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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy say them. this is the news. our live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes. a mass grave is discovered in hon. you and the southern gaza at least a 180 bodies have been recovered week. sotheby's right, the army withdrew doctors hospital in gaza, saving and born baby. its mother died and this re the attack that killed 13
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children. the. the us house of representatives approves the $95000000000.00 package that includes mid free aid for israel and ukraine. towel, elementary elections on the way them all the aides and a poll that could impact the country's ties with india in china and sports and other winter months. the stuff and the 3 time for me on well jump in. clinches vic treat the 1st chinese growing pre in 5 years, but its rental team it denied a one to finish the waste on in southern gall. so a palace, student emergency services have uncovered a mass grave in hon. eunice. at least a 180 bodies have so far been found buried inside the city's naso medical complex. the palestinian civil defense says it's searching for more bodies. these
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riley ministry withdrew from con eunice on april. the 7th. much of the city is now in ruins of the month. so freelance, this is riley bombing and heavy fighting. let's get more on this now with honey my mood. he joins us from honey units itself. and i understand honey, your at the site the take us to what must be a very good in seen the 1st of the yes that a very or eric said right now on the tray, withdrew from an officer hospital on april 7th, leaving trails of destructions. all signs of life inside the complex itself, severely damaged and all the facilities of what's more sock. and right now, the discovery of this spouse, a gray, they've the largest one so far uh, in the city of pod unit stuff right here at the court yard. the southern part of the court yard of the hospital work for the past 3 days,
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civil defense phone numbers and paramedics have re 3 of the 180 bodies of be able to word very that this past the gray 5 is really voluntary. these are the people, the bodies are removed, including elderly women, children, the young been, were all very to hear what's shocking. as we talk with civil defense, the crew member is the bodies that were inside a plastic bag by spect are have hebrew writing on them. but the bodies inside, they had their hands tied up behind your back. what looks like they were executed and buried in this mazda grave. here at the doctor hospital, just within the past half an hour, we see a group of people coming here crying. parents are remaining family members searching for the bodies of their product. the vent shows are in a lot faster for the vast majority of the bodies are completely this is to the point of they are not recognized. old,
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a few people weren't able surface by some of the bodies here because of the of a body bar or because of the clothes that they are wary. they weren't able to identify the vast majority of data hungry it. 180 bodies are largely the c n r. to understand the ways as we heard of roberto, it would be taken to another massive raven sales. somehow it would come off with a way to identify them. honey, you've mentioned the elderly. they had bad hands tied on, but what do we know about these people who was a well, so far beyond full big events here at the doctor courtyard hospital. this mazda grave happen to be very consistent with the test him on his with her to, from medical to stop. and also the hospital with the, with the hospital was a sworn by there's really missouri, the nurses, the mid it goes up this way and families that exactly who managed to leave the
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hospital will just cry, horror seed inside the hospital where people were executed. all the work the courtyards, the hospital weren't backed up by that really. but as early as it was 1st, se for bodies apostage inside the hospital. they're also bodies of patients and injuries that there are medical bandages on top. if you're still attached to the body by being removed from uh, from this mazda. great. uh, it just happens to be very devastated. right now. are these people, or been missing within the past 20 days? and since the withdrawal of this really military people have been sending appeals, trying to get ahold of organizations to help them identify the whereabout of their loved ones, family members and a silver. and right now they are here searching for the remains of these missing bodies. honey, you mention that some consistency with what medical stuff have been
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saying, does that mean they're all eye witnesses on people coming forward and able to say and talk about what they actually saw happen to these people? this is what we thought the someone or from the definitive loss of the hospital describe this is it from the balcony of the building. it was show through again. where is there was able to see is really occupation forces on the ground digging up great. but the courtyard laws are hospitalized, inspecting them, and then part all of this together and put them in this box. the great also, if that's the amount as if from medical exam for the slides, that variables particularly young people in injuries in size, di z on offers or rooms where drive the from the hospital, but it was a storm and work, take it outside. and i filled out there,
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there where about is on started as i know largely it is really about they were as they heard during the words, they were dragged from the hospital to be guns, fire and lout gunshot. there were executed and buried in this massive grave, as they said, their bodies were withdrew from the box of grape with their hands tied to their back with ziploc. all right, thanks so much, honey. my mood. they're in a very difficult situation as riley strikes on or off of himself and gaza as killed at least 16 palestinians. and just the past few hours earlier, a baby and the pregnant woman was killed officer, a house in a camp in central or off. i was bummed, at least 5 children were wounded. the number of palestinians killed since october. the 7th has exceeded 34000. and also one of the strong civil defense crews was seen saving
