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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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i think the the, the, the model is the most. 05. well that has some, he was one of 10 people killed and it is really a strike and something dollars the low on money in sight. this is out. is there a life from the will? so coming up under that, but i came in front of neutrons, refugee camp in the occupied west banquet, and it's really that has been ongoing for more than 40 hours and explosion, not a ministry base and a wrong counseling, a pro, it rained the entire ministry group kills one person in the group is accusing
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israel inside and we look and why washington has agreed to abandon a 100000000 dollar base and we store it strips the as we begin in southern gaza, where parents have bid emotional farewells to children killed in a news riley as strike funerals, were held for the 10 palestinians who died in the attack on rough uh, most of the dead, where young children, a warning views may find some of the images in barbara and gulf as report stressing this mother is trying to accept, have fun hamza is gone because one of the children killed and then miss really strikes and rough uh, and southern casa the
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other women and children were also killed in the attack, the tao also tom neighborhood. 12 year old line as a cook survived. that. i mean, that's not the estimates of what we were sleeping and all of a sudden i heard my sister shouting and crying. the roof was coming down on our heads. i thought i was dreaming, but when i opened my eyes, it was all black smoke. i was buried under the debris, 13 minutes later i was pulled up and i followed the cradles the body of his daughter in disbelief to the the, despite international close to abandon transferred randomization of rough or is process going ahead with it's offensive. so united nation says won't any operations
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at risk, but lots of more than the 1000000 people has been sheltering in the city the most of the neighborhood, the house in the building were bummed. even the symmetry was not spit from the bonding. this is rough, which they say safe for the display to had to have know was published and, and parents, and also have been living with dread of losing that children for months but little can prepare them for the final. good bye barbara, and good to say, well, let's go on to topic of a zoom using rasa in southern golf. so for us topic and i believe has been no rest buys in rossa from those is riley strikes, bring us up to date with the latest ones. the yes, definitely roof has been the main focus for the is very ministry and the operations today. as they have managed to carry out a number of strikes of
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a noise that killed at least 10 palestinians, including 6 women alongside with a, including 6 children along with 3 other women in desperation, in the rough, our district. and right now, they have been intensifying the intelligence assets in order to get the most security information by the civic, being by the use of video surveillance of drones that are, who bring in a very low altitude that recently has talking to their residential house in the west twin hot to verify districts to that new casualty still now have to report it as found to be a clad in the house that was completely destroyed, fucked, loudly ruffle has been witnessing please such as really military strikes from the past a couple the weeks as a could be a please sign to the military. encouraging to be carried out. specifically in light of the is william a place mobilization of its troops near the border with a roof all along side. also with the fact that because while the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been repeatedly saying that they will carry out another
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treat and catch it for rough, our district. despite all the international pressure on that has completely being sparked from the potential a step by that trying to work on a detailed plan in order to evacuate the civilians from that area for what to go. it's clear destruction and other parts of the gaza strip, which had been on the corner compartment within the past 24 hours and tired. i've also been strikes in central garza in the reggie, i believe. what more can you tell me about that? as well as with the new york from eyewitnesses down the ground, there was no need, its helping not to re bombardments in the northern and eastern part to bundle. so ross refugee come along side with the rate as well, where 3 palestinians have been reported killed at dozens of injuries, have been recorded, of being transferred to our locks the hospital to receive medical treatment. now what we can see is that these recommend a treat. now was operating in almost
