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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the the the you are watching the news, our live from headquarters in dow. hi, i'm debbie, you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. and independence review says israel is yet to provide any evidence for its claims that work or some of the you n's relief agency for palestine were involved in the october 7th from us at fox. israel's intelligence chief becomes the 1st senior official to resign at taking responsibility for failure to stop on us is october 7th attacks opening statements get underway and donald trump's hush money trial. for the 1st time, prosecutors present a criminal case against
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a former american president to injury mornings of a once in a century flooding in southern china. over $80000.00 people had been moved to safety and peace of service with you. a spoiled rail madrid movie living points clear in the race for the spanish legal title. that's what the jude bidding and sold in injury times between cost learner in the elk plastic the and independence review. if the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees has found that israel has, has yet to provide supporting evidence of its occupations. owner. what employees are members of him? us on linked to the october 7th attacks on israel. the report by a former french for a minister found staffing lists tied regularly, been provided for venting since 2011. but israel did not raise concerns since that
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claim was made in january. many countries cut their funding to enter well, including the biggest funders, the us, germany and the u. owner was supports 5900000 people, all across 5 territories. garza the occupied westbank living on jordan and syria. austin, providing the basic necessities of life from food to schools and even infrastructure in refugee camps will bring in gabriel is on the who is joining us not from the united nations headquarters in new york. gabriel, what is the take away message from this report, and what more are we learning at this hour? so i think the takeaway message is very clear that this report gives a clean bill of health to under a when it comes to the issues of neutrality. in fact, they don't have any issues of neutrality, that's the major take away here. this report by captain colona and 3 european human
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rights organizations was an independent report. it lasted nearly 3 months for them to collect data. the speak to over spoke to over 200 different people in interviews reviewed thousands of documents and visited unreal offices and other offices in the region to reach their conclusions. i'll read a couple key lines from here when it comes to neutrality. the report states that unwrapped process is a more developed approach to neutrality. then other similar un, or n g o entities, a more developed approach. it also said that when it comes to under a staff members $32000.00 of which work for unreal. yeah, it said that unreal regularly gives entire list of their employees information to israel and it no time has israel since 2011. ever come back to unwrap to say that they had any problem with any of the unreal employees and right has extensive
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vetting. process is, according to this report report and bedding processes that are reviewed periodically, including with their freelancer's, they have $5000.00 employees that are not full time staff members. and they go through the same bidding process and the same neutrality training that the full time staff members do. and in conclusion, as you mentioned, the report states that the israel, of course, has identified what they say are 12 and read employees that took part in october 7th and are affiliated with from us. this report says it confirms what we've been hearing from secretary general spokesperson for many months now that israel has given no evidence of that to the investigators during this during the report this report and they're finding so all right, thank you so much. gabriel is also thanks for that update from the united nations. here's a look at warner was assistance for palestinian,
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so that you went. agency supports nearly 6000000 palestinian refugees right across the middle east. it run $706.00 schools and a $140.00 primary health care facilities. it also provides food and cash assistance to more than $1800000.00 palestinians. most of them in gauze. um it employers, about 13000 staff, a 178 of whom have been killed and is really attack since october. the 7th, more than a 164 percent of our facilities have been destroyed during the war. and the us, as the agencies biggest owner in 2023, it contributed $422000000.00 to owner. while we cannot bring increase gun us as a former winner, a spokesman joining us from london, a someone who knows the agency so well. chris going to is just give me your sort of initial reading to the findings. if this report it was supposed to commit because it confirms the unreal in dispensable lifeline full of people in the middle east.
