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tv   101 East Nepals Kung Fu Nuns  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST

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some drugs and crime says drug trafficking is soaring across these. i have a region field in conflict and instability and send a goal. police of sees the biggest strengths whole on the land route. i'll just say it was nicholas hawk report. smith said, i'm gonna use capital doc of after 3 years in a crowded prison cell in downtown to car, this man whom we're calling off made has become a shadow of his former self. the syria national was arrested for drug trafficking, a charge he denies. he says he was burnt by his girlfriend, meaning she used him to transit drugs through sending go without his knowledge. the judge found him innocent and ordered his release. but he says that the traffic of cocaine from latin america and has, she's from morocco, is on the rise. so me, traffic hers are in jail about, oh, there's a, there's so many nationalities in prisons, syrians, colombians, italians, french, moroccans, libyans, spaniards, old because of the international traffic of drugs. it's an extraordinarily well
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organized trade. on the most western point of africa, facing the americas, sending goal has become a major transit point for drug traffickers, according to the u. n. and drug enforcement agencies. in 2023, at least 6 tons of cocaine was seized with a st value of $420000000.00. that's doubled the budget of synagogues ministry of education. the drugs were likely destined for europe anymore. and so we got into the center, please, maybe have his dozens of boats assignment, but there are so many more that go undetected. last monday customs officers discovered one ton of cocaine, hidden in the back of a truck on its way to neighboring molly, according to report from the un office on drugs and crimes, the drugs trade is funding arm groups linked to al qaeda and i so active in this how and fueling the conflict. in order to process a hand, they would need to be effects on the specs would be what we now see of this i got so, or you know, at tech stuff,
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you need to be to be able to go through. extensive parts of the territory, including throughout this i couldn't seem to also leave you on. uh, you know, this could represent 2 percent. it was rivers and 5 percent. you could re percent 1.5 percent. but this is a huge volume of illegal illegal activity coming to this whole and also to the west africa. the elicit traffic of drugs has a human toll. time in jail has left ahmed, broken. he's in search of his former self. he says he's just another casualty. of what appears to be an unstoppable and blooming trade. nicholas hawk out as he right . the car will not say it for me. baron jordan from avenues continues here on, i'll just say are up to one on one. is state to, doesn't want to, in the, or the
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challenges on a hilltop in the pool. women kick, jump and slice through the a know ordinary come from fighters. they all produced really given me a lot of confidence and it has made me physically very fit and mentally, very strong. determined to break down 10 devices in the south asian nation. the numbers also work outside the nunnery, helping new phone ripple women. and to educate your young goals, see a sense of how my lane are similar to what i was on the looks of the new money yard
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dumpsters pres, of limits and help clean the streets of the bustling capital. but not everyone supports that work for samantha. no vote for this. one. got sports. do you enjoy that? i mean, i'm just like you haven't done my dogs, but you'd have it put need to know if i've used my name. again, i'm with miss sale that i'm a good fan is on the dock waste beach that com food on monday. the high above the pools capital got do. does of women going through the paces some morning training? you know, vs jake,
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may you she had to on to follow names of the that since for am i to the day they did have, you know, nobody in the dining. that was a dated housing as code up on the left, like it was all on his holiday. now. i'm well as a video of engineering and did issue go to china and selected the miami for q for see guy on somebody who's a level, a strong feeling. i train a chick by control how? i'm all these the daily stretching session of the took a me to the mountain nunnery, the about the 300 good. his numbers live here. some as young as 9 years old. come through an ancient ma slot for centuries. considered all limits for women,
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but these items trained for 2 hours every day, working on a strength and agility a teacher consult, has been practicing, come through within a decade and says it's changed to life from my own personal experience, i would say that it has really given me a lot of confidence and it has made me physically very fit and mentally very strong . so we are like ready prepared for any kind of situation. even if it's like our way or any major disaster or even if it's like some work we do, we do a lot of work actually like a, an image of this do and cleaning campaign. so it gives us trend in that way. it has made us very like, strong to all activities. nobody's you. she came here when she was 11 years old, leaving a family behind this small village. since then,
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her daily life and the nunnery has revolved around studying meditation on food. but the she is considered gifted the so the 17 year old is now expected to spend more time furthering has studies buddhism, due to the 2 year old jake made things in general. she's mentally dentist and then i'm, i get to go again. today. she's teaching her a traditional jobs and a he, i guess he, he get an id to do a lot. now. do can sound guided guided imagery oddity gutierrez, so that one's defending you to do less on this address. he's a good man,
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so he just has to do that to include the good is there way to get on with income based on about some of the the time i have, which is similar to what it is to get him cuz you were to go to his hagen, company, i guess the, i guess the left brain is on his way. oh yeah. we had been in business. yeah. what do you do? well, i mean, just establish a new ends of which ones within the survey and did some demo united the time. i love the she, me time, that's a good thing. 100 times love the love this service. i kind of the guy that just the to determine the somebody named the nuns who live at the so called white monastery
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are among the 9 percent of buddhist in, predominantly hendo nicole as they belong to the order of buddhism, which was founded 800 years ago. to bet it's time for motors. how do to join, how, how does the study say things in teachers into bathroom the language old moms of the older misled what ever they come from then? that's it or i didn't did. did you members today on monday that so on so gone, gone by and gates issue then then you this has a gets acknowledged. you imagine that going on when you're using boston in ones who would do i looked up what the, what, how the, the look on known i added the to a genetic age been genetic. i did that help of the to citizen, but to keep phones. i'm gonna give it the luggage gab, do bundle with honey. the one that almost hung up was in the extra to fit it.
