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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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see if this is something for you, it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era the the morning in southern garza auster is really are strikes to at least 10 palestinians and dropped off. most of them children, the, you're watching all to 0 life from a headquarters in delphi and teddy navigate is also coming off the surface president, drugs of play of early on. and how much has political liter it's $900.00 a year, discuss efforts to reach a cease fire and gaza and deliver aids is really forces continue their military rates and the occupied westbank for
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a 2nd day targeting palestinians. and the notice of the us house of representatives is expected to vote on a $4.00 and $8.00 bill worth tens of billions of dollars for ukraine and israel in the coming hours. the we're beginning southern gaza, or parents have been emotional farewells to children killed in and is really air strike. funerals have been held for 10 palestinians who died in that attack or left off. most of the dead were young children. just the warning viewers may find some of the images in barbara and go for his report. distressing this mother is trying to accept his son. hamza is gone. his one of the children killed and then miss really strikes and rough at southern casa
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the, the other women and children were also killed in the attack. the town also tom neighborhood, 12 year old alone as a cook survived. that. i mean that's nothing to us and that's what we were sleeping and all of a sudden i heard my sister shouting and crying. the roof was coming down on our heads. i thought i was dreaming, but when i opened my eyes, it was all black smoke. i was buried under the debris, 13 minutes later i was pulled up and i followed the cradle sobriety of his daughter in disbelief for her
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was her back, elizabeth, and what is your home then? know how the album unimportant unimed capital because they have an incentive despite international key is to abandon transfer randomization of rough or is process going ahead with it's offensive. the united nation says won't any operations that will risk the lives of more than the 1000000 people has been sheltering in the city? this is a state crime. there is no country in the world that has committed such crimes. what not even in syria or rock or ukraine? nothing like what's happening here. this has never happened in history. palestinian parents and guns that have been living with dread of losing back children for months, but little can prepare them for the final good bye. barbara, and good to say right, that we're bringing our correspondence auto body soon. joining us from with us
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often to where you are, thought it and certainly in other areas across the gaza strip is really air strikes . have continued, tell us what you've seen and heard and what's been there after much. yes. the reason, in fact to the is really ministry has been run the comments military attacks from land and sea within the past few hours. of course, many areas in the gaza strip starting from the font knows which of this trip were to palestinians were killed. one at 9 along side with his wife being kept within his very drone messiah winning for a new job. new for who didn't jump out of the a refugee camp. now these attacks in fact, did not stop it has included and expanded to reach the middle areas where to palestinians have a report of killed and of rage. refugee come off to an, as well as strike target to the facility of a school in that area where it's had to be an evacuation center for palestinians. swimmingly,
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the situation is getting much more dia and depart south of the strip is specifically in con you and it's in the milwaukee area, which has been designated as a save someone for the majority of causes population. now, these wait a minute, you had talked to that area where a number of material damage has been selected to the tents where people were taking as a refuge in that area. now, what we can clearly see in the far, saucier rough, i is that ongoing mail it to the whole ring of the surveillance of drones as a part of their ongoing operations on the ground as palestinians are completely afraid of the expansion of the fighting to reach rough i, as they have seen, clearly see a gradual increase of the military activities. not only by the intelligence side along side with the oxley, re bombardments and strikes that kills 10 palestinians at least in fact, very densely populated area in the past 24 hours. and thought it in terms of the is really troops that are on the ground in gaza. what's happening with that and what sort of resistance is being put off on the ground?
