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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the services in use our on out to 0 for the back to go live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. a mass grave is covered in one unit, southern gaza, at least 210 bodies of friendly coverage weeks after these really ami with joe the is ready as
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tried to hit the guise of the street from north to south at least 22 people, mostly children killed in a rough funerals in the occupied westbank for the palestinian scales during a 3 day is really operation. also this hour to several in where people are voting to show whether it be supported measures by precedent. by noon no more than willing power. the armed forces and the police to fight against drug trafficking organizations. about a piece of paper to go to school to use elaina the backend of wins the state because open one of the prizes is a brand new portion. but does anyone problem? she doesn't have a driver's license on his mobile, they. so this is our, the thank you for joining us. is disc on 21, g m t, and a new mass grave has been on the coverage by policy and emergency services inside
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the nice and medical complex. in con unit is southern gaza, at least $210.00 bodies have been found to the discovery comes after. is there any forces withdrawal from the area international? no experts have told down to 0. the findings could amount to war crimes, honey. my mood reports on the site in han, eunice, early in the war, thousands of palestinians to crack the form is really a tax in the nasir hospital and han eunice. now, many of them are buried here. civil defense. the crews have discovered hundreds of bodies on the grounds of the medical complex. now while it is still looking for her son's remains, and the has long just money, i am here to find a buddy of my son. his name is el, i'm not selling a ton of his brother told me that he buried him here. we came from far away, mounted ones, don't food, but we didn't find him. we've been trying for the past 2 weeks. really forces
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withdrew from han units on april the 2nd. after 4 months of intense raids and air strikes, leaving behind the trail of destruction and mass and graves, it seems who recovered the dead sea somewhere, shuddered from behind execution as time others were found with their hands tied behind their backs. many more are believed to be buried on the grounds of the largest medical facility in southern gaza. when are they coming on? i don't know yet when, when are they going to join the identified bodies? we're delivering to their families and we civil defense, keep the undefined bodies take note of any distinguished marks for each of them. then we buried of another mazda gray and get more power, city and bodies. over 3 of the, from the side was named by not be remembers, their identities are largely lost in on out of president in war. last, but remembered, those who have been identified will now receive a proper farewell for calculus. others, the search continues more than 7000 people are still missing across the gaza strip
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. most of them women and children, most of the, of the southern gauze for the no face being a major attack and gov of city. the witnesses capture the moment of impact event is really striking. a residential area is really s ranks that also killed at least 24 people in the southern city. a ross on sundays 16 as and for children warning view as may find some of the images entirely capitalism's reports distressing. the is very minutes we attacks. of course the gaza strip did not stop since the hour this morning. hitting multiple areas of streams, another at pump to the south of the territory as no place for palestinian is considered to be completely safe. these very minute treat hot targeted a number of residential houses in the far south here in a roughly getting at least 20 palestinians,
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including as more than 12 children. in fact, a very densely populated area as the majority of casualties among civilians continues to rise on a daily basis as the majority of areas was. can it work completely hits without any? probably a warning as the vast majority of the victims were children of women who are completely right now on sites. as this report shows on an ocean. this palestinian baby girl was delivered from the one of her mother post mother and father was killed and it is very striking. roughly. she's named drew, which means sullen. arabic raised them because i feel right. and what's their phone or the whole family? why? from the civil registry, and the only survivor is a small baby girl. her sister mother wanted to name her room. so now malik has gone
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on the door, his level worse mother supreme. the 2nd, he was almost 8 months pregnant when she was killed. doctors say roost conditions is painful and improving. how does it look and see? well, the, when the baby came out, her condition was between intermediate and critical. currenty of the giving her medical care from the not until now. she got paid to gradually during the past hours, we can now say better condition is stable on average for others did not save only if the is very strikes on the roof. but close to 2000000 displaced. palestinians have so refuge fees that i'm, what high school, especially did you see one mind in all those killed? you know, it's about one mind who has been killed all of them inside the house. and here a women and children. as you can see, with your own eyes to my entire identity has been wiped out with my wife, children, and everyone causes hills. ministry says that more than 14000 children have been
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killed in israel's will. garza, the bodies of many more have not been found. that buried under the russell roof will spend the next month in hospital without him mother and father, but as, as well for ends, the ground invasion of rough. she and thousands of children like face and even more on sets and future a that was terry cab was reporting from cousin a 7 guys up to the occupied westbank. now where a general strike has been declared after 3 days or in the raid, hundreds of people turned out for the funerals or 14 palestinians were killed in nor sounds refugee camp until correct. it was one of the voices really raised in recent months, is really forced, as of now killed $486.00 policy man danny occupied westbank since october. the 7th . neither a rain before some new will shines refugee camp into correct notified west bank. the north, some sort of few,
