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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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them the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life from headquarters, and i'm getting you navigate. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. the at least 5 people are killed and occupied. westbank during violence between is really forces and policy and fighters were committed to israel. security were also committed to de escalate. the us secretary of state fails to confirm israels ro,
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officer iran said it's shot down 3. drones. polls closed in india's 1st phase of a 6 week long general election involving nearly a 1000000000 voters, found the russian bomb or shut down by ukraine while president of a lot of residents, the visits troops and the don. yes, regents and on pizza statements with useful to use judy and all those fun explains these contractors hate coach of germany. he was making for the move back to bind munich, but it's committed to the national side until the 2026 will come. the we start this hour and the occupied westbank where at least 5 people have been killed in violence between is really forces and palestinian fighters. large numbers of people have been arrested and fighting, and the newest sums refugee camp. this last that hours is really forces have also rated several homes. military bulldozers also destroyed houses,
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shops and infrastructure in new to sams. let's bring an alta 0 soon, but said i'll be joining us not from to cut them. so in this rate seems to be ongoing. just bring us up to speed with what you're hearing and the number of casualties. well, it's been a very dramatic day, a very violent day. as you say, there's been a ray that's been ongoing for over 24 hours now just at 6 o'clock yesterday this time local time is when it began. even now we're seeing, there's really no terry nichols moving in and around the roads behind us and around us for here and drones. over ahead. there has been an hour that's gone by without the sound of gunfire being exchanged between is rarely soldiers and housing existence. fighters without the sounds of large and loud explosions going on in the north shelves, refugee camp just behind me, and we may have an understanding of exactly what the prime target was. of the 5 people killed. one of them was shot in the head by sniper, a resident, the bystanders. but 4 of the men that were killed were in the same house. they were
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posting existence fighters and one of them was the leader of the total crim policy and fighters battalion of a brigade of about 50 or so palestinian resistance fighters who have been carrying out constant clashes with his regular soldiers for many months during all of these rates, his name was mohammed job and he was nicknamed alicia john. and he was killed just a few hours ago in the ongoing rate, in the newer shelves, refugee camp, the 4 bodies, the 4 fighters were then taken by these rarely soldiers and out of the camps. and no doubt the v is really military who was seeing this as a success because of trying to target this man for many months. we've heard that his brother was killed in december and they've been trying to get to him an ongoing rates in tow for him that have been going on for many months. and today they were successful. no doubt they will be counting this operation as a success and the residence of toford will no doubt be grieving for people that they consider fallen heroes as they in what sort of resistance is being put off. not only by the fighters,
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but also by the people who are living in the refuge account as well. let me just give you a sense of where we're at. we're seeing is really vehicle is moving once again towards our position. we'll just show you the road that they're taking. we've been driving around this area. we seen mixture of roadblocks by residents of the filtering city, not just the refugee camp. we've seen the vehicles, we think videos of his really military business, driving past to farm refugee camp and being met with improvised explosive devices being hit with those devices. the palestinian resistance groups have been telling us that they've been carrying out ongoing classes against this in person throughout the day. we heard those explosions before those sounds and parent classes and we know that at least 4 is really soldiers were wounded. he's really news media reporting at least 4 injuries of, of their forces that have been going in during this range. and no doubt this, the intensity of how long it's been going on is an indication of exactly how much
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resistance they've been facing just to give you a sense of how bad this has been. we haven't seen anything like this in the occupied westbank and weeks. and local residents tell us of a scale of destruction in taking a new bulldozers military bulldozers. they simply go straight through houses and that's what they've been doing throughout the day. they've destroyed dozens of home and the scale is so devastating that they are describing this as the worst destruction in a refugee camp. since the janine refugee camp was destroyed during the 2nd and the father and the early 2 thousands. all right, samples for avi. thank you so much for that update from the academy in the occupied west bank. well, there been global calls for restraint to officer and a parent as really jerome strike against iran. the head of a ron's army says air defenses shut down 3 unknown objects over us for one province during and media, se nuclear site and the military base in the vicinity have not been damaged. and israel is just to comment on the us sector of state anthony blinking has underlined
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that us forces were not involved. it comes after israel threatened to attack iran again after that runs drone and missile strike on saturday. and that in turn was a response to an is really attack on iran, consummate building in syria source. and jabari has more from to from according to the head of ron's army. major general abdur rahim loose, ivy erodes air defense system, were activated over the skies. s on province early on friday morning, they did manage to down 3 small unknown objects and the head of the army and said that no damage has been sustained to any military facilities in that area. we do know that there is a military air base in that area just outside of s, phone city. but according to officials, nothing has been damaged. and there is an investigation that is underway to determine where these drones were launch from and who was behind the attack. the