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well, what we can see is that to the, is very minutes. we had a, a rated in multiple areas and they have been saying that the managed to minutes highly controlled another and section of that territory. and right now the main back to the raging in the middle areas is specifically in alaska, and endeavors by town where the fighting is really getting much more furious that we must fight isn't because. but as soon as we can see that the military wing of how much has been releasing different dd is showing the attacks that have been carried out against is very minute, 3 tanks on those is not our operating on the percentage of the curriculum that is about has been recently establishing as the has been using of a wide range of what tends including onto task messiahs and explosive devices that had been used to attract these maneuvering to spot the huge body side from its own perspective. have been depending on using excessive fire power to create
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a stage of destruction in the areas that the operating and as they have been destroying residential houses. most along side. also with civil infrastructure just to make the entire area on suitable for living on even for any mileage apps could be carried out by the palestinian slightest bumper. but what we can see that these very monitor is not now expanding, its watching it on the local area, hoping that the managed to take full control over that. and then that way we still have, have we still have a number of areas that the military til now did not operate and including roughly the middle areas of bundle. so rocks refugee camp along side with as the light, the town where the is very minute, you are stationed, close to that area. we're palestinians are completely do not know what to go is going to be more expansion of the fighting to reach a such mentioned areas. okay. thought about doing. thank you so much thought it at least 10 palestinians have been killed in a 2 day long is really rate and they occupied westbank
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there has been gun fire and explosions throughout the day on saturday until cut in mass arrests have been made at the new additions refugee camp is really forces also rated several homes and use bulldozers to destroy homes, shops, and other critical facilities will the side with up to it's a very difficult situation. this agent notions camp is still ongoing. often more than 42 hours. there are large numbers of knots is lying in the streets, and many wounded ambulances have not yet been able to region. and when the model is being complete destruction of homes, shots, the electricity grid from the sewage system, the war to network and other infrastructure, this incursion is unprecedented when compared to previous incursions typed up there is snipers on the roof tops. well, that's got the industry and the special forces have been deployed us. well, it's well no one knows what's happening in the camp until this moment. the team has
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more for me to try to, you know, i'm being says have been able to verify the number of the killed the, even some of them according to local sources, have not been able to be carried out outside of that or for jake. i'm so maybe the number would be much higher. we really don't know, because as the situation remains this key and intense, it's hard for us to know what's happening inside and even the people we've been speaking through that with mrs. inside the refuge account, they've been saying that they've also had difficulty to leave their homes to know what's happening outside as this operation in this assault on that of fiji. come on through more than a 40 hours now with palestinians say they've been confined to their homes. with these really forces have been reading one house after another, conducting a rough and a field investigations. but we've just seen a video, basically, and report to me is that is the members of the battalion saying that their own
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lives, including the head of the notions. but cindy and who has been deemed to someone who was wanted not just on a scale of toys, cut in, but also on the scale of the occupied to us bank as a whole. now, if indeed the members of the battalion are alive, this gives us an idea of the fact that the operation is continuing. these really wave is continuing. so maybe the failure of, let's call it if so, of a rush thing. those a want to palestinians could be related to the fact that this a fault on that because you can't, this read is continuing. it's not the 1st time that the refugee, the, this refugee camp of nations and to cut him a or is seeing those ways just in january. we've been here and waiting for the 3 day rate to that. a few jacob, when we've seen really a lot of colors to me, is saying that they've been tortured to being beaten up during those if you the
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interrogation and at us. but from the videos we've been seeing coming out of that i've seen g comes, the level of destruction. seems to be much, much higher than anything we've seen before. and for some palestinians, they believe that this destruction of the infrastructure is one way is really forces is making life more and more difficult for palestinians, specifically those who decide to go through that out of armed resistance, such as the group here in to and cut in the north shims arms battalion is really sadler's, have attacked palestinians, and they occupied westbank on a highway between the and jerry co. another attack took place and to the messiah. that's north east of it. i'm a law where cars and property were destroyed and at least 3 palestinians were injured when settlers shots of palestinian homes. the same best for avi is joining us now live from it on my legs in these attacks. why is really settlers on