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the refugees also confirm the staff a significant number of mechanisms to see just to ensure compliance. we to monetary principles between your product team and it says possesses a more boss to present the product to any other u. n o n g o organizations. this is key because right now there's this big debate about should all the agencies take the should well, the program do the food distribution to know what kind of a thing has better to travel cheap mechanisms, the most significant hello notice and clearly the as well as made these public claims across a large number of employees. they are elected the members, the terrorist organizations is provide supporting and sufficient. oh uh visa. okay . she's the trick. it describes this remain on substantiation. it would see it's
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very exciting amount to the old ice space. all the to the don't see it. and if i make this one last week on the curriculum, which is often used as a stick to beat sunrise to report on which the colonial culture space. so it's very clearly the house of my quotes, which is the smallest of the criticism of its textbook and says, initiated a range of a mission, just to ensure quality of the teaching material. it finds the congress, that the cation policies, updated guidelines and manuals become robust advocate. the purpose that i see is a reading endorsement. even though it comes up with some proposals done in relations and stop oversight. but i'm delighted with this report, right? i think on the way, before we talk about the proposals, let me just ask you this. i mean, during your time i don't know, right. did you ever witness sort of violations of the principles of humanitarian neutrality and how rigorous were the standards of neutrality for on her? well, as well, let's talk about the context because when you're dealing with
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a book you patients located the dispossession of the product stadiums that began in 90 and 40 while of course they're all going to be some bad apple and yeah, cool. so in the situation to go there will be trying to support was the teacher is not a problem, but how are we supposed to ask a little to his phone has read the boss magazine mechanisms in place. i list experience of the fact that whenever that would credible reports of utility violations or would always investigate this, a sudden reaction with force be taken up to an including dismissal from the agency . and guess, well, we did that due to the satisfaction of our major services in 2017, for example, there was a major old by the american government office, an officer of the region branch fold. if they tell me, don't give it on rook, $350000000.00 a year. and that's why i say to the you can particular but others,
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they need to look at this report and say, we are providing you with a lot of which to find out to come back. it's clear that the process is already boxed and there is no longer any reason to continue withholding money from this agency, which is doing a lot of saving work across the middle east. will leave suggestions put forward in their reports, such as expanding the capacity of the internal over site service, providing more in person training, more support from donor countries. do you think that these proposals are enough to appease those donors that have cut funding like the u. k. and the us will do the full well, the in partnership with them has been using these very mechanisms to loan is highlighting for years. so yes, i think that the very well on with does have these new relations mechanisms these
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but does not make use of a replace. yes, of course. always be done. but i think the done that's know very well. what is that? because a lot has been working specifically with them for decades, implementing this robust 0 tolerance policy. so yeah, it's times of the day to come back. okay, chris, goodness, thank you. we thank you for joining us out of london. thank you very much. we're now joined by our diplomatic editor james base here in the studio. james how damning is this report for israel? well, israel has made some very, very serious allegations. if you make serious allegations, normally, you're supposed to come up with some evidence to prove those obligations. the u. n . has repeatedly said that it has not been provided by these with this information . there's a separate report being done by the office of internal load, the site. that's another part of the you and they haven't got the information they want from is row. so if israel's not providing the evidence why is, is around not providing the evidence and all these completely unfounded allegations
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that, that is the simple question that his bank by but, but by the situation on the ground us and when it comes to this issue that i was just discussing, actually, with chris going as he raised that that's and one of the allegations that israel puts forward is the owner of schools across the region. used textbooks with the anti submitted content in them. i'm not sure if you're taking a look at the entire report, but from what you've seen it, has there been any evidence of that whatsoever? and that is a repeated allegations be made by israel? no, there isn't. and i think it's worth saying that there are many figures in israel who do not want audra to exist. they belong not wanted under to exist. and one of the reasons for that, i think is because i'm rough, provides state like services. and yes, it's operated by the u. n as you an agency, but it's promising you just doing the work. so it is a source of pause over the fact to publish to be in state also. and it doesn't just work in east jerusalem garza in the west bank. it also works in syria and lebanon
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in jordan. and is that link between the palestinians, who well, the posting install and the refugees, the refugees who want to write to a ton, who the u. n when it set up and wrote was assuming we're going to go back home and that's a link that israel doesn't like to because that goes against a is really long standing policy is not returning refugees. absolutely. so um, what about the um, the issue of it. when the allegations came out back in january, we saw a whole host of countries, of course, cut their funding $200.00, some which restored it. but we know that the u. k. and the us still have knowledge . you think that this report a decision difference? this is where the damage i think has already been done because days now bill is gone through congress. same to us is not allowed to restore the funding to under uh until 2025. well the us last year it was $371000000.00 us dollars. that's of the funding from monroe at the time when i'm right of the main body on the
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ground. doing the with, with such a dreadful cost to that, to that stuff on the ground under a is needed move and have of many would say. and that, that den to the food of the funding for the us. and that's not coming back. we know that because of a, because of congressional legislation in the u. k. they were waiting for this collection or report, but already in the ruling conservative policy, very pro israel and pays quite prominent. some of them are saying, no, no, we shouldn't give the funding. so these allegations, even though there's no evidence to support the allegations, are still doing damage and that means damage to those people on the ground in gauze are those that so desperately need humanitarian aid. a place where people have had any 7 months up on baldwin and where people are dying. now if i'm in. okay, and we'll wait to see what impact this report actually has worked for the time being james base. thank you so much. well, the head of israel's military intelligence is resigns, accepting responsibility for the lapse and security of the lots. are they attacked by how much on southern israel on october the 7th?
