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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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writes with confidence, the fear watching the news, our life from headquarters in delphi, and daddy you navigate, i, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. a mass grave is discovered in con eunice, southern gaza, at least 210 bodies have been recovered. weeks after the is really army withdrew the is really air strikes, hit the strip from the north to the south. at least 14 people, mostly children are killed and dropped off at quite dorians beginning voting in a referendum. and that giving the security forces,
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we think powers to fight soaring violence and organized crime. parliamentary elections are underway in the mall deeds and a full that could affect the country's ties within china. and i'm chief of fitness with the school to record for you to beloved in medicine can use and then pick champions. payment is a chip chip to so it's a new base in the women's own me race. the we begin this news, our in southern gaza were a mass grave has been uncovered in the city of con eunice. at least $210.00 bodies have so far been found buried inside the cities. nasir medical complex palestinian civil defense says it's continuing to search for more bodies and elsewhere in southern gaza at least 19 people had been killed and is really strikes across stuff on sunday. 14 of those victims for children. meanwhile,
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the us is really media are reporting that the bite and administration is such a sanction. a battalion of the is really military for committing human rights violations in the occupied westbank. this would be the 1st time the u. s. as in post sanctions on a unit of the is really our me, honey, my food begins our coverage from hon. eunice with more on those mass graves. this is the side of a mouth, the grave though the created by these really military as it is for not the hospital with in the past month is really military not only destroyed the facility and severely damaged the whole complex that in off of the hospital. but also created this master grave. for the past, the 3 days civil defense, the crew members and paramedics, have been able to retrieve a 180 bodies of people who were buried in this gnostic grave house. more than half of these bodies were 3 of their on non largely on identified,
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their identity is lost and their names might not be remembered at all. there's really military believe, do freed, this mazda grave. after taking the bodies that were buried at the courtyard of the hospital, given the difficulties of performing formal barrier as the war was urging, and the attacks were scaling up the vicinity of north of the hospital. it is also believe that is really military use this mazda grave, and it created it as it was searching for the bodies of israeli hostages. as more bags are found here, with zebra riding on them. but what's more devastating is the bodies that were found that were tied up with zip blogs inside of plastic bags of wind varied and bird. and in this mazda grace, many of the people who, when missing from the hospitals, are believed to be among the peebles,
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the bodies are retrieved from this massive graves. this is not in my most, i was just the it off last of the house without talestine. legal scholars are calling for an international inquiry into the discovery of the mass graves and gaza . they say there is evidence of what the international court of justice describes as a plausible genocide in gaza. the finding the mass graves like this is always a red flag that deserves a credible, independent investigation into the commission of potential crowds. i think there's a, there's 2 elements here of play under one have the all existing obligation by for israel to identify and respecting of the remains of those the die even even if they are the combatants. and this is an obligation that has been established even by
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a really courts. so the existence of this, of a and the 10 on mark and then match rate isn't itself about time. once you find it then, then there's also the need for, for a credible investigation into potential problems and into the circumstances of all these people thought there's very few instances of is really soldiers being sent to jail for crimes. and in general, the 5 routes of, of is really mandatory. sell them receives any, any kind of like a criminal sanction. even even an assignment, the kitchen one where the, the attention of the world was like triggered. so the main punishment was still um, let's say a neighbor like firing someone dismissing somewhat not exactly. do you happen to have criminal investigations? um, so i don't think we should expect. um and it's really that's huge
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um into this. i think the pattern so far in this company has been that that's not the case, but i do think it's important to remember that this uh, the imperative got the whole house phone is subject to the jurisdiction of being transferred to the court. and it is this court that it has to be in charge of investigating all of these occupations. well, further north, or has been a massive bombardments in gaza. city of the witnesses captured the moment of impact if an is really, or a strike in a residential area. the health ministry says at least 48 people have been killed across calls in the past day. and that takes the total number of people killed. so just over 34000. and that includes more than $14500.00 children. sort of out assume is running us now from it off in the south of the gaza strip. thought it tell us what you've been here. you're hearing and seeing over the past few hours as
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well. really daring, the situation is extremely distant. distressing and disturbing guys have been receiving more information from eye witnesses on the ground that they use where the military has been rounding up. the military attacks on another part of guns, a stripe, as the intensification of the bombardment has taken place in the can you central neighborhoods have gone for 60, including a sofa neighbor who does. we have been seeing the video, a very large class taking place as, as a result of because, well, yet taught them that area where civilians were passing by that area without any private warning doesn't operate casualties that have to report that. but clearly not is that the only area that had been attacked when is the past couple of hours. we have been holding more attacks on the middle areas which have been the focus for this very minute for you. within the past couple of weeks where 3 palestinians have been killed in a say rocks a refugee camp. and it's also was mentioning that the is very minute treat,
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have targeted the residential house that is adjacent to the malaysian schools in the eastern parts of under. so ross refuge account was a part of their own government military operations. the bathrooms are still on getting a raging, but to me to most spices and the is rarely assumed use in and the engines, eastern pots of data about a has, according to guns, health ministry, dr. within the past 24 hours, at least 48 palestinians have been reported killed as the, as the hospital racing and derek. but it has been stating that they are struggling to identify the victims of the targeting, due to the great level of his teaching that results from these various types and such areas in the middle of the territories and, and thought it where you are in jeff. i mean, there have been strikes and stuff as well. are you getting the sense that there is an inc, there is increased the military activity in the south of the gaza strip. now?
