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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the, the, this business uptake this makes this try this exact restaurant, no bundle dash before to use the, [000:00:00;00] the other on the cloud. cuz this is a news on life. instead of coming up in the next 60 minutes. these really intelligence chief designs taking responsibility for painting to prevent a massive, i'll tell you, but this 7 subtract recapping the 1st scene is really needed to do say israel target's residential areas in the gaza strip. at least 7 palestinians have been killed. looking to many relations here owns president begins
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a 3 day visits of pocket stone pulling at exchange of strikes along the border in january indians, prime minister, and the ranger moody to accuse of hate speech to stays off to the country kicked office 6 week gentlemen. much and support round the trade move, 11 points clearing the rights of the spanish. slowly the title bots off the jew filing and screwed an injury. time to beat spots, to luna l plastic the so it is 10 g m t. and we started in israel, where the military intelligence chief has stepped down saying he takes responsibility for the lapse in security, but let to be attacked by her mass on october. the 7th made a general out on honey, but is the 1st to see a government figure to quit off to buy a mazda attack. it says there was a major failure, it was raining intelligence, and it's called for an investigation. meanwhile,
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on the ground and dos him is ready for us as a continuing veritax daryl bell. or at least 3 palestinians were killed by ministry jets, talk to the group of people in the city center. many of the wounded could be taken to al acts the hospital for treatment is rarely strikes of talk to the house and albert res refugee camp. in central gaza. a number of people have been injured. we'll get more of those attacks and gaza just a moment. but 1st we started occupied histories and with abundance smith and say pan at this resignation of the military intelligence chief, the 1st high level resignation over october. the 7th. what more do we know or nick in his resignation, less that which comes just to the status of the passover holiday here and is ro, major general out on leave, said that the intelligence division did not live up to the task we were entrusted with. he was in charge on october 7th when, how much launched lots of tech in israel that resulted in the death of more than
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$1000.00. 200 is riley's the most devastating attack in terms of number of people killed on these rail since its founding in 1948. and we know now that in the run up to october 7th, that was a spectacular failure in military intelligence that allowed him us to get away with this attack. we know that perhaps up to a year before the attack, the military is rarely manager got by hands on a planning document. the laid out how, how must might attack israel and the attack that happened october. the 7th, pretty much followed that plan. we know that spots is around guns and military sponsors in the town was around gaza had seen for months up to, in the run up to october 7th. what they thought was, how much rehearsing some sort of attack planning something, all of this advice, all of this intelligence was ignored, of the highest level of the middle tree and the highest level of, of the government. the believe being of the high levels of the males in the government, but how much was not interested in launching
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a military attack on israel or launching any attack on israel. it was interested in governing gaza. well, as we know now, that got lot and spectacularly wrong, there was also another message in the retirement statement, the resignation statement from mated. the related general saying that will 40 comes with the responsibility. he's called for the establishment of a state investigative committee. the government led by benjamin netanyahu. i don't know yet. it says it wants to wait till the war and gauze is over. but many people suspect benjamin netanyahu is deliberately prolonging the will so that he doesn't have to set up this committee on that for avoids this day of reckoning. because many people letting y'all believe not in y'all, himself should take responsibility for what happened october. the 2nd or better, thanks for that to have been a smith reporting that let's say now from i keep a elder who is a political, i'm less and contributed to heretics newspaper. and he explains the timing of our neighbors resignation. i think it's uh, one of the reasons is may,
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may reason is that he realized that the nathaniel is not going to put an end to this war in the near future. um you also realize that the s was published in many alternate media outlets. that nathaniel is not really interested in a deal that will enable the captives to those who are still alive to get back home to as well. um, the other reason is that uh he wanted uh maybe just stepped down in the climax after the intelligence success in locates in the senior general in general. that was targeted as we know according to uh, just you. uh uh bye uh, is wiley,
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the drones as well as the attack and just behind that is considered to be a success. so he is leaving in the climax, but the topic was that until few hours ago was the captives, and the people planned to put to an empty chair. next to the said, the table and yellow ribbons all around. and he ran into the mazda most vision and saw the day um, people were distributing the plastic bags with cooper does contain a quarter of a p dot. and this is uh, what, uh, the caps is going to get. so this will maybe also put that more energy to the protest against nathaniel. and he is a i think that he's a, is the date or. busy lack of interest to cause
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a deal that will put an end to the world the more in the resignation in the name, the 1st that's got a golfer and speak with honey my mood in rafa and honey said israel targeting once again. residential areas. the yes, back will the past the few hours it'd be very, very violent and a bloody across the golf. mr. with more attacks concentrated in the central area mainly in an area their hours. and there's the last 2 or 3 people reported killed in an attack by a drones that fired a missile, or a group of people coming to 32 right away on silver, 7 other people with the critical injuries arriving deluxe off hospitals. but just within the past 303030 minutes or so another attack, when did it, but i did. it just shattering any remaining sense of safety for people are taking the city as a refuge from the horror of the ongoing intense bombing campaign across the strip. the reports were getting, it's a mazda, very stripe targeting,
