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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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a back to back year on year. the reef needs many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it. the, the mice greys is discovered in hon unit is 7 guys. at least 210 bodies have been recovered weeks after these really all me with the hello. this is on to 0. live from the i'm fully back. people also coming up is really as strikes case, regardless trade from north to south, at least 24 people. most of the children killed in a rough funerals in the occupied westbank for the palestinian scale during
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a 3 day is really operation. and the novel news ecuadorian sold to me a referendum aimed at giving security forces sweeping powers to fight swearing violence and organized clients. the palestinian emergency services have discovered mass graves in one unit, 7, gaza. at least $210.00 bodies have been found buried on the ground. so it'd be nice and medical complex international law experts i've told dodges era these could amount to war crimes hunting. my mood reports on the site in congress early in the or thousands of palestinians to crack the from is really a tax in the nasir hospital and han, you know, many of them are buried here. civil defense. the crews have discovered hundreds of bodies on the grounds. of the medical complex. now while it is still looking for
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her son's remains. as long as this man, i am here to find the body of my son. his name is el, i'm not selim. outside of his brother told me that he buried him here. we came from far away, mounted ones and foot, but we didn't find him. we've been trying for the past 2 weeks. really forces withdrew from han units on april. the 7 after 4 months of intense raids and here strikes, leaving behind the trail of destruction and mass and graves, it seems who recovered the dead sea somewhere, shuddered from behind. execution, as by others were found with their hands tied behind their backs. many more are believed to be buried on the grounds of the largest medical facility in southern gaza. when are they coming on the owner? they come into the identified bodies were delivered to their families and we civil defense. keep to an end to find bodies. take note of any distinguished marks for each of them. then we buried them another mouth and grave, yet more power,
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city and bodies. over 3 of the from this side was named by not be remembers, their identities are largely lost and on out of presto dungeon war. last but remembered, those who have been identified will now receive a proper farewell for calculus. others, the search continues more than 7000 people are still missing across the gaza strip . most of them women and children, and even more via the southern gauze. for the north, it has been a major attack and garza city of the witnesses captured the moment of impact of and is really striking. a residential area is really s ranks of also killed at least 24 people in the southern city of rossa on sundays. 16 of them were children wanting view as may find some of the images in homes. i'm homage reports, distressing bone, an offer. this palestinian baby gun was delivered from the womb of
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a dead mother. both mother and father walk you in and is really strict and rough on she's named roy, which means so you're not a big liaison because i feel right and what's their phone or the whole family? why? from the civil registry. and the only survivor is a small baby girl. her sister malick wanted to name her room, so no medic has gone on the door, his level smother. sabrin, i'll check on it was almost 8 months pregnant where she was killed. dr. c. course condition, staples, and improving. how does it look and see? well, the, when the baby came out, her condition was between intermediate and critical. currenty often giving her medical care from the not until now. she got better gradually during the past hours . we can now say that her condition is stable on average, but the other did not survive the is the easy aspects on roughly with close to
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2000000 displace palestinians of so with each of these that i will have to put in, especially did you see one mind in all those killed, you know, it's about one mind who has been killed. all of them inside the house. and here a women and children, as you can see with your own eyes to my entire identity has been wiped out with my wife, children and everyone. course we spend the next month in the hospital without a mother and father. but as gives rise tense, a grunge invasion of rough sheet and thousands of children like her face, an even more affecting feature tends him, him a disease. meanwhile, israel's foreign minister, bending minute cl, is blamed, tomas for the failure to reach a sci fi deal that would allow for the release that he's really captives in gaza. he vowed to further increase pressure on him us in the coming days. let's all the other show. unfortunately, until now,
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the old proposed list of the release of all hostages have been outright rejected by some of them do. that's why the us secretary of state. all right. and he said, how much refused all the offers that were made to, according to him on the only thing preventing a deal that would release the hostages boxes from us. you called me instead of bucking down from its extreme positions. so how about i must build on division between us and enjoys and encouragement from the pressure directed out of these rated government. the last time we will deliver additional and painful blows on from us. and that will happen soon. in the coming days, we will increase the military and political pressure because this is the only way to free our hostages and the chief victor. and let's discuss these latest developments with mom and, and last 3. now who's that media studies, professor and political analysts at the doha institute for graduate studies here in contact. thank you. moment for being with us again. so that he always says he's really military will increase pressure on how mos in the coming days. there's been a lot of talk about a ground invasion of rafa. does it look inevitable now too?
