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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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not to who they to say, no double standards to all of us any, any one in particular. i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm my m, i z. this is the news out and life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes the at least 5 people are killed in the ok. wide westbank during violence between is right, the full says and palestinian fine says we're committed to israel security. we're
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also committed to de escalate the secretary of state appeals for com. while iranian officials say there are no plans to retaliate off to an apparent as rainy drawn strike present wrote to me is the landscape, just nato, to speed office military aid and says, it must decide if it's ukraine's ally choice. whether you have the choice, whether we are a law and victim lies for saving refugees in migrants of farseason, h m, a drop all charges against the crews of 3 rescue ships and piece of statements to the day schools. usually analogous men will not be joining by munich anytime soon via signed the contract extension. but the german national teams to keep them as head coach until the 2026 world cup. the
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. we saw this news out in the occupied westbank where at least 5 people have been killed in violence between is right. the forces and palestinian fighters large numbers of people have been arrested officer and his rainy right in the north shelves. refugee camp, that's last for hours, is there any forces also rated several homes, while military bulldozers destroyed houses, shops and all the critical facilities in nations. from nearby telecom, any occupied westbank zane bus wrong v brings us an update from that. so it's been more than 24 hours since these really military rate on the north shelves. refugee camp again. and we are still seeing is really military personnel armored vehicles, military bulldozers, driving up these roads into north shunts, refugee camp. even from where we are here. you can hear the bulldozers working, pulling up roads, destroying buildings, dozens of buildings have been destroyed throughout the last 24 hours. we still hear drones. overhead. there been multiple large,
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loud explosions that have been emanating from the cam from around the campus. he is really soldiers driving, they're being targeted with explosive devices by palestinian fighters, resistance groups in the token and refugee camp, as well as resistance groups in the north shunts refugee camp. just behind me. we know that arm classes have been ongoing through out the day and you can hear the gunfire coming in throughout the day. there hasn't been an hour that's gone by without some sort of exchange of small arms fire, a large explosion of some kind. and we've learned in the last 2 hours exactly what the prime target of these dramatic long operation bodies really military actually was the target seem to have been the leader of the commander of the posting and resistance fighter of the battalion, the brigade of about 50 or so on the palestinian fighters that put up resistance on a near daily basis to raise they've been going on inside talker and refugee camp inside new or something. refugee camp for many, many months, mohammed job or and nickname,
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publish. a job was killed earlier today along with for other people. no doubt the israelis will be seeing this as a major victory. they have been targeting him for months. a few months ago in december, his brother was killed. and today, in this dramatic operation, they seem to have got their man and no doubt, these really military will be seeing this as a victory, and no doubt the residence of been our sons refugee camp. the residence of the wider tucker and area will the morning. people to be consider fallen heroes zane bus robbie ultra 0 outside your sons refugee camp and took her in the occupied westbank. meanwhile, have been global will. so restrain officer and apparent as righty. drones strike against iran, the head of iran, the army says add defense is shut down, 3 unknown objects of it's for han province around in media, se a nuclear side to the military base and of as soon as he will not damage. israel is yet to comment on the usaa pre as they asked me blinking a stress that us forces will not involved comes off the israel threatened to attack
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iran again off the tyrants. drone and missile strike on sack today, which was essentially a response to and his really attack on iran is constant building in syria. those that jabari brings us more in this from to ron. according to the head of ron's army, major general abdur rahim loose, ivy erodes air defense system, were activated over the skies s on province. early on friday morning, they did manage to down 3 small unknown objects and the head of the army and said that's no damage has been sustained to any military facilities in that area. we do know that there is a military air base in that area just outside of a small home city. but according to officials, nothing has been damaged. and there is an investigation that is underway to determine where these drones were launch from and who was behind the attack. the international atomic energy agency is said that there is no damage sustained to any
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of the countries. 6 nuclear facilities and the head of the agency, a russell grossi has urged restraints and highlighted the fact that a nuclear facilities should not be part of any military conflict. there is a sense that things are still very tense, but whether or not this is the final or response by israel is unclear. what is clear is that this attack has been successfully withheld by iran and its forces for the time being whether or not anything else will happen in the coming hours or days remains to be seen. for now, there doesn't seem to be any appetite here to further escalate the situation between iran and israel. door such a vari, ultra 0 tower on has bringing home the solid in, occupies reset and then as you was saying, us officials confirmed is really conducted military operations against iran. but we had lots from these riley's as well. this
