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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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you home at lot then yeah, the at least 5 people are killed in the occupied was fine during violence between his right forces and palestinian fighters, the hello, i'm around the mazda you, this is out. is there a live from down also coming up on the program? we're committed to is real security. we're also committed to the escalating the secretary of state appeals for cromwell iranian officials say, there are no plans to retaliate officer and a parent is rainy drunk strike. present loading is lensky. i just nato, to speed up its ministry 8 and says,
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it must decide if it's ukraine's ally choice whether you have the choice, whether we these are also on the program, looking at drug seizures in west africa or fee is the elicit. trade is fueling violence in the social regions the we saw in the occupied westbank for at least 5 people have been killed in violence between is writing forces in palestinian fights, has 2 of those killed. the police have been civilians including a 14 year old, large numbers of people have been arrested officer in his riley right in the north shams refugee camp. that still ongoing is ready for us is also rated several homes . while military bulldozers destroyed houses shops and all the critical facilities
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in our shops from nearby telecom in the occupied westbank zane bus for avi centers this update. and it's been more than 24 hours since these really military rate on the north shelves, refugee camp again. and we are still seeing is really military personnel armored vehicles, military bulldozers, driving up these roads into north shunts, refugee camp, even from where we are here. you can hear the bulldozers working, pulling up roads, destroying buildings, dozens of buildings have been destroyed throughout the last 24 hours. we still hear drones. overhead. there have been multiple large, loud explosions that have been emanating from the cam from around the campus. these really soldiers driving their being targeted with explosive devices by palestinian fighters, resistance groups in the token and refugee camp as well as resistance groups in the north shunts refugee camp. just behind me. we know that arm classes have been ongoing through out the day and you can hear the gunfire coming in throughout the day. there hasn't been an hour that's gone by without some sort of exchange of
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small arms fire, a large explosion of some kind. and we've learned in the last 2 hours exactly what the prime target of these dramatic lol operation bodies really military actually was. the target seem to have been the leader of the commander of the posting and resistance fighter of the battalion, the brigade of about 50 or so armed palestinian fighters that put up resistance on a near daily basis to raise they've been going on. and so i took him refugee camp inside new or something. refugee camp for many, many months, mohammed job and they came publish a job was killed earlier today along with for other people. no doubt the israelis will be seeing this as a major victory. they've been targeting him for months. busy few months ago in december, his brother was killed. and today in this dramatic operation, they seemed to have got their man and no doubt, the israeli military will be seeing this as a victory, and no doubt the residence up in our sons refugee camp. the residence of the wider tucker and area will the morning people to be consider. fallen heroes seemed the
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throbbing, ultra 0 outside, nor sums refugee camp and told her in the occupied west bank. having global calls her as right alternative power and is riley drawn strike against iran. that of the runs, the army says add defensive shut down 3 unknown objects of is for home provence, around you media, say a nuclear site and a military base. and the facility will not damage. now this comes off to israel threatened to attack iran again, of that that runs drone and missiles strike old sand today. that in turn was the response to in his rainy attack on iran can see that building in syria bill. so jabari has more of this now from ron. according to the head of runs army major general abdur rahim loose, ivy and rawlings air defense system were activated over the skies s on province early on friday morning. they did manage to down 3 small unknown objects and the head of the army said that's no damage has been sustained to any military facilities in that area. we do know that there is
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a military air base in that area just outside of a small home city. but according to officials, nothing has been damaged, and there is an investigation that is underway to determine where these drones will launch from and who is behind the attack. the international atomic energy agency is said that there is no damage sustained to any of the countries. 6 nuclear facilities and the head of the agency, a, russell gross, he has urge restraints and highlighted the fact that a nuclear facilities should not be part of any military conflict. there is a sense that things are still very tense, but whether or not this is the final or response by israel is unclear. what is clear is that this attack has been successfully withheld by iran and its forces for the time being whether or not anything else will happen in the coming hours or days remains to be seen. for now, there doesn't seem to be any appetite here to further escalate the situation