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it does seem inevitable and it seems imminent. israel's been talking about this invasion now for for many weeks and they set a date apparently. uh, that's what they announced a 2 or 3 weeks back that they had set a precise date for their invasion. so we might be getting closer to the date that they, that they decided on. and then there are these international media reports that may be the united states has finally signed off on the invasion offered off off in exchange for israel issuing only a mild response to to hear ron. and that's kind of what we've seen. it was just a mild, measured response from, from israel. and so maybe now the us is, is, is sort of green lighting thing, the invasion, a problem. but what's an invasion of rasa aiming to achieve? what is the end game for israel? what would cost you a victory for them? right, so, i mean, we have to remember that at the beginning of this war is real, basically forcibly transferred all of the people,
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or many of the people from the north to the south to it off. so they told people to go off because it was a safe zone and now they're telling people that they're going to invade and off, so of the civic or the as and who has read these, read the literature and is familiar with both scientist, ideology and is really policy would say that this is all part of the greater is real plan. the idea is that what happened to 1948 was just the beginning of a multi phased plan. that is supposed to witness over a period of some time the entirety of the land being given to the jews and that the air of would be um, basically removed from all of the land from the river to the sea. that's of the greater israel plan. the israel is actually quite vocal about it. and at the beginning of this war, they were asking openly, why do countries like egypt not take the palestinians in?
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so i think one objective is to further setting out the population, which is the work. those are the words that netanyahu using the war cabinet, sending out the population, and then ultimately forcing people to leave. yeah, and in the meantime, there's a barely any talk on the sci fi talks that were underway. need you to hear this? yeah, i would say today that the blaming him off for, you know, for obstructing the sci fi talks, but it's not really the case. is it not more a case of, i'm us not wanting to, to step away from that. yeah, yeah. well, i think this is, there's been an intentional sabotaged by israel, and the united states is complicit in that. there isn't. there wasn't any real intent on a ceasefire agreement. if there was real intent weird, we would have seen a serious, substantive offer. the only serious offers actually came from a mazda from us, put, put together a proposal that was in line with what the international community wanted. even you have someone like daniel loved the, who's a former is really negotiator saying that
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a mazda is position is quite reasonable. right, and last month it ended to the war and they'll give all the hostages back, and then there are a few details that need to be ironed out. israel is offering up a proposal that would have from us to give up all the hostages in exchange for is re else continuing its bombardment of guys on further destroying it. but that doesn't make a lot of sense from the from us perspective. there just isn't much incentive to reach our agree to that kind of a deal. okay, thank you very much, my head on mastery for giving us your thoughts today about a situation in garza and beyond. mama to mastery from the deadlines that you to graduate studies or not. general strike has been decayed across the occupied westbank after a 3 day. is there any raid killed $14.00 simians, hundreds of people turned out for a few, most of the victims in nor shaun's refugee camp until cram. it was one of the worst seas really raised in recent months. is there any forces? i've now clicked $486.00 fighting and jenny occupied westbank since october. the
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7th judges here is neither abraham before some the newer schon strife, fiji count binfield correct. the nor some sort of huge recap has turned into one large workshop with 1st responders are trying to take care of some of the damage that has been incurred during the 3 days to that are few decals as you can see here, every thing has been affected when we talk about the electricity, the water, the rows that have been completely destroyed, but they know that the repairs will take months if not more, to be fixed. so this is a different situation than any other res, seem inside the cap. they're used to is ready for destroying the infrastructure. but the scale of this damage was something they've never seen before. when life is coming to somebody, even during the 1960, the 2nd,
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the roads never looked like this. they want to take us decades back into cool. so they could seem to call the police. this is pure event. it is our enemy and has been damaged in our lives since 1948. and i'm not 54 years old. and i've only been seen the ugliness and torture of these rarely occupation. since i was a child, we were asleep. the ami suddenly winton, when my sister opened the door, she saw an odd sort of show and she started crying. she was good. the cap has turned to one big morning house. oh nice. my son was late here some more than 6 hours of them and is rarely snipe acute him as he opened the window, medics were shot when they tried to take his body, had been in a state next to him kissing him. good bye. have it the day as repair efforts. continue here, palestinians tell us there's no guarantee that the israeli forces will not return here again and incur similar damage to the infrastructure. so that of home and so
