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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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the the, which is the width of the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a, them, this is the news live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes mass graves discovered in the con eunice, at least 210 bodies have been recovered weeks off to these re the army was true on me that but i came in nor substance abuse recap in the officer pod westbank with a 3 day is where you re has caused massive destruction
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the, the us house of representatives. it proves a $95000000000.00 package that includes mimicry, aid for israel, and you frame and to may is a killed in as many days in ecuador item or a friend named as fighting gang violence in full. it's a record full. so the london marathon is can use olympic champion pettis, chip, chip 2, sets a new wealth best in the women's, our neighbors. the time we begin to use our in southern gaza when mass graves have been uncovered. in the city of con eunice, at least $210.00 bodies have been found. the city is nasir medical, complex, palestinian civil defense says it's continuing to search for even more bodies elsewhere in southern gaza. or at least 19 people were killed. and this really
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strikes across the off on sunday full teen of those victims with children. and the raw reports, washington is set to sanction a battalion of these right, the ministry for committing human rights violations in the occupied westbank. but it would be the 1st time the us has sanctioned the units of these, right? the minute tree i'll just here is how many my mood has the lights is from con eunice, on the discovery of those mass graves. this in the side of a mouse, a grave that was created by these really military as it is for not the hospital with in the past months. these really military not only destroyed the facility and severely damaged the whole complex that loss of the hospital, but also created this mass. the grave. for the past 3 days, civil defense, the crew members and paramedics, have been able to retrieve a 180 bodies of people who were buried in this gnostic grave house.
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more than half of these bodies were 3 of their on non largely on identify. their identity is lost and their names might not be remembered at all. there's really military is believed to create this mazda grave. after taking the bodies that were buried at the courtyard of the hospital, given the difficulties of performing formal barrier as the war was urging and the attacks were scaling up at the vicinity of north of the hospital. it is also believe that is really military use. this massive grave and it created it as it was searching for the bodies of those really hostages. as more bags are found here, with zebra riding on them. but what's more devastating is the bodies that were found that were tied up with zip blogs inside of plastic bags of when buried and burdened in this mazda grace. many of the people who were missing from the
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hospitals are believed to be among the people. the bodies are retrieved from this massive graves. this is happening my most. i was just the it off, lots of the house without house sign. a general strength is being declared across the occupied last spring, cost $2.00 or 3 days, right? the right of to him caught them killed 14 palestinians. and is that abraham or false from the north? some sort of fluids recap, has turned into one large workshop with 1st responders are trying to take care of some of the damage that has been incurred during the 3 days to that are few decals as you can see here. everything has been affected when we talk about the next through the woods or the rows that have been completely destroyed. but they know that the repairs will take months of no more to be fixed. so this is
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a different situation than any of the rain is here. at the inside the account. so use who is ready for destroying the infrastructure. but the, the scale of this damage was something they've never seen before. well, i was coming to somebody even during the 1960, the 2nd the roads never looked like this. they want to take us about decades back into cool. so they continue to call the police. this is pure event. it is our enemy and has been damaged in our lives since 1948. and i'm not 54 years old and have only been seen the administrative torture of these rarely occupation. since i was a child, we were a sleep. the ami suddenly winton, when my sister opened the door, she saw a non soldier and she started crying. she was good. the cap has turned to one big morning house. my son was late here some more than 6 hours,
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and his rarely sniper killed him as he opened the window. medex was shot when they tried to take his body. i stood next to him kissing him good by having the as the repair efforts continue here, palestinians tell us there's no guarantee that the is really forces will not return here again and incur similar damage to the infrastructure. so that home and so their lives is that, but he does eat up for cutting you off your prize westbank us and is ready. the media reporting the by the administration to set the sanction a battalion of these right, the minute treat for committing human rights violations. in the occupied the west bank, they would be the 1st time the us as impose sanctions on the units of these riley. all me, i'll just say are a stephanie deka is instead of eve joins us from that. so what kind of reaction only guessing from is ready officials to these reports for golfing and outrage,
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this is very much expected. the army is one of the only institutions here that people simply do not criticize as a conscription army. and everyone has served as something that unites the country. and you had these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, he said, but at a time when our soldiers are fighting monsters, the intention to issue sanctions at the height is the height of absurdity and tomorrow low. you also had many guns, he's a member of the war cabinet, former chief of staff saying this is a dangerous precedent and sends the wrong message to our common enemy at a time of war. you also had the leader of the opposition. the la p is saying that this was a mistake, but that this wasn't a ministry mistake. this was a political one, particularly highlighting to the ministers that nation. yahoo brought in with him the only way for him, rudy, to form a government and serve as prime minister that's allow smart church, the finance minister. and it's a more that and give a are both these men are associated very much part of the ultra nationalist right wing settler movement. um yeah. like p. they're saying that these are men that
