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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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worth hearing, the blast that a base and there at off used by the paramilitary group, popular mobilization forces, at least 3 people are in the i'm how much i'm doing this is out 0 live from don't also coming up at least 5 people are killed in the occupied westbank during violence between is really forces and palestinian fighters. a people have been killed by and is really airstrike west of profile. within 34000 palestinians have been killed by israel's since october. the president will let him is. lensky urges nato to speed up its military aid and says, it must decide if it's you brains out. the
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we're starting with breaking news coming out of it off a large glass has been reported south of the capital bucket dad in the bible province. a military base used by the parent military group. popular mobilization forces has been hit. at least 3 people are injured. the west corby is a senior fellow at the center for american progress and a former us assistant secretary of defense. he joins us from washington, d. c. lawrence at a time of such great tension in the region. how does this attack in the right off impact things going forward? so well, basically, i think it puts the ball now in a ranch cord to see if they're going to respond to the attacks that were, get against the rad yesterday and added to this. they try to
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downplay what happened yesterday. the real question is, will they take this and say, now we've got to do something and then you'll get into a circle of the escalation. you know, lawrence, we were talking last hour about the fact that one of the things that more and more members of that office government have been demanding of the us is a complete, drawn down of us forces in there. at off, there are around $2500.00 us service personnel in that right off to this day. i'm curious to get your thoughts about what happens on that front, especially at a time when just this past week. you had how much she asked down and he's the prime minister of right off visiting washington dc, meeting with us president joe biden. where does this place the us are it off he relationship? well, ever since the united states went back to a rock at their invitation, remember what under the wall like a god doing?
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they asked us to leave. we did, but then they asked us to come back and deal with the situation with the isis or as they were known. then as al qaeda ever since then, the government in a rock which has to have the support of the shias who are beholden to a ran, who has talked about us leaving, stopping are all our actions and you know, our military role and everything. but when push comes to shove a you don't see them saying get out by this date. for example, when the rocky leader was here this week, he didn't even bring it up. i mean, he didn't say anything publicly. i'm here to talk to president biden about getting your troops out. so it's been one of those kind of dances that has gone on ever since up. we've been back in a rock, lawrence, the reports that we're getting up until now, is it? this was a military base used by the popular mobilization forces. that's what was hit in
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a dock. now i want to ask you about the fact that in the 24 hours leading up to e, ron's attack on israel. you had the islamic resistance in their adults. that's that umbrella. group of, of armed groups and paramilitary groups that are either affiliated with or backed by e. ron and that are in the off. and they had said that if israel or the us strikes, eat on or any allies of it on, including right off in the days to come, that there would be retaliation. so based on what you're seeing happening at this hour in dogs, where does this go from here as well? i will tell you that. so if they do retaliate, we'll do the same thing. we did took the pedestal off after they led the attacks that ended up killing 3 americans and jordan. the fact of the matter is we've had over
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a 100 attacks on american forces in the last decade by groups under the control or sponsored by, by a ran. so the real question is, would they do that? now, after we were tolerated against critique, pittsville law ran directed them to stop the attacks on american forces there and we haven't had any attacks and quite a while. all right, that's lawrence corby easy, former us assistant secretary defense joining us from washington dc. thanks for being with us here on alger 0 alliance day. thank you for having me. all right, let's cross now to him i would, i would do i had joining us from the donkey capital budget that much more in an earlier statement. the popular mobilization forces had blamed american aggression for this attack, but they're no longer saying that correct. where do things stand right now? what's the latest your here?
