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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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no guarantees, deanna most of thoughts, engine free. we are the ones traveling the extra mile where all the media don't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. the single tiny explosions are reported. it is found in central iran in southern syria . the rain and state media says a defense themselves would activate the hello. i'm dire in jordan, this is out 0 life. and also coming up the usb to is a draft resolution of the united nations that cool for palestine to be admitted to the u. n. as a full member space. premature actions here in new york, even with the best intentions amenities straight to the past. american on his
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right, the officials discussing ground operations and rough and southern jobs that with washington saying it's again expressed concerns of israel's plan on polls or funds . in india, nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to folks and the world's largest ever general electric. the . we begin with breaking news out of the run. iranian state television is reporting explosions. up in her native city of this fun and the flights have been suspended to and from multiple cities including tower on is for one on should. as i say, that at defense themselves were activated in multiple provinces. there also reports and explosions in syria american media sites and us officials is reporting on his right the attack. it comes as tensions are running high in the region of to any rainy and attacks on israel, on saturday without just a was dosage jabari joined us on the phone now from uranium capital to around doing
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so. so what most are you hearing at this stage about these explosions in on it is behind and how significant ave, well they're and we're hearing from somebody official news agencies said no explosions actually took place that iran air defense systems were activated and any kind of a sound people may have heard we may be as a result of at the air defense systems intercepting are known flying objects in the air at the state. tv, as news agency has said that the air defense system has also been activated not only in the home, but also in another city as well. we're trying to get more detailed information about that. what we do know is that there are a unconfirmed reports that people heard sounds of exclusions, but there's a conflicting a narratives about what actually transpired. and what we do know is it happened near at the north east of the city of s,
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a hon. if the hong is one of the major cities in the country, it's about 400 kilometers south of there on. and it is as where many military and defense installations are based. and also the sites of one of the wrong 6 nuclear facilities. adults. so let's just remind us, i mean, this comes against the backdrop of the ron's unprecedented attack on israel following these randy, it's not going to wrong console it in the syrian capital tension is extremely high between your rom and his rail. absolutely there and there at an all time high, unprecedented levels of intentions. you know, you're on, has been having this back and forth. and with israel for, for decades, it's been continuing and it really came to a head when israel struck the wrong comfortable detection and damascus until 7 members of the countries revolutionary guards and many radians responded near the just under 2 weeks on april, 13th, in an unprecedented what manager call
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a historic attack on his route launch of over $300.00 drones and crude and ballistic this out towards israel. now room, so that that was a message that the response that iran had for israel was within its a legal rights with an international legal wife. and that their response was proportionate or because there was no injuries reported. no, it wasn't the intention of that attack. and the rainy and said that this was to create a new reality in the middle east between there on an issue out that the, this kind of hit and run at behavior by israel, which has gone on for decades now, no longer be tolerated. now israel said that they will, of course, respond, and whether or not we're seeing and full today is that response is too early to say, but you radians for their part have set any kind of a response from the visually government to the match with an immediate and harsh response by the ring and so really, very,
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very thames times. and i think just the fact that we're reporting what's happening now and whether or not it's an actual attack or not. we'll have to wait and see, but it highlights how fragile intense the situation is. yeah. all right, so i don't think about life as the enduring and capital to around those. i will not come back to you a bit later. let's move on because these randy armies saying that sirens have found that in northern israel, it's bringing home to salutes. she's in kind of be for us is randy officials and they had promised that wouldn't be a response to the rain and attack on israel last saturday. what are you hearing from his right, the officials the about these explosions in iran. the no word just yet from is really officials that it is, is it is 6 am local time. but this is something that was expected as the is really, is from the prime minister to the chief of staff of these early army, to the defense minister. have all said that israel will respond to the you don't
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need a task that took place on saturday at a time and place of their choosing it something that was much anticipated. it's something that was discussed with us counterparts and reports had indicated that there were 2 times these really were looking to retaliate against the audience, but did not do to that us pressure. now there have also been visits by foreign dignitaries like the, the british foreign minister, as well as the german foreign minister who had kind of pressured israel now to respond saying that it would lead to something wider in the region in a sort of escalation that perhaps couldn't be contained, but israel seemingly saying that that would not be the case that they won't have the right to act in their own self defense and will do anything they see fit and necessary. yeah, i'm the, the, the rainy and fox news agency was reporting any of that explosions were heard near it's a hand which is where the uranium nuclear facility at the times is located. if that's
