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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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to it's countless kilowatts of ality, official light, allowing industrialized agriculture defies seasonal and geographic constrains witness shed slice on the impact of modern cultivation on the natural world to which we even know sleepless bags. on tuesday era, the single tiniest explosions are reported. it is in central iran and in southern syria, irradiance, they meet us as a defense themselves. what activation the color ones are in jordan, this is i'll just say around life and so on. so coming us veto is a draft resolution that the united nations that cool for palestine has been admitted to the us as a full member states. premature actions here in new york, even with the best intentions. i'm not
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a chief state for the past and people on palms open in india, nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to vote and the world's largest ever general. and the we begin with breaking news from iran and rainy and state television is reporting explosions. up in her, near the city of it's fun and the flights have been suspended to and from multiple cities, including taylor on this on, on, should, as i say, that a defense missiles were activated in multiple provinces. those are reports and explosions and syria. american media, citing us officials is reporting is really attack it comes as tensions are running high in the region of to underwriting attacks on israel, on south of the 0 is dosage of our jones as live again from the uranium capital doors to start seems to be unclear at this stage as to what exactly happened with
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these explosions in it's behind. so what are you hearing the at this stage, what more regular officials say i was there and as the reading media, certainly down saying this attack, according to state tv, 3 small unknown flying objects. we're interested over the city near the city of s, the han, just after uh for am, local time. that's after votes around one a, g m t. and according to a, c, t, v. as the iranian air defense systems were able to intercept and destroy these flying objects. and we also understand that the air defense systems over the city of tempe breeze and north western part of iran were also activated. what we do know is the location in as the home province is a rainy military air base that belongs to the countries army and not the
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revolutionary guard. i think it's important to highlight that according to information coming out from somebody, official news agencies in the country, the 8th tactical air base of the rain in air force could have been the target, the intended targets for these objects. flying objects that were coming at them and intercepted what the house is important. this base houses multiple squadrons of f, 14 tomcat, spider aircrafts. and now this facilities also located near and within the us on international airport as well as a result of all this. the officials have now cleared the rating skies and all the major airports have been reporting for at least the next 2 hours flights have been canceled, including i'm on hold, we need international airport and dosa, it's worth reminding our view is, is it not that this comes against the backdrop of the ron's unprecedented attack on
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these rail following these rainy attack on it's considered in the syrian capital, damascus. some attention is extremely high at the moment between your rom and his right. and certainly, and this is going to be seen as an important factor in all of this that's been ongoing since april, 1st, the attack that israel occurred out on the wrong consulate section and damascus, killing 7, members of the romans revolution regard. and you're on responding on april 13th with operation to promise, saying that it was defending itself. now, the aim of the operation wasn't to inflict actual physical damage or harm at, but rather to deliver a message to israel that this is, there is a new reality in the relationship between iran and israel, that israel's behavior will no longer go on. punish this behavior. i hadn't run that israel has had for the past nearly 2 decades now, assassinating nuclear scientists targeting high profile members over on the revolution regard, both inside iran and outside. so this has been seen as
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a continuation of that. and if you're on choose this to retaliate to this a legit attack by israel is going to certainly increase tensions with much further . but for now we're waiting to get more information about whether or not any real damage was sustained to these locations. all right, so dosage of our life as the in toronto, so thank you. well is, randy ami is saying that simon's have sounded in northern israel. it's bringing home to salute. she's live for us from tell her the time the is ready, the officials. we know how to promise that would be a response to the uranium attack last saturday. what are you hearing the from is right. the officials of the of what we have reached out to these really prime ministers office. but we're also hearing from is really media that they are refusing to comment on the situation. and other news agencies that have reached out to the is really our me have received the quote that they cannot yet give any comment on the situation. all of this comes is really officials for the