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the gap has turned into one large workshop with 1st responders are trying to take care of some of the damage that has been incurred during the 3 day they to that are few decals as you can see here. every thing has been affected when we talk about the electricity, the water, the rows that have been completely destroyed, but they know that the repairs will take months of no more to be fixed. so this is a different situation than any other res, seem inside the account. they're used to is really forces destroying the infrastructure. but the scale of this, um, it was something they've never seen before. one lady was coming to somebody, even during the 1960, the 2nd the roads never looked like this. they want to take us decades back in the club so they can take off the public. this is pure event. it is our enemy and has
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been damaged. you know lives since 1948, and i'm not 54 years old. and i've only been seen the ugliness and torture of these rarely occupation. since i was a child, we were asleep. the ami suddenly winton, when my sister opened the door, she saw an odd sort of show and she started crying. she was good. the cap has turned to one big morning. how's her name's festival? my son was late. here's the mold in 6 hours and is ready. sniper killed him. as he opened the window, metix was shot when they tried to take his body. i stood next to him kissing him. good bye, haven't the positive fair efforts continue here, palestinians tell us. there's no guarantee that the is really forces will not return here again and incur similar damage to the infrastructure. so that home and so their lives need that. but he just need to kind of westbank
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he's right us government is describing us plan to sanction military units accused of human rights violations. as a red line. secretary of state, down to me blinking is expected to announce the restrictions in the coming days. then bas robbie has been speaking about as soon as the occupied westbank will say the sanctions are nearly a whitewash for his ready crimes. after the worst violence in the occupied westbank and weeks are us plan to sanction one is really battalion based on state department findings, months old, for crimes. now years old, tell us stands for and ministry says the americans are not serious about holding israel to accounts. sections of old was auto income, but this still looked to be an attempt to whitewash is an army or as an army. the governments are committing war crimes that comes against humanity and to come out of the genocide. and by this time, this would love to be, i toys for the army. we believe that the americans are serious thinks would stop
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the complicity in the age on the sides and guns on the unit in question. the nets are you who the vitality of a 1000 ultra orthodox soldiers, they have limited interaction with female troops are allowed more time to pray and continue religious studies in keeping with conservative police. at least the incidents of torture and abuse in the occupied westbank, most notably in 2022. when 80 year old posting and american omar, a stock died in custody. he was detained, had cost the blindfold in a band. and in near freezing conditions, the nets are you who were relocated to the golden heights later that year and are currently in gaza. even if the unit is disbanded, israel's national security minister has said he will absorb the soldiers into the ranks of the police. but 25 other battalions will remain deployed across the occupied west bank. this week is rarely forces subjected palestinians in the tucker and refugee camp to levels of destruction. not seen since the 2nd into 5 to 20
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years ago. while israel's government is furious, that its biggest benefactor would sanction its military for palestinians. here it is political theater. the hot to the americans and lying, i say to bide it. and then the americans enough like with this to you talk about democracy and human rights. while human rights are violated using us money and weapons, obviously it's nonsense if the us wanted to sanction them. it wouldn't have talked to them like weeds among us. us president jo biden's commitment to one side of this conflict remains clear. despite numerous reports of human rights violations, since the war on gods will begin, his administration has expanded israel's weapons stockpile and just days ago be told the palestinian bid for recognition as a full member state of the un. the best case scenario, this could set a legal precedent in syria, could mean that israel will no longer be immune to violating international law because really military's behavior might even change. but the more likely scenario, this is damage control. it is messaging by
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a white house with diminishing popularity ahead of a presidential election. st bus robbie olga 0 rama loved the occupied westbank post on for a while. these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is blamed tomas for the failure to reach a ceasefire deal that would allow for the release of these are the captives in casa . he vowed to further increased pressure on her mazda in the coming days. let's the other. so unfortunately, until now, the old proposed list of the release of all hostages have been outright rejected by somebody must give them view. that's why the us secretary of state, rightly said from us, refused all the officers that were made to, according to him on the only thing preventing a deal that would release the hostages. it's from us, you called me instead of bucking down from it's extreme positions. so how much i must build on division between us and drawers and encouragement from the pressure directed these randy government there last time we will deliver additional and painful blows on from us. and that will happen soon. in the coming days,