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between iran and israel. door such a vari, ultra 0 tower on as well. that striking around is divided members of israel is government sounds, according for strong the action. stephanie dec reports from tel aviv israel never comments, doesn't confirm nor deny when they are charged with, you know, at certain attacks in the past. and certainly this one of an extremely sensitive nature, which is why you had over the past week multiple more cabinet meetings late into the night. you had foreign dignitaries here, you add us president joe biden urging prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to escalate the situation because of the concerns of official nature of the situation to escalate. the way it's being seen here is in the sense, in terms of his internal government to have the right wing that he put in with him, criticizing him into my band, we are tweeting i one word which is translated somehow as almost pathetic or name
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because they want you to far more robust respondents, but of course the americans really putting their pressure on that and yahoo, not to do that. i think reading between the lines, perhaps they achieve this middle ground where they have responded is ready, officials degree and the military. very strong. certainly saying despite all the warnings that they would respond because of the nature of her owns attack. and it seems that they have now done that, whether this is the final phase of this remains to be seen these on the intentions between iran and israel is dominate to the final dave discussions of the g 7 summit . and it's really 4 minutes to school for the escalation while threatening further sanctions against iran. and then on garza, they won't against any full scale minute trill, probation, and rough. uh, i'll just say was joe hall rep something developments for me. i didn't have country as often as rail struck targets in a round early on friday there was little chance of business as usual among the 7
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foreign ministers. their host on the island of capri confirming the us had received the cry, warning from israel. the in, not the settling for math of my mom. i think it's already known. the us was informed at the last minute, but there was no sharing by the us. it was me a information with my 2 secretary of state, hampton. he blinked and refused to be drawn on the details. i'm going to be incredibly boring and not make your day by saying again, i'm not going to speak to what's been reported other than to say that the united states has not been involved in any offensive operations. setting out the main points of the final communicate, he said the g 7 was more united than ever in working to de escalate tensions. and them at least for committed his real security. we're also committed to de escalate to trying to bring this tension to a to a close. so you saw as well,
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where you'll see soon in the g 7 statement as a commitment to hold or on to account to account for its destabilizing activities. holding into account by the degrading it's missile and drawn capabilities. it's n a . d like location in with g, 7 foreign ministers confronted a see of problems from iran and israel to gaza. ukraine to the in the pacific. the middle east dominated, of course, with ministers repeating the mantra of the escalation to be followed. they said by renewed efforts towards the sci fi in gaza. they were critical of israel's failure to allow the full flow of aid into gaza. talk 2nd, margaret. yes. as the g 7, the underlying what, my colleague, david cumberland and i made clean jewels and am on wednesday despite recognizable initial steps towards more human savvy and 8. this is not enough, is really call them and has a do to, to help. and the human is terry and suffering of so many people and especially the children and garza and the big signs that israel is still planning
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a large scale incursion into rough in the south of the gaza strip. the gym and foreign minister echoed secretary, blinking re stating that objection with up to 1400000 people sheltering there, they said it would lead to catastrophic consequences during the whole elder 0 country as bringing it. i'm not sure he's been following the story. he's a professor of security ministry studies at the doha institute for graduate studies . so all i still on iran in israel, is it any care whether on the trains are involved in this attack, if any targets will actually hit? and when the time was launched from so we're still in the early stages, but it's looks like it's a, it's a complex of tech. it looks like there were more then drones involved, the main need because it was suppression of the cd and air defenses. and so i done that i into the spots there and may need to, if you do so you're trying to find
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a safe passage for your man that your call to. so i assume that this lady's boss made. this is as we quoted suppression of any air defenses, pasto, syria, and probably from the lock launched a, a missile, penn state's an air launch ballistic missile. the part of it was shown by the rockies. it's a special uh ballistic missile. and its, uh, these are, were design basically due to shoot at that to train these radio defenses data to another 3 systems to shoot at that. but apparently they used between that the tech . so perhaps this is an indication that it's not the big forehead so that there's more. so this isn't a launched ballistic missile via suppression of any air defenses. that's a complex of uh, operation. at the end of the, from the news reports, we are talking some of the unnamed american sources and clean the missiles were launched. and they,
