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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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as of world class programming on eligibility around the the i'm so robin, you're watching the old does it renews online for my headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes. rescued from the rubble. a young girl is pain safety and goes there as the israeli military room supp. it's a tax on wrong phone to palestinians, a shot and killed and the occupied westbank. that's what israel says was an attempted stepping attack the, the us house of representatives approved a $95000000000.00 practice that includes military age, but as well as ukraine. and to magic hills hand, as many days in ecuador ahead of
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a referendum range as fighting gang violence. the welcome to the news. we're beginning garza while we're at least 16 palestinians have been killed and his riley attacks will planes targeted residential areas in the city of rafa. around 1500000 displaced people. a sheltering doctors at the quite hospital were able to save an unborn baby after its pregnant baba was critically wounded. she later died from her injuries of the assemblyman both were killed or wounded in the same attack. elsewhere in rough or civil defense, cruise rescued, a young girl from the rubble of her destroyed home. is there any ass drawings of talk to the number of houses in recent hours? and now a mass grave containing 50 bodies has been covered in the southern city of con
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eunice. the remains were found in some d. nasir, magical complex of the israel's military, withdrew from the area earlier this month. honey, my mood is our correspondent in rafa. in southern gauze and standing by honey, let's just start with the latest ray that happened on sunday. tell us more about what we know about these incidents because it's fatalities from north and south of the yes. well, the within the past, the few days would be the thing and that an increase in the air, a truck talks across the roof i did to you would in light of the growling difference of expanding the ground invasion into the city where 1500000 displays, palestinians have been shouldering since the initial rates of the were all the way coming from the northern part and gauze and city. and more recently from the central area on han, you, and, and city. the todd are deliberately
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a targeting residential homes with entire families show during inside, and this has been the pattern. we have been seeing entire families, you know, booked rated inside the, the residential home that the ticket them has a refuge. 13 people reported killed in 2 separate a, todd's one the eastern part of the city, and uh, the other, residential on the western part of the city near the evacuations on uh, the mazda evacuations on, were looking at 13 people. 5 of them happened to be children, and that's what we've seen over the past week. the patterns of more its children are a mind, the highest casualties transferred to hospitality, including a tragedy woman who was a pregnant and arrived at the hospital with a critical one later on died. but doctors were able to save the unborn baby. the aftermath of these are faxes, people who are gotten mistaken and trapped under the rebels. we always send the
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footage of rescue team on the ground pulling a young girl from under the levels. and that's the case everywhere across the city, across golf. if there were more people buy the 1000 who have been a trap and missing inside the rebels for months right now. let's just also touch on this developing story about a mass grave. it's another hospital site. it's not the 1st the. oh, definitely not the 1st time or were expecting to see more of this up north of the hospital just a little bit of context here. another hospital was a storm to twice by these really military, more reason just by april 7th, when day was really military. announce is completing if they had completed a voluntary operations inside the hospital. but did this cover? it just cost on the horror of the ongoing violations of human rights inside these houses, but not all the health care facilities i've been destroyed and severely damaged,
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but the fox people were inside sheltering was already vac. we've displaced families, patients, or might the medical to staff who are inside children in the hospital, being killed and buried under the dirt and mows the grave inside the chord dice. courtyard of the hospital. does the discovery of this mazda group of 50 bodies, very consistent with the testimony, as we heard the documented by the medical staff and by evacuating display of individual inside the hospital, describe the horror of the mass, good length, and the mass. the rest of people inside the hospital or when it was a storm bite is really military. whose name is honey. of course we'll continue to monitor events with you across cause the through the day honey by mood. the force in rafa. now he's ready, falls as of shots and kill to palestinians in the best a new military junction. no, it happened just most of hebron in the occupied west bank. now these really media reporting but troops 5 at the 2 men during an attempt to the attack. they say one
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of the suspects tried to stop a soldier while the other tried to shoot at them is really full since i've been coming up more rates across the occupied west bank as well. the ministry is coming in nablus the aisle or salt neighborhood in my law and they'll say in hebron is writing incursions into palestinian towns of beans and then not a current since the war and gone. so it began in october. meanwhile, a general strike has been decided across the occupied west bank of the full team, palestinians were killed during a 3 day is ready, right on total, for in the military. use bold as to destroy homes of shops and other facilities. funerals are expected to take place later on sunday. the abraham report. so from neutrons refuge account when medic say they to type and that is why the fire or it's a risk. many here say that a willing to take metix is where the forces injured. one of their critics and fall your warning shots towards some of their cars,
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but it's their job. they tell us as they try to enter the news, some sort, a few decals in the north of the occupied left bank land. every time we are needed, we tried the reach of patients, but usually forces obstruct the work. now, look how business really cheap is blocking the ambulances for mentoring. since we're on cause or started, these really forces to being treated in the amans cause regular cause. the ambulance was forced to return what of several failed attempts during these read the rate of account that started linked on thursday. we heard the dead bodies inside, but the army didn't even talk to us. they signaled with the hands that we couldn't answer being under, in his way the siege. it's hard for palestinians to count their dead or injured. there was violence between the soldiers and palestinian fighters during the invasion was where the forces fired 3 needs at some of the homes. they