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we will increase the military and political pressure because this is the only way to free our hostages and the chief victor. let's discuss all this now with one of the last 3 media studies for faster and political analyst at the design studio for graduate studies here and cut off. thank you. moment for being with us again on this news hour. so next now it says he will increase the military will increase the pressure on him us in the coming days, a ground invasion of rafa seems inevitable and imminent it does. that seems very, very likely. and as you say, probably imminent men, yahoo has been warning of invasion for many weeks. a couple of months ago, he 1st started talking about often saying that it's absolutely necessary for the completion of our aims. of these really aims in gaza and so and then a few weeks ago, he said that he set a date that the war cabinet had set a precise date. so we might get,
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might be getting closer to that to that date. and there are media reports in the united states in israel and elsewhere, suggesting that the us may have finally signed off on, on that off, off invasion and exchange for iran not escalating. i'm sorry. exchange for is real, not escalating too much with that with the run, right. we had heard many objections from the us about this raphael vision. what are precisely if it is really a is in, in, in, in reading the southern city of the guys and straight here. i don't think we can understand what israel's precise strategy as in gaza without kind of zooming out and thinking about the larger context. the larger context is that this is an ongoing program of ethnic cleansing that started in 1948. but importantly from the is really perspective was not finished. in 1948,
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it's continued until 1967 and into the present. this is why you have israel aggressively and very quickly expanding into the west bank. the settlement expansion program is very aggressive. so israel's constantly growing and palestinian land is constantly shrinking. and this is why you see what's, what, what israel's doing in gaza trying to force people to the south, closer to egypt, and then looking around in the international community and asking openly why want countries like egypt take precautions. and that's been that the goal from the beginning, from october 7th, it hasn't worked yet for israel. and it hasn't gone according to plan, but they're still trying to work that through. i think their hope is that there won't need to be an invasion of that off off, but the egyptians will finally ok. we ask well, the age of shock with shipping and, and let these palestinians and i don't think so. no, i would. i would be shocked, i mean, even up and up until relatively recently, we were hearing these whispers that in the negotiating room that israel was trying to kind of communicate, communicate that message to the egyptians. there have been rumblings about maybe a debt relief package to egypt,
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but the germans aren't having it. and so in all likelihood, we're heading toward that invasion that you spoke about, right? i want to ask you about another development and that is that the sanctions being imposed by the us on this is really on the unit that operates in the occupied westbank unprecedented in the us history of relationship. these really is not happy about it as we have, as we've heard. but why now, and why this unit operating in the west bank and not the military units operating in gaza? whichever in a case of multiple abuse, has 5 various human rights organizations, right. well, according to the sources, i've read this but particularly tell you and has operated in the west bank, but has also been deployed in cost. so it's not in got the right now, but it has been deployed during the 6 and a half month. and a 6 and a half month war on the one hand, this is unprecedented. it's significant that the us government, essentially israel has never sanctioned, is really military. so on the one hand, it is significant. on the other hand, this is something much less than
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a slap on the wrist. this is not going to register at all. it says one battalion out of many, many, many battalions and dozens, and dozens and dozens of the time. so it's not going to register. so i think it's more a signal from the us to israel that look, we're not taking these more crimes and all that seriously. this is all we're going to do. um, as for your question, why now? and it's because there was pressure applied on on the us, there was a leak. and there was a report last week that came out that showed that anthony, blinking anthony blinking had this on his dice desk since december fine, sitting in his briefcase, had done nothing about it. but now the us is more or less forced to act in order to comply with its own law the way he law. all right, interesting is talk to i was always very good to have you with his monitor mastery from the july institute of graduate studies. meanwhile, thousands of people have taken to the streets of several european capitals, including paris and madrid, and solidarity with palestinian sonia diego has more it
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is a story that has become familia and you are pim. capitals over the past 6 months, thousands marching and city centers demanding an end to israel's war on gaza in madrid, protest is quoted in the international community to do that, we're saying that human rights of the palestinian people are not being respected. it seems as well as getting away with it, with the help of its allies, like the u. s. the united kingdom and germany, the, the international community is not giving enough attention to what is going on in the west bank. and you look at that territory. these riley's arms and helped by the way the army are taking over the land and moving dependence. sticking people out committed step that the center has a the international community to commit to bold actions. he has been leading a european drive to recognize palestine and has been pushing for it to happen by
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july through. we all agree that the only 2 state solution can bring a less than solution to this conflict. the international community has defensive these for many years. it is time to move from words at to the uh, the recognition of the state of palestine on the move towards recognition between israel and palestine are key in my opinion, key elements for the implementations of the 2 state solution. island, malta and slovenia, have pledge to work with spain to bring about the recognition of a palestinian state is a wish i could by demonstrate his employers in a sort of there are too much that was initially banned by the city's police force before a court ruled it could go ahead. well, i'll be europe in countries have been slower to act, to be closed, the palestinian state to become reality. french president and manuel mccaul said back in february, that recognizing such a state was no longer