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well, a generally the most of guns assumption nation big trucks here and roughly how facing a clearly moved threats growing by the is very military in the past couple of days . this specifically, that we have been witnessing move intensification of the military offense, be being made by the has been a military using a mandatory surveillance cope to drones and also surveillance of drones. that's completely on moms in desperation, in gauze, while we have been hearing these positing since allen's of this morning guys, they have been talking multiple locations in rough idea. have talked to the house and the number of poplar bluff, our district closing a number of entries among palestinians where another a good culture elanda defense from area being directly attacked with new casualties that have been reported on one of the latest had talking to the residential house just a few meters away from our location, but unfortunately, the messiah did not explode with no casualties in that area being reported to now the busing and the military, whole range of these military drones are still ongoing on the ground,
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which could be a clue significant ation on the police significance police assigned that palestinians might being attacked in an area that is supposed to be as a safe zone, as we have been hearing from palestinians. that is what is intensifying, gets bombardments and the tax on rough. i could be a cli, introductory for potential military and cogent as they have been experiencing. in the con you in a city. when he gets ready military's talk to 2 men to tally. invite that very desperate populations area trying to get right now into a pile of rock. oh, okay. thank you thought about as boone, thank you for that update for me in a fucking garza. and we also understand that the is really war cabinet is currently meeting. we have stephanie decker was running us from tel aviv. so what are we hearing out of that meeting? stephanie, of the last thing so far this is taking place in jerusalem. usually they may here in tennessee, but the defense ministry. it's been cooled by any guns. a member of the work cabinet, also called the i as in court to discuss the hostages. and what is the way for this
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is something that hasn't been on the agenda of the work cabinet. they have intensively been meeting over the last week, but particularly to discuss that severe escalation with iran. so the men are very keen to put it back on the table, but against making comments at the connects it just in the last hour to reporters where he said is our duty even during times of holiday to keep making sure we try and get them home tomorrow is one of the biggest religious jewish holidays. paul silver. uh and you know, i run a key. it marks the idea of freedom, the freedom of the israelites from egypt. and this has been very symbolic here. you will. so how does israel's president just a couple of days ago telling israel is riley's at your state or table, leave an empty seat reminding them of the plight of the hostages, and that 7 months later, they still haven't returned home. we also had a video message from prime minister benjamin netanyahu just now saying that it's how mass has been rejected to the potential deals,
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the proposals when it comes to trying to reach the hostages. i'm not, they will be increasing pressure in his words, politically. and militarily, in the next couple of days, but we'll have to wait and see if anything. what comes out publicly of this meeting? stephanie, as we were mentioning earlier, the us and is really media or both reporting is a bite and administration of such a sanction. a battalion of the is really military for committing human rights violations in the occupied west bank. now we know this would be the 1st time that the u. s. as in post sanctions on a unit of the is really army. what sort of reaction has been coming through from israel on this or i lost you there, but i think you're asking me about what the reaction is. your outrage across the board, whatever political spectrum, militarily, politically, you are from you just simply do not criticize the army in israel. everyone serves in the army and israel. it is the one unifying factor. so you've had in the prime minister, you've had the leader of the opposition that you've had the chief of stuff everyone
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saying that this simply is not right that at a time of war that's playing into the hands of the enemy didn't keep. and you mentioned yahoo actually giving fighting tools towards the american saying that if there is someone who believes that he is able to impose sanctions on a military unit in our army, i will fight him with all my might. it is, he is ready to not used to having its strongest ally highlight human rights abuses a to the palestinians carried out by its army. it happens a lot. this is a particular unit that even has been charged within the army of carrying out of human rights violations, torture harassment over the past years of palestinians. but it is extremely rare. searchingly that you have the american government at this level saying that they will sanction a battalion saying that we don't want any of our arms. any of our military 8 supports will be going to this battalion because of human rights abuses to the
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palestinians. all right, stephanie, thank you for that reporting from tel aviv will not speak to michael foreman who is the director of research of the n g o democracy for the error world. he's in washington dc. thanks for your time with us on out to 0. so as our correspondent was saying, i mean there's, there's really many years of evidence about that this particular unit which is dominated by right wing settlers who commit regular crimes against palestinians and the occupied westbank. so why is it that the us may sanction this unit? now, and i think there's a few different reasons. the 1st is that it's not just about the abuses, they commit by about the impunity that they're given afterwards. and if they thought is to not come in and in and put in punitive steps in order to change the behavior of those units. that's one way the laws um can i can, can apply sanctions on units of receive u. s. military assistance. the other reason i think very much has to do with the overall political environment. you know, we, we just saw a few days ago. i'm the imposition of new sanctions against my own side of ours,