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conducted field interrogation, route, detentions, and damage the camps. facilities, as well as the them know how this incursion is unprecedented. accepting even compared to the one in 2002 and previous incursions. the r snipers, uninstalled death squads and special forces deployed and this is the nation's arm through the inside. the comp reports had said their lead that bushes out was killed in these really weight, but they've denied that. we are all well and fine of issue john has just left us now. this is his rifle. we are in high spirits hymer all in service to the cause of god, which is out has been wanted by these really forces as a part of the track down on armed group and some of the refugee camp cindy occupied the west bank. well, we're going to hear people in the north, some sort of pure jacob having to continue with his way. the way we've seen this function, widespread destruction through its rose electricity,
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lies unrolled through lines before it's hard for palestinians here to assess the damage from this read yet. but early signs indicate it's the worst the cap has seen in years. is that but of him as he to, to the okay, if i the west bank, oh, that's join that need to know who's the outside took room that for us in the occupied westbank is one of the longest and was raids by these right? of these, i presume, need to in living memory, that until correct. it's all you but for now, but the chaos that's left behind seems to be very evident of the yes, said the big chairs are speaking for themselves. he attended your shims refuge account. let me show you what used to be the main seed here and how it's turned into a big workshop with palestinians have started working to re assess the damage to see what they can do. you do it when we see the situation. we see the 1st responds,
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there's, when it comes to the infrastructure at the 1st thing that they start doing is to restore the basic need that infrastructure facilities. when we've spoken about electricity, as well as the water line, evans is that what you can see now from the damage. it's still the tip of the iceberg. as many palestinians are telling us, they said he would say middle, looked at me more and more damaged. we'll try and show you as much of what is happening here the palm. and these are saying that it, there are kind of simians who have been killed, but their bodies have been taken by these really forces before they left. but we know from the medical team that the body is a 14 kind of at what taken the city and hospitals and that was only made possible at the end date when we've seen the
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ambulance is being allowed. that as you've seen in the reports before, the 1st responder is, the medics were not allowed to go in it either to get the bodies of those who would kill or it has the wounded. we're talking about within 30 palestinians who are injured. but when we talk about the damage, it would be really difficult for this teams here to assess if they tell us they don't have a number, they're still checking into something. what's happening in terms of the damage. we've seen a some burns in some of the homes. plus we were told that more and more homes have been burnt up. the feeling here. hello. hello. send is. is that what is happening here was a targeted is similar as in paul get to damaging that does not just focus on one area, heed one area this wherever you go and the comp you'd see the roads being completely
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damaged and through with you will see the infrastructure and some of the voltage lines have been bruce, as well as the sewage lines. so it's a difficult situation here and it will take a lot of time to fix, you know, kind of city is he does not know strangers to the fact that that is really forces when they said they taught everything they do in the infrastructure. but this is a kid, this is on presses and says, and people hit say even during the 2nd tele simeon as opposed to in the at least 2000. this is even worse when compared to that will continue to follow events with you as the clean up continues where you will need to abraham for us that in token us and is really media reporting that the board and ministration is set to sanctioned a battalion. all of these really military allegedly committing human rights violations of the occupied westbank. this could be the 1st time that the us doesn't
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pay sanctions on the units with these really ami shepherd, tennessee has moved from washington, dc to the state department of housing. and else any punitive sanctions that gaines, this is riley admitted treated instead. what appears to be happening is it as leaks the story to one of its favor journalists here in washington, d. c. who is attending the frame? the announcement before that happens in what seems to be a rather misleading fashion in the u. s. media telling you this, the by the administration is continuing to get tough on is really violence in the west bank. it's already sanctioned stuff lives with such as roots and now it's going to sanction this military units. but that's not quite accurate. last week, a us watched old group pro, public a release to report, which is based on the testimony of several us state department officials by a former current which is the extensive uni's and disrupt elements with vitamin
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ministration policy. we say that as called the rule, the state department impaneled a commission to investigate allegations of human rights abuses, extra the additional killing torture rate for killing of a policy in american. they founders allegations to be credible. they presented their report to blinking. the secretary of state and other words, and one of these officials, the documents have lane in lincoln's briefcase, ever since he's supposed to act by law. he's supposed to cut off any assistance so that you haven't received that report, but he didn't. but he's been caught out by vice leek last week now. oh, we understand blinking. we'll be acting next week sir. this isn't so much a continuation of a hardening of physicians in the by the administration of the state department against is really violence. it would appear instead to be the state department
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haven't been called out. potentially breaking the law by shielding is riley units. and until last week and now we expect an announcement next week a she advertise the elders or washington. so it's cost over to benet smith. it'll supply the streets and band and it does seem that the us is about to reluctantly sanction these really minute traits to be interesting to see when that announcements happens and how the pole, why those functions go of the hell it certainly is come as a shock okay, and israel, the united states, the most staunch backer of israel, whatever is per pad. it seems to sanction a battalion in the middle of the tree. it's if the military support for the military and a very divided country. it's a one thing that unites people here because almost every is really a served in the military. yes, we've heard this morning from the fall,
