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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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slain alger 0 is new series die, not off to the how we can we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can know. as far as i said, i'm going all the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference the is there any insight me to say? 3 dragons were shut down over the city of this fun using a across the steps. the other ones are enjoying this about 0 life and also coming out to us the details of the draw for losing the resolution of the united nations. the proof of promise times be admitted to the union as a full member states. premature actions here in new york, even with the best intentions. i'm not a chief state for the past, and i've also been in india emilia,
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affinity and people are eligible for folks in the world's largest have a general that the who begin with breaking news out of iran in the rainy and state television has reported that 3 drugs were shut down to the city of this fun with the use of anti aircraft generate flights. were briefly suspended to inform several cities including tara on just behind on should. as i say, that a defense systems were activated in multiple provinces. they're also unconfirmed reports and explosions in syria, american media site and us officials as reporting. and it's really a tough, but it comes with tensions are running high in the region, often underwriting an attack on israel last south of it without a 0 dosage. bobby jones us live now from the arabian capital toronto, as i said, it seems to be unclear at this stage as to what exactly happened with these explosions. what are you hearing now and what are it raining? officials telling you as well, we've just been hearing from
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a commander in your ons army who is confirmed. that's an anti aircraft of this facilities. we're used to shoot down unknown flying objects at a low altitude over the base of a military base. it just northeast of s for hong within a phone province near s on international airport. according to this official ground based anti aircraft guns at low altitude, confronted these objects that were coming towards the hash. them shikari, airbase, which houses interestingly, and also the iran slate of american f. 14 tomcats, a fighter planes. as, as far as we understand, according to this official, there's been no real damage sustained to this military air base. and we're waiting to hear more from other officials as to what actually transpired. we did hear that
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a i airspace overrun, was cleared for a few hours, but to we understand that operations have resume at all the airports, including the international one in the capitol to hong dosa and for those of us. so just joining, i'll just say right now the top of the hour. let's just remind them, i mean, this comes against the backdrop of the ron's unprecedented attack on these rail. following these ready to attack on the runs consulate in the syrian capital, damascus tension is extremely high between iran and israel is certainly there and there at an all time high. it was the 1st time iran carried out a direct strike against israel on april, 13th and calling it operation to promise wear over $300.00 drones crews and ballistic missiles were launch towards israel. they range and say that it was within their right to respond that if their response in that operation was limited and accurate. and it was used to deliver a message to israel that this status quote of israel's policy of hidden pits and run towards the reigning officials. and installations is no longer going to be
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tolerated. these riley air strikes on the wrong consulate in damascus on april 1st killed 7 of the wrong revolutionary guard members. of course, that it wasn't the 1st time israel has carried out. this type of attack against is read it raining officials in the past 6 months from october. 7th until now, israel has launched strikes in syria alone that have killed 18 members over on the revolutionary guard, but also within a wrong israel has continued to wage the shadow war without taking any responsibility for the actions. it's carried out with the radians alleged that israel has carried out sabotaged operations against this nuclear facilities assassinated high levels of high ranking the members over on the nuclear program, as well as nuclear scientists. over the past since 2010, at least 6, irena nuclear scientists have had, have been assassinated. one of them survived the assassination attempt,
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all of which iran has blamed israel for and until april 13th. iran have never responded directly to these attacks. again, it's installations that officials but the feeling here was that the attack on it's consulate in damascus was a red line for a wrong. and the foreign minister, as well as the president, had said that the failure of the united nations security council to condemn israel was what lead officials here to carry out operation to promise. and that iran was within its international rights and legal rights to respond to as well, directly though, so let me get a final thoughts from you. what do be right in saying about being a tons nuclear facility, which is located in it's behind because that's a critical thoughts, other ons nuclear program. it's certainly it's one of the main nuclear facilities, one of 6 inside the country. it's one of the facilities that does the enrichment actions of iran's nuclear program. some of the most advanced centrifuge shows are
