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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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more significant this year, a foster emphasized with those hungry and suffering in gaza. the an independent review says, israel is yet to provide any evidence for its claims that work has from you and the relief agencies of palestine are involved in the all type of the 7, some assets, the, the clock this is out. is there a light from the ha also coming up more than 6 months off to visit taxi's, rails military intelligence chief resigns. taking responsibility for the security lapse. donald trump is criminal trial is hearing opening statements in a new york colt shape coordination with washington. everything looking to mend relations,
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iran suppressed begins a 3 day visit to focused on following an exchange of strikes along the port to enjoy the so an independent review of the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees. this problem that israel has still not provided supporting evidence of its claims that employees have vernon, well, i'll have mass members who are involved in the october the 7th to tax the report by a former french foreign minister, found staffing list had originally been provided for vesting since 2011, but as well didn't raise any concerns. israel's allegations getting to know the major donors in january to cut the funding to the agency, which is the main humanitarian provider in garza. so let's bring in gabriel as all day. john is not from the united nations headquarters in new york and gags to tell
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us more about this. what more we now yeah, this report does an independent report to the commission by the secretary general looking into allegations that uh, unreal is biased. uh, i'll read you the title of the report, its independent review of mechanisms and procedures to ensure it here in spite unruh to humanitarian principles of neutrality. that is the key. this report led by the former french, a foreign minister and 3 human rights organizations from europe. i spent nearly 3 months interviewing hundreds of people looking at thousands of documents. and they concluded that unreal has for the most part. and here the principles of neutrality . the 1st question is, does under a have a procedures of neutrality, the report which will be released publicly in about 2 hours states. and it's a $48.00 page report we're going through it. we've got some eyes on it,
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so we're still going through it. but one part it says the review review of the under has established a significant number of mechanisms and procedures to ensure with compliance with humanitarian principles. it possesses a more developed approach to neutrality than other similar in un or n, g o entities. the report also states that under a gives a list of all of its employees, nearly 32000 to, uh, these rarely, authorities on a yearly basis. and as of uh, since 2011, it says the is rarely government has not informed unreal of any concerns. relating to any unrest, staff based on the staff whips that since 2011. and the report also says that is realized, we know is accused to 12, another staff members of taking part in the october 7th attacks. the report
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confirms that to israel has not given any evidence whatsoever to back up those claims to this independent commission gave us a 2nd report on israel claims website about a yeah, this report that i was just talking about. this just deals with the issue of neutrality and essentially, as i just laid out, points that under it does have procedures of neutrality in place. the 2nd investigation is an internal investigation being done by the un office of internal oversight that is being done in secret that is basically internal review. and that has not been concluded yet. and we do not know when that will be released or even if it will be released. but that report is looking specifically at the 12 employees. the israel claims are part of the mouse and took place, took part in october 7. again, that report internal, that is being done right now,
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and we do not know when we'll get to information on that one. again, that one just looks at the 12 employees, the real thing. so that's a, that's a story from you in headquarters in new york. gabriel is under the thank you the head of israel's military intelligence has resign saying he takes responsibility for the lapse in security that led to the attack by a mass in southern israel on october. the 7th. major general having to leave is the 1st scene. a government figure to quits more than 6 months after the attack, which killed $1139.00. people speak 120, stephanie deca who said don't you play these present joins just now step. tell us more about this resignation and is potential implications. i only had in the early days off terms over the 7 already side that this was on having the sense of the the unit still hold minute you intelligence body that he rides fail to execute. it's tall, skinny said, in
