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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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of the, investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on outages era. the . ready ready around says it's shut down 3 drones and what the us says was an attack by is the hello. i'm associate pain. this is alger 0 life from don't also coming us veto is a draft resolution of the united nations. the code for palestine speed misses as a full un amount. is there any forces? destroyed homes, shots, and other buildings during minute tre rates and the west and ukraine says it's shut
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down. a russian bond that used to launch christmas on the on around says it's a defense systems have shut down 3 drawings of rain in skies. these exemptions are reported to have happens near the central cities is behind. the reading media is a nucleus sites and the military base in the vicinity have not been damaged. and the american media sizing us officials are opposing that it was and is really attack these really minute treat. self has not commented as well. the said it would retaliate of to around north hundreds of drones and missiles at israel last saturday. well, let's go straight to our correspondent dos jabari. she joins us live now from the arabian capital, tyrone tools that took us through exactly what happened this morning. what have you been hearing that from the officials and, and what are you hearing from them might happen next? as well as the, as a, according to the countries army officials,
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a number of unknown flying objects were interest septic by runs air defense systems . and near the city of s, a honda and they were successfully destroyed. and that is the sound that many people reported was of explosions, according to the head of the wrongs of ground forces. armies, ground forces, cure myers hate that a. the um, the defense forces were uh, interest up to some uh, suspicious objects. we also have heard from the head of, or on army uh abdur rahim, gustave, who would his statement said that uh, the same thing. flying objects were met by airlines air defense systems. and he was asked whether or not iran will respond to this. and he said that there was an investigation on going above who is behind this attack. and that's it. he said, you've already seen aaron's response already referred to. of course the operation iran carried out against israel on april 13th. and what we do know is that there is
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a tactical air base of arabian unable foresight army forces, rather in that area just outside of us for home city. and that is what is believe to have been the target of these small drones toys. i see that the radians have been saying that there was no damage in any of the nucleus sites and the i a is confirmed that a yes, as the international atomic energy agency, the new a nuclear watchdog, issued a statement at saying that they can confirm that there is no damage to iran's nuclear sites and that the director, general russell gross, can seduce the call for extreme restraint from everyone and reiterates that nuclear facility should never be a target in military conflicts. of course, in this area, that was the target of this attack. this morning is home to 2 of the 6 nuclear facilities in or on one, and that's the one. and one is in not tons just folks of s the hong. and there were
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concerns. that's any kind of a attack. they could have consequences for these facilities, but it appears that these drones were not launched anywhere near them. and they officials had said that to operate actions that these nuclear facilities continue the i a have have a number of inspectors and monitors that overseer on nuclear program. and on sunday, they announced that for 48 hours, they had told their monitors not to go to any of the facilities after iran launched operation to promised against israel. as a result of that, they were concerned about the safety and security of their inspectors. since then, operations have resumed as normal and as we understand that the officials in the wrong confirming that the nuclear facilities have not been damaged at all. mm hm. dosage bar, it was a very nice us that from tyrone for us. thank you very much. doretha. well, let's get the view from occupied east jerusalem and speak to found it smith been
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a no claim for this attack from israel, but that isn't uncommon. i understand. i know it's not uncommon. israel has neither confirm nor deny that he's carried out. any attack on it. right, entire treatment that sticks with what is well normally does when he's previously been suspected of hitting targets inside iran. we only have this confirmation from us media to the us says israel told this was going to happen and israel has said he would respond after iran targeted israel last such a day with those $300.00 all drones. and mrs styles is reynolds walk, happen to have a meeting will week to decide what level of response to take joe biden to the israel to take the way. and after is a runs, a tax failed to really cause any significant damage inside his route. most of the missiles and drugs destroyed before the it is ready to cat or treat unable and
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child was seriously injured on the bridge in german foreign ministers we had earlier this week. i think it's as well. so just not to retaliate or the date to do it in a calibrated way. that wouldn't risk a wide conflagration. and maybe this is a, at a very few number of drones as well. not taking responsibility, but letting it around know again, that it kind of hatred tight. it's tired tree. if it wants to. uh, the only comment really we've had so many, one of these ran a government is from the far right minister. it mob bang there. he's posted on acts for my switzer, the woods in english, essentially meeting feeble, apparently in response to what his riley is alleged to have done fun at smith. they're important for us from occupied the story some. thank you, bennett. well, i'm not joined again by all different magic as a james base. james, know somebody, this was us officials who have confirms that this was an attack by israel. it feels like the parties involved themselves actually a wanting to down play that. so is this potentially the end of the math?