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right. as you might expect, a small thing to this as the us, as crossed a red line, he's a follow up member of these rarely cabinets along with him, but slow small traits. the finance, the finance minister, cold in absolute madness, wiley's riley's fighting for his existence prime minister benjamin netanyahu called in the height of the opposite seat and a model low. we will act by all means against these moves. i'm the sensor writes many gotten souls are a member of the war cabinet says it's that's a dangerous precedent. it conveys the wrong message to our shed enemies during war time. and this is the great faith. but this does set a precedent, is the u. s. investigation of the military and police units will conduct all the is really military and gaza, since the beginning of october will not be examined by the us. will f. is there a fee or refer the sanctions? so it's come as a real short care. i should say that this particular battalion,
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the times the who to made of ultra nationalist is re lease. it's was moved from the occupied, westbound. later on in 2022. no suggestion. it was connected. it's connected to the death of all of my outside, but that seems to be some link and it was moved from the occupied west bank and is now serving in the golan heights. but thanks very much for the update, of course, will follow events coming out of as well as and when they happen. but joining us here in the studio is tom, our communities assistant professor of public policy at the time of hawkins seats for graduate studies. that just expand on boss is these are the americans by default, having to admit that there is a problem with these riley millet tray, it's something that has been put forward at the i. c j a and various other forms. what's your reaction to what you're hearing about this as well? i think what we're seeing is, is very encouraging and it's good, but it's been very small. these are very small steps against the, the tragedy the pleasure to do if you could patient the,
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the pleasure that has been going on. and by this time since 1948, the, that i, i don't, i kind of differentiate between these a, the army set this and the states. i mean, this is a colonial is a colonial project. the settlers and the automated them the items for state. so the, i'm the executives of the opponents of the states. so, and if we live in a fed, would you would, we would, we would love to see more the centrals hitting days of an estate at the up live in, in, from all directions. you know, to stop this, the stop, but they think of at the national to uh, to control and to withdraw set those from the west bank and also top and all this investigation left that was making the guns and stuff as well. and at the same time, we also expect from the us to use as leverage. not 3. 1 thing is that, i mean, we just, yes, of the, i mean the congress has passed that, isn't that a? so i can, this whole thing, doesn't that you have and the criticism now from the right wing, within these ready cabinet that america has cost a red line. i think small rich said, happy to take the money that won't. of course,
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i mean without the money the, this would, would stop immediately. i mean, there's a cut up survived the kind of afford continuing. it's what conduct without lucky the support this has been receiving so far. so the to the us holds the stick. it's about the cost of taking the position to stop this, but the americans that are playing like holding the stick from the, from the, comes through is that it's a close ally. i mean the, the finance financing. it's just a simple thing. it and this is, it's like um, it's like a small punishment against old. the big pleasure to look, let's see. so we expect more from that goes to if it has a key position on piece of jamie, this is usually how these expands suddenly and how it set reacted to by the international community as and when it happens, it's talk about what happened didn't tell of these and the last 24 on the demonstrations, again out on the streets again, but he's ready, government and the policy. all of these right probably minister and best seems to be demonstrations that the, the about a cease fire with demonstrations within the public disclose. but one of the
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captives released, but the unified, crushed, excessive voice from these right is about what they actually want. these are small groups for one thing, something different, but it won't be like agree on this. if they want nothing, you want me to go. and indeed, so, but again, it's nothing, yeah, hose and it's now more or less has managed to create these divisions among these 2 groups as well because you know what they had on. so i got with that explanation, what i team managed motor list to e unites. most of these are the site, the binding, including this question government, which was pretty much probably mounted, but now that old back behind him because of the attack from and on. now. so he's, he's, he has been his motiv, us to change the priorities and the agenda of, of the government and to bring all the, all parties behind them and the people as well. now, when it comes to these demonstrations, the problem is this, since won't escape pretty much school this month. and i don't see the opposing effect on nothing. you know, i mean, and, and he's always managed, he manages to tamadrius
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a play on the divisions and the old ones. he pretends the 2 kinds about the demands of the some sleepers. he's working hard to achieve some, some tools the and some on, on the releasing the captains. but the reality is, i believe anything. i mean, it just pretending that he's trying to do something one that somebody called is that when the we are what happens then, what's the reaction going to be? do you think of these, right? the public, if the money that's being provided by the us, allows them to buy the munitions, allows them to go into a rough uh, cause russell is the big issue. rougher is the focus right now, which will affect the, the discourse, not just within israel, but within europe, the united states, and definitely within the arab states. i mean, for me, do i see the fact that the us as green light this, this package to is that a dis, a package? i mean, i think it's the green light to go ahead with, with the, with the conduct as well. so i'm, i'm, this is sadness complicit. that's what has been nothing you out to achieve the victories looking for, to buy and think about far and the, and then go to the, comes of this that seems to be seen. i don't know, i wouldn't the public react to this what, what would happen next?