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which is also completely unprecedented in the relationship between the united states and israel. and, and so, you know, i think we are starting to see the administration put out some, some letters that can become serious pressure if they use the more broadly. but for the time being that they're sending these realize the message that they have to get their ducks in row, i mean, legally, what is the us is obligation when it comes to delay the law? well, if the secretary of state receives credible information, the unit that's receiving us military funding or that's nominated to receive us military funding has been involved in committing great violations of human rights, which is a very, you know, small list of, of actions from rape and torture. an extradition extra traditional killing in a few others, but they can no longer be eligible to receive the assistance. so he can retrieve the waiver if he says that they have taken steps,
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turn to remedy of those positions. right? so then wouldn't be, it wouldn't be us to then be obligated to sanction the whole military for what many human rights organizations are describing as them committing work. crimes right now in the warren garza to politically speaking, i think this is a little bit of a lower step that they're going for, you see calls in the senate and elsewhere to condition all of the military aid to israel on. it's a manager in human rights record, and this is the administrator, and i think sending a message to these realize that they're, they're not going to do nothing about that the years of complete impunity are over . but as you mentioned, you know, it's a very, very small stuff and a lot of see if he says i'm with american funding and then to come up. and what do you make of the fact that the determination of the imposition of these sanctions, if they do go through, it's about this unit but, and it's based on incidence prior to october,
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the 7th and fox generally speaking, these types of inquiries take some time. so that's not surprising what it, what it does is that it opens the door to sanctioning more units, including the ones that are, that are active in fighting and gaza. and by the way that you go to, has been involved in assigning and gaza. um, you know, as, as a way to avoid sanctions, these really aren't, we haven't moved them out of the west bank for the 1st time and the units history last year and, and nowadays they put them into a gas or so it's a little bit of a splitting in the face of, of the serious concern to the us have expressed over this unit already and that they put it back into, into combat and gaza. i think i might have something to do with the fact that the is really prime minister as well as in fact other politicians across israel, as our correspondent was just reporting the prime minister is expressing outrage of the saying that his governments will act by all means against these moves, what do you think the, the is really officials can do practically if the sanctions were to go ahead that
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they can even just thinking either openly defy them and risk the entire military support or they can comply. mean that there's not a whole lot of wiggle room here. the thing is, be the i'd states gives israel, it's military assistance as a lump sum. and as the general support usually. so it's only is reality is and they have committed to this and a member amended on memorandum of understanding that was signed a little bit of a 3 year ago to, to, to do this filtering themselves if they are ever told to stop sending us funds and equipment to a specific unit that it's on israel is actually of the condition of the military to support they receive from the us to billions and billions of dollars that they, they segregate and remove from the funding and equipment flow and a unit step united states as our 2nd. okay. michael merman, thank you for speaking to us in washington dc. thank you. a general strike has been
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declared across the occupied west bank after a 3 day is really raids of to cut him killed 14 policy indians need that, but i am reports from there in the north. some sort of fluids recap, has turned into one large workshops with 1st responders are trying to take care of some of the damage that has been incurred during the 3 days to that are few decals as you can see here. every thing has been affected when we talk about the electricity, the water, the rows that have been completely destroyed. but they know that the repairs will take months if not more, to be fixed. so this is a different situation than any other res, seem inside the cab, they'll use who is ready for destroying the infrastructure. but the scale of this damage was something they've never seen before. when life is coming to somebody,
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even during the 1960 a 2nd, the roads never looked like this. they want to take us decades back into the club. so they could seem to call the police. this is pure event. it is our enemy and has been damaged in our lives since 1948. i'm not 54 years old, and i've only been seen the ugliness and torture of these rarely occupation. since i was a child, we were asleep. the ami suddenly winton, when my sister opened the door, she saw an odd sort of show and she started crying. she was good. the cap has turned to one big morning house. oh, nice festival. my son was late here some more than 6 hours and is rarely snipe acute him as he opened the window, medics were shot when they tried to take his body, had been in a state next to him kissing him good bye, have of the day as repair efforts continue here, palestinians tell us there's no guarantee that these really forces will not return
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here again and incur similar damage to the infrastructure. so that home and so their lives did that, but he just need to look at it. you'll revised westbank iran supreme leader ayatollahs. how many has praise the military for its recent strike on israel? he said the armed forces showed the power and mites of the country. this is the 1st time that he's spoken since iran launched more than $300.00 missiles on drones at israel. a week ago to her on says it was in retaliation for an attack on the iranian consulate in syria. earlier this month. common a was speaking during a meeting with the army commanders, give them 10 delusions and the issue of how many missiles were fired with the number of missiles hips is a secondary issue. the main issue is proving the will power of the year on a nation. and the armed forces in the international arena, various events have cost and achievements. it is important to reduce the costs and