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in multiple story residential building. and also the reports wherever we just got within the past few minutes. the house is full of display as families are being children and 5 does have waiting for more confirmation on the number of casualties or from the city of theater, but also in the threes, refuge account, but no refuge account within the past hours insurance. there are the hours of this morning, more artillery showing almost non stop on public facility. the hospital, the charitable health organization operate. again, the northern part of a new site are refuge account with reports of many injuries or been transferred to a lockbox hospital or break down the reports that we're getting. so it's not a residential building, but rather multiple layers. try send our dealership and targeting the entire residential, a block in a bridge. cam that is it, creating the load of fires that preventing people from moving it from one place to the other and destroying the vast majority of the public facilities. the past 24
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hours have been very the zip called an affordable vice city. and the 1.5 display 1500000 displays palestinians. here we're looking at at least 24 people that been killed and multiple other injuries, whether years it's arriving to a to a hospital or an a john hospital with really extreme short your medical supply. then over crowded and spaces in the hospital. the risk of these injuries losing their life are very high, a very difficult time for everyone. but how do you tell us more about this discovery of mass graves or the shocking discovery of the massive grave nasir hospital. just have many concerns in the grade level of panic across the gauze. as of right now, this is the 4th mass of gravy within the past 10 days to do where discover it's in the courtyard of a ship. a hospitalized is really mandatory,
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pulled out of from the conflict within the past. the then one more in the northern part, right at a check point that was set up by the is really military were mass arrest of young people the worst. and the fact that the bodies were found under a pile of dirt. so that check point is very consistent with us. the more does it for me back with a right to the central area and the city will describe the heroes towards your demonized vision and execution. of people, but we're looking at another hospital, the largest, the 2nd largest hill, public facility across the street where it's turned literally a graveyard to the point we, we finished our report yesterday. documenting the discovery of this gnostic re, about 200 bodies were retrieved from the mass, the great bodies of us, children, of young man and young women, elderly medical staff, were inside the mask, the grave with you, the bodies they have, their hands tied behind their backs the entire place was very,
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very distressing. just giving the themes of crying parents and family members who were there and searching for a family members who went missing for the past 70 days. we talked to a woman who described for the past 7 to 7 days. she was looking for her son and only found him inside the master grave. i'm able to recognize him it from a mark on his body. that's the grim pitcher in gauze of this morning, honey. my mood. thank you. all right, let's run this. so let me just make notes here. um m r a sure he's professor of security ministry studies don't and stupid graduate studies. i'm a welcome. i'd like to start with this resignation of israel's intelligence chief. how does this fits into the shape of everything that's happening as is these results continue at the moment? i think it's more signaling off. the seniors come in to taking responsibility of that particular mid day chief. has some significant background who is the head of the bed of troopers division before and he's also he was warned,
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he received warnings about the, the possible i'm us attacks. he even received very detailed funding and in a way it was ignored as just preparations and exercises conducted by him us as opposed to an operation the is going to go on a and i think on the 17th of october, so 10 days after the attack, he uh, he sent an internal memo to his told you saying that i failed you and any way you was taking responsibility, right? so he didn't respond to that point. so why, why if this resignation more than 6 months on the, it's also a can be either political orders to go. and so, but i think of that the, that there needs to be some somebody that takes a he's the 1st debate to design. so we need is someone needs to take some responsibility for what happens and not necessarily the prime minister, which is technically his, his commander in the stratification. but at the same time,
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it can be also logistical because he that they needed a data for the military intelligence while they're conducting this large scale operation and goes that is unprecedented before you had, i don't remember a time where it is. well deployed a size of 20 brigades invest in a small area as in gaza. so we're talking about over 60 visual and the 60 they, they defeated the addiction on the, in the whole site. and i with 3 divisions, only so hot off the size of the force defeating the addictions and 55 hours. do. do you think his resignation, mister aaron's resignation? put the pressure on that night? is that in his parking lot that he says that all sorts he comes with the responsibility and tools for an investigating committee. somebody that netanyahu has resisted in many accused him of prolonging the will. it's a clear, uh, not your dig in your, uh, whatever you want to put it. uh, but it, it's very interesting that he took the responsibility very early on and within his own command. and then now in his resignation,
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that's what he's saying. okay. so perhaps the, the highest command in the country, which is invested in the prime minister with his powers. i should also, there's some kind of responsibility given as well, the history of this particular 5 minutes to work with what's happening in gaza. and before that war is unlikely to shift netanyahu's position at highly unlikely. yeah . knowing that the, you know, it's highly unlikely that riley will have to wait and see the ones surprises this one. sure. one final question on this sanctioning of is really military units in for less human rights violations. what do we know about that? so that's the $97.00. the tell you in the, within the field big within the 9 hundred's v gate and this is a battalion. it's particular for the orthodox jews who would volunteer. and if they're not conscripted and they would volunteer to end it and few big it is one of the active the gates. so it's a,
