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tv   The Listening Post  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 5:30am-6:00am AST

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the lies of painful loss to me and such envy the soto, we all feel about these putting on each share by order of the people. and most especially the could the fraternity at least 135 people have died in parties. strong enough. got us daunting, severe weather across the region. fresh, lots of left thousands of people homeless move thunder storms are expected in the coming days. that some getting food reports in western pockets time homeowners inspect the damage, knee deep and muddy waters for 5 days. severe weather and bellow, just on an eastern, have gone. it's done, has effected roads, destroyed homes, and livelihoods. dozens of people and animals died when their roof collapsed on them. they got the 3 goats in this room that were lost. people are taking out the
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animals and belongings from under the month. they suffered huge losses. multiples of the houses have been destroyed and need to be rebuilt. it's more than 2000 livestock were lost in this part of afghanistan, and up to 4000 homes were destroyed across the region. the heavy rains are unusual, nearly double the rainfall of previous years. experts say countries experiencing the effects of climate change. we'll see more erratic weather like this. it has been raining continuously for the last few days and it is now turned into flooding . the government should provide assistance and relief to the people. this region, the southern pockets done is still reeling from the unprecedented floods of nearly 2 years ago. more than 1700 people died and thousands were injured and one of the worst flooding and pockets dunn's history. millions were left homeless. their sources of clean drinking water contaminated for month august done is the 5th most
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vulnerable country to climate change according to the un global climate risk index . and i've gone, it's done wrong. so is one of the least prepared to face extreme weather events. what's the ink? uh, so we ask for an countries to help the front victims and other people in need of the kind of rebuild by themselves just as they bury their dead. people in both countries, a bracing for more send to storms. officials war next week can bring more flooding and heavy rain for it to some good food. i'll just 0 is going to use her on notice . they're off to the what's out of their existence. they've slowly shift as a principal presenter and as a correspondence with any breaks in the store, we want to hear from those people who was normally not get that forces on the international news channels. one moment i'll be very proud all was when we covered
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the fullness quick of 2015 at the terrible ment shoulders. that's the story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time, or they warned us that this was coming. now, it is here. artificial intelligence says unleashed terror in the killing fields of gods. germany stands accused of simplicity in israel's generous fact. let's hit a nerve in berlin plus investigative journalists in ukraine, digging into state corruption. the dangers would come with the 1st 6 months now. the world has watched as it's ready. bombs have fallen on gaza in a word that has killed more than 33000 palestinians. another 10000 remain on, accounted for presumably, dead. beneath the rubble,
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the level of destruction is actually in humane. which given the rule that artificial intelligence has played in this war is no accident. according to an investigation by 2 is really news outlets. the military, there has been using an a i program called lavender, to identify its targets. the revelations about how the ai system makes those calls . the loss of innocent lives baked into the decision making process and how the killing actually takes place are all terrified. scary or steel is the fact that this is technology that can travel. so the implications of this story extend well beyond the gaza strip. the . this is a war that 6 months in still manages through our phones and our feats. to horrify us dates in the number of the most since q in the way they are. palestinians urged
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by the israelis to go to a safe space is better than bar civilians shot to death in the hospital for when lining up for food starved to death while the world war. and when the is randy military uses artificial intelligence and a i based targeting system code named lavender, has a weapon of war among the casualties. the collateral damage is our collective human lavender appears to be a glorified a. i washed a kill list effectively. it's a system that throws up names and we see it through the reporting on the lavender system. that soldiers, again, are being compelled to treat palestinians as the numbers. what that does is it removes the friction that exists normally between humans and the decision to kill the systems lend a kind of veneer of the technical rationality to what essentially seems to be
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a masculine campaign. that shows how the military strategy, after october 7th, was dictated by likely by vengeance. and it just goes to show that the use of this technology was really just kind of a crutch to allow this killing campaign to go on. these really military 1st deployed a i to select targets in 2021 in a war on gauze of that last bit, 11 days, 2 months after her mazda is a tax on october 7th to is really news outlets plus 972, and local call reported that the army had rolled out a more advanced, more destructive a i tool, called the gospel, able to increase the number of targets, buildings and structures from thousands a day, 2000. then just last week, those same 2 outlets combined to lift the lid on lab and revealing that it takes that a technology and use it to target humans based on things like their social media,
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their contact movements, and how many times they change their sim cards. plus 972 and local calls say that they base their reporting on 6 sources all from the is really military. what this story makes clear is that the taking of innocent palestinian lives is not a flaw in the technology. it is a feature built here. this is a good example where a i has been misused as to a to worsening the situation for people on the ground. how it was was used for mass killing fed as 10 years, how they accept as 90 percent of accuracy and the 10 percent were accepted as a margin error for targeting people to ends off with over 33000 people have been killed and gods and the only human review for that love in their system was just to check within seconds of the target is a made or not,