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installed at the times nuclear side. it is located in this home province just south of the city of s for han, and the officials have said that any kind of an attack against its nuclear sites will be met with a direct response by iran against israel nuclear facility. now we understand that there has been no damage in around the nuclear site, that it wasn't the target of this attack. and official say that work is resuming there as normal. then we also heard from a rustle grossi the head of are all at the nuclear atomic watchdog. that is, that has nuclear inspectors in around that monitor its program inside the country. and over the past 48 hours, he had set that on sunday. and monday, last week, as a result of iran operation in israel. the activities of the inspectors was halted due to security concerns, but they have resumed as of tuesday. and we understand that that continues now this on friday as well. all right, the dosage of our life has the entire on doors. so thank you for that. well,
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these are in the army. you're saying that sirens are founded in northern israel. let's go live to bennet smith. he's an occupied east jerusalem, and it says right, the officials had comments couple day that'd be a response to the arrange an attack on his way last saturday. what uh, what are you hearing that now from is right. the officials, if anything, a don, it's friday morning here, the beginning of the weekend. it is right. let me know so far. no official confirmation from these riley's, the only line that we have from israel is these really is rarely military say that advice to the public. it hasn't changed as instructions to be as riley public. we only hearing from the us from us media reporting that these riley's told us in advance that this was going to happen. of course, we've known the days that this has been in the works as well, has been threatening to respond to a ron's attack of 300 of drugs and miss on israel earlier this week. we've had the us, the us present,
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joe biden saying to these riley's is route to take the weight and leave it last and we have the british and foreign a german 4 minutes. is there a couple of days ago at co inc. that message. but, but benjamin netanyahu, as well as prime minister, hasn't listens to that advice. he has decided that he wants israel to have the last word on this box, whether it has the last word or not. this way we have to see because we have to decide, wait and see what a run decides to do if it's concludes, that is what i was behind this account. so i've done it, i'm just saying no word yet. then from his way to officials. but i'm in israel is walking a tightrope here, a prime minister netanyahu promised to respond, as you say, to ron's miss allan joined. it's not last saturday, but do we know that then? but if this response is calibrated then, so as not to solicit a much more violent tip, but that response from the wrong then escalates the crisis as well. we have on both sides. nobody wants an allowance confrontation between israel
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and iran. israel certainly, militarily is much better prepared for this and the ratings, but nevertheless, i know as the reporting here that that would be considerable damage to his relatives infrastructure to the civilians living here a base really escalated into some sort of whole out confrontation. it does that all real precious soto on israel. certainly the no practical price is precious in the north of israel since october. since the beginning of the conflict in gaza at more than a $100000.00. these railways have been forced to leave our own $28.00 communities that because of constance rock rock, it's a tax for me, right? in by that box has of all the fights is that israel has been talking for many, many months that it wants to be able to push has smaller box so that those people can go back home. so there are real pressures on israel from those irena inbox the groups in southern 11 on and that's been a not taking violence along that northern border in the last few days. only
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a couple of days ago. 14 is rarely soldiers were injured. 6 of them seriously. and it has all that i taught at the israel, i killed that has smaller come under and 2 of the lebanese citizens of barrett's holes are getting really, increasingly tense along that board has been didn't send since it 10 since october . but really in the last week, there's been an uptick. invite and sat down. let me get a final thoughts on you've done it. i mean, we'll say i'm a sphere like on the streets nowadays. right at the moment, particularly holding last saturday's attack. and how is it, how is this ready? public being prepared for yet? what could be another irena response to there? there was this strike that drugs strike last night as well. look along the side, you have the gaza war. we've had increasing protests in israel against netanyahu's handling of the cause of war, particularly over a failure to get more hostages out of gaza. but on the other side, these riley probably well might be
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a split and they support the prime minister netanyahu on these governments. these really, these ran, these will be nice to any support of his response to way around. it is, as i say, quiet here is a friday morning, the streets a quieter than usual. but while the cost is that nobody wants to see and roll out conflict any around, a lot of people will tell you they feel it's been coming for a long time. and that will be, is really public support behind whatever the government decides to do. because he's rarely wanna show united face against its opponents internationally. alright. could been as may apply for step and alter bodies, drugs competitive. thank you. what are the i spoke to moving rabbani? i'm the least i'm list of out those trend strikes. here's what he had to say, that one can safely assume this was in his early attack, whether it was launched from his really territory. was it missiles, was it the air force? was it drones? was it perhaps launched from observation with whom is real?