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last week or so have essentially been saying that there will be a response of beat on the and attack that took place on saturday night, saying that it will not go on answered, but they will respond at a time and place of their choosing to signal a message of deterrence throughout the region. but all of this started when did these really struck the it on e and consulate in damascus, which i might add. they have never taken responsibility for as these really army typically does. not comment on its activities in syria and have the, as well as walking a tightrope here because prime minister netanyahu up as you say, promise to respond to ron's missile and joint attack. but do we know if this response, if it was the israel, is calibrated so as not. so then, so is it a much more violent tit for tat response and they're wrong, but then escalates the crisis. slugs. there's been a lot of international pressure on these really is coming from the americans, the united kingdom and germany calling on these really prime minister to not
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escalate this into something larger into a larger spill over of a war into the wider middle east. what he has said that, that's simply won't happen, and he has brushed off any sort of international pressure saying that israel will do what it sees best for israel and reports are indicating that it is real. didn't notify the united states within 24 to 48 hours. they weren't going to do something, but it is still unclear at this time and is really officials yesterday on thursday were reported. we meeting both in the war and security cabinet to discuss this issue as they have been all week, but there was a consensus among these really political and security establishment that there would be a response to the it on you. all right, to have this new life for us, they have from tennessee of him to thank you. all right, let's bring in life from washington, dc not treat a policy. he's the executive vice president of the quincy institute. that's a us think tank is also the former president of uranium, the american council luxury to always good to have your knowledge of the rest of
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the picture. as we've heard from our correspondence best still remains confusing. some thoughts suggesting this was unlimited is really response to that it range and attack last saturday. how significant is this though, an on what does it will mean? it very much depends on what type of damage has been done and if the volumes to continue to downplay this dismissed is as a savage, me and non attack. and as a result, refrain from attacking israel in return. and by that in being just as little recycled as israel initiated with it's a top on the volume concert on april. first, if that is the route that you've gone takes you will expect to be treated as the more rational actor in this equation. next the right to treat. so i think we've, i think we've lost your sound. yeah. we'd love to sound that up for the time being . look, we're trying to come back to you. if we can treat that,
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can you hear me at all? i can hear you. can you hear me? yes, i can hear you now. um. so you would just uh, explaining to us the significance of the attack. yes. uh if it turns out that see about is choose to downplay this. they will expect to be seen is treated as a more rational actor and this equation, the one that actually ended as the to recycle. and you know, we some benefits from the national community can, didn't do. so as 1st officers embassy was from the us, security council, for instance, did not condemn dots attacked by these ratings because of the us been in fast block you having and then that there isn't likely or that the wrong perhaps would not have retaliated against these warranties not in the manner david. yeah. treat that just the final thoughts. you mean, i mean done and just to stay with the politics it because this all comes on the same day that the us again good coming to these railways, a veto the palestinian bid for full membership at the you. and yet these ratings
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went against president biden's request not to respond to me. let me ask you, does this again show that the us doesn't necessarily have leverage over these writings? all right, so again, we're having problems that i was present policy in washington. let's move on, shall we? and we'll try and get that fixed. let's move on to john hadn't been a joins us live from washington, dc. john, uh, so reports of similar changes explosions in iran and syria. are you hearing anything from us? officials at this stage of the us administration is not offering statements at this point, but we are seeing reports in us media that the bygone ministration did get advanced warning of these attacks, but that it did not endorse it. and of course, we know the biden administration, the president himself said the us was not going to participate in any direct retaliatory strike from israel. so that's all consistent and we expect to
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hear more in the coming hours. but the fact that iran is down playing is, is encouraging from the us perspective, because the us had said in the 1st place to iran don't launch an attack against israel. of course, they ignored the administration and then had been urging israel not to launch a retaliatory strike at israel. ignore the administration as well. i was at the state department earlier today and we were fielding reports that this would, this retaliatory stripe was indeed expected. that wasn't expected until after pass over in the coming days. and this is sooner than expected. so what the by the administrator will be looking for is, you know, how damaging the strikes are and what the iranian response would be. because it ryan has warned that if israel word which act then there would be an immediate and
