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tv   The Stream Overtourism and Social Media Culture  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 8:30am-9:01am AST

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and i'll just have including dozens of students, the rest of the columbia university in new york for staging a city and protest and support of the kind of stuff more of those things, the, the hello. well, we can now add them into the list of countries in the radian peninsula dealing with flooding. rain was parked over the south coast here, so it led to the stains. tremendous amount of rain falling within a short period of time. i've got to tell you there is still more rain in the forecast in the zone on friday turns a bit lighter. we've got some pockets. so to the west and the north of the country, they could produce some flooding. but otherwise, through most of the arabian peninsula, it is a dr. picture sends out. so those temperatures are starting to rise could see some storms flare up though for saudi arabia, is mecca prophets flooding between afghanistan and pockets. dawn has killed more
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than a 100 people. and still rain locked into northern pockets, done so things could get worse before it gets better. western searcy, i get ready for it. we've got wet weather, dancing in here, eventually through greece, but we can see it already on friday. is stumble hitting the showers here with the height of 16 degrees. now with disturbed weather in this central mediterranean, it's blowing down a lot of wind. fort's needs the. so tune is that 19 is below where you should be for this point of the year. big wins, big waves off the coast of tens of nia. and we've also got winds often moves in b channel here. so given us a few showers for central and northern, most indeed, the unique perspective that plays students up does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency,
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but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable hard to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on algebra, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back you watching out. is there a quick reminder about top storing here? this pilot, iranian state television has reported the 3 drug needs were shut down in the city of this phone with the use of anti aircraft artillery flights were briefly suspended to and from several cities across the country,
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including terror on this $100.00 shots. they say that their defense systems were activated in multiple provinces, american media sites and us officials reporting is really at the time, comes as tensions are running high in the region of the ring and attack on his rail . last supplement. now the united states as veto to drop the resolution of the un security council brought forward by algeria, which cooled for palestine to become a full member of the united nations. the us was the only country to vote against the resolution. 12 members of the security council voted in favor with the u. k and switzerland choosing to abstain. deborah is on the reports from you in headquarters in new york. it was against a single raised hand signaling the united states veto, which ended palestine aspirations to become a full member of the united nations. also showing how isolated america has become on the issue. they were the only no vote. the u. k. in switzerland abstained,
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while the 12 other council members all voted in favor of palestine to the palestinian people. diana will never abandon you. we will continue to use our advice until justice is served a grunting membership in the you went to palestine could be an important step towards piece. it would strengthen the role of the palestinian authority and which contributes to the security of use that as, as well. well, i low as well how all the fun in remarks after the usb to palestine, sam baset or gathered himself. as he talked about his people's quest for dignity and acceptance. the chamber sat silent. some diplomats were seen wiping away tears as he spoke. we love life to live in freedom and dignity in our nation at home. now, we will not dispute either. you deal with us with fairness and give us
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a lot of rights or to give us all the rights to the united states justified its veto. by casting doubt on palestine qualifications, as reflected in the report of the admission committee, there was not unanimity among committee members as to whether the applicant met the criteria for membership and set forth in article for the un charter. earlier in the day, in a separate council session opened to oh you and member states, the secretary general brief the council on the reality on the ground, gaza 6 and off months of use of a lead. me to tell you, will patients have created the many dead in health skate? tens of thousands of people have been killed. 2000000 palestinians, that'd be able to do this, this direction, and the denial of live saving you meditate in the aides. and they are now standing down on a sort of ation. it was