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palestinians have increased over the past 6 months? what are you hearing about these latest attacks today? so that's absolutely correct that we're already had record highs last year. and we've only seen an observable increase, not just in the last 6 months, but also just in the last few weeks in the last week as well another state of attacks this evening. we know that a paramedic was killed in an attack south of nablus in the village of so we're this happened about 2 hours ago when a group of about 20 settlers descended on the village begin shooting at palestinian hose when medics went in to try to assist the injured, their ambulance was fired on o is really soldiers opened fire on this ambulance, the driver of medic, the driver was shot in the abdomen home without the mussa. a married father of 6 and his fist fifties died of his gunshot wounds. 2 other palestinians were wounded in this attack, one with a gunshot wound to the face, another with
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a gunshot wound to the chest. they are stable, but these are very serious injuries elsewhere today. there's currently ongoing settler violence on the outskirts of the village of caught a youth south of nablus. there's been a tax on the village of who g east of nablus settlers of attack palestinians on the highway as he said, between rumble and jericho. they've destroyed carson property in the town of total messiah just northeast, northeast of where we are here in ramallah. so the soldiers is rarely soldiers have also been storming and reading homes in the village in the south for the yacht. the south of hebron and 2 days attacks come just a week after a mob of $1500.00 is rarely settlers descended on the village of the northeast of remo, setting holes and cars on fire, and earlier this week on monday, settlers carried out in the top on the ton of october to, into posting and stare. so we're seeing this escalation consistently across the occupied westbank week on week. okay, saying thank you for that reporting from the a. turkey has presidents awards attire. berto on his hel talks with how much
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political liter it's $900.00 a year and assemble. the meeting came days after cats are said, it was reassessing, its role as a mediator in the war on gauze on are the ones also. so the tasks were focused on humanitarian aid, how to achieve a ceasefire as well as efforts for palestinian unit c l 0 center customer who has more from assemble. this is not the 1st time how much leads or a smile honey. i was supposed to buy a turkish present. friendship type are drawn and a stumble. a couple of months ago. prisons are gone and brought together how much leisure and also top leader into care as well, according to turkish communications director, right, as social media posts on a x, a president on a search to add that and the of of the situation in golf. so i should be at the spotlight of the international community and at the latest tension between iran and israel's shouldn't a shadow what's going going in at god's presence. our dawn has always emphasized
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that he is taking issue in palestine and in garza as a personal and until the end of his last breath, he will continue to fight for it. and also on saturday morning a turkish, an egyptian foreign ministers had a buying. they truly meeting, and after that they had a joint press conference in which they emphasized the importance of the delivery of to who monetary and of relief at chicago. so the continuation of this and also a $22.00 ministers emphasized that the solution to the problem and gaza is for stopping these wireless occupation on oppression. and also a 2 state solution based on 196, the 7 borders scene of coastal houses are assembled. the demonstrations and support of palestinians are taking place around the world. take a look at the scene in for lynn, where people are demanding an immediate cease fire. similar demonstrations are
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being held in back, the mine milan, and london. and this is the latest display of global solidarity for palestinians in garza. still ahead on al jazeera rains and floods displaced more than a 100000 people in burundi. the 40s are now calling for health and find out why us troops are abandoning a $100000000.00 base on leaving. these are the low. there's been more funding in buckets on this time in punjab. providence not too far away from upon we had water logged roads just because of how much rain we saw within a short period of time. the stripe for most of focused on, on sundays, still a few showers for that eastern side of afghanistan,
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but the most intense stuff has now started to peter out. there is a story of intense heat through india, so the colors are on dark. the red, the hotter it is. look in the northeast coal cut to 41 degrees. the high for you on sunday. still pumping in humidity off the salt, trying to see here for trying his hand an island northern vietnam. but with this moisture off the south china sea, it's giving us some major storms in southern china. this was inc. one dung providence. you know, in some spots we could see a month's worth of rain over the next few days. really concentrated toward gwen g, g one dung and food. yeah. and profit and says, then the ships over these trying to see it runs into southern japan. in fact, all of japan's main islands under weather alerts for heavy rainfall. but that was with rain for a q issue island on sundays. so the threat of seeing some funding there? well, in this weather report in don't use it right now. more rain to come for sumatra island and some burst of rain to go for a central drive of providence. so the risk of funding here too, bye. for now. the