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a girl by pulling up from the rubble of head destroyed her is very forces of shot and killed 2 palestinians in the beta unknown minute 3 junction. it happened just north of hebron and no occupied. westbank is writing media reporting troops. 5, the 2 men during an attempt to the tech. they say one of the suspects tried to stab a solid joe while the other tried to shoot us and is ready. the media reporting the bytes administration is set to sanction up battalion of these riley ministry for allegedly committing human rights violations in the occupied westbank. it'll be the 1st time the ice is impose sanctions on the units of these riley military. let's go over to the smithy, joins us now from occupied east jerusalem. so what kind of reaction is the to these media reports? the somebody, israel is a deeply polarized divided country, but if there's one thing that unites these,
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riley's, it support for the military, almost always riley's, of the whole military service. so the idea that the us is going to sanction the military battalion has come as a shock here. and it has attracted criticism from across the political spectrum. from the far right, we have the national security minister at my bank of a say, this is crossing a red line. we have a finance minister that's about some of the fridge. going to get absolute madness. while these riley's fighting for his existence, i'm prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying is the highest of upset. it's a kind of moral lo benny guns censor rides. also criticizing it on yeah, let's see, the opposition lead to say, look, it's not the military. that's what's called say it's the political leadership of the middle of the political leadership, and the governments are the names smocks, right. jim bang, there was people not supposed to jewish terrorism. and those are the people that the us should be focused on. there's also a say here that this battalion, this baton is made up of ultra nationalism was serving in the west bank. and it's
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now been moved to the goal on the heights. but the fee is that the us may be looking at all the unit, sell the police or military units on the beginning. so ask the questions here in israel will of us maybe even look at the comes up to these really military in gaza since the beginning of october. all right, thanks so much. bennett smith and well, joining us here in the studio. so more about this is time of kind of movies and assistant professor of public policy as adult institute for graduate studies. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, it's phase media reports of fruit is this historic moment thomas sent me it's, it's indeed a significant moment, but the against all, what's happening, the crimes in palestine the, the colonial project is what it is undertaking. and by this time, it's still a small step, an impulse and one, right? this is, this would be the 1st time the us sanctions, these re, the army of course,
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but the is that are in the army is, is, it's an ottoman the states. so why not to go straight directly to the states itself? i mean, because this is, uh, i mean, when, when we talk about some of the tourism, the automatic isn't occupied. but us thing to do today is these are add on by state policies. so the states will be the address of the sanction, so the, the, the search would be sanctioned, the old events, not a battalion. once we had each of the stage, then i can then with conflict, we can say that there is a best exchange into y'all's policy by sectioning. these are the states itself, right? but i guess that needs us to the questionnaire. is the us policy heading into even more of a contradiction? on the one hand, these are full say it's about to has sanction battalions of the is really mitsy by the same time they house of representative post another bill to all these right? the minute tre, exact the same, so it's like a smoking mode, or, i mean you, you,
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you pretend to punish drizzling from one side, but then you generously it award is a and by the, by giving you this huge amount of, of feed which is which most of it has been allocated for military purposes. so again, it's, it's, it's, it's a contradiction. so it's a for me, it doesn't show, doesn't mean it's not approve of the us as the, it's at the, at this little bit oldest possibility to lead to stop is, is this election pressure which is producing this? i based on a probably, i think the us up in the solution is an eclipse, a good position because it's an election z. and of course, they don't want to optimize the is it a leading up ship now of the sent on the king to uh, okay, the, those pots of progressive and of, and the sizes so, so they're holding the stick from the mother. and the thing is, even with this, i mean, we know that there is an amount of the state that will get to for a folder for seniors. but the question is and which for them and how meaning uh if,
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if then how would it be distributed when the us is, is still blowing coating under on under as the main vehicle for humanitarian efforts. that's cause that's a very important question and there's no answer to. and secondly, if this is serving, the purpose of prolonging is lisman to the conduct in the gaza strip, then it, it goes against the it's, it's, it's logic's on purpose of writing. we don't want to whom attend an a, we want them to eat the goals into a they need a recovery, not for long is as the coming back to the fullest of sanctions where they increase pressure for action and maybe sanctions over gone. so, i mean, how can you be sanctioning a unit for a legend will kinds in the west bank while you've got what the i c, j and 36. you and experts and october, 19th, 100 scholars and organizations calling a genocide going on again. so maybe you bring a very important flight, you take the dice of jake's sort of plausible genocide. yeah, the,