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i think that's what many diplomats in the region and beyond will be hoping you've got another a to and likes the one that hadn't 6 days earlier, whether with no destiny. so that's the most important thing, is that being dest on either side, i think we might be talking a very, very different situation. also in terms of the range of things that israel could have done, the seems somewhat limited. remember that about hicks in his route, even some of the us like the former national security adviser, john bolton, who was saying that this should be an opportunity for israel to take out the problems whole nuclear program take out all of its nuclear facilities. well, this was a very small attack. it seems like 3 drones, a military target. they seem to have been shot down. and as you say, israel, as is often the case is not making any comment on for now the right hand side of down playing it thoughts. it's early days. i think we need to remember that it's friday into rom. remember, this was in the tackle new writing,
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so all in the writing is even the reading, informed minister, few as before said, such an attack and any sort of attack on iran would have an immediate response to the maximum level. but it was also remembering that when we have the attack on the 1st of april and the right hand side took 13 days before they calibrate it, their response. so i think people will be cautiously relieved that so far that hasn't been a response. but i think we need to, we need, we need to wait a bit. sure. you speak about relief. mean these really will cabinet next today is to try to decide what to do in terms of, of the scale of what we've seen. a natural choice of target, what's your assessment of how much western influence has to be able to? i will certainly they will have been very, very aware of what the west thoughts of the americans have a constant line open to these riley's and i'm sure that the several different lines from the white house, from the state department, from the pentagon, the department of defense they all would have been putting the same message, please show restraint. we do not want
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a regional ball that could be stabilized. this region destabilized the global economy and you actually have the u. k for inspection the gym for a minister to with that in his route. meeting, is there any problem listed? nothing. yahoo, so the old of got the message is always got the message from all those different sources. you do wonder though whether there is any solar behind the scenes deal going on. because remember, the other thing that israel says it's about to do the other ministry operation that everyone is so concerned about that. so rough or offensive half, they've been told if you limit this will let to go ahead with some sort of operation. and roughly, we really don't know what's going on behind the scenes on that. well, that has been quite a lot of speculation about the dynamics between washington and israel at the moment . and there was increasing criticism we saw from the white houses of the way that israel was carrying out its operations and, and concerns about what might happen and rough. uh, what do you make now of, of that relationship has what's happened with around in israel now potentially bolt them closer together. i think it is still probably very sour behind the scenes. and
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the concerns of the goal is to operation in the us, but also in many of its european allies where they're talking in a much tougher terms. and then in the us. so talking about crossing old arms sales to israel. those are still that. but for now, what we've seen these now 3 different incidents on the 1st of april, the attack on the consulate in damascus. the 13th, the writing, an attack on israel. and now this response that we've seen in the last few hours, it has at least changed the subject for a bit from the criticism of his rabbit godson james phase out of america. is that always great to get your insights? thanks for joining me again. the will at least 4 people, meanwhile, have been killed west of gauze, the city of the israel's minute treat bones
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a family home that while in the north of districts is rarely for says, shell jamalia and bay blah. here other attacks have been taking place. east of rafa in the south. the palestinians in southern gauze i have been facing the difficult task of searching for their loved ones buried in a makeshift grave. they've been looking through a temporary summit train in the city of con eunice, within a week of to israel's military, withdrew from that area. sometimes these have found the bodies of their relatives. others are still searching for kind of a sudden the i'm you waiting for my daughter to be brought out to me. she was in high school. she had gone to get water from nothing. hospitalization was hit 10 days ago. i come here looking for her and smelled a bad smell of what is important is to find her body to take her and bury her. i swear to god every day from morning to sunset. i come and go. i hope to find to really hope to find a well that speak to our correspondents our a couple is there and he's on the ground in rafa and southern gaza, tardiness and yahoo has been promising repeatedly that this rough or offensive will