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has a very close to military relationship, regardless of that, iran has indicated that it would meet any further attack swiftly and severely. and now that it's saying that these explosions were actually caused by its air defenses. i don't think covers for that. so we're really on the precipice here and i think is a good case to be made. that is the is really stake. it has taken leave of its sense is that it's now become a fully rational state, determined to drag the entire region into war. but having said that, this real is not operating in a vacuum. if we look at what has happened in the past 2 weeks in the united states, israel's chief enabler, did not condemn its attack on the iranian consul, it in damascus. although it said it was outraged, how did it respond to it prevented the one security council from condemning that attack. then it condemned the wrong response to that attack and ultimately slap new
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sanctions, not on israel, but on the wrong. and it's quite possible that, that this was coordinated with the united states because the us made very clear that it expected to be consulted by as we go on any further a tops. and that's an important point to make 1000000 because the president biden should have protests. he was telling us that from washington that he was telling me is ready. 5 minutes to take the when following your ron's attack on his rail is not responding to ron's attack. clearly netanyahu and these radios see things made differently. yes, i mean either nothing yahoo has understood from the past 2 weeks that he can do as he pleases because there will be no consequences. and certainly no consequences in the us is rarely relationship. or the us decided the best way to control is we also conduct was to participate in the planning and to sign off on something
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that, in washington's eyes would not elicit further wrong and response and, and we'll find out very shortly just how strongly is we on the us have miscalculated. yes, again, yet again, just the final thoughts. humor, and i mean, how do you then see this content playing out? if this is on his right, the response, i mean it wrong. as you point out, says it's thing is on the trigger. and it will respond heavily to any use right. the attack on iran house just likes to play out that. well, the problem here is that on the one hand, israel is determined to drag the us and the wrong into a direct confrontation. it's a confrontation, neither the united states nor iran want, but israel, through its continuous escalation, appears to be leaving a wrong no choice but to respond, thereby further, potentially dragging the united states. and so we're really at an exceptionally dangerous moment right now. we're allowed to say it was john henry joins us live
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now from washington dc. john, so 3 drug strikes of it is behind in iran. are you here? and if you hearing anything more from us officials at this stage as well, there are neither side and there's conflict seems to have been listening to the biden administration. so it's perhaps not surprising that the biden administration isn't saying a lot. we have nothing on the record from president biden, the white house, the state department, or the pentagon as of this hour. but as often happens, we do have statements from us officials confirming in the us media that is real, did commit these strikes on a run that the us did not endorse or approve or participate in any of those drawings. but that it was given a warning on thursday that they would occur within 24 to 48 hours. i was at the state department a little earlier on thursday and at the time we were getting reports that these
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attacks were, were likely that they would have an after pass over which starts on monday. so this is earlier than that. um and there the idea was that there were many options being presented, and among those options was that in order to de escalate, israel might be striking proxies. sites of iran, a perhaps has the 11 on perhaps sites in a rock or elsewhere. but they chose to strike on iranian soil, and that is, is a concern for the biden administration. b, which has been urging restraint and de escalation. and the concern here in washington is that this might become an escalation. so this is in the middle perhaps of the conflict, maybe maybe not the at the bottom administration that have received any warning from these writing is that they are about to carry out some kind of retaliatory strike against or on some media outlets seem to suggest they were yes
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indeed, and that's what, that's what we're being told that the by the administration wasn't given a warning. we know that lloyd austin, the defense secretary, talked to his counterpart, you of the launch in israel earlier in the day. we don't know if that is the point at which the is rang least gave the us this information. but we, we were told that it happened earlier on thursday and that the, the timeframe was 24 to 48 hours. and so it especially considering that the us is of the greatest sponsor of israel is a, the is really military program. the u. s. gives billions of dollars each year to israel for that purpose. you would expect that they would be informed. uh, but we are told that the information came with very little foresight. and as for whether us thinks that this conflict is over, perhaps not the u. s. embassy in israel in jerusalem has warned employees to