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support settler violence. and this battalion inside me made up of ultra orthodox, hasn't the policy multiple times been accused of carrying out violations against palestinians in the occupied west bank? many of them live in the occupied west bank just like smart judge. and ben give you a, so what this does, if this does go ahead, it's usually significant, but it would be the 1st time that the american sanction, even if it's just a battalion, because it's very publicly saying that they are committing human rights abuses. and we understand the whole cabinets meetings today. what can we expect out of that? yes, this is been called by 2 of the members of the war cabinet. any gotten some guy the eyes and caught both former cheats of stuff to discuss the hostages. the hostages, really a full and of the agenda saw me because, but it came. what we've seen happen here in the last week, just over a week or so. the escalation, the severe escalation, unprecedented with the wrong. the work happened at met di,
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multiple times to discuss how to respond. we were at the protest yesterday here until i be thousands. it is raining, showing up for testing cooling for this government to do more, to bring the hostages home. people saying they don't care what kind of a deal is struck with how math at this point, the priority should be to bring them home. where are we a $133.00 hostages, a $129.00 of those from october, the 7th. they're also including the number of 4 of those 2 dead soldiers and 2 men who crossed into garza in 2014. the big question is how many remain alive? there's estimates that almost 42 of them are dead. some report saying that only for 2 of them are alive and certainly many is ready to say whether any of them remain alive. and that's 7 months into this. for this government simply hasn't made bringing them back a priority. i will leave you there. thanks so much. stephanie deca. no iran supreme lead i it's
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a lie. they come in. i has praised submitted 3 for its recent strike on israel homie nice said beyond forces showed the countries power the 1st time he's spoken since the are on launched, more than 300000 drones. that israel a week ago. the strikes in retaliation for an attack on the right, in concert, as in syria earlier this month from an i was meeting with on forces. come on this a good room to wish, and the issue of how many missiles were fired or the number of missiles hips is a secondary issue. the main issue is proving the will power of the year on a nation. and the armed forces in the international arena, various events have cost and achievements. it is important to reduce the costs and add the achievements through flare. this matter was very well executed by the armed forces during recent events of i'm all of the sites have that, but now to dosage. jabante joins us from toronto. it's been about a week since that right,
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me and strike how these comments being interpreted now will send me uh, the supreme leader as comments as really highlight the fact that this long antagonistic and hostile and costly chapter of between iran and israel appears to have come to a close, but the story between the 2 sides is anything but over the supreme leader also highlighted the fact that there should be no stopping in terms of the advancement of the country's military capabilities. he said that even a pause for a 2nd means going backwards highlighting. that's a, this is not over but for now, as the speech has been seen as a signal that the recent tensions that we've seen at the highest levels between the 2 countries appear to be in a at lol. how long that will last remains to be seen. all right,
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thanks so much dosage of already the the ukrainian president, but all of them is that unexcused thing, the us house of representatives pausing a $61000000000.00 a package was part of a major. the 3 a package that also provided funds for israel, taiwan, and several of the allies had been held up for weeks because of the divisions among quantity, republicans over support for ukraine to you today we received a decision. we expected the package of american support that we thought so hard for and it's a very significant package that will be felt by our soldiers on the front line, as well as by our towns and villages suffering from russian tyra list today. the us house of representatives voted thank you to everyone who supported our package. this is a solution for saving lives with john hall when joins us live from the ukrainian capsule. so a big sigh of relief,
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staggering kids off the what's happened in the house of the house of representatives? yeah, definitely. presidents the landscape we heard and talking there in each, waited immediately off to the boat, had paused at thinking the us house is a representative. the 2 parties and the house speech of who it seems like might lose his job as a result of putting this onto the floor and saying that they've been sure that history would be on the right track. it came just as ukraine were in a really difficult position of the crating commodities that we've been talking to. i had set that out to 0, been to look through. it said that they were getting out shout $6.00 to $1.00 by russian forces and not could soon be $10.00 to $1.00 at a time when a defense units, what i able to protect the power plant, some power plants around the country that were being damaged. so this is something that you crime was saying that it desperately needed. it's not over the law, and yet it needs to get through sent it,
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then it needs to be signed off by president job item. but we're told that that process is almost guaranteed john, this is the beginning of a process. uh, how soon are we likely to see mit tree hardware actually on the ground and ukraine with a pencil given space pass and said that it could be moved within days and apparently that some of the way from reason already in storage in europe, obviously closer to the border with you cried, but what military unless have been saying that even when it does get over the food into crime and starts being distributed, it will still take a matter of weeks before it can get to the front lines of you crying. so that gives russia on the other hand, a window which military i miss saying that it could really press to its advantage. it's already been a ball thing slowly but steadily,
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and it could use that time to continue doing that. thanks so much john home and theresa fallon is the director of the send it for russia. europe, asia studies. she says the usa package will boost marolla new crime. a lot of the dishes have been strategically placed just across the border from ukraine. so once it is signed into law, it can move very rapidly to ukraine, but it's been a long time coming. and i think that this will be a morale booster as well for the ukrainians, getting more munitions artillery shells. it's $10.00 to $1.00 right now with russia and having the upper hand. so they are kind of fighting with one hand tied behind their back. and they've been fighting very, very hard. but they have constraints on them. and even though they have been making some incredible moves inside russian territory, for example, attacking oil refineries, they're getting kind of push back from some in the us government saying, please don't do that. we don't want to see the,