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it's one of as well as 5 the infantry mechanized infantry. active big studies are big. and that particular big as a history, it's sort of a little but tell you in, within a semi little brigade, because the, the cubic aid has been ex, use multiple times of violations to, of it's the battalions with disbanded for a significant violations. and that particular battalion was involved in getting an american or i'd be involved in getting an american best union, an interest in the west bank. so the americans had been pushing. this is in january 2022. so it's been over a, you know, all of us pressures all saying this big aid needs to have a discipline reaction against it. that is what it is at one point. remove the, deployed it from the west bank because this is where they operated primarily to the golden heights. and then in the guys operation, they were operating, meeting the north of guys. so they moved at them a few times. that of course, with what we're seeing in gaza and they, they are, i don't,
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i think the speaking an easy target given that history with the us citizens and of course with the violations new us bank. so it's accusation of our oceans every month. appreciate your perspective. thanks very much, i shall hear the student. thank you. when it's ready, police arrested 2 suspects they say were involved in a call running attack in west through slim at least 3 israelis were injured. security has been increased across occupied eastern. so in the head of the jewish processor, and is there any forces the ones that gain conducted raids across the occupied westbank. the exchange 5 with palestinian fighters in geneva. and force is also stormed as tada village and bethlehem and the beloved to a refugee camp in napa. this is really incursions in the occupied west bank of being in the nightly occurrence since israel laurence's for on casa in october the be a rated. and president abraham bracy is on
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a 3 day visit to focused on i ended improving relations between the 2 countries. tension, search and genuine often exchange of strikes along the border. races trip comes days off to the wrong and is relative targets in each of those characters as close to come all high to joining us from the capital of focused on his level. but a so come, all right, so in unpack it started rebuilding relations of the attack. so what's on the type the the well if i heard you correctly, sorry, there's a little bit of a just. busy action, but if i heard you correctly, this is indeed a closer to read the id written in rather than a brand name. they see the 4th of 2017. that was the last time they and they really and brandon came to budget, reduce it. and i'll go ahead to bump it
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up to date month on the issue of the apologize for that. the audio is breaking up. as you can hear, we'll try and reestablish communications would come off a little bit like on to this, the tech express interested typo on visiting iraq for the 1st time in 12 years. walter is expected to talk the agenda during the totes right claims through tech. he has done projects for its shortages. other one is also expected to visit the bill in the middle, separatists curtis prices have gained a foothold, interacts with how much reason i've kind of this don't want us. let's go to my doctor while i had the joints now from my dad roberts. tell us about what do you think good one is hoping to achieve here? what do you think, what my thought was the most for the typical should delegation is the a to eliminate the threats of the p k. k. the chord this ton workers brought to you fighters located in the notice of a lock. they wanted a rocky alternatives,
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namely the government and about that. and that's of this to me with 10 of us good this region to corporate for you with them in what the, what they say eliminating the threats of the p t k. which to keep and do you opinion classify as a tourist organization. now to key also wants to establish a buffer adult zone, extending on about 30 or 40 kilometers in from exposure to into the iraqi territory. and then all of the iraq, as you know, that to kia has already many minutes the bases and then all of the iraq. but it's still the at service organization, the p. k. k, the code just on workers party. it poses multiple threats to, to, to get specially with it's network of problem with groups. could groups any rock and in syria as well. it also wants to dig into consideration probably wants also
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to maintain the trade volume. in fact, to increase it from $5015000000000.00 a year to, they're hoping to increase it to $20000000000.00 a with a lot. given the fact that iraq is one of the most of the biggest countries consuming, get the total to ship products. one of the 1st inputs it has of a total cost you a products. now on the other hand, iraq is free rockies will to comes 1st. they want, they want to let to more flaws of water has, you know, that iraq has been suffering from huge, severe shortages of wealth and recent theaters, resulting in multiple crises for human is i mean, miles and heavy debts across the country. the wants more flows of the world and the, the also want to the, to corporate end. it is human to the exporting of oil from the northern region into
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the took, it took us to, to the, to are you through and through the g hon. the to because both of you had on the admitted fee as you know, that there's a lot of topics. there's a lot of issues on the agenda of this type provides a visit. but we will have to wait and see by the end of the day, how many agreements in regards to security, water and economy being sealed, right back with you as and when we know more, that's the situation is like, that's my point of what i have for pushing, thank you. snow nigeria is hosting an african security summit in the booth jump into operation with the un office of counter terrorism. several african leaders in the u. n. deputies extra general taking pots with representatives from the united states, the european union, and from russia, the set to discuss ways to come by to touch blank broker. i'm an i so especially in this whole region. but some of the countries most affected by diesel in groups such as money came in for us. so in these, you're not expected to take part what address springs as well?