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really is typically never comment on their activities throughout the wider middle east, except when it comes to the situation that has escalated on their northern border when they do strike. what they say are his bottle of targets in the southern lebanon. but when it comes to their military activity in syria and it on, they typically never admit to it. they never acknowledge it. remember what started this all off on april 1st after and is really airstrike targeted. the iranian consulate in damascus has still never been claimed by these rallies. and now as it is friday evening, which is the jewish sabbath, there hasn't really been any reaction from is really officials. we saw one picture from these really prime minister who posted it on x, formerly known as twitter of him on the phone. but there was no sort of caption with that. but we did hear from israel's national security minister, which we did one word and it translates essentially to pathetic or weak. and according to reports within is really media based on anonymous source is the prime
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minister himself had reached out to each of our bank. we're the national security minister and told him that his comments and his actions were a threat to national security. so there is a lot of different opinions and ideas internally within the is really political realm when it comes to the americans. when asked about it at a briefing at the white house, the press secretary careens on. pierre said that there was no comment on it. so it's quite interesting that all of this series of events has taken place, but there has been no comment whatsoever on the record officially by either the americans or these relays. of course, we know the prominence of benjamin netanyahu has been on the enormous pressure. how does this a current spike intentions between iran and israel affects his position as well. the narrative is now shifting from the war on gaza to israel and it all. and if it's going to be some sort of wider,
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regional conflict with the focus is seemingly going back to israel's assault on gaza as it has been in the headlines primarily on friday. be is really army and nothing yahoo a like have been saying repeatedly that until they go instead of on the ground they cannot achieve an absolute victory. and that's something that is critical for them in this war. it's in fact one of the main goals they set out to achieve back on october 7th, but these really still have not presented the americans with exactly what kind of plan they are looking to do when it comes to evacuating more than a 1000000 and a half people who are seeking refuge ended up loc as a southern mo city. but this and y'all was under immense pressure not just internationally from his biggest ally, the americans with domestically from the families that was really captives from the bring them back movement. who say that nathaniel who has failed them and every week their protest thousands upon thousands of his rarely taken to the streets,
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calling on not only nathan young to reside, but for him to be ousted removed from office so that there can be governance that's put into place so to secure a deal to bring back the remaining captives and tomorrow night on saturday. these protests are expected to take place the same way they did on friday. thanks very much. thank. you've got to, i'm to sell it. the tension between iran and is rose dominated the final day of discussions that the g 7 saw most in italy form. and it says quote, for the escalation while threatening further sanctions against iran and on gaza. they won't against a full scale military operation. and rough uh, jonah, all right, something developments from the island of country as often as well struck targets in a round early on friday there was little chance of business as usual among the 7 foreign ministers. their host on the island of capri confirming the us had received prior warning from israel, the,
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in not the settling for math of my mom. i think it's already known. the us was informed at the last minute, but there was no sharing by the us. it was me a information the secretary of state anthony clinton refused to be drawing on the details. i'm going to be incredibly boring and not make your day by saying again, i'm not going to speak to what's been reported other than to say that the united states has not been involved in any offensive operations. setting out the main points of the final communicate, he said the g 7 was more, you know, to, than ever in working to de escalate tensions in the middle east were committed. his real security were also committed to the escalating to trying to bring this tension to a to a close. so you saw as well, or you'll see soon in the g 7 statement as
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a commitment to hold or on to account to account for its destabilizing activities. holding into account by degrading its missile and drawing capabilities, it's n a. d like location in which g 7 foreign ministers confronted a sea of problems from a ronald israel to gaza. ukraine to the in the pacific. the middle east dominated, of course, with ministers repeating the mantra of the escalation to be followed. they said by renewed efforts towards the sci fi in gaza. they were critical of israel's failure to allow the full flow of aid into gaza. talk 2nd about right. yes. as did you 7 the underlying what my colleague, david cumberland and i made clean jews and i'm on wednesday. the spirit supplies of initial steps towards more human savvy and 8. this is not enough to is ray. the government has a duty to help and that he may tell you in suffering of so many people and especially the children and garza and the big signs that these role is still planning a large scale incursion into rough uh, in the south of the gaza strip. the gym and foreign minister code secretary blinking,
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restating their objection with up to 1400000 people sheltering there. they said it would lead to catastrophic consequences. joe, the whole elder 0 could pre at least 4 people have been killed, west of gauze and setting off to israel on the family home. while in the north of his trip is ready for his child, jamalia and debate la, here. all our attacks have been taking place east of russia in the south. i'll just there is honey. my load has moved from rough uh, in the southern gaza, as we learned from our source that the majority hospital that one young woman was gold and silver and other injuries or sheltering in the vicinity of the targeted house in a re schools, astrology, and all the debris of the strap now fill on that preschool going down one woman and also injury several other people including its children and other people at the vicinity of the preschool as well. also about that really did not last for so long, and the misery continues in the summer and continues as is really monetary