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add the achievements through flare. this matter was very well executed by the armed forces during recent events. char central bari has more from to her on of the long antagonistic, hostile and costly chapter between iran and israel appears to have come to a close. but it's not the end of the story between the 2 countries. the supreme leader speaking for the 1st time since operation at true promise, was launched against israel and the commander in chief hailing the success of the operation and the military men who were in charge of it. but he also issued a strong advice and warning for the military, saying that there should be no pause or no stopping the advancement of the country's military capabilities. because any kind of a, a pause means going backwards. supreme leader also went on to say that detecting the enemy's method should also constantly be on the agenda for now the supreme
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leader signaling that this could possibly be a law in the tensions between iran and israel. how long this will last remains to be c door, such a bar, ultra 0 tax on the ukraine in president of a lot of years, a lensky, his thing, the us house of representatives for passing is 61 $1000000000.00 a bill. it was part of a major military aid package that also provided funds for israel, taiwan, and several other allies. it had been held up for weeks because of divisions among republicans on support for ukraine to you. today we received the decision. we expected the package of american support that we thought so hard for and it's a very significant package that will be felt by our soldiers on the front line, as well as by our towns and villages suffering from russian tyra. today,
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the us house of representatives voted, thank you to everyone who supported that package. it. this is a solution for saving lives where you have done homeless standing by for us and the ukrainian capital key. so obviously, john, what we heard from the president is relief. i suppose that this a package has been passed. how is the money going to be divided up of the is about $60000000000.00 of a full team. 1000000000 of that is going to go into direct went from rates to support ukraine. that more money is going to guides replenishing us store some and some another amount of money, some point $8000000000.00. these guidance guides was at some more us weapons, getting to credit suisse quite complicated, the tools, a structure of that $60000000000.00. but i guess the most important event is the full team $1000000000.00. it's going to go directly west from re towards the country and presidents, the land, sketchily. you heard him talking about you last night for the students. talked to m
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. b. c's, meet the price and in an interview, he was off the question that i think a lot of republicans were asking in congress. will this actually just mean prolonging the will? or would it mean that you have a shot at victory here? and if so, what's the timeline? and he said that he thought that it would give a chance of victory and the timeline depending on how quickly the weapons could be actually delivered to you cry. that's a worry that he's had about other weapons and things on the left. 16 jets that sunday 2 countries are promised to deliver in the past. so he's quite keen to drive that message out and that it's what about delivery? and john, are we getting a sense of when the military aid will make it to ukraine and what are the ukrainians own assessments about how they're faring in this for on the ground, the successful is going
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to be approved by the senate. and then it helps across president jo biden's desk, and he has to sign it into lo and that we understand is almost a done deal. once that happens, what a pentagon spikes person has said is that it could be days, it could be moved within days. he's thoughts about the robust logistics, and we understand the military officials in the us is saying that some of those, the wisdom raised the munitions already in europe in storage facilities and could get quickly to the cry. buddha, but even given all of that, um, uh military, uh, people are saying that then at once it gets into the crime, it could take weeks for it to get to the front line. so what that means, and what you cried in spite is people have said, is that that gives russia window of opportunity that they probably use to press home the advantage. and so fall on the cranium front line days and a bunch of sick shows coming towards russia. you craning to moments towards you,
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credit brushing commodities have said, and ukrainian troops are able to shoot anyone back. and so that could even grow to $10.00 to $1.00 is what the top military military nights. so to monitor has said, so it all depends how quickly this, how this military aid gets to the front line. if you cry as to what happens and how long but windows time is that russia has to use to press on the advantage. okay, john, thank you for that update from keith. will several ser majority districts are holding a referendum that could remove ethnic albanian mayers from power. they took off as last year and it's violent scenes after the previous serve, mayor has resigned out zeros of the montage. reports from costs of those capital. christina, the residence of for service, or the municipalities in north of kosovo, have being called to cast their votes in the referendum to remove opinion mayors
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that were elected in april of last year on the very small turn off. so fully 4 percent following serves the white glove of local elections, white glove last year, left to while it was about the roof to between the police and local sub sewer center. this is something you may use from entering the municipal buildings. the violence in the north last year led to then to the tensions between the old foes comfortable. and so it'd be, as it'd be a, does not recognize close to both in defendants and considered as the, as, as part of it's, there are 3 of us, boston, those tensions occurred in the day. some 46000 voters in north, of course. so we'll have a chance to vote in a referendum but could eventually lead to snap elections in those for me, in this analysis however, of the serbian forces backed up advice to be all have once again called for a boy called and blamed. comfortable prime minister has been quoted for doing as they said, everything he could for the vote to fail. now,