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the price of oil rise before the us selection. so they really have a lot of um, constraints on them. in addition to having hardly any artillery shells versus able to get more and more troops, the premiums are really hitting a man power shortage. and in addition, those who have been fighting on the front lines have been there for so long. they're in desperate need of rotation out to get some rest and relaxation and then return to the front line. so the ukrainians have been worried about happening too much into the younger pool of possible recruits because they're worried about future population numbers. it's really a dire situation and the russians have use this gap in time to really tighten their positions and we've seen increased activity in the eastern sections, domestic, etc. so i think that all of these delays have been very detrimental. pavel found going, holler is a defense and military analyst. visa is russian. officials believe the usa package,
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one change things for ukraine on the battlefield. in moscow, russian officials have already reacted at the frontier house resolution on ukraine and russian. the responses defined russian officials are said that. ready is not going to change anything that this will not help you create when the plan is going to lose. but you might states once. ready keep the premium e mail or treat as still fighting tools in november. presidential elections may be um, that prorated credit rushing out of the americas is spewing russian frozen assets to spend this money still with money on its own military industrial complex. because most of the money is going to stay in the meredith ticket by american arms and ukraine's will be a sacrifice. so it's
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a predictable reaction that this has not changed much on the battlefield. and this is going to be just the worst for ukraine. ukraine is going to lose, but it's going to suffer a lot. there's going to be most likely some kind of balance because there's also not only the american a package, but there's this check or what you're being package password reset for, move your shells already in the passport and it should arrive in between several days. most likely. we have a week or 2 on the battlefield. the ecuadorian. so going to the polls and the referendum name that cracking down on gang violence. the new security measures put forwards like president daniel, and the bar includes deploying the army to talk a little bit on his crime. threats about reports from southern i quit all morning and grief. i loved ones at the funeral. familiar closely, scientists. he was killed this week by a known assailants in the town of camino phones hembry cuz he mccloud son just had
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been in office for less than a year. he's getting is just another example of this serious violence ecuadorian ser, facing days before voting on a security referendum precedent then you know, war is asking voters to back the matcher as a way to fight organized crime. when would you send to you? send me was brother, he hope suppressed and we'll get the backend he needs that goes in as the, the late eco doors insecure because of a lack of lows and hopefully the yes but will when and the minute true be on the streets. i hope that will be new laws to fight crime. my brother was executed and they didn't do anything. since taking off his last year president, many and noble, i declared a state of exception and deployed beyond forces to fight the drug. cartels that have increased their control overlarge parts of the country. this town is one of them. security forces here are on high alert space,
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se there's rumors that there could be another attack. this is an area that is controlled by a criminal group. no, no, no, no. they are not only involved in drug trafficking, but also any legal mining. in the past decades, cocaine trade has expanded in latin america, and violence has transformed once quiet countries like it, whether or and that's why no voice says he wants the military to patrol with a police. expedite a tooth criminals among other measures to do that. he wants to reform the constitution, it does he have some more mental health clicks him, they are moments that will mark it before and after. in the history of our nation. as a quick dorians, we have a civic and moral duty to make the right choice. the seal and at least say the voting on sunday is a test. how much support the president has yet was advanced up. we're seeing the field around 70 percent of the country supports the security measures, but only 40 percent support the president. according to our measures of the military on the streets is a patch to a bigger problem because mafia is,
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are controlling the dictionary. the police is businesses all across the country. while the funeral for me, your sanchez was taking place. we've heard about the killing of another mayor about an hour from where we, where it's another reminder of why so many people are affected by violence. once the government to do whatever is necessary to stop it and make sure that what happens here won't happen again. police, i will just see this coming up on somebody gets a one on photos and them all. these are costing the ballots in parliamentary elections crucial for president. how much my 0. 6 political policies are fielding, 9370 candidates for the 93 seats in parliament. wise's election laska escalated rivalry between india and china. as a result of all his opponents called his prob, aging stones, he describes it as
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a mold. these 1st policy says ministration has promised to remove indian troops stationed on one of the countries islands. and i'll see him how that is them all div, some bass that are the united nations. he says the elections focus more on domestic issues rather than regional politics. of the government is quite confident of uh, security at least uh 70 percent of the seats in the parliament. the election is being held at the, at any important point at any important debt to for the president. it really allowed the president to stop even submitting the end subject, submitted a number of in business development projects that the president has initiated. seems that to me, no few seemed november. this election is miss about your 100 colored. i'm of the, in the indian ocean and it's more about the law is, is more about the future of the morlocks. it's about tomorrow to get people. it's