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a rock in and the areas by tools are still ongoing. that way for most fighters and the is very minute to you and this on going back to those are also a, combined by a very intense bombing campaign that destroyed recently in the past couple of hours . a pharmaceutical factory that is responsible for producing medication for palestinians across the charts, reinstate or the law. so clearly what we have been seeing also according to is very detailed reports, is that the mandatory managed to stablish to he was met a treat comes in the main to linking growth between the north of the south of the gaza strip. one on this i had the road and the 2nd one is gonna rashid roads. as these needed reports have been saying that they will be used as military chick points that will take full control over the movement over residents between the solver of parts and another part of the gaza strip as palestinians clearly. so you've that step as li escalation, that is very minute to is it trying to completely stay in the gaza strip for
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a long time as a kind of the preparation for future operations that might be released from dues to ministry bases towards multiple areas. even in the north, on the south of the gaza strip. okay, thank you for that target by zoom. the 1st in rough and southern gaza, steve foreign ministers of egypt and take a have cold on both israel wrong to exercise restraint. following tensions between the 2 countries take is con for done. emphasize the focus should remain on gaza model. those really was, you started describing our 1st priority should be ending the israeli occupation and implementing the 2 state solution formula. unless this happens, the attacks and human yesterday, the tension between iran and israel today, and another type of war tomorrow. all these will keep happening. we as took a with other friendly countries like egypt must have said the same thing from the beginning. if this crisis is not resolved in the way it deserves, if the state,
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the independence and the sovereignty that the palestinians deserve is not given on such crises, will continue increasingly in our region by the admin. in so far less getting further military conflicts threatens countries around the world, threatens egypt and threatens to kia and al totes for the minutes. the revolved around these developments in particular and the importance of joint efforts to contain the negative impacts. at least 10 palestinians have been killed in a 2 day long is where any rate in the old coupon westbank. it's been gum fi on explosions throughout the day south today until correct mass, the rest have been made as a north chums. refuge account is already full. this is also rated several homes and use folders is to destroy the homes, shots and all the critical facilities that abraham has moved from to chrome. no, i'm been since have been able to verify the number of the killed the even some of
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them according to local sources, have not been able to be carried out outside of that or for jake i'm so maybe the number would be much higher. we really don't know, because as the situation remains this key and intense, it's hard for us to know what's happening inside. and even the people who we've been speaking to with mrs. inside the refugee camp, they've been saying that they've also had difficulty to leave their homes to know what's happening outside as this operation. and this a full on that a few g come answers more than a 40 hours now with palestinians. say that they couldn't find that homes with these really forces have been raising one house after another, conducting a rough and a field investigations. but we've just seen a video, basically and reported me a, that is the members of the battalion saying that their own lives, including the head of the notions. but cindy and who has been deemed to someone who
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was wanted not just on a scale of tooth cut in, but also on the scale of the occupied to us bank as a whole. now, if indeed the members of the battalion are alive, this gives us an idea of the fact that the operation is continuing. these really wave is continuing. so maybe the failure of, let's call it if so, of a rush thing. those a one to palestinians could be related to the fact that this a fault on that as you can this read is continuing. it's not the 1st time that the refugee, the, this refugee camp of nations and to cut him a or is seeing those ways just in january. we've been here and we had a 4th of the 3 day rate so that a few jacob was seen really a lot of colors to me is saying that they've been tortured to being beaten up during those a field interrogation and at us. but from the videos we've been seeing,
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coming out of that i've seen as you come to the level of destruction seems to be much, much higher than anything we've seen before. and for some palestinians, they believe that this destruction of the infrastructure is one way is really forces is making life more and more difficult for palestinian specific paige, those who decide to go through that out of armed resistance, such as the group here in to and cut in the north shims arms battalion, the and these one pass and has been killed and 20 others have been injured during a launch explosion in a rock. it happens south of the capital, baghdad in the bible province. the base used by the radian back to popular novelization forces was hit. the power