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a resignation letter that this is a black day that would carry with him every day for word he is now physically resigning. he will remain in his post meanwhile, until they find a replacement also because of the ongoing nature of the war. and people say that it's taken this long, but he's not the only one who very soon after october. the 7th claimed responsibility in the sense that it was on his shoulders. the burden rested with him also the head addition, but the eyes ready, internal securities services, and also the chief of army stuff because it wasn't just the military intelligence failure. it was a massive military failure, right. if we look at talk about intelligence, there are extensive reports that there was a blueprint of this attacks of how mazda essentially almost carried out by the book . and that was given to israel about a year. it involved so much closer to october. the 7th, you had warnings from allies saying that they had intercepted movement and chatter that the of an attack could be edited. one of this was ignored, it was dismissed,
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and the fact that they thought how much it wasn't capable of carry out a section attack. certainly it shocked israel, a chunk palestinians. it shocked us. i mean, we've been going in and out of garza for years. uh, anyone who approaches the goal is defense. any policy and is shot. it's an extraordinary breach of security. the biggest israel's history that happened under the watch of these mountains. i had of intelligence, the head of the army. also of course the prime minister. interesting. these you had the head of the opposition. yeah. that p tweeting that this was a justified and dignified move. and that this is something that prime minister benjamin netanyahu shouldn't be following, of course, mentioned y'all was never claimed any sort of responsibility. and in terms of the failure, as it is something that a lot of people here talk about. thousands and thousands of his writers continued to protest every saturday we were there intended even they were say that teneo was the prime minister on october. the 7th at she should be resigning. he said his
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don't the time for that. and that things that can be discussed, officer the war step. thanks for that to stephanie secondary not to parties. truth, is there any forces of loans? the tanks on several refugee camps in the central parts of gallons. a strip strikes target to the house and the output a refugee camp. these 4 people were killed several and didn't. central gauze is really strikes of killed at least 3, posting into the file manager jets talked to the group of people in the city center . many of the wounded were taken to l. x. the hospital, honey, but mood has more for us from rougher in southern garza, in the past the 12 hours including got there like late hours of last night. i've been very violent and bloody across the gaza strip. the from the northern part in the city of bay town, all the way through the southern part of this trip here in rough i city, we're 11500000 displays palestinians. i've been shouldering here since the beginning of the genocide a war and expands. you know,
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all the ground operations in different parts of the district, including recently hon. you and assigned a drug area. but it's still, i mean, the number of children and women making the vast majority of casualties is still dominating. this is across the gods to with more people arriving to the hospital or from this age, or group of children, or from other vulnerable group, whether they are elderly or women here and over crowded roof activity. the past 24 hours the, the death of $24.00 palestinians are from entire families in eastern part of the city on western part in the central area over city in the syndrome area of the past few hours have been acquired. finally with relentless areas, right. targeting residential homes or people gathered in, in, in areas in the center including the res, refuge account. and then the site our to a more residential homes were targeted for people reported killed in our parade refuge account with more confirmed reports of many others. still under the rebels
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with difficult is just to remove them given the difficulty of the situation is the lack of equipment and machinery to help remove these large pieces of concrete on save life and hon. you and as being wise, civil defense members on the ground are still revealing shocking discoveries. with more master grades being discovered at the courtyard of the hospital, the 3 more massive group today. and where they were able to remove at least 7 to 3 bodies of from under pile of dirt and sand that they were buried underneath. is there any place of arrested 2 suspects they say were involved in a car remedy attack and with friesland at least 3 is riley's. were injured. security has been increased across occupied east ruth, on the head of the jewish positive a holiday. the 1st day of donald trump, this criminal trial is begun. prosecute to say the full but us presidents,
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illegally concealed payments made to an adult film actress to hide. and if a trump has played not guilty to the challenges and says he's the victim of political persecution, he's running again for the white house this year from because the 1st us present in american history to face a criminal trial is the wrong. this is done as everybody knows a lot of other places and is very unfair because people understand and it's a shame i comes in coordination with washington every day to coordination with washington. i just want people to understand that this is done versus hurting the the worst president in the history of christmas name is outside the court in new york city. kristen,