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a maximum level return strikes. so the administration is worried here about escalation. iran is worried about that. the fact that they're talking it down suggests maybe that's not what's happening, but we won't know that for for hours now. yeah, john, i should say that choking it down, but i mean, let me get a final thoughts from you. how much does this now represent a whitening an escalation between israel and iran? something that the bible administration has, you know, has been trying to avoid all along. that is exactly what the biden administration is, feared that iran would launch original error that is real, would launch, retaliatory strike and different, you know, what runs responses will determine whether that is an escalation or not. the signs we're seeing from iran seemed to suggest that there minimizing it, and that therefore, this might not be uh, the escalation that the by the ministration had feared. but it is a tit for tat retaliatory strike going on here. and that's exactly what the by do
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ministration has been warning against. and essentially this is an embarrassment for the biden administration in the sense that israel has not listen to the bad new ministrations urging or ron did not listen. when president biden said, don't launch an attack, and what's happened here is, is that the u. s. has been trying to avoid getting involved in a wider middle eastern conflict. and because it's help defend israel in the uranium strikes. and despite the fact that it said it's not going to participate in is rarely strikes on iran, it's already involved. this is a conflict that has involved us a military facilities and divide image ration is kind of in the point where it's being pulled into this growing conflict by benjamin netanyahu, which is something the administration has long feared. something that president biden has long feared. just how bad that escalation is that something we'll see
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in the coming hours and days down. all right, so john henry lives there in washington. john, thank you. what's meeting early on size day, the us representative to the united nations condemned iran saying tear around is the source of regional insta benefit ron and its mills and partners, including them. us have driven us to the precipice of a broader conflict. the united states condemns ron's direct attack on israel, which we, along with israel and other partners helped to defeat. there was no doubt. ron's aim in launching more than 300 munitions. it is real, was to inflict significant damage and cause a loss of life. the us commitment to israel security is iron clad, repeat iron clad. all right, let's bring it out to 0. is gabriel. as on the who's monitoring events that you in headquarters for us into your game? so just remind us again, what do we've been hearing from the un over the past few days or so about these
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escalate intentions between iran and israel or yeah, that's right. we've heard from the secretary general at that very meeting earlier to on thursday here, united nations headquarters. we heard from the secretary general a 6 page speech and the 1st couple paragraphs of it. we're all about this situation . secretary general saying, the middle east is on a precipice. recent days i've seen a perilous escalation in words and beads. he went on to say one miscalculation one . miscommunication. one mistake could lead to the unthinkable. a full scale regional conflict that would be devastating for all involved and for the rest of the world. those were the words, the secretary general just less than 15 hours ago here. and he was referring to israel and the rod because he said in his speech, and he said previously, he condemned the april 1st is rarely attack on the iranian consulate in
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damascus. he also condemned it runs retaliatory strikes on israel last saturday, and he has been worried about this exact thing, a tit for tat a back and forth between israel any ron? and he said it has to stop because it is just so incredibly dangerous. so listen, it's a little after midnight right now here in new york, the un headquarters is fairly quiet. but i can tell you that the secretary general was probably watching very closely. events that are transpiring and he ran trying to get as much details right now as he possibly can. yeah, dave and it's with the pointing out. but this pretty much comes on the same day that the us again gave cover to these raising veto that palestinian bid for full membership at the you and you were coming that story for us. yeah. these right is if this was their website, they haven't, they haven't officially said so they went against president barton's request not to respond. so how could this whole play out to you? and then in the coming days as well how the security council will be
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certainly is looking at this closely. i mean the palestine has top of mind of this for the security council right now is real. is top of mind. any ryan is top of mind . i can tell you that for sure. in fact, your ends for administer is in new york. he was here at un headquarters all day on thursday, taking part in meetings about palestine and the situation in palestine. he had several bilateral meetings. he met with the secretary general as well. we're unsure if he's already on his way back to you. right. or if he still might be in new york, i simply don't have the answer to that. but i can tell you that he directly was saying, and i say he, i mean the wrench for administer said here at the un on thursday that he said we were attacked. meaning you ran was attacked when our diplomatic mission in damascus on, on april 1st, he said we waited 2 weeks for the security council to take any action or any