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continues to pound across. the goal is to serve an earlier hours in the western part of java city. more residential targeted and more public facilities has been destroyed or severely damaged by their relentless airstrikes, including a shudder, refuge account that has been a major side of the month. was the target please more, more than 80 percent of the shutters, you're going to have been destroyed completely. and those people are having to be in this residential home or the display of family members who were at other parts of johnson city without being a lee and, and from the horror of the ongoing bomb. and same thing happened of done with one district neighborhood in northern parts of jobs. as it was another residential home was targeted and destroyed on other several people were reported to allow the baptist hospital a defense for part of the afternoon. one is read a military continue this attacks and further north the god forbid you evaluate down the line and the entire eastern area,
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part of the ongoing military operation to establish a bumper zone that is already eating up 60 percent of the total area of the gaza. strip just further shrinking the size of an already small part of lens and springing. i'm not sure professor of security, the military studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. so we know they've been these meetings between these varieties in the americans on a possible ground offensive, and rough uh, sofa. the americans have said that they are not happy with these rated options for this. what might be is riley sponsors g b? now for rafa, a lot of things there was probably go into it off of the, the outlook. now if you looked at what's happening, we went from almost 20 brigades operating and gazillion december 2020 fee to now to be the gates. both of them would actively gates through the 900 and 33rd the how the gate was manning good and that's the the core door which is splitting goes into the north and south and the $400.00 them 1st armor the gate. these were now
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withdrawn and replaced bodies or be gates probably withdrawn to test as the rest of the it can be, gets the withdrawal from gaza. and there is another round of the mobilization because they the mobilize the, the reserves again, so the 2 big aids manning, the intensity employed or are now reserve the gates. and there are probably preparing for an offensive with regards to guys leaving some of the units that are up in the north. like because of the divisions just making these raids in the north and some of the reserves units mending there. that one could allow me to the depth, a buffer zone that they are creating within gaza to establish a so, so good thing guys and to, to hoss establishing won't allow me to get quoted on that these are all defensive measures and then doing some raids with the reserves up in the north and elsewhere and all of this means that the bulk of the forest, the tape of this field is getting refitted is drifting,
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recuperating. the constituent thing, if they need to and, and get things ready for road off a whole pensive and by the timeline. if you looked at the timeline, was probably talking a few weeks time before a few weeks. yet if you weeks time before that, that is want to know and then we see what is happening now in northern cause or it's difficult to find was for the level of destruction there. and civilians are still being killed on a daily basis. people also restricted from coming back. what is happening that so many months since these riley's went in of a score to mass structures as a claim to be doing, they have undermine the most structures and the other. but as the in the military formations in the north and in parts of the center in the south, it's a different story. so what does this 5 carbon rates? right, so you've got the north of gaza. this is where the major hits have happened. despite that, we saw recent the mortar attacks happening in the north. we saw some rock rocket fighting and some antique things units operating,
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which tells you that the ground lines of communication between the north, the sensor and the self is not completely caught. so they managed to still have some, either on the ground lines of communication. so one unit can go from the sent that to the north and do some attacks that and then return 5 tunnels. or it's that although because they, they kind of fade because of the extent of the damage they clear, created the hills and goes so doesn't know as these rubble hills which are used as strong positioning as mike, but positioning as a, as 2 launcher effects from unexpected positions from and uh, also for uh, for most of the units the, the attack from these areas. uh, but it tells you that it, i'll put ation that it's, it did some damage, but strategically, you created a, a, an environment which is more even difficult to one maneuver in because the now with that, although it's very difficult to live with the things and with the larger vehicles but also at the same time the uh, strategically these ground lines of communication between time us units will not
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complete the just. ready didn't in my opinion, and now you have the sauce. so you, you cleared the north, there's still the center, so we still have operations and data, but a 100 fund units of blood can use the sauce and then rough i as well as the on such and we're looking at the future operationally, one of the listening israel right now, so there the offense is taking place well across cause it goes there and that has been a continuous thing. you have as well intensifying their activity against israel and then the spike and drug and miss on activity between iran and israel as well. so it's a month the from, for, for, for as well. so you have the but i think the private, prioritizing, more or more of the situation in goals like is this is the closest one to 2 to as well. and they will be focusing on it. and then after that, they will focus probably on south lebanon, on has the laws to try to undermine the assets there. but again, they, they, the, that operation launched the 6 months ago did not achieve its strategic objective.