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what do we expect from this trial? well, former president donald trump arrived here at the courthouse behind me a short time ago. he was greeted by a couple 1000 protesters who take a very different view to his claims of election interference. they were holding signs and shad thing. no one is above the law in the court house behind me the judge, one more sean is giving instructions to the jury at this time. and we expect very soon opening statements from both sides. in this case, since they lay out the charges against donald trump and the defense that they planned to get, prosecutors were follow opening statements by calling the witnesses that they hope will convinced yours that donald trump in the run up to the 2016 election falsified business records to hide these payments that were made to stormy
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daniels, the actress, to cover up an affair. and one of the key witnesses that we're expecting to hear from 1st is that a tabloid c o. david tucker, who has admitted to purchasing stories, the rights to stories that could have been damaging to donald trump in the run up to about 2016 election and then not publishing them as a form of protection. the other 2 witnesses we expect to hear from stormy daniels, the actors herself who received a $130000.00 in order to not tell her story about an alleged affair with donald trump. trump denies that ever happened. we also expect to hear from michael cohen, his former attorney, who is the one who made the payment to stormy daniels. donald trump, will claim that he was making legal payments, who's defense expected to argue that he had no knowledge of the recording of those payments. and this is all expected to play out over the next 6 weeks or so. the
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question remains. will donald trump himself take the witness stand and in the opening this morning, before the jury got in before the jury began getting instructions, the judge did warn donald trump, that if he takes the stand, that he will be open to questions about other cases that would otherwise be off limits, so remains to be seen whether donald trump will defy a legal advice and take the stand in his own behalf. he has said that he is willing to do that, of course, and give us a sense of how this is resonating with votes in this with the upcoming election. so yeah, it's a great question. it has become a center piece of donald trump's campaign. the notion that he's being persecuted by the democratic party on this case was brought by a local district attorney for manhattan. these not
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a federal official is not directly affiliated with the white house in any way, but this has been the reframe, that democrats are out to get him. but the a poll from the associated press that came out in the last week suggests that about half of voters say if he is convicted in this criminal case, the 1st of 4 that he is facing, that they don't think that he should be president. so that puts a lot of pressure on this jury to consider the case before them. it took a week to select 12 jurors who would listen to this case and decide whether or not donald trump didn't commit this crime. if he's found guilty, it doesn't stop him. from running for president, but the question is, well, voters still want to vote for a convicted criminal at this stage? it looks like this could be the only criminal case that's resolved before the
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election. come november right, kristin, thanks for that christmas. anybody in your head here? and out 0 in this probably minutes under, under moody is accused of hate speech to stays off of the country kicks off. it's 6 weeks general elections and rushing to save lives in southern showing that as well . so it is more of a once in a new century levels of flooding, the the which is the thailand to the rainy season that went into these. yeah, but it's not the end. and so the folks coming big showers, which i like to be in borneo, java, and sue monitoring particularly will likely produce yet more flash product which you would expect to happen. but we are waiting for it to eventually dry up there, which is where there is definitely further north. and he's been in southern china, but as wise,
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but funding in the center in the northern part of glen dong. and it was that you might think this looks rousers of some relation sites. yes, that's true for tuesday from the lineup and the heavy rain briefly catch you some parts of southern japan, pandas more coming through eventually for north korea. but i didn't get into hong combs 3 days or something that might give you a clue. it's not going away back just probably turning back in. so it's not like wednesday then thursday wants to get into one dark. we'll see big. so i'm just told, persistent heavy rain. ok, let's leave the station society sure. where yes, we've seen some big funds. don't reports to me carol, i mean go or not 3 days. they not the big story. we are expecting cause pre monsoon heat and we have had that we've got temperatures in the low 40 no do show up in westbank gold boxes where they're all going to use as a relief from thunderstorms. i think not. waltz is currently drawing enough kind of sounding packets done. this is cherie stuff. moving in the
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now let me tell you about suffice. the cold results, the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we enter the coupon occupied right now, able to practice what the now be used only and looked at very close here like common. he sits on to play with a large 3rd space with a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also offer somebody probably equal resulted in gun of the the little guy you watching out 0 reminder about top stories as an independent review