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combination against israel. they did not sweep. he said, we were obligated to respond in self defense and what will the security council do moving forward? we don't know. we'll have to see what happens. uh, when we get more information from the situation, any round, but i can tell you that certainly on friday there will be diplomats here un headquarters. take a very close look at this. all right, gabriel is on the line for us that you and a headquarters in new york, gabe, as always. thank you. all right, so my head here on the, i'll just say right, dozens of students the rest of the columbia university in new york for staging us sit in protest and support. more nice things, the, the hello. well,
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we can now add them into the list of countries in the radian peninsula dealing with flooding. rain was parked over the south coast here, so it led to the stains. tremendous amount of rain falling within a short period of time. i've got to tell you there is still more rain in the forecast in the zone on friday turns a bit lighter. we've got some pockets though, to the west and the north of the country. they could produce some flooding, but otherwise, through most of the arabian peninsula, it is a drive picture sends out. so those temperatures are starting to rise could see some storms flare up though for saudi arabia is make a profit flooding between afghanistan and pockets. dawn has killed more than a 100 people and still rain locked in to northern pockets, done so. things could get worse before it gets better. western searcy, i get ready for it. we've got wet weather, dancing in here, eventually through greece, but we can see it already on friday is stumble, hitting the showers here with the height of 16 degrees. now with disturbed weather in this central mediterranean, it's blowing down a lot of wind fortune easier. so tune is that 19 is below where you should be for
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this point of the year. big wins, big waves off the coast of tens of nia. and we've also got winds often moves in b channel here. so given us a few showers for central and northern most indeed, the outcast foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hobbins. it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates. we've come students the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching out of the are a took her mind a bunch of stories here. they're solid arrangements they need is reporting explosions. the city of this. uh huh. and the flights have been suspended to and from multiple cities, including turnaround is fine. i'm sure rugs are reporting that the defense themselves were activated in multiple provinces, american media sites and us officials is reporting and is right now the united states has veto to draw the resolution of the un security council brought forward by algeria, which cove of palestine to become a full member of the united nations, but us was the only country to vote against the resolution. 12 members of the security council voted in favor with the u. k. and switzerland choosing to abstain
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. tablets under reports from you and headquarters in new york. those against a single raised hand signaling the united states veto, which ended palestine aspirations to become a full member of the united nations. also showing how isolated america has become on the issue. they were the only no vote. the u. k. in switzerland abstained, while the 12 other council members all voted in favor of palestine to the palestinian people. diana will never abandon you. we will continue to use her advice until justice is served a grunting membership in the you went to palestine could be an important step towards peace. it would strengthen the role of the palestinian authority and which contributes to the security of the instead of as well. well, i low as well how all the fun in remarks after the us, vito palestine sam baset are gathered himself. as he talked about his people's quest for dignity and acceptance,
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the chamber sat silent. some diplomats were seen wiping away tears as he spoke. we love life to live in freedom and dignity in our nation at home. now, we will not dispute either. you deal with us with fairness and give us a lot of rights or to give us all the rights to the united states justified. it's vito. by casting doubt on palestine qualifications, as reflected in the report of the admission committee, there was not unanimity among committee members as to whether the applicant met the criteria for membership and set forth in article 4 of the un charter. earlier in the day, in a separate council session opened to oh you and member states, the secretary general brief the council on the reality on the ground,
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gaza 6 and off months of use of a lead. me to tell you, will patients have created the many dead in health skate? tens of thousands of people have been killed. 2000000 palestinians, that'd be able to do this, this direction, and the denial of live saving humidity and aids. and they are now standing down on a sort of ation. it was a long day of more than 5 hours of speeches on palestine and the humanitarian crisis and gaza, followed by nearly 2 more hours, focused on palestine ins bid to join a $193.00 other countries and become a full member of the united nations but despite overwhelming support, it's now abundantly clear, it likely won't happen until the united states changes its position. gabriel's on to, i'll just say to at united nations in new york. well the us in israel have agreed on the shared objective to defeat thomas in rough drink virtual talks on these