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the case, then we're still waiting that confirmation. if that's the case, that would be significant, as it would be quite significant and it would drive the region into a much larger conflict. this is something the audience have said that even if there is the quote, the smallest bit of intrusion by these rallies into their aerospace, their response would be much larger in both size scale and additionally damage this all started on april 1st, when b is rarely army had targeted the it on the and console it killing several people. among them senior i r g c commanders and respond to the audience. launch their own attacks. an unprecedented scene. saturday night when there were more than 350 drones cruise and ballistic missiles that were fired, a lot of them intercepted outside it was really aerospace, with many of the managing to make their way through. now these really is have said that, that in itself warrants are response. we were hearing that immediately after from
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is really officials from the army to everyone in the political and defense establishment. but there was also a lot of talk within this. and y'all, whose own government there was a split kind of thinking on how and when is role should respond. members of the far right known alternation was like the countries finance minister and the national security minister. wanted to see a large response soon, but nothing yahoo himself had said that he wants to keep it on in anticipation. he wants to act in a way that is, quote wise, not acting from the got something that would be a retaliation that would send a message to beat audience, but they don't use themselves again. have said that any sort of response by these really is would warrant larger action on their end. yeah. have the, just some final thoughts you because they ran into a reporting that there's been no damage to the nucleus facilities whatsoever. i'm just about to the point that you're making, i mean, is really politically walking a difficult type, repaired typically a politically and diplomatically problem to submitting yahoo promising to respond
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to ron's missile and drone attack. but do we know if this response perhaps is calibrated? so as not to then solicit, as you were, suggesting a much more violent take effect response that really escalates the prices school there are reports currently and this morning coming out just in the last few minutes in american media, citing us officials saying that this risk, if it was then is really sort of attack on it on was quote, limited in scope. so it's still unclear at this hour to see if the audience were actually targeted by these really in a retaliation. but look, it would mean a spill over into a regional conflict if these really are active, we choosing to attack the audience on their own turf. we do know that israel actively does engage in airstrikes in both syria and lebanon, but never really commenting on their activities. in syria, which is what started all of this, these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu himself has been saying for quite
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some time. that's the situation on his roles. northern border cannot remain as is and we've been hearing this from his roles, defense minister as well. and they are blaming it on for all of the activities that we see on israel's northern border. and they say that his bullet isn't it on an proxy that is operating under the command of the audience. and that is why israel also has this front on the northern border, but they say they want to exercise a policy of deterrence. they want to deter with their calling their enemies from acting from attacking any sort of is really targets in the side of their territory . so if true, if there are it is, there is at this hour and is really retaliation in it on, on it, on in soil. it would mean some sort of larger spill over into a conflict as we eat audience have promised. all right, to have this new life for us there in tennessee that happened for now. thank you. that's bringing out a 0 issue. have a time see joins us live from washington. d. c. should have so as we're hearing
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reports of similar tennis explosions in iran and also syria. are you hearing anything there from us? officials at this stage i think is often happens in an instance like this. what has happened over the last couple of hours is figures within the us administration has contracted the favor. stenographers in the u. s. media to give some kind of exploration of a sketch explanation which the u. s. media has now been reporting that yes, this was some sort of is riley strike, but no details on location or the scale. having said that, they're given what we know about the is right, the striking damascus on the wrong income should that the us claims it wasn't, it wasn't told about the bonds. that's very angry about that. it was common, sorry about it, not being clear whether i'd explosion. so we're actually the result of missed the impacts from is ralph or whether it bear with the results of the activation of
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iranians missile defense systems over a key here. because the us officials, you've talked to the american, we just say no, this is the exposure, those were the result of a strike. but let's face it is don't care of your us. and it was even know what those explosions, why, whether it was around the of the defenses or whether it was actually a stride it they, we noted all week the the us and provide them down, which has been saying to me as well. don't strike again. take the wind as by d as by and put it. we know that was several meetings on thursday, jake sullivan had a meeting with the national security advisor and the strategic fans administer in israel, the us as well strategic consultative group. the defendant secretary lloyd austin had a meeting with his counterpart in the afternoon with his counterpart of government at the different, depending on his declining just say whether they were wound with any potential strides. but we don't know. and i think the fascinating thing about the dynamic now