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major general. however, on how the, the is the 1st senior govern government figure to quit in the wake of that attack, which killed a $1139.00 people. he says that there was a failure of as really intelligence, as has called for an investigation. we have stephanie decker and al, joining us from occupied is to respond to tell us more about this resignation and stuff in a whether the feeling on the ground in israel is that it will need to more resignations . i think it's too soon to tell that a lot of people we've been speaking to little, tiny, probably not picky, not as the war is ongoing. major general levi took responsibility. the already days 10 days off dropped over the 7th. he said this is a major failure and i take responsibility for the military intelligence failures. you also have the head addition back to the countries internal security services and the head of the army or saying this is on us. it was a major breach of security of intelligence,
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of the ministry on the day. it was ours that does a couple. it says around goals were left to fend for themselves and she was admitted. she was able to organize themselves to get on the ground and to fight back because i have my spiders. so it is really an event that shocked israel's sense of security to it's very core. now 7 months into this war, he's now taking the time to issue his resignation has been accepted. he will stay in his position until the replacement is found, but of course a lot of polls will. so for the prime minister to stand down, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has never taken responsibility. but what he has said is it now is all the time to discuss this. i will answer tough questions as to my role, but it will be much later. but a lot of people here uh, you know, 20 for his resignation, fully for new elections. and they say, because it seems to be very clear once this war is over, that so will be his political career. this is why he has an interest in prolonging door. okay, thank you. stephanie decker,
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thanks for that update from occupied east jerusalem is really or strikes and central dogs. i'll have killed at least for palestinians, an entire residential block was targeted. civil defense cru say there are still people trapped under the rubble of the southern city of for the fall $26.00. people have died over the past 24 hours, as is really air strikes, hit more residential buildings. we have thought about as them who's joining us from what i saw in the south side of it. before we talk about the impacts of the strikes and residential buildings, tell us what's happening in that court or that separates the north to the office to the south of the gaza strip. because there seems to be military activity and military operations going on there. in the well, the reason, in fact, this military cordial with that has been recently established by the use of any military had been established from the a border with the used by the community comes along side to the uh, album ends in the garza's beach and uh,
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and do you meet an area that pets completely right now. the number of pods from the southern part of the gaza strip on what we have been seeing is that there's been a military had been depending on the principle of causing collateral destruction to the entire neighborhoods. not completely are adjacent to the road, so they have been attacking houses, several infrastructure. the they've been carrying out. wides to raising campaign bye is very build though, is, is to the majority of the agricultural lands and that's completely was a part of the previous operation that was, as that has been, carries out in the no direct positive and to say rocks refugee camp. and now the is very only has announced that they are starting a new operation in that area. in order to clear the majority of the residential buildings, the task from these very perspective no scripts could be released towards the east, but even to break troops the on the ground. but we have to be upsetting on the ground in that area is that the military have established too many camps in dr.
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rhodes, as they are trying to take control over the movements of people between the north of the southern part of gauze on, at the same time to be a sense of full potential and future military operations by the is by the army. even it to the another at part or towards the southern parts of the gaza strip, which gives police selling among palestinians that the manager is planning to remain in gauze or for a long time and prepare for future operations from now. and in terms of the latest is really airstrikes what's been happening over the past few hours started the the we can see that there is a very notable increase of military attacks on the middle area of the gaza strip, where the buses and fights and goals are raging that area on the corner with that as well as trying to take full control and to maintain security that we can see about in the most direct refugee come to houses have been completely destroyed, where a number of casualties have been transferred to ox. the hospital to receive medical
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treatments and that was a part of the military campaign to the use. very often are you talking to the, one of the floors of the loud the hospital in almost a rock, a refugee camp, causing a kind of material damage to the administration building that we can see about what types of been cards as well in the grades or if you're to come to the military, have it reflective completely most alongside with destroying us cooling in that area as a part of their operation. so clearly these booty attacks continued. let's move signs with the rise in regarding the potential advantage. i talked here in a rough law as quoting cigars, as health ministry, more than 50 full palestinians have been report of killed within the past 24 hours . okay, i thought it. thank you. try to a mazda and reporting from the, from the donald trump's defense lawyer has begun the opening statement in his 1st criminal
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trial. prosecutors say the former us presidents, illegally concealed payments, made to an adult film actress to hide an affair. trump has pleaded not guilty to the chargers and says that he's a victim of political persecution. he's running a gun for the white house this year. trump is the 1st us president in american history to face a criminal trial. this is done as everybody knows it. lots of other places and is very unfair because people understand what this is and it's a shame and it comes out of wash in coordination with washington every day to coordination with washington. i just want people to understand that this is done versus hurting the of the worst president in the history.
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we have christmas alone me outside the court in new york. so christian, what are we here from? trump's defense team in the opening statement as well . the defense team is josh, be getting their opening statements we heard from the prosecutors 1st, and they attempted to give some context to the charges that are facing donald trump, in this case, describing what they referred to as a catch and kill ski that was hatched in 2016 in the run up to the presidential elections. this catch and kill scheme they say was hatched by donald trump, his lawyer, michael cohen, and a man by the name of david tucker, who was the publisher of a tabloid here in the united states, who agreed to purchase any on flattering stories, the rights to be stories in an attempt to bury them in the run up to the election.