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international atomic energy agency is said that there is no damage sustained to any of the countries. 6 nuclear facilities and the head of the agency, a russell grossi has urged restraints and highlighted the fact that a nuclear facilities should not be part of any military conflict. there is a sense that things are still very tense, but whether or not this is the final or response by israel is unclear. what is clear is that this attack has been successfully withheld by iran and its forces for the time being whether or not anything else will happen in the coming hours or days remains to be seen. for now, there doesn't seem to be any appetite here to further escalate the situation between iran and israel. door such a vari, ultra 0 tower on will bring in stephanie decker. now, who's joining us from tel aviv. so stephanie, israel at least officially is thing silence about this attack,
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but how is it being seen in israel? yes, this is official policy as well. never comments or denies any of these kinds of strikes . they had been very clear before had that the nature and the scope of iran attack on israel would get a response. you had intense meetings of the war cabinet to senior members of the country, security and defense system here. and then i've for days trying to decide how to respond under immense pressure from the americans in foreign countries saying do not escalate because the situation has such a capacity to become regional to become that dangerous. so the feeling is, is that israel has achieved somewhat of the middle ground. it has responded of course, how deficient. he said that even anthony blinking today was almost very directly at the g 7 summit of the attack. quite israel on the ride and he said well, according to those reports, so everyone trying to, to, to keep away from it. it seems that is all as strong as achieve this middle ground, which is a response that iran is not playing up. israel is not playing up,
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so you heard from door. so that remains to be seen. whether this is the final play, if you will, but certainly it has been a game changer. the reading, if you look at the conflict between is wrong, the wrong that's always been played out between it's proxies in iraq, in syria and lebanon. and you have been, and this is the 1st time that both countries fire at each other directly. and what's been the response from a sort of nathaniel, who's um coalition partners, as well as the opposition as well. there had been a lot of debate within the war cabinet, particularly the man with the military background, former chief to start off wanting a more robust response. netanyahu and others more cautious perhaps. but the interesting, the, the right wing elements of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his government, those that he bought in, uh the only way that he could return to power as a prime minister. people like it's a more ben gavera, the national security minister. he tweaked it today. i'm a word that translates more or less as
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a subject core name in terms of the scope of israel's response to it right now this was heavily criticized within the cabinet also from the leader of the opposition. yeah. like he's saying that this was unforgivable, that it was the 1st time that it is ready, minister had, you know, a compromised israel security in a sense. but these are the men that really mentioned. yeah. who depends on to remain in power. but now the narrative, certainly also in the media changing back to the war and goes back to the fact that people hear very disappointed that netanyahu not doing more to bring the hostages back 7 months into this war. all right, thank you stephanie jennifer. thanks for that. update from tel aviv as well after years of a shadow of conflict between israel and we're on, they now appear to be directed directly confronting each other. but israel as they've been hearing, never publicly confirms or denies its involvement last year. it's a ron blamed israel for drone attack on an ammunition jeff, owing us for hon. that's the same city that was attacked. overnights in 2021 being
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a tons. nuclear facility in us for han province face the blackout. is really media reported it as a cyber attack carried out by is really intelligence. and in 2020 a top uranian nuclear scientist was assassinated in his car near to her on western intelligence believed musson fuck resolved. there was behind a secret nuclear weapons program. that was halted in 22003, and then between 201-2012. for a rainy a nuclear scientists were assassinated in shootings and bummed bloss. iranian official said they arrested several people working with is really intelligence to carry out the attacks. g 7 for a ministers have been meeting in the italian islands of cap free. the gathering has been largely overshadowed by israel's appearance attack on iran. g 7 nations of earth, israel to show restraints following iran strike last saturday and speaking after that meeting the us sector, state antony, blinking. so the u. s. plays no role in the raids,
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but he's saying that iran must be held accountable for its retaliatory strike on israel. we're committed to israel security. we're also committed to de escalate to trying to bring this tension to a to a close. so you saw as well, or you'll see soon and the g 7 statement as a commitment to hold or on to account to account for its destabilizing activities, holding into account by degrading its missile and drawing capabilities. and yesterday the united states announced additional sanctions on wrong targeting u a b programs still industry companies that are associated with the i already see the ministry of defense and it's our forces logistics officer is doing a whole as in temporary incent this updates and he's fine with the press conference here, the g 7 foreign ministers meeting in countries extra of sites ends need blinking