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between israel and the us is it's not necessarily clear that this roles even telling us today this on the face of it. if it's ro have struck, would be another humiliation for a bite. and he told them express li not to do this. allegedly, perhaps they have done this anyway. we'll have a lot of questions. also for the white house in the, in the coming hours, whether then they will sell. once they've got all gone, we're fuming that israel has done this again or whether they'll say, oh, look where we go to the, the template that spreads of what it'll be version to see what the bible will say. given that this is just frankly, another slap in the face to the by the administrator. i haven't been so public about the opposition of any is rarely attacked on iranian targets. yes. yeah. but let's just stay with that point just for a 2nd before we move on because i mean, as you say, the president biden had been telling these ready 5 minutes that to in his playing was, was now take the when following you. ron's attack on is really not to respond clearly . netanyahu that, when these really saw things very differently,
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but that's the point that it's also been widely reported that everyone in the bite administration knows what the x rays are up to. they know that israel or these elements of user and the government from them, and you also on goods, would love to drag the u. s. into a regional war. and in fact, you know, this would, this would help the policy. it would help all the other ministers and these are the governments not just never know who would like the regional, what we know the but the, that some of the figures that are often mentioned as little tentative as to nothing you all who wanted to strike your on demand aaa and them, and they, and they didn't. i think betty guns for example, who's always that always he's and he's gonna, he's acceptable face of his government. now if they want to do this last week, sir, um, so we know that i would told of the administration is aware of that. however, my dad still wants to keep what he calls is bad hug departments. he keep them close, don't have any red lines. don't tell them no less than yahoo and the rest of us are in the government to take full advantage of it. it would seem but this, i mean, even if it's something a limited strike of actually at least one american networks,
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and it wasn't believed to be on a new, any kind of nuclear facility. it's still in direct contravention to a direct request from the president of the united states on the day of the us good public to as well as the security council and his ro, what is it that results? yeah. okay. all right, so i should have potentially life as the in washington job. thank you. that's bringing out 0 is gabriel. is on the who is that un headquarters in new york gay about what do we've been hearing then from the you and over the past week or so about these escalating tensions between iran and israel as well as secretary general is very concerned about them. and we don't even have to go back in the last week or so we can just go back 13 hours because it was early thursday. here in new york, the secretary general addressed the security council and quarterly open debate about the middle east. and the question of palestine again, this was just 13 hours ago, the secretary general began his speech and i'm just gonna read it to you. reset the
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middle east is on the precipice. recent days, i've seen a perilous escalation in words and deeds. the secretary general, what i wanted to say one miscalculation one miscommunication, one mistake could lead to the unthinkable. a full scale regional conflict that would be devastating for all involved and for the rest of the world now is the time of the maximum peril and calls for maximum restraint. so the secretary general has been concerned about this. you condemned as early as thursday, or i should say as late as thursday, most recently, both israel's strike on the rainy and diplomatic consulate in damascus that took place on april 1st. he also condemned iran's retaliatory drone strikes on israel as well. uh last. the last few days. so this is exactly what the
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secretary general has been warning about and we clearly don't know all the details if we ran right now. but what's happening and ask for one right now, but i can tell you that this is the sort of thing he has been warning against, um and uh and day. but as she have was saying that this comes on the same day that the us gave cover to these rate is by between the palestinian bid for full membership. yeah, these ratings went ahead against president biden's request not to respond. and, and, you know, so how could this been played out in the days ahead of the un? yeah, well i should say that's a good point because i should say that and this is important to note that he runs for administer was in new york here at the un all day thursday. taking part in these meetings about the situation in palestine, particularly the humanitarian situation in guys. he had bilateral meetings. he met
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with the secretary general, we saw him here, and as he spoke in the security council chambers, i'll be honest with you. it's unclear if he runs for administer is still in new york, or if he has left late tonight, going back to e ran, we're trying to figure that out right now. but i can tell you here at the u. n. all day, thursday, this came at a time when just a few hours ago, actually, the united states vetoed a palace stein's bid to become a full member of the united nations. this is so this is all happening under this context of so much diplomacy taking place. there's back and forth, there's, you know, palestine trying to become a full member that being vetoed by the united states. and now we have uncertain situation taking place right now and here on so clearly a very, very, quite frankly, confusing moment. straightened out,
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a very delicate moments of course it. and he's in, in these in these hours right now. yeah. okay. yeah. gabriel is on the line for us the at the un headquarters into your game. thank you. that's bringing moving rabbani. he's in montreal, he's the middle east list, specializing in public standing that says moving as gabriel's only was saying that it's very confusing at the, at the moment, reports of multiple explosions and it's behind some report suggesting it some. is there any response to the rain in the sac last saturday, how significant that is or less than what does it mean? i think it's hugely significant. um and, and for a number of reasons. first of all, as a severally correspondence have pointed out, one can safely assume this was in his early attack. whether it was the logs from his really territory. was it missiles, was it the air force? was it drones? was it perhaps launched from observation with whom israel has a very close to military relationship regardless of that, iran has indicated that it would meet any further attack swiftly and severely.