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i'll just use the way of general that. but again, i mean it's, it's a, it's a way of dissolved position for the us administration to be in a. exactly. and especially with all these calls coming from, do you guys have an installation among the technocrats that are calling or the by them and the solution to put the stop an end for this? the body less complex than i think is what it indigenous are. the more so we see these contradictions, the specials, coming from within the us administration. let's hope i mean, yes, if there's an election using us, let's see what the american public has to say about is that right? they'll have to vote soon and we'll see what the sticks us. always guys talk to, thanks so much for coming into the the us house of representatives has approved a major emitted free a package for ukraine, taiwan as well. and several of the allies had been held out for weeks because of
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the divisions among republicans on support for ukraine, but also being split into separate bills. it will now go to the senate before being signed by president joe biden. let's take a look at what's included in the package. first bill has $61000000000.00 for ukraine, including defense to monetary, an age and cash to keep his government running. the 2nd gives $17000000000.00 to israel, including for the replenishment of its iron dough. ms. solves is also $9000000000.00 in aid for garza and us development efforts in the occupied west bank and $8000000000.00 has been set aside for the defense of us allies in the western pacific. mostly taiwan, ukrainian, president of all of them is that landscape is fine. the us house full tossing the package to you. today we received a decision. we expected the package of american support that we fought so hard for . and it's
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a very significant package that will be solved by our soldiers on the front line, as well as by our towns and villages suffering from russian tyra list today. the us house of representatives voted thank you to everyone who supported our package. this is a solution for saving lives. a john holman is live for us now from the ukrainian capital k of. so i, you credit the officials breathing a sigh of relief that this bill is past, at least the 1st little of the house of representatives. yeah, i mean we heard that from the ukrainian president, but it was so the prime minister came out, his chief of stuff came out and all of them signed the congress. and i think it's a reflection of how long this got held up. who's about 2 months there in congress, and a lot of republicans didn't even want this to get to the floor. uh for a but. and then after a 5 minute boat, suddenly ukraine had the money that it said that it desperately needed. a team has
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been told when they've gone to the front lines, the russians are out showing the ukrainians from 6 to one. and that seeing that would become $10.00 to $1.00. and they haven't got the defense units to protect, for example, that power plants, a lot of those have got knocked out and also their industrial capacity in the country. so it was really getting into a desperate situation if they hadn't of golf. for course, this isn't the end of it now is still going to get through the senate, and that it's got to be signed into little by president joe biden. but though you see more of a formality, really, it was congress with this republican majority. that was the major heard lumniss and john, what are you cry me and saying about what difference the additional us weapons will make to the baffles that are ongoing right now for free from the government monitoring this yesterday, it was coming for an key if in itself is in a little bit of
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a bubbling that it's not hit quite as much as other parts of the country, but even on the national television that presents as we're sort of celebrating is this go for president zalinski treated immediately offered saying that this meant that history was going to go on the right track and that it was gonna say thousands of lives. i think you have a question though, is how soon it can get to the front line to stop at saving those ukrainian lives, especially of the soldiers. the pentagon has said that it can move this in a matter of days, but military. and let's say that in terms of getting to the crime in front line, that's going to take weeks, which gives rusher a bit of a window to press home its advantage while it still has more munitions. a more me solves to a talk to crime. all right, thanks so much on home and on top of the family going holler as a defense and ministry i'm list joins the spice,
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skype now from moscow. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, let me get your take on what impact this is. going to have on the backs instead of going on in the progress which russia has recently made on the battlefield. oh, well, no, it's sunday today. moscow, russian officials have already reacted at different direct house resolution on ukraine and russian. the responses defined russian officials have said that. ready is not going to change anything that this will not help you create when that the plan is going to lose. but you might, states wants to keep the premium e mail or treat as still 5 being towed in november. presidential elections, maybe that right. all right, great. rush out of the americans use spewing russian frozen assets to spend this money still with money on its own military industrial complex, because most of the money is going to stay in america to buy american arms and
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ukraine's will be a sacrifice. so it's unpredictable reaction that this is not changing much on the battlefield, and that base is going to be just the worst for ukraine. ukraine is going to lose, but that's fine to suffer a lot. how will this go towards closing the ammunition gap a tool? the estimates say russia can produce almost 3 times as many all tillery shells to using ukraine as the combined weston countries can produce for ukraine to use in the battlefield. well, the actual numbers of russia now or did us production our secret. no one knows for a short time, many of which kind of shelves are being produced. russia has to be neglect, acquiring them, also in another quarter, but importing the apparently from most to read. that means that those are,