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excellent because it was, i didn't know when i went and they can do 2 of the ones that they didn't give. do kachimba cut out and kept doing any good testing at it, and this is, i think there's a lot of the, the still going to put are going to go to the say now are you going to tell you on my, the with and that gives you the ability to do like i'm doing, i'm going to talk to you or to give the so he already designed them to mobily by let's do god are locked all by lizzie, by lovely. now the now to hear this a got a lot deal on the ask of though these are logged in, such a matter. the way it can be tighter does home from sunfish, most assessment, and we'll get in 2018 just to module one. when you call me when you're going to
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wonder if so whenever i like to know valid. so can you give me a job? i never knew no need to move and and problem. when did you move? wonder when you go in and find them on that pad manager won't have anita me when you're the ones i switched over by to i'm even going to the shop and you might look at is the google gosh to run it out of that this of the guys are still in, you know, to move into an 11 by some to 100 of them. and the 1st name is the diode dollar to live on the local deal. white on the newer one by side i'm was on the on the other is still going guys. how leave to level are supposed with our son as startled? are someone ever seen it out?
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a new wile avenue wisely to get it expired. i don't, i'm, i'm not the, the, the numbers meditate to work together. this week he, she is assigned to kitchen duty living in such close quarters. they developed strong bones, but entering the not really doesn't mean cutting ties with the families. 5 on long me funny. that's huh. i'm a good guy like a bob of his knows all the stuff we're going to did. you need on a tony to know the status of the nitty
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away from the chip, chip tunes in and other senior nuns addressing and symbolic outfits to perform the key need of this just putting on the heavy cost you and this is a science in itself. this all the time either puts you into less. oh yeah. the to love. do anything to the dentist. now. logistics country, country, dental and vision, valencia don't forget deep good. now i'm just the, i'm in a minute. i yeah. do you want to me on a street is not open to the public dunces and rituals here. a solely spiritual
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practice. this ceremony nobody's doing is responsible for 70 you to have fellow sisters as they prepare for the down or the like a come to choose like this tradition the theme, the domain of manner in the pool. we put his notice, relegated to background roles, but these women don't abide by traditional customs to dictate what they can't and comp do with the inside or outside of the nunnery. the so for some, for linda jackson, jackson lives on the list doesn't look as see
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the numbers of the dream per order, not only dedicated to their own further development. they also believe that life's mission is to help of the size it. mm hm. yeah. a, the a that is that one as a did a did of course you like us today, the sheet things in the other nuns preparing to visit a nearby orphanage outside the nunnery was there's a daily struggle for survival of elastic work, clean water and health care across the country, the at the orphanage, the children are waiting for them. the,
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the numbers have brought them much needed supply to see my last name, gill of she has a diverse several chair by so good. see that? i'm ruth, that we had done the numbers then was age nation. i don't know. my wife come over that cool. alicia and, and what's a good one with the that, you know, subject on the last and other levels and by like, got the color printed on the, you know, the left was all of our like it in your mother's got them laid them. christie, like fields missions like being to be part of you. she's a regular routine from now on yeah,
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i that or not, and i did, they might have the good is that, and i look at these in a way of when you months of the gonna buy it. i don't cause you way that's a is and when i was younger, generous, i'm over at the he made a virus on my business to log in to them. they didn't tell me that it was you right . that sounds about 20 boys and goes age between $3.18 as if in the orphanage. yeah, they are using so that's for the mic. the kind of thing
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that it was a all guy to this is the for the news. in the meantime, 3 young girls who wants to become nuns arrived at the white monastery kind of got on the rug. are they? they will live alongside the young notices you today. you. she is helping several of them in the on the middle of the he shocked you shop when the funny what to buy it and i'll give you the so come in your life tender and your life a going to uh, buying a bunch of enough kick it with them, so i'm ready to run up like an s t. then what do you mean? they see the moment when they go unlimited team increases all the name, but she would like to some of us a win win 700. that is good and give us to
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us to some of the cabinet. i'm just gonna, i need to mail new any. and the moment of woodenville 18 years old, we should go one way. we got your voicemail goodbye. the cutting place all the way that we get it. i need a new my get number later is down level and even need to finish up to you on this issue. oh wait a minute, my number and my, my ticket is the model. good deal that i need to get to the flexion because of the 1st new arrivals at the nunnery says the corporate 19 pandemic. the head don't now have 2 months to consider whether they want to stay
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in. i'm like, oh yeah, but the thing is taking them on top of the mentality. i need to see how does any kids who called the rival, if the new goes, let's put the sheet in the role of an older sister. she tells them all about baby life and the nunnery and the little about testing i wanted to ask you to quit or given the funding and this data for the so such are some other things such as those and then the research here, let's see these things been going here for some reason, the
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bills and the women in the himalayas still face much discrimination. lack of appropriate education. combined with a reluctance to discuss topics like menstruation leads to exclusion and health problems. determined to break that through the numbers, visit schools to, to open the student sufficient. let me let me onto the a minstrel hygiene, provide them and pass us of hi joseph. this is the bundle. like you know how the humanities in my kids have any most or lodging before i go back to the feel a lot less i'm sending the or you mess up in la on. i mean that you might in mind, you that might throw in a bite of them and you live and it's up and down. so me to put all the money going to be $33.00 and on the combo, then it is to did as owns on the,
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i mean the numbers explained to the go out what happens inside the bodies every, the one that it's a long take. so maybe this is the 1st time they're learning such a fact that it's like, don't send me to get this. you get this every now, do you collect the addition machine? my tell by dollars of the last couple of dollars. a box 626 upon my lane. i seemed much upon the original ends of that. um, that is the way it looks. now. did you need money you? i didn't, i don't have a genius has on that dish, but which was what was the name and do that's the answer then send you. and if i'm like, if these are the same, i told him i didn't need to let you know that the master that on the subject of con food was the moving like nice. it's clear, the groceries come from makes it easier for them to relate to the numbers of letting valuable health lessons d 9 that gives the now by not just upon like a destiny main color to me for me. i would you, me how go in for them would you?