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take place that seemingly still on the cause, is it possible as the us says, ones as well to do to protect civilians are still trying to take out some aspect as well. the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been it has plenty of earth, right. he said multiple times on the his determination in order to invade drop on to militarily, destroy the remaining mill. it treat betsel units for how much move meant as a part is where the amount of tree a come by and inside the gaza strip bought. the american administration has been its trip, singling the significance of guaranteeing the safety of civilians as they are trying to working out on a detailed lawn that will guarantee the safety of civil you in spot. that sounds completely contradictory to what the is, what the military has been carrying out and all of their military and cajuns in other parts of the gaza strip us casualties amongst civilians where particularly high and unprecedented for decades as the is very upfront. minnesota is saying that
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without 12th is going to be new towards the back, 3 in gauze as and it's what quite obvious that the military wing of homeless has managed to regroup again in different areas where the military is randy minutes we had operated in before. and that is a key sign that we might witness for the long months of fighting in the coming days as the region of original neighboring countries have been wanting from things deadly consequences, as they have been distressing on the fact that there is going to be on speaking to humanitarian catastrophe will be resulted from such attack in that very densely populated area on the far south of the gall, this trip on a couple of them. there was a nice as far as from the ground and rough on southern gauze, and thank you. time how prominent palestinian academic has been arrested by israeli police on suspicion of incitement. the deerish i'll hope to walk in, was already suspended from her position as a professor at the hebrew university of jerusalem. and was off the comments she reported the may of last month, including abolishing zionism. police all set to question had before deciding
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whether she should be held in custody or released in the occupied westbank is really forces of destroyed homes, shops and facilities through a rate which has been ongoing for more than 10 hours. is really military vehicles was sent into the nursing homes, refugee camp. boulders is we're used to wrecked buildings and roads. as you can see, a number of people were detained, often times were rated to and at least 2 people have been injured. same but your avi has more now from ramallah is really military went into nor shops, refugee care, east of took or in late thursday nights. and on early friday morning they were still there and 12 hours of res. they destroyed roads, building shops, houses, tore up sewage lines, and on friday morning those rates were ongoing. we've been to this cap, we've seen these roads before. we've seen this kind of destruction before. and those ally ways, those roads that we're seeing in the videos now were repaired near months ago,
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but the locals described them a hand being carried out last night. it's being carried out on thursday night into friday morning by the israeli military as the worst destruction of infrastructure that they've seen in the west bank since the destruction of the janine refugee camp during the 2nd intifada in the early 2 thousands. now. the area of tucker him is no stranger to these kinds of raids, but with residents are saying the, the, the opinion that now locals are voicing once again, it's the same thing we've been hearing since the beginning of the war on casa. they are worried that this escalation and intensity is a signal. then once these really military is done with garza, that the west bank will be next same bus route of the 0 remo. a still a head here on our polls. i've been in india and nearly a 1000000000 people eligible to vote and the world's largest and most of the
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the low a few rainy days coming for southern queensland, state and australia, a good heavy along. so let me show you. we're going to get lost with rain and brisbin, but i think the worst of it will actually be north of this city. we're talking the sunshine coast. some spots could scoop up to about a 100 millimeters of rain over the next few days. and with this free is off the tasman. see, we're also going to see some showers up and down the coast of new south wales state, but really the biggest downforce will be reserved for queensland state, weather warnings in play for this rain coming in to the north island. pretty much stretching from the northland rate to the east gate. so saki day and gets been at 18 degrees on saturday. and don't easier. sure, it's still raining, but the rain is not as intense as the rainy season is now starting to wind down. but check this out, we've got a breeze off the salt trying to see here. so hot, humid and hazy for china is hunted island, northern vietnam. but this committee,
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this moisture off the south china sea is sparking these storms pretty much anywhere from united to 40 on but highest level alerts issued for storms. as we look to work one down in glenn g providence is there will be some hail mixed in here as well. we've got rain coming into south korea and also keeps you island in japan that system one. and then we've got system to folding in on sundays here. the, oh well it's, it's rent but who pays the price? when we came to clean up new orleans more than $1200.00 poor black people lost them nights, not a single to america. less than the real cost of the climate to emergency the most vulnerable of people who are suffering are poor people. but even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. outages here as new series dying us off to the higher