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well know how much, despite the fact that some voice is popular mobilization forces earlier a blamed it on the u. s. although it is blamed it on is right is but as of now, only a few minutes ago, the operation inherent resolve has just posted on x. the coalition forces did not participate or strike locations in a rock, were monitoring, get ports over an incident in georgia for the 2nd, which is in babylon, of province in the southern, in the south of the dad. and remain prepared to support our iraq key part. so remember that to similar operations that used to be counted out by u. s. forces at targeting get locations and ministry sites. use the by popular and mobilization forces over the past 86 months as counter attacks. remember that during the 6 the past 6 months as this is lubbock resistance,
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that includes it. 5 major, a rocky ministry groups aligned with the it on have been targeting u. s. and coalition forces minutes. the facilities in iraq and city a, a dozens of attacks and they used to get it counter attacks by the us in some cases of killing it, ministry commanders with the popular mobilization at forces. but according to the security of the head of the security committee in babylon, and that is what the government of how much he has to that he says that it, 5 explosions were caused by a he suggesting a drone and told him to admit its recites, used by the popular and mobilization forces, that's the part of minutes, a group which it works under the estate and institutions administrative institution that belongs to the iraqi government here in iraq. so i wouldn't,
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this is locals. the sources in babylon say that they've heard the explosions loud and diesel. the psalms of smoke at blue link in the sky at sea with defense civic defense team is rushed to the to the side and also and investigation team has been sent from by that to babbling it, to a continue investigation. remember that it, it, since the it january, it says get the attack that it was cut, it would, by a lucky it has butler brigades, which is aligned with the one that's part of the 11th resistance. that's corporation. and generally that it was counted out against a total of $22.00 on the jordanian cdm border. that is a u. s. submitted to be signed until 3 us soldiers and in june about 40 of those since that attack, which was followed by a counter attack by the states in a rocking by the dad killing. get
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a high ranking military commander with get to it. has the law says that isn't that we have been, we have been witnessing new rules of engagement between these lemme resistance and the united states, decreasing that tax and counter at the x. right. that's how these, here's my point. i've been why had live for us from both about thanks so much more in the occupied west bank at least 5 people have been killed in violence between is rarely forces and palestinian fighters. a large number of people have been arrested after and is really raid in the nordstrom's refugee camp, if it's less than ours is really forces also rated several homes. while military bulldozers destroyed houses, shops and other critical facilities in north shops have this in heard, has more on the raids she reports from occupied. the source is really forces still operating in the notice shelves. refugee camps more and military, bulldozers and vehicles were seen going into the camp in 2 we've got them in the
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occupied was to bag just recently in the last hour or so at least 5 palestinians were killed among them. these really are me, says they have killed a leader of one of the 2 brigades. they're revered as the leader. they said this is a person they were intending to target in this rain, but the rate is still not over. no residents of the notice jumps refugee camp say that this is some of the worst destruction they've seen in decades. that's been caused by these really army. we've seen footage coming out of this rate over the last day or so in broad daylight is really forces even firing at a busy intersection, killing a 14 year old. so this is still quite an active situation in the occupied west bank . the at least 8 palestinians have been killed and then is really air a strike on a residential home west to verify in southern gaza. this comes of several western
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countries or warning against and is really ground in person instead of within 1500000 palestinians displaced from elsewhere and gaza due to israel's war, are currently sheltering in the under. here is how the my mood has more from girlfriend in southern gods that we learned from our source of the jar hospital. that one young woman was gold and silver and other injuries or sheltering in the vicinity of the targeted house in a 3 schools, astrology. and all the debris this wrap, no spill on that preschool going that one woman and also injury several other people including its children and other people at the vicinity of the preschool as well. also about that really did not last for so long, and the misery continues and the suffering continues, as is really military can do it as the found across the goal is to serve an earlier hours in the western part of java city, more residential, targeted and more public facilities has been destroyed or severely damaged by their