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a long day of more than 5 hours of speeches on palestine and the humanitarian crisis and gaza, followed by nearly 2 more hours, focused on palestine ins bid to join a $193.00 other countries and become a full member of the united nations but despite overwhelming support, it's now abundantly clear, it likely won't happen until the united states changes its position. gabriel's on the i would just say to at united nations in new york. oh, the us and israel have agreed on the shared objective to different time us and rough uh, and gaza during virtual talk. somebody is, randy on these plans launch of ground operation in the city. the pentagon says it believes as well kind of complete its offensive laws protecting civilian lives that despite that, despite mounting pressure from rights groups, wanting able to unwrap it into a graveyard. i think the discussions continue in terms of, again, enabling the united states to share with israel what our concerns are and to
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provide lessons learned that we've gleaned over the years and conducting these type of operations. and i think we'll have those conversations going forward again. our position has been pretty clear we understand the need for israel to go after i'm austin, to eliminate or defeat him off as a threat. and so we believe there's a way to do that. well, also taking into account civilian safety and ensuring humanitarian assistance based on groups as it'll escalate to operations. if israel expands it's offensive to wrap up because i have said i'll show honda group has been carrying out the tax against us spaces is lead us. but without a 0 is a solid binge of a. the best ancients continue to similar in the middle east as israel struck in the range in cost of that iran struck back. now there is fear that his route might strike again and to discuss it with this is the founding member, as well as the general secretary off of ca, biopsy, and the show. and that one of the fighting groups here in iraq, which has been fighting a israel,
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is linked in for us here in iraq as well as in the region. mr array. thank you very much for taking the time. your group has been designated a terrorist organization by the united states. you're based in iraq. so why would you get involved in a fight between israel and era? what are you, monica? well, you haven't any, will any battlefield involving the united states against any arab country? we will stand with that to our country. any war directed by the us, against any islamic country. we will stand the long side back to the limit country, but either one of them, you know, loveless, my daughter this, have you got it after tax against americans or his relatives in the past? but i know if i can do that, we force against us occupation for 10 years until its 1st expulsion from iraq. now, these nomic resistance, these, the us taking an active part and because of and supporting his ro without this american intervention, as well with multi exist thought and we felt against the americans. we all part of
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the resistance and the front to support our brothers the much i had been in palestine is that made resistance of a rock now is 3 major organizations. capacity of the show, the image of a and cuz i've just below what are your capabilities mccomb and it's done with the assistance in iraq increase, disclosed and on disclosed function is there on there. and on group selection with us, our capabilities have developed more than $20.00 to $50.00 times. and we have the ability to manufacture michelle drones. and we have developed an arsenal. shouldn't rocky, a public opinion or resistance or fighting. come from the government of the rock rather than a groups that are not part of the government without having difficult if you have them, we do not want to embarrass the governments with this issue. this is why we see i was a supportive role. the rocky resistance was carried out to more than $400.00 attacks, and we continued to target this role by a drug dealer. and if the occupation expands the wall, it's a rough idea of what is level of assistance will escalate its operations. cuz he
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don't remember yet. do you not think that this escalation is going to take the entire region towards war and the people of it off the people off for various countries are going to suffer the most? i'm, i don't want to know what we believe in the excess of resistance. i will fight isn't human 11 on syria, iraq and iran, you know, in case of allows we'll, we are with the islamic republic over on we all standing with the heroes children and women of gaza if all else will takes place. our messages that americans in iraq will be hostages, under the control of the islamic resistance, at least in new york, the rest of the dozens of columbia university students staging a sitting protest in support of palestinians. the students have also been calling on the university to break ties with israel. students flooded the main loan of the campus before doing on the wednesday. dozens of tents with set top crating. what like holding a guns that sorted out to you and complement christian funding as the support from
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new york. just outside of the columbia university campus solidarity demonstrations have sprung up. after students who formed a gaza solidarity encampment on the schools main lawn were arrested by the new york police department. the police were called in by school administration, the university president just back from a trip to washington d, where she was ruled by members of congress over the university's attempts to deal with the anti semitism. the university president put out a statement saying that the students who had gathered on this lawn were violating several rules and policies of the campus. and we'll warrant that if they did not disperse, that they would be suspended from the school. while the students did not disperse, the police moved in and took them away and there is a heavy police presence still surrounding the campus. a tense environment attend smooth with demonstrators on the outside uh,