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had strong words of condemnation for the wrong. but he declined to go to any detail about is really action in iran, in the early hours of the morning. he was off twice and declined twice to say whether the us had received any for warning from israel about a possible attack and shared that innovation with its d 7 partners. or whether he thought that the apparently limited nature of the eventual attack could be the result of successful pressure applied by the g 7. and israel's allies. he simply said that the us would place no part whatsoever in any offensive operations. and that he would say no more. lincoln sticking pretty firmly to the headlines of the de seven's formal communicate, saying that the g 7 is more united than ever in working towards the escalating tensions in the middle east condemning iran, of course that he committed re committed the g 7 to israel's defense and security
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and said that the g 7 would hold around to account by degrading it to miss out and drug activities sanctions. he also said that the g 7 would continue to work towards a sustainable spot in gaza. and he reiterated us objections to any possible lose by his ro, to launch an outright offensive in rough or showing how l g 0 covering as well. the secretary of state lincoln also addressed israel's potential invasion of on rough. we had been very clear about this present by this been very clear about us. we cannot support a major military operation in rasa. first, there are currently somewhere around $1400000.00 people in rough, with many of them displaced from other parts of gas. it in the 1st instance, it's imperative that people are able to get out of the way of
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a venue conflict. and doing that, getting people out of harm's way is a monumental task for which we get to see a plan and not only getting them out of harm's way, making sure that they can be supported with management assistance. we have with us houses or a senior political analyst model on the side of high milan. so what's blinking said right, there was nothing really new. i mean, he said before the washington doesn't support invasion if at all, but for the is really is, will they be looking out to change the facts on the ground after the direct attacks that have been going on between israel and iran as well as completely stalled cease fire talks. yes, i think these right is art for the time being. and as far as the official position is that they're going to be taking a bit more time in terms of figuring out what they've got to do with it off. and clearly they're back and pressure is working on them because the compressor is not coming. got a vacuum. there's a serious opposition for this kind of an operation in the set on the printer is not terribly egypt and jordan,
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but also others were really fear that this very particular attack will creates not only skunk this casualties, but it will lead to displacement destiny. closing towards sinai and to a serious instability, something that some of the egyptian or some of the i'd appreciate it was while taller and of the unraveling dentist, i think gosh, i don't want to see that kind of estimate cleansing on a scale that we've seen online in 1967, 1940. now having said that, i think also the americans seem to insist that they do agree with these really is about the future of her mouth and then how much is lead to ship and gaza? there is no doubt about that. the americans are on equivocal about this. the point where they disagree is just on the how. right. and i think they probably wouldn't get to something and, and the americans don't feel they're going to see that it must be done tomorrow.
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since this is district, an open ended, you know, invasion if you will, re and vision re occupation of guys. so if you read between the lines, then how do the american spring? that's how i'm us will be defeated. what they're saying is that there is, there are a number of ways that are bit more discriminatory in terms of that tax. a bit more targeted uh, using more intelligence and eventually allowing more people to go back to the north . then emptying off the house, most of those who are they could refugee and then be able to do the operation more clinically if you what if i might, if i may use this kind of neo fascist term. but clearly the americans think anything but a start bombing, an area where some 1400000 displaced people are uh, are crowded. that right now, there's another way of looking at it as well, which is the american still hoping that a number of
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a 5 week pauses where a captive is going to be released in exchange for prisoners where faith comes in and then allow that to go into something bigger, such as that original deed was sold yet even other countries where have mass becomes more of a political problem that perhaps involves frustrating this leadership to leave guys off. we've got this, whether this is which, whether or not that's what the americans are. but there seems to be a bit of a stalemate when it comes to any smart hawks and hospice negotiations. i mean, how much has recently said that they dismiss lincoln's claim that it's blocking cease fire. talk saying that it confirmed the united states blayton bias toward zionist fascism. so where does this leave all the potential for any talks and in the near future? actually though everything seems to be gloomy bark and,
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and tragic nowadays. but i couldn't help but laugh today, listening to secretary lincoln's press conference. when he said in the context of i only have my stands between guidance and cease fire. you said it's how much is full because how much projected is raz court. wait for it, jen. that a soul for generous offer. generous offer does not include sci fi. it does not, it does not include ending the war ending the bombing. it does not include anything, the genocide that oppression, delta patient the siege, the advisor is shuttled hunger. it doesn't include any of that, i'm stuck there blinking cause it generates on a generous offer. how generous can you be and compensating for the death of a child of a woman? how about a 1000 children?