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and just for more context, this was all about the time of the infamous access. hollywood take a tape during which donald trump to be here talking about women and his ability to basically sexually assault them, to grab them without protest or without any consequences because he was rich and famous. that's true, but had come out. and clearly the campaign was worried about more negative pressing to run up to the election. and the prosecution is alleging that this is what was behind these payments that were made to an adult film star in order to buy her silence. but of course, it's not the payments that were legal, it was the way they were recorded. and the comments from the prosecution leading into this is that evidence will show that this was not spend, but a long running conspiracy to silence people who have something bad to say it was
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election fraud, pure and simple. that's the case they are trying to make. so give us a sense of how all of this is resonating with the american would or isn't how it could impact the electoral campaign. the, well, donald trump has been making this a key point in his re election campaign that the democrats are out to get him, that the justice system is out to get him. this is political persecution, and a recent pull does show that a 3rd only about one 3rd of adults think that donald trump actually did something illegal in this case. they're not convinced that she did something wrong, but half of americans say that if you use found guilty, they would miss the thank you should not be elected president. so there's a lot riding on this for the jury for the case. as i should point out,
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that other criminal cases, voters seem more likely to believe that he did something wrong. this one is a bit complicated to understand. so perhaps that's behind it. the prosecution is going to have to spell out their case for the jury and uh, convince them that this was election fraud. i know a lot riding on these manhattan jury jurors in this case. all right, you'll keep us across the story for the time being christian. thank you. all the british premier services through knocks us me 1st flights, caring asylum seekers to rolando, will leave in 10 to 12 weeks. the plan is a central part of his government strategy to tackle a legal migration. but the scheme has been widely criticized by human rights groups and has led to a political deadlock. parliament is due to debate the matter in the coming hours. enough is enough, no more prevarication. no more delay. paula:
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and what's that tonight? and vote no matter how late it goes. notice nobody. these lights on going to rolanda on the success of this, the terrace doesn't rest on one slide alone. it rests on the relentless, continual process as successfully and permanently removing people to rolanda with a regular rhythm of multiple flights every month over the summer and beyond until the votes all stopped. pol brandon joining us from london. so a pretty to sermons wishes to knock there, paul, what do we expect? thing to happen in parliament? well, that's going to be what they called ping pong in parliament between the low elected chamber. that's the commons on the upper electric chain. but the lord's loads have been inflicting defeats on the government in searching amendments to the
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governments preferred wording of the safety, overwhelmed a bill. and essentially, from the government's besets perspective, we can engage the law and say they don't wait here, we can, it's a tool. they are in setting safeguards, for example, an exemption that anybody who has served with british forces overseas, such as enough dentist on the translators, and the the, the people who work in the bridge bases that they should not be sent through one that with no hope of ever becoming a breach of citizens and the government a pending that reputation on this. and they believe that the polling among the people that they're going to need to convince when we have a general election here in the you can make to this year is in the favor. so that's a ton. and so sweep aside the lord's amendments, the debates have started just in the last few minutes. they will strip away to amendments that the lords inserted last wednesday evening and put it back to the lords. but i have to say that them, some of the lords are really very determined not to back down. there was
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a lot. carlyle was on the radio this morning and he said that this bill was billed judged, badly drafted in appropriate an illegal in kevin's u. k. an international law and he said the lords are absolutely right to say that we want to maintain high legal standards. so it's going to go backwards and forwards a couple of times, at least during the course of the evening. but you have the prime minister that he's not going to give up. he will make him stay into the wee small hours if necessary. there's a matter of inhabited ability about it. he probably will. he will get it through, i think. but it's going to be and i will might see bottle. okay paul, thank you for that update from london. it's still a head on the ground. is there any, is our prime minister in our window, or moti is accused of a space just days after india kicks off. it's 6 weeks general election. and then sports vehicle finally, who's taking a lease into the history books after picking up another major title that's coming up with peter the
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god promised abraham. this is the land that is going to belong to you and to your children forevermore right here in my back yard sales in the sense here, there is some real to 0 victory and then what is your accident from michigan? we have people here from united states, from russia, from india, from germany. ready findings for the idea of israel's foreign army on a just yeah, that's all i could say in depth analysis of the days headlines that is the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for the prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay in differently as 5 minutes to the know them to stay possibly out of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between them is uh, and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is new jazz choice of
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ministry partners and specifically russia inside story. on al jazeera, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the time again, the top story is on the al jazeera news hour and independence review into the u. n . agency for palestinian refugees warner was found. there is no substantial evidence. it's employees are members of foreign groups. a former french foreign minister lead dot investigation, the head of israel's military intelligence has resign saying he takes responsibility for the lapse and security that led to the homeless attack on october,