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from summit africa, it's now officially the center of global turnaround time, according to the not getting national security advisor. this region accounts for 50 percent off. all settled related debts in the world in particular to countries. molly and brooklyn, across the account for someone to 3 percent of all types happening in africa. so this particular conference supported by the united nations office will come to tourism is looking at more dollars more dollars has to be walked out and cooperation between member countries of the african union as well as countries affected by our incidence of a tetra. as well as i'm approaching and that we do use their own access to weapons and intelligence as well as collaborate, father to deny terrorism. i'm groups the freedom to operate in these areas. now, such a one countries are tending, including, of course, international organizations as well as 5 members of the prominent members. so basic
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or is the counsel beautiful in union, has also send delegation. so the, at the end of the day organize this on this particular compressor. they want to put out a unified position on how to deal with the problem with terrorism and the country. then we'll check total financing, provision of military equipment, stopping of illegal flow of arms in the applicant continents, especially in areas as one of us. first, i called operation and shedding of intelligence so that these countries will be able to deal with the problem. but the reason i'll just say that, well, russia has expanded its presence on the african continent to recent years. take advantage of the withdrawal of western forces. this will look now where russian forces are operating. earlier in april, russian matrons truck just arrived in asia with that defense system and specialized equipment to train the russian soldiers were deployed to became defensive. in november 2023. they were followed a months later by a group of about
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a 100 minute trips license money and soldiers are receiving training in russia and buying a co has taken delivery of military equipment, including aircraft. russian contracts as have been training soldiers and police officers in the central african republic since 2018 i'm most giving is due to open the military base and the southern town of bang go. so let's take all of this on. we can speak to chris who 90, who is a senior research and project coordinator with the institute for security studies, joins us by skype from a bu. just say, 1st up, russia expanding his presence in the region. very much of focus for the discussions . no doubt. kristin: i'm hoping you can hear us all right. uh with this. can you hear me fine? yeah, yes. i can hear you. i got to tell us more about the rush or expanding his presence in the region and, and how that would be a focus full of the tools. so yeah,
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i think russia's is exercise and is quite st bought into region because it will come back to strength of tubes and he doesn't spend tie itself to and above um, you know, restrictive measures and you know, whether it's called human rights opportunities or so. um, but then it just, it takes to come back to where the african states was. so when you see what is happening by the book, you know, fussing at also in new jersey, the preference for russian i'm going to mention is that if it doesn't child, we from uh, from being very come back to this has been, you know, the western states i know some of the. ready united nations have failed miserably also because if the 2 thousands programs that it's addresses the needs of some of the states that are facing by then extreme figures, none of the time. you mentioned that these. yeah, molly and picking up for us
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a presence at this summit. so back in the summit, defective be progress. it was, i think it's a, it's, it's not a weird to act to kind of thoughts from the nigeria. and those are the entities most are thinking that this is going to spread as in terms in getting dis i how to region and also affecting west africa, or they need to real estate, as in west africa, is because he's going to the down and the alley rates, i need to go beyond my, the news you're looking at $56.00, and they're seeing that the cost of the in those $3.00 countries. and they want to see what class of the cost that it could do to re dress a kind of address that. um, really any type of a space too busy. so um, well it's at least i'll put you through the notes down within this in this meeting . but, and also this to see some of these really things as you know, not being really effective for the purpose as if we should be talking of the cost
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of mobilizing that with a class for african actors joining forces to mobilize choice already. they looked at the problem so what. 3 they know why we know unified, and i said as african see to risk on that. no, jerry is hosting this summit incorporation with the un office of counter terrorism . but to what degree is you and committed to funding kinds of terrorism in the region? i think nicely sticking points um in the conversation because the you and always has the principal is of peacekeeping as always upgrade to meeting to the principals of impartiality and the like neutrality. so it's always so very reluctant to integrate that also to support combative emissions. so that's where the challenge comes. it's a recently approved the thirty's to support financially to advocate for by
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african. so financial supports applicant admissions. but then the challenge to then be will it then 1st african stays do then. um, you know, adults, you know, say high compliance measures unless they're restricted to come back to stance against as truly and sometimes that is where the big challenges come up in terms of, you know, to what extent can you and support missions to come back to the nation for those countries who have pulled the troops from the region, how concerned will they be about the ongoing situation and no that should be involved anymore. so yeah, i'm going to be actually very close and um this window. so to pull up there to, um, lets say in the case of modifying things, what we're seeing is that, you know, there will be more attacks that are out of the course the west african states. because most are the capacity for money to defend the borders of course, or reduce book, you know,