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has some problems there. uh so yes, there is going to be most likely, some kind of balance because there's also not only the american a package, but there's this check or read your be in the package popular for most of your shelves already in the passport and that should arrive him and then put it in several days, most likely for a week, a week or 2 on the battlefield. so i believe the small size will be still haven't enough shows 2 pounds each other. but it's not that one of the scientists going to be collapsing. but what's really most, the more important this may be new kind of weapons or more of the old weapons, but the russian great has burton already using like, you know, brad where, you know, i'm or vehicles that have been fired. we is actively used to create as last got 200 . it was about 4050,
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but the united states has big stop by onset of these. bradley is a 3 years in iraq, and they don't me the american military. so there's going to be more weapons more myself coming in of longer range. and this is going to, of course, makes the war more bloody and it's going to prolong the war. this is a part of the work right now moving into the summer finding season and both sides. ready be doing their best to achieve a strategically important breakthroughs and we're going to no one really knows for sure. alrighty. side who's going to be more successful? but i know that it's going to be a lot like it. okay, thanks so much. carol. sounds good. however, thank you to the russian men are traveling through other countries to get to and fight for you. train military intelligence and ukraine is offering the scientists
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who target russian ministry assets and also helps coordinate the cross border raids into the bank or region child strengths that reports from central ukraine. the soldiers, a training to fight against an army they could have joined, will be conscripted into allow me dictated to by lead to they want to over throw. this is the side period, the tale. and the vast majority of these men are russian citizens. and this come from russia to fight with ukrainian military. they've been involved in operations across the russian bold in the belgrade region. the siberian battalion is one of the number of russian units that operate with ukrainian training and logistics as part of kids international details. about what arrived. 7 months ago. he says he came from russia 3 silvia ukraine pays him. and these fellow russians to fight some nice so that the main goal is to remove poor attendance and in general to destroy
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this regime and build and it's a place a beautiful rush out of the future. so this video shows russian volunteers on the cross board emission inside russia on march, the 12th they remained quite single in russian solo for 2 weeks. ukrainian military intelligence helps coordinate attacks like these targeting russian assets and high ranking personnel. yep. pre approval grey, you know, voice and you personally, when i came to ukraine last autumn, i feel some responsibility to my homeland. the fact that russia came to a sovereign states and began to seize this territory and killing people. it was unpleasant to me as a person from russia, and i realized that if you live according to your conscience, then your job is to take up arms and participate in this fight against the truth. and virginia went the way to the 30 day. dennis could pushed in as the leader of the russian volunteer, cool, the largest of the russian groups with an estimate. the 2000 fights as he was born in russia and moved with his parents to germany at 17,
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off the came to keep germany cancel his residency and impose the shing visa, bad because of his football hooliganism post. and he's alleged links with neo nazi groups, which he denies. he tells us about the groups within the supply, whatever happens on your credit. and so there's no limits we using uh, but uh, ukrainian military does not allow us to use any for, and military systems, weapon systems beyond the state board of which, you know, i personally think it's, and i know that you great news authorities also think it's pretty can i say stupid? because the question is, 1st of all, to west and the 3rd is do you guys one ukraine to win this war where you just want ukraine not to lose in this world?
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russian men fighting for ukraine with a dream of political change in the whole bad child strep. it will just era, central ukraine. and so it isn't them. all these are costing that balance and parliamentary elections crucial for president mohammed ways. so 6 political policies all fielding, nearly 370 candidates for the 93 seats in parliament. wise's election last year escalated rivalry between india and china as a result of his pro badging, or what is and it's called a pro. badging stands what he calls mold these 1st policy. his administration has promised to remove indian troops stationed on one of the countries islands island, i'll say to them how much is multitudes i'm by so the, at the united nations, the joins us now from new york. good to have you with us. so 1st of all,
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how confident is the routing block all the victory and today's crucial parliamentary elections. thank you very much. thank you so much for having me. uh, the government is confident falsified security, at least 70 percent of the seats in the parliament. the election is being held at the, at an important point at an important debt to for the president, for the landlord, the president to stop the implementing the. and so i think somebody a number of in, besides developing products uh that, uh the president has initiated since that to me know if you see me knowing what would even a 70 percent sort of majority mean for the, for the process, for the president to an axis campaign promise of rejecting indian troops from the country if he has that much support in parliament. well, that's process speed up,