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showing their support for the demonstration that was cancelled on the inside present salumi algebra, new york. the poles that i put in for the world's largest general election in india. voting with last maybe 6 weeks. the indian government has failed to give these as to address a what's correspondence to cover the story. therefore, we're covering the election from outside the country. no fernandez reports. after no means, luckily contested campaigns. hundreds of millions of indians now have veterans to get the voice of the state of money polluted the northeast of india is being run by violence between the hindu majority mated and cookies, though tribal communities, since last me has the gunfire. why didn't i pull the existence between all the company? does the ruling bgp enters the election on the high new planning that double charged indian economy is one of the major a treatments. but higher unemployment,
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police, and mistakes and economic anxiety driven by soaring prices. pinson vote to a mother, the son of a tea sailor, 73 years will be deleted and arranged a movie is seen as least bodies most effective weapons. however, if you give one vote to the congress party or the communist, they cannot form a government at the center, your political restarted. and so it looks at go to the b b, which would inform the government. that is my got a $26.00 opposition policies have created an alliance to stop the b g p. the accused the government of using state agencies to track down on the opposition congress party politician priyanka gun. the says the ruling party wants to cure victory east. there is a level playing field or that is this man. it's the elections are free and fair where the voting machines are not tampered with. then i can say constantly. they can not win more than $180.00 seats auto promot father, the beach,
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if he is successfully market and it's a new nationalist brand of politics in a nation where 80 percent of the population is in do with them. and they say it's not the only factor for the party success welfare benefits need or to see if we can itself off position. so that the money to do something simple, full evaluation or any single issue can not win any part the election. but not everyone is buying the b g p. page cabin another. politicians have rejected what they call religious and costs based politics. what others are weary of your new motor on the cost of poor people in for daily wages. his part in his government have not done anything for the good of the money. 10 years ago movies plus campaigned on the platform of cool. he's 2nd, tim judge trust. and as he seeks us, that he's guaranteeing that he will make india a bigger and better country for it's 1400000000 people. critics say the only way for that to happen is to have
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a strong opposition that holds the government accountable. you know fernandez g 0 and just off the back of nails package that quicker mind of the indian government has not brought the visas out as it was john list. so we're coming the election from outside the country permanently to the far right of the parties funding trial for using a non c slogan, june a campaign. raleigh, a punishable crime. in germany, the owner is complaining to become the 1st day of the prime minister of a german state and september states elections step by summer post in the town of holly in germany. i don't have to use the slogan, everything for germany at a complain, riley had up to 2021 general election. the same phrase was used by the s of the so called stormtroopers of the nazi party crafted into the nice during the 3rd the rice hooker who is the age of the party leader is the ring. yeah. has officially been classified as a right wing extremist by german intelligence. this under surveillance in response to his trial took
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a road on the social media platform x that germany is prosecuting political opponents and suppressing free speech outside the court process because we a mentally disagreed with him. and welcome to trial, to make sure that the, uh, this is nothing that we will accept in our society no matter what. it's not the only remembering it's also to, to set boundaries. we learn from history that the fastest. so need the, the majority, they only need the certain amount of people or a certain percentage to destroy the democratic system, even though it's important that everyone can express themselves the way they want. it's also important to be respectful of each other and especially to have very specific rules about what we think is acceptable. the is the pulling is the largest party in form. i used to them and states such as 3 media nationally
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. it is supported by nearly one in 5, durham, and millions of people took to the streets across the country after it was revealed . the a if the was involved in a secret meeting, discussing deportations of immigrants, it slit in the poles after that. german law doesn't provide an official list with that, not to slogan so it's up to the courts to decide. but the off race is the past previously, like 2 convictions, such as piracy plus one people, one empire, one leader sentences like this could be punished up to 3 is in prison. focused as he didn't know that the phrase, every thing for germany was against the law. but for success as a form, a history teacher, we should have been aware only a few of her supporters. he does his calls to attend the trial. and it is an odd no, he didn't do anything wrong. all he meant is that germany should above all work for german. if it's sentenced to 6 months in prison or more,