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management group has the keys, israel of conducting the attack. united states as it was behind the explosion in rocky ministry. it's called it an accident and that they will be investigating how it happens. but some of the binge of aid is in baghdad with more at the end they need it off the most videos that we've seen. and we've heard the soldiers speaking saying that the, this was a us air strike on them. and as you can see in the crater at that this was a projectile, which was fine. now that is the other account immediately after we heard from the us, sent. com saying that it is not behind any of this in incidents and it has given that clarification to their off, the security forces is very adamant that this was an incident. they are investigating it, but so far, shying away from putting the blame on anyone and as you see multiple statements flying from multiple sources. i us, the spokesman for the rocky, a joint operations. come on, why is there such confusion? no confused action, but we're talking about the,
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what's going on or what's happening on the we need to tell the truth. we should be analyzes everything we should be received on this in, on see, and also the pick up evidence they happen at that time until now. i'm sure it's too much early to talking about what's going on, but we're talking about right now with the teams. the teams right now they worked 24 hours from yesterday night until now. and i think maybe after the bits of time they can tell us and we can tell the results from every i'm sure. and we some of some of our courses, we can to protect our country, our board go on the people on the or sensitive ton rocks on some on. so mine is a lecture on modern, middle east and politics of cambridge university. she says if israel is indeed behind the attack in a rock, it will likely lead to more incidents against rainy. in fact groups,
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i think it was very unclear whether the attacks that israel conducted against iran in the vicinity of his for han was going to be the last example of it's retaliation for the runs april 1st attack and uh, with all of the drones and other um, the direct assault on, on the as rarely states. so i think it's not clear how far as well as willing to go . and this could well fit into a longer plan to hit a number of the partners slash proxies that iran works with. and the p m use are definitely among those. the timing seems possible, but as well, certainly not claiming responsibility, it rarely does. so that in itself is not significant and the united states has definitely said that it was not involved. so it is very speculative. there is
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a longer plan here of if that is israel, that, that did that, that there could then be quite a few more of these because he run has proxies up what i prefer calling partners in, in various places. and i think that would imply that there is a chapter to to this process. and israel's mind, as the united states has agreed to restore its troops from new shad last month, the new era in ministry government announced would end its agreement with us describing it as profoundly on fast the dentist suppose as came out on the streets demanding the american troops leave, washington operates a major drone base and the city of august and has around a 1000 soldiers in the country. can bear a downloads of security on this and says the situation in new jersey is unlikely to improve in the near future. are you committed to major driver of this anti width and so on to imperialism the sentiments of the quarter to include the failure of
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democracy? and then of course, the united delete the of the presence of, um, you know, this military with the military present. and if i help to prevent or reduce the security challenges at the moment, if i had, it's probably the most think you were to challenge redone of the wall despite the presence of width. and so it doesn't in the region. so citizens of those countries are asking the question, we have, you know, i've missed, but yet you're not protecting those need unfortunately doesn't look like it's going to be very different from a, for us, russia. it's to replace the us on, on the front of the case may be the russians. they didn't do that in money where, where they've been bred present for more than 2 years. they didn't 2014 and 5. so at the moment, more than half of the territory of but you know, 5 so it's being controlled by them. they know to tar, we've done all the insides and groups still ahead on the al jazeera ukraine face is a shortage of munition. while us competitions vote on sending more ministry inc. 6,
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[000:00:00;00] the hello. there's been more funding in buckets on this time in punjab. providence not too far away from upon we had water logged roads just because of how much rain we saw within a short period of time. the stratford most focused on on sundays, still a few showers for that eastern side of afghanistan, but the most intense stuff has now started to peter out. there is a story of intense heat through india. so colors are on dark, the red, the hotter it is. looking the northeast coal cut to $41.00 degrees. the high for you on sunday. still pumping in humidity off the south. china sea. here for china is hand an island northern vietnam. but with this smallest, are off the south china sea. it's giving us some major storms in southern china.