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possible prime minister has rejected the accusations and called for citizens of the north, the vote if they wanted to remove and they are from office. now for that the succeeds 50 percent of the overall number of voters is involved. there's these need to vote in favor. i quit dorians are voting in a referendum, which could see tougher measures impose to fight searching gang violence. the new security measures put forward by president daniel and bo include deploying the army to tackle organized crime. the once peaceful south american country has been struggling with a shocking rise in violence that has seemed to mayors killed this week alone. terrorism boast, one is in the 4th to the wire keys. so tara is, let's just explain to us where you are on what you've been seeing or of the
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of the while we're here in the school where people have been coming suddenly to vote for bolting is mandatory unit. but also there are long lines of the people, a waiting to pass through a balance in different parts of the city were here in the and this is a city in was that key and that's one of the most violent in the countries, not the most violent fighting and confrontations between arms groups and the armed forces and the police are constance. here, it's many of authorities and this part in the city have been threatened by criminal organizations. let's not forget what's being happening here. we make one or with a campaign we're one of the presidential candidates, was killed, where we also saw how criminal groups and our f when the state a tv station here in was
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a q with president denny. and the washington conference in november, declaring the face of a section to drawing the armed forces, not only on the sweeps, but also in this countries for them to try to control the arm groups that controlled many of those for some. so an extremely difficult situation. i mean, it's high, it's of the military on this, which we've seen in this past few days, how 2 majors were murdered in their towns about 3 hours away from hearing was that key. so what the president is trying to do is push for his a gender and people would be voting in 11 questions were 5 of them are meant we can the constitution allowing the military to participate on the suites. as you see, people are coming here, as i said before, and when you talk to them many are telling us that they support no voice measures that they want to see the military on the free stuff. big feel unsafe because of the power that many armed groups have in this country. okay, to raise,
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i will let you go for now. thank you so much. to risible reporting from ecuador, the still ahead on the all the 0 news, our crowd state to the streets and the brazilian city of realtors. an arrow to assist show support for the former president the year of all scenario. why public health care reform can come soon enough for some, for testers in columbia, in sport, another way for max, for stuff and as the 3 time formula, one world champion clinches victory at the 1st chinese ground, pre and 5 years. peter will have all the action coming up a little later the but it's more or less seasonally no matter knowledge and tina, and you're required. we've got the line to finish, don't developing around the river flight. but we used to seeing that attempt is neither excessively high nor excessively low in the sun. these items bullet points
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are legacy improperly, and we are now renewals in brazil. the seasonal ratings have been heavy recently in the so chiles they will be. and that law and extends across the equity will happen to columbia big shows funded sums possible here. therefore this a landslide risk. i mean looking particularly went in the next run to these parts of rico and suspend yoga. still with these persistent showers, the winds on that strong, but they are driving them through. however, the nickel rock is not as much as it was in mexico loops, potentially. rather, which was that when coming off the gulf, the front was in the line of thunder storms go through the southern states is being pushed slowly, science woods by cooler and not cold. and there's still studies you can see in the eastern side are kind of a little bit in the west to california. looks gorgeous. i have to say and does. and now, and you in flux on monday, was coming out to the plane states. usually when that happens and it meets cold coming up the high ground, you tend to develop a storm system. one is developing for monday and possibly tuesday likely to affect
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the midwest again. and the, the latest news as it breaks around on has given a cause that people come out and not not but galvanized, populates the board with detailed coverage. but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brakes from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, it even more important than usual to come together to share one to 2. they have the same as a full front, a progressive change, the locked in america. this time the slides remain high as the violence against gender and sexual minority. i come to when a series to 2 young women were taken different routes to establish greater freedom
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and equality. welcome to generations haines, a political series attempt to understand and talents. the idea is that mobilize youth around the world, generation change on out, you'll see around the the, the top stories on the, on to 0. it is our college send you an emergency services. a mass graves have been uncovered in san eunice, 210 bodies had been recovered so far. they were found buried inside the city's not sort of medical complex. these were the military withdrew from that area on april. this is where the air strikes have killed dozens of civilians across casa and garza
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city have endured some of the heaviest times. more than 34000 people have been killed since the war began, including 14 and a half 1000 silver. ecuadorian serv voting in a referendum, which could see tougher measures impose to fight gang related violence. the new security measures put forward by president daniel. the boa includes deploying the army to tackle organized crime, columbia, as opposition as calling for the largest protest yet against president gustavo petros governments. the rallying against wide ranging social and economic reforms by the left wing administration. petro wants to reform the health care sector by cutting out private insurers and increasing state control, alessandra and pitts. he's joining us from columbia as copies of the at the process of this sandra. so what's turn out been like the varying so far from what we've been able to see this has been an impressive turn