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which basically didn't humanizes palestinian men as they are o allows to be targeted. and this is exactly why we should be questioning, such as the commodities and how they are used, and we put noise against oper. speaker 11. that is a band, sam. could they get sort of an oven? they're basically creates a bank of target people to be eliminated. and the system phones $37000.00 such targets this resulted in is randomizing, does that with the quantity of weapons, but he's almost unheard of in terms of the amount of t and t that was dropped the. why? because we have enough targets to drop a very large amount of explosives, because the system, the decided that these people need to be killed. the algorithms actually make these cues decisions. and they are loaded with probability and bias errors, different from the errors in human decision making, errors all the same. so, so nothing less than that that will seem the most concerning part of these
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revelations was the over reliance on a systems. there was essentially a complete trust and prove that the system determine was the target. so instead of usually cooling through surveillance, data deciding if somebody was actually who must operative, the army just signed off on thousands and thousands of star bits. the strikes essential confirms with that almost everybody and gaza seems to be considered a legitimate target by the is really military. there's also the way they target. and when plus 972, and local call also revealed reportedly based on those same 6 sources in the is really army. the existence of another automated system called where's data? it is used to track targeted individuals to their home. then comes between the human element is really military personnel delayed their bombing until after dark, when there's a greater probability of the target feelings and along with their family,
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thereby driving up to the civilian desktop. suddenly while israel is back politically in this war by washington, it's army needs, silicon valley technological. the military's mass surveillance systems are reliant on google images to work. google has a policy that dictates its products, cannot be used to cause what the company calls immediate. ha, not only is the tech giant breaking its own route by letting the israeli military attack palestinians with google's help. when journalists at the new york times the intercept or the listening post, ask the company to justify its inaction or even comment on it. it fails to respond what school ought to do and whether other companies ought to do is to ensure that they are safe guards against their usage. that they aren't giving access to use
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their systems in ways that, that help scale out with the kinds of unlawful acts of witnessing and gaza. simply saying that one is pro human rights is a tech company is not really enough anymore. and really back tech companies have to have to do a lot more to ensure that they aren't knowingly or unknowingly contributing to the situation and gaza. and it should go to the face of the people that google didn't necessarily realize they were creating software that would become the basis for one of the biggest surveillance systems you menissi has ever seen some people in the army who saw these systems in action did something quite unusual and spoke about why it was so wrong. i've heard the many people in these rarely army who do not agree with how the war is being foot. those are spoke up or perhaps the bravest, these rallies in the war. something broke within them and they decided that they would not call for it any longer. about it said on the scene, i live in rockland certificate. the israel has been holding it surveillance of
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palestinians for years. the westbank city of hebron has been the primary laboratory, the testing ground for new surveillance to palestinians in gaza. now find themselves in a disturbing nightmare at the mercy of a military that can see their every move and can kill with the parents impute as damaging as the investigation by plus 972, and local call may prove to be for as really leaders. the reality is this a technology is being showcased, live in the gospel underpinned by google images, are all being marketed to potentially bad actors around the world. they could be coming soon to a war zone near you. an important aspect to keep in mind because oftentimes, you know, tech companies that are particularly involved in supplying the kinds of systems that as well as security forces, administrative defense use actually
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a game. and that benefit out of being associated with the kinds of scalable warfare that we see happening in gas because it drives their value up from the point of view of military effectiveness. so now the next government that is seeking to exact the same kinds of warfare and will look to these companies as well, right? the misuse us technology, the i system and everything that has been we've an ice in this ongoing during the site and bank us the big question about how we should today joint forces with all their countries and with other ferguson people to ask for global regulation for as the use of technologies and a i this to bring us to the question of a zip code of 9 patients of technology. because big relations are lagging behind that lead to this, acknowledge it to be misused and worth times. and as those a, our systems are evolving, they are just used to increase the offers and also the ready to press the put in
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global majority countries. this past week, the international court of justice, nicaragua, accused of germany, of facilitating genocide in gaza. and that has not gone down well with either the german government or the news media there. mean actually, robbie is here with the details. the i, c j is on video to decatur to lawsuit against israel over its assault and gaza with the case broadband. because aguayo is the 1st to put one of his allies in the dock . it centers in germany's role as a primary supplier of weaponry to israel tournament is taking to onto it. so i'm up legation to prevention, the side which we have to respect of international humanitarian law. only the united states since mode ministry equipment to israel, then germany. but as washington does not recognize the exigence do distinction a case against the us is considered and viable. because one has argued that