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$10000.00 children. how about $20000.00 children and women? how do you compensate? what kind of a generous offer this is the making on the tables today? and the 3rd and 4th it's kept. is there something sensitive to all of it today when that monitors are defending the is there any position in such a way that is really, truly indefensible. all right, model, i'm thank you so much. i as well as these 4 people have been killed west of gaza city after israel's military bombed a family home. so while in the north of the strip is really forces shelves. a bad yeah. and baseline. yeah. other attacks have been taking place is to fluff off in the south. we'll cross over to the fund, bringing our corresponding tiny muscle with joining us from their honey. talk to us about these latest airstrikes and the aftermath. the yes very well. there are more relentless. there's products across the gaza through
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but this time it are concentrated in the northern part of this trip and the western part of gauze, the city that includes one so densely populated on its fly, being business oriented neighborhood shivered one neighborhood where a residential home was targeted down further through the western part of the debt that's about half kilometer away from the vicinity of su, boston, the shutter refuge account, another residential building was targeted and destroyed the eastern part of the city of bit lot. yeah, it's important to bring the concepts to your, the vast majority of these families killed in 5, these residential homes are rigid, our displaced families being what that means. they have been already forced out of their homes that they were destroyed, that the initial weeks of the world are they are being sold during inside these residential homes in the western part of the city or other parts of another part of district so far were looking at at least $42.00 people have been killed within the loss of 24 hours, which doubled the numbers of injuries on about the same exact number of casualties still missing on
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a trap under the rubble. then with difficulty to remove large pieces of concrete on the lack of equipment. unfortunately, within hours or days, these people already died under the rubble that will be very difficult to remove them or they are lifted the seeds inside the rubble and the central area, amelia, they eastern part of it and that is eastern part of the city. there is the more of like mobilization of his right elite of forces on the ground display as in what seems to be the operation. and the continuation with the, the stablish rent of the buffer zone, mainly based or in part of the gaza strip. honey, in terms of any age that's coming into the gaza strip, can you give us a sense of how that has been playing out recently? the if, when we're talking about within the past week, there was a significant increase in the,
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the amount of pay the entering the gaza strip. but it increased the amount of it is not nearly enough when when to challenge with the greater needs that everyone is facing right now. whether it's the northern part of this trip where people have been struggling with the spirit of permanent enforce the hydrogen to starvation and the acute shortage of, of medical supplies. and, and i'm sorry, all right, tiny, we'll have to let you go for now. thank you. so much honey, my fluids, thanks without reporting from or the now the united nations office on drugs and crime is issued a report warning of the rise and drugs trafficking across this a head region. it says that cannabis products are the most common least smuggled items, followed by painkillers and cocaine. west africa has also emerged as
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a principal destination for pharmaceutical fjords. liked from us all the way and also noted that smugglers are increasingly using ships and boats for transports. trafficking by sea could expand the diversity of products, but smugglers move under port says the smuggling is often made easy by corruption across local law enforcement agencies. we cannot speak to see a bird who is the director of the west africa observatory at the global initiative against trans national, oregon, his crime, joining us from the car, welcome to alta 0. i'd like to get your take initially on what this report has reveals. and also tell us why you think that drug, caesar is a sword and the head region. recently. no, there are different explanations for the different drugs. so this report is focusing on. if we look at cocaine trafficking in particular, we have seen what appears to be a phase of shop expansion since 2019. we have record break and cultivation volumes in locked in america. and as
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a great to consumption europe on west africa as to how are transit between these 2 points. so for example, we've been tracking drops and retail prices of cocaine across of in hubs in west africa. and this a how and you need to solve. for example, the retail price of $1.00 grama cocaine dropped from 20 us dollars in 2022 to $14.00 us dollars in march. the see to, to, to what extent though is, is corruption enabling this practice because the report seems to suggest that that is the case and it also includes members of the political. it leads as well as leaders of armed gangs and community leaders were involved in this direction is the grease that keeps the wheels of any criminal market. moving and pertain is extremely profitable. and so we often see quite far reaching protection structures into senior elements of government. and the same is true for all the high value
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commodities like kind of as resin. now we must also recognize that this a how currently is gripped by significant instability. and so the areas of the country that the government is struggling to control, and this instability also creates opportunities for criminal markets and drug trafficking. so that sounds like it must be very challenging to find a solution on how to tackle that. so i mean how, how, how does one go about tackling this issue? responding is extremely challenging. however, right now the priority for this, the hell has to be stabilization. we do need to take drugs, trucking and other criminal markets into account when we're designing responses that drive towards stabilization. but it's also key to emphasize as the drugs that are passing through this a held on west africa in terms of canada's resident cocaine. most of them are passing through the region to go elsewhere and we really need
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a whole supply chain response. it don't be simply the responsibility of transit countries to respond to the challenges of the drugs trade. all right, thank you so much for speaking to us from the car of the ukrainian military size. it's down to strategic long range russian bomber for the 1st time. this video shows the plane spiraling to the ground fault to be over russian territory. the 222 bomber terry's cruise missiles in the dawn, yet squeeze you in on friday, present of a load of mister lensky was on the front line. that's where he visited trenches and inspected army defenses. this is the country braces itself or renewed russian offensive in the spring or summer. and ukraine says that 9 people had been killed and russian strikes overnight. it happens in the central city of the ne pro charles