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5. so the same. so that would be an increase trends for cost of west african states . like to gladly need even quite a while. and i so, but then what they're looking for 2 now is how did you do have a more continental response? if you recall the apps that was developed in the context of ensuring that their collective effort and risk, what is the security fence. but that has already balkanized under the seems only a few countries um, being responsive they say correct outright. and you should see that is supposed to address the tribes coming to coastal, the west african states. but then the best initiative is to get to know right off the ground under that it needs underground. good to get your analysis of the situation. kristin: any from institute for security studies? thank you. thank you. i said i had hearing officer press who was rushed to save
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lives in southern china as authorities, one of once in a century, levels of flooding, guns and ammunition, global ministry spending searches on wising tensions in security. we got the full coming up. the goal 1st is take the leap into the history books off to pick up another major title that's coming up with the the individual now more the us army use the highly toxic herbicides with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare. a decade later, the same happened in the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the case for 2 women fought for justice. i guess some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus
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agents orange analogies 0 the latest news as it breaks around on or given a cause started, people come out in large numbers to galvanized population a board with detailed coverage. but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better. it's driving some residents to the brain from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, it even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have the government challenges here with
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the american watching out is there a reminder about top story? is this uh and the head of israel's military intelligence has resigned. say he takes responsibility for the last security on october, the 7th general out on sunday. but is the 1st see me a figure to quit? of the surprise, a massive truck is ready strikes of killed at least 3 palestinians, and the father in central garza the to get to talk to the group of people in the city center. many of the wounded have been taken to the hospital. indeed, as prime minister as being accused of hate speech for comments he made about muslims time election rally and right, just on the weekend, the ranger moody said if the opposition congress came to power again, was lives would have it 1st rights to induce access. your position, is it back accusing moody of trying to divert both your attention and the real issues. nearly a 1000000000 indians,
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a voting and parliamentary elections. moody is thinking of the time the dog bought it. this is the earlier government said the muslims will have the rights over the results of the country is part of the main use of this means they will gather all the wealth and give it to the people who have more children. they will distribute among them full traitors. do you think your hodgin monday should be distributed to the info traitors? do you accept that? this is what the congress manifesto says. that it was paid to political and less could be to cushion on. i see says off to the 1st round of 18, the beach i p appears to have misjudged public sentiment in his planes of, of having achieved the development and so on. i'm not resonating with people. that is why i think he feels this desperation now to fall back on the default setting movie. so he is not just going for a and teen was slim, but you know,
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i don't listen. this is the or more be of good to that stuff. oh, you know, when he would openly attack muslims and call them yeah, people who, you know, page too much and so. so i think that one of the things that has the active list of all the quick badly is the issue of the electronic bonds, which the supreme court into mention has a bead, was basically a scam run by the prime minister to extort money from sucking business houses in exchange for contracts and so on. i think the fact is that he has promised jobs and prosperity in the 2014 election again in 2019 and now to tom's out over an indian spacing the worst unemployment rate. since in the last 45 years, so i think and the desperation among huge, they have been many,
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many movements by youth in different states. seeing essentially that even after education, there is no employment is to be had. uh, the only employment to be had is extremely, temporarily extremely precarious and very, very in paid. and i think that is the be if i were to name the biggest election issue this time. i think it's that and the other one is inflation. so i think these are things which a multi has no answer to because it gives that to inside terms to address those things have gone much, was still better in before the 2014. and that was in spite of the 2008, you know, international, you know, they cannot make crisis and so on. just to get to that story, we have to say that the indian government has not granted visas throughout. is there a jet and let's say we're covering at the election from outside the country, the nimble these, the governing peoples, national congress has won a landslide victory in sundays election. president mohammed, who is this party,
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is set to win a 2 thirds majority and policy. he's push mcclay supplies with china and moving the country away from a long time ally india. russian energy corporation guys problem has been forced to shop more than 24 gas wells. and we are in pac region to protect them from flooding . that's according to an internal company, documents state melts. pool is the euro river to pass inspection natalie april, which led today using thousands of pounds in southern russia. tens of thousands of people were evacuated. let's across to you. the shop of oliver, who joined just now from the russian capital of moscow and you'd, i guess it's shut down as a precaution. me, thanks for the diamond. right? yeah. it was it absolutely necessary measured uh, in the current situation with the floods in rushes southern euros in the was page orient box region in particular. so gas from stults, as you mentioned,