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but i think the cup, does that a collateral damage for nothing. he always leasing is. we think these look up, this is a credit for let them, as you know, is not keen to release them for them that a law schools. so he wants to continue the context and goes on the same way, has done it before. well, we'll continue to unpack this throughout the day time. i'll come in. thank you so much. my pleasure. this how's the representative says approved a major military, a package for ukraine, taiwan, and as well as we just discussed on several of the allies is being held up for weeks because of divisions amongst republicans on support to ukraine. but after being splits into separate bills, it will now go to the senate before being signed full resign j $580.00 unfinished. so let's take a look at what's included in the package. the 1st bill has $61000000000.00, the ukraine, including defense, humanitarian aid and cash, to keep its government running. the 2nd, give $17000000.00 to as well, including for the replenishment of the and a missile system. there's also a $9000000000.00 and $8.00 because a and e,
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the us development efforts in the occupied westbank is also a $1000000000.00 has been set aside for the defense of us our lives in the western pacific. mostly taiwan, public lane has moved from capitol hill in word and deed, members of the us house of representatives, sending the message with ukrainian flags in the house for the day support sending 61000000000 dollars to ukraine. a huge number of republican members, 112 voted against giving money and weapons to ukraine. you know, we have the false choice of i've the same that ukraine doesn't matter to america or support ukraine was no question as was blank checks and bows. this position on the board in our national interest. the bill is past 17. 17000000000 to is really 9000000000 to the palestinians, prove divisive as well. it passed,
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but 21 republicans voted no along with 37 democrats. gentlemen from texas is wrecking many criticizing is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose actions have not led to the release of the remaining hostages. he's ignored the police of the families of hostages. he's ignored the police of the president of the united states and he's ignored his own people. he's engaged in self preservation. we should not be sending offensive weapons to israel right now after this or warning, presidential binding, that if he signs the legislation, he will pay a political price. this is taking away any leverage present and by might have to get and then you all to pull back on and leading ra, offer or killed warning. some people a 1000000000 easily passed for taiwan. and so did a bill that would allow us to increase sanctions on around allow the buying and ministration to seize russian assets and band tick tock in the us unless it's chinese owners. so the company now these bills go to the senate,
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which is expected to pass them and then the president is expected to sign it because you got officials tell me that once it is signed, they can start getting weapons into crane. in a matter of days to go home al jazeera, washington, ukrainian present, go to visit lensky hose, thank the us house for passing the age package. to you. today we received a decision. we expected the package of american support that we thought so hard for . and it's a very significant package that will be solved by our soldiers on the front line, as well as by our towns and villages suffering from russian tyra list today. the us house of representatives voted thank you to everyone who supported our package. this is a solution for saving lives. let's go over to john home and he's live for us in the ukrainian capital keeps the morning john. a sigh of relief, i presume, coming from the presidential policy. it seems so.
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yeah, definitely. um, you heard him speak there and presidents the landscape immediately after the fight was passed. tweeted out saying thanks to the house of representatives to both parties and to the speaker mike johnson who it was for might lose his job over this because republican policy, some of them were unhappy with what he done. the situation here and you crying on the front lines, is that being out shout 6 to one they side by rush or on the other side. and that might soon move to 10 to one that's coming, not just from then, but from the top nights military command. the rules are having power pods, attacks across the country and partially destroyed because they like a defense units. so this is a really, a fluid situation to the point where the president had said, if congress doesn't help you crying, you crying will lose this fool so desperately aside relief from him as his age should begin to come. yeah, so it's really thought need if the a does come,
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the question is how quickly can actually get bad because the needs on the ground seemed very urgent. a yes. and a couple of things need to happen. first vote. this needs to be approved at by the senate, which is being treatments if that works definitely happened, then president biden has to sign into law. then what needs to happen is dependency . and he's saying that it can move it in a mattress that he's a of a military officials have reportedly said that the us has some of those munitions actually in storage units here in europe, so that they can then move it into ukraine. but well, a military, unless the same, the, even when it gets into crime for it to be distributed onto the front line is going to take a matter of weeks. and the problem is that in the intervening window, russia is probably going to use that as an opportunity to stripe more energy plots to try and get more guidance on the front lines. while you crating traits remain uh,
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with not enough shows and with not enough defenses. to stop them so that window could also be quite important before the aid to ride home for us that are in key bank statements. and so head here on the opposite news, rains and floods displaced more than a 100000 people in burundi. well, pharmacies, according to how and why public health care reform con, come soon enough. so some of those testers in columbia, they stories after the break, the the. now i said yes, that is going to be a disappointment. it has come to pass all this weather here, coming down from knolls, administrating much cold over a good part of europe. good to have tried to and with it some snow and i said