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those also at the end of the some news about the another hit in the breeze in the northwest a. and this is where you have the site, those of this you have to and she have 3, but the stick missiles, so that's a very strong does that mean? yes, it's they've and suckled the country that able to breach syria, iraq, allies of iran in order to launch an attack like this. what about what about this iranian claim that the drones are taken off from inside iranian territory? as you say, this details are still emerging bit by bit. what does that suggest? so about how all this might have been orchestration in him was precisely involved. it is possible, but it's also you can read this an attempt to say face. this is just the domestic terrorism attack of quite compass without the last payload launch from within the country. so, you know, it's not the complex a defense suppression attack with the multi dimensional ballistic miss
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a launch ballistic missiles that hit 2 very strategic areas. this is the source of the it on you in an attack on his way, right? so this, you have to, in the chef, the, these are the ballistic missiles that eventually have reached the, these radio defenses. at the same time, this is a, if the as for on attack, if the target was the, the defensive dis, defending a nuclear facility, then we're talking about you, you, you had the guards, you had the, got the new fear for say they had guards of the nuclear facility, so to very clear, a strong strategic missile the, the signaling but the same time the lions would be saying that the, no, no, it's just a quite comp that attack from within it on. so more or less a domestic there isn't light at tech. okay. well and talk some more later on. thank you very much. i'm not a sure we want to bring you up to speed with some other stories. now these 4 people have been killed. west of goal is a city of to israel is a minute trip on
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a family home while and then also the strip is ready for his child that your body and bates law here. other attacks have been taking place east of rough uh, in the south as well. i'll just, there is honey. my mood has moved from rough uh, in the southern casa, we learned from our source of the majority hospital. that one young woman was gold and silver and other injuries or sheltering in the vicinity of the targeted house in a 3 schools, astrology and all the debris. this wrap, no spill on that preschool going that one woman and also injury several other people including its children and other people at the vicinity of the preschool as well. also about that really did not last for so long and the misery continues and the suffering continues, as is really monetary continues to pound across. the goal is to serve an earlier hours in the western part of java city. more residential, targeted and more public facilities has been destroyed or severely damaged by their relentless ears, price including a shelter refuge account that has been
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a major side of the month. was the target please more, more than 80 percent of the shutters, you're going to have been destroyed completely. and those people happened to be in this residential home or the display of family members who were at other parts of government city without being in lee. and if from the whole world, the ongoing bomb and same thing happened of done with one district neighborhood in northern part of the city was another residential home was targeted and destroyed on other several people were reported to allow the baptist hospital a defend 3rd part of augusta, anyone is reading military, continue this attached and further north. god forbid you evaluate down reliability and the entire eastern area, part of the ongoing military operation to establish a bumper zone that is already eating up 60 percent of the total area of the gaza strip. just further shrinking the size of an already small part of that
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as well. still to bring you on the program and polls of clothes. india's 1st phase of a 6 week long general election volley, navy of be involved says the, the, the, that most the colton devil straight. he was fairly ok dry and warm and sunny, but they're all significant. shasta again, the escalade in the south miss met will or is the 9 beating bolts off the water? so in queens then from brisbin north with big chow seemed likely have possibly not . the increased the shy likelihood of new south wales of air from the gulf coast down south as well. those places improve a little bit on sunday. further west, it's possible in the sunny posts around about, especially fremont steadily in new zealand breeze up from the southwest stuff unusual. it's not particularly strong. the went whether of subsidies you had gone
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by sunday accepting gives been so reason be fine looking picture. and the heavier writing the recently co, some funding in, proffer your west, papua in small lines around here, isn't like to be repeated because of the trust. a big challenge is to the west of that symbolic, creepy, up to something tied on to kit's hope. 39 maybe will be accompanied by a temporary thunderstorm and the big thunderstorms that we've already seen for about a months there. and so i've been trying to of, through a grungy run don't, was likelihood a big hail and potential flash study. and this rate increase the up into the western side of japan and just touching the size of the dream potentially which phase bits on sunday. but it does not fade in southern china is just as bad of the now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict design is i'm a judy as a but it was not a jew, israel's a state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what,