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their lives. is that what he does? he, that's what kind of fight westbank thousands of people have taken to the streets of madrid and paris in solidarity with palestinians. sonya go has it is a site that has become familia and your pin capitals over the past 6 months. thousands moshing and city centers demanding an end to israel. warren gaza in madrid. protest is quoted in the international community to do more than that. we're saying that human rights of the palestinian people are not being respected. it seems as well as getting away with it with the help of its allies like the u. s. the united kingdom and germany. the international communities, not giving enough attention to what is going on in the west bank and you all could back there were serious these riley's ards, and helped by these really aren't,
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are taking over the land and moving dependents to getting people out from minnesota fitness center has a just the international community to commit to bold actions. he has been leading a european drive to recognize palestine and has been pushing for it to happen by july through. we all agree that the only 2 states solution can bring a less the solution to this conflict. the international community has to defend that these for many years. it is time to move from words at to dates. the recognition of the state of palestine on the move toward recognition between israel and palestine are key, in my opinion, key elements for the implementations of the 2 state solution. island, malta and slovenia, have pledge to work with spain to bring about the recognition of a palestinian state. there's a wish i could buy demonstrations in paris in a solid r t march that was initially banned by the city's police force before record rules
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. it could go ahead. so all the european countries have been slower to actively quote titles to me in state to become reality. french president and monroe mccall said back in february that recognizing such a state was no longer a taboo for from giving impetus to a cause that is gaining support in europe. so when you guys are going out to 0, still i had on knowledge is 0. the, the government's health care reforms need to do divisions in columbia. the had a lot of, they would sat down on the, in australia we've got high pressure in charge of course, much of the country. human beings, large, neat, fine,
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and dry. but you can see the shower called the lingering around coastal areas of queensland, and that's where we all go and see the width as weather over the next few days. some of those showers popping off across northern areas of new south wales. but for the south of this, a large be fine and dr. picture and those conditions extend articles. weston area is now pub, is seen the sunshine, but it's also seen a drop in temperature and a band of rain to the south of that is expected to sweep its way towards the southeast corner. and we will see the temperature in adelaide dip down as we go into wednesday with partly cloudy skies. overhead. now, the sunshine of has been pushing through the cloud for much of new zealand is business as usual here. temperature is sitting around the average bits and pieces of rain that on monday, but by tuesday it is a much more settled story with just some rain running into southern parts of the south island. now there's lots of rain to be found across northern parts of south east asia to get heavy showers coming in the southern parts of the philippines on
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tuesday. but last me twice in the china of the been the full for an upgrade to change the locked in america. this time the slides remain high as the violence against gender and sexual minority. i come to when osiris to these 2 young women who were taken prisoner, were to establish great to freedom and equality. welcome to generations haines. a political series attempt to understand and talents. the idea is that mobilize youth around the world, generation change on out. you'll see around the
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the welcome back, a recap of that top stories on algae 0. kind of seeing an emergency services, a nice grays. i've been on competing hon eunice and southern gaza. 210 bodies have been recovered so far. they were found buried inside the cities, not so medical complex. these certainly military withdrew from the area on april 7th is really as strikes of kills thousands of civilians across garza. rafa and gaza city have enjoy some of the heaviest attacks within 34000 people have been killed since. so we have begun, including $14500.00 children. and a general strike has been declared across the occupied westbank after a 3 days. really rate killed $14.00 to me and hundreds of people turned off for the funerals of the victims. and no chance refugee campaign to correct size
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was government is describing us plans to sanction military units accused of human rights violations. as a red line, secretary of state antony blinking is expected to announce the restrictions in the coming days. same is robbie has been speaking to palestinians in the occupied westbank will say the sanctions a nearly a whitewash for is really crimes. after the worst violence in the occupied westbank and weeks, a us plan to sanction one is really battalion based on state department findings. months old for crimes. now years old, how it stands for and ministry says the americans are not serious about holding israel to accounts. sections of old was auto income, but this to look to be an attempt to whitewash is an army or as an army. and the governments are committing war crimes to crimes against humanity and to come to genocide. and by this time, this would love to be a white voice for the army. we believe that the americans are serious,