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300 years ago, the melodies, the full season, the celebrated, the natural world in stages of the year. now, his music has been re composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency. culminating in a disturbing like performance in south korea. this no pure of silver on al jazeera, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the here as a reminder of the top stories on how to 0, the sour funerals have been held for the 10 palestinians who died in an attack on trust off. most of the dead were young children. israel continues targeting the city, that's where a half of the strips population is sheltering and is really right in the occupied. westbank has entered the 2nd day, at least 10 people have been killed in the operations and some cut in dozens of palace. the news i'm interested at the news chance refugee camp were less than an hour away from a votes in the us house of representatives that could impact conflicts around the world. the $95000000000.00 for an a bill has been held up because the citizens between democrats and republicans, and it's now been split up into 4 separate bills and we'll go to the senate if it passes. the house of representatives is narrowly controlled by republicans, while the senate has a tiny democratic majority. here's
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a closer look at what is inside that package of 4 and 8. so the 1st bill, a $61000000000.00 for ukraine, including defense, humanitarian aid on cash to keep its government running. the 2nd a $17000000000.00 for israel, including the replenishment fits are in don't miss solves. there will also be a vote on $9000000000.00 in aid for gaza and us development efforts in the occupied west bank. and there's $8000000000.00 for defense of us allies in the western pacific. mostly taiwan. we have had equal, hey, and joining us now from capitol hill, so we're less than an hour away potty. how likely is it that these bills will pass as well? you know, even though say in the house for speeches for going on. it's forced our now, and you can usually get a sense of exactly which ways the legislation is leaning. i definitely get the sense that when it comes to the aid of not just taiwan, ukraine, israel, that it is going to pass. but it's going to be very interesting to see by what kind
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of margins and so what we've has for these last couple of our. busy is remembers coming up and saying what they like, what they don't like about each each of the bill. busy for example, and you create, we've heard republicans say this has given a blank check to joe biden, that it's a style made that the us should be spending that money at home from democrats were here. and some republicans were hearing that to us has a moral obligation to stand up to the russian invasion of ukraine. so going back and forth on that, a lot of political theatre, but the votes are expected to happen in fairly short order and it for now, it looks like they will pass. and what's being said about the israel bill because it's been a controversial one with an increasing number of progressives opposing any funding that will enable israel to continue with the world in java. it is very controversial and actually just sent an interview with a member of the council on american islamic relations. and he said, and this is what this organization is sudden statement that this is the breaking point for president joe biden. if he does this, that it's going to destroy any relationship he has with the air community and this
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person i spoke with. so it's not just bear with me and he's losing support in the polls. and this is true among young people and people with color and they are warning there will be political ramifications if he signs this bill, which he has said he will. the other argument they make is this takes away any leverage that the us has overs rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu state. it doesn't make any sense at all. we've already heard from one, particularly a progressive member of the us house. and here's why he said he's a no vote on his really prime minister. netanyahu has been reckless. his actions have not led to the release of the remaining hostages. he's ignored the police of the families of hostages. he's ignored the police of the president of the united states. he's ignored his own people. he's engaged in self preservation. we should not be sending offensive weapons to israel right now. and i hope that this
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body will not and a party. let me ask you then about ukraine. how big a sticking point is the a to ukraine because congress has been in gridlocked over it for many months now. it's still very much a sticking point so much so that there are 3 pretty much far right. republicans who have said, if the speaker of the house, mike johnson, which this vote to the floor which he is doing the day, will likely make a move vacate. what does that mean or means that kicked him out of his job? and it seems like they'll have the numbers to do that. in less the democrats come to his aid and they haven't indicated either way if they're going to do that. but just to give you a sense of how contentious it is within the republican party itself, we have prominent republican members of congress who have accused their fellow republican members of congress, of spouting russian propaganda on the floor of this us house of representatives. so very contentious and the reason why is the overall impulse, if you look a slight majority of americans favor,
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give you more military aid and money to ukraine. when it comes to the republican party, one new poll said 61 percent. say they don't want to give any more money anywhere, weapons to crane. so contentious issue now and is going to continue to be contentious as the election gets closer. all right, well you'll keep us across the story. thank you for the time being. we'll speaking a few crane troops fighting in the east or struggling with a shortage. if i munition i'm president, will let him as a lensky has again, urge the western allies to provide more support. that's what the russian forces continue to make. gains. charles stratford reports from near the front lines in eastern ukraine. this is a print job to, to re system close to you, grains, east and fund line one of thousands of pieces of heavy weaponry supplied by ukraine's native while i, since the war began. a soldier shows us the munition stock just 12 shows left, holding the 1000000 shows it being pledge by ukraine's back is in recent weeks,