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a taboo for from giving impetus to a close. that is gaining support in europe. so when you guys are going out to 0, he runs supreme leader. i had to lie the how many has phrased the military for his reason strike on israel. he said beyond forces showed the power and might of the country. it's the 1st time you've spoken since avon launch, more than 300 missed size and drones that israel a week ago. a ron says it was in retaliation for an attack on the rainy and consummate in syria. earlier this month. how many was speaking during a meeting with the army commanders getting them turned to wish and the issue of how many missiles were fired with the number of missiles hips is a secondary issue. the main issue is proving the will power of the year on a nation and the armed forces in the international arena. various events have cost and achievements. it is important to reduce the costs and add the achievements through flare. this matter was very well executed by the armed forces during recent
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events. apologize, harris door such a battery has more from tear on, or the long antagonistic, hostile and costly chapter between iran and israel appears to have come to a close. but it's not the end of the story between the 2 countries. the supreme leader is speaking for the 1st time since operation at true promise was launched against israel and the commander in chief hailing the success of the operation and the military men who were in charge of it. but he also issued a strong advice and warning for the military, saying that there should be no pause or no stopping the advancement of the country's military capabilities. because any kind of a, a pause means going backwards. supreme leader also went on to say that's detecting the enemy's method should also constantly be on the agenda for now, the supreme leader signaling that this could possibly be
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a law in the tensions between iran and israel. how long this will last remains to be c door. so jabari ultra 0 tax on the ukraine. surprised you didn't go to me, is it lensky has things to be us off of representative, surpassing a 61000000000 dollar age bill. it was bought of a major military package that also provided funds for israel, taiwan, and several other allies. ukraine, hope c 8 will hold fresh in advance is deeper into the country. john holeman reports on the capital keys, the ukraine have been waiting for this for months. while it runs short shows on the front line, and the defense has to protect its power plants. without this u. s. military package, president below them is lensky said ukraine would lose the war. the will see,
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i think raising support will really strengthen the armed forces, will be praying, and we will advocate chance for the 3 great nothing. what is the crane really guess the weapon system? we would need so much read the thousands of song just need so much. and this age should not be just grad emptying layer all over, but it has to end up in tangible weapons systems. 8 was $61000000000.00. 14000000000 in direct weaponry. it'd been stuck in the house of representatives for 2 months, some republicans opposing it, even going to a vote. still need send it approval before being signed into law. but that seems a little bit guarantee that the more that the site is coming like we've got to build the senate will approve it so, so that you can, can re gathered strength of the fight back against russia. then the question is, how soon the equipment can be on the ground. a pentagon spikes person said that munitions could be moved within days. apparently,
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some of the west memories were ready in storage in europe, but it was still likely take weeks to get to ukraine's front line military and they say that gives for us your window to continue pressing its current voltage to some time its policies have been a bouncing slowly, steadily, the way from re may be enough to hold the balance on the summer offensive. ukraine says russia was planning, but it's only a matter of time before the country really gave me to appeal for more us military. i don't home and out. does it a kid? the earlier we spoke to paddle sounds and how is the defense and military analysts? he says, russian officials believe the usa package won't change things for ukraine on the battlefield. moscow, russian officials have already reacted to frontier house resolution on ukraine
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and russian. the responses defined russian officials are said that. ready is not going to change anything that this will not help you create when the plan is going to lose. but you might states once. ready keep the premium e mail or treat as still fighting tools in november. presidential elections may be um, that prorated credit rushing out of the americas is spewing russian frozen assets to spend this money still with money on its own military industrial complex. because most of the money is going to stay in the meredith ticket by american arms and ukraine's will be a sacrifice. so it's unpredictable reaction that this has not changed much on the battlefield. and this is going to be just the worst for ukraine. ukraine is going to lose, but it's going to suffer a lot. there's going to be most likely some kind of balance because there's also not only the american a package,
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but there's this check or what you're being package password reset for, move your shells already in the pipeline. it should arrive at a minimum between several days, most likely we have a week or 2 on the battlefield. the animal, d z pro china routing party is predicted to wind control of parliament in a landslide victory and sundays elections present. mohammed moines those people, national congress is set to win a 2 thirds majority in the house. the road is seen as a crucial test from weasels foreign policy goal to push for coast of ties with china. moving the country away from long time allied india hunting us here is mohammed. nazi mohammed is an old, isn't basset, or at the united nations. he says the elections focus more on domestic issues rather than regional politics. the election is being held at a, at an important point at an important delta for the president. it really loved the