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motor to doesn't wells before the floods started. that's according to the local coal for its publication. so now they say that they manage to save the infrastructure that i have. they know taken b precautionary measures a big damage. a 2 days of trust you could been close to gas for work is not cold. the flood situation in the region controllable. and prior to the floods that manages especially have made a helicopter flight over the production and transportation facilities to assess work required to be done. and for your attention during the flood period as now, all wells in the flood zone are protected by a full level security system. they say no destruction of gas facilities, oil and filter leaks have been detected and the source has now said that they monitor the performance of age well the and also the floods. large scale is required with the general sentiment is that he's willing to fax the whole gas industry in the country, of course, and utilize
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a flood that has been extensive business. tell us about the situation elsewhere in the country. oh, absolutely. the russian southern bureaus, i'm the northern task that's done the, or in bog at the crew guns regions. they've seen the west floods in decades and we've seen, you know, those pictures of thousands of homes, completely flooded runes and destroyed by will to damages you have to be assessed, of course, but it's clear that tens of thousands of people have lost their homes. lots of businesses have been destroyed so many people are pretty much unhappy about the way the store sees. have been handling the situation that i'm the local source has not reported that resignations of several heads of regions are expected right now and among possible candidates. the sources name, the govern, know, the, or in the region or who's currently facing
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a lot of people's discontent supposedly is among those to go. but of course, the change of situation is, you know, is turning for, for the best that we can say that's the will set levels a dropping right now. but know in all the regions. so the organ by the region looks pretty well pretty okay. now compared to some other regions, but obviously the situation remains quite critical. you let things about to you to shop available, reporting that from must go flooding, not restricted to rush, or at least 11 people are missing out the storms. cool. severe floods in southern china. authorities say $53000.00 have be moved to safety in glen done provence. the power of a bust is banks and food, into streets and houses in several towns. region is home to china is technology and manufacturing centers at all forward is awarding. it could be a once in a century disaster, katrina, who brings us more now from badging for this problem long as the south china ruled
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in part of that opens, which has been more severely affected so far. as you mentioned, it's also frightening on friday buttons saturday. that's really when we saw a lot of wrench right back to down in certain areas. in particular the cities that happens to, to the cities in the north of shelves. one thing and seeing you in these areas, roads have been turned into rivers or the land slides that have damaged prophecy and some houses in the so we have rescue teams working in these areas rescuing those who was stranded so far, no casualties have been reported. but according to state media, at least 11 people are missing and in the city of genuine a learn more than 60000 people has been evacuated in the white a long don't programs at least 1000000 homes had been effected by tyler outages and problems with telephone signals, schools have been closed and transport to the province within the province is severely disrupted, with words and railways flows, the many flights ladle. kansas. once under the government announced an emergency
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plan urging all municipalities the walk down to protect shelters, to get ready. some food or water supplies, those who may need it. the low level has been raised to orange, which is the 2nd highest level. and really, authorities are very worried that was yet to come because this area, the who river delta is full of important rivers. and many of these rivers and reservoirs are ready at the flooding limits and will rain is full cost for the as it was already is have described the situation as ribs in this region is no stranger to flooding, but usually flooding happens in may or june. so for this flooding season, just on april, this is the earliest we've seen. it starts since 1998 global ministry spending hits . and now the old time, high in 2023 region $2.00 trillion dollars. that's according to the annual report by dis dot com, international peace research institute. it is the 1st time since 2009 that ministry
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spending rosen or 5 geographical regions. top 3 spent this of the united states, china and russia. russia is budget search by 24 percent to about a $109000000000.00 during the 2nd year of it. school in ukraine, deputy brushes professor at the national defense university in washington dc and explains what's behind the rise imagery spend of the gaza war. the main costs are certain kinds of munitions and personnel, but i think that what is really driving the increases that israel is, is fielding a new, a stealth aircraft. the joint strike fighter, which is extremely expensive and is having to develop extensive a missile defense and rocket defense system. so those are extremely expensive. the systems himself and the missiles that they fire are also pretty expensive. so i think that this is a one off because
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a war it will be reflected probably in 20232024 figures. but there's an ongoing development and capitalization of missile defense in advance self air fighting, which i think is the real long term driver of the increasing is really costs. one of the criticisms i have of the slippery reports is that it just looks at dollars. and so, for example, a $3000000000.00 missile defense system that goes to japan is much more expensive than say, $50000000.00 with the machine guns that go to sudan. but those $50000000.00 with the machine goes they're by far more d stabilized them. so with that caviar in much the big trend that's guiding it. our fighter aircraft missiles, missile defense systems and air defense systems and then ships and particularly ships in an anti missile configuration. what this represents is the emerging technology or technology to stop that emerging technology. so i think what we're seeing is a bow wave of spending trying to find
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a solution to these problems of cheap multiple drones and ballistic missiles, as well as maintaining conventional mass on the battlefield with artillery a sport can we help just off this will break drama and we have a cup as much united fight back up the blowing of 3 police j will have and just a minute. the business latest is sponsored by him to lot global. your real estate destination in due by
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the business, latest expenses by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the next. thank you. james bellinger on his own but sealed the spanish title for rail and the drifts he schooled and injured time winner against boss. when you know