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the the call them back and watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sounds around says it's a defense systems of shop down 3 drones. the interception supposedly happens near the central irradiance, which you have any immediate saying nucleus science on the minute to base in the vicinity with north american media sites. and us officials say it was and it's really attacked with the it's really ministry itself is not. israel has failed to body a and they block, you know, think also elsewhere at least 4 people have been killed. west have gone to these really minute see from the united states has
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a veto to draft resolution of the un security council, which quote for palestine to become a full member of the united nations. us was the only country to vote against. and 12 members voted in favor with the u. k and switzerland outstanding gabriel's under reports now from un headquarters in you to those against a single raised hand signaling the united states veto, which ended palestine aspirations to become a full member of the united nations. also showing how isolated america has become on the issue. they were the only no vote. the u. k. in switzerland abstained. while the 12 other council members all voted in favor of palestine to the palestinian people. diana will never abandon you. we will continue to use her advice until justice is served grunting. membership in that you went to palestine,
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could be an important step towards peace. it would strengthen the role of the palestinian authority and which contributes to the security of the instead of as well. what i lo awesome. well, how all the fun in remarks after the us veto power stein's ambassador gathered himself, as he talked about his people's quest for dignity and acceptance. the chamber sat silent. some diplomats were seen wiping away tears as he spoke. we love life. to live and feed them and dignity in our nation and home, then we will not dispute either. you deal with us with fairness and give us a lot of rights or to give us our lights. the united states justified its veto by casting doubt on palestine qualifications as reflected in the report of the admission committee. there was not unanimity among committee members as to whether
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the applicant met the criteria for membership as set forth in article for the un charter to earlier in the day. in a separate council session opened to o u. n. member states. the secretary general brief the council on the reality on the ground, gaza 6 and off months of use today, only made it sad. you'll put ations, they've created the humanitarian health scape, tens of thousands of people have been killed. to 1000000 palestinians that'd be able to do this, this direction and the denial of live saving you meditating the aides and they are now standing down on a sort of ation. it was a long day of more than 5 hours of speeches on palestine and the humanitarian crisis and gaza, followed by nearly 2 more hours, focused on palestine ins bid to join a $193.00 other countries and become a full member of the united nations but despite overwhelming support,
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it's now abundantly clear, it likely won't happen until the united states changes its position. gabriel's on to, i'll just say to at united nations in new york, hosting in new york and police that have a rest of thousands of columbia university students staging a sit in protest in support of palestinians. the students have also been calling on the university to end its ties with israel. they flooded the main one of the university campus before dawn on wednesday. and as you see, thousands of tents to assess up creating what they're calling goals, that solidarity incumbent the, the ukraine says 9 people has been killed and russian strikes overnight. the attack happened in the central city of to meet pro, a residential building caught fire and was heavily damaged during the strikes. i
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mean, while buchanan military says it has down a long range of russian boma for the 1st time. the plane in this video is seen spiraling to the ground. this ought to be over russian territory. the $222.00 bomber carries, cruise missiles, russia, those as a crushed due to a malfunction. charles transferred his into with will on the downing of that plane as well. if indeed this is true, this is significant for ukrainian forces because this would be the 1st time, at least that they have down one of these large strategic russian formulas in mid flight. as i say, this is a claim being made by the ukrainian air force is impossible to verify. the t you $22.00 m 3 is one of a strategic long range bombers. you say that can carry cruise missiles and we've seen that video of what looks to be an aircraft of, of that shape plummeting to the ground. we understand over there, russia co stand report, which is hundreds of miles away from the ukranian border. what we do know though,
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is that the ukrainians that actually destroyed will claim to have destroyed a couple of these planes before that was last year in august. but these planes wait at an air base south of st. petersburg. and in the last couple of days the ukrainians have also been claiming that they have been targeting a strategic boma factory in kaz and which is approximately well around 2000 kilometers away from ukranian border. so it wouldn't be inconceivable that this has happened, but it would be an illustration that to ukraine. certainly, despite obviously complaining and demanding more, a defense still has the capacity to take down your large military aircraft at very long distances. now the united states senate is set to vote on a piece of controversial legislation this week that will expands the governments by a palace. the bill was established in the wake of the september 11th attacks