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really on these plans to launch a ground operation in the city defends against. as it believes israel can complete this offensive was protecting civilian lives, not just like mountain pressure from rights groups wanting. they would turn rough uh into a graveyard. as i think the discussions continue in terms of again enabling the united states to share with israel what our concerns are and to provide lessons learned that we've uh, gleaned over the years and conducting these type of operations. and i think we'll have those conversations going forward. again, our position has been pretty clear. we understand the need for israel to go after i'm austin, to eliminate or defeat him off as a threat. and so we believe there's a way to do that. well, also taking into account civilian safety and ensuring humanitarian assistance on the wrong, based on group says it will escalate operations. if israel expands it's offensive to wrap the cups have side, i'll show who the group says it's been carrying out the tanks against us basis. if
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need a spoke without a 0 is a some of injured by your group has been designated a terrorist organization by the united states. you're based in iraq. so why would you get involved in a fight between israel and iraq? what are you, monica? you haven't any, will any battlefield involving the united states against any arab country and that we will stand with that our country and it will directed by the us against any islamic country. we will stand alongside that is around the country. have you got it out to tax against americans or his relatives in the past? but i don't know if i can that entity, we fault against us, occupation for 10 years until its 1st expulsion from iraq. now the islamic resistance sees the us taking active part in the cause of war and supporting israel . without this american intervention, there will be no existence of israel. we fought against the americans. we are part
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of the resistance and a front to support our brothers and shouldn't rocky, a public opinion or resistance or fighting. come from the government of the rock rather than groups that are not part of the government. what i have a difficult well, the other thing i have is we do not want to embarrass the government with this issue. this is why we see ours is a supportive role. the rocky resistance have carried out more than $400.00 attacks, and we continue to target israel via drones. and if the occupation expands the war to rasa, these law make resistance will escalate its operations. police in new york, the rest of dozens of columbia university student staging a sit in protest in support of palestinians. students have also been coating on university to break ties with his route students flooding the main loan of the universe. the campus before don't on the wednesday, dozens of tents was set out pricing. what like holding a guns that some
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a diety and compliment kristof. let me ask this report from new york. just outside of the columbia university campus solidarity demonstrations. have sprung up. after students who formed a gaza solidarity encampment on the schools main lawn were arrested by the new york police department. the police were called in by school administration, the university president just back from a trip to washington d. c. where she was ruled by members of congress over the university's attempts to deal with the anti semitism. the university president put out a statement saying that the students who had gathered on this lawn were violating several rules and policies of the campus. and we'll warrant that if they did not disperse, that they would be suspended from the school. while the students did not disperse, the police moved in and took them away. and there is a heavy police presence still surrounding the campus. a tense environment attend
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smooth with demonstrators on the outside uh, showing their support for the demonstration that was cancelled on the inside present salumi. i'll just here on new york. the bus has bring you back to that breaking news out of the wrong uranian state television reporting, explosions have been heard in the city of this for one of the flights have been suspended to and from multiple cities around the country, including tyrone. it's fun and sure, as they say that the defense themselves were activated in multiple provinces, there are also reports of explosions in syria american media sites. and us officials is reporting on his radio talk. it comes as tensions are running high in the region of to underwriting and attack on israel last saturday, and that's bringing it back to such a body jones as life from the uranium capital defense. so as you were telling us earlier, it's quite unclear at this stage as to what exactly happened with these explosions
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and it's the hon. so what are you hearing now when i'm on what i ring, that official say, as well, we have yet to hear from any officials within the country. what we're getting is information from various as news agencies inside iran. and according to the latest, what we understand is that iran air defense systems were not the ones that shut down these small unknown flying objects. and that because they were flying at a very low altitude and the ground based anti aircraft guns were used to destroy them before they reached their target. and their intended target from what we're hearing was the hash. them shook our air base near the city of s. vaughn, just north east of a small near the international airport there. what we understand is that there has been no damage cause to any of the military bases there at. but


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