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out for a prolonged asset. right? the opposition to the government, the spell of faith that are by far this is the largest protest. we have seen a guy. so the discover meant since it came into power now over a year and a half ago and all. so what it seems is that the right in this case has been able to also mobilize other sectors of society, sensory spaghetti station centers for the patients. that have also said that they decided to march in downtown, a book that they said sunday. and it shows like there is a growing discontent stores the way that the government has been trying to move forward with the, the reforms that you were talking about. and in particular, in the case of houses that reform failed in congress. but since then, the government has moved in to take control at 3 intervene, 2 of them main private insurance. so right now, essentially by the pre,
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the government is going through the update temporarily. practically half of the columbia has the health services that more and mostly at administered by these private insurers. so that's one of the big gates is another big issue on everybody's minds. here is the fact that the paper has been also gone, calling for a constitutional assembly for the people to change the constitution. he said, it makes changes to it to essentially move forward with some of these reforms that the people here believe is being done in an arbitrary way. and that's already taken away from this government. so people here say we're afraid of the rabbits. how these nation of this government and what that would mean in columbus and understand, or is there any sign that that pressure, or the protest or so we're trying to put on the president is working at all the the president seems team to continue
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with these reforms he is convinced that this, these are the facts and that they're necessary in the country and pay many ways he is right on principle. for example, everybody here agrees if you talk to experts that, that the health system in colombia requires the reform because it costs too much and it has become more expensive over the years. and so something needs to be done there, for example, to control cost, also to increase the quality of care, especially outside of the city. what the, what, where the division lives. is that on how to do that. and if you talk to experts, maybe believe that the report that is being proposed by the government was in a way throw out the baby with the bathwater sort of losing the progress that there has been in the last 30 years, especially when it comes to coverage now this system covers the 96 percent of all colombians. it has relatively know out of pocket costs. and so the fear is that the
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or, or our lease that the government hasn't been able to convince in new jersey ask, how long does that is proposal and that the government would do better in administering a house with respect to the, to the private sector. so the divisions remain there and actually the president paid through. i've said that you will also take to the streets next. next may 1st on a labor day and well give a speech addressing all of these issues. okay, thank you. and it's under a pity reporting from the brazil's former president day or both scenario who's called for a rally and support a freedom of expression, which he says is under threats. that event is being held in re edition aero both scenarios facing several legal battles, including an investigation into an electric coup against the current president, luis in australia,
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the silva. he also faces charges for lying about his cove of 19 vaccination records . monica cab is joining us from rio de janeiro. so monica, what said both an arrow have to say as well. so not to use this rally as he did as he used a rally that he did less than 2 months ago. and so follow to campaign for his salary allies in the coming of municipal elections which will be held in october. they are very important year in brazil must remember the most when i was banned from running for public office until 2030. and this is because he has been accused of using fake information to state without offering any proof that the elections that he lost in 2022 had been rated. so he's also being investigated for flooding a coo. and he said that he was innocent,
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that this is all done to shut him up. he also asked for people to co op and to cheer. tech type to deal on mosque was come out to criticize brazil supreme court saying that it was violating free speech because the supreme court shut down some accounts on, on x, formerly known as twitter use bible. so not a supporters who allegedly instigated the riots that happened in january last year when a crowd symbols and other supporters stormed congress, the supreme court and the presidential possible. so now there's basically saying he's innocent to where things stand right now. then with the legal cases against simple scenario as well as you said the most uh serious investigation that is being held right now is about his uh
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a legit involvement orchestrating of who to keep himself in our after he lost the elections to current president was enough to let us who are these investigations are expected to end in july and many out of us we've been talking to hear say that his imprisonment is likely because there is a lot of evidence. he presented the military aids that he had at the time. and also his ministers, he, he talked about the possibilities that they had of over turning the elections. of course, that did not happen, but it's still considered by the supreme court as an attempt to who so he is in danger of being in prison. ok. thank you, monica anika over 40 from rio de janeiro poles of clothes and them all these were a voters, have been casting their ballots in parliamentary elections crucial for president mohammed them. used to 6 political parties are filled in nearly 370 candidates for
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the 93 seats in parliament. uses the election last year escalated rivalry between india and china as a result of his campaign to eject indian troops. and i'll see him, how much is the multi sum baset or at the united nations? he says the elections focus more on domestic issues rather than regional politics. the government is quite confident of uh, security, at least 70 percent of the seats in the parliament. the election is being held at a, at an important point at any important debt to for the president. it really allowed the president to stop implementing the and subject submitted a number of in business development projects that the president has initiated. seems that to me, no fee is even november. this election is miss about your punitive colored. i'm of the, in the indian ocean pennies. lot about the law is,