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about being in stability, and it's about creating plus parity. and it's about creating, visiting, and smart. it's uh and it's about uh, the president realizing that we shouldn't, he has set out for them all of this spend peeve onto presidential election last year. and we believed that the confidence that the people off all of this middle class on the president's government view, enable the president to uh, implement those policies and realize division edition of uh and inclusive. all it is, uh, we have prosperity is more they see it. and that's the, that's the direction that money to get. people would like. farmers in the u. k. all warning crop pills will be hey, it's after months of heavy rain and then tie, failed still on the water. in some areas,
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food production is expected to be significantly reduced in an industry already struggling with higher fuel and so its allies, the costs, and the haywood reports from lincolnshire the east of england. a huge swayed subprime english farm land on the was a month suffered. devastating storm swept the country. the levels a slow day receding, but the damage has been done. a few weeks ago these fields resembled an inland sea . the only way to get to the house was by boat should all be planted, should be great farmer henry would find himself facing a financial bottle caused by massive storms and a t mum, super cold rain falls. this up see the horizon, the, you know, i'm a young farm, a call a baby on the way, trying to provide for my family. and this is how i meant to in the living is by producing food and selling it. and if it's covered in mall,
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so i can't do that and you get up every day to say phones. you know, you're looking like this and you just wondering, well how enough i'm going to carry out. well, property can be insured against flooding crops in the ground. cons, so the estimated loss of not bringing in the hub is to, will run into hundreds of thousands of dollars. the soil onto the water is some of the most the time in the country. but clearly, no crops will be produced from it in the next few months. and the form here faces the real risk of a flooding again. and that means food which should be making its way onto the market in the coming months from here was a few kilometers away. some planting has been taking place after the land was heavily plotted, but it has been a struggle. and that's reflected the national picture, hopefully we normally 60 percent food efficient in this country. i think realistically, if i'll be down in the lower fifty's and with what's going on around the world and how we can't rely on importing all these,
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all these different pacific. we are vegetables that even better else, we need to be around 70 percent self sufficient to make sure, okay, som is, are adaptable, but increasing the find them. so what's on the front line of climate change, boats here and around the world. it's very, very difficult to go to the sci fi. they've got to work with politicians with government, what different agencies network communicate to consumers do as much as they can. but ultimately there's probably digital that in many circumstances that they can do the u. k. government size, which is supporting agriculture, but many farmers believe they need to go further to the trying to establish how to make this land viable. well to have of the future brings. and he would, i'll just, sarah, in lincolnshire, it's time for the why the, his rob with a not bates on the situation and at least so much writing style. a few days ago, the united arab emirates,
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it's still on the ground pictures taken just yesterday. do by show major road still with was sitting on them and the same is true. just dropped the coast in charger also one of the amber. it's still water on the ground and take a while to go away. does it go? be repeated, but they're off 2 big thunderstorms that ran into the middle east at 10 feet further west this, for example, also yesterday was the capital offer yemen. obviously walter on the street, this will be selected clear is the nicest part of the world and you could compare what happened, just a little bit south west of the capital with salon let you know mind this is what happens when you get heavier right up in the narrative, so just one example again, once more human that those kind of phones will be probably repeated in west and you have in southwest inside of the but the rest of the middle east looks relatively dry. but there is a hint of wind picking up here, and if you remember, the development of outlaw system was a low pressure area that developed over the gulf. and we've got one apparently developing again, but do not get consent. this is not a repeat performance. it will possibly bring a cheryl to evening,
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sanders to stall them to their heart on monday, though, it's a small possibility. more likely it will just bring a strong wind to follow it and go way down the guest for the best. it's still a head on al jazeera, why public health care reform con, comes soon enough, so some protest is in columbia and in school. another way to relax with stuff in free time for them is a one world champion, clinches victoria. the 1st chinese gone 3 and 5 years. so have the actions coming on the the latest news as it breaks and wrong on has given a cause that people come out and logged up. but you guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse
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before they get better. it's driving some residents to the brain from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, it even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have. now let me tell you, i'm outside the co result, the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life from the moment we entered a coupon, occupied right. not able to practice what the now be used only and looked at very close here. like common here, sits on to play with a large tires basically. but look in my private now. thanks. royal. i can also offer somebody valley equal. resorted in gun the the
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the you're watching out. is there a time to recap those headlines now? palestinian emergency services a mass graves have been on covet in san units. 210 bodies has been recovered so far . they were found buried inside the cities and also the medical complex. these are the ministry, withdrew from the area on april, the 7. the latest is riley strikes. some guys have killed at least 16 palestinians, or young child and a pregnant women were among the victims officer, a house in a cabinet off his palms. more than 30 full 1000 palestinians have been killed since october. the 2nd, the us house of representatives is pos to major ministry, a package for you frame as well. and taiwan to bill was was $95000000000.00 being held up for weeks because of the divisions among republic.