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this was inc. one dung providence. you know, in some spots we could see a month's worth of rain over the next few days. really concentrated toward gwen g, one dung and fuji and profit and says, then there's ships over these trying to see it runs into southern japan. in fact, all of japan's main orleans under the weather alerts for heavy rainfall. but that was with rain for a q issue island on sundays. so let's try to seen some funding there. well, in this weather report in indonesia right now, more rain to come for sumatra island and some burst of rain to go for a central driver profit. and so the risk of funding here too, bye for now. the now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict design is i'm a judy as a, but it was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what, this is where the tough questions are,
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as can you see negotiations being even happen? this is the most important thing that you're going to and bushy, cold, unapologetic, i'm just upfront on out 0 the the the you're watching out. is there a mind at the top stories this hour, at least 9 people have been killed in southern gaza, often is rarely asked for life on a family home. children are among those who died in rock. as ro continues targeting the city warehouse of districts population is sheltering. and is there any rate in
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the pod westbank has entered its 2nd day at least 5 people have been killed in the operations. and dozens of palestinians have been arrested feet nor shuns rescue. at least one person has been killed and 20 others injured, an explosion asking the wrong she's been that she may sound and find that to face is use finding a rainy in fact, popular mobilization forces which has the keys, israel. the time the union troops fighting in the east of the country are struggling with an acute shortage of ammunition. president, florida. mm. is lensky has again, uh, west and allies to provide more defense systems. this russian forces continue to make gains. charles traffic reports from near the front lines. nissan ukraine. this is a french all to, to re system close to you. greens, eastern front line,
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one of thousands of pieces of heavy weaponry supplied by ukraine's native while i, since the war began. a soldier shows us the munition stock. just 12 shows left. hold on the 1000000 shows have been placed by ukraine's back is in recent weeks. but they're not getting here fast enough. ukrainian ministry say the rate of fire is at least $6.00 to $1.00, and the russian armies favor the years. so the we are trying not to leave our position. yes, the enemy is advancing. but even with this little amount of shelves, we are trying to hold the we hit towards the besieged small town of chance. if y'all, russian forties occupied the east announce goods russian pointed yet subbing tomorrow between ukraine policies and along the crating on the supply routes. taking advantage of what cube has been saying for months, it's critically short of a defense more no way to
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a stabilization point just outside the village of chest. if you all the soldiers tell us of the biggest concern traveling along these very exposed roads. the circle is real 1st vision of drugs that the russians ukrainians were using to search devastating dangerous effect. please video shows the precision of the russian f t v cam a cause you drive and attack on an on wood ukrainian vehicle. ukraine ministry estimate that can be up to a 100 various types of russian and ukrainian drawings operating at any one time in a given 10 columbus of radius from east in front line to sort of the so called sugar cube a used to detect drug and sound frequency often contact into fi who's, who's an explosion close by bits all these america, one of a number of so called stabilization points just outside chance if y'all were injured. so we'll just get emergency treatment before evacuation
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a cost exposure spiel. store hospital in a safe area may be shown to the stucco patricia, to one of the biggest dangers is we can be hit by a k d or artillery at any time in black. the house nearby is completely destroyed. we are anxious all the time. around 10 kilometers to the west of the east. the mounts goods of course, then to meet the next town on the part of the russian army. slo, drones rushing policies are increasingly targeting the city which at a pre will population of $67000.00. but thousands of people remain the woods of clear on the destroyed railway station, who would be the person who was this shows us that the enemy wants to capture constantly difficult in order to move forward. they want to scared the civilian. instead of destroying the town, we didn't oh, we can to stop though. ukraine will spend $5000000.00 producing its own weapons
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this year, including a 1000000 drones dropping the auction for what analysts say is, keeps most critical. charlene since expired counter offensive last year to hold ground against russia's expected attempt at a concentrated summit of bonds. charles, prep it out as here, a new chance if the eastern new crime the us house of representatives, is set to vote on 4 separate bills with $95000000000.00 and for an aid off to months of pumps and deadlocks. the 1st bill is $61000000000.00 for ukraine, which includes defense, humanitarian aid, and cash to keep its company running. the 2nd is $17000000000.00 for israel, including the replenishment of its iran, a road, and other missiles that will also be averse on $9000000000.00 and aid for gaza and us development methods in the occupied west bank. finally,