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so need that, how much is completely destroy, nor be in the me now the dynamics with iran could construct that capacity to do what they're trying to do in good depends. it depends if, if, if they d escalate, cuz it looks to me like what happened is the escalation, the one step lower than the, the, the escalation leather, because each side knew that there are we still pick a capabilities. and so it, if it kept on the escalating, then the focus will be 1st on gaza and then offer themselves lebanon. thank you. on meanwhile, the 1st international medical team has gained access to northern garza, which has been on the months of cj 5, these rating military emetics have found a health care system in crisis. and the population in dire need of their expertise, which is there is on us sherry for reports. you know, so i just wonder if you're in special come out as one somebody. i am currently commanded one hospital in north garza where
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a medical team has just arrived to provide the necessary medical care for patients amidst a broken health care system in north and gaza. after facing numerous challenges and several weeks of coordination, this medical delegation was able to reach north and gaza to offer essential care to patients including performing surgeries. i'm coming and got a with 5 meg and the off mama. as to how does that population? we were 2 days in this house and know we are coming yesterday uh in the north where the population just need. uh oh uh we are like 10 people who had a village. how many of the medical delegations start performing surgeries invested in the rustic general and also pete excited recon they've become watching in the intensive care unit yesterday while simultaneously noticing and documenting any shortages of medical supply less than we have brought with us the medical supplies,
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including medication, but there is a severe shortage officer to a few hours of what we realize that everything is lacking and they are only working with very basic supplies. ha ha, gym us and we noticed severe shortages and everything in northern guns, including medical supplies and personnel. we will provide medical care including surgeries, in fact, we have already started and so we will continue to observe and document what is lacking. but it is obvious that the health care system is fairly function and there is an urgent need for most of us now. and supplies to mozilla among them also, the health care system is still deteriorating. amidst the ongoing war and a blue cade imposed on autumn, gaza. and it's a chevy. it's a good deal. i'm having a little else or the region people were out in the streets of baghdad on friday and supports as besieged palestinians in gaza demonstrate to have been calling for a ceasefire every weeks since the start of the 1 october. i'll just, there's
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a solid been job aid has this update from baghdad. hundreds of people have been coming again. this is going from one last to the address and i guess that has been imposed on the demand. the government of egypt opened his board of crossing and let in humanitarian aid people. as starving their dying of hunger, we call upon egyptian troops to open the board of crossing. we called upon the rocky government to help them with food and weapons and send aid and medicine. also, i did it actually, they say has abandoned them and does not care about the value of the international
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human rights that they have to be preaching on until. until the, just the conditions involved the change, these people have to continue to hold the dodi. this is a violation of the universe who values of the united nations and other organizations that pretend to defend human rights. people are killed and embassies and in the houses, the leaders of the well just the, the, into israel, whether they're in europe or elsewhere, they're subdued by israeli criminality. so we've been hearing this done with about us getting this done with the assistance and they are going to continue to go to i'm doing their government steps and, and the people the got to get some rest like in terms of a, an ac fly. some of the go down to the fact that the
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millions of virtues have cost that pilot in india is 1st day of elections launching will last move in $6.00 weeks, 5 minutes and or under moody is seeking a 3rd 5. your time, the indian government has failed to give algae 0 visas to cover this story. so that's why it's being covered from outside the country. how does that mohammed, how's this report? boat is the world's largest election. i'll start the custom deb of the nearly a 1000000000 people will have this seat in the next 6 weeks. in the fall of the 7 face process which started on friday. 166000000 indians are registered to take part for many of the economy. unluckily, jobs are the main issues. yeah, the, the price rises should be controlled, and women and girls shoes feel safe children in school should have job opportunities, wants to finish college. thousands of security offices have been deployed across the country to ensure a smooth the elections,
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but voting in some areas of money for the state capital. the northeast was stopped up to allegations of people. glad it is that this became winning close, similar to that of the army and the police. they went inside and guessed or votes. we protested and broke the voting machine on the have sold in our right to the run up to the vote was marked by religious tensions in some regions of the country on some vote is hoping to post will bring people closer to him on the board on the 1st thing i came to vote for us to have a country without and you were the just as harmony in tell me to not do were altogether induce muslims, christians for the congress cooperate. you're going to be peace. that in the movie seeking effect. um, and he's going up against mental position condition made up of 26 parties. they accuse him of cracking done on the same on silence in critics accusation. he's
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about to do nice democracy and the constitution. these were the type in the country by the pgp. i'd be have food at the gate in the country in the last 10 years of the government vote this, we've continued to pass the bundle until the june 1st and the results due to be announced 3 days later, hands them having to just data and just wanted to remind you that the indian government has denied algebra or john les visas to cover this story. and that is why this election is being covered outside the country. oh, now in all the news that we're following closely, it has been heavy rains of a 100 people have been killed by this funding and both. i've got histone and pockets on many more people have been injured. it's also cause widespread damage to home is an infrastructure in both of these countries. out there has come all high to report from puck is down capital as lama buys, heavy rains have left a trail of destruction. and both of one is done and focused on and focused on the