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is more about the future of the mortgage. so it's about the mode of young people. it's about being in stability and it's about creating plus parity and it's about creating resilience audits. and it's about the president realizing the mission he has set out for them all of this spend peeve onto presidential election last year. and we believed that the confidence that people off all of this meal class on the president's government view, enable the president to implement those policies and realize the mission, vision of a and includes who bought it's out, be at best buy the t is more they see it and that's the, that's the direction that most of the people would like. southern people have been confirmed dead in india as a diesel, stayed after their boat capsized. it happened while passengers were returning from
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a temple on the heart of the river. and a search operation is under way to find at least one person still missing. fishermen managed to rescue around 40 other passengers. it all thirties in southern china are bracing for what they say could be severe flooding, seen only once in a century. more than 80000 people have already been evacuated in gone, gone province alone, which has been experiencing to wrench will rain since friday. several villages have been cut off by flood waters, the national weather office warrens major storms are on the way for coastal areas. and a vigil has been held in australia for victims of a stabbing attack and sidney a week ago. march the attacker kills 6 people and injured more than a dozen at a mall. and on the junction, last saturday, authorities say the 40 year old had
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a history of mental health problems. he was shot and killed by police. still ahead on the al jazeera news hour, a warning from farmers in the u. k. y, they say food production will be significantly reduced me. m b a. playoffs are under way theater. will have the best of the action from the 1st round coming up in the these are the most these on the drum is they used to march 3 deal to t before to on box with an increase is really ministry presidency. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrived at austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the street a full clinic costs. images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan,
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thousands of policies and tourist, for is the city often defies the seasonal. we used to belong on the street right now. look, it's easy to move around to see the difference in the warren going to change the situation and not listen. we have 70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in gaza. the the, all the sports is yours, peter 13. thank you so much. we'll start in london. we're will record has for the
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pacific is marathon raining. olympic champion, pay raise a jip chips. it has crushed the previous best time in a women's or new race. the canyon sprinted over the last $300.00 reasons, finishing the time of 2 hours. 16 minutes and 16 seconds. breaking the previous month to find mary k. tony at the truth and 17 london race thinks a sofa view holds will record for women in a race alongside, mail, run is finished in 2nd place. the race started with the tribute to last to his men's champion. calvin kept them, died in a car crash and came here in february. it finished with these countrymen and framed alexander, let's see. so when yo, running alone down the final straits and he's faced major meredith and went round madrid, face to face as tribals bustling. the lights were on sunday, you know, classic o rails, that's 8 points clear of ball. so at the top of legal coming into the game after santiago band about when would see them open up and 11 point lead with just 6 games
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remaining. both scenes headed into the match on the back of full straight leave wins the see button. and so those are about to do them. as this is the most important game of the season. we must win to put pressure on the royal madrid and narrow the gap to 5 points. that's the scenario we want to see. at the end of the weight, the whole lot of them were playing against a very competitive arrival who were doing great lately. i'm not convinced that this is going to be the usual classic competitive and even really full time, or if this is a great challenge for us to be closer to winning lovely classical there's one man who knows the single to about our classic countries. liam l messy. he played in 45 of them all across simona and now that he's with into miami, he's turned in another classic and may see this woman's the origin time school twice. and he says 31 when of a natural in the analysis. he has a goal or assisting each of the 6 league matches these type of things. and what do you see more taught that can be eastern conference to shanghai way mex,
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for stuff and continues to dominate. for me, the one you want, the chinese going pre to move 25 points. clear tracing is full will title david state sports. i tried a very fair am shanghai, another race another waiting for much the step. and once again, the 3 time world champion started from po, position and took the checkered flag to rack up is full of victory and 5 races it's . it's $58.00 when overall, but it's 1st step, but in china. yeah, the car was basically on rails and um yeah, i could do whatever i want to do with it. and so it's kind of weekends are of course amazing to uh, to feel and of course then to t. basically what we did this weekend this semester. c this was the 1st going pre in china to 5 years because of the countries 0 tolerance approach to the carbon 19 pandemic that went to safety, causing the rice. once a voucher, a boss has stolen the edge of the track and another following a couple of almost similar time, these incidents kevin magnusson put yuki sonata and alon strolled run into the back