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stratford as following developments from teats of another night of heavy attacks by russian forces seemingly concentrated on the area of the neat pro ukrainian f. also saying that there was 36 attacks 20 to me. so i was a full team driving this, they say that they might assume it's a $629.00 of these projectiles, but there have been more civilian casualties. do you currently know? sorry to saying that at least 8 people were killed, including 2 children. and another $29.00 injury the coast of russia continues to say that it doesn't deliberately target civilians and civilian areas. but civilians are still being killed in these attacks as they have continued to escalate and have done in recent weeks. now. meantime, ukrainian f also also claiming that they found a rush and strategic boma a t t $22.00 and bola around 300 kilometers from the ukranian border. this is being denied by the russians suddenly rush and state media saying
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that the boma was returning from a mission and stuff with some sort of technical malfunction. but the video is very convincing. suddenly the disappeared on social media of what seems to be a plane that conforms to that kind of bonus shape promising to the ground currently in full season. the last couple of days though, have been claiming that they've been targeting a factory that actually produces these vamos in the cars on region of russia. that's at least a 1000 kilometers from the grading border also as well as mentioning that in august last year. you credit in full was, he's claim to of taken out 2 of these ball as an ad base south of st. petersburg. but i think it's worth pointing out that despite these demands being made by the ukrainians and the support to those develop seemingly, they're getting from the nato highlights that they do need great to add defense
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capabilities to better protect the skies. ukraine is still seemingly able to hit the russian targets a long distance from ukrainian borders. tell stuff algebra keith. the still ahead on the, on the 0 news, our like races, top court ruled presidents or on a lot of it's not face the next prime minister. we're live in sacramento, and we'll tell you why this n h l team is moving from arizona to utah. that's coming up in support for peter the low. it's been point rain for days on the north coast of dominican republic. copious amounts of rain here. communities cut off and people clinging onto whatever they could to be safely rest. you've got to tell you there's more rain and the forecast here on friday. hopefully those some of this rain blues, it's intensity. let's go to
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a higher rate now in the us. still getting hammered with rain. the potential for storms is this batch of what weather moves into the us northeast. it's also dropping down rain into the southern us. so here's a picture today on friday, but i want it to show you saturday because the storms really get go in texas, arkansas, oklahoma rate through to louisiana and mississippi. got a watch for the threat of some severe storms here. some clouds floating around to california, but peaks of sine including los angeles at $21.00 degrees and cold enough for snow in manitoba, the spain and when it pay, but north of the city about $10.00 to $20.00 centimeters. not unusual for this time of the year. top end of south america, it's what from the atlantic coast rate through to the pacific. some heavy rounds of rain here. but south of this actually not much to report, not a whole lot going on. plenty of dry weather to be found. looking good in uruguay as capital montevideo 24 degrees, but a bit breezy today on friday,
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the growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to ration change, a playful series. that seems to understand the challenge. the idea is mobilizing use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0 is being seem the groups the size of the system as know for most interest of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the system generation change on al jazeera. now let me tell you about the co result, the past of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used, only elected very close here like common here, sits on within large stairs, faced with
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a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also offer somebody valley equal, resorted in gun of the the sure of the top stories on the houses there are. these are at least 5 people have been killed in violence between is really forces in palestinian fighters in the occupied westbank. large numbers of people had been arrested during fighting and the neutrons refuge account that lasted for hours. iran says it's air defense systems of shop town 3 drones and us behind province. a rainy and media say that a nuclear side and the military base in the vicinity were not damaged. it comes off for israel, threatened to attract the wrong again. following to ron's retaliatory strike on
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saturday, 374, and ministers have been meeting and that it's all, you know, islands of temporary. together the gathering has been largely overshadowed by your israel's parents attacked on iran. g 7 nations of earth is israel to silver spring . the 2 ends in our poles have closed in the 1st phase of a 6 week general election, prime minister and a render moody is seeking a 3rd consecutive tournament office. the engine government has failed to give visas to alta zeros correspondence to cover the story. so recovering the election from outside the country. now fernandez reports the oscar no means luckily contested campaigns. hundreds of millions of indians now have veterans to get their voices heard the state of money polluted the northeast of india is being run by violence
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between the hindu majority. mated and cookies, though, tribal communities, since last me as you would. i don't want gunfire. the one that i, the existence between all the company does the ruling beach if he enters the election on a high note cleaning. the tub of charged indian economy is one of the major, a treatments, but higher unemployment policy, mistakes and economic anxiety driven by soaring prices. pinson vote to i'm or the son of a diesel is $73.00. it will be deleted the ranger movie you seen as we spotty is most effective weapons. however, if you give one vote for the congress party or the communist, they cannot form a government at the center. you're welcome to go, we started. and so what's a, go to the b a b, which would inform the government that is my get a $26.00. so position policies have created an alliance to stop the b g p. the accused government of using state agencies to track down on the opposition congress