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germany's position to keep its weapons supplies flowing. often earlier, i see the ruling that is really supposedly committing genocide makes it complicit. that's would be agree of accusation for any state, but nowhere does it cut quite as deep as in germany. given is for spa, its ability for the deadliest genocide of all the world war 2 holocaust. but also the genocide early in the 20th century of the hey data and nama peoples in what is known and media drilling sensitivity was on display in how many in the media did decided to respond to the i c j. case mission is a it's um, yeah, the why is it us, it, us good at least you can find about. i named the unplug the door. she runs then in gordon is done the form of the store sent by his it's a look almost nice that when does this look good offers. all the media outlets dismissed the allegations on account of nicaragua as own poor human rights record is relevant is the show for. i'm starting this will be in the catalog, will often cornish on up to mission with windows and dispense. then the timing of
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the i c j. case was interesting. the day before the headings began was the 30th anniversary of the one, the genocide in which more than 800000 people from the tipsy ethnic group were killed in a treat. the german foreign ministry said the faith of the tutsis is a constant reminder for us to never again look a we to, one day later, germany was being accused at the was highest court of doing fall worse than that. thanks. the ukraine is now into the 3rd year of its more with russia and the training and journalists are feeling the pressure. investigative reporters whose work is critical of either the authorities or military leaders are getting smeared online. masked men have come knocking on their door. the authorities in care of, we're fine with the investigative news outlet be, who's dot info when it was exposed in russian war crimes. but reviewing cases of corruption in ukraine has resulted in journalists there being placed under soviet
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style surveillance by the security services. we contacted president, florida minutes the landscapes office asking what if anything, the government is doing to protect reports, no reply. but listening posts johanna who's now on the ongoing attacks on journalism in ukraine. the more so this is the kind of journalism ukrainian reporters, that investigative outlet be host info. do they keep a close eye on the countries rich and powerful to us? however, last december, the journalists were the ones being watched. the team had gathered in a hotel for a training workshops and became the targets of a major surveillance operation conducted by ukraine's intelligence services. it was only when a little known youtube channel posted video and audio recordings in january that
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the journalist realized what it happens. the material suggests that they've been using illegal drugs and questions whether they could be trusted. the, the, you talk about the thought, can you actually in the search what was the, who was the commercial to just make it was in new york little things keep the robinson the into the, the home to be close to launch its own investigation into how and why the surveillance was carried out and it says a blue. they've done everything out in the open, leaving an incredible amount of evidence on the hotel 60 t, v. overall, there was 13 people involved in this operation. before we arrived, they came to install like gadgets rented the cottages, installed surveillance, even in the sooner. no thought though it's a week later they came back to remove it to so it was a massive operation by the security services at the ship. i'm standing as little
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money, it's not that we're surprised by the surveillance. so pressure, we keep an eye in the forty's, they keep an eye on us. but when the special services deploy a huge amount of resources to monitor a team of drug list at a time when we're at a full scale war, that feels like intimidation. to belong to both the thumbs. 30 number 30 wasn't just surveillance based on the phone conversation is we know they also wire topped us for more than a year shuttle. ready the story triggered an uproar within a journalistic community in ukraine. but the targeting of the host was in an isolated event. all their journalists have been harassed both on an offline, the editors of national newspapers, an online publications issued a joint statement, and even met with investors of g 7 countries asking the diplomats to pressure president to landscape, to denounce the attacks. would you keep these natural or the least level to be
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stable. ready to landscape fire, chief of the intelligence department, responsible for the surveillance of a government investigation is underway. but the story expose the tensions between the president and the train in 4th states which allow us have you not to win the war started. there was an unspoken agreement among journalists to not criticize the cleaning, all sorties, all of the anti corruption investigations it talk to. but eventually we realize that people are and want to hear the truth about whether someone is profiteering from the war. if corruption is taking place, if also are these are making competent decisions, grandma or to change it is showing up. we've been trying to clean to the trans dom on diverse sources of information. that is why opposition media such as b, who's studying for and independent media, a mega popular, and at times more popular than the media outlets that the government had authorized . there is competition on telegram to and the government is trying to create
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a space onto the ground that works. then we're watching more. yeah. cra. okay. and we want to see how shifts and anonymous telegram channels are used to destroy the gymnast and members of civil society. and it's just been led to clear last it over to, to last that were being cast as enemies of the ukrainian people were called rushing agents. that's very dangerous because we hold a pro ukraine position. but also believe the government needs to be held accountable. there's liberal transparency, but it's clear that all of this is happening to those who criticize the government or military leadership re not. and then let me see what it is. i've gotten a good shape from mobil 4 more. sure. let me see that the author already is react quite nervously. the criticism and some actions of journalists demo, which despite the many restrictions old during listing ukraine face investigative outlets are now tackling uncomfortable topics like corruption, mobilization and troop losses on the battlefield. cream,