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petersburg, you maybe not surprised to find it still in the area which gets started. so it's been staying some pieces but, but it's come a lot the science as well, in parts of germany and france and of course, switzerland, particularly in the alps. it has been snow. there's been a lot of rain also and it's on its way to greece and in some abundance through ball gabby and remain here on sunday. and obviously a line that runs back up to the baltic states where it is still cold. there's most come here. this with outside quite a few said to be the fresh snow and it's probably a bit more to come. and then as the cold meets the winds in this part of the mediterranean. quite stormy weather seems like in the southeastern part of from so north mostly to the shelves will find the storms in the body. alex, how the process of the in spite, so not quite a spring, not because somebody like that, of course extends into morocco and the atlas mountains with a strong wind steel throughout your area and libya. the dust will be up here. but the wind is becoming lighter than this. i have the shells and make
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a lot more progress in land, which example tucker and gum of the illegal goals is threatening the survival of the brazilian, amazon sienna, monique people, the forest, and the planets ecosystem. with a counter offensive is underway, as the tribal chief has to europe's gold club, the corridors of power not to seek help, but the demand. the world received the warnings of its indigenous people. holding up the scar, a witness documentary on the jersey to the
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back to which email does it renews? uh, with mesa hill rama the indo ha. remind of all of the stories. the latest is very strong. some gauze i have killed at least 16 palestinians. a baby and the pregnant women were amongst the victims up to a house and it comes in rough. it was bolt. most of the searches full 1000 palestinians have now being killed since october the sun. these ran the military is conducting rates across the occupied west bank with both as still being novelist, while on hand from baseball is a major rate. and the newer shelves, refugee con, which filled at least a full team, published in the us house of representatives of state major ministry age package, the ukraine as well. and the time was, the bill is with $95000000000.00 being held up for weeks because of the divisions amongst public. and while the us house voted on the long delayed foreign aid packages ukrainian troops fighting in the east, the struggling with
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a shortage of ammunition. charles dropped and repulsed from the front lines of east a new cray, a this is a print job to, to re system close to you grains eastern front line, one of thousands of pieces of heavy weaponry supplied by ukraine's native while i, since the war began a soldier shows us the munition stock. just 12 shows left. hold on the 1000000 shows have been placed by ukraine's back is in recent weeks, but they're not getting here fast enough. ukrainian ministry say the rate of fire is at least $6.00 to $1.00, and the russian armies favor the years. so the we are trying not to leave our position. yes, the enemy is advancing. but even with this little amount of shelves, we are trying to hold the we hit towards the besieged, small town of chance. if you are russian forces occupied the east announce goods
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russian pointed yet subbing tomorrow between ukraine policies and along the crating on the supply routes. taking advantage of what cube has been saying for months, it's critically short of a defense more no way to a stabilization point just outside the village of just if you all the soldiers tell us that the biggest concern traveling alone leave very expos, roach. the circle is real 1st vision of drugs that the russians i'm viewed craniums by using search, devastating dangerous effect. please video shows the precision of the russian f t v. cam a cause you're driving to tack on an on wood ukrainian vehicle. you currently administer the estimate that can be up to a 100 various types of russian and ukrainian drawings operating at any one time in a given 10 columbus of radius from the eastern front line to sort of the so called sugar cube are used to detect drug and sound frequency, often contact into fi who's,
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who's an explosion close by bits all the is a medical, one of a number of so called stabilization points just outside chance if y'all were injured. so we'll just get emergency treatment before evacuation a cost expose. we'll store hospital in a safe area and may be shown in the stucco producer to one of the biggest dangers is we can be hit by a k d or artillery at any time in the house. nearby is completely destroyed, we are anxious all the time. around 10 kilometers to the west of the east. announce goods of course then to meet the next town on the pulse of the russian army. slo, drones rushing policies are increasingly targeting the city which at a pre will population of $67000.00. but thousands of people remain the woods of clear on the destroyed railway station. who
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was this shows us that the enemy wants to capture constantine if in order to move forward, they want to scared the civilian, instead of destroying the town. we didn't, or we can to stop though. ukraine will spend $5000000.00 producing its own weapons this year, including a 1000000 drones jump in the ocean for what analysts say is, keeps most critical. charlene, since it's failed counter offensive last year to hold ground against the rushes, expect you to attempt to concentrate some bones. charles, prep it out. just air, and the child safety on eastern new crime. joining us not to raise this island director of the center for russia, europe, asia studies, the senior seller, the chicago council on global affairs, and joins us now from brussels. this time and good have you with us live on. i'll just say era as a, when the money is approved in the senate and lands in the coffers in key, it is going to change the strategy, both full key and the most sky when it comes to this conflict as well. it's really