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party politician priyanka gun. the says the ruling party wants to cure victory east . there is a level playing field or that is, this is the elections are free and fair, where the voting machines are not tampered with. then i can say constantly. they can not win more than $180.00 seats auto group father, the beach if he is successfully marketed, it seemed to nationalist brand of politics in a nation where 80 percent of the population is in do with them. and they say it's not the only factor for the party success welfare benefits need or to see if we can itself off position, so that the money to do with something single forwarded ation. or any single issue can not win any part the election. but not everyone is buying the b g p page cabin another. politicians have rejected what they call villages and costs based politics . what all those a weary of your normal because for poor people in for daily wages, his party in his government have not done anything for the good of the money. 10
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years ago, most of these to us campaigned on the platform of ho, he's 2nd, tim judge trust. and as he seeks us, that he's guaranteeing that he will make india a bigger and better country for it's 1400000000 people. critics say the only way for that to happen is to have a strong position that holds the government accountable. you know fernandez g 0. okay, let's take a closer look at how india will vote. so as we mentioned, nearly a 1000000000 people are registered to vote. and they'll cast their ballots in 7 phases at a 1000000 polling stations until early june. there are 543 states, and the luck sup, hot or lower house of parliament at a party needs a simple majority of 272 seats to govern. india's $28.00 states will decide whether to extend the rule of prime minister and arrange remote he's b. jp modi was 1st elected 10 years ago and re elected in 2019 after the highest
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voter turnout in india's history. the beach i p 's main challenger is the indian national congress led by the whole guntee. the party is governed for much of a 77 years since independence. modi is accused of silencing his critics on cracking down on independence media. india has fall in 21 places in the annual world. press freedom index. and india is 200000000 muslims say they've been persecuted under the beach. i piece in the nationalist policies last week to job it on, sorry, was a political analyst. he's joining us from new delhi, mr. i'm sorry. good to have you with us. so there have been 2 terms that the render moody already. how likely is that he's 60 years secure as a 3rd one. he's deep on sean fit the way had done. but that doubts whether he was get the kind of numbers that he is projected. he's talking of 372400 seats given the ground reports
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come after the 1st sound of both bowling. it seems to indicate that there is no very and if there is no way of the more than many other pre saw in 20142019. so these are the is, it is not evident to anybody. and i never thought indeed is the case, but unless the body but for shot off the numbers but take care of his party will be running. i mean, the branch i p is also trying to gain a foothold in areas like the east and south of the country where they haven't had before. how tough is that going to be it. that's going to be a very tough nut to crack beat off the $120.00 seats in salt and there at the beach . if you ever find it difficult to be shipping h 2 when a large number of seats, if there are to come. if even if they are to have a more john, so getting to the, to work for the number that mr. more the as predicted. the find the salt is
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a body of body and cut or not because the b g b where to find it difficult to read a large number of seats. something that we were trying to look for is to date. if the be just a been just single sheet, the picture considered it's sort of lucky. but the bridge it, whatever it does, because it begins with the b b in terms of off the what in percentage on the number of votes that it can. they may, that may not be enough for them to in your, in 2 minutes, each insult. and what about the prospects for the opposition? how do you think that the opposition is going to fair? well, the opposition has its task adult at the moment, push the body. here's the frontrunner without doubt. but and he is likely to forward sharp. like i said, i keep repeating my sense if there's a day indications or anything to go by. if the strain codes, then he going forward shot and the opposition really naturally can. the opposition
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to best case scenario at the moment is that they should be able to stop somebody from getting either the majority on their not just for 10 minutes over the seats. but even getting a majority on it, sean not being able to position doesn't seem very convinced that they'd be able to form a couple of look. there's a lot of concern sort of from the outside about the state of democracy in india, considering that human rights organizations say that civil liberties have come under attack. there are discriminatory policies under the rings remote e mean. how do you see the, the state of democracy and the direction in which it's heading to the end that's facing a tough time. mr. moseley. mr moseley doesn't like answering questions, doesn't like being comfortable, he hasn't got the press conference debate is, has been increasingly
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a targeted eugene. his opponents have been but had not been jared. the jobs are being repre nice against political opponents. to cut option cases that are pending against people against football tradition swim. now, joining us for 3 parties. the advisor is to get in or have there been given a quite various so our everything is not funky daugherty, it's very easy, too bad parameters. somebody goes around the world, that thing upsets on the back, but the, the ground, the oddity of tool, slightly different. okay. job it, i'm sorry, thank you for speaking to us from delhi. and just a reminder, once again that the engine government has not granted results to alta zero's during the list. so we're having to cover the selection from outside the country as well. for races top court has ruled the presidents or on a lot of which is not allowed to become the countries next. prime minister, a lot of it has ignored calls to step down before running for the post, the prime minister for the social democratic party. teresa voted in