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this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even happen? this is the most important. you're going to negotiate, poll, unapologetic, i'm just upfront on out the the welcome back. reminder, the main stories have been following now, and at least 5 people have been killed in violence between his writing forces and policy and fighters in the occupied westbank. large numbers of people have been arrested during his writing right in our shops refugee camp. this last, if ours, iran is saying it's at defense systems have shut down 3 drugs and as for hong
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pearlman's around the media, say new p a site in a minute for you based on the facility will not damaged it. israel threatened to attack iran again following task problems, retaliatory strike on saturday, and then g 7 form ministers have been meeting. and the time in the island of cub pre gathering has largely been overshadowed by israel as a parent attack on iran. g 7, ations of, of israel to show restraint. the ukraine ministry says it's down to strategic long right to russians, bone up. so the 1st time this video switch, it shows the plane spiraling to the ground for it to be of a rush, entire tree to you. 20 to boma carries cruise missiles. meanwhile, ukraine is saying that 9 people have been killed in russian strikes of the night. it happened in the central city of the pro and then elsewhere and the done yet
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squeeze you in on friday, present loading is the landscape was on the front line by you visited trenches and inspected all the defenses. this is the country. prices itself are renewed russian offensive in the spring or summer lights during a virtual meeting of the nato ukraine council. so that he said, nation must choose whether it really is an ally of cheese by stepping up and providing for the ministry support. fortune must be brought down to us and our sky mazda becomes safe again. and it sees the real and it depends fully on your choice. choice, whether life is indeed, equally available everywhere. choice whether you have big will as a toolbar, nurse choice, whether we these are allies. charles profit has won this from case the following a virtual meeting of the nato ukraine council. nate,
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so chief installs in books at nato. defense ministers had agreed to send ukraine more defense systems. this, of course, comes when ukrainians and many of the western allies say is a critical time in ukraine. the country having faced in recent weeks and months, a huge escalation in miss all and drug and strikes by russian forces. rusher of coal says that he doesn't deliberately target civilian areas, but we know that many civilians are being killed in these all, most unlikely attacks. and it has been literally billions of dollars worth of energy infrastructure destroyed in these attacks. let's have a listen to what the nights are chief had to say in our meeting today. mean, this is also address and then the older pressing needs, including along the $55.00, meaning that the nation, the position strikes the filters on drones each and they do all are and
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will decide what to provide several large major concrete commitments during the meeting and finalizing contributions that i expect will be announced soon. health is all the on the way. there was an emotional appeal by the ukranian president below them is zalinski during the meetings, and it's key saying that western age at the moment ukraine was very limited at any point you it as an example to what's happened during the israel in recent days. he said, the west had not left israel to find for itself during those, it's acts by a wrong. the big question is, is how long is it going to take these weapon systems and this munition to get here to ukraine? because along the front lines, the situation is being described by many analysts as being very critical indeed, all eyes now towards the us where we expect on saturday. finally, for the to be a vote in the house of representatives. the could well release that long waited for
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$61000000000.00 worth of usaid charles profit algebra. keith was that following developments and quite a show at the top court has ruled that the presidents are on the line of which isn't allowed to become the next appointment and stuff. a lot of which had to ignore close to step down as president before running for prime minister, representing the social democratic party collection voted in parliamentary elections on wednesday in which the government and conservative h d. that policy one most of the seats, but nothing off the form of government. marina black church is inside grad as 2 days after far elementary elections, increase or constitutional court issued a warning to all political parties who are now trying to find the majority of 76 votes increase in parliament. they said that if they choose to elect chris and president sort of milan, or it's as their prime minister, they will. and all that decision,
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even if zone rolanda reached resigned from the presidency, they will announce that decision. they said that they had a warning before official campaign, and they said that the line to reach is not allowed to be a part of campaign. he's not allowed to be a candidate. and zora milan, which wasn't the candidate, he wasn't on voters ballots. he wasn't on posters of the social democratic party, which is his a former party because before he became president. but in his public speaking, he calls simply this was saying that he will be a prime minister that he will collect and majority increase in parliament after the elections. now we have different opinions on exports of the constitutional law. the some say that the, this is not allowed the constitutional course increase of the city to involve