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there's $8000000000.00 for defense of us allies in the western pacific. basically, taiwan has a cold hain, has moved from washington dc on what will come next in congress as well. this has been a long in small to us process and you really never know what's going to happen when the boat started happening and an individual house members could offer amendments trying to make mischief. but it is widely expected that all of these funding bills will pass with bipartisan support. the us said it was supposed to be in recess and they stayed this weekend. so if these votes pass, they will go right to the senate, and then it goes to president biden's desk president, go by his desk and he should be able to sign it. and just a matter of days when it comes to ukraine, i spent a lot of time is the pentagon this past week. and they said that once it's approved, they'll be able to start getting those. what you crane says they desperately need into the country within a matter of days. so that's going to be the process it is expected to pass. but by breaking up these bills, it's going to be really telling because sometimes,
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and if it's like one big. busy numbers are less likely to send a message. they may be for israel support against ukraine's forever. so this will allow all $435.00 of them to send a message and we're going to be watching when it comes to ukraine. just how big of a faction are the republicans who are again sending for an aid. as you know, the former president, donald trump, is railed against it, saying that at the very least it should be loans that you create has to pay back. and when it comes to the israel vote, we're going to get a real sense of just how many progressive democrats really started to stop supporting israel's. and that's going to be very interesting. they the vote start at 1730 g m t up 1st is the help for taiwan. then ukraine, then a to israel, and then a 4th fail which would do things like band tick tock and perhaps target russian assets in the united states. so that bill, the 4th bill might have, might be a little bit more controversial, but we do expect all 3 will pass. i was as
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a volkswagen fonts and the southern us stays at tennessee, how they said to join a union employees vacant by 73 percent in favor of joining the national united auto workers. the decision defines the trends in the southern policy, united states, west or an or to make us have benefitted from union rules certainly has been held in the canyon capital and on a if the ministry chief who died in a helicopter across the years president, when he retired on top conversations, paid tribute to the general francis monday or color. he was among 10 senior officials who died in 1st days crash. yeah, croft went down shortly off to take off north west of the capital city and harvey. steve unsecure as a council, as held a meeting on the worsening humanitarian crisis in sou don, is cooled on old policies to exercise maximum restraints and avoid for blood. should christians to lead me?
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has no you want. officials attempted to redirect international attention towards the sudan, past the conflict they are enters and 2nd year. the impact on civilians has been just devastating. and do you want officials war and that the violence is now creeping closer to l faster, which is the capital of north are for the violence poses an extreme and immediate danger to the $800000.00 civilians who reside in as last year. and it risk triggering further violence in other parts of the 4 where more than 9000000 people are in dire need of a mind to and assistance. so downs and bassett, or to the united nations blamed his people suffering on the recess and country supplying them with weapons. he pointed to the un report that found arms flowing from chad, interested. the parties have been able to sustain their confrontation. it is no small part,
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thanks to the material support they receive from outside the sedan. these external actors continue to float the sanctions regime imposed by the council to support a political settlement, thereby fueling the conflict. this is illegal, it is immoral, and it must stop. meanwhile, more than half of the country's population, 25000000 people are in need of life saving assistance. in more than 8600000 have been forced to flee their homes. chris and salumi al jazeera, the united nations, a group of displaced student needs office. he lost everything in the slicing, say that ok, give some strengths my home and file has the story from the northeast and city of ports who down or they were only able to bring a few of the musical instruments, say to him at 1st the type of thing got paid to escape with colleagues from the fighting on vermont and ended up in port. so then after
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a long treacherous journey from a classroom that serves us both home and workshop, they say they're trying to do 5. so that's last memory target and it can be other than what we do within the last was huge. at least 5 of our colleagues have been killed. the majority of those to survive have left to dawn. so our numbers are diminishing and very few remain who mass are the skills required for a continuation of the cultural heritage. and that we try to preserve in this quote, quote you on a group of ethical octaves, rehearse and educational play commissioned by a local and joe, that's why getting the government, i mean, as a large number of performance thing to give a, we had either to sit idly, by is displaced, individuals wasting for handouts, for as creative people in that stop doing something


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