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president to stop even cementing the and subject submitted a number of uh, images development projects. uh that, uh, the president has initiated since that to me, no few seem. the disconnection is this about deal funny because i'm already in the indian ocean. penny's lot about the law is, is more about the future of the morlocks. it's about tomorrow, the young people, it's about being in stability and it's about creating parity and it's about creating, visiting in florida. it's uh, and it's about the president realizing the vision he has set out for them. all of this spend peeve onto presidential election last year and we believed that the confidence that the people off all of this middle class on the president's government view, enable the president to uh,
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implement those policies and realize division vision of uh and includes who bought his uh, prosperity is more they see it, and that's the, that's the direction that most of the young people would like. a c, i had no knowledge is era, the government's health care reform, divisions in columbia and in support and livable, we inject some life into that for me and the title challenge that ages football, coming up later with the had a lot of the let's have a look at the weather over the next few days across europe, and it has been feeling rather cool. thanks to optic winds, blowing down, keeping temperatures in places like sweden, well below the average. but we still have seen some wounds across the south west
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for spain and portugal. will see temperatures continue to rise here and places like lisbon as we go into the new we. we've also got some areas of low pressure that we're watching. one of those is, brings wintery conditions across the baltic states west to weather, moving into northern parts of russia. and another area of low pressure is going to bring some pretty nasty weather to northern parts of easily with wintery conditions for switzerland as well as slovenia, and some very windy conditions for the south of this, for the likes of tuscany, as well as some of the a tally and islands, and west and pots of the mediterranean. now further east of this, it is looking much t y a full the balkans on monday. but by the time we get to choose day, you can see that west of weather starting to take hold of greece. and so the other countries around they're like, oh bane. yeah. well the north west of britain and the island of ireland and improving picture. so williams coming back in with bright to spells,
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but it is set to get colder in sweden on monday. and the, this is the 1st one i saw that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves long before there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to reframe at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias, understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. so how is your vacation in this, the shelves? the
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chest? wow. the. so in the the and back here watching the news, our analogy is 0 with me for the back people, a reminder of our top stories. a general, a strike has been declared across the occupied westbank after 3 days, really raised killed $14.00 to me, and hundreds of people turned out for the funeral. some of the victims same, nor shines refugee camp in till correct. is there any strikes of keels? thousands of civilians across the gaza strip, rasa and gaza city have enjoy some of the heavy as of cost. more than 34000 people
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have been care since the war began. including 14500 children and policy and emergency services a mass graves. so if we not uncovered in con eunice in southern gaza, 210 bodies have been recovered so far that were found buried inside the cities nice and medical complex. these are the military withdrew from the area on april, the 2nd one area we spoke to william shay boss, who was the chairman of the un commission of inquiry into the 2014 guys a conflict. he says, the discovery of the mass grave represents crucial evidence of a possible crime as well. mass graves like this, have always been an indication that the more crimes have been committed. whether it was in the form, it was lobby, a new or ukraine. and now in gaza there's an obligation under international law to see that the dead are treated with respect and with dignity, that they're buried according to rights. and that they can be identified by their
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next, the cube next of kin. and none of that appears to be done, so his real has a lot of explaining to do about this. but moreover, the fact that some of the bodies were apparently bound up were tied points to summary execution. so all of this, as i say, calls for full blown criminal investigation with a view to holding the perpetrators account of the obvious institution to prosecute them is the international criminal court. when there were a mass graves found in the suburbs of keys in the 20022022, the international criminal court jumped with 2 to attention and began to investigate them immediately. and of course, the mass graves and ukraine were condemned. uh, by the united states and other countries. this requires at least the same treatment . the international criminal court is the body that should be investigating them. of course, whether it will do it is another question we're waiting for to act. and finally,
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of course, we have to remember that this is occupied territory, and israel is responsible for the welfare of the people in the occupied territory. the problem though, as you say, is where they'll be held accountable. this is a, a, this is a routine that acts with impunity and maybe many of the people involved, i think that they have nothing to worry about. and they'll never be brought to justice a, hey, not of wells news. now ecuador, instead of voting in a referendum, which could see tough and measures impulse to fight surgeon gang violence, and use security measures put forward by president dani on the boy include deploying the army to tackle organized crime that wants to be so south american country has been struggling with a shocking rise in violence that i've seen too many scales just this week as go live to one correspondence. very simple. was that upholding station in a do, ron? so just about an hour to go until the voting ends to re sign this referendum. how is it gone, and what are the expectations? as far as the result is concerned?