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relentless ears, price including the shelter refuge account that has been a major side of the month. was the target please more, more than 80 percent of the shutters, you're going to have been destroyed completely. and those people happened to be in this residential home or the display of family members who were at other parts of government city without being a lee. and if from the horror of the ongoing farm and same thing happened of done with one district neighborhood in northern part of the city was another residential home was targeted and destroyed on other civil people were reported to allow the baptist hospital a defend 3rd part of augusta, anyone does read a military continue this attached and further north valley on camera bridge, evaluate down reliability and the entire eastern area, part of the ongoing military operation to establish a bumper zone that is already eating up 60 percent of the total area of the gaza. strip just further shrinking the size of an already small part of that. a sermon
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global calls for restraint after and a parent is really droned, strike against iran. the head of it runs, army says air defense is shot down 3 unknown objects over is behind province. around and media say a nuclear side and the military base and the vicinity have not been damaged. it really is yet to comment in the us secretary of state. and to me blinking has underlined that us forces were not involved. comes after is real threatened to attack you, ron again, after that runs thrown and missiles strike on saturday. that in turn was a response to an is really attack on your bronze consulate building and syria. sourcing. jabari is following the developments from the iranian capital to iran. according to the head of ron's army, major general abdur rahim loose, ivy erodes air defense system, were activated over the skies s on province early on friday morning. they did manage to down 3 small unknown objects and the head of the army said
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that's no damage has been sustained to any military facilities in that area. we do know that there is a military air base in that area just outside of us for home city. but according to officials, nothing has been damaged. and there is an investigation that is underway to determine where these drones were launched from and who was behind the attack. the international atomic energy agency is said that there is no damage sustained to any of the countries. 6 nuclear facilities and the head of the agency, a russell grossi has urge restraints and highlighted the fact that a nuclear facilities should not be part of any military conflict. there is a sense that things are still very tense, but whether or not this is the final or response by israel is unclear. what is clear is that this attack has been successfully withheld by iran and its forces for the time being whether or not anything else will happen in the coming hours or days
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remains to be seen. for now, there doesn't seem to be any appetite here to further escalate the situation between iran and israel. door such a vari, ultra 0 tower on a still a head on alger 0. do you in says gang violence and the haiti is out of control with the number of murders surging since the start of the, the i go to goes to the poles on april the 21st to boot or new plans to come back. criminal gang and find toby nice, cried ken, president, daniel nebo, and convinced ecuadorian to approve the constitutional performance to expand police and military power. follow the story on out tuesday, around in the vietnam war, the us army use the highly toxic her with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later,
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the same happened, the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the case for 2 women fought for just to get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange. my knowledge is 0. the killing of i'll just return it is shooting of a hawk. that was not an isolated event. it highlighted the whole question of press freedom of turn in a skilled one, doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction of the terms of the 0 world looks at the number of journalist skills into occupied palestinian territories, which has increased dramatically during the war on gods and at the problems of holding any one accountable for their death. shooting the messenger $10.00 to 0. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching on the 0 reminder of our top stories. this our at least 8 palestinians have been killed and then it's really air strikes on a residential home. what's the profile in southern gaza within 1500000 palestinians, internally displaced by israel's war, or sheltering when the fire causes southern most. at least 5 people have been killed in violence between his really forces and callous to me and fighters in the occupied west bank arch numbers of people have been arrested during and is really raid in north shunts refugee camp. this lasted for hours. at least 3 people are injured following a blast south of paradox, capital bus back in donald trump, military base used by the term military group. popular mobilization forces has been hipped. all right, joining us live from washington dc is rich outs and he's a geo political consultant and
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a non resident senior fellow with the atlanta council earlier. he was with the military and the state department rich. i'm curious to get your response to what's happened in or it off in the last couple of hours at a time of great tension in the region. 1000000 people say that really things are on the precipice of potentially a large scale conflagration. where does this lead? thanks. well, the 1st thing we have to say is that it's hard based on the videos that come out on social media to do forensic analysis of a precise nature. so to know exactly whether it was an air strike, for instance, uh, and what sort of ordinance was use was it a drawn, wasn't an aircraft. there's also possibilities of sabotage and explosion of the base culture to the nearest country. and a buell province is in a predominately shi uh, area. so we wouldn't expect that this would have been, for instance, as long as the state or something that is confirmed that it was an aircraft that raises the question american or is rarely or some other short. i think it unlikely