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able to try me out of the career. in contrast, remain no. okay, more next winter we stopped. the stories remain large, the outside the mainstream news, agend business day and united news tv merits. on a rolling news bulletin that is comprised of 6 national channels. that came together at the start of russia's invasion in 2022 is 2 years later, those channels are still broadcasting. the exact same thing. turning out messages that come with a government sales approval. simple would click on the united madison was a response to the invasion when none of the channels have the capacity to provide 247 useful costing to last level the lowest. it was necessary to very quickly find a format that would provide a verified source of information with minimal opportunity for russia to interest. you have to retract this up digital model phones the yeah, that can, it's becoming more of a p r exercise for the all sorties, a tool to con society and shield people from the real state of things. there's
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a place for state propaganda during the war and i don't know, but there also needs to be a balance for hope. was the separate. there's only one channel. so if you live tv keeps some voice to be oppositional. otherwise the marathon is almost void of opposing views. and it's obvious that a good summary inconvenient topics were satisfied the bottle i'm and many journalist have questioned the formats, editorial policy and governments expenditure on the united news tv. marathon combine. you can look to any investigation by b, who's published in march, dug into the ownership structure and funding of the company, producing content, shown on tv, marital events, the look and all of you came i, it's um, one of the tv channels that has a 6 hour growth cost is locked on. united news is the state parliament tv channel. it does not produce its own content, but pays a private production company. a significant amount of state funds from one of the
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level of our assumption is that this company is close to the presidents entourage. but you could ask why is it important to talk about this production house a tool? well it's because they produce content that ukrainians watch around the clock. suspenseful. what are you into to well, the global. yeah, absolutely. the bathroom and the is so i'm absolutely confident that those in power would like to totally dominate the media space. replaced all t v output with the mattresses and spread the message all over the internet. they're trying, but i doubt that they can achieve the result. they desire that on a nimble, the content of all ukrainian media comp. be controlled and why do we have a back? but i can think for ourselves a bit that you always mentioned to you. they said that all the recent weeks president zalinski has toughened his stands on the modem as social media tools, many of whom have gone aster journalist. he has pushed for more regulation and
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transparency in february. when zalinski, how the press conference is tone towards during the list was more conciliatory. guess executive additional what it did for us to but with the ongoing threat from russia and dwindling aid and media attention from the west, ukraine's government is keenly aware that inconvenience story is about corruption and scandals may hinder and their coons. ukraine's investigative journalists say, the task of keeping the countries images. this cannot happen at the cost of transparency and the troops. we saw them send them, never okay, we're not enemies. the printing no stories, we're partners, but we're also demanding partners. and we have a mission. we're careful with our criticism invoice, the only one it is impossible once they twice, when our society of victory or democratic southwest is under threat. sorry, i'm not sure if it was just the investigative journalism is most about digging back
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. it's about making the case for something to change. we want everyone involved in this surveillance scandal to be brought to justice. so it wouldn't happen again. democratic ukraine should not look like this, because we're not rushing like ukraine. another conflict that's been knocked out of the headlines by the story in gaza is the civil war ensued on. the country has been torn apart for a year now by a power struggle between the sudanese armed forces and a rival militia group. the sheer scale of the humanitarian crisis is what stands out here. roughly 8000000 people have been displaced 6000000 internally, the other 2000000 to neighboring countries and estimated 18000000 are going hungry for this coming week and emergency humanitarian conference will be held in paris, its mission to try to raise $2700000000.00 to make up for the shortfall in food.
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this conflict deserves far more attention than it's been getting from the global news media. and that includes us here at the listening post. we'll see you next critical debate publish. farmers are angry. people are starving and we actually have to experts all good because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for the addition to the highest level they've been using games for this policy. let me cut out before doing submit a been course arrivals inside story on al jazeera, unique perspective, desktop, play soon, something does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices,
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to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, and upon proceeding landscape, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to reveal all about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention to the stream on out just the or or she has to read his spend most of his life on the war to use the fisherman just like others and his family but things are different now for when he was a boy in 2022 long days, mcgarr would declared and endangered species from the family at the school. today he's taking
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us to the band. so if the only stop leak in central demo due, he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i down there the more now. so that's why i don't see that time wants to be, i mean, like via value of the power while the off some of the i can only logan carnegie. the monkeys are frightened for good reason. traffic is just you and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy medical research, this black market creed, not only indeed just was probably me populations, but boots public health at risk. because unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals of that engine free. we are the ones traveling the extra mile the media don't go. we go there and we
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give them a chance to tell their story. the single tiny explosions are reported. it is found in central iran in southern syria . the rain in state media says a defense themselves with activating the the hello i'm dire in jordan, this is out 0 life. and also coming up the usb to is a draft resolution of the united nations that cool for palestine that admitted to the un as a full member states. premature actions here in new york, even with the best intentions amenities.


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