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and now that it's saying that these explosions were actually caused by its air defenses. i don't think covers for that, so we're really on the precipice here. and i think is a good case to be made. that is the is really stay. it has taken leave of its sense is that it's now become a fully rational state. determined to drive the entire region into war. but having said that, this real is not operating in a vacuum. if we look at what is happening in the past 2 weeks in the united states, israel's chief enabler, did not condemn its attack on the iranian consul. it in damascus, although it said it was outraged. how did it respond? it prevented the un security council from condemning that attack. then it condemned the wrong response to that attack and ultimately slap new sanctions, not on israel, but on the wrong. okay, and it's quite simple that,
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that this was coordinated with the united states because the us made very clear that it expect to, to be consulted by as we go on any further a tops. yeah, and that's an important point to make 1000000 because the president biden should have potentially was telling us that from washington that he was telling me is ready. 5 minutes to take. the wind folding at ron's attack on his rail is not responding to ron's attack. clearly netanyahu and these radios see things made differently. yes, i mean either nothing. yeah. who has understood from the past 2 weeks that he can do as he pleases because there will be no consequences. and certainly no consequences in the us is really relationship or the us, the site is the best way to control as real, as conduct to us to participate in the planning and to sign off on something that, in washington's eyes would not elicit further a wrong. and response and, and we'll find out very shortly just how strongly is we on the us have
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miscalculated us again. yeah, yeah, yeah. just the final thoughts you more than i mean, how do you then see this content playing out? if this is on his right, the response, i mean it wrong, as you point out says it's spring is on the trigger and it will respond heavily to any. is there any attack on iran? how is this like to play up and? well, the problem here is that on the one hand, israel is determined to drag the us and the wrong into a direct confrontation. it's a confrontation, neither the united states nor the wrong want. but israel, through its continuous escalation, appears to be leaving a wrong no choice, but to respond thereby further, potentially dragging the united states. and so we're really out an exceptionally dangerous moment right now. all right, so i'm going to bonnie life as the in montgomery and always good to talk to you here on out of this money back. and also jabari actually joins us from the rainy and capital toronto so. so what move in this stage,
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are you hearing about what seems to be explosions in this behind and how significant job it as well as their and 1st of all, i want to caution according to state tv. they said that there were no explosions in the city itself. the sound of explosions, people may have heard happen in the skies as a result of 3 unknown at some unknown. a drone like objects or flying objects that we're interested by. it runs air defense systems. over the skies, just north east of as for han city. now we also heard of similar reports from tyree's that's in the northwest part of the country. so for the time being the official narrative from iran is that iran air defense systems have been able to intercept unknown flying objects over its skies in certain parts of the country.