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the? well, this polling sensors expected to close in about half an hour. however, people are continue to arrive here to vote in this referendum. many of them are securities. the main issue wearing during the summer is at least 11 questions that are being asked as security is that majority of them, there's tools that are referred to the economic situation in salvador. but people who are telling us that security is their main concern and that's criminal organizations from truck looking good. it's not tony involved in the drug business, but also any legal mining. another type of significant activities have started to control different parts of the country. the news on this day has been also that of prison warden and the province of might not be executed. let's not forget how the the drug trafficking organizations handle the business. here it was from inside the
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prisons email while the, when the president doesn't even know what to call faith, he declared to the state of instruction in this country he sent the military inside . this country's presents to try to control the criminal groups in this country. that's why this referendum is important for the president. it includes questions as such as increasing the presence of the military operations as long side. the police, expedite and criminal was among the other issues that are being discussed here that are important for the population for the rest of them. this is a big, big test. the president is 36 years old. he's of the air over but not in for you. he took off as in november last year, only for a period of 18 months because he came to replace a former president and he had a more or less lenders presidential elections happening early next year. and this lots of stakes for the president currently, while already struggling to recover economically from the cobit 19 pandemic there as an electric crisis that has been governments rationing electricity,
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people here we've been talking towards helping us if there's fee, we are 4 hours a day of power cost, some of this has a huge impact not only on the economy but also in their lives. so for many, this referendum is not totally about the possibilities of new laws to 5 crimes of reforming the constitution, but also about how much support for us in no more currently has teresa. thank you very much for that. that sounds a 00, a simple reporting deadline from a folding station in ecuador, where let's discuss this referendum for the now with adrian perez salazar, who is an attorney and political columnist without universal, which is ecuador. his long just daily newspaper is joining us on the news hour from via cale. thank you very much for, for speaking to us. as we heard back from our correspondent teresa an important election and important referendum for president. notable would you say that this vote serves more as
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a barometer of his popularity ahead of 2025. then as an effective way to tackle the countries security challenges a thank you very much for that. i mean, i think the, the answer to some sort of questions. yes. for both of these uh today the, the uh, the control room will be in the, in the or so prior to the new array. uh so uh, the by the, by the rules are the more to see mr. no, wow. and they say it needs the are being the model in the in mind because the people are building either yes or no. it is the only way literally have to do something through the government. another
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letter, the thing is, is the form is actually good or not? i mean so, so and do, do people do ecuadorian believe for these eye and face policies, they're voting for in this represent in this referendum and the presence of beyond forces on the streets for example. and you know ok can actually solve the problems of the country. do any other questions on security? focus on the structural problems that led to the bullying, crimes, crime rate and insecurity next door. i need some examples of the patient that that's all the questions that were at the around the beginning, but it wouldn't be like, would've been implemented to just me uh or making this. so the question is, what are you wanting to reach out for the you can do that as long as it's
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early, the error to completion of it, you're going to get it. now, where is the where, where do like for the management? all right, be this one is just so sorry. what, sorry to interrupt you. i was gonna ask you about uh, the other proposals like using the informing contracts and international arbitration. how, how do i go during seeing about those? the are the ones that i used for the i might be wrong about, but i think the ones are probably not going to pass the, registering yet all the worry about whether or not to sign the lease. we've said, we know you're going to have a question, i'll leave it tomorrow. and then these 2 in particular thanks for sending folders,
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indigo in mind and the campaign. and again, these are also being very, they're very so my guess. ready the, the questions that are gonna be, at least to me. thank you so much for talking to us adrian perez salazar, joining us today from gary i q. thank you for your time. i are in columbia. the opposition has held a largest protest yet against president good talk to gustavo petros government, that riling against wide ranging social and economic reforms by the left wing administration. federal wants to reform the health care sector by cutting out private means sure. is that increasing state control? alexander, i'm k, t was that protesting bubble top. this has been by far the largest protest by the opposition against the government, the gustavo pro and its attempt to push forward the serious of the social and economic reform. and that would overhaul in many ways,
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the way that they said to additionally conservative country is operates. and in particular the protesters have been talking about their health reform is one of their main worries. the fact that the government a proposal is essentially to cut out the administrators that are these private, the health providers in the country and that bringing much of it under control of the state. now that proposal also would like to increase prevention, increased coverage in remote areas, but the ceiling here among those who are protesting is that what the government says proposing? well, a, make this system less stable at a time when it is already running out of money. that's what they said um, but i think that the main takeaways here are that the right to being in the country as being, as, as proven to have that that had,