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worst effected area that goes to the ground based of but not just on logos complain they haven't received no help so far brought us on that somebody much idea of the reins of re habit but the provincial does off the doroty is nowhere to be found. man, i've got it. this is my home which is flooded with water. but for the last 3 days, no one has come to have besides the lots of life except or bad roads and damaged property and farm lands as the weather department, the warning of more heavy rain, 400 and his storms across the country and said the system rewards it's city or 3 under the end of the month. although the clean up work is underway and the not a targeted and focused on a basing for more land slides, never leverage that. so, and you are targeted that i've seen people do it work trevon identity situations. deborah light, they come all i there. i just need all,
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it's not my boss still head on the program for you. we're looking at why correlations top cool? well, the presenters are on the line of it comp, be the next 20 minutes step. and no one is ever such a wave. this big pizza, we'll have that story and move in this for the . so that if you're expecting spring and you're in europe all going to europe, this will be disappointment. everything is coming down from the north is going to be cold when it should be. and when he got tight lines in the blue line, the frontal system was when the weather fall over again is a wind down of the arctic data trust. and it will say nothing, stop it. so it hits the load countries and it finds, i'd dropped the temperatures anywhere from paris. east was well below whether it
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should be brings rain and possibly snow with not just this central parts of europe . and the baltic states is also a cold, where this has come sunday, so tensions here going to dropping. you might get some snow are buried as quite well west and from says quite well, but most not so. milan sees aren't coded, come off the mountains, and we down to about 9 degrees on monday as it stopped to. right. and that last for a couple of days. and that's to say the voltage sites what values represents this big drop down to near freezing with a couple of days, a potential snow? yes, i know it's late april, right, right. if you're up there, what catches southern spite and catches morocco, the showers, possibly thunder storms. algeria, caesar, the breeze to pick up the sound of the dust and the springs and struggling through these. yeah. and then to was no, not jerry, a be full of dustin to some degree, suppresses the sheriff. otherwise should be a little bit further inland. the hard hitch, i mean,
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to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered states. pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double standard to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful. you hear the story on talk to how does era, this is the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, just a quick look at the main stories for you this hour. at least twice people have been killed in violence between his writing forces and palestinians and the occupied westbank. large numbers of people have been arrested and on his right, any rate in the nor shops refugee camp that went on for hours. meanwhile, iran is saying it's at defense systems have shut down 3 drugs and it's fun, home province around your media, say a nuclear side to the military base in the vicinity with nose damage. it comes off to israel, threatened to attack iran again, following taekwan's retaliatory strike on site today. g 7 form ministers have been
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meeting in the town in on of capri gathering has been largely overshadowed by israel's apparent attack on ever on g 7 nations of israel to show restraints. and as more news from italy, where a 7 year legal case against migrant rescue is, has ended with all charges against them being dropped. they've been accused of ating illegal migration, but acted as said it was an attempt by the authorities to stop a work is helping those at risk on the high seas. if to some glenfield reports, case dismissed, accused of polluting with human traffickers, these and you workers with face 70 years of criminal charges, wiretapping and under cover investigations. on friday, according sicily followed the prosecution surprise request for the case to be thrown out to defend and say, this is a victory and that saving lives is not a crime. today the court made it perfectly clear that our intervention, etc,
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but not a crime. the only to valid duty, but also override italy began to crack down a migrant rescue missions back in 2016. at the height of the refugee crisis, police seized the event to ship after rescue. more than 14000 refugees in migrants in distress. the case which accused migrant workers of coordinating libyan smugglers lasted for years and cost more than $3000000.00. to be there, the 1st ship to be blocked into the cities. but after us, um, a lot of other ships blocked and they find always new metro us to do this. italian authorities have since band charities from performing several rescues in a row and often demand their ships. duckett, distant ports along the mediterranean, forcing cruise to decide between responding to distress calls or breaching the law . meanwhile, the e. u has outsourced parts of its border control,
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partnering with libyan coast guards sanctioned by the un for people trafficking and human rights violations. nearly 30000 people have died or gone missing in the last 10 years. according to the missing migrant project. on the greek island of less bows, this cemetery pays tribute to those lost at sea, a reminder of the perilous journey. thousands more taking. if to some good food, all jesse are the go to ukraine. now present modem is the landscape. said that nathan is choose whether it really is an ally of keys by stepping up and providing further military support during a virtual meeting of the nature ukraine council. lensky. said may, to him is choose whether it really is an ally of keys by providing them with most
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support. a fortune must be brought down to us and our sky mazda becomes safe again. and it sees the real um, it depends fully on your choice choice whether life is indeed equally valuable everywhere. choice, whether you have an equal attitude toolbar, nurse, joyce webb, we, these are allies, charles drops that has moved from keys. following a virtual meeting of the nato ukraine. council. nate, so chief, you install some books that nato defense ministers had agreed to send ukraine more defense systems. this of course, comes on ukrainians. and many of the wisdom allies say is a critical time in ukraine. the country having faced in recent weeks and months, a huge escalation in miss all and drug and strikes by russian forces rusher co says that he doesn't deliberately target civilian areas,