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class go to put them 11 points clear at the top of the league. david stakes has the actions pizza wholeseller, the side, it's a the jeep telling him once again, delivering on the biggest stage for royal madrid. the twins eroding them in the field. i haven't scored since february, but his winter against barcelona may have just acute the trophy in his day be seasoned at the club for motors squared, philip, and about how it came at the right time. it's been a while since he found in it, but this one can be fundamental to us winning the title. right now, twice. that's a fight from behind in this game. at the bernabite, andreas christy, and send headed boss to letting her head up to 6 minutes. lucas passed question. what a penalty for i l. c. buses. coach chevy felt it was a dive. but it stood initially as genius scored to level things up at 11 boss. it felt further agreed when the video rest couldn't decide whether this pulled, at course the line or notes as i li get doesn't use go low and technology. it wasn't given and they will also denied
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a penalty for this chairman john footman lopez. he did, however, the school was 10 minutes late to edge pasta in front again. but plenty of drama was to come across, comes back, came right out with an equalized if and fast quiz. then in the 1st minute the by the time it was best quite as you did live at the cross spelling it was when these 21st scolded the season, put tray out 11 points, quit with 6 games left. what a welcome cushion is they get ready to face by and munich in the champions league, semi finals. i mean this here, of course it's an important step, but we can't relax too much because we still need a few more points. and the best way to prepare for the champions league is to play wells of the bus alona already out of the champions league, and now have no real hope of winning a trophy the season chevy left. proving those refereeing decisions. missions that you'll know using host dcm actually moves. i said the game was totally unfair. everybody seen it. that's my feeling and i cannot lie,
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especially to offends everybody who's saying what happened today. with banks about winds up in manchester, city and bustling that round, madrid a flying around peyton in 26 league games coming back to september. i borrowing something extraordinary. they'll kind of record extending. 36 spanish title, savings folks. how does era? well that was in the early caustic, are happening on sunday and argentina, but continues to come out, travels with a plate in the super classic, a bulk of when to go down off to just 10 minutes when we go for high school for river. but he and his teammates would be down thing to a different chain by the end of the 1st health. they go on that until equalized for book or in the 1st minute. the stuff each time edison cause any then put book a in front midway through the 2nd home with a brilliant head to another goal, followed from that entail as book who went on to win 3 to a post and series to the semi finals as indeed a professional, where they'll play
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a student is to eric 10, hold admits that months united going away with it off to the f, a cup semi final penalty. when of of coventry united with reading a lot with twins minutes left and cruising to a 22nd essay comp final, the dentist and say tional ton of events as a secondary opponents full by way, package, the gangs to quit goals for being awarded a penalty for room, one of the stock has 10 bowls. how do you rights taking the game to extra time? coventry's evicted to thought he'd want it on a 121 minutes. so any for his goals, be rules out 5 vo of sites. so it was own to penalties, but even then you know, it just kept the mirror, couldn't convert his thought, kick cover 3 minutes or 2 more before rasmussen island to finally put the streets out when and you know like today's winning it for 2 and they go through to face much is the team,
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the final inmate mixed feelings is clear that and it's a huge achievement to be twice in a i think the final into yes and on the last 20 is united was all and 5 times in the final. now we are 2 times in 2 years, so we to do to achievement. but of course, when you are so in control, in the game, you're so dominating the game and to look at then you should bring it over the phase. and the way we did was know to go live a full kept till the pressure on english. primarily lead is also a say beat of the 31, trend alex on the, on, on the screwed a brilliant free, kicking the 32nd minute to put the pull ahead, the full set on 74 points with also the trial on goal different months that he had said just to point behind the we have good, why do we do when as many games as i'm a possible to get as many points of some
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a possible solution. 10 season for all of us. everybody needs like in moments, teach up to 3 teams, need that. so it will be an interesting raising. i'm happy to get in to that paula women's gulf number 190 quota has equal direct quote of 5 straight victories on the lpga tool. highlights his trial for the a to show victory at the chevron championship for his 2nd major title. the american is one of 3 players, 2 of f, 15 in a row. nancy lopez did it in 1978 and on a concerns done in 200420058 previous major victory was the 2021 women's pga championship. the $1200000.00 prize takes us to use an earnings to nearly $2500000.00. and as is customary at this tournament, she's celebrates and by jumping into the pond at carlton woods in texas. and i'm shivering right now, so i'm a little cold on it's just been a crazy, crazy,
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crazy couple weeks with home really. how golf and i can finally break as i was. i was really nervous on that back 9. i really, really one of this when it feels amazing to get it, it's been an amazing feeling the past couple weeks knowing that you know that i can go on the stretch and not if i stay in my bubble and i keep golf in a sense, simple and let it flow, then i can have so much so, so much fun out here. been simple ones because he chef lawrence closing and on back to back wins off to taking them off disease. now 5 shots. claire the a, b, c. heritage is still has 3 holes to play on monday, milwaukee boxed onto the play of series with the indiana pacers without the stall play. again. this has to come by on sunday. he's got a cough injury, but stay me a little. it made up for his missing teammate. he school is 35 of his points and the 1st health record 1st franchise is about sleep. the pace is 19 to 94.