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of daniel ricardo for all my goodness. it was well before. meanwhile, in the pit lane, one of the lp mechanics was lucky not some seriously injured when he was struck by p. a ghastly loose rear wheels during a stop. they don't have it distracted misstep in the for these now 123 at the last 27 races stretching back into last season. presto, mcclellan's lender norris was 14 seconds behind to the noise search. here pirates the red bull. one too. but still no winds for the purchase drive the lease. now if any 2nd 8 times, i mean i just wasn't expecting today at all. i got everything ready to go home early and i'll be on the podium. so it's a pleasant surprise, but um, it's always a team and then a good job of working on and it's paying off season say things go to motional, but china is 1st ever dry the show when you be celebrated in front of his home, friends in shanghai, the finishing 14th would sell, but the next race is in miami, on may 5th, where it's hard to predict and the single the stuff. and when we have these now
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$25.00 points clear, the top of the drive is standing. they be stokes, which is 057, the bins and nuggets open that n b a title defense in the play also the when the, the lakers and game one of the series, anthony davis and the problem james, combined for $59.00 points for the lakers. labrono the fist hughes, a 3 pointer, but it wasn't enough. we'll see if we can see you don't get to see. he looks at the school. 32 points and 12, a balance of the house pulled up a 9 straight. went over the lake, is 114103. going to is in denver on monday. we could have a better month or replacing the board and i but we could have been better. we know just to have much more. you don't have much room for error versus everything, especially at their own home floor. it's just a team that's been through everything. obviously the defending champion. so now you've got to execute. you've got to make shots, you've got to defend, and then you can give them extra possessions. to new york make squandered
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a 14 point 3rd course and lead against the philadelphia 76 is the full value miles mcbride school in the tie. breaking boss good. as they went on, so when 111104 the world's beat, the phoenix suns in game one, anthony edwards, who became high points which came in the said wholesale. what seemed the game into the low owl symbols, winning $12095.00. that will finish with these great shots and will soon need 2 of them into an australia keep an eye out. and you'll see a part of dalton has decided to join into thankfully they didn't distract. so why is gabriela bryan, the one her 1st world championship to or even love to see it. all right, most policies a bit later, the right picture. thank you so much, peter. well, farmers and the u. k are warning that crop hills will be hit after months of heavy rain with the entire field still under water. in some areas,
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food production is expected to be significantly reduced in an industry that's already struggling with higher fuel and fertilizer costs. a hayward report from lincoln sure in the east of england, a huge swayed subprime english farm land under was a month soft. a devastating storm swept the country. the levels a slow day receding, but the damage has been done. a few weeks ago, these fields resembled an inland sea. the only way to get to the house was by boat should all be planted, should be great farmer henry would find himself facing a financial bottle caused by massive storms and 18 month super cold. rain falls. it's up say the horizon, the, you know, i'm a young farm, a call a baby on the way, trying to provide for my family. and this is how i meant to in the living is by producing food and selling it. and if it's covered in walsh,
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i can't do that and you get up every day to say phones, you know, looking like this. and you just wondering, well how enough i'm going to carry out. well, property can be insured against flooding crops in the ground. cons. so the estimated loss of not bringing in the hub is to, will run into hundreds of thousands of dollars. the soil onto the water is some of the most for the child in the country. but clearly, no crops will be produced from it. in the next few months, on the farm here faces the real risk of a flooding again. and that means food which should be making its way onto the market in the coming months from here, wasn't a few kilometers away. sometime thing has been taking place after the land was heavily plotted, but it has been a struggle. and that's reflected the national picture. hopefully we normally 60 percent food efficient in this country. i think realistically, i'll be down in the lower fifty's and with what's going on around the world and how
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we can't rely on importing all these, all these different types of vegetables and even better else. we need to be up around 70 percent self sufficient to make sure, okay, som, is, are adaptable, but increasing the find them. so what's on the front line of climate change, both here and around the world? it's very, very difficult. they've got the sci fi, they've got to what, with politicians, what with government, what different agencies network communicate to consumers do as much as they can. but ultimately there's probably digital that in many circumstances they can do the u. k. government size, which is supporting agriculture. but many farm is believe they need to go further to the trying to establish how to make this land viable, whatever the future brings and the he would, i'll just sarah, in, lincolnshire, thanks for watching all the 0. we're going to take a short break and be back in just a moment with much more of today's news. and all the latest headlines will see you in a minute. the
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. this is the 1st to decide that we see in real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. at a lower scale to growth has destroyed many. the cities volts about this in a race against india, assuming water shortage. an engineer, tons of water conservationists takes on cities. that was one lake at the time. catching the rain in india. that makes a lie. a witness documentary on
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a jersey though. so how is your vacation in this, the shelves? the chest? wow. the reporting from the section 3, when i'm hearing this thoughts, how is 10 or airbag content has been removed? for stripe said, understanding the reality for these demonstrators. it's presidents lucky, self reckoning. the stability of the country, i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you click sensitive the fonts at
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the store, the mass grave is discovered in fine units, southern gaza, at least 210 bodies, something recovered weeks after the is really army, withdrew the light from the headquarters and don't find any navigator. also coming up the is where the air strikes the district from the south. these.


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