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as well as how many that process has already started. it actually started from the president of well assumed office in november the, the negotiation has been going on between all of this and india. and as part of the negotiation, the 2 countries have agreed for a timeline for it can be at with detroit stops. and india has free platforms uh, in the motors and 2 platforms have already been before and the remaining platform will be withdrawn in the coming weeks. some of the opposition forces in the countries say that the government wants to shift towards trying to build a strong relationship with china. is that likely to happen and happen quickly? so if you get such a big majorities you're predicting and parliament as well. this collection is less
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about deal funded to come that i'm of the, in the indian ocean and it's more about the law is, is more about the future of the mortgage. so it's about the mode of young people. it's about being in stability and it's about creating plus parity and it's about creating basically an audits. and it's about uh, the president realizing the mission he has set out for them all of this spend peeve onto presidential election last year. and we believed that the confidence that the people off all of this middle class on the president's government, we enable the presidential implement those policies and realize the mission, vision of an inclusive bought it's out, be out, prosperity is more, they see it. and that's the, that's the direction that morgan p bryan but would like. but there's been
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a lot of challenges from the opposition. they've been pushing for impeachment. they've been pushing for corruption investigations against the president. is the stability of the, of the was administration at state kid depending on how much majority he gets in parliament as well. the government is quite confident of having a voting majority in the bottom and to say the least. um, most the government is by confident of getting a majority in the apartment. and is that the majority move m. uh uh, the president to, uh, complete the find the uh, 5 year uh that uh that he was elected to and uh, and implement those policies that uh, and fulfilled the promises that he has made. and that parliament is there in any
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country, even any government problem. and we'll hold the, the president a con bryant and that's understand. but that would do a tad's for the elected president, right? to complete the, to the completed on the problem. right. without the challenges. all right, thanks so much about that. i didn't know. so i'm having a good to have you with us from new york and to thank you somebody. a still head on al jazeera, a warning from farm is in the u. k. as many of them find the fields on the water and face rising cost. manchester city rates the f a comp final but find out why the manager is worried about the schedule will hear from him in school. the the, the reason the top up is snow in full. the hours is probably seen is more pretty
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than useful given that most key results will be closed. but we've had this cold porter there or cold, push it back, come down. or if it's central, you're young and when it reaches will more to remove water, it spins up into a low, you got this general vig circulation, which continues over the next couple of days. so it was snow falls likely, most places on the, on the hills. and beaten all sort of the out. you got rain spitting from albania, through greece towards about gary and romania, but it's snow might for here. and yet more probably getting through western russia into ukraine and that a roost for example, that this continues during monday. and given what you see up in the voltage states with 2 drawing code at down here, we're splitting up another low with some snow for maybe the autonomy in hopes and rain over the po valley. it looks pretty em customer the most. they might even catch stock them is more like the fix on this side of the sucking baltic with the full cost. so we get big, pretty impressed for a couple of days and much better on wednesday. so you put the colorful colors on it,
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smelt back. good will, those spain and portugal of sydney, wilma wins coming out of the west and that are still strong. in algeria, there's 2 shy was up in the moroccan after this. the latest news, as it breaks the doctor's prostate, the witness, the shillings knew exactly where to look with detailed coverage. everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas from the hall to the story. these attacks are taking place also was had a city and are on the roads, making it very dangerous for them to commute from one place to another. illegal goldmine is threatening the survival of the brazilian, amazon sienna, monique people, the forest, and the planets ecosystem. with
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a counter offensive is underway, as the tribal chief had to europe's gold club, the corridors of power not to seek help, but to demand the world to see the warnings of its indigenous people. holding up the sky. a witness documentary on the jersey though the you're watching out just to a time to recap on headlines now. palestinian emergencies. busy to say a mass grave is being on competence on eunice, 180 bodies have been recovered so far. they were found buried inside the cities. nasir medical complex. these right,
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the minutes he withdrew from the area. and the 7th of april. the nicest is right. these try some dogs that have killed at least 16 palestinians, a baby and a pregnant women were among the victims off to a house. and i can send off those bombs more than 34000 palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th. it is a full series of car without more raids across the occupied westbank. the minute tre store nablus hebron and i left some neighborhood in my la is writing incursions into palestinian towns and becoming their nightly occurrence. the warm garza began in october a mile, a general strength has been declared across the occupied westbank off to these 3 days, right, the right on to cut them, killed 14 palestinians. that abraham is into and cut them. sentence this report. the big chairs are speaking for themselves. he attended your shams refugee camp.