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the 7th. major general our own. how leave is the 1st senior government figure to quit? donald trump's defense lawyer has begun the opening statements in his 1st criminal trial. the former us presidents is accused of full supplying business records by concealing payments to an adult film. actress. he's pleaded not guilty. the india's prime minister is being accused of hate speech for comments he made about muslims at an election rally in the western registered on state of the weekends. the ranger moody said if the opposition congress came to power again, was slims with how 1st rights to induce assets. the opposition has back accusing moody of trying to divert vote or attention from the real issues. nearly a 1000000000 indians are voting and these problem entry elections and monita seeking a 3rd term manage. i'm going to use the da da da da. this is the early
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a government sit, the muslims will have the right over the results of the country. is porter, is the main use of this means they will gather all away, will say, give it to the people who have more children, they will distribute that among the info craters. do you think your hodgin monday should be distributed to the infill traces? do you accept that? this is what the congress manifesto says. microsoft is a spokesperson for the bar to adjourn as a party. that's the governing engine political party. he says the beach ape does not appease minorities, unlike the opposition congress party, the congress. it needs money for us to they have given multiple friends to why don't come to the to my now they do come with a d i. they have made their mind if i still like double streams. the manifesto as to why in fact is done by them. simply manifesto was made, did not the same but they had made and they had made
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a statement in that manifesto. they have made a statement, in fact say that, that we distribute all the people equally to everybody is the more they do said they might be 1st dose. is that you really think big, kevin, that everything's been taken from you and give the all the people 90 percent of the minority coming to do to day you need the for the war bank politics comm glasses playing the game off. doing all this be the we don't want to appease anybody that's up. these went to politics. that is happening from last 75 years from the congress in the last 10 years they have lost the mandate of the people, the confidence of the people. because up there actually to was one community i that is minority majority has been funded. been by there. i do the people of it all the
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people in building one place that's the most claims in india or to be just be we can ask you to unsure of a jeter is the national spokes person of the opposition party. that's the indian national congress. joining us from path now, welcome to alger 0. what's your reaction to the comments that were made by prime minister and arrange remotely, and what do you think he means by them? what of the message is absolutely clear? the b b has forever being trying to on the eve of the elections and by the elections ongoing. so some of forces, a denominational category and denomination to lock you, but inside the elections, i mean, that's what they do best. it is either into almost live. so what they're trying to do effectively is because all else has failed there on the, on the back for this and under cover. and that is resentment against them. they have gone back to that default position because it's a right wing fucking and brought in the negative a border, rising,
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a divisive negative off can use in most lives into the debate. i mean, it's not new. did you distracted you almost every time in the selection and the do it because they have to cover up for the immense weaknesses and even competence that has gone on for the last 10 years. but when you say that they're on the back foot, i mean, some of the polls don't point to uh to that because according to a 2023 pew research pool, about 8 and 10 indian adults have a favorable view of mode including 55 percent who have a very favorable view so that doesn't really bode well for the opposition. does it? what is the most for the last time? indian democracy is essentially based on secular values. it's a pump zip code. so last time the government got 57 percent of the votes. that means the opposition policies or other policies. we just 2nd of bucky's got 64 percent of the votes. now of course became into bob because we have the 1st possible system. it's not proportional representation,
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but that does not mean that in good democracy or the indian people always buying to this, not at this, they love playing with the emotions. they love playing the majority and it's them. and that's what they try back. it's been like, it's not a question of $50.00, in fact it to the question of how to devise people on the basis of pay as they've been trying forever to get this. but mostly input fiscal. i mean big because the indian man uh, the indian national congress, the manifesto on a list of promises and i've gotten to use that to speak and also be able be elections as dissembling data. the most thing to be which was at that time responsible. oh oh, the full front of the partition of india and the formation of focused on somehow creates a kind of a bridge, a hinder wisdom bench. again, the prime minister's order is repeatedly brought in to nominate those categories in a speech and spell it again. you'll continue to do so let me remind everyone,
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but as they get into the back seat as the advice that the opposition against them is roy davis joslyn becky, vice eventually. so i, i all right, see what i want to see about your sort, right? i hear what you're saying about the b j p, but i'd like to talk about the opposition itself because many will say that the muslims in other minorities over the years have felt that they were used for electoral gains by the congress party itself. so how do you as a party and as an opposition plan on winning back the trust of muslims and minorities? you know, that's a part of the propaganda of people have been buying into that propaganda. our data data is always been an inclusive now if it's it'd be an inclusive growth of all the sections of society, which means i have, i mean, be constantly said that the priorities, the sources of the government of india. what does he not, tragedy have to be both distributed among people who need it. the most disgusting to these other sit with golf. you know, india has