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the court could take away his right to run into september election. the trial continues next week. steadfast and al jazeera paula, the world health organization has expanded the definition of an ad borne pathogen. it comes off a controversy around the original definition lifted miscommunication during the code 19 pandemic. and your report defines a set of criteria for evelyn infections. most importantly, i found that a virus can still be defined as we have on pathogen, regardless of the size of the droplets that spreads the illness. in the early days of the time, the scientists complain a w h. i failed to warn people of the risk of, of virus could spread through the at sign to say the new definition is more precise and could help save lives in the future. for dr. i'm a shut down to that is a senior scholar at the johns hopkins sense of health security. he says the new report is crucial in preventing future pandemic threats. if we would have understood that small aerosol transmissions were occurring over short distances
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that might influence what personal protective equipment were recommended for individuals to use. it also might have influenced people kind of falsely relying on a 6 foot distance to be kind of iron clad. so i think what it would have done has been more exact, but i think what this really does is try to bring the science up to date because we were using some outdated ways of thinking about disease transmission that really wasn't fitting with arrow biology. even though it had a purpose in a role in hospital infection control, i do think that we've all always known that for example, influenza does transmit through the airborne route to some extent and some through the droplet route. i think it's much more better to think about this in terms of what is the actual risk. so we take a standard airborne disease like measles. it still has a very different epidemiology. it's much more contagious, for example, than coven, or influenza. so, so there's still gradations within it,
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but what i think it does is kind of keep us from being very rigid about what needs to be done for each type of virus. and really allows for the fact that improving air quality, improving uh, you know, bringing in outdoor air, improving air changes make sense for a whole host of respiratory viruses. and there may be a larger role for and 95 maps, especially during certain medical procedures. a cinnamon, a series of kidnappings carried out by um groups in northern nigeria since february the attacks are on the rise, often leading security forces, unable to support residents. it's led to local, some of whom have survived those could. nothing's just the top vigilante groups in an effort to protect themselves. from the months reports they stopped the security shifts with a smile for the task to prevent kidnappings in northeast and nigeria is deadly serious. 7 7 members of this civilian joint task pool, so vigilant is in
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a plot of the country where regular police patrols have previously failed to protect the population. there was a time i was also given up, but not significant. you know, i was thinking to do a, come on, i spent the weekend to come to us monday fornia is to is i was really beating new fixing to meet you kidnappings. a game global attention 10 years ago. what around 300 school girls from the town of chico was seized by bulk or had some remain missing, which is deeply felt by the families. i wanted to say how that do good evening. so i wouldn't i wouldn't forget that absence feeds pain,
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but also and against the group and criminal games, a like to split experts, winery, that villages carrying weapons could create their own challenges to control this guys. and i'm just to protect the company to i think the criminal elements we've capitalized on that opportunity. few up next to the city in the criminal enterprise. so i think the government should give you guys if i could try to thinking on patrol a sign of confidence as this community 6 to respond to the regions violence the monks, how does it or should i just president gabrielle bar? and she has accepted an invitation by venezuela's, lead nicholas my bureau to discuss a bottom crime way, believes been led by a venezuelan mob, but bar it says he wants more than just rhetoric. i mean, escalating tensions between the 2 countries. the same human reports from santiago,
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kidnappings, decapitations, extortion, and much more had spread fears, ro, chilly, ever since the so called. and i would train in organized crime syndicates arrived here from the, in his way left. so when been as well as foreign minister said that i would train pigment of the media's imagination. but truly it was the last straw simple form the buck is, was a deeply troubling and are a great insult. through the families and victims of the criminal organizations should is attracted by chile stable economy. tens of thousands of on documented venezuelans have entered this country. the vast majority have come looking for on this floor, but chillies. horace of northern borders with neighboring bolivia. m for rule have also allowed been as well as largest criminal organization to set up shop here. this is in blood each has recall autism bassinger to venezuela. much was by lateral tensions escalating. venezuela's president is now offering an olive branch at