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restrict their movements for themselves and their families saying the security environment remains complex and can change quickly depending on the. ready situation and recent events. so the us is telling it's embassy employees in israel to be careful. ready that means the us doesn't believe that this is necessarily over. that may be an abundance of caution, but it's also a way of saying watch out. we don't know that this situation has ended, so let me squeeze in one more question. john, how is the soul playing out domestically and politically for joe biden and his administration? i mean this, as we know is an election year. and as you've been reminding us by them says that he's been trying to prevent the us being dragged into a much wide conflict of them, at least. that's right, president biden warned a run don't do this. and of course iran ignore them. uh, warranty is riley's to please ask. good not to escalate the situation. do you
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exercise caution? b is rarely went ahead and struck on iranian soil. and so really the binding looks weak. neither side has been listening to him in his conflict. he has been dragged into a widening conflict in the middle east, which we are told he has privately told aids that he has been concerned. mike happened we started is the congressional responses role in, in recent hours a marco rubio writing. i hear khamenei is having a blast today on his birthday, an attempt to humor their apparently from the republican from florida and other responses are largely supportive of israel and critical of biting. and the fact is that here in the us end of the election year, he's facing a guy who's got $91.00 charges and 4 criminal cases. and by some polls biden is actually behind. and this isn't going to help because it's making him look weak. he's not exercising influence, at least in the us public opinion,
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based on the israelis and he's not being persuasive with the iranians as well. and there's a widening conflict here. he's tried to call for a cease fire, a in gaza. that hasn't worked either either. so in an election year, this is what looking good for by all right. touch on engine life as the in washington, john, uh, no doubt. we'll talk to little bit later in the morning. thank you very much indeed for your time. well, so we think that anyone's thursday, israel's, i'm back to the, to the united nations, a cube, ron and being the source of regional instability, a easy run, you run the to insured. some us was able to orchestrate the, the 7th messic or it is the i a total resuming to air run that has provided weapon every to peace. butler to rain down missiles on these rarely towns and cities. it is the total resuming to air on that is equipped the hood. these we've cruise me so as to fire at the merchant vessels and it is the total regime that launched an unprecedented attack. israel a fellow un member state less than
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a week ago. well, the us ambassador to be here and also condemned iran at that same meeting. ron and it smells and partners, including them, us have driven us to the precipice of a broader conflict. united states condemns ron's direct attack on israel, which we, along with israel and other partners helped to defeat. there was no doubt. ron's aim in launching more than 300 munitions. it is real, was to inflict significant damage and cause a loss of life. the us commitment to israel security is iron clad, repeat iron clad. that's working out just here was gabrielle, is on the who is that un headquarters in new york? i gave has been a pretty long night few with this developing story. just remind us, if you can, what you've been hearing, what we've been hearing from the united nations over the past week or so about these escalating tensions between iran and israel as
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well as secretary general has been very concerned about it quite frankly. and we've been hearing about from him over the past week or so. but even as recently as just within the last 15 hours or so early on thursday, he was speaking a, giving some remarks and the security council chambers on during the quarterly open debate on the middle east in the question of palestine. and he started here his remarks by again condemning israel's attack on the uranian cons. so it in damascus and also condemning iran's retaliatory strikes on israel. on saturday, the secretary general also went on to say it's high time in the bloody cycle of retaliation. it is time to stop you, so the middle east is on the precipice. recent days i've seen a perilous escalation in words and deeds. i remind you. these were the secretary general's words on thursday. now here we are less than 24 hours later. and we have
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potentially iran, israel striking iran will have to get more information on that. the details are a little, little cloudy, of course, but uh, so the secretary general has been very concerned about this quite frankly. so as a, as the many members of the security council as well, he does not want any more escalation. and this is exactly the, if you will, the nightmare scenario that he does not want to see a tit for tat a back and forth. because every time this happens, it's a continued escalation. and as he says, one miscalculation the secretary general said thursday one miscommunication. one mistake could lead to the unthinkable. yeah. gaming, and this comes, does it not on pretty much the same day that the us again good coming to these, right. these in veto that palestinian bid for full membership at the un. yeah. these right. it is, it was their attack went against president biden's request not to respond. how
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could this them play out, but you and in the coming days, good. as well. we'll have to see on friday when sick, when the security council returns here to the headquarters of the you and they do have meeting scheduled for the morning and the afternoon on unrelated topics. but clearly when uh, diplomats wake up here in new york on friday and it's just coming up on little after 1 30 in the morning here right now. diplomats, we're breaking up to this new secretary general, be waking up to this news. they will assess what's going on, they'll be having messages from their capitals and this, and the security council will certainly be, you know, having some meetings to decide what they do about this moving forward to see how big of an escalation as was, if it is, if uh, another security council meeting is needed on this or not. the bottom line is we simply don't know yet, but we will in the coming hours as we get more information on events that have