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important at this because finally, it looks very positive that it will be passed. a lot of the munitions have been strategically placed just across the border from ukraine. so once it is signed into law, it can move very rapidly to ukraine, but it's been a long time coming. and i think that this will be a morale booster as well for the ukrainians in terms of ukraine. this issue has been sort of about defending the at the pilots nearly right. the craft is available, but it's the gap in the defense of the skies that ukraine wants to plug and they want to plug this quickly. is that way? you think the money is going to be spent, and i would love to see it, spencer, but i suspect it would be more for munitions. there's been a big concern about this unraveling and expanding to a broader nato near neighborhood. so that has been one of the key requests of ukrainians. they've been watching what, what's going on with israel, how they could defend their skies and they would dream of something like that. so
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we know the germans have, we delete the tapes that the russians revealed about german generals discussion about the towards the end type missile or system. i'm sorry the the missile system that, that would be extremely helpful to ukrainians. they won't send that chancellor schultz has decided that he will will not send that. so yes, they're getting more munitions. artillery shells, it's $10.00 to $1.00 right now with russia and having the upper hand. so they are kind of fighting with one hand tied behind their back and they've been fighting very, very hard. but they have constraints on them. and even though they have been making some incredible moves inside russian territory, for example, attacking oil refineries, they're getting kind of push back from some in the us government saying, please don't do that. we don't want to see the price of oil rise before the us selection, so they really have a lot of um, constraints on them in addition to having hardly any or artillery. so in terms of
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the defense and of the skies, which we just discussed about, i mean, they do need fighting men on the ground and there's no be a short folder in manpower. and so let me ask you to sort of low with the age of conscription, he's legislative for those who failed to sign up. i mean there are more problems than just munitions on the, for the ukrainian leda. and these are all weaknesses that russia can exploit. yes for us is able to get more and more troops, the premiums are really hitting a man power shortage. and in addition, those who have been fighting in the front lines have been there for so long. they're in desperate need of rotation out to get some rest and relaxation and then return to the front line. so the ukrainians have been worried about happening too much into the younger pool of possible recruits because they're worried about future population numbers. it's really a dire situation, and the russians have used this gap in time to really tighten their positions. and
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we've seen increased activity in the eastern sections, domestic, etc. so i think that all of these delays have been very detrimental. and, you know, the, some analysts are saying, you know, they're as long as they weren't helping ukraine, they could continue to find it, and that would keep it inside you credit and not expanding to poland or other countries in central eastern so. so there's like, i'll just jump in that and i'll just jump in the midst of them just to the final cost. if i could, because the fight continues. and even if there was $61000000000.00 heading ukraine's way, is it enough to finish the war or will they want to move? because again, the big a problem. but ukraine will face will be in november when there was a presidential election about c. a known fact to really isn't that in this much larger equation of what happens to ukraine and how it supported short and long time . yes, there is complete hiding side here in brussels about the future of the us election
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outcome. in addition, we know that we see secretaries they blanket make many comments about how china is supporting russia in many ways. so they're getting support, not just from north korea, but also very key support from china. so this is almost unimportant proxy word that's taking place. china does not. once the rush fell and as long as it's what goes on, it will be a very ugly long wherever trish and i'm afraid choice the following that for us. joining us from the chicago council on global affairs in brussels, thank you. thank you. a dozen of all these are testing the ballots in parliamentary elections, crucial for president obama to music. 6 political policies, all fielding, the 370 candidates for the 93 seats. empowerment is election last year escalated rivalry between india and china. as a result of his probation stands now, his administration has promised her to move round 90 indian troops stations and one of the countries on islands ecuadorian. let's go to the polls on
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sunday in the referendum veins of cracking down on gang violence. the new security measures put forward by president daniel nova includes deploying the armies tackled organized crime, patrice by has moved from southern equity morning and grief. i loved ones at the funeral. familiar quasi santas. she was killed this week by a known assailants in the town of camino phones hembry cuz he nick wild son just had been in office for less than a year. he skating is just another example of the serious violence ecuadorian ser, facing days before voting on a security referendum. precedent then, you know, war is asking voters to back the measure as a way to fight organized crime. when would you send to you? send me was brother, he hope suppressed and we'll get the back and he needs that goes in at the the late echo doors insecure because of a lack of lows and hopefully the yes but will when and the minute true be on the
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streets. i hope that will be new laws to fight crime. my brother was executed and they didn't do anything. since taking off his last year president, many and noble, i declared a state of exception and deployed the armed forces to find the drug cartels that have increase their control overlarge parts of the country. this town is one of them. security forces here are on high alert space. say there's room or is that there could be another attack? this is an area that is controlled by a criminal was no, no, no, no. they are not only involved in drug trafficking, but also any legal mining. in the past decades, cocaine trade has expanded in latin america, and violence has transformed once quiet countries like white order. and that's why no war says he wants the military to patrol with a police, expedite a tooth criminals among other measures. to do that, he wants to reform the constitution. does he assume went ahead and clicked to him.