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but we know that many civilians are being killed in these all, most unlikely attacks. and it has been literally billions of dollars worth of energy infrastructure destroyed in these attacks. let's have a listen to what the nights are chief had to say in our meeting today. mean this is also address many other pressing needs, including along the 55, meaning that the nation deep precision strikes the filters on drones, us each and they do all our with the sides. what to provide silver outlaws made concrete commitments during the meeting on, on finalizing contributions that i expect will be announced soon. health is all the on the way. there was an emotional appeal by the ukranian president below them is zalinski during the meetings and it's key saying that western age at the moment you cry and was very limited. any point you it as an example to what's happened during
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the israel in recent days. he said, the west had not left israel to find for itself during those attacks by a wrong. the big question is, is how long is it going to take these weapon systems and this munition to get here to ukraine? because along the front lines, the situation is being described by many analysts as being very critical indeed lies now towards the us where we expect on saturday. finally, for the to be a vote in the house of representatives. the could well release that long waited for $61000000000.00 worth of us 8 jobs profit algebra q. patrick varies of defense and security analyst at university of bos, joins us now. what did you make of those comments from present brought to me? is that landscape? did he strike the right balance? a good evening marianne. yeah, i think so. i think the, the key takeaways,
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the critical nature of the air defense. now it was we, you know, we have hard, previous nights and there are sort of the if i munition having 5 issues with obviously mom power for the brand new and share a moving to address and to drop through the draft bill. and i know it's, it's air defense essentially, you know, in terms of like the patriot system is just one of the most effective along with the aster system. and there's somewhere between maybe 3 and 5 um batteries as far as i'm aware, and in, in actually uh, a new frame. and they've just ask for another 7 more. so it, and those things kind of getting quite quickly empty. i'm, you can, you can buy those as charles was saying now to the pentagon and leo and i sort of got everything ready to go in on dissipation of, of, of, so that down and have their, their, their ducks in a row. is it worth and things quickly and the other thing i'm slower as well. yeah, no, i was just wondering, you know, obviously this measure is long delayed. is us saying,
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is it lensky needs weapon supplies for struggling forces? what's the scenario if the vote doesn't clear this, we can do we looking up many more civilian casualties and more of ground being a taken by russia? yeah, i look so obviously even seeing the energy infrastructure being hit badly and recently and with a the air defense, you know, what happens is the motion, air force even over the front lines, can start to get more operational leeway. and then that creates the space for the ground forces to have, you know, more success. so it's, it's a, it's not just on the civilian. the hurry is also on the front lines. it's all across the everywhere defense. it's really, really important. and as we're seeing and in a tangle of chests, if you are, which isn't done yet. so it's basically just in 10 miles west to box means. and it's highly grand and the russians are now talking not. and that's one of the last
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defensive positions. and you know, a road runs through the door and slowly and scan them back towards comments or switch them, you know, major cities. so and yeah, they're under severe pressure at the moment. and at the quicker we can get things to them, the better they'll have a chance of re establishing their defense patterns and not old enough. but there's, there's numerous problems and the rest of the russians themselves are learning. but they're not perfect either. it's not as if it's all, you know, ukraine winning and then o ukraine flaps and i don't think, i think that things are very dangerous at the moment, but i don't think it's binary either. thank you about trick very make it well, you find the military is saying that it has down to a strategic long range, russian, bona, for the 1st time is video of which it shows the pain spiraling to the ground fault to the russian territory. to 22 boma carries cruise missiles. we want to go to correlation. now the top coat there is rule the present. so on the line of that
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isn't allowed to be the next prime minister. none of it should ignore close to step down as president for full running for 5 minutes. the representing the social democratic party krasier voted in parliamentary elections on wednesday in which the governing conservative h d. that policy one most of the seeds, but not enough to form a government finishing 2nd and none of which is policy is trying to gather a coalition. written up iraq judge has moved from zagreb this 2 days after the parliamentary elections increase or constitutional court issued a warning to all political parties who are now trying to find a majority of 76 votes increase in parliament. they said that if they choose to elect chris and president sort of milan, which as their prime minister, they will know that decision, even if zone milano beach resigned from the presidency, they will announce that decision. they said that they had a warning before official campaign,
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and they said that the line to reach is not allowed to be a part of campaign. he's not allowed to be a candidate. and zora milan, which wasn't the candidate, he wasn't on the voters of alex. he wasn't on posters of the social democratic party, which is his a former party because before he became president. but in his public speaking, he calls simply this was saying that he will be a prime minister that he will collect and majority increase in parliament after the elections. now we have different opinions on experts of the constitutional law. the some say that the, this is not allowed the constitutional course increase of the city to involve uh, in political system and the, in the electing good new government like this. but now on the other hand,