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has become more and more successful on the mobilizing at its base. and also on convincing the other people, other sectors of society, especially middle class, and send threescore alone beyond that are feeling these content, the words to this government and to and in cases that in some cases they've been voted for them. but they're now here, a protesting, so definitely to be a strong message for the government to uh, gustavo paper about not one that i will probably be enough for the president to back down here already called for accounts or protests. the next may 1st of august, i'm that i'm get the address the you know, but the a for sale as former president j edible scenario has called for riley and support a freedom of expression, which he says he's on this right. the event is being held in rio de janeiro. both narrow is facing several legal battles, including an investigation into an electrical against current president, lucy,
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not the silva. he also faces charges for lying about his cold, with 19 vaccine records. when he came in care of is that the riley in rio we are here and the narrows are like on the you can see here the president of the show you both. so nato was by the supreme court for running for public office until the 2030, because he's seen as the aid of cool to keep himself in power even after he lost the elections for president. we to not move of the few, but now people here believe the big will be able to overturn this decision by showing there's trends on the streets earlier. we're supposed to vote on i have a son sen flavio full sonata,
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and that is what he said. now people here also think that they have the support of billionaire most most has washed out against brazil. supreme court saying that it was interfering with free speech. and that happened after result. supreme court took down accounts on social media on x, formerly known as twitter of vehicles. according to the supreme court used to instigate the money to your not give all just sarah, we're just generic. still i had on the news. our a warning from farm is in the u. k. why they say food production will be significantly reduced and in sport to low a t a t. in that case, not just so you know, i did a massive scare action from the pick up some of the semi finals coming up next day with the these are some of the 1st images from the aerial assessment of co bleaching in the
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great value range. bleaching occurs by moving the ocean temperatures and pollution force call to expel the algae to get the color range of color at extreme marine wise over an extended period of time. maybe some structures have been severely damaged. scientists have declared 2020 full a mass bleaching event. what's happening here on the great fire, rafe? it's also happening on rapes around the world. or the last 12 months warming sea surface temperatures have cause bleaching events in the northern hemisphere and the engineer conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. for rainbow village is jodi roma says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's an oven assigned to the biggest crow system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef needs many
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years to recover from these heat waves. and it's just not getting it the, the, [000:00:00;00] the i'm not to catch up on sports. his peter, probably thank you so much. brand the good. all 11 points. clear at the top of letting you go after 32 l classic co when against vs. rivals, boston, luna, it was actually buffalo took the lead up to put in a better memphis for students to meet with that 60 minutes strike was 12 minutes late to the host to level the niece with junior and making no mistake from the payments across for 21 minutes to go look like chevy side. mike lifts the wind in those days because he's gone to to one of the 2 that we lost that
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any 4 minutes. so mucous to back stage, labeling, mathus to rail if it's not right, i mean one minute into added time, carlow into loss even grab the winning g sending and fixing we went it's manchester united have become coventry sitting in an epic if a cup semi final ed wimbly united came into this match as the underwhelming favor, the premium increase while the state in the system is full and they were delivering on those expectations. looks ominous. hey, mcguire, and sort of 3 movies. the tables. scribe me said aspirations of 0 in the sims. tell them over here and had you like somebody since it's many penalties, pull some white stuff into it. the 1st it's the time table things were required. also one of the between to minutes obsessed with a mirror actually had expected. same,
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the list of the boss express, erickson hudson, and so by the scheme of bt united have gone for the sake of finding where they will take on another team who is sky blue. mentioned specifically the 2nd level who have kept up the pressure on premium. the lead is also thanks to a $31.00 when i told him trans alexander, arnold, ryan graven booth and diego diego joseph with the goals full year can tops man mattress. the city can overtake fight circle and also should say when they came in half at best and fill out the strength and they pushed for replace the next seasons champions league, they beat visits as boneless 3. 1. the result means with a sub for 6 points, more than 50 face, talk to them if they 2 games less. the left side of cynthia z give us the thought and the call to nitride is of what
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a threatening match in the indian premier league against the royal challenges been diluted. the royal challenges need a 21, run the so the final over to when charlotte helped him get place with 3 sixes when he was dismissed, will be seen needing just 3 little tables. and the match was decided with a dramatic run out from the final delivery to the knife. why it is winning by one gun. see it up better than like the good you're outside sends rule. so when is in a type match they owe? behold the punjab kings total of $142.00 with 5 bowls left for who to walk. you get to 56 or cause many goals to guide them to victory walk chapman still to new zealand is a be talk you soon. bye. 7 wickets time is north of $8742.00 bowls, help with businesses of a whole bunch of guns, total of $170.00 shambles. remaining a series is locked at 11 with turn games to play in every back. and it has won the
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stuttgart open is open for. busy the title from 5 finals. this is the 1st time in 12 years that a female play has a cheese, that kind of fits face of the stage of the season. we back enough to say of mazda acosta. $62.00, and $6.00 to $1.00 of the covets probably the brand new portion. but this just one problem. she does have a drivers license, a license on the main, so it costs the route as one. the boss alone opened the norwegian. defeated stefano 6575 and 63 redesigned red hot form in 2024. it's very far adults as 129 matches. so for this year, no one else has one move and certainly he's 1st title and a very happy modem for jimmy's young man. it struck you as when he 1st atp suicide, left the age of 53, the german defeating taina for 75, and 63. this is, this is jeremy,