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let me show you what used to be the main street here and how it's turned into a big workshop with the palestinians. have started working to re assess the damage to see what they can do to do it. when we see the situation, we see the 1st responds. there's when it comes to the infrastructure of the 1st thing that they start doing is to restore the basic needed infrastructure facilities when we're talking about the electricity, as well as the water line. stevens is what you can see now from the damage. it's still the tip of the iceberg. as many palestinians are telling us, they said he would save me more and more damage. we'll try and show you as much of what is happening here saying that there are palestinians who have been killed,
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but their bodies have been taken by these really forces before they left. but we know from the medical team that the bodies are 14 at what ticket city and hospitals and that was only made possible. it's after days when we've seen the ambulance is being allowed. that as you've seen over the course before the 1st responder is, the medics were not allowed to go in it either to get the bodies of those who is killed or it has the wounded were talking about within the fall of simeon who was injured. but when we talk about the damage, it would be really difficult for this teams here to assess if they tell us they don't have a number, they're still checking and assessing what's happening in terms of the damage. we've seen some burns in some of the the soul this more and more home has been burned up. the phoenix here is that what is happening here was
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a targeted targeted, damaging that does not just focus on one area, heat, one area this, whatever you go in the computer seats, the roads being completely damaged and through with you will see the infrastructure and some of the lines have been bruce as well as the sewage lines. so it's a difficult situation here and it will take a lot of time to fix, you know, kind of thing is hit on no, no strangers to the fact that it is really forces. when they said they took it, everything they do in the infrastructure. but this is, this kid is, this is on presses and says, and people say even during the 2nd tele, simeon is called the it'd be 2000. this is even worse when compared to that 7 people have been confirmed. dad in india is a dish of states off to the boat capsized to tapping wall passengers were returning from
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a temple on the not the river search. opperation is on the way to find at least one person still missing. fisherman managed to rescue around 40 all the past and just farm is in the u. k. a warning crop he is who will be hit off the months of heavy rain within to i failed still on the water. in some areas, food production is expected to be significantly reduced and then industry over the struggling with higher fuel and fertilizer costs. haywood reports from lincolnshire huge suede prime english farm land on the was a month stuff. the devastating storm swept the country. the levels of slow the receding, but the damage has been done. a few weeks ago these fields resembled an inland sea . the only way to get to the house was by boat showed all the plans that should be great. farmer henry would find himself facing
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a financial bottle caused by massive storms, an 18 month supply or a cold rain full. it's obviously the horizon this, you know, i'm a young from a co, a baby on the way trying to provide for my family. and this is how i meant to and the living is by producing food and selling it. and if it's covered in mall, so i can't do that. and you get up every day to say your phones, you know, looking like this. and you just wondering, well how and i'm going to carry on well, puppies. he can be insured against flooding crops in the ground. cons. so the estimated loss of not bringing in the hub is to, will run into hundreds of thousands of dollars. the soil onto the water is some of the most for the child in the country. but clearly, no crops will be produced from it in the next few months. and the form here faces the real risk of flooding again. and that means food which should be making its way onto the market in the coming months from here was a few kilometers away. some planting has been taking place after the land was
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heavily plotted, but it has been a struggle. and that's reflected the national picture, hopefully we normally 60 percent food efficient in this country. i think realistically, if i'll be down in the lower fifty's and with what's going on around the world and how we can't rely on importing all these, all these different vegetables that even better else. we need to be up around 70 percent self sufficient to make sure, okay, som, is, are adaptable, but increasing the find them. so what's on the front line of climate change, boats here and around the world, it's very, very difficult. they've got the sci fi, they've got to work with politicians, with government, what different agencies network communicate to consumers do as much as they can. but ultimately there's probably digital that in many circumstances they can do. the u. k. government says, which is supposing agriculture, but many farm is believe they need to go further to the trying to establish how to make this land viable. well, to have it, the future brings and the he would,
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i'll just sarah, in lincolnshire, the echo dorians go to the polls on sunday and the referendum name that cracking down on gang violence. the new security measures put forward by president daniel nearby includes deploying the armies attack a little bit nice crime to raise about reports from southern equity all morning and grief. i loved ones at the funeral, familiar quasi scientists. he was killed this week by a known assailants in the town of camino phones hembry cuz he mccloud son just had been in office for less than a year. he's getting is just another example of the serious violence ecuadorian ser, facing days before voting on a security referendum president bunyan no more. he's asking voters to back the measure as a way to fight organized crime. when would you send to you? send me was brother. he hope suppressed and we'll get the back and he needs that
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goes in as the, the late eco doors insecure because of a lack of lows and hopefully the yes but will when and the minute true be on the streets. i hope that will be new laws to fight crime. my brother was executed and they didn't do anything. since taking off his last year president, many and noble, i declared a state of exception and deployed the armed forces to find the drug cartels that have increase their control overlarge parts of the country. this town is one of them. security forces here are on high alert space. say there's room or is that there could be another attack? this is an area that is controlled by a criminal group. no, no, no, no. they are not only involved in drug trafficking, but also any legal mining. in the past decades, cocaine trade has expanded in latin america, and violence has transformed once quiet countries like white or a. and that's why no boy says he wants the military to patrol with a police,