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a cost based system uh that the product sections business get your tribes due to the tribal category. the best with losses, the most, let us pin to really all these categories when it dissolved in deals with both of us. and then of course, i mean it could be very stage of say, the know the people, what the privilege should get. the soul says plus, know what's not, it doesn't work like that. no government would ever say that. right? so our agenda for this election is a positive, but we have a number of getting each regarding social justice demons involvement, uh, also uh to the level of unemployment in this country. so if you have a positive agend up with you and every section of society, okay, thank you so much for speaking to us. uh, actual i between. thank you. thanks. i a near rainy and presidents of the easy it is on a 3 day visit to a pocket stone aimed at improving relations tension. swords in january, after an exchange of strikes along the border races. trip comes days after iran and
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israel attacked targets in each other's territories. the turkish president treasure play a borough, on his visiting iraq's capital bank died for the 1st time and 12 years. water rights and security threats are expected to top that agenda or to on is also expected to visit or bill in the north. separate just curtis fighters have gained a foothold in iraq's autonomous region of curtis on over here is a rock on turkey. you have failed to resolve a dispute over water rights. the freight is and tigris rivers flow from turkey, it into iraq, and they account for 90 percent of iraq's fresh water. in recent years, turkey has built numerous dams and hydro electric power plants on both rivers and iraq complains that's led to diminishing water levels with i've been why does more from bank dodge on? the issues being discussed, a good method is the most for the took a so the location is the
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a to eliminate the threats of the p k. k. the code this done workers bought the fighters located and the notice of a lock they want you lucky. also disease, namely the government and by that and that the simulate 10 of us could this region to cooperate fully with them in what the, what they say eliminating the threats of the p c. k, which to the key and the opinion to the suffice as a tourist organization. now to the also wants to establish a buffer adult zone, extending on about 30 or 40 kilometers in from exposure to into the iraqi 2 to 3. and then all of the a lot the negation to because integration probably wants to also to maintain that trade volume. in fact, to increase it from $5015000000000.00 a year to, they're hoping to increase it to $20000000000.00 for the rockies will sort of comes 1st. they want,
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they want to elect more flaws of water. as you know that your life has been suffering from huge, severe shortages of water and recent to you is the also want to key to corporate. and it is human to the exporting of oil from the northern region into the took it took us to atoria through and through the g hon. the tourist. both of you had on the admitted thing or nigeria is hosting an african security summit in a boost in cooperation with the un office of counter terrorism. several african leaders and the you and deputy secretary general are taking part along with representatives in the us, you and russia. and they're set to discuss ways to combine attacks by bulk of hard um and i so especially in this whole region. but some of the country is most effective by these arm groups like molly bringing a fast so i knew there are not expected to take parts as much as it is, is that,
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that some of the boozer in africa is now officially the center of global terror attacks according to the not getting national security adviser, this region accounts for 50 percent of all tetra related debts in the world. in particular, 2 countries, molly and brooklyn across the account for 73 percent of all types happening in africa. so this particular comprised of supported by the united nations office will come to the rose and is looking at more dollars more dollars has to be walked out and co operation between member countries of the african union as well as comforts affected by our incidence of a tetra as well as i'm approaching and that we do use their own access to weapons and intelligence as well as collaborate, father to deny territories and i'm going to be freedom to operate in these areas. now, such a one countries are attending, including, of course, international organizations as well as 5 members of the prominent members of basic
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or council. but your opinion has also send dedication. so we at the end of the day organize this on this particular compressor. they want to put out our unified position on how to deal with the problem with terrorism and the country that will check the turn of financing. a provision of military equipment stopping of illegal flow of farms in the african continent, especially in areas as well as for cooperation and shedding of intelligence so that these countries will be able to deal with a problem. how many degrees of data 3 people accused of spying for china have been arrested in germany. prosecutor said the trio of german citizens had been passing sensitive information to a chinese intelligence. and so please in june 2020 to one of the suspects named is thomas r. had been reportedly handing technologies with potential military purposes. the 3 german citizens are also accused of sporting a laser to china,
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which is prohibited under european regulations. an emergency fonts have been rolled out in southern china after heavy rains costs severe flooding. more than 80000 people have been moved to safety and wrong dung. providence. several villages have already been cut off. katrina, you reports from beijing. parts of gong don't provence in southern china, underwater after reco rainfall over the weekend. torrential, downpours coast bruises and reservoirs to overflowed, forcing tens of thousands of people to be moved to safety. the cities of child, one and 2 in are among the worst hit in one area, the river level rose by 7 meters. farm lands and villages has been flooded. land slides have damaged property and block thirds, emergency teams with a point to help their stranded, including 700 students trapped in school. don't latrice people here say extreme