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there are moments that will mark it before and after, in the history of our nation as like what dorians, we have a civic and moral duty to make the right choice leads us young. analysts say that voting on sunday is a test and how much support the president has yet was event that we're seeing the field around 70 percent of the country supports the security measures. the only 40 percent support the president, according to our measures of the military on the streets, is a patch to a bigger problem. because mafias are controlling the dictionary. the police is businesses all across the country. while the funeral for me, your son, she's what's taking place, we've heard about the killing of another mayor about an hour from where we, where it's another reminder of why so many people affected by violence. once the government to do whatever is necessary to stop it. and make sure that what happens here won't happen again. police, i will just see death coming up on somebody cas 81. the thousands of colombians on
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onset to march on sunday, against government plans to reform the health care system. present president gustavo petrie. bolt small emphasis to be put on public facilities. please facing hurdles and congress was under on p. i t as more from bucket top loan lines and growing frustration, it becomes the norm in recent weeks. and many medicine dispenser is in book with the people they've been spending up to 7 hours in line for life saving medicines that are becoming increasingly scarce. i only have anti coagulant medicine and tomorrow i depend on them that a sensor is horrible and infuriated. i would also say that unless they will cut out the government of goose, double pay through has accused privacy assures known as, as of corruption and siphoning, the available money to clinics. they control since taking office. he has been pushing for a major overhaul of the system that would cut the insurers out,
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leaving the state as this will administer. but when the bill failed in congress, the government to intervene, taking control of 3 of the main health insurers, columbia public private system prides itself in providing me or universal coverage and relatively low out of pocket costs. if everybody agrees that its in dire need of reform to improve the quality of its care and also ensure it sustainability in the future. whether you disagree on it's on how to do that. the sure say the government has withheld funds in order to precipitate the crisis, but surgeon aramon by your nest, said that is not the case worker jack system, the government to enforce this crisis. the crisis already existed almost generating major damage in the health systems. it's affecting clinics on hospitals, not owned by insurance and patients. i'm gonna text us and health care because we
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don't have the funds to do that. so the government that's is the guarantor of the fundamental rights of health to intervene because it's purely mascot. but other medical experts say the government's actions are heavy handed and technically unsound and could bring about a collapse of the system. i believe it's, i'm state, uh because, and the government is proposing a low studies increasing costs without increasing revenue sources. and at the same time is fragments in the system. and by for inventing the system and making more expensive without more money. well that implies is that people will not get the care they need and they deserve. how to preserve or transform columbia as health care system has become the latest ideological clash in this deeply paula rice country. and that could further complicate the already difficult access to health care for millions of patients in need. allison that i'm be at the i just need
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a real good pulse to live here on the news of thousands of people. return to the streets of tennessee to protest against the is ready, the government's handling of the war on garza and in the u. k. months of heavy rain, all threatening a pool hall, this with the entire phones under was that those stories after the break, the call choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number, think about it as a person yourself and that person shares. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those stages we want we want to break because the women in my country democracy we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves
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to be treated equally, we are false, that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you on the, [000:00:00;00] the book about his right, the protest as a bank on the streets of tennessee on saturday to demand early elections and
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political accountability. they say the government isn't doing enough to negotiate the return of the captain's health and garza. stephanie deca has moved from tennessee. this is a smaller part of the price. as you can see, people have been calling for the government to resign for new election. prime minister benjamin. you're in charge on october the 7th. so what is your responsibility? this is, this is the chair uh, we used to have the family of hostages and their supporters. this is how these pro just started in 30 days for the media deal to bring the whole now becomes much more significant for our electron holding for accountability. people who are very disappointed in the band. why? because they believe that this government isn't doing enough to bring the whole degree in the last week. you've had the series escalation with a lot of people here saying that they feel that the hostages is no longer and
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really hasn't been on the top of the agenda of this government, which is why it's now also become increasingly political as time goes on, they want more than they want and the media deals, most of the people who are saying whatever it takes, whatever it takes to deal with how much needs to be made to bring the hostages box . so these protests have been going on on a weekly basis, pretty much since the war started, and they feel that their voices are not being part of the kind of did those as cub sized in the central african republic. getting dozens of people, it happened on them for co river near the capital bone. the video shows the boat, which was carrying more than 300 passengers, made minutes before it by a call to become sinking. at least $58.00 people look inside foot round and many more. still missing brandy is appealing for it, sensual help with heavy rains, that of displaced nearly a 100000 people,
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destroyed swathes of farmland. the country is being struggling. i have to be on india weather event extend to the annual rainy season. if just some dense it has more consistent rains, have some large parts of this church and the entire neighborhood along with it. these houses have got tuned in western burgundy cannot only be accessed by those flood waters have cut off this family from the world. oh, that's about the will to hit us and we have to look for a place to build a shelter. but we couldn't find any way because the water was already everywhere. we came here, but there wasn't that much water yet. we built a long platform, according to the height of the water covered at the top holdings. dofer's village sits near lake don ganita, which has been overflowing, the resulting deluge put nearly a 100000 people on the move destroyed crops and critical facility. thousands of people has died in neighboring tens,