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expedite a tooth criminals among other measures. to do that, he wants to reform the constitution. it was he, us, one moment they'll have to click them. there are moments that will mark it before and after, in the history of our nation. as a quick dorians, we have a civic and moral duty to make the right choice. the seal analysts say the voting on sunday is a test. how much support the president has yet was advanced up. we're seeing the field around 70 percent of the country supports security measures. the only 40 percent support the president. according to our measures of the military on the streets is attached to a bigger problem because mafia is, are controlling the dictionary. the police is businesses all across the country. while the funeral for me, your sanchez was taking place, we've heard about the killing of another major about an hour from where we, where it's another reminder of why so many people are affected by violence. wanted the government to do whatever is necessary to stop it. and make sure that what
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happened here won't happen again. police, i will just see this coming up on somebody gets a one on a vigilance being held in australia of the victims of a stabbing attack and sidney a week ago. they attacked and killed 6 people injured, more than a dozen of the mold and bung. the beach law sack today be a pharmacy say the full 2 year old had a history of mental health problems. it was shot and killed by police. it's still a head on al jazeera and every service protest. active is cool. so the spanish islands temporarily limit the number of people they make is the end,
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the payoff to run the way it will have the best of the action 1st rounds peaceful the these are the must, these on the drum as they used to march through the old city before dawn box with an increase is really military precedence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives at, austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the streets of pals, class cods, images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tory or is the cities often define the seasonal rate, the fuse the law on the street. right now look, it's easy to move around. i think i would say more because the difference in
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exploring goal is to change the situation and not listen. we have 70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in casa the quiet catch up on all the schools news with joe. now, some of you. thank you. well, that starts in shanghai where much the staff and continue some dominate formula one . he won the chinese one, pray to move 25 points clear chasing his full well title. david stokes reports for fridays and shanghai. i know the race and know the waiting for much the step. and
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once again, the 3 time world champion started from po, position and took the checkered flag to rack up is full of victory and 5 races it's, it's $58.00 when overall, but it's 1st step. but in china you had a car was basically on rails and um yeah, i could do whatever i want to do with it. and so it's kind of weekends are of course, amazing to uh, to feel. and of course then to achieve basically what we did this weekend, this the best. c this was the 1st going pre and showing that the 5 year is because of the countries 0 tolerance approach to the carbon 19 pandemic. that would 2 safety, causing the race. once a voucher, a boss has stolen the edge of the track and another following a couple of almost similar time, these incidents kevin magnusson put yuki sonata and alon strolled run into the back of daniel ricardo for all my goodness. it was well before. meanwhile, in the pit lane, one of the lp mechanics was lucky not to be seriously injured when he was struck by p. a ghastly loose, rear wheels during the start to go over. they don't have it distracted. but step in
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the for these now 123 at the last 27 races stretching back into last season, pressure mcclellan's lender norris was 14 seconds behind to the noise search. here pirates the red bull. one too. but still no winds, but the pretty strong or the season out finish 2nd 8 times. i mean, i just wasn't expecting today at all. i got everything ready to go home early and i'll be on the podium. so it's a pleasant surprise. but um, it's always a team and then a good job of working on and it's paying off season say things go to motional, but china is 1st ever dry the show when you be celebrated in front of his home friends in shanghai, the finishing 14th would sell but the next race is in miami, on may 5th, where it's hard to predict and the thing of the stuff, and when we have these now 25 points clear, the top of the drive is standing. they be stokes, which is 0. 50 like pet gaudio or is not happy with what he calls and impossible games schedule, but much says he can still dream of doing the double of to reaching the funds of
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the cop. just 3 days of being notes out of the champ is equal to finals. they were up against chelsea in the 70s at wembley. chelsea missed several chances including these 2 for nicholas jackson. within frustrated when the video assisted referee decided not to take action when a free kick clearly hit junk greenish his hand in the penalty box. and so he then went on to when it one know with a late go from but not a silver 16. and now face either much as he likes it will coventry in the final phase to play later on sunday. i didn't understand how these are life today. understand. people cannot imagine how bunchy, now face, you know, to be out for the gen, present age and the way we were out. why them give us one more day for the how to the place to arrive on sunday. because calling to just keep in mind that they don't thing tend to speak to in payroll, but at the end i'm bringing that me to the city of lafayette place at the top of the premier league also over time to the top spot with a to know when i was younger, trust thought i from the scoring at the end of the 1st talk with
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a miss times shots that found the top corner was a note about got the 2nd in the 95th minute to also go back 12 foot by the city and live in full have a game in hand, and living will play for them later. also will also know the house of the champ using mid week by buying munich, who continued the winning form in the gym. and when does make a match against union berlin on site today? how retain added to his goals, holly, this was the english captain, the season going to the, to me to free take to make it to you know, thomasville. i also added 2 goals and the $51.00 victory disappointments answering the gemini types of the by labor piece in the last week. fine still have the champions league in this site, so face round to try it in the 1st leg of the semi finals in 9 days time. full that night round the great have a huge game coming up on sunday. the l classic co against barcelona rail. sit 8 points, claire of boston are at the top of the leak,