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that would be american because the by the ministration has been trying to tamp down on regional tensions and so carefully. choreographing limits on the exchange of fire directly between the iranians and he is rarely use that machine. yeah, this attack would be more in line with what is real has done below the threshold of direct attacks on the wrong regionally they've attacked iranian back, militias frequently and kind of continuously in syria, interact less so. but this might be another message to iran saying if you're going to use his malott, potentially, or a mazda is approaches to attack us, we will attack your proxies, interact in syria ridge. i was reporting from bug dad when iran attacked israel last week. and in the lead up to that attack, you had the slaw mc resistance in there at all. that's that umbrella, group paramilitary groups, an arm groups that are either affiliated with or backed by, you know, on a they issued
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a statement saying that if either israel or the west were to attack your on, or allies of your on, including at, on that there would be which highly ation. now you say that from your perspective, it's unlikely. this is the west. if there is a claim, a responsibility. if it turns out that perhaps israel were behind, is weird, is that put things going forward? well 1st i do think it's unlikely that they'll only attack publicly if it was them, but that is generally not been their modus operandi. but let's say it becomes broadly known or inferred that it was indeed and is really tact. this would put another degree of stress and strain on the relationship i think, between president binder and benjamin netanyahu. why? because the us presence in iraq is already sort of on precarious splitting. there's movements in iraq apartments to have us troops and sort of moved out or expelled from the country. we've got tensions between the around back militias and the curtis on region where we have where the united states has bases and forces. and
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there, there have been some calls from the for the p. m f, actually, to destroyer to directly attack the american forces there. so it's already sort of an understanding the situation and we have forces on the ground, whereas israel does not. so if it's in his really air attack, that gives another reason for the united states to say, look, tap this down. this is getting a little bit beyond the threshold that we wanted that, you know, rich, you mentioned the fact that there is u. s. military presence in there at off there are around $2500.00 us service personnel in the read off to this day of the prime minister of 8 off um, how much she asked danny, it has said publicly in the last several months that this drawn down of us forces and headed off needs to be completed. we know that in the past several days, he met with us president joe biden in washington, d. c. based on what happened in the last few hours. do you think we will see more of a push for the us to draw down its troops completely in there right off with the us,
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be willing to do so as well. you'd be surprised how little interest there is in washington for continued presence in the middle east in terms of military forces, right? we would far rather have as a policy community in washington bar, rather have american businesses and american civilians doing work in the middle east without american troops there to, to sort of keep a lid on the violence. and i guess you could make a counter argument that they haven't really capital it on violence cuz it's actually been exacerbated in some sense by that presence. but there are, in fact many in baghdad and inner bill that see the value of continued american training and supplying forces. i think this will put a more impetus behind a drop down, but not a complete withdrawal of those forces. because frankly, in many, many allied countries, the united states maintain small training and assistance detachments of 50 or a 100 or a couple 100 people. $2500.00 is probably going to come down. and i think the advance of the last week make it more likely that both sides will actually do it coming down more quickly. all right, that's reach out to
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a non resident senior fellow at the atlanta council. thanks so much for joining us on elders here. my pleasure. the in the don't you have the region on friday, ukrainian president blood of your zalinski visited the front line. he inspected the trenches and looked at the armies defenses. his visit comes as the country braces itself or a renewed russian offensive. trial. stratford has more from keith, the following, a virtual meeting of the nato ukraine council, nate, so chief in stilton books at nato defense ministers had agreed to send ukraine more defense systems. this, of course, comes on ukrainians. and many of the wisdom allies say is a critical time in ukraine, the country having faced in recent weeks and months, a huge escalation in miss all and drug and strikes by russian forces. russia with coal says that he doesn't deliberately target a civilian areas,