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enables the government to force major telecommunications and tech companies to co operate with well star, to use by eaves dropping on private communications, including emails, texts, and even calls. the bill has gone criticism from legal experts and has been called dangerous by some sentence as 12 drawers have now been selected. informing us president donald trump's cash money trial comes just hours after $2.00 drawers, who had already been sworn in for the trial were excused from the case one of the dismiss, georgia said she had experienced intimidation from faces charges stemming from suspected of the payments made to an adult film star to us india now, when nearly a 1000000000 vote is eligible to cost a, a balance in a $6.00 week election, prime minister in the run for moody is seeking a 3rd consecutive time that office the indian government has failed to give these as to alger, there is correspondence to cover the story. so covering the election from outside
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the country. middle fernandez reports. after no mean luckily contested campaign. hundreds of millions of indians now have veterans to get their voices heard the state of money polluted the northeast of india is being run by violence between the hindu majority mated and cookies, though tribal communities, since last me has the gunfire. why didn't i pull the existence between all the company? does the ruling bgp enters the election on the high new a cleaning? the tub of charged indian economy is one of the major, a treatments, but higher unemployment police of mistakes and economic anxiety driven by soaring prices. pinson volta, i'm the son of a t says $73.00. it would be g p, lead and arrange a movie. you seen as least bodies most effective weapons. however, if you give one vote to the congress party or the communist, they cannot form a government at the center, your political restarted. and so it looks at go to the b b,
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which would inform the government. that is my get a 26 opposition policies have created an alliance to stop the b g p. d a. to use the government of using state agencies to track down on the opposition congress policy, politician priyanka gun. the says the ruling party wants to cure victory east. there is a level playing field or that is this man. if the elections are free and fair, where the voting machines are not tampered with, then i can say constantly. they can not win more than 180 seats auto promot father . the pgp is successfully market and it's a new nationalist brand of politics in a nation where 80 percent of the population is in. do, donnelly said it's not the only fact us of the party success benefit of benefits need or to see if we can itself off position. so that the money to do something simple, full evaluation or any single issue can not win any part the election. but not everyone is buying the b g p page cabin another. politicians have rejected what
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they call religious and costs based politics. what all those a weary of your new motor on the cost of poor people in for daily wages. his part in his government have not done anything for the good. the money. 10 years ago more the 1st campaigned on the platform of ho, he's 2nd term judge trust. and as he seeks to, he's guaranteeing that he will make india a bigger and better country for it's 1400000000 people. critics said, the only way for that to happen is to have a strong position that holds the government accountable. you know fernandez, which is 0 or in mind that we're covering the selection from the outside india as the government has not cronsa the visas. trump journalist, now moving on and the military helicopter carrying can use defense chief has crashed, coming on board via croft went down about 400 kilometers north west of the capitol . nairobi. general francis, a monday of gola was my 10 senior officials on that helicopter part of admission
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was of the defense force troops in the region. there remains have been taken to my review for burial. now the world health organization has expanded its definition of an air borne pathogen. it comes off to control the sea around the original definition, which is that the communication during the curve of 19 pandemic. the new criteria for evelyn infections now means that a virus can still be defined as an air borne pathogen, regardless of the size of the actual drop that that spreads the illness. during the early days, the pen demik, you might recall, scientists were complaining that the w h o failed to warn people of the risk that the virus could be spread through. the scientists say this new definition is more precise and could even help to save lives in the future. shareholders of the food and beverage, joint ness, they have rejected the proposal for the company to reduce its reliance on unhealthy foods. upon the plan is claimed, it is aimed at cutting back to the use of a salt,
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sugar, and fats and necessaries. most popular products and investigation found that nestle cereals in european countries contained no added sugar. the very same products in africa, asia and latin america was sweetened with up to 7 grams of sugar past having at least a 135 people have died in pakistan and afghanistan and severe weather that across the region. flesh clouds have left thousands of people homeless and even more thunder. storms are expected in the coming days. and to send confirmed reports in western pakistan, homeowners inspect the damage, knee deep in muddy waters for 5 days to view whether in bellow, just on an eastern, afghanistan has effected roads, destroyed homes, and livelihoods. dozens of people and animals died when their roof collapsed on them. they got the 3 good.


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