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now what we are hearing since then is that life goes on really in a song we saw a live shot from the city of us, the honda itself, that's about 3 or 400 kilometers south of the capitol to iran. and that is the flights the air space over on is now becoming very quiet. still official announcement. yes. what we're seeing over flight radar sites is that flights have been clear now. we did get reports of certain airports, a temporary halting their flights, including and while i'm home in the airport in the capitol, ron, and dosa. let's just remind us that this comes against the backdrop of their ron's unprecedented attack on israel. following these ran the attack on iraq consulate in the syrian capital, damascus. tensions of extremely high between iran and israel certainly, um, these are really unprecedented times around responding directly to israel for the 1st time. and it's not the 1st time is ro has carried out these kinds of
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assassinations again. so raining officials, since 2010 insider on and in the region, at least 6 nuclear scientists were assassinated, one of whom survived that assassination. some peer into hong, at least half a dozen sabotage attempts at various military and defense sites inside the country have come under attack over the past few years. all of which iran blamed israel for in syria alone since october 7th, until now, 18 members of her on the revolutionary guards have been assassinated by israel's or strikes. these are all events that israel has not taken any responsibility for an iran decided that its attack on its consulate grounds in damascus on april. first was the final straw. it was the red line for this country. and officials here, certainly the country's supreme leader i to why the hominy said if it is time for them to pay. and that is what opera should true promise was all about over 300
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drones. launch towards israel on april 13th at all of which it were not aimed at. it's causing any real damage or civilian casualties in his route, but rather to deliver a message to the officials in israel that there is a new reality in place. now in the region between iran and israel and that their behavior will no longer be a tolerated certainly by the rating officials and that there, there will be consequences for their actions. alright, adults about live the in the range and capital to around to so thank you for that. before we move on, let's just remind us about what's been happening in the last hour or so. it raining and state tv reporting that explosions have been heard into the city of is for one . and the flights have been suspended to and from multiple cities including tear on it to hand and she, she rides. and they say that the air defense systems were activated in multiple problems as we're still waiting. of course, to get much more confirmation on whether or not this wasn't as ready. in fact,
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we've had no web from these ratings yet. and life seems to be going on, as you can see, uh earlier from the pictures move to the dose of the explosions that would next buttons on the ground. but perhaps experience in the somebody confusing picture. we're still trying to get more details on it. and we'll come back to the story as soon as we can. now the united states has to be to, to drop the resolution that the un security council brought forward by algeria, which cove of palestine to become a full member state of the united nations. the us as veto to drop the resolution at the un security council, a boat full about year, which cool for palestine to become a full member of state and 12 countries voted in favor and to abstain, including the u. k. was speaking of to using the v 2 americas representative said, washington supports a 2 state solution, but the claim that full palestinian membership is not yet possible. since the attacks without tober 7 prison, fine has been clear that sustainable peace in the region can only be achieved
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through a 2 state solution. with israel security guarantee, there is no other path that guarantees israel security and future. as a democratic jewish state. there is no other path. the guarantee is palestinians can live in peace and with dignity in a state of their own. and there is no other path that leads to regional integration between israel and all its our neighbors, including saudi arabia. we also have long been clear premature actions here in new york, even with the best intentions. well, not a chief state hood for the past and people. and i was move by all of your statements, those who voted in favor and even those who voted differently. it was a passion that it contained in your commitment and understanding
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the pain and the moment over the policy. and then people i said with you and the name of the policy and people and saturday, the should polls that open for the world's largest general election in india. voting of a last 96 weeks. prime minister on our end, remote is seeking a 3rd to the indian. the government has failed to give visas to, i'll just say it was correspondence to cover the story that people were coming the election from outside the country. i'll just say it was middle fernandez. reports after know me and luckily contested campaign. hundreds of millions of indians now have veterans to get their voice as a state of money polluted the northeast of india is being run by violence between the hindu majority mater and cookies. though tribal communities, since last me as that you would, i don't want gunfire. the one that i will,
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the boy exist in between all to come and it is the ruling bgp enters the election on the hi, new cleaning. the tub of charged indian economy is one of the major, a treatments, but higher unemployment policy, mistakes and economic anxiety driven by soaring prices. pinson vote to i'm or the son of a t cell is 73. it will be deleted and arrange a movie. you seen as the spot is most effective weapon. however, if you give one vote to the congress party or the communist, they cannot form a government at the center. you'll vocally go, we started, and so it looks at go to the b b, which would inform the government that is my getting the $26.00. so position policies have created an alliance to still the be g, p. d a to use the government of using state agencies to track down on the opposition congress party politician priyanka gun. the says the ruling party wants to cure victory east. there is a level playing field or that is this man. if the elections are free and fair,
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where the voting machines are not tampered with, then i can say constantly. they can not win more than 180.


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