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i'm for sales for my president j at ball, so now arose cold for a rally and supposed of freedom of expression, which he says is on the right events is being held in me. a junior wrote both sonata was facing several legal documents, including an investigation into a legit coup against president luisa and assuming that the silver they also faces charges for lying about these code. 19 vaccine records. all monica and it keeps joins us now live from 3 edition new row. so he's cool. so the riley, what us turn out look like the well, uh this is the 2nd rally that uh, both. so nato has called for since the supreme court ban jim running for public office until 2030. and he,
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the reason that he was bad was because he was accused of using his power to spread fake information about the elections, the presidential elections, which he lost to current president. reason not to will about silva during throughout all the campaign. he said that these elections could be rig, but offer no fruit. so now what he's trying to do is to show his friends on the streets and people are here arriving to the rally. the raleigh still has not started. hobbled sonata is still not speaking and monica, he's subject to investigations going on where all those investigations at this point. well, at this point, he's being investigated for a whole series of, of the topics as you've mentioned yourself. one of them being that he plotted
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a cruise to overturn the likes to results and keep himself in power. now um this investigation will end in july and many people here minneapolis. we've spoken to say that there are great chances that he'd be in prison. so that would be in july and somehow weighing in tool of his control of a c as a loan mosque explained that element to a well, that's right. tech type, cool needle on mosque has used his social media ex, formerly known as twitter, to wash out a brazil supreme court. he said that the supreme court justice, i need somebody to mod eyes who was the one that is a way that most heavily against full. so now to all of resilience, the brazilian government, the same court justices,
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they all lashed back at the long last saying that free speech and brazil which you on most says should be defend. this does not allow people to use social media to instigate holes and that was why the supreme court justice took down accounts of both. so now the supporters only a choose to instigating people to occupy results. congress, the supreme court and the presidential palace on january 8th, 2023. so this is why he is such a figure now because most of that was saying, i have the support of the law and of free speech defenders. right. thanks so much monica king of the now several sub majority districts a holding a referendum that could remove acetate, cal by any en masse from power. they took office last year and it's violent scenes
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of the previous may as resigned. i'll just areas of need. i'm a die reports from cost of us capital. christina, the presidents of 4 serv, majority municipalities in north of kosovo, have been called to cast their votes in a referendum to remove opinion may as that were elected in april of last year. on the very small turn off, so fully 4 percent following serves the white glove of local elections. white glove last year left to violate was about the roof, the between the police and local serbs who were center. this is something you may use from entering the municipal buildings. the violence in the north last year fled to then, to the tensions between the old foes comfortable. and so it'd be, as it'd be of those not recognized close to both in defendants and considered as the, as, as part of its 3rd story. and your has passed in those tensions occurred in the day, some 46000 voters in north, of course. so we'll have a chance to vote in
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a referendum but could eventually lead to snap elections in those 4 municipalities . however, the serbian part is backed up advice to be all have once again called for a boy called and blamed. comfortable prime minister has been quoted for doing as they said, everything he could for the vote to fail. now, possible prime minister has rejected the accusations and called for citizens of the north, the vote if they wanted to remove and they are from office. now for that the succeeds 50 percent of the overall number of voters is involved. there's these need to vote in favor. so let's take a closer look at the history that brought the region to this point. i'm following the break half of the formulas navea in the early 1990 is the cost of a wall and the nato intervention. so costs are declared independence from so it'd be in 2008. so it'd be, and it's ally,
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russia did not recognize that independence. the us many other countries did a majority of cost of us population, not ethnic albanians, but sub dominated, there is in the north have a high level level. ton of me get more on this now. which spend co sign a, he's a professor and research or at the university of tough to he joins us now from the good to have you with us. so 1st of all, do you think this referendum is going to pos know from the numbers the most recent loss? i'm sure it's not gonna pass because the journal was as long as it couldn't be. and i would say this is the last, i'm sure funny that we're more election or a friend of yours, then we're so i think there's one of these that because of the coals full