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a fee and say, what is that? i'm only loving point. so in a fight tell the president for it's publicly that if you want to talk about the subject, let's talk personally because they tossed that accusations that are picked up by the media which uses them in their campaign against venezuela. voltage has agreed, but with caution, i got to put the body go beyond the rhetoric on my slides. what we expect is concrete collaboration. what should happen is that venezuela hand over the criminals, committed a very great crime. a little bit in wednesday did come if you don't, he's referring to to least request for cooperation to arrest to venezuela men who return to their country after having allegedly kidnapped and murdered a former then as well, an army officer, an opponent to president my buddha. right here in to the, as the prosecutor says, this investigation has led to the conclusion that this was a political crime organized in venezuela. but he does not say by whom president
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buddage is under pressure. give us the execute. we ask the foreign minister and the president to leave on both of the here and consider breaking ties with venezuela. even a socialist congressman from the left wing government coalition is proposing a bill to ban venezuelans from entering chile for the next 2 years, a deteriorating bi lateral situation that will take more than offers of cooperation to fix the c and human al jazeera santiago. now at least a 135 people have died in pakistan and afghanistan and severe weather across the region. flash floods have left thousands of people homeless and most of the storms are expected in the coming days. if it's in gen, reports in western pakistan, homeowners inspect the damage, need deep and muddy waters for 5 days to view whether envelopes has done an eastern, have gone, it's done, has effected roads, destroyed homes,
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and livelihoods. dozens of people and animals died when their roof collapsed. on them, they got the 3 goats in this room that were lost. people are taking out the animals and belongings from under the money. they suffered huge losses. all the walls of the houses have been destroyed and need to be rebuilt. so within 2000 livestock were lost in this part of afghanistan, and up to 4000 homes were destroyed across the region. the heavy rains are unusual, nearly double the rainfall of previous years. experts say countries experiencing the effects of climate change. we'll see more erratic weather like this. it has been raining continuously for the last few days and it is now turned into flooding . the government should provide assistance and relief to the people. this region of southern pockets done is still reeling from the unprecedented floods of nearly 2 years ago. more than 1700 people died and thousands were injured and one of the
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worst flooding and pockets duns history. millions were left homeless. their sources of clean drinking water contaminated for month, august done is the 5th most vulnerable country to climate change according to the u . when's global climate risk index and have gone it's done wrong. so is one of the least prepared to face extreme weather events. what's the ink? uh, so we ask for an countries to help the subject and, and other people that need to know that they kind of rebuild by themselves as they bury their dead, people in both countries are bracing for more send to storms. officials war next week can bring more flooding and heavy rain for it to some good food. i'll just 0 as well as of remind you quickly of uh, breaking news story this. i let it rain in state television. it has reported that 3 drivers were shut down at the city of this time with a use of anti aircraft alternative by say that had events, systems were activated in multiple provinces. american media sites with us
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officials, is reporting. and it's raining a time. that's it for me down to it, and i'll be back off to a short break with much more use searching, searching by the a. we do look at the world's top business stores, how much is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies of small businesses. we have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the lives. how big a problem is global food insecurity? counting the cost? oh no, just here we are the ones traveling the extra mile where all the media don't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell the story 300 years ago. the found is the full season the celebrated, the natural world in stages of the, you know,
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his music has been re composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency culminating in a disturbing like performance in south korea. this nokia or of silver on al jazeera the, the,
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the iranian media is reporting the shooting down of 3 drones. and what the us says is on a ton by his right. the other ones are in jordan, this is all just they are a lie from dough high with breaking news coverage out of iran. also had the us vito's a draft resolution of the united nations, the cool for palestine to be admitted to the u. n. as
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a full members premature actions here in new york. even with the best intentions, i'm not a chief state or to the customer on somebody's in southern gaza, search for loved ones buried and make some grades up to his reading forces


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