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weather events have worse and in recent years to and that seems 2 years ago, the reinforced on it to get relatively heavy and this year in the past, the flaws are really rose to this point. at least the flaws go drain. many businesses and homes have been submerged, but some residents were per pet. yellow, you know, for letting reach the ground floor and above. basically is way over the ground floor. the measures were all taken in advance to the residents already left. power outages have effected more than 1000000 households and transport has being disrupted, with numerous flights and trains delayed or canceled. rains eased on monday, but many waterways and long duns pover. if a delta remains swollen and above safety limits, authorities have described the situation as grim with most storms full cost for later this week. municipal governments have been told to propose shelters and emergency supplies, fearing the worst is still to come. katrina,
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you out to 0. the still ahead on the i'll just there and use our the dodger as show hail on our breaks the record for most from runs by and japanese born player in major league baseball. peter on that story and much more in sports in a moment. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination, and due by
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the business, latest expenses by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the seller. again, trying for the sports ends here. as peter 3, thank you so much. jude bidding him has all but sealed the spanish title. full round madrid, the school, the injury, time winner against boss of learning all plastic o. to put them in living points cleared at the top of legal david stokes as the ex
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and the seller decided to keep telling him once again, delivering on the biggest stage for royal madrid. the twins eroding them in the field a haven't scored since february, but his winner against barcelona may have just acute the trophy in his debut seasoned at the club for motors squared, philip, and about how it came at the right time. it's been a while since he found in it, but this one can be fundamental to us, winning the title. right now, twice. that's a fight from behind in this game, at the base, andreas christy, and send headed boss to letting her head up to 6 minutes. lucas passed question when a penalty for i l. c. buses, coke shelby felt it was a dive, but it stood initially as genius scored to level things up at $11.00 boss. it felt further agreed when the video rest couldn't decide whether this pulled. at course the line or not, as i li get doesn't use go long technology. it wasn't given and they will also have denied a penalty for this chairman john footman lopez. he did, however,
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the school with 10 minutes late to edge boss in front again. but plenty of drama was to come across, comes back, came right out with an equalized if invest quiz. then in the 1st minute the by the time it was about as quite as you delivered across spelling it was when these 21st gold at the season put tray out 11 points clear which 6 gains left. what a welcome cushion is they get ready to face by in munich, in the champions league, semi finals. i mean there's, here of course it's an important step, but we kind of relax too much because we still need a few more points. and the best way to prepare for the champions league is to play wells of the buffalo to already out of the champions league and now have no real hope of winning a trophy the season. chevy let brewing those refereeing decisions, missions, i feel no using host the see, i'm actually not. as i said, the game was totally unfair. everybody seen it. that's my feeling and i cannot lie,
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especially to offense. everybody has saying what happened today with banks about winds up of manchester city and bustling that round, madrid, a flying that around peyton in 26 league games coming back to september, i borrowing something extraordinary though kind of wrinkled, extending 36 spanish title. this is david stokes. how does era be that wasn't the only class to go on sunday in argentina, bucket juniors took on all tribals river plate in the super classic, a bulk of ways to go down off the just 10 minutes. when miguel bought a school with a river, really serious, we'd be doing thing to different team by the end of the 1st of the go midian. so equalize football, the 1st minutes of stuff it's time. it isn't combined even football game in front midway through the 2nd off with a brilliant header. another go from mit in p l as well. so in boca would make it $32.00,
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and i'm in the victory puts them through to the semi finals of the legal proficio. now where they'll play a studio on face the milwaukee bucks started. they play all series with the indiana paces without a stall play you understand. he's a compo on sunday. he's got a coffee injury, but damien and it made up full. he's missing. so you make these photos 35 of his points in the 1st of a record for his franchise. as the box speak, the pace is 10994. oklahoma city's shy deal, just alexander has been fixed as a fun to leave most valuable firewood and a game. what it is new leaves you showed why it's full 28 points. if you do the soda head boss, good. in the final minutes, as the sunday age dependent comes 9490 jocelot, the i clipping. so i've taken one nothing lead in the faces. if that is mavericks, despite the mab lucas onto to make some scripts and 3 points change orders for 2018 . so they'd be for the purpose, if they want $109.00 nights and said that george would have got that show proof is and show hey,
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oh tony breath directly. wonderful. most home is hit by japanese behavior and emotionally facing the i don't just saw it. i run against the new york mets is 176 moves and 6 seasons. the major needs that's one more than the 5th by he vicky not series to get through with the whole series in b p in 2009 is significant because spots, i'll say phase one of the middle east, the rising combat sports prospect. and she's ready, getting ready to make her mixed martial arts debut. the 22 year old 1st cage match happens at the professional sizes, big events and re, uh, on may 10th. she's the 1st and the female fighter from saudi arabia to sign up with a major label and in a promotion, i think one multiple more tight metals, including the titles of the will come back games last year. she's been speaking to l. 0. so hell malik. about her impatience, m m m a. even before i started the combat sparked, i was telling myself that i was born as