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in political system and the, in the electing good new governments like this. but on the other hand, the some experts say that the, they could even on know the whole, look through a result, but they choose a milder solution. so what we have now increased say is that we have political parties, we're trying to find 76, the votes for majority, but they had left. this had a candidate in the milan and which now they have to either find a candidate for try to push this to the edge and elect so down the line. and we can see how it goes. and what's the constitutional court will do. or we have under the plan could be to the, in his ruling party craze and democratic party a. yeah. it or he will collect the so 76 was before everybody. and the that
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will be the solution for this crisis, which is still not the constitutional crisis, but political crisis definitely. and then millions of motions of costs that ballot in india's 1st day of elections voting will last more than 6 weeks. the problem is under, under moody, is seeking a 3rd 5 your time and, and government has failed to give these is to l just there is correspondence to cover this story. so recovering the election from outside the country, instead of doing the home that reports both of the world's largest election, i'll start the costing the abundance nearly a 1000000000 people will have this seat in the next 6 weeks in the fall of the 7 face process which started on friday, 166000000 indians registered to take part. and so many of the economy unluckily, jobs are the main issues. yeah, the, the price rises should be controlled,
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and women and girls shoes feel safe children in school should have double particular teeth once they finish college, thousands of security offices have been deployed across the country to ensure a smooth the elections but voting in some areas of money, poor state capital, the northeast was stopped of the allegations of it'll glad piece that this became winning close, similar to that of the army and the police. when they went inside and guessed or votes, we protested and broke the voting machine. oh, we have sold in our right to the run up to the vote was marked by religious tensions in some regions of the country on some vote is hoping to pulse, we bring people closer to him on or to vote on the 1st thing i came to vote for us to have a country without and you were the just as harmony in tell me and now do were altogether induce muslims, christians for the congress. cooperate you b g piece that in the movie seeking effect. um, he's going up against the position clinician made up of the $26.00 parties,
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the accusing of cracking down on the st on silence. and critics accusation. he's brought to nice democracy and the constitution. these were the type in the country by the, the gibby. i'd be, have proved, if the game in the country in the last 10 years of the government vote this we've continued to pass the bundle until june. first, us the results due to be announced 3 days later and them having to do the heavy rains of killed of a 100 people in bus. i've got us done and focused on it's been widespread damage to homes and infrastructure in both countries. come on, hide to reports from pakistan's, capital is a lot of buys every days have left a trail of destruction and both of one is done and focused on and focused on the worst effected area, the goal. it's getting mucked around best of below just on low goes complain they
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have received no head. so fall bought us on that. somebody much idea of the reins of re habit, but the provincial dissolved authority is nowhere to be found in that i got it. this is my home which is flooded with water, but for the last 3 days, no one has come to have. besides the lots of life, it swept away at rhodes and damaged property and farm lands. the weather department, the warning of more heavy rain, $400.00 and his storms across the country and said that system reports a city or 3 under the end of the month. although the clean up work and underway and the not a targeted and focused on a basing for more land slides, river levered that so and you are targeted that i've seen people do a work trevon. and then the situation stabilizes, the model i that is your data off. it's not my bod. viewing office on drugs and crime says that drug trafficking is soaring across the saw region,
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and that's fueling conflict and instability. incentive goals. police of sees the launch is drugs whole on a land root. i'll just there is nicholas hoc reports on his story from the senegalese capital dot com. after 3 years in a crowded prison cell in downtown to carr, this man whom we're calling off made has become a shadow of his former self. the syrian national was arrested for drug trafficking, a charge he denies. he says he was burnt by his girlfriend, meaning she used him to transit drugs through sending go without his knowledge. the judge found him innocent and ordered his release. but he says of the traffic of cocaine from latin america and has she's from morocco is on the rise. so many traffic hers are in jail about voters are there are so many nationalities in prisons, syrians, columbia.


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