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is found that his role has yet to, to provide supporting evidence that was claims that some employees of the you and agency for palestinian refugees have mass members who are involved in the october the 7th of tax, as well as allegations against the lead major diagnosed account. the funding to the agency, which is a main humanitarian provider in the head of israel's military intelligence is resigned, saying he takes responsibility for the lux and security on october. the 7th general out of leave is the 1st team you figure out to quit off of the massive time stomach problems, criminal charges underway, and they knew your 1st few to say the former us president falsified business records by concealing payments to an adult film actress to protect his bid for the 2016 election. trump is created not guilty to the charges they ran and presidents. abraham bracy is on a 3 day visit to pack a stuff aimed at improving relations between the 2 countries. pensions search in january,
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not an exchange of strikes along the border. races. trip comes days after around and israel types of targets in each of those territories. to hide is more details from us from about an important word that by the iranian president who is always try accompanied by a member of his cabinet, the 1st lady, and also a member of the business community in either on the 2 sides assigned a number of memorandums off to adrian bennett and was given a god giovano as the prime minister house of august on a brian minister speaking at the press conference said that the religion jeopardy it on going back century, even before the creation of august on and the country shared the common culture of religion and also history. dear indian president, on the other hand, said that he had the conducive dogs with the buggers on each side, on mutual security concerns. given the fact that earlier in january,
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in mrs. drunk what they said was a gesture for additions and, but not just on providence inside, focused on focused on then retaliated by targeting. what they said was by loads, insurgents operating on, do you have any inside? but since then, the 2 sides have made a desperate attempt to mend fences and now the relationship of gods improving. given the fact that on and focus on those, i have a major project that did the gas pipeline from here on it, on one spot gets on to a wave of the united states. it's threatening that they're focused on where to go ahead with that biplane. there would be sanctions against bug is done so and did the discussion may have gone behind the scenes, but the to assign them into and has cooperation and the cards are read. and the information in the notes are in cinema a number of days, including agriculture cooperation, cooperation on
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a number that has been great. and also enhancing grades by setting up a special economic going close to the focused on your on board to come all the data is some of our the the induced prime minister is being accused of hate speech to comment c made about muslims at the time the election rally in west and right is done state weekend. so under moody said, if the opposition congress came to power again, muslims would have 1st rights to india's assets. the opposition has hit back accusing moody, or trying to divert vote or attention from the real issues. maybe a 1000000000 indians, a voting and parliamentary elections. moody is taking a 3rd time valid. da, da, da, da da. this is the early a government sit, the muslims will have the rights over the results of the country. it's part of the
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main use of this means they will gather all the welsh and give it to the people who have more children. they will distribute that among the info, traitors. do you think your hodgin monday should be distributed to the info traitors? do you accept that? this is what the congress manifesto says. what can be to chris? none is a political analyst and says off to the 1st round of everything. the routing party appears to have missed judge public sentiment in his planes of having achieved the development and so on. i'm not resonating with people. um, that is why i think he feels this desperation now to forward back on the default setting, multi. so he's not just going for a and teen was slim, but you know, i don't listen. this is the or more be of good to that stuff. oh, you know, when he would openly attack muslims and call them. yeah. people who, you know, page too much and so,
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so i think that one of the things that has the active list of all the quick badly is the issue of the electronic bonds, which the supreme court into mention has reviewed. was basically a scam run by the prime minister to extort money from sucking business houses in exchange for contracts and so on. i think the fact is that he has promised jobs and prosperity in the 2014 election again in 2019 and now to tom's over an india spacing the worst unemployment rate since in the last 45 years. so i think and the destination among people that have been many, many movements by using different states saying essentially that even after education, there is no employment is to we had uh, the only employment to be had is extremely, temporarily, extremely precarious. and very, very in paid and i think that is the be if i were to name the biggest election