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yeah that's, that's the thing you came in and that's what would you do? i need a switch and i say my logic in this is how much in his job teaching michigan, yolanda within that, then they owned by always in the nuns distribute to sign up for products to the goes along with a message of female empowerment gender equality. but the long held views on women as roles a prove hard to change. i respect to of those. uh, you know, try this no. and the so i should also get married uh, have a side the of the lack of the white mother street, the nuns, a doing some maintenance work from painting to electrical repairs.
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they then practical skills and aim to be self sufficient. there are no traditional gender roles here, tasks equally distributed from the practical to the spiritual. the ultimate goal is to help those around the, to the 3 new goals. there's a lot to teach in. if they discover what kind of future awaits
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if they stay now have to do without to many of the things that teenage friends take for granted. but they'll also learn a new way of life. the aims to contribute to the broader community. the government do is played by pool at quality, probably caused by burning rubbish as the city struggles to deal with the way students produced by residents. so every saturday morning, different items from the white monastery headed out onto the streets to help clean up the the the estimate the number
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of one know how many i mean there my dont need to know my name again. i'm elizabeth sale that i'm a good fan and so i mean down below. so say taking that account for your name. okay . awesome. the we need you to get put in the cobra with just the dental. i'm just thinking, well, i mean you been a update if you let me know that that contribution to environmental protection is only a drop in the bucket. but still, they like to set an example with their actions. they haven't always found outside the ministry, but these not determined to bring down the barriers. this alone constrains the women of the pool. we have breaking a lot of feelings. a lot of things that nuns were not allowed to do from doing must
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dance to bring back in the dance to doing up there like leading the affairs in the temple that was like on unusual things. and there were a lot of people from outside who would just go to sizing because they, as they had a very, like, always thinking off and then just sitting on the question and maybe didn't put the groupons sitting on a cushion meditating is not enough. and obviously she already has big plans or future do the uh your things with the new stuff and the need to do with that said i know to, to reduce the piece would you're tight, i'm real good, but we're not russian government supplement the . 7
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to goes to the polls on april, the 21st to vote on new plans to come back. criminal gang and find toby. nice crime . can president daniel nibble and convinced ecuadorian to approve the constitutional for food to expand the lease and military power. follow the story. one now to sierra how well it's, it's rant that who pays the price. when are we can to clean up to new orleans more than 1200 for black people lost their lights? not a single rich american. less than like the real cost of the climate to emergency the most vulnerable people who are suffering are poor people. but even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. outages here as new series dying us off to the how are being a journalist, is that privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who
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have been drowned out by the noises of war is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks, we're just going to try to pick up as a safety position. reading the trying to find ignored the truth. it's a challenge. i'm a huge responsibility. we keep one of the issues of decision makers in check. so the devastating human tossed up their decisions. the reason the soldiers base themselves in this house is because it's actually edges of the janine refugees tab . and from here they have, it's their view of working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice as relevant to so that this mode that unites us, that divides us on counting the costs. germany is being gauging with china on trade one console in breakup. with badging materials,
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currency has rebounded all the economic for phones working and we speak to the president of the un general assembly about has close action on sustainability council. the cost on al jazeera, the prod explosion that a base and a rock used by the permanent should prove that popular mobilization forces at least 20 people are in the warm down. jordan, this is out just a real life from doha. also coming up at least 5 people are killed in the occupied westbank during balance between is ready forces unpublished and in fights. us people have been killed by his randy as strike west of the building. 34000
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protestant hymns have not been killed by israel since officer and ukraine. once a defense systems from nathan memphis has presidents, the landscape are just a lot.


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