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thinks would stop the complicity in the age on a side think of the unit in question. the let's say you who the vitality of a 1000 ultra orthodox soldiers. they have limited interaction with female troops are allowed more time to pray and continue religious studies in keeping with can surface police linked to incidents of torture and abuse in the occupied westbank, most notably in 2022 when 80 year old posting and americans are a suck, died and custody. he was detained, handcuffed the blindfolded, in a band. and in near freezing conditions, the nets are you who that were relocated to the golden heights later that year and are currently in gaza. even if the unit is disbanded, israel's national security minister has said he will absorb the soldiers into the ranks of the police. but 25 other battalions will remain deployed across the occupied westbank for this week is rarely for subject to posting using the tool for a refugee camp to levels of destruction. not seen since the 2nd intifada. 20 years,
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as well as real as the government is furious, that its biggest manufacturer would sanction its military for palestinians. here it is political theater, the hot to the americans and lying, i say to bite, and then the americans and nothing with this. are you talk about democracy and human rights while human rights are violated using us money and weapons lava? it's nonsense if the us wanted to sanction them. i wouldn't have talked to them like weeds among us. us president joe biden's commitment to one side of this conflict remains clear. despite numerous reports of human rights violations, since the war on guns will begin, his administration has expanded israel's weapons stockpile and just days ago, vetoed a palestinian bid for recognition as a full member state of the un. the best case scenario, this could set a legal precedent in syria, could mean that israel will no longer be immune to violating international law because really military's behavior might even change. but the more likely scenario,
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this is damage control. it is messaging by a white house with diminishing popularity ahead of a presidential election. st bus robbie olga 0 remo, load the occupied westbank post on of hi quintillions of voting in a referendum which could see tough and measures impulse to fight surgeon gun violence. the new security measures put forward by president dining and the boy include deploying the automated taco organized climb. the once peaceful south american country has been struggling with a shocking rise in violence that i've seen to mary scaled just this week. live to teresa, who's outside of folding station in durham, ecuador. so about 2 hours to go, i understand now to vote against teresa. how's it gone? and what are the expectations in terms of the result of this referendum the well, it's been a relatively quiet day despite to the room or is that we heard in the past few days that there could be incidents of violence and bolting here has been ongoing of
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hundreds of people have come here to be able to vote, but as i said, the main concern right now is the shocking balance that is affecting this country to may are skilled in the past a week. one of them was about 3 hours away by this organizations that have taken control of large parts of this country involved not only in drug trafficking but also illegal mining and other in this it's activities. and this is something that is a main concern for the people who we've seen president bunyan know us since q 2 copies that pop in november. last year in january she declared the stage of exception in the country deployed the military on the streets. they also took control of this, the country's prison. that's where many of this cartels operate from. and he also calls visit drug cartels, a name, the most terrible we store again i sation so many of the people in talk to here say they support the government measures. they're going to be voting and this referendum that has 11 questions. most of them are related to the security
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situation in the countries. 5 of them are meant to reform to countries constitution . there's some concerns about human rights organizations in the country that vis a military stations off the 5 it's against. cartels could least so again, human rights violations. they say that the presidents who say me painting that he will came to the precedence from his, from about order. but when you talk to people here for victims of this ongoing violence that's been going on in this country, they say that they're tired of facing and being in constant fear. so what's and is at stake terry's full president no bullet in this referendum. but let's not forget noise only 36 years old. he's the heir to a but not important in our room in this country. his election was a surprise. in fact, he took off his for only 18 months because he came in to replace the former president. he's had a more or less for elections are expected to happen in the next year. so much of