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but they're not getting here fast enough. do you currently ministry say the right to fire is at least 6 to one. the russian on these favor of the year. so the we are trying not to leave our position. yes, the enemy is advancing. but even with this little amount of sales, we are trying to hold the we hit towards the besieged small town of chance. if y'all, russian forties occupied the eastern outskirts, russian pointed, yet subbing tomorrow between ukraine policies and along the crating on the supply routes. taking advantage of what keith has been saying for months, it's critically short of a defense or no way to a stabilization point just outside the village of just if you all the soldiers tell us that the biggest concern traveling along these very exposed roads, the circle. if you feel 1st person patient of drugs that the russians are using to search devastating dangerous effect,
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please video shows the precision of the russian f t v. cam a cause you drive an attack on an on would you trade in vehicle? you currently ministry estimate that can be up to a 100 various types of russian and ukrainian drawings operating at any one time in a given 10 columbus of radius from east in front line. the so called sugar cube and used to detect drug and sound frequency. often contact into fi who's, who's an explosion close by bits all is a medical, one of a number of so called stabilization points just outside chance if y'all were injured. so we'll just get emergency treatment before evacuation across the exposed to the hospital in a safe area and may be shown. the stucco partition to one of the biggest dangers is we can be hit by a k d or artillery at any time in the house nearby. is completely destroyed,
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we are anxious all the time. picking up the question around 10 kilometers to the west of the east. announce goods of course then to meet the next town on the part of the russian army. slo, drones rushing policies are increased really targeting the city which at a pre will population of $67000.00. but thousands of people remain the woods a clear on the destroyed railway station. who was this shows us that the enemy wants to capture, constantly difficult in order to move forward. they want to scare the civilian, instead of destroying the town. we didn't. oh, we can to stop though. ukraine will spend $5000000000.00 producing its own weapons this year, including a 1000000 drones dropping the auction for what analysts say is, keeps most critical. charlene, since it's failed counter offensive last year to hold ground against the bushes, expect you to attempt at a concentrated summit of bonds,
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child scrap it out just here and the child. see if the eastern new crane of the un security council has held a meeting on the worst thing. humanitarian situation ensued on it's been more than a year now. since fighting began between the army and paramilitary rapids support forces, the un humanitarian office emphasize the profound impact of the conflicts on children who enjoy last thing trauma. it's called on all parties to exercise maximum restraint and to avoid further bloodshed. christmas salumi has more from new york they want officials attempted to redirect international attention towards to down the conflict they are enters and the 2nd year the impact on civilians has been just devastating. and do you want officials warned that the violence is now creeping closer to l faster, which is the capital of north are for the violent suppose is an extreme and
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immediate danger to the $800000.00 civilians who reside in as last year. and it risk triggering further violence in other parts of the 4 were more than 9000000 people are in dire need of a mind to and assistance. so down the basset or to the united nations blamed his people suffering on the recess and country supplying them with weapons. he pointed to un reports that found arms flowing from chad, interested the parties have been able to sustain their confrontation. it is no small part. thanks to the material support they receive from outside the sedan. these external actors continue to float the sanctions regime imposed by the council to support a political settlement, thereby fueling the conflict. this is illegal, it is immoral, and it must stop. meanwhile, more than half of the country's population, 25000000 people are in need of life saving assistance. in more than 8600000 have
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been forced to flee their homes. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations. the united states has agreed to withdraw its troops from new share last month, the nigerian military governments, and i also end it's agreements with the us and describing it as profoundly unfair. the gentle supporters came out on the streets demand things that the american troops leads. washington operates a major drone base and the city of i guess, as an it has around a 1000 soldiers in the country. warranty is appealing for international help. after heavy rains displaced nearly a $100000.00 people and destroyed farm lines, ran has fallen with outlet ups and september after the in the new weather event extend to the annual rainy season across the region. if the sun going food reports on some of the worst affected in the east african country,


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