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the some experts say that the, they could even on know the whole, look through a result, but they choose a milder solution. so what we have now increased say is that we have political parties for trying to find 76. the votes for majority, but they had left this had a candidate in the middle on which now they have to either or find a new candidate or try to push this to the edge and elect so down the line. and we can see how it goes and what the constitutional court will do. or we have under the plan could be to the end, his ruling party, crease and democratic party, a. yep. it or he will collect the so $76.00. what was before everybody. and that will be the solution for this crisis, which is still not the constitutional crisis, but political crisis. the definitely there is more still to bring you on this news
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. our looking at drug seizures which are on the rise in west africa with fear is that the elicit trade is fueling violence in the south region. and a shocking munich as well. number 106 takes out the top seed as on the way with pizza in schools the these business uptake the school by the state bank growth partner of on the
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dashboard to use the these business uptake the restaurant net bundle dash football. he is in the the pieces here now with the sport, man, thank you so much jude. when you head coach, you didn't logo? someone has explained that these contract meeting. you'll be in charge of the national side for the 2026 world cup. the 36 year old was appointed in september
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and as $13.00, you'll be 6 games in charge. it's kind of deal was due to expire at the end of year 2020 full, which germany will host in june and july. it ends speculation linking all those fund with a move back to a full mccloud. the bind munich to replace thomas to co. we spoke to dave broddicks, volts, correspondent for jim and bold cost to do it to villa. he told us the national side acted quickly to avoid any chance of novels, men moving back to buying if you look back at when not those models are pointed to germany touch weight last year. but it was really seen as sort of the stopped up emergency to replace the slick who was really poor. and he was kind of seen as more of a kind of club manager who was just really starting to say, well what the time went. it wouldn't be a disaster is home, yours for germany, but the mood has totally changed from germany inside. they had made it clear for
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a whole months now. they were hoping to extend august mind and that they wanted him to stick around through 2026. but it did seem relatively unlikely, and it was also a little unclear going in, you know, going into the tournament, whether or not it's the best time to extend your couch before it is by any means or games, given that germany are hosting. they've only played from me so far, so it's hard to get the best picture of where exactly the teen stands. but i think it was really clear that a lot of buying brass were hoping to board and august on back, which i don't know if it was always the most realistic plan given the times on which she left the club. and we sort of austin from the club. uh, but i think it really, i mean pressure for me, chelsea and nigeria midfield that may count on it would be as told they'll just say are they isn't that enough being done to tackle racism in football, stall forwards the easiest, junior enrollment to call could have been regularly targeted over the years,
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but the easiest thing he's struggling to stay motivated to play due to the recruiting abuse. i get very emotional when i talk about it. and sometimes i say things i shouldn't say. and um, but it's my son is alternatives. they decide what punishment they keep, the punishment is it's, it's nowhere near what it should be, you know, in there. and we're talking about someone been insulted. you know, because you are setting color, you know, the same people with same humans. and i think a lot more can be done a lot more should be done. it's about time a lot, a lot more should be done. you can just say you were looking for some of these. you know what, you saw that somebody of one of the football ground and then you're going to find
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them for life. that doesn't change anything. it still goes on infinity g, new romero because it was been, you know, show things like that. you know, when i was playing i've same thing as well. you know, when we last game i chelsea of course by then a social media. it wasn't as he used to. you know what i mean? and the club reported it today for it and nothing was on 0. it was done. we just have to ignore it. like when i put that into the club, the club reported to the effect. nothing was on it, not completely ignored, nothing happened. and i have to go back the next weekend, try to put a smiley face and continue to do my job. that's just what it was by then. of course, right now has been talked about a lot and still a lot is not done. now when i see players go through it, i, you know, i've been there, i know what it feels like, you know, it's a horrible place to be. it until a lot is done by the target is way by. i just, i think you, i think clubs can punished and i think so pressing. so yes,
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because now you don't inducting points from from collapse for p f s. rules. and you can do that when does the racism towards plays towards human beings. i mean, come on what we talking about here. i think a lot a lot more can be done on 10000 on. it's not going to stop, i'm sorry, it will continue. it will country. we see we can, we count if it goes on plan to attempt to is late. what independently, what and tempting shape in the, you know, in english it goes on. so we need to do a lot more to, to, to, to, to, to stop racism in football. there's no place right, no place at all to, to, and friendship and run a rough casper root is warming up nicely for the use 2nd grand slam then. oh agent, fluid, see that took care of business against? it's an easy match. i don't know the, in the fall saloon, an open quote for finals early, a rude winning 6463. he will take on thomas martine. it should vary in the savings but it was not
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a good day at the munich open for alexander's veteran of the gym and was stunned by christian guys in the world. number 106, getting winning this 164, and 6 full. it makes them the 1st place since 2015 runs outside the top $100.00 beats buildings which are laying faces, american food, c. taylor fritz in the semi finals or on the women's to wimbledon champion, markets of bones, roosevelt defeats the world. number 2 arena sell by link up the ship got to open. the check was to sit down against the belly russian. but for the way back to victory, incredibly from the rest of it has not reached the semi finals of any event since winning wimbledon loft. yeah, well, she's rectified that here, 3663 and 75 the school. she'll be up against the mazda of cost joke in the final full landowner assess if the pace in shanghai. i hate of the 1st spring grace of before me to one season . it's the 1st day of a qualifying, certainly for