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this is also a referendum on his presidency of what he's done since taking office. and there's lots of criticism on the suites. how about the way he's been handling other issues in electrical crisis in the country where the government is being forced to ration power because the countries war to rest serve rests or wars are, are empty. and this is a major concern. people who are telling us that they're seeing 345 hours of power cuts every day. there's also criticism of the presidents move to send security forces into the mexican embassy to be taking a former vice president who's been accused of corruption who's currently detained. here in one of the kids, but many believe that that is something that should not happen in that democracy. so of course there's lots of criticism for many this referendum, as i said before, is not just about passing goals about reforming the constitution, but also about how much support precedent that new and novel currently has. and of course will be checking in with you for the results of the referendum. teresa
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teresa both thank you very much for a moment. live there in ecuador, as in columbia. the opposition has how the largest protest yet against president gustavo petros governments, they're violating against wide ranging social and economic reforms by the left waiting administration that are wants to reform the health care sector by cutting out private insurance and increasing state control. alessandra and kitty was that the protest in bubble tops of this has been by far the largest protest by the opposition against the government, the gustavo paper. and it says, tends to push forward as serious of the social and economic reform. and that would overhaul in many ways, the way that this better additionally conservative country is operates. and in particular the protesters have been talking about their health reform is one of their main worries. the fact that the government, the proposal is essentially to cut out to the administrators that are these private,
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the health providers in the country and that bringing much of it under control of the state. now that proposal also would like to increase prevention, increase coverage in remote areas, but the feeling here among those who are protesting is that what the government says for opposing good. well, i make this system less stable at a time when i is already running out of money. that's what they said um, but i think that the main takeaways here are that the right wing in the country has been as, as proven to have that that had, has become more and more successful and the mobilizing at its base and also on convincing the other people, other sectors of society, especially the middle class and said 3 sco loan bands that are feeling these content, the words to this government into and in cases that in some cases they've been
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voted for them, but they're now here a protesting. so definitely to be a strong message for the government to of gustavo paper, but not one that i will probably be enough for the president to a back down here. ready called for account to protest. the next may 1st, obviously on that i'm get the address. so, you know, both the ukraine surprises and drug of me is. lensky has spanks the us house of representatives, surpassing the $61000000000.00 a bell. it was bought of a major military package that also provided funds for israel, taiwan, and several other allies. ukraine hope says the aid will hold trash in advance is deeper into a country john, home and reports from the capital cave. you create a been waiting for this for months while it runs short shows on the front line. and the defense has to protect its power plants. without this u. s. military package, president below them is lensky said ukraine would lose the war. the will see, i think raising support will really strengthen the armed forces,
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will be praying. and we will have a chance for victory. great, not if you crane really gets the weapon system we, we need so much read the thousands of song just need so much and this age should not be just grad, empty layer all over. but it has to end up in tangible weapons systems. 8 was $61000000000.00. 14000000000 in direct weaponry. it'd been stuck in the house of representatives for 2 months, some republicans opposing it. even going to a vote. still need send it approval before being signed into law. but that seems a little bit guarantee. the left is the site is coming like we've got to build the senate would prove it so, so that you crank and re gathered strength of fight back against russia. then the question is, how soon the equipment could be on the ground. a pentagon spikes person said that
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munitions could be move in days. apparently, some of the west memories were ready in storage in europe, but it will still likely take weeks to get to you. crane's front line military and let's say that gives brush or a window to continue pressing its current advantage to some time it's policies have been a bouncing slowly but steadily of the wisdom re, maybe enough to hold the bones. and the summer offensive ukraine says rusher is planning, but it's only a matter of time before the country really gave me to appeal for more us military. i don't homan out, does it a kid and because of all residents and several said majority districts have overwhelmingly boycotted a vote on removing their asinique albanian mass from power. they took office last year and it's vine and seems after the previous serve may is resigned. and just areas of me, i'm a ties ready for some cost of, of capital pushing rather than so for service your through most of our this in
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north of kosovo have being called to cast their votes in a referendum to remove of.


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