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a parliamentary election on wednesday in which the governing, conservative h. these as party won most of the states, but not enough to form a government. on finishing seconds. milano, which is social democratic party, is trying to now muster a coalition. we can speak to marina burch, which was an increase in capital design group. so marina, what will milan events do next of the we don't know what to heard. he do next. the he, uh, as he said, the now he uh, will just continue to collect 7 to 6 votes uh for his majority. and he wants to take over this constitutional court. he's saying that the constitutional courts, and this is the decision today, is a preparation for coup that, to the governed by a prime minister on the planck would be to. and the grace and democratic party, which has rules,
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the increase and the government and the whole grace uh for the last 8 years. so she says that the wheel of people cannot be taken away. and the constitutional court is now trying to do that, and that he's going to bring back to the states to decrease. and people and, and the social democratic party also is quoting, going the cause of christ and constitution that the government comes from the people not from the middle of support, or is the president of the constitutional court a. and the a person who was a prominent member of the ruling party, how does the years before constitutional course increase is a political body. at this moment, it's crazy. it doesn't have a government only technical government. we don't have a parliament to only constitutional course to is the body who can the governor and the, the, and the saves democracy now. and so then is this
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a full blown constitutional crisis and the country as well. uh some say its um, maybe a script for house of cards. uh some say its a preparation for consider it for a move the thoughts as is it on the line or it said, but um it may be better explanation would be to political crisis. so, um, constitutional court, the said the southern milan, which had the warning that he is not allowed to be in and take a take a part to income political campaign. and he didn't officially see wasn't on the award single balance. he wasn't on the posters, but he as a president and he didn't resign as they said he had to have to resign if he wants to run for prime minister. but he, as the president was talking about that he's going to be prime minister after the elections and that, that he has, he will have
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a majority in parliament after the elections. so constitutional court now once to say to all of the parties who are now trying to collect $76.00 awards, that if they choose is not on the line to which they will a knowledge that decision, no matter what the experts of the on constitutional rights is. they are, uh they, they don't think the same. so we, we have a divided opinions in place. okay, thank you so much for that update from is that group still ahead on the, i'll just the renews our lorenzo. norris has foss this in shanghai had of the 1st sprint race of the season. peter will have the details in sports. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the, the, the business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination into by
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the, [000:00:00;00] the sports names here as peter 3. thank you so much. so many head coach sheet and august month has extended these contract, meaning he will be in charge of the national side. for the 2026 will cap. the 36 year old was appointed in september and as $13.00 of the 6 games in charge. these current deal was due to expire at the end of year of 2024, which germany will host in june and july. it didn't speculation linking douglas month with a move back to his former club by munich to replace thomas to called we spoke to dave brad exports corresponding for jim and broad, costa deutsch. a fellow,
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he told us the national side acted quickly to avoid any chance of logo some on moving back to buying. if you look back at when those models are pointed to germany touch weight last year. but that was really seen as sort of the stopped up emergency to replace the slick who was really poor. and he was kind of seen as more of a kind of club manager who was just really starting in to say, well, what the timeline is, it wouldn't be a disaster is home, yours for germany. but the mood has totally changed from germany inside. they had made it clear for a whole months now they were hoping to extend august mind and that they wanted him to stick around through 2026. but it did seem relatively unlikely. and it was also a little unclear going in, you know, going into the tournament, whether or not it's the best time to extend your couch before it is by any means or games, given that germany are hosting. they've only played from me so far. so it's hard to
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get the best picture of where exactly the teen stands. but i think it was really clear that a lot of buying brass were hoping to bore longest one back, which i don't know if it was always the most realistic plan given the times on which she left the club. and we sort of austin from a club, but i think it's really having pressure. former chelsea and nigeria midfield, and because on o, b has told l to 0, that isn't enough. being done to tackled racism in football, stuff, or woods when easiest. junior enrollment in new cock who had been regularly targeted over the years with an ac. a saying he's struggling to stay motivated to play due to the recurring abuse. i get very emotional when i talk about it. and sometimes i say things i shouldn't say. and um, but it's present as alternatives. they decide what punishment and
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punishment is it's. it's nowhere near what it should be nowhere near. and we're talking about someone been insulted. you know, because you are setting color, you know, the same people with same humans. and i think a lot more can be done a lot more should be done. it's about time a lot, a lot more should be done. you can just say you were looking for some of these. you know what you saw that somebody have one football ground and then you're going to find them for live. that doesn't change anything. it still goes on infinity g, new romero because been, you know, show things like that. you know, when i was playing i the same thing as well. you know, when we last game i chelsea, of course by then a social media wasn't as he used to. you know what i mean? and the club reported it today and nothing was on 0. it was done. we just have to ignore it. like when we put that into the club, the club reported to the effect. nothing was done. it not completely ignored,
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nothing happened. and i have to go back the next weekend, try to put a smiley face and continued doing my job. that's just what it was by then. of course, right now has been talked about a lot and still, a lot is not done. now when i see play as go through it, i, you know, i've been there. i know what he feels like, you know, it's horrible place to be it until a lot is done by the target is way by. i just, i think did you, i think clubs can punished and i think so pressing. so yes, because now you don't inducting points from from clubs for p, f. s a rules. and you, you can do that when there's been racism towards plays towards human beings. i mean, come on, what are we talking about here? i think a lot a lot more can be done on $10000.00 on. you're still going to stop. i'm sorry. it will continue. it will continue. we see we can we count if it goes on plan to attempt to is late. what independently, what in the attempt and shape in the, you know, in english it goes on. so we need to do a lot more to, to, to, to, to,