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went off the bavarian events since alexander in 28th to shanghai. we max us up and continues to dominate for me to one you one the chinese girl and pray to move 25 points clear. chasing his 4th will title david state supports. chinese pray for shanghai, another race another waiting for much the step. and once again the 3 time world champion started from pole position and took the check and flag to rack up as full of victory. and 5 races is 58 when overall. but it's 1st step, but in china you had a car was basically on rails and um, yeah, i could do whatever i want to do with it and that's kind of weekends are of course, amazing to uh, to feel and of course then to t. basically what we did this weekend this semester. c this was the 1st going pre and showing that the 5 year is because of the countries 0 tolerance approach to the carbon 19 pandemic. that would 2 safety causing the rice. once a voucher, a boss has stolen the edge of the track and another following a couple of almost single, tiniest incidents. all right, kevin magnus and put yuki sonata a lot. stroll,
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run into the back of daniel ricardo for all my goodness. it was well before. meanwhile, in the pit lane, one of the alpine mechanics was lucky not to be seriously injured when he was struck by p. a ghastly loose, rear wheels during a start to go to the none of it distracted the step in the forehead. he's now 123 at the last 27 races. pressing fire into last season. impressions of hay maclaren, slender norris was 14 seconds behind to the noise search. here pirates the red bull one too. but still no winds for the protest drive up these now if any 2nd 8 times, i mean, i just wasn't expecting today until i got everything ready to go home early and i'll be on the podium. so it's a pleasant surprise, but um it shows the team and then a good job of working on and understanding of things. it says things good emotional for china is 1st ever drive the show when you be celebrated in front of his home, friends in shanghai, the finishing 14th would sell, but the next race is in miami, on may 5th,
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where it's hard to predict anything of the stuff and when we have these know 25 points clear, the top of the drive is standing. the baby stokes, which is 057, and that's all tonight. so 20. thank you very much. be soon. now farm is in the u. k. a warning carpios will be hate after months of heavy rain where the entire field is still under water. in some areas, food production is expected to be significantly reducing that industry are already struggling with high fuel and for july, the costs and the heyward trade for some making sure in the east of england's huge swayed subprime english farm land on the was a month suffered devastating storm swept the country, the levels of slow the receding, but the damage has been done. a few weeks ago these fields resembled an inland sea . the only way to get to the house was by boat. should all be planted, should be great. farmer henry would find himself facing a financial bottle caused by massive storms and a t mum,
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super cold. rain falls. it's obviously the horizon, the, you know, i'm a young farm, a call a baby on the way, trying to provide for my family. and this is how i meant to why in the living is by producing food and selling it. and if it's covered in mall, so i can't do that and you get up every day to say your phones, you know, looking like this. and you just wondering, well how and i'm going to carry out. well, property can be insured against flooding crops in the ground. cons, so the estimated loss of not bringing in the hub is to, will run into hundreds of thousands of dollars. the soil onto the water is some of the most for the child in the country. but clearly, no crops will be produced from it in the next few months, on the farm here faces the real risk of a flooding again. and that means food which should be making its way onto the market in the coming months from here was a few kilometers away. some planting has been taking place after the land was
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heavily flooded, but it has been a struggle. and that's reflected the national picture, hopefully we normally 60 percent through deficiency in this country. i think realistically, if i'll be down in the lower fifty's and with what's going on around the world and how we can't rely on importing all of these, all these different. we are especially those that whomever else. we need to be around 70 percent self sufficient to make sure, okay, som, is, are adaptable, but increasing the find them. so what's on the front line of climate change, both here and around the world? it's very, very difficult that go to the sci fi. they've got to work with politicians with government, what different agencies network communicate to consumers do as much as they can. but ultimately there's probably digital that in many circumstances they can do the u. k. government size, which is supporting agriculture. but many farm is believe they need to go further
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to the trying to establish how to make this land viable well to have of the future brings. and he would, i'll just sarah in lincolnshire. and that is it for this news hour on alger 0, but to stay with us. so i'll be back in just a few minutes with more of today's top stories. thanks for the unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on heard voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life in his with connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's home us. it's right here. and right now, the stream on al jazeera to leave off church solutions.
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that gives us no for a future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs on the. don't think that has a number. think about it as a person and yourself and that person shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the education reward because the women and my country, they're not sweet to come out to us. we are not. and neither ology, we are human beings that deserves to be trees and the coins. we are walking in the footsteps, our ancestors, whatever has been done before, can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is clear. i'm kind of foundation is deliberate over
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$300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emotions to donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st over 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, this is the news our on how to 0 live from doha. i'm fully back, people coming up in the next 60 minutes and mass graves is covered in hon units, southern gaza,


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