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a sprint grace as the f one calendar invitation to china for the 1st time since 2019 due to interruptions from the corona virus pandemic. it was a bizarre red flag earlier in the practice session and it happened again in qualifying a patch of grass cooled fire track side, special moment full joe gun you. he made it to q 3. and what is his 1st ever home growing? pre k 3 filled with it to be re sean, the class struggling here with wind damage and was norris who age of louis hamilton for the fastest. let sun noticed also at the front of the good full sense that i spent christmas crucial points up for grabs. only surprise me very quick. you know, i get good times and i could push hard tough like i saw a child go off in front of me. so that made me like shit out a little bit as getting a bit giddy. but the conditions where you go to place and you go to take risks and uh, and they will pay those so perfect sounds good weekend just like, uh, you know,
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way i think uh, if it would been dry way, put bad a bit more channels, but yeah, the level is coming together from s q one has q 2 is getting to happy was the day, finds is being sensation always being amazing. they want back on in the india and premium, even blackmail giant's of ease to post the channel. i super king's by 8 wickets. bouncing 1st channel i posted 176 for 6, and as long as anything. so when i'm beaten, 57 from 40 booth to to see of of in the day to 134. run opening, pulse the ship from clinton to cook, and k l a. row, who means the super king's livet suit, a child's roll top screen with a to to run through. good luck. now winning with an over the display as they move up to foot space in the standings can i of food but only a head on mates run right? very good when it looks like they might be a new world record stating see thing. well,
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that would remains unofficial for the time being, germany is sebastian this point. so if a wave measured at 28.57 meters, if the double x, l swell is all right, portugal, as it stands, it beats the existing will record for the biggest wave by moving 3 meters amongst the wave was measured by state to be all chrome, it is unofficial from now, as it must still be verified. still quite incredible, but that's what was both nice with tonight, mary. thank you very much, pita. oh, now you and says that drug trafficking is soaring across the solid region, feeling conflicts of instability inside of gold police have intercepted the largest of the drugs, hold on the line route. seizing over a ton of cocaine. nicholas hawk reports after 3 years in a crowded prison cell in downtown to carr, this man whom we're calling off made has become a shadow of his former self. the syria national was arrested for drug trafficking, a charge he denies. he says he was burnt by his girlfriend,
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meaning she used him to transit drugs through sending go without his knowledge. the judge found him innocent and ordered his release. but he says that the traffic of cocaine from latin american has, she's, from morocco, is on the rise. so me traffic hers are in jail about both of those are. there are so many nationalities in prisons, syrians, colombians, italians, french, moroccans, libyans, spaniards, all because of the international traffic of drugs. it's an extraordinarily well organized trade. on the most western point of africa facing the americas san diego has become a major transit point for drug traffickers. according to the u. n. n drug enforcement agencies. in 2023, at least 6 tons of cocaine was seized with the st value of $420000000.00. that's doubled the budget of synagogues ministry of education. the drugs were likely destined for europe, memories, and he got the call center please, maybe have his dozens of boats assignment, but there are so many more that go undetected. last monday customs officers
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discovered one ton of cocaine, hidden in the back of a truck on its way to neighboring molly, according to report from the un office on drugs and crimes, the drugs trade is funding arm groups linked to al qaeda and i so active in this how and fueling the conflict in order to process, how can they would need to be effects on the specs would be what we now see of this i got so, or you know, at tech stuff, you need to be to be able to go through. extensive parts of the territory, including throughout this i couldn't seem to also leave you on. uh, you know, this could represent 2 percent. it was rivers and 5 percent. you could 3 percent 1.5 percent, but it's a huge a volume of the lake out the legal activity coming to this whole and also to the west africa. the elicit traffic of drugs has a human toll timing. jail has left ahmed, broken. he's in search of his former self. he says he's just another casualty of
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what appears to be an unstoppable and blooming trade. nicholas hawk out as he wrecked the car. that's it funny as well, but i'll be back get away with much more as a day's news the on counting the cost germany is being gauging with china. entre if why consul in breakup with badging materials. county has rebounded all the economic reforms working and we speak to the president of the un general assembly about has called action on sustainability council. the costs on al jazeera, what happens in new york has implications all around the world. it's international perspective with a human touch zooming way in and then pulling back out again. god promised abraham, this is the land that is going to belong to you and to your children forever. more right here in my back yard sales. american recent here,
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there is some realtors here just to make sure you know where you're at. central michigan. we are people here from united states from russia, from india, from germany. ready findings for the idea of israel's foreign army on it just yeah, that's all i could say. these are the mustang these on the drum is they used to march 3 d o t before dawn box with an increase is right. the ministry presidents. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives, costing begins instead of traditional decorations, the street full of carts, images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies in charge for is the city often defies the seasonal suite.
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use the law on the street right now that it's easy to move around. the law could be different and exploring. going to change the situation and not listen . we have 70 percent more business. people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year a false and besides with those hungry and suffering in concepts, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm sorry i'm and was the, this is the news our live from tao ha, coming off in the next 60 minutes at least 5 people are killed in the occupied westbank during violence between is there any forces in palestinian fighters were


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