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to stop racism and football. there's no place right. no place at all. linda norris . i set the pace in shanghai, i hate of the 5th sprint. grace of the for me to one season. it's the 1st of a qualifying. certainly for spring crisis. the f one, canada, which tends to china for the 1st time since 2019 decent interruptions from the career and advice pandemic. it was a bizarre red flag earlier in the practice session. and it happened again in qualifying a patch of gloss, coat, fire, attract side, special moment for job one. use you made a 2 to 3. and what is he's 1st ever home from pre a to 3 with a heavy rain show all the class struggling here with wind damage. and it was not us who age the newest hamilton for the fastest last time. notice starts at the front of the grid for saturday. sprint race with crucial points up for grabs. only surprise me very quick. you know, i can get, get tied to him. so now i can push hard. tough, like i saw childs go off in front of me. so that made me like shit out
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a little bit as getting a bit giddy, but the conditions where you go to place and you go to take risks and uh, and they will pay those so perfect sounds good weekend. just like, uh, you know, way i think uh, if it would be dry heat pump as a bit more channels, but yeah, the level is coming together from s q one has q 2 is getting to happy with the de sciences being sensation always being amazing. they want back on now to a mess of upsets at the munich open way gym. these alexander's vet is, has been stunned by the world number 106 chinese christy young guy. they showed up for his cool the final against the 2 of them. and top, they determined to pull up a shock, and the to land did just that winning 6 full and 6 full. it makes them the 1st place was 2015 rank outside the top 100 to beat said they've got in faces. american fluency, china fritz in the semi finals, the arizona, coyotes and h l team are moving to utah and will pay as
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a new franchise next season. it's also the leagues board of governors voted unanimously to approve the $1200000000.00 sale to utah. jazz earn is ryan and ashley smith. funding a alex murillo had owned the coyotes since the 2019, i believe last patient's and its ability to find a new arena in arizona and facilitates it assailed the coyote, had been playing at the 5006. melissa rena at arizona state university for the past 2 seasons after they were evicted from a previous home in glendale. loretta will can rotate the tires, each name, logo, and trademark system. escape will have to rename the team sticking around that's. that's what this policy is for the time being. i'll be regulated with mouldering. we'll see you later, peter. thank you so much. well, at least a $135.00 people have died and pockets done, and they've done a son in severe weather across the region. flash floods have left thousands of people homeless and more. thunderstorms are expected in the coming days if to so
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i'm going food reports in western pakistan. homeowners inspect the damage need deep and muddy waters for 5 days to view whether envelopes has done an eastern have gone, it's done, has effected roads, destroyed homes, and livelihoods. dozens of people and animals died when their roof collapsed on them. they got the 3 goats in this room that were lost. people are taking out the animals and belongings from under the money they suffered. huge losses. multiples of the houses have been destroyed and need to be rebuilt. more than 2000 livestock were lost in this part of afghanistan, and up to 4000 homes were destroyed across the region. the heavy rains are unusual, nearly double the rainfall of previous years. experts say countries experiencing the effects of climate change. we'll see more erratic weather like this,
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which has been raining continuously for the last few days and it is now turned into flooding. the government should provide assistance and relate to the people to this region of southern park is done is still reeling from the unprecedented floods of nearly 2 years ago. more than 1700 people died and thousands were injured and one of the worst flooding and pockets duns history. millions were left homeless. their sources of clean drinking water contaminated for month, august done is the 5th most vulnerable country to climate change according to the u . when's global climate risk index and have gone it's done wrong. so is one of the least prepared to face extreme weather events. what's the ink? uh, so we ask for an countries to help the subject and, and other people that need to know the kind of rebuild by themselves, just as they bury their dead people in both countries, a bracing for more thunder storms. officials war next week can bring more flooding and heavy rainfall. if to some good food, i'll just 0. okay, we'll take
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a short break and i'll just see, right, we're back in just a moment. the a critical the bank. pony farmers are angry. people are starving and we actually have to exports all goods because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments on addition to the highest level they've been using games for this policy. let me come out to him today, then course the arrival inside story on al jazeera. so how is your vacation in
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this a shelves? the chest? wow. the on counting the cost germany is been gauging with china on trade. why consul in breakup with badging? materials? currency has rebounded all the economic reforms working and we speak to the president of the un general assembly about has called action on sustainability council. the costs on alice's era. how well is a threat, but who pays the price? when we came to clean up new orleans more than 1200 poor black people lost their life. not a single rich americans lost their life. the real cost of the climate to emergency the most vulnerable of people who are suffering are poor people. but even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. outages here as
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new series died off to the heart. the us is always of inside 54 right in the world. people pay attention to this one here, and i'll just leave this very good that bringing the news to the world from here of the at least 5 people are killed in the occupied westbank during violence between is really forces on ta, this thing and fighters. the you're watching all to 0 life from a headquarters and i'll find daddy,


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