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in the more than 300 life stuff with lost in kenya in the past several days. it's all due to el nino and naturally occurring weather event heading east africa, causing months of increased rainfall, land slides, and hail storms and environment, right for waterborne diseases. without a movie, we have a problem not only with housing, but with drinking water too. when we suffer from illness caused by unsanitary conditions, dissing the authorities in burgundy dealing with limited resources, are now calling for outside help. they say 300000 people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. if the some good food of to 0 as the farm is in the u. k warning the crow peels will be hit by. well, after months of heavy rain, we've been talking feel still under water. in some areas, food production is expected to be significantly reduced in the industry or the struggling with high fuel and such allies. the costs sub, hey,
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would report stuff from lincolnshire huge suede prime english farm land on the was a month soft. a devastating storm swept the country. the levels of slow the receding, but the damage has been done. a few weeks ago these fields resembled an inland sea . the only way to get to the house was by boat showed all the plans that should be great. farmer henry would find himself facing a financial bottle caused by massive storms, an 18 month supply, or a cold rain full. it's obviously the horizon, the, you know, i'm a young farm, a call a baby on the way, trying to provide for my family. and this is how i meant to why in the living is by producing food and selling it. and if it's covered in malls, so i can't do that and you get off every day to say your phones, you know, you're looking like this. and you just wondering, well how and i'm going to carry out. well, property can be insured against flooding crops in the ground. cons. so the
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estimated loss of not bringing in the hub is to will run into hundreds of thousands of dollars. the soil onto the water is some of the most for the child in the country. but clearly, no crops will be produced from it in the next few months. and the former here faces the real risk of flooding again. and that means food which should be making its way onto the market in the coming months from here. what a few kilometers away. sometimes thing has been taking place after the land was heavily flooded, but it has been a struggle. and that's reflected the national picture. hopefully we normally 60 percent through deficiency in this country. i think realistically, i'll be down in the lower fifty's and with what's going on around the world and how we caught, rely on importing all of these. all these different. we are especially those that whomever else. we need to be around 70 percent self sufficient to make sure okay, farm is, are adaptable,
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but increasing the find them. so what's on the front line of climate change, both here and around the world? it's very, very difficult. they've got the sci fi, they've got to work with politicians, with government, what different agencies network communicate to consumers do as much as they can. but ultimately this very digital that in many circumstances they can do. the u. k. government says which is supporting agriculture, but many farm is believe they need to go further to the trying to establish how to make this land viable. what to have of the future brings. and he would also sarah, in lincolnshire the thousands of people in tennessee hoping, protesting against the effects of mass tourism in the canary islands. they say the covered model is damaging the environment and what limits placed on the number of visitors. sonya guy, okay, as well. that it is a sector the canary islands has come to depend on while tourism has been approved
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to the economy. and many here at this, protested tennessee. it has also been detrimental anymore. in february until this i boot our we have the territory of a saturated with construction, as well as buildings that are being totally destroyed with no use within the tourism industry. this is land speculation and it's leaving the natural areas totally unprotected anal, uh, as well as the damage to its landscape activists say that the tone tourism is taking on residents is too heavy, too bad. rising prices designed for tourists and hikes and property prices mean so many life on these islands is too expensive. forcing them to leave the homes to find work elsewhere. this is the for you to look at is not the only the tourism projects. it is the cues, it is the precarious work. it is in employment because the weariness of the people who are tired of it separately,
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environmental organizations are back in the demonstrations, demands for 2 and 3 holes in the islands tourism sector. some protests have even taken part in hunger strikes and a bit to force the government to tackle issues such as the impact of mass tourism and water supplies. waste management and health services was the average wages betty able to cover the rising rents. i couldn't say it is leading to an increase in social exclusion with some lower paid workers resulting to sleeping in the vehicle local stores. you say that the rise of attention aimed at the tourism industry won't affect visited with the islands receiving a record number of holiday makers last year. the strain may prove too much for those who live that diagonal. i'll just say around the search for me. so hold on, i've got some more news on the other side of the break until and thanks very much a good time.
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the team in the gaza strip as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage. that actively humanize is, is really, is and actively humanize of palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here, at the listing, the best pod came in to be used. as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not something to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double stand to all of us . any anyone in particular? i said,
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all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era examining the headline? is there any is hopefully today for flaws of life and god's unflinching journalism . awesome. just like the war sharing personal stories with a globe or audience, only $38.00 it welts for women, come and feel naturally released to trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility era is delivered over $300000000.00 will suffice. in more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sex on an emergency donation spence on projects. we insure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis covent that goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm,
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we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the doctors in the hospital in southern garza saving and bold baby who's pregnant about the latest died from injury sustained in. and it's really a time they were like, my headquarters here in the coming up to palestinians a shot and killed of the occupied westbank as well as what else as well as other


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