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boycotts from the ethnic sub community, you know, it doesn't make sense community does not want them to all the way to show that they are visual, no preference for us to be a and therefore should be our homes through the chrome or do they muscle. so again, is called on the search to the reference. yeah, that was i was referring to the substitute list. cool. football call. if i is in fact the case then, where does that leave the prospects of another election? does that mean that will be no of further elections? no, there comes the village from the structural rent problem fails
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then by law there could be no additional the within you. busy pretty much uh we are gonna continue with the current situation with the, with the mayor's meeting of the. busy the law ser, may or spinning. busy for so just in general so i do not see. busy the situation for the year. busy busy will change what was however, is the foreign minister to flow and the way for her matters to be repulsed so that the problem is the question or don't. busy busy extremely, in constitutional way, meaning to simply aust, i'm the mayor's and the best interaction. but also the seem to be ready to go back a if even if they not asked. and what is the,
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any possibility that these full may is, might step down of their own a cold? yeah. do they actually resign themselves when the detroit shows wouldn't be call to the, to. busy resign from there. so basically the x, the extra, these matters to resign or given or legally levels. it's all things from the number of all the way to the widget. there legitimacy is the actual lead to learn to be fine. whether to resolve, spend, let's put everything into context. this is part of already a bigger picture and a bigger question about costs of those status and its relationship with. so it'd be
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a will. and that's an issue that needs really talks to resolve, right? we'll talk soon as you between christina and bell, great. any time soon to address 5 issue. it's all going to be already on. busy different matters, i'm sure so. busy this issue isn't going to be a problem on the issue of the mayor's in the is the main problem was happening in the area of action, but it is primarily an issue on the one of the relationships of. busy issues between uh, customer service was around to be set at the beginning of the size of the error,
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recognizing the remain pessimistic with regard to . busy the relationship between improving the is uh, almost like a change of because the way she show up they say no baggage or even resolving this. this issue slightly more on this matter because the customer has no option to buy the sites of the showdown. me or managed the solution. oh, okay, thank you so much for your analysis. and uh, the thousands of colombians set so much on sunday against government science to reform the health care system. present. gustavo pests were once more emphasis to be put on public facilities,
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but he's facing hurdles and congress on his hands on pay at the reports from both the long lines in growing frustration, it becomes the norm in recent weeks and many medicine dispenser needs. and because the people have been spending up to 7 hours in line for life saving medicines that are becoming increasingly scarce, i only have anti coagulant medicine until tomorrow. i depend on them that a sensor is horrible and infuriated of associated that much they will have to go. the government of goose double paid through has accused privacy ensures known as abs of corruption and siphoning the available money to clinics, the control since taking office. he has been pushing for a major overhaul in the system that would cut the insurers out, leaving the state as the so administer. but when the bill failed in congress,
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the government to intervene, taking control of 3 of the main health insurers, columbia public private system prides itself in providing me or universal coverage and relatively low out of pocket costs. if everybody agrees that it's in dire need of reform to improve the quality of its care and also insurance sustainability in the future. whether you disagree on it's on how to do that. the sure say the government has withheld funds in order to precipitate the crisis. that surgeon aramon by your nest, said that is not the case. but good guy exist through the government the enforce this crisis. the crisis already existed, almost generating major damage in the health systems. it's affecting clinics and hospitals and also and by insurance. and patients almost likes us in health care because we don't have the funds to do that. so the government, that's is the government sort of the fundamental rights of health had to intervene because it's purely mascot. but other medical experts say the government's actions
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are heavy handed and technically in sound and could bring about a collapse of the system. i believe it's, i'm state uh because and the government is proposing a law studies increasing costs without increasing growing resources. and at the same time is fragments in the system. and by for inventing the system and making more expensive without more money. what that implies is that people will not get the care they need and they just how to preserve or transform columbia as health care system has become the latest logical clash in this deeply polarized country. and that could for to complicate the already difficult access to health care for millions of patients in need. allison that i'll be at the, i just need a book that still i had an i'll just say era, the then the res tourist protest active as cool. so the spanish shot and the temporarily limit the number of