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are going into the game at the santiago bundle they are a, when would see them open up 11 point lead with just 6 games remaining. both teams had into the match on the back of full straight, lee quinn's see about and so those are about to do them. as this is the most important game of the season. we must win to put pressure on royal madrid and narrow the gap into 5 points. that's the scenario we want to see. at the end of the way, thought the whole lot of them were playing against a very competitive arrival, who were doing great lately. i'm convinced that this is going to be the usual classic kind of competitive and even really full time, or this is a great challenge for us to be closer to winning lovely class. what is what money you know is the thing i'll tell you about our class, the car is anal mfc. he played in 45 of them while i saw selina. and now that he's instrumental into miami, he's turned in not like for sick, messy performance. he hasn't to be in school twice in his team's 31 when of a nashville in the am, unless he has
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a goal or assist in each of the 6 league matches he's played in. so fall all his team, the top the devil gets opened and be a title defense, and the playoffs with the win over the lake is in game one of the series. anthony davis at the braun james combined for $59.00 points to the latest. the problem with this is huge, 3 points. so it wasn't enough. nicolay ok had the 22 points and 12 where you bounced as a host who's all sudden noise straight when over the lake has 114 to one or 3 game series in denver. on monday, we could have a better model replacing the ball to night, but we could have been better. we know just the house and i'm much more you don't have much room for error versus everything, especially at their own home floor. it's just a team that's been through every day and obviously the different and champions. so now you gotta execute, you gotta make shots, you gotta defend um and then you can give them extra possessions. the new next going to the 14 point, the fed quotes lead against the philadelphia $76.00 is the full riling miles
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mcbride scoring the tie. breaking basket as they went on to win 111, to one of the symbols beat, the phoenix suns in game one. anthony edward scored a game high, 33 points, 18 of which came in the 3rd quarter of the time and came in to a blow around the temple 2120 to 95 on the cleveland tablet of headphone one off on the lender magic in med playoff series, some of the mitchells for 34 points as the cast secured, a 97 to 8363 go for the ones cuz he scheffler is flying at the moment we cause to winning the most as for 2nd time, the americans on calls for yes, another victory. he called it a buggy, free 8 of the pol, around to me is a short clarity. obviously heritage tournament is $28.00 consecutive round on the paul. there's one day left to play in south carolina. shifflett tall gets his full swim of the steady quarter is dying for reco equaling the 5th straight. when on the
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women's lpga tool, the well, the one is just to show the back of the chevron championship, which is the 1st nature of the season. 21 year old tie, play a tie, it typical is talk of the lead. i will finish with these great shots from the world sus lake tournament in australia. keep an eye out and you'll see a sort of don't things just thought i didn't join in believe i didn't distract toys, gabriela bryan? well, championship tools. and that is, oh, your support for now i have well for you like to send me. thank you so much. uh, thousands of people and kind of things have been protesting against the effects of mass tourism in the canary islands. they say the comp model is damaging the environment and they want the limits on the number of tourists sunday guy go reports it is a section of the canary islands has come to depend on,
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while tourism has been a boon to the economy. and many here at this, protested tennessee. it has also been detrimental to anymore and $7030.00. so this i put out, i think we have the territory of a saturated with construction as well as buildings that are being totally destroyed with no use within the tourism industry. this is land speculation and it's leaving the natural areas totally unprotected anal, uh, as well as the damage to its landscape activists say that the tone tourism is taking on residents is too heavy, too bad. rising prices designed for tourists and hikes and property prices mean so many life on these islands is too expensive. forcing them to leave the homes to find what else, what this is to look at is not only the tourism projects. it is the cues, it is a precarious work. it is in employment because the weariness of the people who are
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tired of to several environmental organizations all back in the demonstrators, demands for 2 or 3 holes in the islands tourism sector. some for testers have even taken parts and hunger strikes in a bit to force the government to tackle issues such as the impact of mass tourism and water supplies, waste management, and health services. and that's the average wages barely able to cover the rising rents. i couldn't say it is leading to an increase in social exclusion with some lower paid workers resulting to sleeping in the vehicle. local stores use say that the rise of tension aimed at the tourism industry won't affect visited with the islands, receiving a record number of holiday makers last year. the stream may prove too much for those who live that sonya jago. i'll just say era as well, that brings us to the end of this news out, but the good news is, so rom on is back in just a couple of minutes. there's another for show,
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stay with us, the it's been a full for an, a progressive change, the locked in america. this time the slides remain high, active violence against gender and sexual minority. i've come to the windows irene, 2 young women who have taken present worth to establish greater freedom and equality. welcome to generation chains as level series attempts to understand and talents. the idea is that mobile i use around the world, generation change on out you 0. this is the 1st one they saw that we see the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we're witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them,
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but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. these cultures solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person and yourself and that person ensures. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want we want to break because the women and my country, they're not sweet to come up to us. we are not. and neither ology, we are human beings on this earth to be treated equally. we are working in their thoughts, that's our office or whatever has been done before,
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can be done. as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the the mass grave is discovered in con eunice, southern garza, at least 180 bodies up in the covered weeks to the is really all me withdrawing the geologist over life and death coming up in the next 30 minutes be getting the clean


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