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okay. and the city's website go just looks on the has picked. it's been picked to the fun list of the least most valuable player award. and in game one against new orleans. he said why, he's for 28 points and clean the go ahead fall skit in the final minutes as on the edge public and 94 to 92. the only type is a taking a one, nothing lead. and that pale series with the dallas mavericks, despite them of liquids own to making section 3 point. james hutton's full 28th is play of savings, the campus as a 119297 and over there and the whole time, the top seats in the eastern conference, the boston celtics made a quick stop. so that opened and gave us the series against the miami heat. jason's tatum got that 1st create playoff shipping level. as he finished with 23 points, 10 rebounds in tennessee and the cell 61114294. and so her tiny broke the record for most time is hit by japanese born play it in major league baseball, the plato just saw had
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a home run against the new months is 176. and more than 6 seasons in major league, that's one more than the monk set, but he came up so we can use the world series and we pay in 2009. and that is all his fault for now. we'll have, we'll see you later. next day, thank you very much. we'll see you later. thank you. no echo as president has one vote to support for ralph to security measures according to any results from the electoral council plans presented in a referendum by the president and owner by all right. and zip code being gang violence, country has been struggling with a rise in unrest. and while i pick is, i mean, did you this right talk to us? and she says it will be very difficult to get the measures through congress or the security measures the are importance. uh it includes for instance, transferred to arms and guns taken from gangs and criminals to the hands of the police. so they can spread the security a process called the consolidated eating flies, putting the military together with the police,
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deployed them across the national territory. but what is important to keep in mind is that from the 9 security questions, 5 require refire congressional approval because their amendments to the constitution. so it's not the referendum, it's tell them that they'll be able to solve them. all these questions will need to go to congress and will need legislative negotiations which are increasingly difficult to the president is isolated in congress, especially after the invasion of the mexican embassy. it will be difficult to implement because it requires a majority in congress to be able to actually be turned into law. so most of the questions in the referendum, who is all the questions, should have gone through a legislative road instead of a referendum road and 5 of the security questions that gained approval in the referenda need now to be negotiated in congress with other parties. so the reality of the matter is that this referendum,
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he's never you ation of the popularity of the president of the concerns of it for dorians, for security and their fear of and security. they gave this monday to the president to focus on the security. but now it will be very difficult to implement the supporters of brazil's former president, jaya bell snar, calling for his return to politics his being bought from running for office until 2030 after a series of scandals. monica had a care of reports now from re a to junior. the crowds cheering results former preston table sonata calling for his return to power its post on auto 2nd rally since he was banned from running for public office until 2030. after being found guilty of using his presidential powers to undermine the integrity of the 2022 elections. i believe god will help us of return the quotes decision and both scenarios will be elected
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president again. he praised tech tycoon eli mosque will lashed out at both and i was arch enemy supreme court judge and to show them what i most cause the courage to defend freedom of expression. let's have a round of applause for him. there's no spam, i presently still have the support of many voters here, but his political future hangs in a balance investigations and to bring so novels. a ledger grew in parting a car under way and expected to rock that's by july. analysts hear say, is imprisonment is likely, my dear must ask them defaults the popular most and that is using these rallies to show is political might on the streets, hoping it will protect him during all the legal battle shall be facing in the upcoming weeks. and he's also leading the opposition against the will themselves as well. so natural may have been banned from running for office, but his supporters say he can still help elect to satellites in october as municipal elections. monica,
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you're not give all just 0. we have scenario. but that, that's it for me for this is robin. is it mixed with bull? today's the or she has to read his spend most of his life on the water. he's the fisherman, just like others and his family. but things are different now from when he was a boy in 2022 long days, mcats would declared and endangered species. i'm the new family at my job. he's not at school today, he's taking us to the band. so if the only stop leak in central den bode,
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yeah, he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i down there the more now. so that's why i don't see that time wants to be, i mean, molnar, calling me about the power while the off i can only logan carnegie. the monkeys are frightened for good reason. traffic is got you and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy medical research, this black market creed, not only indeed just was probably me populations, but books public health at risk. because unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals of pathogen free. unique perspective. why should the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so under valued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices? tick tock had been a place for organizing politically,
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for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, it's the, these really intelligence chief designs, taking responsibility for failing to prevent a mazda is a talk on october, the 7th. the folks that are in the items that are coming up in the next 30 minutes. israel targets residential areas in the gaza strip. at least 7 palestinians are killed. looking to men's relations that runs president begins


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