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poles they made and installed a part of calls and joined the action in the world. so it's megan australia coming off the scene. how believes that shouldn't underestimate the consequences of snatching out and move from their natural habitat. family groups are separated, and infants and juveniles are separated from their mothers. and it causes a tremendous amount of social disturbance in these populations, which we just don't think about. i mean, know how come here to be in behaviorally sophisticated they are how complex they are and yet to put them into a gauge doctor, we shouldn't like big and keep them all their lives. he also believes that science isn't the only factor to consider ricky thinking. that if i have a degree,
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if i look in the research institution or a university, i'm best place to understand the macbooks. and so if we don't continue with animal experimentation, so let's be aware of the impact. so 5 actions. let us don't mean that we don't harm . we don't touch we do we exploit the or the find out what's going on in the world? the sport with joe? no, sorry. thank you. well, let's stop in london where a world reco has full in the cities mattress and branding olympic champion. pettis chip, chit, chatted, has crushed the previous best time in a women's only race. the canyon sprinted over the last 300 meters sufficient time,
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a 2 hours. 16 minutes and 16 seconds. breaking the previous monk set by mary ketani . at the 2017 london race takes a sofa of ethiopia and holds the world record for women in a race along side male, one is finished in 2nd place the race dotted with the tribute to last year as men's champion kelvin kit, some who died in a car crash in kenya in february. it finished with his countryman and friend, alexandra m a t. so we know running alone down the final straits to on his 1st major marisol. the shanghai where max was stop and continues to dominate formula one. he won the chinese going pri through 25 points clear chasing his full swell title. david stokes has the action red tried a very fair aim, shanghai, another race another waiting for much the step. and once again,
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the 3 time world champion started from pole position and took the check and flag to rack up as full of victory and 5 races is $58.00 when overall. but his 1st step uh, in china you had a car was basically on rails and um, yeah, i could do whatever i wanna do with it and that's kind of weekends are of course, amazing to uh, to feel and of course then to t. basically what we did this weekend this semester. c this was the 1st going pre in china at the 5 is because of the countries 0 tolerance approach to the type of 19 pandemic that would to safety cause in the race. once a voucher, a boss has stolen the edge of the track and another following a couple of almost single, tiniest incidents. all right, kevin magnus and put yuki sonata a lot. stroll, run into the back of daniel ricardo for all my goodness. it was well before. meanwhile in the pit lane, one of the alpine mechanics was looking at some seriously injured when he was struck by p. a ghastly loose, rear wheels during a start to go to the none of it distracted the step in the forehead. he's now 123
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at the last 27 races stretching back into last season. impression mclelland's, lender norris was 14 seconds behind to the no associated pirates. the red bull, one too. but still no winds for the british drive at least now. if any 2nd 8 times, i mean i just wasn't expecting today until i got everything ready to go home early and i'll be on the podium so it's a pleasant surprise, but um, it shows the team and then a good job of working on and understanding of things it says things good emotional, but china is 1st ever drive a show when you be celebrated in front of his home. friends in shanghai, the finishing 14th would sell, but the next race is in miami, on may 5th, where it's hard to predict. and the single the stuff and when we have these now $25.00 points clear, the top of the drive is standing, the baby stokes, which is 050, the pipe gaudy. ah, there is not happy with what he calls an impossible game schedule, but so much as 50 can still dream of doing the double author reaching the funding of the fake help. just 3 days after they knocked out of the temples, the coast finals,
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they were up against chelsea in the 70s at wembley. chelsea missed several chances including these 2 nicholas jackson. i was in frustrated with the video system for free, decided not to take action when a free kit clearly hit jack curtis, his hands in the penalty, gold and citizen and went on 21 though with a late go from the mother silva, city, you know, face either months, you know, is it a corner tree and the final is too tight on something. i didn't understand how these are like, do they understand people cannot imagine how blanche now face, you know, to be out for the agenda, sneak into way. we around why them give us one more day for the how to the police arrive on sunday because calling to jesse in money right. that they don't thing tend to speak to in payroll, but they don't bring them between city blocks that place south, the top of the premier lease, also the town to the top. so when i was younger, i'd facade touring at the end of the 1st top with
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a miss times shows that in the top corner north america, on the 2nd, the 95th minutes, also will go back to the city and live whose have came in hand and never will play full of nights also, also new task at the time piece a mid week, bye bye and meaning to continue the winning form in the gym. and we'll just take a match against union berlin on site today. but harry cain added to his goals. holly, this receipt in catherine says she said me, the season story a certain me to free kick, to make it to new. some is mila also added to goals, and that's 51 victory, quite missing and some of them. and they to buy a labor piece. last week by and still have the champions league and this time around the great and the 1st leg of the semi finals in 90 is full. that the around the great have a huge game coming up on sunday. the l class. the co against boss luna rel sit 8 points. claire boss 9 or at the top of the legal going into the game with the sun
