content marginal. but even you've marginal rewrite is problematic. verification of jazz institution to violence, maps of the current. well, it's not,
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it's totally cool and that's not showing the existence of he's had so many other problematic issues with lots of examples. this is a, unfortunately, really wasn't documented area. the show that i've done a thank you michelle nicholas from royces. spokes person for the is riley, far administrative, just commented on the report and described it is in sufficient an effort to avoid the problem and not address that head on. and he says, the colona report ignores the severity of the problem and office, cosmetic solutions that do not deal with the enormous sky. put some office infiltration of unreal. why would you like to respond? i wanted to do that. we have had good relations with it's high we've, i received a really well by the way to find the idea of actors, the including officials, several levels and in several domains. i just for each one of those killed us, we had there and i'm no surprise what we say because i told him,
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of course you would find it isn't sufficient, but please take it on board. what is the command if implemented? we bring good. now beyond the, we'll know that these for the government has publicly strong views on era. the vast majority of the international community doesn't chance issues back. that'd be the next story. franco done my numbers up there. how many flight i'm from the big thing that includes a lot of we have 1st a ser shorts comment and then a question. this comment question? no, i expected you to it's no, but that's what i expect to do with the se. fuel good, where it's about to 171, pul paid their lives and you should to comment the phone or what to be a tow it to be granted. then open surprise for that. my question is you are the
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fact so many times to untie submitted or what is your definition of on tyson semitism is calling for the policy and then legitimate prize is that for under untie semitism, or speaking about as a regular occupation if you and if they quoted sinus occupation, i think. why is that on ty semitism? thank you. maybe able to comment. you are commenting by reminding you of that of a several times said that a distance, right. you should be respected. payments are protected, i think. and of course, the surprise turned the visuals as well. now, as we know on the question of definition of into i submitted the several the chris general as privilege one. so i see a european union for example. now and i saying that.
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ready examples in textbooks, mathematics being illustrated by no kidding how many zion it's, is in my view, something that should not be in the textbook. and so the not in a textbook, internet high school categories, versions of i choose a as having, you know, very negative qualities. and the getting the existence of as high as, as one is so full. so unfortunately again, i just sense of discussion. there are so many examples less than before except sex was something before and by the p a. but still they want to reform it because some of the content is not in line with the desk of values, unesco standards, you and values and science. so false. maggie, as i'm colonial over here, it's margaret this year with the voice of america. i just want to know.


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