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issue this time. i think it's that and the other one is inflation. so i think these are things which a multi has no answer to because we use that to inside terms to address those things have gone much, was still better in before 2014. and that was in spite of the 2000 dates, you know, international, you know, we cannot make crisis and so on. you know, jerry, this hosting and ask him security summit in a bu, just in co operation with the un office of counter terrorism. several african leaders and the un deputy sector general and taking pulse along with representatives from the us. u in russia. the set to discuss ways to come back to taxed by boca her. i'm an i so especially in this whole region. but some of the countries most affected by these groups such as molly, but kind of fast. so in these you, i'm not expected to attend. somebody addresses that, that some of the individual africa. it's now officially the epi center of global
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turnaround times, according to the not getting national security advisor. this region accounts for. busy 53 percent of all tetra related debts in the world. in particular, 2 countries, molly and brooklyn, apostles account for someone to 3 percent of all types of property in africa. so this particular comprised of supported by the united nations office, whole counterterrorism is looking at more dollars more dollars has to be walked out and cooperation between member countries of the african union as well as comforts affected by our incidents of a tetra as well as i'm approaching and that we do use their own access to weapons and intelligence as well as collaborate, father to deny terrorism and groups the freedom to operate in these areas. now such a one countries are attending, including of course, uh, international organizations as well as 5 members of the prominent members of basic or to counseling unit has also send delegates. so the,
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at the end of the day organize this of this particular compressor. they want to put out a unified position on how to deal with the problem with terrorism in the country. now we'll check the general financing, provision, affinity stopping of illegal flow of farms in the applicant continents. especially in areas, as well as for cooperation and shedding of intelligence so that these countries will be able to deal with a problem. how many degrees of data about russian energy corporation does problem has been forced to shop more than 24 gas wells in the or in the region to protect them from flooding. that's according to an internal company, documents, stone mountain, kazi, or river to bust as bangs, united, the april. let's with age and dozens of towns in southern russia. tens of thousands of people were evacuated. emergency plans are being activated in southern china and often heavy rains. the costs of a flooding, more than $80000.00 people, it be moved to safety in quantum profit. it's katrina you reports now from pages to
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the way the parts have gone. don't provence in southern china. underwater after record rain falls over the weekend. torrential, downpours coast bruises and reservoirs to overflowed, forcing tens of thousands of people to be loose to safety. the cities of child, $1.00 and $2.00 un, are among the worst hit. in one area, the river level rose by 7 meters. farm lands and villages has been flooded. land slides have damaged property and block thirds, emergency teams with a point to help their stranded, including 700 students trapped in school. don't latrice people here say extreme weather events have worse and in recent years to attend that it seems 2 years ago, the reinforced on it to get relatively happy. and this year, in the past, the floods are really rose to this point. at least the flaws go dream. many businesses and homes have been submerged, but some residents were per pet. yellow,
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you know, for letting reach the ground floor and above, basically is way over the ground floor. the measures were all taken in advance to the residence already left. power outages have effected more than 1000000 households and transport has been disrupted, with numerous flights and trains delayed or canceled. rains eased on monday, like many waterways and long duns pover. if a delta remains swollen and above safety limits, authorities have described the situation as grim with most on spoil cost for later this week. municipal governments have been told to propose shelters and emergency supplies. if you're in the worst is still to come. katrina, you out to 0. the philippines in the united states, the holding joint naval exercises in a private attention between china and his neighbors. despite the international legal rulings page in claims, the entire south china sea is the same. that is contested by the philippines and all the indian ocean nations. bodily lab reports. now from manila,
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the philippines and the united states have picked off the largest of its annual joint military exercises known as the body gets on a filipina word, which means a shoulder to shoulder and official say, this is exactly what these exercises are about. it's to demonstrate the inter operability of the armed forces of both countries. but during the opening ceremony, officials also said that these exercises are constantly evolving and that this year they are focusing on external defense. and so this year we are going to be seeing a number of 1st we are going to be seeing the demonstration of simulation and also live fire exercises involving a short and middle range missile systems. we're also going to be seeing for the 1st time.


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