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transpired. yeah, gave let me just get one final thoughts from you. i mean, what's the, what's the mood music at the u. n. a. at the moment to be members of katy, worried about any further escalation between israel and iran. at no cost as a warrant garza, i mean the region is extremely tens at the moment as it is. and you know, a lot of the focus right now in the last few hours, of course, is on israel and he run. but i got to tell you that for over 5 hours on thursday, the focus was on something much different. and that's the humanitarian situation. on the ground in guys that right now, which is a disaster. quite frankly, we heard that from the secretary general. a sorry. remember that the meeting today, right? by the security council before they met about palestine is big for full un membership . was about the situation in palestine, particularly the humanitarian situation in guys. and the secretary general said
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flat out is real. it is impeding a getting in to guys. it says 40 percent of the united nations requests to israel to get trucks. and just within the last week were denied by the israelis. so this really must to do more to open up orders, leave borders open, so there could be unimpeded flow of aid. secretary general set that is simply not happening. so, and there's a real concern here, quite frankly, i think within many humanitarians within the u. n, that the focus is, is, is not where it should be. and the focus needs to be on the dyer humanitarian situation in guys it because millions of people there are, are on the brink essentially of famine. so i think you'll start to hear that again, perhaps on friday, perhaps even from the secretary general, others putting the focus back on the humanitarian situation. 7 months in to a, israel's or i'm guys are all right. gabriel is under the life of un headquarters in
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new york, gabe? thank you. what any i spoke to him. i'm into moran. the political and security list at the university of terry ron. he says, iran has made it clear that any is rarely a truck in the country would be met with an immediate and heavy handed response. it is still clear if anything important happened. it may have been a 3 o'clock comforters that were down somewhere near as fun, but nothing important has happened and everything is business as usual. people who are in s behind or how well i know at least online have said everything is fine. uh, the writings have said that if. ready riley's attack again if they carry out another act, active aggression, they will strike back harder than last time and they will strike back without waiting 2 weeks like last time. this violence of course
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began years ago, this rarely regime per year has has been assassinating iranians. it has been carrying out sabotage. it has been murdering iranians and syrian, finally, when they attacked the embassy, the uranium said enough is enough. sadly, the un security council, as you know, refused to condemn the bombing of the writing embassy because of the position taken by the united states, france and the u. k. and the secretary general of the and really if he was going, if he was a, if he had curry, he would call out the americans and europeans. but he, of course, himself is a european. so the is not point to take or i the so far hasn't taken the moral stance that he should of yes to stay with this issue. a mom of highly ron might respond, demean iran has repeatedly said, look, it doesn't want a full scale will. but to around, as you just pointed out,
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says it's finger is pretty much on the forget under the respond heavily to any is ready attack on iran. so then what kind of response i would like you to see, could it be a direct response? so perhaps we around the process with you. how do you see planning out to really run doesn't have proxies. hezbollah, how my stomach job. i am so low. these are all the running allies and they have agency in the room has said that many times. but the, the writings have said after the attack on them busy in the murder of you writing and citizens in damascus as well as local stuff. uh that uh for now on, if there's right of the strike iranian targets, if they murder iranians, if they target you ryan's, they will get a direct response and a heavy handed response from you ron directly. so this is a policy shift. the ryan says that they've changed the equation the most of the come here and i'll just have encouraging thousands of students the rest of the
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columbia university in new york for staging us to, to in protest and support of the kind of stuff more than that. it's like it's the the hello well we can now add them into the list of countries in the radian peninsula, dealing with flooding. rain was parked over the south coast here. so it led to dc and a tremendous amount of rain falling within a short period of time. i've got to tell you, there is still more rain in the forecast in the zone on friday turns a bit lighter. we've got some pockets though, to the west, and the north of the country that could produce some flooding. but otherwise, through most of the arabian peninsula, it is a drive picture suns out. so those temperatures are starting to rise could see some storms flare up though for saudi arabia's neck up profits flooding between
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afghanistan and pockets. dawn has killed more than a 100 people and still rain locked into northern pockets, done so things could get worse before it gets better.


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