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a fighter. i was fighting my whole life. so i have the spirit of the pfizer. so at the moment i started combat sports, i found my soul there. i, i feel like this is the right place that i can be there. i didn't had the. busy care of a normal life or an easy life before i had some troubles, some i lost my parents, a lot of things that's a got me. and so to fight far as you know, as a saudi women competing in professional support, how much does it mean to you to be able to buy a future sound, the athletes? it's not an easy something to be carry. i will represent my country, i will represent every female in my country for being the 1st female. i'm so proud to be the 1st female,
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and i'm quite sure that i'm the right person to do it. it's means a lot. and that's why i'm always working hard doing my best. and i will do whatever i can to show the best, cuz i know that i will make history. what is it that you want to achieve in m m a? i want to, she's the best of all is i want to go to get all the bells. i want to get all the names. i want to have the glory. i want to let all the world know who i am and know that there is amazing fighters from saudi arabia. and in my country, women's golf number one, many code it has equal directly to 5 straight victories on the lpga to it. and they just try and pull it up to show a victory f the chevron championship for his 2nd major title. and the americans want to see play is to have it, but 15 in a row,
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nancy low pays the to the 1978 and it concerns them in 2004 and a 5. the previous major victory was the 2021 women's pga championship. $1200000.00 prize takes a susan earnings to nearly $2500000.00. and as is customary at this tournament, c, celebrated by jumping into the fun. at colton woods in texas. scott, he shifflett has won the r b c heritage she between 2 hall baton on monday morning with a 5 shortly and 3 shots still to play ship the end of the speak of 68 holes at paul old basically with a meaningless baby for a 68, not that method. you into 3 shots victory. it also means he's one for the 4th time in his last 5 starts heading one. the mazda is last week, and that's when the school seats for the time being move a little bit late to their see you later then peter, thank you so much. we'll ecuador as president, as one vote or support for a raft of security measures. that's according to early results from the electoral council on the plans presented in
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a referendum or aimed at curbing gang violence to raise above reports from to it on in the south of the country. a hold of them being daddy, as well as his wife and 4 children, 5 months ago when a criminal group attacked, he's home by mistake and killed them. the children were between the ages of 7 and 6 months old quarter, that he sangree and one security forces to put an end to violence in his country. some people tell me that it seems nothing happened to me, but i'm keeping it inside. i'm devastated. i'd try every day, not to go mad. on sunday if what dorians headed to the post volts in a referendum to the side, the country's future. people have to mark with a yes or no 11 questions. you can see them right here. 5 of them are mentally funded countries constitution. i'm the mostly related to the current security situation,
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whether people would like to see the military to patrol with the police. also, for example, allowing criminals to be expedited to other countries. the majority of the population voted yes to all of the security questions. mendoza says the situation needs to change by you just on the to the side of the countries destroyed because of criminal groups. now that know bowers in power. maybe we can see something change. the results are seen as a sign of support for president, many and noble at hard line security plan to fight against criminal organizations that have taken control over large parts of the country. in january, the government declared a state of emergency and deployed the military on the streets and inside prisons that had become operating centers for drug guns. on the day of the referendum at prison warden, west killed in
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a restaurant showing just how difficult battling guns continues to be for many now was trying to imitate the security plan. if i decided whether precedents maggie will kaylee, he managed to reduce gun related violence in his country. by the end of the se, there was a difference. okay, le, 8th, i mean i, the kelly was a man, had some type of contact for the criminal groups. he recognized the territory that did not happen here yet, but their response to that for now, people want government action against the criminal groups that most of them say has them living in constant fear. it is simple, i'll just see to boot on it, whether we're going to take a short break right here on alger zara, but we'll be back in just a moment with much more often today's news and all the latest headlines, autumn, gaza. in the meantime, you can always get online. our website is also 0. com. thanks for watching and we'll see you in
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a minute. the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a site in any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government from time on hub voices. tick tock has been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you want find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it the stream on al jazeera . so how is your vacation in this, the shelves,
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the chest? wow. the, on counting the cost germany is been gauging with china or trays. why? consul in breakup with badging materials. currency has rebounded all the economic reforms working and we speak to the president of the un general assembly about has called action on sustainability council, the cost on alice's era. now scientists say primates remain crucial for biomedical research. the but some of being given new lives beyond the bodies on the outskirts of virus is loved and essentially for all kinds of fine to move, including those ones used in scientific research. the century houses 22 retired lab monkeys from across europe. this female recess,
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mcgarr cause can survive 19 years of experimentation in french labs. she was the 1st lab funky to be given any useful at lot. and yet the and independence review says, israel is yet to provide any evidence for its claims that workers and the you n's relief agency for palestine were involved in the october 7th from us at times the or you're watching y'all's a 0 life or my headquarters and i'll find a navigator also coming up. israel's intelligence chief becomes the 1st senior official to resign, taking responsibility for failure to stop the october 7th. the times opening statements get underway and donald trump's fresh money trial. for the 1st time,


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