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to yoga button about when would see them open up an 11 point lead with just 6 games remaining. both teams had into the match on the back a full straight click wins. see about an hour. so those are about to do them as this is the most important game of the season. we must win to put pressure on royal madrid and narrow the gap into 5 points. that's the scenario we want to see. at the end of the way started along with a lot of them were playing against a very competitive for royal who were doing great lately. i'm like convinced that this is going to be the usual classic of competitive and even really full time. and this is a great challenge for us to be closer to winning lovely classes. this is well one man, he knows a thing or 2 about l. costco is nino messy he played in $65.00 is the one that paul slona. and now that he's into miami, he's 10 dana, another classic, messy performance. they are going to be in school twice and his team, $31.00. when is a nashville in the am unless he has a go to assist in each of the 6 league, much as he's played insightful on his team at top in eastern conference,
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the denver nuggets opened and be a title defense in the playoffs with the win over the at a lake has in k one of the series, anthony davis labrono. james, combined for 59 points. the latest. everyone was this huge 3 point time. but it wasn't enough clay. all kids have such a 2 points. and 12 rebounds as the highest pulled off and 9 straight and went over the lake has wonderful teeth. one, a 3 game 2 is in denver on monday. go for the ones because he scheffler is flying at the moment that we comfortable getting the most is for 2nd time the american his i'm course for yet another victory. he called it a both the free h on the pol round to me, the shop clear at the all b. c. heritage tournament is $28.00 consecutive round on the paul. there's one day left to play in south carolina and shuffler target,
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who says when many quota is going for record. equally 5th, straight waiting on the women's lpga tool. while number one is just a shout back at the chevron championship, which is the 1st major of to get 21 year old tie, play a tire. coal is talk with the lead hold heavy rain means they need to play the end around 3. i'm the final round on sunday. it will finish with these great shots from the waltz lake tournament in australia. keep an eye out. so you'll see a product opens this to and this is joining to, thankfully, they didn't distract toys, gabriela bryan, who wouldn't have 1st. well, championship tool right, that is a useful snow pizza. we'll have more for you later. so me. thanks so much to now thousands of people in 10 the rates have been protesting against the effect of mass tourism in the canary islands. by side, the current model is damaging the environment. one limits and the number of
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tourists allowed. sonya guy go reports, it is a sector the canary islands has come to depend on while tourism has been a boon to the economy. for many here at this, protested tennessee. it has also been detrimental anymore and anybody else. so this i put out, i think we have the territory of a saturated with construction as well as buildings that are being totally destroyed with no use within the tourism industry. this is land speculation and it's leaving the natural areas totally unprotected as well as the damage to its landscape activists say that the poll tourism is taking on residents is too heavy, too bad. rising prices designed for tourists and hikes and property prices mean so many life on these islands is too expensive. forcing them to leave the homes to find work elsewhere. this is the for you to look at is not the only the tourism projects. it is the cues,
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it is the precarious work. it is in employment because the weariness of the people who are tired of it separately, environmental organizations are back in the demonstrations, demands for 2 and 3 holes in the islands tourism sector. some protests have even taken part in hunger strikes and a bit to force the government to tackle issues such as the impact of mass tourism and water supplies, waste management, and health services. and also the average wages betty able to cover the rising rents. i could be say it is leading to an increase in social exclusion with some lower paid workers resulting to sleeping in the vehicle local stores. he said that the rise of tension aimed at the tourism industry. won't affect visited with the islands receiving a record number of holiday makers last year. the strain may prove too much for those who live that. so anyway, yeah, go,
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i'll just there. will that save for this news out and back in the moment the another full shot, the pod he came in to be used as the aisle seat suffered casualties. we have not suffered states. pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era the
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the the condition of a thing. so she needs this, you know, this is this christmas holiday sort of female surgery and not a weekend. and of course the spirits in the face of a dis. a bod submitted
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. in the time to me, the mass graves discover the nissan eunice. at least 210 bodies have been recovered weeks off to these radio me with through the lines. that means i them, this is out just a live from the hall. so coming up on me that i, but i came in nor some sort of music. i'm in the occupied westbank with f 3 days


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