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but we know that many civilians being killed in these all, most unlikely attacks. and it has been literally billions of dollars worth of energy infrastructure destroyed in these attacks. but somebody sends to what the nights are chief had to say in our meeting today. mean, this is also address many other pressing needs, including along the 55, meaning that the nation deep position strikes the painters, drones each, and they do all our with decides what to provide several large major concrete commitments during the meetings on finalizing contributions that i expect will be announced soon. the health is fully on the way. there was an emotional appeal by the training president, the modem is zalinski during the meetings and it's key saying that western age at
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the moment you cry and was very limited at any point you. there's an example to what's happened during the israel in recent days. he said the west had not left israel to find for itself during those, it's acts by a wrong. the big question is, is how long is it going to take these weapon systems? and this munition to get here to ukraine because along the front lines the situation is being described by many analysts as being very critical indeed, all eyes now towards the us where we expect on saturday. finally, for the to be a vote in the house of representatives, the could well release that long waited for $61000000000.00 worth of us a child stuff. alger 0. keith gang violence research dramatically in haiti in recent months with criminal groups controlling much of the capital. the u. n says the 1st 3 months of 2024 saw a 53 percent increase in murders or injuries associated with game violence compared
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to the previous quarter. social services are on the brink of collapse due to the persistent violence in port a prince. at the end cut, luke is the editor in chief of haiti weekly. he says haiti's armed gangs have grown more powerful and the situation is out of control. it is only enough in the last few days, but everybody's wary. and most of the downtown border print is now under their control. so we're, we're waiting to see what's going to be their next state who do want to attack next . it was their final goal at the end because the here all of the schools are closed for monday and i had more than half now because there was a new crisis that started on the end of february. and now since then and no offices, i hope things and some markets open, but most of the stores that are close to i. so it's a really hard situation here. and we're all wondering when we're going to be able to travel the how the photographs. because all the rows of side for the parents are
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controlled by the, the, the do on groups and, and your report. now i've been to those also since some of them have most of the region outside of the capital, a pretty safe. and they are really, there's a security there as being tied in with the basic needs, like inpatient in the north. i've established a ways for people to registered with the getting down people from outside of town to register there and make sure that everybody's accounted for that the dis just problem doesn't go further away. it's the dentist visit. the country is effective in different ways because sort of mrs. as a center of the economy, where everything is as stop all along the country. everybody's waiting to have jobs back to us to, to do more commerce and even important products at the that's the main thing that people are reading for. all right, that's it for me and how much enjoyed me. you can find more information on our website of 0. com,
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whether it's next and then the inside story will examines the latest tensions between iran and israel. thanks so much for watching the the. now i'm not sure yet. call this the seasonal right. because big see big kills here, class suggest is not on line. however significant, right? he's following once again, 1st the in southern china and there's the big k o. the size of golf balls has been reported as certainly cause flash probably in the last couple of weeks and it's carrying on. then that curl up around the yellow sea is that spring rain throughout the terrain potentially into chicago. cool, q issue and west and home shoot that will fade away a little bits during sunday, but the chinese and still phase where to dr. gets even, which are now if you're not south of the yanks,
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if you're the officer has to be fine. we'll put on the task back down to 4 again, admittedly, but that is staying where it should be a bit more of an impression of big thunder storms again, a west and java bornea of sumatra, and really got put into that. i as it is something tied on little it dry. so the square recently is being very wet it into the main story. those are awesome. big thunderstorms and in the northeast is that the rising sheet look at these temperatures are in the low fourties. now, they expect pre monsoon heat, admittedly, but sometimes it's worse than others. and if you take color color as example, hopes accumulate and hazy and well above where it should be. in the 300 years ago, the mound is the full season, the celebrated, the natural world, and stages of the year. now,
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his music has been re composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency. culminating in a disturbing like performance in south korea. this no pure of soul on al jazeera yvonne shoots down is really drawn from the latest confrontation, global calls for the strains, both east and west fav for the more conflict could mean for the region and the world. so what's the 2nd thing in yvonne and israel and what's next? this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm elizabeth put on them. yvonne and israel have full to vote and the shadows for years despise as well. never in missing it's part


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